Hurricane vs Lance Storm
Storm whips Helms, but Hurricane ducks a dropkick and tosses Storm out of the ring. Back inside, Helms hits a bulldog 1-kickout. Helms looks for a suplex, but Storm floats over and hits a standing dropkick 1-2-kickout.
Chops by Storm in the corner, followed with a leg drop 1-2-shoulder up. Helms rolls up Storm but only gets two. Storm hits a vertical suplex 1-2-shoulder up. Lance whips Helms hard into the corner and clotheslines him out 1-2-shoulder up.
Punches by Helms, who hits a Sunset Flip 1-2-kickout. Storm goes around Helms' back and rams him shoulder-first into the turnbuckle, then locks in the abdominal stretch. Helms elbows out of the hold and clotheslines Storm down, then elbows him. Helms hits a headscissors that sends Storm out of the ring again. This time, Helms follows it up with a suicide dive onto Storm below.
Back in the ring, Storm hits a shoulder thrust and looks for a Susnet Flip, but Helms rolls away and Storm hits the mat. Helms goes up top and hits the front-flip neckbreaker 1-2-shoulder up!
Storm fights up, but Helms stuns him and runs off the ropes. Helms looks for the Superkick, but Storm hits one of his own and gets the 1-2-3!
Tajiri vs Scotty Too Hotty
Scotty and Tajiri start with the reversals of arm wrenches and such that we usually see. THey go to the Test of Strength, but Tajiri ducks under and hits a bridging Northern Lights 1-2-kickout.
Scotty hits an Atomic Drop and gets a two count, following it up with three elbow drops 1-2-shoulder up. Tajiri with a kick to the gut and a snapmare, followed with the low dropkick. Backflip splash by Tajiri 1-2-kickout.
Tajiri with another low dropkick, this one to the back of the head. Chops by Tajiri, which are returned by Scotty, until Tajiri kicks him in the chest. Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Scotty 1-2-shoulder up.
Tajiri kicks Scotty in the face and goes for the handspring back elbow, but Scotty catches him in an underhook, but Tajiri fights out and the two men clothesline each other down.
Tajiri locks in a gut-wrench, but Scotty flips him out of the ring. Tajiri kicks Scotty in the head and executes a second rope springboard moonsault, but Scotty rolls away. Tajiri looks for the Tarantula, but Scotty pulls him away and looks for the powerbomb, only for Tajiri to roll it into a small package 1-2-3!
Val Venis vs Perry Saturn
Once again, Val does the "lucky lady...blah blah blah...take off my towel... blah blah blah... wish come true... blah blah blah". I'm sick of it already...
Perry immediately goes at Val with a boot choke in the corner, but Val explodes out with two clotheslines. Back elbow by Venis with an elbow drop and knee drop following it up 1-2-shoulder up.
Leg sweep by Perry, followed with the mounted punches. Swinging neckbreaker by Perry 1-2-kickout.
Low shoulder by Perry, followed with a boot to the head. Perry locks in a sleeper. He breaks the hold in order to hit the Asai dropkick 1-2-shoulder up.
Another low shouder by Perry and another kick to the head. Knee by Venis, but Perry hits a reverse thrust kick 1-2-shoulder up.
Kick by Venis, but Perry explodes with elbows to the head. Val kicks Perry back, but Perry layis into him with his forearms. Big boot by Perry, but Val hits a low dropkick that takes Perry out at the knees.
Perry misses the enziguri, allowing Val to hit a knee stomp and chop him from behind. Val looks for the leglock, but Perry trips him and hits the Northern Lights 1-2-kickout. Val tweaks Perry's knee back and applies the Figure Four for the submission victory.
GodFather vs Funaki
Funaki lays into Godfather to start, but he comes back with an elbow and boot choke on Funaki in the corner. Funaki with a low dropkick to the knees and then one to the face. He stomps on Godfather's face and then on his knees. He appears to look for the Boston Crab, but Godfather kicks him away.
