Have the week off from work...gotta love that vacation time. So this weekend I splurged and bought a few flicks on DVD and VHS.
DVD-wise, I picked up the aforementioned GET CARTER remake with Stallone, PEE WEE's BIG ADVENTURE, and THE BIG HIT. Oddly, though I've had the chance with cable and all, I've never seen the BIG HIT...but it was on sale for 7.99, so's I picked it up.
VHS's I purchased were the following:
THE GREEN HORNET 1974 feature edit theatrical release of a few of the episodes of the 1960's tv series, A BUCKET OF BLOOD, TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 2, HOOK (so sue me...I liked this Spielburg flick), and CASTLE OF THE WALKING DEAD with Christopher Lee.
Most importantly...and this is directed at Franta...yes, bsams got his copy of DEATHRACE 2000 back, because he was up here visiting me this weekend, and we discussed what possibilities were available to us on the subject of hitting the Wizardworld Con in Chicago this year.