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Halle Berry's hot, why don't you go watch Catwoman? Having a hottie does not justify a bad movie's existence!
Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!
All hail King Snarf!
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King Snarf said: Halle Berry's hot, why don't you go watch Catwoman? Having a hottie does not justify a bad movie's existence!
She's not nekkid in that particular "DC Comics adaptation" (translation: fiasco), so the film does not speak to the Me demographic, therefore I theorize I shall not like it.
I's be Hyp-mo-tized!
" hadn't seen a body put together like that since I solved the case of the Murdered Girl with the Big Tits"- Steve Martin, Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982)
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Someone sent theforce.net a description of the episode 3 novel. This spoils the entire movie, so don't read it if you don't want it spoiled. Quote:
'Revenge of the Sith' Novelization Summary
The book opens with Anakin and Obi-Wan returning from a space mission to find Coruscant under attack by a Separatist fleet under General Grievous and Count Dooku, and that Chancellor Palpatine has been kidnapped. They fight their way onto the ship, fight across the ship, and then fight Count Dooku, who is holding Palpatine. Obi-Wan is knocked out, and then Palpatine (whom we the audience have, finally, learned really is Darth Sidious, but Anakin doesn't know that) urges Anakin on in his fight with Dooku. Anakin kills Dooku in the duel. There's some more running around, and a confrontation with Grievous (who then escapes) before Anakin flies the remnants of the ship into a controlled crash on the planet. Anakin, Obi-Wan and Palpatine all walk away (though Palpatine's plan was to have Obi-Wan die in front of Anakin).
Palpatine is calling for even more powers, and the Senate is prepared to give them to him. He wants, in particular, immediate and direct control over the Grand Army of the Republic and control of the Jedi. The Jedi, of course, don't want to let him have either, and are trying to find ways to stymie him. A group of Senators, led by Padme Amidala, is also trying to reign in Palpatine's powers, and presents him with a petition asking him to return his powers to the Senate (the petition isn't presented until very late in the book, though we do see the Senators meeting and discussing the problem several times earlier). Palpatine names Anakin as his representative on the Jedi Council, which makes everyone more unhappy and increases tensions.
Grievous is discovered to be on an out-of-the-way planet on the Rim, and Obi-Wan is sent (alone) to bring him in. Anakin is annoyed that the "team" is being broken up (even though he's staying with his pregnant wife whom he expects to die, and even though he has a very important role as Palpatine's representative to the Jedi -- he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, our Annie). Yoda is also sent out on a mission, to the Wookies' planet. The war would seem to be winding down, but Palpatine shows no signs of allowing that, and wants to turn the screws tighter -- he rejects Jedi calls for peace negotiations.
Anakin has been distracted (through the whole book, basically) since he's had prophetic dreams of Padme dying in childbirth (and his previous dreams have always come true). Palpatine strings Anakin along with stories of great Sith knowledge, and the potential to save her life, and eventually reveals himself as Darth Sidious. Anakin returns to the Jedi Temple and tells Mace Windu who Palpatine really is. Windu immediately grabs the three strongest Jedi there, and goes off to "arrest" Palpatine. Palpatine tapes the confrontation (making himself seem weak and helpless), then kills the four Jedi and starts his immediate purge of the Jedi (getting Anakin to do much of the work at the Jedi Temple, backed up by clone soldiers, who across the galaxy are having their secret "kill all Jedi" orders revealed). Palpatine stuns the Senate the next morning with news of what he calls a Jedi attempt on his life, and declares the beginning of the first Galactic Empire.
Obi-Wan and Yoda both survive, though no other Jedi are seen to live through the assault. They both make their way back to Coruscant, where Obi-Wan meets with a practically-in-labor Padme. Anakin has, at the same time, been sent off to yet another hole-in-the-wall planet to kill the remaining Separatist leadership. Obi-Wan rushes off to confront him, while Yoda will fight Palpatine simultaneously. Yoda is defeated by Palpatine but manages to escape (with the help of Senator Bail Organa). Padme had chased Anakin to his planet, and they are quickly joined by Obi-Wan. Anakin is jealous of Obi-Wan (who he thinks might have something going on on the side with Padme). Padme is left unconscious for reasons I no longer remember, and the two Jedi fight. Obi-Wan eventually wins, with Anakin left legless and armless near a lava flow. But Obi-Wan has to flee, because Palpatine is rapidly approaching in his ship (starships are used like taxis in this story). He runs away with Padme, who gives birth (to twins) and dies on board Bail Organa's ship. Organa will take the female twin, Leia, to raise as his own daughter. Obi-Wan takes the boy, Luke, to leave with Anakin's relatives on Tatooine (and keep an eye on the boy himself). Yoda insists that they not be trained as Jedi in any way whatsoever, for obscure Yoda reasons.