Funaki keeps kicking Godfather in the knee, but Godfather comes back with a powerslam. He hits Funaki with a shoulder block and starts choking him on the ropes. Scoop slam by Godfather, followed with a legdrop. He picks up Funaki, but Funaki pokes him in the eys and starts kicking him in the corner. Short clothesline by Godfather. He whips Funaki into the corner and hits the Escort Train, followed by the Completely Legit Escort Service Owner Drop 1-2-3!
Crash vs Bossman
Crash immediately ducks Bossman and hits a kick. He goes behind Bossman, but apparently grabs something he shouldn't have, because Bossman jumps. Crash acts like he was playing football and trying to recieve the snap, going so far as to throw a referee's flag.
Bossman takes Crash down and elbows him on the apron. He thinks about going for the nightstick, but doesn't want to be DQed. He uppercuts Crash and stands on him until Patrick pulls him off.
Pulling slam by Bossman, followed with a running stomp. Bossman again hits the uppercut and goes to the blatant choke. Crash looks for the Sunset Flip, but Bossman sits down 1-2-Crash reaches his legs up and rolls the big man over 1-2-kickout.
Crash punches away on Bossman's head, hitting him with a dropkick, then a forearm. He goes for a leaping clothesline, but Bossman catches him and hits the Bossman Slam 1-2-3!
Smackdown! Opening Tazz vs Jericho
We start with video of Flair's plea to Vince not to bring the nWo, and Vince's subsequent ultimatum that Flair either sell his stock back to Vince, or the nWo will return.
The video rolls and the pyros explode, and we are underway! Tonight will see Triple H and Rock face Undertaker and Kurt Angle. But first, Tazz comes down for a non-Title match. Once again, Jaqui has worked her way up the ladder to ref a match involving the Undisputed Champion.
Tazz says that he was one of Maven's trainers on Tough Enough. He roughed Maven up a bit, but Maven took it all without whining and being a baby. But Jericho wanted to try to take advantage of someone with less than six matches in their career. Well Tazz has just a little more than six, so why doesn't Jericho come and try to take advantage of him. The Y2J Countdown hits 0.00, and the Ayatollah, the Living Legend, the Undisputed Champion comes down.
Tazz attacks Jericho with clubs to the head and a gut-wrench side suplex. Mounted punches by Tazz. Jericho tries to escape to the outside, but Tazz goes right after him and smashes him into the table.
Back in the ring, Jericho hits the flying forearm and pounds on Tazz, kicking him in the gut. Punches by Jericho in the corner, until Jacqui pulls him out. Big boot by Jericho, but Tazz catches him with a head-and-arm suplex. Snapmare by Tazz, then a clothesline. Jericho kicks Tazz, but he comes back with a bridging Northern Lights 1-2-shoulder up.
Bulldog by Jericho, followed with the Lionsault, but Tazz rolls away and locks in the Tazzmission! Jericho pushes Jacqui away and low blows Tazz. He hits the Lionsault 1-2-3!
After the match, Jericho insists that Jacqui raise his hand. She begrudgingly raises it and quickly lets it go. Jericho gets upset at her insulence and takes her down, locking her in the Walls of Jericho.
In the back, Ric Flair leaves his dressing room, apparently in deep thought. Fade Out.
Flair Makes His Decision
In the back, the aPa discuss how much the movie Rollerball is going to rule. Bradshaw insists that he and LL Cool J were good friends and that he was in fact a collaberator on "Momma Said Knock You Out". Speak of the devils, Rollerball stars LL Cool J and Chris Klein enter. Faarooq asks LL about the lyrics to "Momma Said Knock You Out", but Bradshaw quickly changes the subject. The female star of the film drops by, and the Acolytes start bringing out "women's drinks", but she asks for a beer, and proceeds to chug it, prompting the ever eloquent Faarooq to remark: "Damn."
dun...dun...dun...Dun Dun!
Flair comes down to the ring, presumably to announce whether or not he will sell his stock to Vince. As the fans give him a standing ovation, Flair breaks down and begins to weep.
It's fair to say that they've bonded over the years. There's a lot of history between Norfolk, Virginia and Ric Flair. That's what makes this even harder. He had to make a decision, the right decision, not for himself but for the greatest sports-entertainment company in the world. This business isn't just about Flair and the guys here, but it's also about the fans all around the world, and the young talent working their way up.
