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Flameswordsman said:
Told me he bought from his shop [crappy little hell-hole that is tiny and stinks] from years on end, buying tons of stuff [literally "tons!"], then when he needed to sell urgently for something, they offered him really shit prices, lower than even someone over ebay would give you, so he quit.
I've thought about the possibility of being in such a position. E-Bay is actually the ONLY option available. That or setting up a booth at a convention where you could demnd your own price. With comics shops in the financial dire straits they're in nowadays, i wouldn't expect anything but a crappy return on my purchases, if any, from there.
I literally have TONS of stuff myself, toys, statues, artwork, comics etc. Right now I realize that some of my most valuable stuff (things valued in the thousands) are pretty much worthless right now because there are no buyers out there. Beleive me, i check often at cons and on eBay.
Blame it on the economy, on a lull in interest, whatever.. there is not much interest out there at the moment. So as it stands, we're on our own and our "investments" are mostly of a sentimental value right now. And comics shops are just hanging in there trying to unload the stock they already have. Repurchasing things that may not sell makes no good business sense, loyal customer or not.
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I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would .. try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile. - Condoleeza Rice
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I'm not going to quit because I am still a DC fan. I want to see what happens after IC with "One Year Later". I will, however, reconsider what (little) I'm buying now. I'll stay on Superman/Batman, and never buy a Jeph Loeb comic again. I may pick up the Superman titles again; I'll also check out the Justice League of America reboot. One thing's for sure, I'm done with Marvel (again) for the time being.
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Right now, I'm only buying a handful of Marvel titles - Ghost Rider, Defenders (assuming they finish it sometime soon), Marvel Zombies, and Spider-Man/Black Cat. And all of those are mini-series, so I'll be done with Marvel by May... unless they finally start Singer's run on Ultimate X-Men.
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the G-man said:
You know, after twenty years of increasingly bloodthirsty comic books, premised on yet another "crisis," carried out over multiple titles in multiple months, I just don't care any more.
Off the top of my head, since the original crisis we've seen:
Underworld Unleashed
Zero Hour
the Death of Superman
No Man's Land
Emerald Twilight
Night on Earth
Hell on Earth
the Kingdom
Identity Crisis
And probably a half dozen more "crises" I can't remember.
Its just so damn repetitive and boring.
Meanwhile, over at Marvel, you have all the crap going one with yet another Spiderman costume/mutation story, the Bendiszation of Avengers, the Bendiszation of Daredevil to the point where, by rights, the character shouldn't exist, Capt. America being unable to decided from writer (Neiber) to writer (fill in blank) whether he kills people or not and, of course, their own annual "crisis" (this year: "civil war," last year "house of m," the year before that "dissassembled").
It's the same dark depressing thing, over and over and over.
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ROY BATTY said: ...a fountain a bum juice...........
First of all, the food at this place was the shits but they would serve you after midnight - which is a pretty amazing thing in the UK!
I was already tanked up on guinness - not something you should do in England either! Guinness is good in most places in Ireland(except Dublin!), so the guiness was playing havoc with my insides already, not helped by the cheapo burger I had gotten earlier to prolong my binge!
I had just wolfed down a phaal - one of the hottest curries, something I would not normally eat as it is a dish designed for white pissheads with no tastebuds and a wanton desire to abuse themselves. I quickly ventured to the bog, no sooner shutting the door, I projectiled vomitted onto the ceiling and into the mirrors above the sinks.
In for a penny, in for a pound! I thought I'd take a dump in the sinks but the guinness had turned my stools into a thick black gravy that shot about 3 feet straight out, again onto the mirrors - no exageration! I then removed my pants to avoid splackback and leapt like lilac leopard on to the sinks and positioned my stench trench at about 50 degree angle and fired, easily hitting the ceiling and the other wall.
I thought it would never end, that English guinness sure is potent for poo juice.
I left the commode and gave the guy a twenty and walked straight out, once outside the door, I ran like a bastard. Within seconds I could hear the screams of horror!
Klinton, if I had to clean up my mess - I would have turned into a sqeamish little highschool girl! It was fun to do but as soon as I finished, I began to have regrets, then I remembered what arseholes these guys were and laughed myself to sleep.
The place has since gone into new management twice - I'm still banned.
Oh yeah, the reason I know I am banned was I was walking near the place a few weeks late during the day and a couple of the waiters ran out screaming blue murder. I think they were trying to embarras me in front of passers by, telling them what I had done! Clearly they didn't really know me too well, as they would have realised how amusing I thought it all was!

