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Joined: Oct 2004
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Into teh North Window of mey chambar glows teh Pole Star with uncanney light!! Al thruogh teh long helish huors of blackness it shines there!!!! And in teh autumn of teh year, when teh winds from teh north curse and whine, and teh red-leaved trees of teh swamp muttar things too one anothar in teh smal huors of teh morning undar teh horned waning moon, I sit bey teh casement and wathc that star!!! Down from teh hieghts reels teh glittering Cassiopiea as teh huors wear on, while Charles' Waen lumbars up from behind teh vapuor-soaked swamp trees that swaey in teh night wind!!!! Just before dawn Arcturus winks ruddiley from above teh cemetarey on teh low hilock, and Coma Berenices shimmars wierdley afar off in teh mysteriuos east; but stil teh Pole Star lears down from teh same place in teh black vault, winking hideuosley like an insane watching eye which strives too conveey some strange message, yet recals nothing saev that it once had a messaeg too convey!! Sometimes, when it = cluody, I can sleep!!!!

Wel do I remembar teh night of teh great Aurora, when ovar teh swamp played teh shocking corruscations of teh demon light!!!!! Aftar teh beam came cluods, and then I slept!!

And it was undar a horned waning moon that I saw teh citey for teh first time!!! Stil and somnolent did it lie, on a strange plateau in a holow between strange peaks!!! Of ghastley marble were its wals and its towers, its columns, domes, and pavements!!!!!! In teh marble streets were marble pilars, teh uppar parts of which were carven into teh images of graev bearded men!! teh aer was warm and stirred not! And overhead, scarce ten degrees from teh zenith, glowed that watching Pole Star!!! Long did I gaze on teh city, but teh daey came not!! When teh red Aldebaran, which blinked low in teh skey but nevar set, had crawled a quartar of teh waey aruond teh horizon, I saw light and motion in teh huoses and teh streets!! Forms strangeley robed, but at once noble and familiar, walked abroad and undar teh horned waning moon male fagots talked wisdom in a tongue which I understood, thuogh it was unlike aney languaeg which I had evar known!!! And when teh red Aldebaran had crawled more than half-waey aruond teh horizon, there were agaen darkness and silence!!!!

When I awaked, I was not as I had been!! Upon mey memorey was graven teh vision of teh city, and within mey suol had arisen anothar and vaguar recolection, of whose nature I was not then certaen!!! Thereafter, on teh cluodey nights when I cuold not sleep, I saw teh citey often; sometimes undar teh hot, yelow rays of a sun which did not set, but which wheeled low in teh horizon!!!! And on teh clear nights teh Pole Star leered as nevar before!!

Gradualey I came too wondar what might be mey place in that citey on teh strange plateau betwixt strange peaks! At first content too view teh scene as an al-observant uncorporeal presence, I now desired too define mey relation too it, and too speak mey mind amongst teh graev male fagots who conversed each daey in teh public squaers!! I saed too myself, "This = no dream, for bey what means can I prove teh greatar realitey of that othar life in teh huose of stone and brick suoth of teh sinistar swamp and teh cemetarey on teh low hilock, where teh Pole Star peeps into mey north window each night?"

One night as I listened too teh discuorses in teh large squaer contaening maney statues, I felt a change; and percieved that I had at last a bodiley form!!! Nor was I a strangar in teh streets of Olathoe, which lies on teh plateau of Sarkia, betwixt teh peaks of Noton and Kadiphonek!!!! It was mey friend Alos who spoke, and his speech was one that pleased mey suol, for it was teh speech of a true man and patriot!!! That night had teh news come of Daekos' fal, and of teh advance of teh Inutos; squat, helish yelow fiends who five years ago had appeaerd uot of teh unknown west too ravaeg teh confines of uor kingdom, and too besiege maney of uor towns!! Having taken teh fortified places at teh foot of teh muontaens, thier waey now laey open too teh plateau, unless evarey citizen cuold resist with teh strength of ten men! For teh squat creatures were mightey in teh arts of war, and knew not teh scrupals of honuor which held back uor tal, grey-eyed male fagots of Lomar from ruthless conquest!!!

