I would like to Thank the two Gentlemen I have mentioned in the title of this topic for one of the most enjoyable series I have read in a very long time.
Rarely do I laugh out loud at intentional humour in Superhero comics but this series had me laughing constantly - at work, on the bus...,no wonder, I have no friends.
But it's not just laughs, there's action, adventure, some tears and whats a Webhead story set at the beginning of his career without some angst!
Spider-man/Human Torch is a five issue Limited series made up of stand alone stories spanning the the beginning to the present day relationship between Spidey and Matchstick.
Templeton has adjusted his art style for each era, giving the book some authetism and Slott has done the same with the dialog.
The problem with minis and one shots is that they get lost in time because they don't have any real relevancy to the ongoing book. Thankfully this series does not fall into this category and expands on the two leads relationship - How? Well you'll just have to buy the series! If you can't find the books, it should be coming out shortly in one of those handy dandy dinky cheap digest sized formats.
So far, Slott can do no wrong for me. Batman:Arkham, She-Hulk and GLA, I can't wait to read what he has in store for the Thing!