Real name: Ronald "Ronnie" Raymond
Occupation: College Student
Base of Operations: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Marital Status: Single
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 179
Eyes: Blue (White as Firestorm)
Hair: Brown (Flaming corona as Firestorm)
First Appearance: FIRESTORM #1 (March, 1978)
As a teenager, Ronnie Raymond developed an atomic bond with physicist Martin Stein when the two men were caught in a bomb blast intended to destroy the experimental and much-maligned Hudson Nuclear Facility. Amid a cascading nuclear reaction, Raymond and Stein were fused into a single being capable of manipulating radiation and transmuting the molecular structure of inorganic matter. Together, this new unified whole - with Raymond at the helm and Stein providing sage counsel in "immaterial" form - adopted the guise of the flame-haired hero known as Firestorm.
Two briefly became three when Firestorm added Mikhail Arkadin, a.k.a. the Soviet metahuman "Pozhar," to become a nuclear trinity. Ronnie and Mikhail were soon cleaved from this troublesome union, while a still nuclear-fueled Stein became Earth's godlike guardian "fire elemental." Stein then left Earth behind to explore the universe, leaving Ronnie powerless and, unfortunately, suffering from radiation-induced leukemia. Ultimately Stein made a brief return to Earth, at which time he used his abilities to cleanse Ronnie of his deadly cancer and restore the energies of Firestorm to him, this time separate from their former fusion.
Once the youngest member inducted into the JLA, Ronnie continues to serve as an associate member in its hallowed ranks.