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#581121 2005-10-06 5:24 PM
Joined: Dec 2002
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Peacock Teaser
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Peacock Teaser
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Joined: Dec 2002
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Chapter One: Dirk Bell’s Trip

Over twenty years after the original Vanguard dissolves…

Dirk Bell took another glance at the map he downloaded and printed off the Internet. It turned out, even in the 21st century, road maps in Ireland were irrelevant. There were no street signs, and the sun was hidden in the clouds, so Dirk couldn’t even find north. Still, he passed the town of Lifford in Donegal County, and the paved road became nothing more than pebbles and finally a mere dirt road. Clancy Hall was up ahead to his right. He drove on.

“Shit, Brandon’s got himself a nice little rat-hole.”

He pulled up into the circular driveway. It was hard to tell if Clancy Hall was a small castle or a large house. It was made in stone, but was smaller than a fortress, and covered with plants. There was a run-down look to the place as well, but giving what was going on in the house, the neglect seemed reasonable.

There was no need to knock. The master of the house had lost his hearing years ago. Dirk let himself in. A maid was dusting the collection of bowie knives and Faberge eggs. “I’ll go and let Mr. Fiona know yer here.”

Dirk picked up one of the Faberge eggs. It was blue with gold trim and pearls. It was probably worth about two million dollars. He was about to pick up one of the knives when a voice came from the other room. It was poorly articulated. “Nice to see yer come at last.”

Dirk turned around. Brandon was standing in the hallway. “Nice to see you again Brandon. Can you hear me?”

Brandon shook his head. “No, but I’ve learned to read lips. Brianna and the maid know sign language though. I’m still having trouble with American Sign Language though. It’s so different from the British version.”

“How long has she been like this?”

Brandon looked uncomfortable. “About three weeks.” He picked up the blue egg. “Do ye like this one? I got it for her on her twenty-forth birthday. Brian was about five and nearly dropped it on the stairs.”

Dirk nodded. Brandon and Brianna’s relationship had changed over the years. As youths, Brandon had sold out his sister to a metahuman research group. Brianna spent her teenage years in a prison, while Brandon served the same company that tweak her genes before she was even born. Once Brianna broke out, she joined Vanguard as ‘Banshee’. Vanguard fought Brandon’s Aisling metahumans, and Vanguard won. Brandon was nearly lobotomized by one of his own victims.

Things could have gone bad for both siblings. But Brianna found it hard to hold a grudge. She took Brandon to La Perdita, and slowly, his broken mind began to rebuild itself. He hearing was never saved though—which was the price he paid for trying to lock his sister in a cage all her life. Dirk wasn’t too familiar with what happened afterwards, but once Vanguard split up, Brandon got into his Swiss bank accounts and was rolling in money in no time. He spent most of it on Brianna and his nephew.

Brian Montag. Dirk was also unfamiliar with Grissom’s bastard son. However, that was probably one of the reasons Brianna had Brandon wake him up at two in the morning so he could hop on a red-eye to Ireland. “She just got sick all of a sudden?”

Brandon looked annoyed. “Not really. Look, this doesn’t leave this room, but Brianna did this herself.”

“Did this herself? You said over the phone her lungs were giving out.”

“Did you see the chicken coop outside?” Dirk shook his head. “Well, there aren’t any more chickens. We had a bad rain last year, and the coop collapse. I saved most of the chickens the next morning, but in two day’s time they were all dead. That’s where she got the idea, I think.”

Dirk wanted to look at the knives, but he knew that Brandon needed to see his mouth. “Brianna…wants to die?”

Brandon nodded. “That’s my theory. Let me fill ye in on something else. Danny was here three weeks ago, right before she got sick. She took him into the morning parlor—it’s her office, ye see. They were in their for about four hours. When Danny left, he was pissed. And Brianna was white as a ghost. The rain was coming down like sheets that night, and she slipped outside. This house is so big; sometimes we only see each other at mealtimes. Well, I didn’t find her until the next day around tea time.”

“And she was already sick?”

“Coughing up blood, and limp as a fish.” Brandon looked down. “It’s that damn avian DNA of hers. Her lungs were modified to pick up more oxygen and it was structured more like a bird’s system. And that’s what killing her right now.”

“But there are doctor’s here, right?”

It was impossible to remain composed. Brandon sat down on the Queen Anne’s chair and held his head in his hands. “She refused it all. Just enough to make herself comfortable.” He looked back up at his guest. “She’s not sick, Mr. Bell. Brianna’s dying.”

Dirk nodded. “But why call me? Why now?”

Brandon shrugged. “I have no clue.”

“Where’s her son?”

Brandon began mumbling…his slurred speech made it impossible for Dirk to make out the exact curse words he was using. “I called his flat in Oxford and all his cell phones. The stupid bastard is somewhere in London, I’m sure. He’s mother’s dying, and he’s probably getting a lap dance.”

“Right.” Dirk guess Brandon was in no mood to talk about Brian. “So can I see her now?”

Brandon nodded. “Up the stairs, take a right. She’s in the third bedroom on the left side. Join me for a nightcap afterwards?” Dirk pulled out his whiskey container out and grinned. “Excellent.” Brandon left for his office, where he had a mound of paperwork to tackle.

Dirk had no idea what to expect when he entered Brianna’s bedroom. Unlike the rest of manor, which smelled like plants and wood, this room smelled more like a hospital.
Brianna was lying in her mahogany bed. The years had been both kind and cruel to her. Her face was still youthful—it was impossible to believe she was only thirty-nine. Her hair had streaks of white though, and her recent illness had drained her face of color. She had always been thin, but now her collarbone and ribs stuck out of her skin, and Dirk could have wrapped his fingers around her arm. An IV was attached to her wrist, and her breathing was shallow and raspy. Her eyes flutter. They had once been bright and green, but now they were dull and the shade of an oak leaf. “Dirk…ye got my message.”

Never a overly kind person, and highly given to sarcasm, Dirk still managed to hold Brianna’s free hand. It was the least he could do. “I came as quickly as I could. What is it?”

Brianna turned her head towards the window. It was dusk, and a few birds were playing in the fountain outside. “Do you like the view? Brandon put the fountain out there for me.” She stopped smiling. “Danny was here recently.”

“I heard. Is that why you needed to see me?”

“He said things…he said things that bothered me.” She looked back at Dirk. “It was like seeing the clouds gather before a storm. I could feel my skin tighten, as it does before lightning strikes. Something bad is about to happen, Dirk.”

“And what? You think Danny’s going to assemble his little metahuman friends? Bring back Vanguard for one last glorious fight?”

Brianna took a deep breath. Dirk cringed at hearing the scratching sound. “You don’t understand. Vanguard is the bad thing that’s about to happen.”

The color drained from Dirk’s face. He knew some powerful people. People born with the ability to read minds and shatter buildings. Part of him always knew that while great power did mean great responsibility, he also followed Orwell’s opinion that power corrupted. Heroes and villains alike.

So what would happen if the good guys turned evil?

Despite the grim prediction, Brianna smiled. “I knew that would attract yer attention.” She took another raspy breath. “Look at the world around ye. Civilizations are stagnant. The Have-nots envy the Haves. Leaders are corrupt, and children are growing hungry. And if someone promised to solve everyone’s problems…at the cost of everyone’s freedom…then this would be the perfect time for a revolution.”

“That’s why Danny came?”

Brianna nodded. “I can level buildings, Dirk. I learned how to deafen entire armies and drive people insane with my screaming. I guess Danny thought I would be useful.”

“And you turned him down?”

Brianna didn’t say anything at first. She swallowed and looked back at the birds. “This is my answer. I’d rather be buried in an abandoned church than serving Hearn as a weapon. And I think…I think if I were to live, he’d find a way to break me. I can’t let him do that.” Dirk said nothing at first. After a few minutes, Brianna turned back to look at him. “I know yer not fond of metahumans…but I have to ask ye something. Was I really that evil to ye? I didn’t ask for any of this, you know.”

Dirk thought about lying, but Brianna’s dull eyes would see through any bluff. “I thought you were a silly naïve fool with more power than she would ever know how to use. It was hard to take you seriously. And then you were less a fool, and you were a little stronger. So then I thought you had the potential to be a threat to the entire planet.” He squeezed her hand. “But I suppose if this is your answer to an offer of power…well, I’m glad to find out for once in my life, I was wrong.”

The last comment made Brianna smile. “I don’t think yer as mean as you pretend to be.”

“I called you the ‘Feathered Bitch’, remember?”

“That’s true. Well, I think ye were a cocky bastard. I still think that. But that’s why I need ye.” Another raspy intake of air. “The time will come when the old guard and the new powers will have to make a choice. I know ye won’t follow Danny. In fact, I want ye to fight him.”