OMG, I can't stop laughing! This is fucking hysterical!
 Dear, sweet Harley Kwink...I'm madly in love with you. Marry me! We can go to Canadia. Or Boston or something. It'll be grand...You know the cookies are a given. They are ALWAYS a given. You could dump me tomorrow and you'd still get the cookies. Boston..shit, wherever dyke weddings were legalized. And where better to rub their little piggie noses in how bad they suck than right on their doorstep? What are they gonna do? Be jealous of you? Stare furiously at your tah-tahs? Not willingly give you cookies, but instead begrudgingly give you their cookies? Woman, time to wake up to the powers you wield - Uschi
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Money has played a factor for my buying habits. Beyond the Legion, like G-man, I pick up the Wizard on a regular basis & that is about it. I do like the Masterworks & Archives but even picking them up in cheaper venues I just don't have the money to buy much more. It's still fun going to the shop at some point during the week but it doesn't have to be the day stuff comes out.
Fair play!
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Higher prices + poorer quality + way too many frickin cross overs = dropped books.
I find that the books that I look forward to reading - ex. Y: The Last Man; Runaways; Ultimates; etc. - are becoming fewer and fewer as time goes by. The Spidey titles seem to have lost direction and the Bat titles - save Gotham Central, which is being cancelled - haven't been interesting a in a long while. That coupled with the ever rising prices...I've dropped a few titles in the last coupla months, but I'm not quitting the books - at least not anytime soon, but my enthusiasm isn't what it once was.
 Dear, sweet Harley Kwink...I'm madly in love with you. Marry me! We can go to Canadia. Or Boston or something. It'll be grand...You know the cookies are a given. They are ALWAYS a given. You could dump me tomorrow and you'd still get the cookies. Boston..shit, wherever dyke weddings were legalized. And where better to rub their little piggie noses in how bad they suck than right on their doorstep? What are they gonna do? Be jealous of you? Stare furiously at your tah-tahs? Not willingly give you cookies, but instead begrudgingly give you their cookies? Woman, time to wake up to the powers you wield - Uschi
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I'm down to reading only...
FF Planetary Ult. X-Men Ast. X-Men X-Factor
I quit ULTFF because I grew tired of the setup. I don't find the Reed-Sue relationship believable. Not if they're teenagers.
We all wear a green carnation.
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I'm down to All Star Superman All Star Batman (against my better judgement) Green Lantern She Hulk the Ultimates Planetary Morrison's Frankenstein.
What's especially troubling is that, of that list, three (Batman, Superman and Frankenstein) are limited series, one is about to end its run (Planetary) and one (the Ultimates) is going to finish with the current creative team and then be taken over by title-killer Jeph Loeb and the incredibly unreliable Joe Mad. So, unless something new comes along to take their place, in less than a year, I'll be down to two regular books (and I'm seriously thinking of switching to the trades for She Hulk).
There are a few series that I collect in trades: Whedon's X-men, Tom Strong. And a few series that I pick up when they come out (which is irregularly) like Astro City and Flaming Carrot.
But in terms of monthlies, its gotten to the point where most weekends it isn't worth the gas or time to drive to local shop.
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I'm down to..
All Star Superman
Captain Atom (mini)
Green Lantern
Infinite Crisis (mini)
JSA (nearly done with this book)
Justice (mini)
Teen Titans (nearly done with this book)
7 Soldiers (all minis and books)
Age of Bronze
New Avengers
Red Sonja
Perhapanauts (mini)
Tom Strong and promethea are over...
Planetary is nearly over...
I get trades or hardcovers for Usagi yojimbo, Oh My Goddess, The Goon, Hellboy, Invincible, she-hulk, probably thing, ultimate spidey, Lions, Tigers, & Bears...
I used to buy way more stuff..
That said I'm looking forward to some of the one year later stuff like the Robinson then Dini Batman, Any new Gail Simone stuff other than birds of prey, Shadowpact, might try Flash when it resurrects with Waid and Lashley, Busiek and Pacheco superman also sounds good.... dodson on wonder woman also has me intrigued if the writer is good.
The marvel stuff circling is boring me even more than the DC stuff...
Morrison on the authority and wildcats also has possibilities...
Last edited by Pig Iron; 2006-01-24 12:42 AM.
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I'm going to buy some trades including New Avengers, Teen Titans, and (maybe) Invincible. I also want to sell off some old and bad comics. Ebay, here I come.
