Best Actor- Crowe's got it in the bag, because I don't see Hanks picking up another one for Castaway. And I don't see no wild cards amongst the other nominees, though I like Rush's stuff and "Pollock" was a good flick.
Supporting Actor- This one's gonna go to Del Toro for TRAFFIC. The only competition he has is amongst the popular vote would be Phoenix. A real Wildcard, and the one I'm rootin' for is DaFoe for "Shadow of the Vampire". Good flick, and Oscar seems to make it a regular practice that any of the big awards (meaning ones that don't fall into technical categories) that happen to be given to genre films (sci-fi, horror, possible cult fare) are given in this category (remember the big surprise when Landau, who won it for "ED WOOD", beat out Samuel L. Jackson, who was nominated for PULP FICTION?).
Actress- It'll go to Julia Roberts for "Brockavich". Oscar seems to have a bad habit of picking actresses from money making films. I'd love to see Burstyn get it, though, because "Requiem" is a creepy flick.
Best Picture- I dunno. GLADIATOR might sweep, so I'm goin' with that. But critics love TRAFFIC, and Oscar might go goofy this year and pick CHOCOLAT.
The real wildcard here is CROUCHING TIGER< HIDDEN DRAGON. I loved the flick, but it's so long. And it's foreign, along with the fact that most of the general public haven't seen it.
For all I know, BROCKAVICH might pick it up, just on popularity.