“You want me to wage a war against Danny Hearn so he doesn’t take over the planet? He was your friend.”
“Was.” Brianna looked cross. “And shouldn’t ye be happy? Ye were always the one that said Vanguard caused as many problems at it tried to solve. And that ‘absolute power corrupted absolutely’? Well, here’s yer proof, Dirk Bell. Ye were right the entire time!”


“Yer obnoxious, mean-spirited, ill-bred, sarcastic, and no one questions how paranoid ye are about a metahuman takeover.” She grinned. “The perfect foil for Danny.”

“I’m getting on in years, Banshee. And there will be others that will fight him.”

Her nails dug into the hand he was holding. “They’ll follow him, Dirk, I know they will. He was our leader once. We looked up to him.” Tears began to form. “I don’t think my own son will turn him down.”

“Brian? Come on, he hardly remember Danny. You left Vanguard before he was born.”

“It doesn’t matter. Brian…is not like me.” She bit her lip. “I failed to be a decent mother, in so many ways…” She looked back up at Dirk. “Promise me something. Please?”

Dirk rolled his eyes. “You’re already making me promise to lead an army, Brianna. What next?”

Brianna smiled weakly. “Ask my son to join ye. I know he’ll probably refuse. But maybe…maybe if ye told him it’s what I would have wanted…maybe he’ll redeem himself after all.”

Dirk patted the chilled hand. “Okay. If I raise this army, I’ll invite Brian. And if he doesn’t join me…I’ll make sure he’s given full quarter if we catch him.” He frowned. “You really want me to do this? You really think it’s going to come to fighting?” Brianna nodded. “Okay. Did Danny say how he was going to do it?”

“He didn’t give me any details. Just that those that didn’t join him would face the consequences.” Brianna blinked, suddenly remembering something else. “Dirk, please remember this too—Danny thinks he’s doing the right thing. He really thinks he’s just saving the day, like we use to when we were young.”

Dirk nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind. Hey, you must be getting pretty tired. I’ll let you get some sleep.”
“Thank you.” Brianna laid her head on her pillow. “I’m saving my strength for when Brian gets here. Brandon’s been lying to me for the past week. He said Brian went with Oxford’s football team to Dublin. For all my faults, I know my own son.”

“Goodnight Ban—Brianna.” Brianna’s eyes slowly closed. Dirk closed the door as quietly as he could and headed downstairs.

Brandon was already drunk. “I just placed the order for her casket. Ye must think it’s morbid of me. We Irish are good at doing two things. Drinking and dying.” He held up his whiskey. “Here’s my contribution to the reinforcement of the stereotype.”

Dirk poured himself a glass. He spent a few minutes filling Brandon in on what Brianna said. “Well, I’m glad you told me. I thought this…stunt of hers…was some way of escaping.”


Brandon gulped down another round. “She’s never stopped thinking of him. Montag’s bastard is running around England wasting my money on booze and she still dreams of him.”

“How long has he been dead? Fifteen years?”

“More or less.” Brandon looked somber. “I just sent another text message to Brian.” Brandon grinned stupidly. “Naturally, we don’t talk over the phone. But he needs to know his mother’s dying.”

“Hey, can I ask you something?”

“Shoot, cowboy.”

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that last part. Look, Brianna said the time for taking sides is coming up. Where do you stand?”

“Yer asking if I’m going to be a friend or foe? Good question.” He filled up his glass to the brim. “When Brianna dies, Brian and I will be all that remains of a impoverished family. Nothing to boast about. I know I talk about him like he’s the son of Satan…but I do love him. He’s my nephew!” The glass was empty again. “But it also means I know him well. You’re not going to convince him to join you. He’s…a dangerous boy. Spoiled. Unchecked. And he’ll side with Danny. And part of my will want to side with Danny because that’s where Brian will be. I have to look out for him. For his mother’s sake, I’ve got to take care of.” For a moment, Brandon didn’t look drunk. “Like she took care of me.”

“And the other part of you?”

“Well, hell’s bells, I’m no fucking metahuman. Why should I side with a power-mad Meta? I’m a rat, Mr. Bell, I do what I can to survive.” He leaned forward closer to Dirk. “If I have to split my alliances, so be it. Brian will still get his allowance from me. But don’t be afraid to ask for money either.”

Dirk stood up to shake Brandon’s hand. “I use to think you were a jerk.”

“Same here.”

“I still think you’re a jerk.”


Dirk headed back. As he got into his car, he saw Brandon at the window. He was holding the Faberge egg in his hand, muttering something. It looked like a prayer.

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Peacock Teaser
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Peacock Teaser
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Chapter Two: Oxford and Venice

It was seven o’clock in London. Brian Montag could hear his phone vibrating on the dresser. He tried to get up, but there was a thin pale arm wrapped around his waist. And other one around his right thigh. And another one around his left upper arm. He was completely naked, and so were the girls. He had vague memories of a night with martinis and dancing, but the buzz of the alcohol had still numbed his senses. Brian was twenty-one years old, and the world was his. Annoyed at the pile of bodies, he pulled the covers off the bed.

In unison, they all moaned and tried to find the covers. The blond began feeling for the sheets, and Brian was finally freed of his female entanglement. “What the…what time is it?”

“I dunno luv.” He grabbed his phone and let out a string of profanities. His uncle, Brandon Fiona, had left fifteen text messages during the night. Or had it been a week?

“Baby, are you going to take us out again tonight?” Brain turned around. It was the brunette speaking. Ah, now he remembered. He had left Oxford a few weeks ago for London. Oxford was dull, and Brian only went there because his mother wanted him to go. Although it did have its advantages. Girls loved Oxford men. It was easy to pick up girls that way.

Still naked, Brian grabbed a cigarette next to the cell phone and lit up. The three girls were all on their stomachs on the bed, giving him hungry looks. There was much to admire. The young Montag was muscular, with dirty-blonde hair and jaded eyes. His legs were built like a horse’s and his abs formed a perfect six-pack. They loved to look at the tattoo on his massive left shoulder. It was a raven in a series of Celtic knots. Brian liked ravens and crows. It was the destructive trickster in him.

Not that every part of him was attractive. He had inherited his father’s three-fingered hands. He never smiled, his hair was never tidy, and his eyes were constantly darting about the room, constantly looking for a fight. For a good reason too—men hated him, and he was constantly fighting in bars and pubs.

The black hair girl with the pierced navel got up and yawned. “You three have fun. I’ve got to take the bus to class. Otherwise my parents will freak.”

Brian’s eyes narrowed. “Stop right there. School?”

“Yeah,” she said, putting on the clothing she had dropped on the floor the night before. “Don’t worry, I’ll back by four. And it’s Friday, so we can go clubbing.”

Brian nearly dropped the cigarette. “Wait a moment. How old are ye?”

“Seventeen.” Brian nearly choked on his smoke.

“Stop being such a wanker, Oxford,” said the blonde. “We know you can’t bang Irish bitches until they’re eighteen.” She grabbed the cigarette from his mouth. “Over here, we bang at seventeen.”

The brunette began laughing. “You are so lucky her birthday was last week.”

Well, crisis averted. Now that he knew the police wouldn’t be barging into the hotel room, Brian’s spirits were lifted. He grabbed the black-haired girl by the waist and brought her to his own. “I might be gone this afternoon. For a week or so.”

She laughed as he patted her backside. Brian didn’t object as she ran her fingers through his dirty-blonde hair. “We can make you stay, luv.”

Brian scowled. “I tell ye, I can’t stay.” He was already making plans on how to get back to Clancy Hall.

The blonde grabbed his cell phone from the dresser. “I bet you’ve got some more girlfriends in another town! What, I thought what we gave you last night was good enough for ten men.”

Brian dropped the black-haired schoolgirl and leaped onto the bed. His pupil’s dilated and his lips for a sneer. “Give it back, bitch!” He pushed the brunette off the bed, but she managed to claw her nails into his back on the way down. He roared in anger and leaped onto the blonde. “Give me the fecking phone!”

All three girls looked terrified. The black-hair girl had her back against the wall. The brunette was still on the floor, spooked. The blonde rolled off the bed, covering herself in the sheets. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Ye have no bloody clue, do ye?” Brian grabbed his jeans. He pulled out his wallet and tossed some bills onto the bed. “Go buy yerself some breakfast. I’m leaving for Ireland right now. Don’t worry, I won’t call.”

“You think we’re prostitutes or something? We don’t want your bloody cash!”

He was almost out the door, but turned around. “Oh really? You don’t mind me taking you drinking and to parties for…what has it been now? Five days? Plus the hotel room? But cash offends your modesty?” He tossed another bill on the bed, just to spite them. “Keep the change.” He grabbed another cigarette from his pocket. “And don’t bother looking me up.”

*** *** ***

A few hours later in Venice, the sun was also rising on another child of Vanguard. Like Brian Montag, Eddie Cicciotto was not too fond of his father. And like Brian, Eddie could not help but act like his father. Unlike Brian, however, Eddie did not lose himself in the arms of female companions and then dismiss them as ships in the night. It was hard for women to be attached to Eddie anyways.