That's why he's saying goodbye. A year ago, he didn't get to say goodbye. He wanted to, and to say 'thank you' to everyone here live and everyone watching at home. He's tried to give everything he has, and he's loved doing it, but this company must go forward. That's why he's selling his stock to Vince McMahon. People like Steve Austin, Rock, Taker, Jericho, The Hardyz, the Dudleyz and all the rest don't need to deal with the nWo. They need to go forward. He knows he's doing the right thing, and that way he can leave with his head held high. He thanks the fans for everything and tries to take it all in. He hopes his family is proud of him, because he was sure proud to be a professional wrestler. With that, Flair leaves the ring and goes up the ramp, seemingly for the last time. Fade Out.
DDP vs Christian
Christian smacks DDP and then runs around the ring, gaining the advantage enough to stomp DDP down. Page comes back with a tilt-a-whirl slam. DDT by Page 1-2-shoulder up.
Christian hangs Page up on the ropes, then hits a shoulder block to knock him onto the barrier below. Outside, Christian whips Page into the stairs.
Back inside, Christian stomps on DDP, but Page fights up, only to be put in the sleeper. Page again fights out and hits a sleeper slam of his own. Page hits Christian with a knee and powerbombs him down 1-2-shoulder up.
Page ducks a big boot and goes outside, wishboning Christian on the ringpost. Back inside, Page looks for the Diamond Cutter, but Christian grabs onto the ropes and Page hits the mat. Christian uses the ropes to pin 1-2-kickout!
Page again looks for the Diamond Cutter, but Christian wraps around the head and hits a reverse DDT 1-2-shoulder up. Christian throws a temper tantrum before going for the Unprettier, but Page takes a, well, page from Christian's book and turns it into the Diamond Cutter 1-2-3! DDP wins the European Title!
In the back, a limo pulls up, and out steps Vince McMahon, big smile on his face. Following Vince is an entourage of lawyers. Coach says that he was told that Flair would sign the papers as soon as Vince arrived and already said goodbye. Vince says that he thinks Flair should have to say goodbye on Vince's terms, and thus the papers will be signed in the ring so Flair can have one last appearance. Fade Out.
GoldDust Promo
"Come out, come out, whever you are..." Goldust is tired of the waiting, the hiding. He is asking himself when the madness will end. But it won't end. It will begin this Monday night. He will remember to never forget the name...oooooooh... Goldust.
Yesterday, JR sat down with Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley to discuss some things. A lot of fans think that, after the failed ECW ownership, Steph has gone down-hill, and is merely suriviving by hanging on to Triple H's coattails. She says that we don't know just what she is capable of yet. She nursed her husband back to health, to gaining an Undisputed Title shot at WrestleMania.
JR asks her to examine the tape of what happened on Raw. The tape is played, but Steph simply says that she made a mistake. She helped Triple H become a 4-Time Champion, so if you're going to isolate one incident, you're going to get a skewed view of her importance. The tape of Trips shutting the door on her and giving her her bags is played. Tears well up in her eyes. She says that sometimes people get angry sometimes. Did Trips' response hurt her feelings? Yes, but she forgives him, because that is what love is all about.
JR asks about the rumors that Steph may have been unfaithful to Triple H early in the marriage. She says that she never, ever cheated on Triple H. JR says that, Triple H being such a great Champion, looking like he does, and being so popular, does she ever fear he may be unfaithful when they are seperated? Steph says that there is no other woman as good looking, as sweet, or as good in bed as she is, and thus she is not concerned.
JR says that, after so many child-like tantrums that she has thrown, how can she say that their marriage is perfectly fine? Steph says that we only see what is on television, not them at home, so the fans can all take their opinions and shove them. But if JR is looking for some dirt to tell the fans and spread more rumors, she can tell him all the personal details she wants. But instead, she will prove to everyone just how perfect their marriage is.