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Here's the description of the episode 3 trading cards, which give away even more of the script. 
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IGN also has more info on the cards: Quote:
22 Jedi Knights to the Rescue – Obi-Wan and Anaking infiltrate the droid battle fleet over Coruscant to rescue the abducted chancellor.
25 Facing an Old Enemy – Anakin must duel Count Dooku, who holds Palpatine hostage.
28 Count Dooku's Execution – Anakin wins the fight, obviously.
30 "What about Plan 'B'?"
33 Dueling with General Grievous – The leader of the droid army shows up and proves to be more than a match for Anakin and Obi-Wan.
36 Dream... or Premonition – Could this be related to Anakin's coming betrayal?
39 Heir to the Future – Padme is pregnant!
40 Conferring with the Counsel – The Jedi know the galaxy is on the edge of chaos and tyranny.
41 The Secret of Eternal Life – Palpatine's dark secret for unending domination through the use of clones is shown.
44 The Rampaging Wheel – This one remains a mystery.
46 Vanquishing Grievous – One more enemy down!
47 Arresting the Chancellor – The Jedi seem to be on the verge of saving the Republic.
48 A Sith Lord Revealed – Palpatine proves to be more than a mere politician.
50 The Jedi Betrayed – Palpatine makes his move.
51 Unstoppable Clones! – And you really thought that enormous army was here to keep the peace?
52 Planet of the Wookiees – The galactic embroglio engulfs a world of peaceful jungle-dwellers.
55 The Sith Apprentice – Anakin's seduction begins.
57 Slaughter of the Separatists – A brilliant political and military victory for the chancellor! The Jedi are perhaps turned into scapegoats, portrayed as ineffective guardians or even a threat to the ongoing security of the Republic.
58 His Mad Reign Begins – Chancellor Palpatine becomes Emperor.
61 War of the Jedi – The Jedi must fight for survival.
63 Struggle in the Senate – Not all senators approve of Palpatine's stringent measures, but enough do.
66 Anakin's Fiery Fate – Anakin is defeated at the hands of Obi-Wan. His betrayal is complete.
68 The Birth of Luke and Leia
69 More Machine than Man – Anakin is reborn as a tool of the Dark Side.
71 Dark Days, Brighter Tomorrows – The Emperor has won, but the resistance lives on, waiting for a chance to restore freedom to the galaxy.
72 Saving Luke Skywalker – The son of Skywalker is hidden away from Vader and the Emperor.
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Here's the IGN article that came with those pics: Sith News, Photos and Artwork Quote:
There's so much to see as the movie draws closer. February 16, 2005 - It's time for another visual update on Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. The latest bounty to hit the Web starts with a batch of fresh movie screenshots, which can also be seen at Dark Horizons. The versions on our Media Page have been enhanced a bit, since the originals are quite dark. One of the new photos – showing Obi-Wan and Anakin with lightsabers drawn – also appears in print in the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly.
The photo-fest continues with a Hyperspace Behind-the-Scenes installment showing Jimmy Smits as Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan driving a "getaway speeder" through the airspace of Coruscant.
The Hyperspace site also has some tantalizing artwork from Revenge of the Sith. One piece shows an unnamed Jedi fleeing gigantic crystal worms on a planet called Mygeeto. Non-subscribers can't view the artwork, but imagine a swarm of huge, multi-fanged worms not unlike the sandworms in Dune and you'll get the picture. According to the packaging of one ROTS toy, Mygeeto is the planet where Jedi master Ki-Adi-Mundi battles the separatist forces. The official site has also described Mygeeto as world of ash-covered ruins appearing briefly in Episode III.
A second piece of art from Hyperspace shows two Republican lagoon troopers wading through a swamp. They're clearly a variant of clone troopers, and they look an awful lot like the stormtroopers of A New Hope.
Speaking of toys, Rebelscum.com has a photo of the Jedi Master Shaak Ti action figure. We saw Shaak Ti engaged in battle with fearsome General Grievous at the end of the last Clone Wars season; presumably, this action figure means she survived and appears in Revenge of the Sith.
Moving on to news on the plot developments of the third prequel, the official site has revealed various details in a series of articles covering the film's musical score. In Con Anima, a part is mentioned in which Anakin's quick thinking and a clever feat by Artoo-Detoo save the day.