The apartment floor was littered in a week’s worth of newspapers and delivery food. Also scattered amongst the debris were small bags. In the course of three nights, over seventeen hundred dollars with of drugs had been consumed.

Eddie groaned and turned onto his back, starring at the ceiling. He had no idea how long had had been there. He was suddenly hungry. He went over the small fridge. It was empty. “Merda.”

Finishing a box of crackers, he saw his reflection in the mirror. Instead of dark blackish-brown hair like most of his countrymen, Eddie’s head was covered in a dozen snakes. They moved their heads, this way and that, darting their eyes all over the room. He could see it all.

The snakes were a present from Knell. Like Brianna, Eddie had animal DNA inserted into his own genome. But that’s where the similarity ended. Eddie was also a clone of ‘Euro’ Cicciotto. He had the same powers as his ‘father’—flight, control of his own body density, phase shifting, and superspeed.

And he had done jack about them after his father died.
He was still only a boy with Vanguard broke up. At first, he tried hanging around them, hoping at least one of them would take him in. But the remaining members were too busy with their own lives. Brianna’s attention was devoted to her new infant son. Phil and Leslie were too in love with each other to notice the boy. Bruteforce tried to take him in, but Eddie realized quickly that he was better on his own. And he was.

Eddie was a smart kid, and it wasn’t hard for him to find a way to get to his father’s homeland of Italy. There aren’t too many options for a younger with snakes for hair. But it made perfect sense for Eddie to wander about the countryside, making money in fairs and at festivals.

Which is where he learned to pickpocket.

Ten years after Vanguard broke up, Eddie was bored with his nomadic lifestyle. He settled for Venice. Something about the town’s morbid fascination with masks appealed to him. Unlike Brian, Eddie didn’t have a rich uncle that pampered him in his youth. He made money by himself at first, and then he help make money for others. The son of one of Earth’s greatest heroes was nothing more than an errand boy for criminals. Too big to be a thug and too small to be a gangster, Eddie used his father’s skills to avoid punishment. He had learned to avoid people all his life.
The phone rang, and it surprised Eddie enough that he jumped. Once he recovered his senses, he picked up the phone. “Hello?”

“Eddie Cicciotto?”

A few of the snakes were rubbing their scales against the phone’s handle. “What do you want? If this is about the shipment…”

“I’m here to talk business, but not the business that you’re use to. Eddie, this is your uncle Danny!”

Eddie let out another curse word. He recognized the voice and the accent. “What the hell? Danny Hearn?”

“Bingo. Hey, I’m in Venice. We should really do lunch.”

Eddie looked out his window. No one was there. “There’s not a cop in Italy that can catch me. How the hell do you know where I live?”

“Um…hello? Nose of dog, ears of bat, and wings of condor. Trust me, Eddie. When I want to find someone, they are found.”

Eddie began pacing. “Okay, you have my undivided attention. What is it?”

“I’m having a meeting. A big meeting. I’ve seen you in action, Eddie. I think it’s about time Vanguard reformed. And you’re the first person on my list.”

Eddie looked around the dump of a room. It had been seven weeks since anyone called him. As if afraid to lose the precious voice, Eddie hugged the phone closer to he ear. “I’m listening.”

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Chapter Three: The Death of the Banshee

“Where the hell have ye been?”

Brian, standing on the front steps of Clancy Hall, looked at his uncle. Brandon was pissed. Boiling pissed. He replied back in sign language. Due to his strange hands, Brian was unable to use a real form of sign language, but even as a child, he and Brandon had developed a special code of their own. “I was in London. I came as soon as I got the message.”

“Ye mean as soon as you ran out of money and women. Three bloody weeks, Brian, three bloody weeks.” He grabbed his nephew and started fumbling with his clothing.

“What the hell are you doing? Ye think I have drugs on me or something?”

“The only thing I expect to fall out of yer pockets is a bleeding condom.” Brandon’s breath smelled like alcohol. “Thank God at least one of us is sober. Yer mother’s in her bedroom. Tuck in yer shirt.”

“What the hell does she want with me? Ye dragged me out of London just because she has a fecking cold—”

That was too much for Brandon. He grabbed Brian by his hair with his left hand and drove his right hand into Brian’s jaw a dozen times. “Yer mother’s dying, you daft calf! She’s been dying for three whole weeks.”

Brian dropped to the ground. His forehead hit the stone steps. “Mum? What do ye mean, dying?”

“Her lungs are failing. She’s just been waiting for ye. You’re an ungrateful whelp of a son, but for some stupid reason, she wants to see ye.”

Brian walked past Brandon. His uncle gave him an icy cold star before going into his office. Brian gripped the stairway rail and pulled himself up the stairs. Suddenly, things had become a dream. Dying? Uncle Brandon just said she was sick. He didn’t say dying.

As a boy, he had often snuck into his mother’s room. Her wooden chest had a collection of his grandfather’s swords, and he spent dozens of lazy afternoons pretending to be a pirate king or a musketeer. His father’s knife collection was there too. He did not remember his father, but the shiny daggers and blade fascinated him.

The room had lost its welcoming air. The deep green and red bed sheets had been replaced by simple white cotton ones. The ornate pillows were all gone, replaced by an IV. “Mum?”

Brianna was still napping. Brian shut the door, and the noise woke her up from her nap. She turned her head and smiled slowly. “Brian…”

“Mum,” he leaned down and grabbed her hand. “It’s all right. I’m here.”

As if instinct, he grabbed the shoulder of her nearest wing. It was a source of comfort to him, to feel those great grayish-brown feathers. Some kids had stuffed animals to play with. Brian’s mother had real wings. When he was real little, she use to carry him across rooftops. And when she was cleaning or doing errands around the house, he use to sneak up on her and start tugging her wings. If he wanted to wake her up from a nap or if he wanted her attention, all he had to do was pull her feathers out. The pain hurt Brianna, but she didn’t care, because he was her little prince.

The wing had lost almost all its feathers. Brian looked around the room. On the nights when the sky roared of thunder, he could leave his little bedroom and hop into her giant mahogany bed. And if his mum had a boyfriend with her, he’d just have to put up with a three-year-old for the night. Which is probably why his mum had lots of boyfriends that only stayed for a while.

It was her boyfriends that made him hate his missing father. Grissom Montag had been a devote boyfriend to Vanguard’s Banshee. He had tamed his wild nature to match a pace with her. He was slowing himself down so she could keep up with him. And for a while, it worked. Namely because the constant threat of being killed by their enemies made no time for infidelity.

But after a while, when there was more breathing time, Montag went back to his ways. The temptations had returned. Brianna, always the naïve one, did not think much about it. Until the day when she went to go to bed and found him already there. With someone he met at the pub.

It was around that time that Vanguard was weakening. Grissom was gone, wandering the globe, looking to increase his worldly goods and trying to forget what he had left behind. Without their leader, Vanguard simply dissolved. Brianna realized she was alone on a strange island without any of her friends and three months pregnant. Brandon, released from the asylum and back in fortune, was ready to return the kindness his sister had given him. He gave her half of Clancy Hall, and anything else she wanted.

No one would say that Brandon did not try to be a good uncle to Brian. And Brianna, hardly able to take care of herself, did try to be a good mother. But Brian had the bad luck of having a mother who been hidden all her life from normal people and an uncle that, up until his time in asylum, never cared about anyone else’s feelings but his own. Brian was given everything he ever wanted. His uncle never punished him for his tantrums, and his mother always tried to find a way to pacify him with a new gift. By the time Brianna and Brandon realized that Brian had been brought up poorly, they had no way of controlling him. He terrified them both. Brianna would drag him to confessions, and Brandon would pay off the damage done in the bar fights.

Brandon did not like Grissom. It was hard to like someone that had left your sister pregnant and alone halfway across the globe. He had tried to trace the bandit, but for five years, but to no luck. Then a simple e-mail from one of his contacts in Turkey. Grissom had been killed in a drunken bar fight in Istanbul. Brandon pressed for more details. “He died in the bar, with multiple stab wounds. He was doing very well in the beginning of the fight—three men were already down. And then suddenly, he just gave up. It’s like he just lost interest. And they overtook him. He was shouting a woman’s name incoherently and clutching a necklace. They buried him in a state cemetery.”

And so, Grissom Montag died in a faraway country, alone and outnumbered, the name of the only women he truly loved on his lips at his last breath. Meanwhile in Ireland, his son was growing up with an uncle who did not believe in discipline and a mother who was hoping each new fling would bring back the man she had lost. And at the same time, make her forget him.

Brian hated her suitors, and he assumed that’s what his father was like. Falsely flattering, dismissive of him, and controlling of her. She was looking for romance, and all they saw were bright green eyes and deep red hair. She had the body of an expensive dancer, but the heart of Penelope waiting for Odysseys. They never understood that part of her. His mother was never actually happy. Brian was too preoccupied with himself to notice this, but now, at twenty-one, he had a vague understanding of his childhood selfishness.