In the aPa office, Booker bursts in on the Rollerball party, asking LL why he wasn't invited to the Rollerball premiere. This is the 5-Time WCW Champion, the man who kicked Triple H's ass on Raw. Why isn't Booker T the leading man in the movie? LL stands up to Booker and says "You weren't the leading man because there weren't any scenes with the lead getting his ass kicked in a grocery store!" Booker demands a tag match with Faarooq and LL.
In the back, Flair and Hebner say their goodbyes. Fade Out.
Dudleys vs RVD
As Regal takes a seat at the announce table, the D-Bombs drop and the Dudleys come out. Edge and RVD come to the ramp, and immediately run to attack Regal! The Dudleys pull them off and into the ring to start the match.
Edge and D-Von start, with Edge making a quick tag and pulling D-Von down, allowing RVD to hit the Rolling Thunder 1-2-shoulder up.
RVD rolls over D-Von and goes for the springboard moonsault, but BuhBuh hits him, allowing D-Von to hit a super neckbreaker. Tag to BuhBuh.
Chops by BuhBuh in the corner. Tag to D-Von. RVD elbows BuhBuh and then D-Von, but BuhBuh throws him into the ropes and D-Von powerslams him off 1-2-shoulder up. Tag to BuhBuh.
Falling neckbreaker by BuhBuh, followed with two elbow drops 1-2-shoulder up. Snapmare by BuhBuh, into a head wrench. As BuhBuh pulls RVD back and lets D-Von hit the Wassup Headbutt, Stacy sits on Regal's lap, allowing Regal to get "something" from her pants.
In the ring, BuhBuh and Edge tag in, with Edge clotheslining BuhBuh down twice and hitting him with a spinning heel kick. He tosses D-Von over the top and hits a neckbreaker on BuhBuh 1-2-broken by D-Von.
BuhBuh takes Edge to the outside, while RVD hits a step-over spin kick on D-Von. RVD goes up top and hits the Five Star, but BuhBuh runs in and hits a powerbomb. Edge runs in and Spears BuhBuh down 1-2-shoulder up!
Regal runs up and gets on the apron with the brass knuckles on. Edge ducks his punches and shoulders him. BuhBuh runs at Edge, who sidesteps, knocking Regal off the apron. Edgececution to BuhBuh 1-2-3!
In the back, Booker says that this isn't no damn movie. He's going to knock LL's momma out. Test comes up and says that he wants to be Booker's Title, because he wants to impress Rebecca.
In the back, Vince gets some coffee, with The Fink, Brawler, and Harvey Whippleman approaching him. Vince asks about their families before asking them to leave. Fade Out.
Kurt Angle Interview
In the back, Lillian asks Kurt what he's like now, knowing that he lost his shot at becoming the Undisputed Champion. Angle says that he's not a loser; he's a winner. Lillian says that that's not true at all. After all, he didn't even win the Rumble. Angle says that Triple H snuck up after he through him out and eliminate him. Triple H thinks he's so special? No, Angle is special. He is that damn special. He's stronger, tougher, and badder than Triple H. Tonight, Kurt's going Olympic on Triple H's ass.
As Rock warms up, Flair comes in and wishes him good luck. Rock thanks Flair for his words, and for the memories. Fade Out.
Billy & Chuck/Trish & Torrie
King enters the ring, holding the Official Billy & Chuck 2002 Calendar. It seems Billy & Chuck have been issued a challenge: a pose-down. The challengers? Trish and Torrie!
Trish makes her way down, followed by Torrie Wilson. Finally, "that hot male duo" as King so lovingly refers to them, Billy & Chuck! They come down in white robes, showing off their legs for the fans. Oh if there was ever anything to be classified as "too funny"...
King asks all the participants to lose the robes. Billy and Chuck each take theirs off, to reveal tye-dyed speedos. Torrie and Trish take off their robes, revealing a black and a pink bikini, respectively. Ay yi yi. The rules are: three poses will be chosen at random from the calendar, and each team will have to perform it.
The first is "Back to Back". Billy and Chuck lean against each other and flex their biceps. "Very manly..." King says. Trish and Torrie are up next, and they decide to use Back to Back in more ways than one, leaning up against the other's backside.
The second is "Down in Front". Billy kneels down, with Chuck leaning over him. "Very, very masculine!" says King. Trish gets on her knees, with Torrie leaning right over Trish's head.