"I'm always partial to the busy strings that add the urgency to the music. In this case, they're portraying Obi-Wan's urgency, his decidedly unJedi-like [sic] panic at the maliciously manic buzz droids crawling over his vessel. When Anakin improvises a solution – and Artoo-Detoo has a moment to shine – the iconic 'Rebel starship fanfare' plays on the brass."
It's also revealed that C-3PO has the last line of ROTS, providing another bridge to A New Hope, in which he has the first line.
In a second article, An Energetic Start, we get details of the film's fight scenes, including the reckless, determined struggle that rages between Obi-Wan and Anakin near the end and the "knuckle-dusting brawl" that occurs earlier between the two Jedi and General Grievous. The refrains accompanying the fight between the two friends are described as tragic and operatic, while the musical backdrop to the Grievous battle is like the Imperial AT-AT music in The Empire Strikes Back, but more up-tempo.
There's even an emotional moment for Darth Sidious, accompanied by soft chime music. "Think of it as church bells gone wrong," says composer John Williams in describing the piece.
The third article gives us a feel for the bittersweet ending of Revenge of the Sith.
"With the end of Episode III serving double-duty as a finale to the entire saga, but also the end of the first trilogy, the end credits are slightly different this time around. They contain a major piece of music that otherwise has no place in Episode III.
"After the fanfare of the main theme dies down, the glide of a harp segues into Princess Leia's theme, now indelibly associated with peacefulness of Alderaan, one of the closing worlds of Revenge of the Sith."
Stay tuned for more Revenge!
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That space fight looks pretty sweet.
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Holy fucking shit. fark linked to a site that basically has the entire movie in pictures. I'll warn you all, this site gives away everything. If you want to see some fucking sweet space battles, just look at the first couple pictures. click and enjoy. Since this was on fark it might the server will most likely crash or someone will alert Lucasarts, but enjoy them while you can.
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You farkin' iceholes. You have trampled my farkin' rights.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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that's a farkin trick question!
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Silly Lucas, he knows I'll see it no matter what. review to come afterward..hopefully not disgruntled. I imagine the natalie portman stuff will be cheesy as she gets no direction apparently from Lucas...sigh.
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I would give natalie portman good direction...................take off your clothes bitch......suck my dick bitch...............play with your pussy whore.........go and get me a soda bitch!
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Jeremy said: Now that's a movie!
it could also be real li......
wait, no, no it couldn't
Racks be to MisterJLA
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PJP said: I would give natalie portman good direction...................take off your clothes bitch......suck my dick bitch...............play with your pussy whore.........go and get me a soda bitch!
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So the new trailer isn't supposed to be out for another week but I found a trailer on theforce.net that is so convincing, and shows so much new footage, I almost sure its the real trailer. Click here to the page its on. You have to download it and unzip it to watch it, but its well worth the effort.
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It's nice but I sure hope the trailer that's due next week is longer than that.
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NEW YORK - Darth Vader is coming to "The O.C." The trailer for "Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith" will premiere during the March 10 episode of the Fox show.
The final installment of the "Star Wars" saga will open in theaters on May 19. The new trailer will be released in movie theaters beginning March 11.
"Revenge of the Sith" is the third prequel to the original "Star Wars" trilogy. It continues the chronicle of young Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen (news)), who eventually turns to the dark side and becomes Darth Vader.
As an avid superhero fan, Seth Cohen, the main character of "The O.C." played by Adam Brody, would likely relish the event.
"The O.C." airs Thursdays (8 p.m. EST).
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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Its going to be attached to Robots in the theaters, and it will be on starwars.com on the next tuesday.
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NEW YORK - George Lucas says the newest — and final installment — of his "Star Wars" films might get a PG-13 rating.
"I don't think I would take a 5- or a 6-year-old to this. It's way too strong," Lucas says of "Star Wars Episode III — Revenge of the Sith" on CBS' "60 Minutes," to air Sunday (7 p.m. EST). "My feeling is that it will probably be a PG-13, so it will be the first `Star Wars' that's a PG-13."
And that's fine with Lucas. "I could pull it back a little bit, but I don't really want to," he says.
"Revenge of the Sith," the third prequel to the "Star Wars" trilogy, will open May 19. The movie features Anakin Skywalker's transformation to Darth Vader, a descent based on Lucas' vision of hell, a mythical planet composed entirely of erupting volcanos.
"We're going to watch him make a pact with the devil," says the director. "The film is more dark ... more emotional. It's much more of a tragedy."
Despite critical pans of Episodes I and II, Lucas says in the interview: "Actually, I am very happy. I'm very pleased with the whole thing."
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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rex said: I just crapped my pants.