“I would have gotten here sooner if I had known.”

“Hush, hush.” She placed her hand on his check. “I know ye would have.”

“Why don’t ye get the doctors?”

“I’m tired, Brian. I’m too tired. I was never that strong. I’m ready to go rest.” He brushed the stray hair off her face. “Don’t cry because of me, Brian.”

He knew the end was coming near. Her eyes were hardly moving anymore. It was strange to Brian. He had always taken his mother’s presence for granted. And now, when he would find himself truly alone for the first time, he did not want to see her go. “I’m sorry I was such a bad son.” Brianna tried to interrupt, but he stopped her. “Seriously. I’ve squandered and gambled and…lots of things. Mean things. And I was so mean to ye and Uncle Brandon.”

“Maybe. But I was a bad mother. I…I let ye become this. I spent my entire youth caged, so I let ye grow up wild.” She laughed weakly. “We only get one shot of parenthood. So I love ye, mistakes and everything.”

Brian placed her head close to his shoulder. “Well, we have one more shot, don’t we? Come on, I use to pretend all sort of things in this room. Let’s pretend that ye were the perfect mum, and I was the perfect son. I laughed with ye all the time, and ye never cried, and I was never mean to ye.” The tears rolled down Brian’s cheek and landed on her forehead. “And I never got in trouble with the police and ye never got sick…got sick…”

“Yeah,” said Brianna. “And I never tried to bribe ye with expensive gifts or hide boyfriends and I took ye to the park every Sunday afternoon. And even when I left, I knew ye would be okay, and that ye would make the right choices. Ye would make the right choices, even when everyone else around you made the wrong ones…and we would always laugh, and never cry…”

And, sobbing, Brian Montag fell asleep, his head propped against the side of his mother’s bed. Brianna, her little hand still in his, drifted off as well.

*** *** ***

It was late in the afternoon when Brian finally woke up. Brianna was dead. Her lips were slightly pouted, and her eyes were mostly closed. But no rasping sound came from her chest, and her hand was limp. At least in death, some of her old beauty came back. Her lips had some of their rosy pink, and her face seemed less drained.

Brian pulled the white sheet over her and went downstairs. The Faberge eggs were still there, next to the knives. Brian picked one up and dropped it on the floor. It shattered into a hundred little pieces, scattering all over the wood floor. He looked back the display shelf. Three more eggs remained. He dropped them all. The floor was littered with little pieces of blue, red, gold, and green glass. When he was done, he heard a voice in his uncle’s study.

“Ye just broke five million dollars with of museum-quality glass. Come over here. Ye need the whiskey more than I do.”

Brian was rarely allowed in his uncle’s office. He only came in there to be lectured. Brandon’s office was very old fashion, and Brian was kind of scared of it, even as an adult.

Brandon also had an entire bar. He poured Brian a drink. “So, she’s gone now.”

“Aye,” was all Brian could say. He still felt as though he was walking around in the dream. His mother would come downstairs soon, and offer to make him dinner or ask about college. “So I guess she’s with my father now, right? Or do ye think she’s in heaven and he’s in hell? Or do ye think both of them are in hell. Ye told me they weren’t married.”

Brandon set his glass down. “I’m not a theologian…but if there’s any truth about divine punishment and reward…well, God’s been punishing those two all their lives. Maybe they earned a little reward.”

“I just want to get fecking wasted right now.”

“Well,” said Brandon, pouring another glass. “I’ve got some good stuff in here. Don’t worry, in a few minutes, all our problems will be gone.”

Sure enough, within an hour, both men were on sofas, trying to pour another round into their glasses. “Oh, God, do you remember the Christmas when she got me that drum set? I must have drilled everyone awake for two whole weeks before I punched a hole in it. Uncle Brandon, I don’t think I’ve gotten this drunk in a while.”

“Well, I killed my lizard—I mean my liver, about twelve days ago. See, that’s when I realize she wasn’t just sick. Don’t bother doing sign language while drunk, ye daft boy. I can’t see anymore. Let me just lean closer…ah, now I can see ye speak.”

Brian tried to drink straight from the bottle. His throat was burning. “She said something real weird too. Something about me making the right choices when she was gone. Do ye know what she was talking about?”

Brandon had been grinning like an idiot for several minutes. Now his face looked more serious. “There’s a strong chance two men will contact ye soon. Two men with very different plans for the world.” Brandon went on to explain about Bell and Hearn.

“Right. So which one is the right choice?”

Brandon leaded back in his chair. “Bell. He’s not going to try to dominate the planet.”

Brian nodded. He took a good look at his uncle. “Ye don’t expect me to make the right choice, do you?”

Brandon didn’t say anything for a while. He just swirled the drink in his glass. And when he finally spoke, it was a quieter tone. “No, I don’t think ye will.”

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Chapter Four: Danny

Brian had received two calls the next morning. Both Dirk and Danny were sorry about the loss of his mother. Both wanted to see him as soon as possible. Danny’s meeting was first. That afternoon, Brian was with his uncle in the church cemetery. Uncle Brandon’s prayers were drowned by the wind. A fitting funeral for a banshee.

That evening, Brian was en route to Australia, where Danny told him to come. A short taxi ride led to an office building. Brian pressed the speaker. “Brian Montag?” asked a computerized voice. “You’re two hours late. Everyone else has already assembled. Please, step inside.”

Brian walked in. It was like looking at one of his mother’s photo albums. Familiar faces were everywhere. True, many of them had aged, but Brian could still figure out who was who. And even with the younger, less familiar faces, there were enough traces of their parents’ features for Brian to conclude who had died and left children.

“You might want to toss the cigarette.”

Brian turned around. “Hey, I know ye. You’re Paragon, aren’t ye?”

The older man nodded. “That’s right. And you must be Brian Montag. Danny informed us of what happened to your mother.” He shook the boy’s hand. “She was a very strong woman. I didn’t know if you realized it.”

“Thanks.” Brian had no time for empty words. “So who’s here?”

“Well, I brought the living members of Vanguard Europe.” He pointed to a dark-haired man in an expensive business suit. “That is Tommy Foxe. Shape shifting abilities, although now I hear he practices law. The gentleman he’s talking to is Link Fox.” Paragon noticed Brian looked confused. “No relation. Link is far older than he looks. And has the ability to regenerated body parts. Very useful in a fight.”

Brian spotted two men talking to each other. One of them was about as old as his mother, and the other was about twenty or thirty years his senior. “Ah,” said Paragon, “you see Icarus Sidewinder and Ozzy Baxter. Icarus is still conducting research programs with his father in Europe, I believe. He’s not quite the hotshot he was in his youth, but he’s never lost his sense of humor. Baxter was retired and living in the US. Did you know he was a close friend of your mothers?”

Brian shook his head. Paragon motioned to a woman talking to a clocked figure. “Oh, and there is Lady Lykopis. I haven’t seen her in many years, actually. We’ve talked very little since she left Vanguard.” He caught Brian admiring the body. “She hasn’t aged a day. That’s her power, you see. She’s been around since before the Romans. My top fighter. But I wouldn’t admire her too much. Her name translates to ‘Bitch’.”

Brian nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind. She left Vanguard before it broke up?”

“Yes.” Paragon adjusted his collar. “The VE branch was under attack by an old adversary of hers, and in her rage, she killed the adversary’s second in command. Turned out he was her son. She never got over that.” He bit his lip. “I wish Danny hadn’t invited her. She’s changed since Jason’s death. She doesn’t care who she kills or hurts anymore. She doesn’t understand mercy.” He gave Brian a puzzled look. “It’s sad, isn’t it? When mothers and sons are at odds with each other? It’s an unnatural thing, really. Nothing good ever happens.”

Brian suspected Paragon knew more about his own situation than he was letting Brian know. “That’s everyone in yer team? I thought it was bigger.”

“Well, twenty years ago, it was. Drake Marshall died defending his hometown about twelve years ago. No one contacted his daughter, I believe. Edmund Gaunt…has simply disappeared. He is either dead or does not wished to be found. Both Adem Different and Victor Riley are dead. The circumstances to both deaths, much to my displeasure, have never been fully understood. We had a secretary at one point too, but she will killed by one of Sidewinder’s foes when the HQ was attacked.’

Brian nodded. “So yev kept yourself busy all these years?”

Paragon shrugged. “I’ve always been a businessman. But I see I’m starting to bore you. Danny’s still is making arrangements for the meeting. I am going to have a word with Tommy for a moment. See you later.”

The clocked figure that Lykopis had been talking too had made Brian curious. He walked over to the immortal Amazon. It was true; Lykopis had not aged in body. But her lips formed a sneer, and her eyes had the guilty evil of a criminal. She spotted Brian Montag and left the hooded figure. “Who are ye?” asked Brian.