The final pose is "Face to Face". Billy lays on the ground, with Chuck kneeling over him, the two looking at each other. "Studly, very studly" says King. Trish lays on the mat, while Torrie stradles her and gets up close to her partner.
Now, it is up to the fans. Billy and Chuck? "Boooooo!" says the crowd. Trish and Torrie? "YAY!!!" as the crowd goes wild. Billy and Chuck say that they're the best, but to no avail, as Trish and Torrie are announced the winners. Billy and Chuck storm out of the ring. Fade Out.
Booker T & Test vs Accolytes
The aPa come down, accompanied by Rebbeca Romijn-Stamos, Chris Klein, and LL Cool J. Guess LL isn't fighting. Oh well.
As Booker and Test come down, the Acolytes immediately attack. Faarooq takes Booker down, but Test pulls him outside and smashes him into the table, fliritng with Romijn-Stamos.
Back in the ring, Booker smashes Faarooq into the corner, punching away. Stomps by Booker and a back elbow. Faarooq comes back with a powerslam, but can't pin. Tag to Bradshaw and Test.
Shoulder block by Bradshaw and a Big Boot. Boot to Booker. Bradshaw knocks Test out of the ring, and he and Faarooq hit Booker with a double shoulder. Test pulls Bradshaw out, as Booker hits Faarooq with the scissors kick. Test runs in to Big Boot Faarooq, but he ducks and Test nails Booker.
Test knocks Bradshaw from the apron and goes for the Pump-Handle on Faarooq, but Faarooq floats over and shoves Test into the turnbuckle. Bradshaw runs in and gives the stunned Test the Clothesline From Hell 1-2-3!
In the back, Vince looks over the extensive form that he Flair must sign. They say that this contract is like a prison; there is no way Flair can wiggle his way out after signing. Fade Out.
HHH & Rock vs Undertaker & Kurt Angle
Trips and Angle begin to start, but Taker asks to start instead. Angle goes to the corner, but then attacks Trips from behind to start the match. Trips hits a big boot from the corner, and then goes outside to wrap Angle's legs around the ringpost. Inside, Trips takes out Angle's knee and tags in Rock.
Punches by Rock, but Angle smacks him in the face to regain some momentum. Overhead throw by Rock, followed with a back suplex 1-2-shoulder up. Tag to Triple H.
Knees by Angle, with punches to follow, but Trips hits a powerslam. Taker begins to come in, but Trips rams him into the corner. Trips looks for the Pedigree on Angle, but Taker boots him down. Tag to Taker.
Kicks in the corner, along with some elbows, by Undertaker. Taker smashes Trips into Angle's boot and then tags Kurt in. Trips fights back, but Angle hits a German suplex, then another, then a third. Angle knocks Rock off the apron and looks for the Olympic Slam, but Trips floats over and hits a back suplex. Both men go down and crawl towards their corners. Tag to Rock.
Rock pulls ANgle back and punches away on him. Flying clothesline by Rock, who then knocks Taker off the apron. Spinebuster by Rock. He runs for the People's Elbow, but Taker cuts him off and clotheslines him down. Trips runs in and knocks Taker out of the ring.
On the outside, as Angle distracts the ref, Taker lifts Rock and rams him into the ringpost. Back in the ring, Angle makes the cover 1-2-shoulder up.
Angle kicks away on Rock, tagging in Taker. Taker elbows Rock in the corner and clotheslines him down. Rock begins to fight back, floating over Taker's back, only to be DDTed down 1-2-broken by Triple H. Tag to Angle.
Stomps by Angle. Angle pounds away on Rock, but Rock explodes back with a leglock takedown. SharpShooter by Rock, but Taker clotheslines him out of the hold. Taker comes in, without tagging, choking Rock on the ropes. Punches by Taker, but Rock blocks and fires back. He ducks a clothesline and looks for the Rock Bottom, but Taker elbows out. Taker looks for the Chokeslam, but Rock elbows out. DDT by Rock to bring both men to the mat. Tag to Trps and Angle.