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the G-man said: All Star Batman (against my better judgement)
Miller is bringing Superman into the series. He's bound to screw things up even more.
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I had my local shop put it on my pull list and I just feel guilty quitting.
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well you told them to stop in 2 months, no..??? they could have cancelled because #3 was resolicated... then you only would have been stuck with 2 crappy books..not to mention Miller is going to pollute neal Adams with his shitty stories...
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Pig Iron said: well you told them to stop in 2 months, no..???
they could have cancelled because #3 was resolicated... then you only would have been stuck with 2 crappy books..
Ah, its not their fault the book was resolicited.
not to mention Miller is going to pollute neal Adams with his shitty stories...
Nah. The Adams stories are right on my book shelf in hardbound (or at least two out of three volumes. Did the third ever come out?)
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Ummmmm, the 3rd volume came out...supposedly Neal Adams is teaming with Miller on the next All Star arc.
If you asked for your shop to cancel your subscription you should buy the next 2 or 3 months worth of books. If DC resolicits the shop can change their orders though..so you should hav eonly been stuck with 2 issues maximum...that was my point, sorry for the confusion..that is direct ordering policy (which Marvel got sued for disregarding).
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My shop, for some reason, never acknowledged my cancellation and now I feel bad and dont want to cancel, is what I'm saying.
Besides, I have to admit I'm taking a certain pleasure in watching the train wreck.
As far as Adams' Batman, according to Amazon, Vol. 3 of the Adams Batman collection still hasn't come out.
But, regardless, I'm not worried about him teaming up with Miller. Adams couldn't do a monthly book if you held his family hostage. Its never going to happen.
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I flipped through the last issue of ASB&RTBW and it seems like Frank Miller is trying to combine Batman and Sin City... with disastrous results. Seriously, Batman's dialogue sounds more like Marv than Bruce Wayne. Also, the ten panels with the narration panels "Love. Chunks." was a bit much. Even for me.
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the G-man said:
As far as Adams' Batman, according to Amazon, Vol. 3 of the Adams Batman collection still hasn't come out.
Do you want photos as evidence from my copy..hahhah?
But, regardless, I'm not worried about him teaming up with Miller. Adams couldn't do a monthly book if you held his family hostage. Its never going to happen.
...Lying in the gutters rumor.
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Maybe it came out in the direct market but not Amazon yet?
In regard to Adams, I still don't believe he'll ever actually do it. I'm old enough to remember 25 years ago, when he was supposedly halfway through drawing an X-men graphic novel with Claremont. I still haven't seen that either.
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He has been reinking a huge amount of his Batman work though for those hardcovers..so, he is producing right now...
Plus, he can always get ghosts...
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the G-man said: Besides, I have to admit I'm taking a certain pleasure in watching the train wreck.
Thing is, you know this is a train wreck and will continue to be. I stayed on board throughout Azz/Lee's Superman run thinking there would be some great payoff. Unfortunately I never got that payoff. Money well wasted there.
Oh well, at least Azz didn't have Supes say: "I'm the goddamn Superman".
And I don't know what my point was... 
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... people still buy monthly comics? Seriously?
Thing is- I can’t spell or type. I spell so badly my spell check doesn’t even know what I was trying to spell. And I have five Eisners HAHAHAHHA!!
-Brian Michael Bendis
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One can quit comics. Quit the whole entertainment format. I did it roughly 3 years ago, or something.
To me, the final nail in the coffin was the invariability of the status quo. It didn't matetr what happened, it didn't matter how big the story line was, how big the changes were, everything would eventually rever to status quo. I felt like I was spending lots and lots of dollars in something that would never give any sense of closure, and would never pay off.
Back then, I figured I'd buy TPBs of the stories I liked, but I haven't even done that. I still feel curious about the industry, and check comics forums, newsarama, and stuff like that, and if I feel really curious about a comic book I'll download it through eMule. Most of the time I feel dissapointed by the stuff I downloaded (like with the crappy Infinite Turd series going on) so that sort of reinforces that I did the right choice in droping that sorry medium once and for all.
And boy, do comics expenses add up over the course of a year. I tell you, I've been able to save a lot, a friggin' lot, by dropping comics. I'm talking thousands of dollars lot.
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I quit for 10yrs (13-23) I didn't miss it at all. If there hadn't been a comic shop by the main office I still wouldn't be reading.
"Life ain't nothin' but bitches and money" - Ice Cube
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devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
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How does one quit a medium? Never buying a comic again because the mainstream stuff sucks would be like never watching a movie again after seeing Independence Day. I don't buy monthly comics anymore because they're so redundant and pointless (though morbid curiosity makes me read them online), but I still buy the occasional TPB with more author oriented stuff.