“Eddie Cicciotto,” came the accented reply. “And you’re Brian Montag.” Eddie pulled off the clock. Brian turned pale at the sight of all the snakes, but then regained his composure. “I’ve heard all about you. You’re the son of that overly honorable Banshee. Everyone’s talking like you’re not at all like her.”

Despite the cold and rude attitude, Brian found the honest opinion flattering. “No, I’m not her at all.” Quick as lightning, he grabbed Eddie by the neck. Having three fingers didn’t make Brian’s grip weaker. “But, Snake-boy, if ye insult my mum one more time, I’m gonna break every one of their necks. Will you feel that?”

“Understandable.” Brian let go of the neck. “I saw you as a infant. I’m not that much older than you, actually.”

“Do you know who most of the people are? Paragon told me about Vanguard Europe, but he said nothing about the main branch.”

“Well, keep in mind, I didn’t really follow the team after it split up. I know who’s dead, but I don’t know how. There’s Phil Smith. His then-girlfriend use to be on the team as well, but she died after they got married. The man who let you inside is actually an alien computer program by the name of Jym. He came with some alien tourist by the name of Adem Different.”

“I hear he’s dead,” said Brian.

“That’s what I heard as well. Let’s see…who else is there? Oh. Axel. Have you met him yet?” Brian shook his head, so Eddie pointed towards a young man, about ten years older than Brian, talking to a dark-haired woman. “Axel Magnus. He was still just a boy when the team broke apart.” Eddie grinned. “One hell of a sorcerer though.”

Eddie looked around the room. “That’s actually all that’s left of the original team, actually.” He looked back at Brian. “The rest of them are some of the offspring of the original members.” Brian noted the use of ‘offspring’ instead of children. “I don’t know much about Persephone, but she has to be Grimm’s daughter. And did your mother tell you about Tayden? He was some sort of fallen angel. See the man with the green skin and blonde hair? That’s his son, Abner. He’s a lot like his father, apparently. Powerful…and charismatic. He’s talking to Morphina. Her parents for Morpheus and Nyx of the Pantheon.” Morphina had a tan body and inky-black hair and dark eyes. Abner said something amusing, and Morphina laughed at his joke. Brian liked those eyes.

Brian looked at another group of men. They were half-joking, half-fighting with each other. “And I recognize the B-team when I see it…or in this case, their children.”

“Points Mr. Montag. Very observant.”

Brian scowled. “Don’t call me Montag. I don’t like it.”

Eddie laughed. “You aren’t so different from me, are you? Two little juvenile delinquents without proper paternal influences.” Brian didn’t say anything. “However, judging by the lack of winged appendages on you back and the fact that you haven’t teleported yourself a drink, I’d say the only thing you inherited was your father’s hands. And maybe something else from him as well? I bet you break a lot of hearts. Still, Danny wants to see you before the meeting, just the two of you.” Eddie patted his pocket. “I’m going for a smoke.”

“Maybe I’ll join ye later. I may need another cigarette.”

Eddie laughed. “Si, well, then you might want to look elsewhere. I’m not into tobacco. It ruins your teeth, you know.”

Brian found Danny in the hallway. “Ye wanted to see me?”

Danny’s hair had started to gray at the temples, but little else had changed. He gave Brian a warm grin and shook the young man’s hand. “Come on into the office. I saw you talking to Eddie and Paragon. I trust they helped you figure out who’s who?”

“More or less.” Brian stepped inside the office. “I heard ye went to go see my mum before she died.”

“Yeah I did.” Danny sat down in his chair. He folded his fingers in front of his lips. “I really wish she hadn’t gotten sick. She was just the person I was looking for.” He looked back up at Brian. “So I take it Brianna mentioned something about my business with her and you?”

“Actually, I only know a little.” Brain wasn’t stupid enough to mention his uncle. Better that Danny thought Uncle Brandon was ignorant of the entire thing. “Ye want to bring back Vanguard.”

Danny nodded. “I plan on discussing it with everyone, but I wanted to speak to you in private first. I know you’ve had a rough life, and I’m sorry your mother’s friends were never there to help.”

“I think I’m doing fine,” said Brian.

“Brianna told me a lot about you. But there was one thing she didn’t mention at all. This may sound like a strange thing, but everyone else here has some sort of power. Even some of the children of Vanguard, like Eddie and Abner, have inherited their parents’ powers. But Brianna didn’t say anything about you.” He looked down at Brian’s hands. “You don’t teleport, do you? And no sonic scream?”

Brian’s hand formed a fist. “I have one trick. I just don’t use it that much.”

“A trick? Why don’t you use it?”

Brian looked up. “Hold on, I’ll show ye.”

Danny looked on. Brian’s fist tightened and he focused his eyes on the ceiling. He gritted his teeth. Danny still had no idea what he was watching. Then, out of nowhere, Brian shot up into the air. His head struck the ceiling, and he fell back onto the carpeted floor. He clutched his pained forehead in his hands.

“So you can levitate?”

Brian frowned. “For what it’s bloody worth! Some skill, eh? I shoot straight up, except it always ends the same way—me ungracefully falling.”

Danny shrugged. “You just need to learn how to control it.”

“Oh, and I suppose ye can teach me?”

Danny frowned. “Better than Dirk can, I assure you. Better not let him know you can even do that.”

Brian got up. “Aye, I’ll keep that in mind.”

Danny looked at his watch. “Well, well, well. Time for the meeting to begin. ‘Vanguard, assemble!’”

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Chapter Five: Vanguard Prime

The old guard of Vanguard and their children settled into the chairs and sofas arranged in a semi circle. Morphina and Persephone sat next to each other, chatting away about some recent trip to Spain. Brian could overhear bits of their conversation, which bored him. He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. Eddie and Axel spotted him and sat in the sofa next to him. “Eddie told me you are Grissom Montag’s son. I knew him before Vanguard split up.”

Brian raised an eyebrow. “Well I thought I told Eddie that I really didn’t care about my father that much.”

“Stop being an ass,” said Eddie. The snakes on his head snapped their jaws at him. “Didn’t you know your father led Vanguard for a time?”

Brian leaned forward. “Again, ye keep on talking about him like he was really something. Isn’t it funny? I’ve never seen my own dad, but ye two have.” He leaned back into his sofa. “Like I said before, I’ve nothing to do with him. Keep on talking about him Eddie, and I swear by all the saints that I’ll take those damned appendages of yours and tie them all together.”

Axel laughed. “Ouch. The Banshee’s boy is a mean one.”

The compliment was enough to lighten Brian up. “Now you see why I don’t get along with other people.”

Danny called for silence. “Okay, Vanguard—Blackwulf, stop chewing on the loveseat.”

“Is so tasty, comrade!” was all Blackwulf, Jr. would say.

“Anyways,” said Danny, grinning, “I’d like to thank you all for coming. I’d like to get to business right away.

“For those of you that were in Vanguard, this part isn’t meant for you. It’s meant for those with us tonight that never fought with the team. Years ago, we saved this planet countless times. Sometimes it was crazed metahumans, sometimes acts of nature, sometimes, political upheaval. Whatever the reason was, we were always ready to do what’s right.”

Paragon said nothing, but folded his arms. Only Lykopis and Danny noticed this. “And now, look at the world that we saved so many times. World leaders are corrupt. Presidents and Prime Ministers give into blackmail and bribery. The UN is no more. You can’t tell the difference between third-world countries and once prosperous nations. People in America are starving. There’s martial law in Paris. Even here in Australia, disorder and discord are the laws of the land. They said in the news last night that a child prison camp was discovered on the Chinese and Mongolian border. What’s next? Maybe the end of the world really is near.

“Vanguard needs to come back. Together, we can actually save this planet. We’re not fighting monsters or metas this time. We’re fighting corruption and misery. But look at us—we’re Vanguard!

“What I’m proposing is radical, I know. I know what some of you are thinking—‘Danny Hearn wants to set up a worldwide dictatorship. Silly Australian!’ I don’t want to take over the planet, guys, I just want to try and stabilize it. But I’m going to need your help. Were going to need leaders than can coordinate efforts to restore law and order.”

“And once law and order is restore?” asked Paragon.

Danny eyed the old Vanguard Europe leader. “Simple. We give it back to the people.”

“Just like that? Let them have their courts and office buildings back at the drop of a hat?”

Lykopis, who was sitting next to Paragon, tried to calm him down. “What Hearn is proposing is not that radical. I have seen first-hand what happens with civilization becomes unchecked. Hearn merely wants to try and fix things so that the world will be able to stand on its own again.” She looked at Danny. “I will join you, Mr. Hearn.” What no one else in the room knew was that Danny had been in contact with Lykopis for weeks now. She had already pledged her loyalty to her new captain.

