Since this is the Sports-Athletics-Wrestling thread, I figured this would be an appropriate place to post this topic. Is anyone here familiar with the techniques of High Intensity Training, (or more recently) Static Contraction Training or Power Factor Training? I'm trying to find books on the subject but (other than e-books) those are hard to come by.
High Intensity Training was a concept fostered by late bodybuilder Mike Mentzer and Nautilus founder Arthur Jones. The foundation of the technique utilized single sets taken to complete muscular failure within a particular range of repititions (3-5, 4-6, 8-10, 15-20, etc.). The concept has been used with varying degrees of success by Mike Mentzer (the only man ever to receive a perfect score of 300 in the Mr. Universe competition), his younger brother Ray, former Mr. Universe Casey Viator and six-time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates.
Power Factor Training is a technique touted by Pete Sisco. It utilizes a unique method of weight lifting: using a weight up to 80% heavier than a person could ordinarily lift for one repitition and lifting that weight only through that indiviual's strongest range of motion for a particular exercise. Another of Sisco's favorite subjects, Static Contraction Training, calls for a weight so heavy one can simply hold it in a contracted position for a period of 15-30 seconds. I have tried both and experienced a limited degree of success...success being increases in strength as well as hypertrophy (muscle growth).
If anybody has or knows where to access info on these techniques, feel free to post it. Any information you can provide would be much appreciated.