im stil quite wary.
for starters, i hate singin. hateit! its evil, i tell you, evil!
musicals mean the death of a movie for me. i saw my best friends wedding a few years back in the theater. sure, it was chick flicky enough on its own... but add to that fact that there was more song routines in taht movie than a disney cartoon, and, y'got yerself one unhappy kamper-hausen!
when i see commercials for this moulin rouge, i just see a buncha singin, some old french chicks, and a love story. to me, nicole kidman is good lookin, but not hot enough to sell a movie on her own. so, at the start, there's three strikes against it (traditionally, as in baseball, an automatic out).
your recomendation is somewhat tempting, as i do enjoy things that are different and/or new, however... still looks and sounds like something id pass on.