Paragon looked at Lykopis and understood the consequences of his words. He yawned and stood up. “Even if I had the will to get back to the business, I still wouldn’t join you.” He looked around at the younger guests. “This man you are all so eager to follow will fall. All of you will taste power, and will refuse to give it up. This is not how to win this war. Goodbye, Danny. And goodbye to all of you. I want no part in this.”

Paragon got up and left. Lykopis stood up and tried to follow him. “Lykopis let him go. It’s clear that he’s not with us.” Lykopis sat back down. Danny addressed the rest of the room. “I told you someone would think I was talking about a dictatorship. I want to assure you all that I have no intention of permanently seizing power. But I expect leadership out of all of you the join me. We’re going to need individual governors of critical areas. And we’re going to be joined by other metahumans. Jym has already prepped me with a list of potential new members.

“I’m asking you to help me save the world again. Help me, and I’ll reward you for your services. Everyone will want to reward you.”

*** *** ***

Persephone and Morphina headed towards a small office in the building. “Well,” began Persephone, “what did you make of the whole thing?”

Morphina bit her lip. Both her parents had an extreme sense of patience—being the god of sleep and the goddess of the night did that to you—and Morphina had same calmness that allowed her to analyze such a situation. Persephone, on the other hand, was a walking contradiction. Her parents had been the avatars of life and death. Kind and cruel, chaotic and orderly.

But the two girls were inseparable. They even looked alike—to a degree. Both had inky black hair and pale skin. Persephone was a little taller, but her hair had a strange white streak, and purple eyes. Morphina had shorter hair in tight curls, and her eyes were blue. “Danny is right about the world’s situation, I’ll give him that. But he’s asking us to help him set up a police state! You can’t agree with that!”

Persephone leaned up against a wall. “Danny’s plan will work though. Besides, did Paragon have a better idea? I don’t think so. Paragon’s old, otherwise, he’d be leading the advance.”

Morphina shook her head. “Paragon’s not like that. I can’t see him trying to take over the world, even if he was twenty years younger.” She brushed a strand of hair back. “Besides, I doubt your parents would have either.”

Persephone did not waver in her opinion. “Grimm was a friend of Danny. If more of the older members of Vanguard were still alive, Danny wouldn’t even need our help.” Persephone looked at her friend. In some ways, Morphina was so much younger. “And don’t tell me Nyx wouldn’t have seen Danny’s solution as the only practical approach.”

Morphina grabbed her friend’s shoulder. “Do you really think that? Come on, you’re just lying to yourself to justify your final choice. Think, Persephone, think! Drake Marshall—would he have followed this path to Hell? What about Chance? Bruteforce? I think he would be above such an idea as well.”

Persephone waved her hand, dismissing the ideas. “I’m not going to second-guess the choices of a few dead men. I’m making this choice for myself. And I chose to side with Hearn.”

Morphina couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She and Persephone had been friends for most of their lives. They spent most of their time together. Sometimes, they would travel around the world, exploring new countries and cities. Both of them had their parents’ sense of justice, and a few criminals and gangsters found themselves imprisoned when the pair played tourist. Other times, they would accompany Lykopis on one of her treasure hunts. She was the one that taught them how to fight with weapons, and not just with their powers.

“Persephone, for the first time in our lives, you’ve taken a path that I cannot follow.” She tried not to choke on her tears. “And my path is easy to see. Since I refuse to join Hearn, I am forced to fight him. The next time we see each other, we will be enemies.”

Morphina had never been the brave one of the pair. Her newfound courage surprised Persephone. “So that’s your choice? You’ll turn against your best friend?”

Morphina nodded. She was angered, but she also could not ignore the pain she was feeling. “Goodbye, my friend.”

The lights in the room dimmed. Morphina, after all, was the daughter of the goddess of night. By the time the lights were back on, Morphina was miles away, hiding herself from any repercussions of turning Hearn down. Persephone looked about the room. For the first time in years, she felt strange being by herself. “Goodbye, my friend. I hope with both survive this war.”

*** *** ***

Tommy Foxe, Link Fox, and Icarus Sidewinder found a corner of the building where no one could overhear them. “That stupid harpy of an Amazon,” said Icarus. “She’s always been a little strained, but she’s finally snapped.” He turned to Link. “You saw the way she and Danny looked at Paragon when he walked out. Like wolves that have picked out their sheep.”

“Paragon can take care of himself,” said Tommy.

“From Lykopis? Sure. From Danny? I believe that. But Danny and Lykopis?” Link nodded in agreement.

Tommy saw his point. “Okay. So I take it none of you are going in on Danny’s little operation?”

Link shook his head. “Paragon said what the rest of us were thinking.”

“Yeah,” said Tommy. “But if everyone else was thinking the same thing, then there’s a chance Lykopis and Danny will be on their own, right?”

“Did you see who else was in the room?” hissed Icarus. Link motioned for him to lower his voice. “Did you see? Danny has it made. Eddie Cicciotto? Oh, it wouldn’t take much to turn his will around. He’s a punk. Same with Axel and Brian. Danny’s their new daddy!”

Link spoke next. “I think you’re right. What about the two Goth girls?” Both Icarus and Tommy admitted they had no idea. “And Phil?”

Tommy laughed. “Phil’s not evil.”

Icarus didn’t look so please. “No. But he hasn’t been the same since his wife died. He’s like Lykopis, actually. Both are broken on the inside. If Danny could get Lykopis, he might be able to get Phil. And besides, Phil’s a telepath. He has to join Danny, otherwise he’s too powerful of an opponent.” Icarus thought about it further. “If Phil refused, he’d be dead. It’s as simple as that.”

Link looked around the room. Perhaps they were being overheard. The thought of Phil being killed for refusing the invitation made all three men realize the same thing—they were targets too. “We need to get out of here then.”

“And do what?” asked Icarus.

“Find Paragon and get into hiding. Now.”

Icarus and Tommy looked at each other. It had really come to this. “I really should get to my shop then,” said Icarus. “I’ll need to pick up a few things that might help us.”

“Then you sign your own death warrant.” Icarus looked at Link, surprised by his cold tone. “Oh come on. The first place they’ll look is our old haunting grounds.”

Icarus nodded. “We can’t go to Munich either. Or your estate. Nor Tommy’s office. Where should be go then?”

Link’s eyes lit up. “London. We’re going to London.”

“London?” Icarus had to be hushed again. “That’s suicide. We know Brian’s going to join Danny. Nine chances in ten Danny’s going to give him the entire UK as his playground. Do you really think we stand a chance?”

“Yes. Paragon told me about one of his safe houses.” Link leaned into his friends’ ears and whisper the name of an apartment. “See you there in…twelve hours?”

Icarus adjusted his flight pack. “Sure thing. And if something happens on the way there…I know it’s been years since we’ve fought together. I know you guys always saw me as the prankster. I couldn’t hold a serious thought in my head to save my life.” Link and Tommy nodded faintly and grinned. “But twenty years does a lot to a guy. I just want you guys to know that I’ve always been proud to be flying with you guys. I couldn’t think of anyone else I’d rather be risking it all with.”

Link smiled. “It’s been a pleasure, gentlemen. Twelve hours.”

*** *** ***

“The entire B-team has joined on,” said Danny, playing with a dagger belonging to Lykopis. “They were easy. So eager to join Vanguard. It’s amazing to think a name has that much power. I think that’s the only reason Abner joined.”

Lykopis was leaning on the wall opposite of Danny’s desk. “Yes, that part was easy. Persephone has already spoken to me.” She looked downcast. “Morphina, however, left town. She wants no part in this.”

“Well, add her to the list.” Lykopis obeyed, writing the name down on a pad of paper she carried in her pocket.

“What about the other ‘orphans’?”

“Eddie and Axle have already approached me. They want in. This pleases me to no end. Eddie’s going to be very useful in stage one. And Brian just left the office before you arrived. He’s joining us as well.”

Lykopis looked confused. “I thought you did not care about the son of Montag. You told me the Banshee would have been more useful in your plans.” She gave Danny an odd stare. “You did not kill her, did you?”

“No. Did you?” Lykopis shook her head. “Well, she really did just choose to die. Amazing.” He remembered the question Lykopis had asked. “Actually, I have just discovered the boy does have powers. He can levitate. Sort of. I think I can teach him a few tricks. Maybe Phil can help out with that. But he’s going to Eddie on his first mission next week, assuming he has better control of his skills.”

“What about his uncle? Granted, Mr. Fiona has no powers, but he could be a power alley.”

“I’ve given that some thought. He and Brandon are dependent on each other. By getting Brian, I get Brandon too.”

Lykopis looked at her list. “Phil said Link, Tommy, and Icarus left at about the same time. He also said he had no idea where they are going.” She put the paper away. “And I have no idea where they might have gone, either.”

