If my frail physique and abnormally huge forehead hints at something, it's the fact that I am REALLY ugly. ALSO, that I am a better military tactician than I am at being a soldier. I only lost two precious characters during the entire game.
Fire emblem's ending credits provide a short description of what happened to the characters after the battle, all except for the dead ones - who only get a mention of which chapter they died in. So today, I'm going to write a eulogy for my deceased characters.
Lowen, the swift knight.
Ah, how I remember the young knight named Lowen, who first appeared as an apprentice to the Paladin Marcus. He had the fire of youth burning within him, and an innate sense of justice which compelled him to take up arms, despite having a serious accuracy deficit. I mean, how the hell can he hit things with that kind of haircut?
Lowen's greatest asset - his speed - proved to be his downfall. In the "false friends" chapter, where I found one of my main characters - whose deaths will end the game - trapped in a corner against an archer, my only choice was to sacrifice another character, that being Lowen, whose high speed attribute meant that he was the only character who has enough moves left to be positioned directly in front of my knight lord and the fury of a poisoned arrow.
Goodbye Lowen, you will be sorely missed. If fate had not dealt us such a bittersweet card, I would have promoted your class to a valiant Paladin or maybe even an unstoppable Blade Lord, but now you are just a memory. And if you are reading this from videogame heaven - please get a fucking haircut. That atrocity makes you look like Jughead's pet dog, Hotdog.
Rebecca, a wildflower
Rebecca, a beautiful young farmgirl whose intense desire to make a difference severely contrasted with her lack of military training. For her, succumbing to the rule of a mad tyrant is a fate worse than painful death - it was this belief that made her take up arms and join my band of mercenaries as an archer. I wasn't about to recruit a minor, but she offered her help and we were outnumbered at the time. If an eighty year old pregnant nun offered her help, we would have accepted. We were THAT desperate.
For a couple of chapters, Rebecca proved to be very useful. But in "In search of Truth", her weak physical attributes and her lack of experience soon found her trapped in fog, with no help from my sturdier, and more experienced cavaliers. Good intentions can only get you so far and sometimes the worst things happen to the best people - a group of axe-wielding bandits soon closed in on her, and took advantage of an archer's lack of effectiveness in close combat. She died at the tender age of Level 1.