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You just don't buy comics anymore. That's how you quit a medium.
It's not so much a concious effort, it's just something you do. Maybe "quitting" is a bad word, it sounds as if you're going cold turkey on a drug addiction or something. But in reality, it just got to a point where I asked myself "Do I really care how this story is going to end? Do I really care for the fate of these characters?" I realized I didn't, so I stopped buying.
As I said, I figured I'd buy a TPB every now and then if I found a story to my liking, I just haven't found a story I like enough to buy the TPB.
I got the body of a taut, preteen swedish boy. -Cosmo Kramer
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devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
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But if what annoys you is the pointlessness of mainstream superhero comics, why don't you read the stuff that actually has a point and a proper ending like Sandman, Preacher, Moore's Swampy, etc.? There's even superhero stuff like that, like Starman, Morrison's Animalman, Madman, etc.
Superhero comics may be the most popular genre in the medium but (thankfully) they're not the only type of stories comics can tell, just like Hollywood action flicks aren't the only type of movies cinema can produce.
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Timelord. Drunkard. 15000+ posts
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CrisLander said: One can quit comics. Quit the whole entertainment format. I did it roughly 3 years ago, or something.
Did you?
CrisLander said: I still feel curious about the industry, and check comics forums, newsarama, and stuff like that, and if I feel really curious about a comic book I'll download it through eMule. Most of the time I feel dissapointed by the stuff I downloaded (like with the crappy Infinite Turd series going on) so that sort of reinforces that I did the right choice in droping that sorry medium once and for all.
You didn't quit comics. You quit paying for them. That's like saying that you've quit music because you don't buy CD's anymore but download and listen to MP3's off the net. You're still reading comics, whether you like them or not; therefore you haven't quit comics.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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thedoctor said:
CrisLander said: One can quit comics. Quit the whole entertainment format. I did it roughly 3 years ago, or something.
Did you?
CrisLander said: I still feel curious about the industry, and check comics forums, newsarama, and stuff like that, and if I feel really curious about a comic book I'll download it through eMule. Most of the time I feel dissapointed by the stuff I downloaded (like with the crappy Infinite Turd series going on) so that sort of reinforces that I did the right choice in droping that sorry medium once and for all.
You didn't quit comics. You quit paying for them. That's like saying that you've quit music because you don't buy CD's anymore but download and listen to MP3's off the net. You're still reading comics, whether you like them or not; therefore you haven't quit comics.
As I said in the latter post, maybe saying "quitting comics" is not the proper term. I guess maybe the right term would be that I lost any passion I had for it. I remember I'd be all hyped up with new comics, always on the edge of my seat, eagerly awaiting the next issue. When a new series appeared, at least I'd probably check it out, and if it was to my liking, I'd put it in my "pull" list.
Sure, as I said, every once in a while I download a comic, maybe to check if I'm missing out on something. But it's not as if I'm thinking "Thank Gob for eMule, now I can keep reading my beloved comics! I missed them so much!" Truth be told, when I do it, I do it because it's free. Otherwise, there's no chance in hell that I'd do it. There's no passion in it. I don't miss it at all. I couldn't care less what happens to the characters. Were it not for eMule, I wouldn't download anything and I would not shed a tear over it. And I know I may be missing some "great" stories, but I don't lose one second of sleep over it.
I got the body of a taut, preteen swedish boy. -Cosmo Kramer
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Thing is- I can’t spell or type. I spell so badly my spell check doesn’t even know what I was trying to spell. And I have five Eisners HAHAHAHHA!!
-Brian Michael Bendis
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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CrisLander said: As I said in the latter post, maybe saying "quitting comics" is not the proper term. I guess maybe the right term would be that I lost any passion I had for it.
Actually, I think you mean that you've just stopped supporting the people who make the comics.
Like me actually.
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Jeremy said:
I think right now the only reason I'm still collecting comics is for DC. I really like what's happening to the universe as a whole. Before Countdown was announced I gave some serious thought to dropping all my titles. I love the characters, but I'm losing the 'passion' for comics. The stuff about Infinite Crisis is keeping that flame lit, so is reading Superman back issues (The Fall of Metropolis was such a fun story). Otherwise, I think I'm done collecting after Infinite Crisis is over.
Wow. Our comic book mod had some serious doubts about the business.
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The Fall of Metropolis was a fun story though.