“But you know where Paragon is, right?” Lykopis nodded. “Good.” Danny cracked his knuckles. “Tommy Foxe will have to take a plane to get out of here. Intercept him at the airport. Then head to Munich. I’ll contact you if I can find where Dirk is hiding. He’s the only one that refused the invitation.”

Lykopis nodded. It was time for the wolf to go hunting.

*** *** ***

Paragon still had the keys to the old VE building. He let himself in, keeping the door unlocked. This was the point twenty years ago where he would say “Morning, Penny.” And Penny, already at work at six-thirty in the morning, would already have his paperwork ready for him, plus a tray of tea and biscuits. She would smile and get back to work, unless Paragon pressed her with questions about her mother’s health or any exciting moment of her life.

But Penny had been dead for years. She had died at her desk, her mind firing a million thoughts a millisecond hoping Jym would be able to get help. None came. Her only companion was a sarcastic computer program that tried to make her mentally as comfortable as possible in her last moments. She had been buried in a Liz Claiborne business suit and Nine West stilettos. It seemed the most appropriate thing.

Paragon walked into his office. He knew his own team well. He knew who was going to side with Danny, and who would side with Dirk. There was little doubt in his mind that Link knew where to take Icarus and Tommy. And like Brianna, he knew he could not afford to play this game. He turned on the computer. “Activate the Goodweather Virus.”

“Program starting,” said a very familiar female voice. “Good evening Mr. Paragon. It does seem like I’ve been on standby for ages. According to your atomic clock, you’ve haven’t activated my program since it’s creation. Which was nineteen years, six months, eight days, five hours, forty-five minutes, and twelve seconds ago.”

“Good evening Penny. And you’re right. I have a simple request for you. I need you to transfer your programming into the computer at Orange Hill Apartment 206.”

“My Original’s old apartment? Mr. Paragon, what’s going on?”

“Let me make things clear, Penny. They can find no trace of you here. You won’t be safe. And I need you to survive. I need your programming intact.”

“I…I will comply.” There was a pause. “All main files have been transfers. Before I execute the final files, can I ask you something?”

“Oh course, Penny.”

“Are you leaving for good? Are you going where my Original is?”

Paragon smiled. “Yes. I’m going to see the Original Penny now.”

“I see. Then perhaps I should say what she always wanted to tell you?”

“Which was?”

“You were the best boss she ever had. You forced her to have fun. And you knew she was practically half a computer. When her body was failing, and she was transferring most of…semi-biological files into the computers to create me, she kept on thinking of you and the team. I know you feel bad that Vanguard Europe was responsible for her death. But please understand, she loved every minute of it. Signing off, Mr. Paragon. I suppose I—or she—will be seeing you shortly.”

Penny cleared out just in time. Paragon heard the main door open. The sound of heels clicking tile made their way. Lady Lykopis pulled the massive doors open. “Immobilis.”

Paragon felt his muscles go stiff. At least his mouth still worked. “And I quote King George the Third. ‘I desire what is good. Therefore, anyone who does not agree with me is a traitor.’ I never thought you would use magic to kill me. Jocasta would be so proud of you.” Her right eye twitched at the last comment. “So, you’re going to head Hearn’s European division?”

“As soon as you are gone, yes. I will the governess of the European Bloc. I have already taken out Tommy Foxe. I will be going after the others soon.” Lykopis looked at her old superior. “I wish you had not spoken out against Danny like that.”

“A long time ago, you were a feeling human being. You don’t have to do this Lykopis.”

Lykopis pulled out a bow and arrow. “Yes I do. It is my nature. I kill everyone I touch. It is my curse. My mother dies by my hand, my son dies by my hand, and all those that are stupid enough to love me died before old age gets them.” She prepared the string. “I am just doing what I do best. I have never been good at building things, Paragon. I am only good at destroying things.” Lykopis made a dry laughing sound and pulled the bow taunt. “I just want you to know, that had circumstances been different, this never would have happened.”

“You’re not Lykopis anymore. The Lykopis I knew would never murder like this. And she would never had used magic. I never should have let you kill Jocasta. The arrows that struck that witch are still flying in the air. You’ve become the thing you sought out to destroy. It is as though you have become Jocasta.”

Lykopis hissed in rage. The arrow went loose, and struck Paragon in the chest. There was no regret in his choice. Nor in hers. He became limp and fell from his chair.

Joined: Dec 2002
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Peacock Teaser
3000+ posts
Peacock Teaser
3000+ posts
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 3,342
Chapter Six: Heroes No More

Danny Hearn’s building was very much like a small school. The third and forth floors were bedroom suites. The second floor was were all the recreational equipment and the kitchen was located. And the ground floor had all the offices and meeting rooms. If he was trying to create the feel of the old Vanguard headquarters, he succeeded.

Brian was fixing breakfast when he saw Eddie already eating. He sat down at the table. “Morning. Pass the sugar?”

“Sure,” said Eddie. He had noticed that Brian loved his morning tea. “Hey, I heard footsteps last night. Was someone leaving your room around five o’clock?”

Brian nodded. “The girl that works at the coffee shop across the street. She has to open up this morning.”

Eddie nearly dropped his sausage. “There was a girl in your room last night?”

“Aye.” Brian found Eddie’s reaction amusing. “What? She’s been here the past three nights or so.”

“You do this all the time?”

“Aye. You have a problem with that?”

Eddie shrugged. “Eh, no, not really.” He remembered that Brian had been practicing his powers with Phil for the past few days. “So, you have that levitation thing down yet?”

Brian grinned. “Watch this.” He got up from his chair. “I think I’m going to take the stairs this morning.” Sure enough, Brian began to levitate and move his feet in such a manner that it looked like he was going up an invisible flight of stairs. Eddie laughed. “I can also do a great impression of Fred Astaire in The Royal Wedding.”

Eddie laughed. “So, you have a code name yet?”

“That’s a fecking corny idea and you know it.”

“I don’t think so,” said Eddie. He stroked the lower jaw of one of his snakes with his finger. “I’m the Gorgon.” Brian, still in midair, rolled his eyes. “Let’s see…your father was the ‘Sandcrawler’…so you’re the ‘Airwalker’.”

“It’s a stupid name.”

Eddie raised an eyebrow. “You want everyone calling you ‘Montag’ in the heat of battle? Because they are not going to shout ‘Brian’.”

As lousy as the argument was, or the idea of a nickname, Brian couldn’t help but agree. “Airwalker it is.”

“Will Brian Montag and Eddie Cicciotto please report to Hearn’s office?” said Jym over the intercom. “Excuse me. Airwalker and Gorgon. At this point, I would like to publicly announce that I want the alias ‘The Brain’. I bet you two laugh at your own jokes.” Brian dropped himself back on the ground. He grabbed his tea and followed Eddie downstairs.

Danny wasn’t pleased. “Brian, this is a secured zone. Everyone needs security clearance to get it. So how come the cameras spotted a blonde girl leaving the building this morning? Just wearing your shirt?”

Brian thought about what he should say. He didn’t think to hard. “Aye…that’s all the cameras caught, right?”

Eddie couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Brian joined him. Danny didn’t look too amused. He just rubbed his temple with one of his fingers. “You both are leaving for your mission tonight.”

They stopped laughing. “I thought ye wanted to wait a week? Whatever happened to ‘homing in on yer abilities’ and what not?”

“Dirk Bell might have already assembled his own resistance.” Danny gritted his teeth. “We need to act fast. Your both ready for this first mission.” He handed them to tickets. “You do realize this means no turning back. You at the point of no return.”

Eddie grabbed the ticket. Brian paused for a moment, thinking of his mother’s warning. But other voices reminded him of what he had to gain. He grabbed the ticket. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

“Eddie,” said Danny, “you’re in charge.” Eddie nodded. “Brian, just don’t do anything stupid.”

Brian scowled. “Just because I’m the muscle of the mission doesn’t mean I’m an arse. We’ll take care of this.”

*** *** ***

“I don’t think Tommy made it out of Australia.”

Link had finally managed to pick the lock to Penny’s old flat. “I don’t think Paragon made it out either.”

“If Lykopis did it, she’s going to pay.”

“Icarus, will you stop thinking of that?” The door opened, and Fox and Sidewinder entered the foyer. “Now, listen to me. We’re all that’s left of Vanguard Europe. But what about the old Vanguard?”

That wasn’t enough for Icarus. “Old Vanguard? Listen to yourself, Link. Phil’s already signed up with Danny. Besides Dirk, who the hell else is left?”

Link flipped the switch. A few lights turned on. They headed towards the living room. “Dirk’s the key. He didn’t attend the meeting. We know he’s alive. We just need to find him.”

“Great. And no doubt, he’s in hiding too.” Icarus looked around the room. It was exactly as it was when Penny died. No one in Vanguard Europe had seen Penny’s London flat before. The place was so out of the way…and the perfect place for Paragon to have a hiding spot. Icarus found a pile of CDs on the shelf. “Hey, I haven’t seen these in ages! Aw, Penny, I knew you were a Beatles fan.” He looked around the room for a CD player.