Trips with punch after punch. Spinebuster to Angle and a falling neckbreaker to Taker. Triple H with the blatant choke on Angle and a clothesline that sends Taker over the top. High knee by Triple H 1-2-shoulder up.
Trips goes second rope with Angle, attempting the 10 Punch, but after 5, Angle picks him up and Atomic Drops him. Knee-to-face by Triple H. He gets the kick and the Pedigree 1-2-broken by Taker with a chair to the head!
Hebner rings the DQ bell, as Taker again nails Triple H in the head with the chair. Rock comes in and lays the smack down on Taker, knocking him over the top to the floor. He smashes Taker into the stairs and then sets up the announce table. Taker comes back with a Big Boot, smashing Rock into the ring bell and then the stairs. Taker gets another chair, but Rock fires back. Kick to the stomach by Taker. He picks up the chair and looks to nail Rock, but Rock ducks and Rock Bottoms Taker through the announce table!
In the ring, Angle stirs and sees the fallen Triple H. He grabs him by the ankle and goes Olympic on Triple H, applying the AngleLock. The refs seperate them and Trips crawls up the ramp, but Angle attacks again with the AngleLock. Fade Out.
Vince & Flair
The "History of Desire" video is shown once again. As with last night, the highlight is of course Kamala.
Flair begins walking to the ring, when Arn Anderson comes up to him, but they exchange not words, only embraces.
In the other hall, Vince marches with that smirk on his face, followed by his lawyers. Fade Out.
"No Chances" hits, and out marches Vince, followed by his three attorneys. There are many small-minded individuals here who think that Vince's desire to sign the papers pubically is to humiliate him. But Vince is a bigger man than that. He does, however, intend to teach Flair and the fans a lesson: perception is not always reality. Flair is perceved to be this great person. Flair proved at the Rumble that he is a winner in the ring, but in life, he is a loser. Tonight proves that. In reality, the Ric Flair's of the world, when going up against the Vince McMahon's of the world, always lose.
Don't buy Flair's words about doing this for the young talent and for the fans. Flair doesn't give a damn about the fans. Flair is signing this contract because he lost to Vince McMahon. But as we go through the documents, you will note that it states that: Vince owns 100% of the stock of the WWF. However, Flair insisted that there be a clause that prohibits Vince from bringing in the nWo.
That's shame, because the nWo members signed conditional contracts already. So he would just like to acknowledge those who would have been here had Flair not put in that clause: Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Hulk Hogan. It's a shame we won't be seeing the nWo in action, thanks to Ric Flair.
But you can't help but wonder what would have happened if they came here. The nWo would have cut through the WWF, pulvarizing the WWF superstars into oblivion, knocing the WWF off its axis. From the bottom of his heart: Hogan, Hall, and Nash would have revolutionized sports-entertainment. So, thanks to Hogan, Hall, and Nash for signing those contracts, and he hopes to do business with them again in the future. But without further adiou: Ric Flair.
Flair and his lawyer come out, with Vince forcing them to cut Flair's music. No more pomp and circumstance for Flair, because tonight, he walks that ramp for the very last time.
As Flair gets in the ring, Vince says that he feels sorry that Flair's last "WHOO!" came in a town like Norfolk. Vince and Flair take a seat at the table, with the contract laid out on the table.
Vince pushes it to Flair and hands him a pen. Flair takes the pen, stares at Vince, looks at the fans, and backs away from the table. What the hell is Flair thinking about? Flair talked about all the people he was doing this for, so he better sit back down and sign.
Flair again sits at the table, stares at Vince, puts the pen to the paper, and signs "Ric" before pausing. The glass breaks, and Stone Cold marches into the ring.
Vince starts to yell at Austin, but Austin keeps What?ing him. Austin calls Vince a jackass, an idiot, pathetic, he sucks, and he's a piece of trash. If you think Ric Flair should tear up this contract and tell Vince and the nWo to go to hell, give him a Hell Yeah. "Hell Yeah!".
Flair punches Vince and Austin gives him the Stunner! Flair rips up the contract page by page. They toast over Vince's fallen body as Michael Cole and King begin to realize that this means the nWo is on their way! End Show.