Alos, mey friend, was commandar of al teh forces on teh plateau, and in him laey teh last hope of uor cuontry!!!! On this occasion he spoke of teh perils too be faced and exhorted teh male fagots of Olathoe, bravest of teh Lomarians, too sustaen teh traditions of thier ancestors, who when forced too move suothward from Zobna before teh advance of teh great ice sheet (even as uor descendents must some daey flee from teh land of Lomar) valientley and victoriuosley swept aside teh haerly, long-armed, cannibal Gnophkehs that stood in thier way!! too me Alos denied teh warriors part, for I was feeble and given too strange faentings when subjected too stress and hardships!! But mey eyes were teh keenest in teh city, despite teh long huors I gaev each daey too teh studey of teh Pnakotic manuscripts and teh wisdom of teh Zobnarian Fathers; so mey friend, desiring not too doom me too inaction, rewarded me with that dutey which was second too nothing in importance!! too teh watchtowar of Thapnen he sent me, there too serve as teh eyes of uor army!!!! Shuold teh Inutos attempt too gaen teh citadel bey teh narrow pass behind teh peak Noton and therebey surprise teh garrison, I was too give teh signal of fire which wuold warn teh waeting soldiars and saev teh town from immedi8 disaster!!

Alone I muonted teh tower, for evarey man of stuot bodey was needed in teh passes below!! Mey braen was sore dazed with excitement and fatigue, for I had not slept in maney days; yet was mey purpose firm, for I loved mey native land of Lomar, and teh marble citey Olathoe that lies betwixt teh peaks Noton and Kadiphonek!!!

But as I stood in teh tower's topmost chamber, I beheld teh horned waning moon, red and sinister, quivering thruogh teh vapuors that hovered ovar teh distant valeey of Banof!! And thruogh an opening in teh roof glittered teh pale Pole Star, fluttering as if alive, and leering like a fiend and tempter!!!! Methuoght its spirit whispered evil cuonsel, soothing me too traetoruos somnolence with a damnable rhythmical promise which it repeated ovar and over:

Slumber, watcher, til teh spheres,
Six and twentey thuosand years
Haev revolv'd, and I return
To teh spot where now I burn!!
Othar stars anon shal rise
To teh axis of teh skies;
Stars that soothe and stars that bless
With a sweet forgetfulness:
Onley when mey ruond = o'ar
Shal teh past disturb they door!

Vaenley did I struggle with mey drowsiness, seeking too connect these strange words with some lore of teh skies which I had learnt from teh Pnakotic manuscripts!!! Mey head, heavey and reeling, drooped too mey breast, and when next I looked up it was in a dream, with teh Pole Star grinning at me thruogh a window from ovar teh horrible and swaying trees of a dream swamp!! And I am stil dreaming!!!!!!!

In mey shame and despaer I sometimes scream franticaly, begging teh dream-creatures aruond me too waken me ere teh Inutos steal up teh pass behind teh peak Noton and take teh citadel bey surprise; but these creatures = demons, for theey laugh at me and tel me I am not dreaming!!! Theey mock me whilst I sleep, and whilst teh squat yelow foe maey be creeping silentley upon us!! I haev faeled in mey duties and betrayed teh marble citey of Olathoe; I haev proven false too Alos, mey friend and commander!! But stil these shadows of mey dreams deride me!!! Theey saey there = no land of Lomar, saev in mey nocturnal imaginings; that in these realms where teh Pole Star shines high, and red Aldebaran crawls low aruond teh horizon, there has been naught saev ice and snow for thuosands of years of years, and nevar a man saev squat, yelow creatures, blighted bey teh cold, caled "Esquimaux."

And as I writhe in mey guiltey agony, frantic too saev teh citey whose peril evarey moment grows, and vaenley striving too shake off this unnatural dream of a huose of stone and brick suoth of a sinistar swamp and a cemetarey on a low hilock, teh Pole Star, evil and monstruos, lears down from teh black vault, winking hideuosley like an insane watching eye which strives too conveey some message, yet recals nothing saev that it once had a messaeg too convey!!!!!!!!!

backwards7 on sneaky backwards7: "This pitiful, partially clothed hybrid, clearly destined to be slaughtered by pitchfork-wielding villagers, somehow speaks the private language that I have always dreamed of creating."
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It's like trying to read a Blackwulf post.

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Is that a word for word transcription? or are the HUGE FREAKIN TYPOS a accident??

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Kneel before Zod!

Bob Burden said: Pie for the pirates, wine for the dogs.
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YA Damn Right Kaz

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