Bought the "Ultimate Edition" two disc DVD of this flick today. This is the fourth installment of the Highlander film franchise, for those uninformed. This also the first of these flicks I didn't get the chance to catch in a theatre. Actually, I was kinda cautious about seein' this, what after bein' disappointed by the last two sequels (though, I will admit that I can stomach the second film now, after the release of the "Renegade Version" re-edit).
I am a huge fan of the first film, but the television series seems to lack something , to me at least. This film seems to not acknowledge the last two films at all(good thing), picking up directly after the last episode of the television series (another confusing good thing) and a few years after the first film (Confused yet?)*.
Then after a few good action scenes (involving some kinda monks that kick ass-shotgun and machine gun me, it's cooler than it sounds), we're introduced to a new immortal who beats the living shit outta about 15 o' these monks, Jet Li style. This is actor Donnie Yen, who proves to be the most interesting character in the film, who sadly isn't utilized enough.
What follows seems to me to be just a rehash of the television series, just filmed on a bigger budget.
Did I like it? It was okay...but that was about it. Better than the last two flicks, but nowhere near as good as the original.
Check it out if ya got nothin' better goin' on.
* goes. It seems that the first film, in continuity terms, happened. Then there was HIGHLANDER 2: THE QUICKENING, a jumbled mess of movie. There are two versions of this flick, the one released to theatres and early VHS printings (that you should avoid like the plague) and a "Renegade Director's Cut" that is not a vast improvement...but at least it's understandable. doesn't exist....thank God. Then there was the television series, which had all kinds of wacky ideas, that acknowledges the first film, but not the second. Then, HIGHLANDER: THE FINAL DIMENSION comes along, which throws away the end of the first film, but takes claim of the rest of it and disregards the second film. It also doesn't lay claim to any of the television series ideas. Finally...there's HIGHLANDER ENDGAME, that claims the first film, disregards the second and third, and adds in the tv series for good measure. God...I thought Legion continuity was confusing to me these days.