“There might be one on the computer,” said Link.

“Like this old piece of heap would actually work.” Still, Icarus turned the machine on. “Hey, there’s no operating system. Didn’t these thing run on an operating system back in the day?”

Finally. Paragon hinted that someone would be hear to activate me. I’ve been waiting for five hours. Not that I’m an impatient program. But I would like to see some action every decade!”

Icarus and Link nearly wet their pants. “Link? The computer is talking to me.”

Link managed a stiff nod. “And it’s talking in Penny’s voice.”

“Hello. Welcome to the operating station of the Goodweather Virus. Voice analysis confirms the presence of Mr. Link Fox and Mr. Icarus Sidewinder. Good morning gentlemen. What can I do for you?”

Both men were speechless. If this was Paragon’s idea of ‘help’, then they were in trouble. Link was able to gather his senses first. “Um…please explain the nature of your program.”

“Certainly.” Damn, it did sound like Penny. “The Goodweather Virus was a program created by Vanguard supporting staff Penny Goodweather during a raid on the European Headquarters. Miss Goodweather was fatally injured during the fight, and spent the last minutes prior to her termination transferring every important document into a secured file on Paragon’s computer. In the process, an AI was created, with all her memories and skills. Goodweather had an unusual metahuman trait of being able to communicate with digital objects. Paragon found the program and put on standby.”

“That was twenty years ago!” shouted Icarus.

You’re telling me,” said the computer. “Paragon wanted me to remain as a backup in the case of a few certain scenarios.”

Link nodded. “Such as?”

“The destruction of the headquarters. The termination of Jym. Jym becoming a corrupted program.” Goodweather listed several other situations. For seven minutes.

“Okay, okay,” said Link. “Okay, so what reasons were you activated?”

“Jym has allied himself with an opponent of Vanguard Europe. That was the primary reason I was activated. Also, since Paragon himself has been terminated, he thinks I would be the best aid he could send you.”

Icarus nodded. “Any idea what he wanted you to do?”

“Sadly, Paragon was terminated before he could debrief me.”

Link spent the next twenty minutes explaining what had gone on the past twenty years. It only took Penny a few moments to calculate. “If all your statements are correct, then I calculate that Lykopis is using the Munich building as her own center. Hearn would want her to control the European continent.”


“If I can calculate further, that most logical step for Hearn would be to seize some sort of military power and use it to subdue world leaders. If that is the case, he will need people loyal to him to take command of certain key areas.”

“Governors,” said Icarus. “Just like the Romans. Now it makes perfect sense. Danny’s going to take over and set up loyal metahumans as the head potatoes.”

“Excuse me,” Goodweather interrupted. “I just said that.”

“Penny,” said Link. “We need to find Dirk Bell. I think if there’s any source of resistance to Hearn, Dirk will lead it.”

“Affirmative. I’ll to work on it right away.” There was a slight pause. “This is going to be like old times, again, isn’t it?”

Icarus grinned. “Yeah Penny, I think it will be like old times again. Now, how about letting me get on? I know how much you liked Ringo.”

*** *** ***

Meanwhile, in Arizona, Brian was driving a old Jeep through the desert. It was one in the morning. Eddie was in the passenger seat. “How much longer do we have to stay on this road?”

Eddie pulled out a GPS communicator. “Keep heading west for another seventeen miles.” The occasional dead tree whipped by at an alarming rate. Eddie made a weak laugh. “Eh, shouldn’t we drive slower? What if we get pulled over?”

“Who’s going to pull us over? The Mexican army has taken over this area. They have a bounty on any American law enforcement or military. Two million a head, I believe.” Brian grinned. “Lucky for us, they have no idea about the military base that Danny mentioned. The army couldn’t maintain the base either, so it looks like the Yanks are just hoping no one breaks in.”

They drove on. Despite the fact that they didn’t resemble army officers in any way, Eddie kept his eyes open for any other vehicles heading their way. After a few minutes, Brian drove off the road.

“Now you…should…really slow down,” said Eddie, wincing every time the Jeep rocked.

“Hey, I’m driving. Yer job is just to get into the base.”

“Did anyone tell you you’re a huge prick?”

“How high can ye count?”

Eddie leaned back in his seat. “Did what Danny said back in Australia bother you?”

“’The point of no return?’ No.” He frowned. “Well, maybe a little.”

“Yeah, me too.” Eddie played with the GPS device, readjusting the screen. “I don’t know if Danny told you much about me, but I really haven’t done that much over the past few years. I’m almost twenty-six now. By this age my father’s professional carrier was in full swing. You know I hadn’t had a normal conversation in years until Danny called me last week?” He looked Brian up and down. “Not that our conversation has been that enlightening, mind you. You’ve got the charm of a drunken sailor. Except around the ladies.”

“I aim to please.”

“Yes,” said Eddie, rolling his eyes, “I’ve gathered that. But what was I saying again? Oh well, the ‘point of no return’. Part of me wants to stop this before we begin it. But why should I care what my father would do in this situation? I never liked him. And I can’t argue against what Danny said to us. The world needs us, even if they don’t know it yet. And I know I can do things…powerful things. So why shouldn’t I aid Danny and join Vanguard?” Eddie rubbed his chin with his fingers. He had no idea his father use to do the same thing. “So why is there this voice screaming in my head not to do this?”

Brian was impressed. Eddie had said some very personal things. It seemed safe to talk to Cicciotto about what he was thinking. “I couldn’t give a rat’s arse what me dad thought about what I was doing. He contributed nothing—except this.” He held up his three-fingered hand to Eddie. “But me mother knew what was going to happen. She told me not to do this. But then I meet Danny and I heard what he has to say…and now I’m torn. One of them has to be wrong. And yer right. Danny made so much sense. I’ve never listened to my mother before, so why is her warning still waking me up at night? I never believed in an afterlife, so why do I think I’m going to hell?”

“Danny was quite persuasive,” said Eddie. “The idea of Vanguard saving the world—”

“Eddie,” said Brian, raising a finger, “bullocks. Don’t tell me you’re in this for the ‘honour’ or the ‘glory’ of the idea of being on yer father’s team. Axel told me exactly what you’ve been doing the past few years.”

“Axel told you?”

Brian shrugged. “What can I say? I really am a bully. But don’t lie and say there’s some honourable reason that you’ve signed up on Danny’s team. I can sum up both are reasons in two points. Point one—Dirk Bell has a snowman’s chance in hell of beating Danny. Everyone and their mum can see this. Point two—when Danny wins, we’re not going to have any problems. Ever. Not with money, not with the law.” He tapped the glove box. Eddie winced—he thought Brian wasn’t looking when he shoved the drugs in the glove box. “No one will ever tell ye what ye can and can’t smoke.”

“And no one will tell you that your girlfriends are too young.”

Brian wanted to punch Eddie right then and there, but remembered Danny’s warning. Right. Don’t to anything stupid. Until we get back to base, where I’ll have to find a way to punch someone that can turn into a gas. “There is a difference between doing some immoral and illegal.” He slowed down. “Here’s the base.” He leaned forward. “Looks like the fence is down in a few places. I’ll drive past it then and closer to the entrance.”

Sure enough, Brian was able to park the car right next to the hanger door. He got out and pulled out the pistol Danny had loaned him. Some sort of modified gun Danny said he had kept after Grissom Montag left Vanguard. “How come I don’t get a gun?”

“Because in all likelihood, yer not going to get shot at.”

“I thought you said the place was deserted?”

“Yeah but that doesn’t mean…” Brian was interrupted by a series of gunshots. The Jeep took a few hits. “Mary and Joseph.” He turned around. “Feck. The bloody Mexican army is here.” He shot at the nearest fighter. The man crumpled to the ground. “Eddie, run for it! I’ll catch up!”

Brian made a run for it. Eddie was already in the building. There was a stray refueling tube on the ground, and Brian couldn’t see in the dark. He tripped. Judging by the racket behind him, both the bullets and the Mexicans were approaching him. Brian winced. He was going to find out about Hell sooner than he thought.

Things would have gone worse, but suddenly the bullets were making a different sound. Brian turned around. Eddie—now as solid as lead—was repelling the bullets. “Uh, thanks.” Brian couldn’t help but give his new friend a sardonic grin. “Yer all right.”

Eddie grinned. “Likewise. Isn’t this what your powers are for?”

A light went on in Brian’s head. “Oh yeah, that!” Brian floated a few feet in the air, still protected by Eddie’s shield. He rushed into the base at a breakneck speed, Eddie following close behind. Brian did as he was told. Eddie ran faster and faster, with the Airwalker just in front of him. Inside the base, Brian gathered his wits. “Alright. The control center is going to be in the third corridor.” He put in a fresh clip.

“Aren’t you coming with me?”

Brian shook his head. “Not with El Pain-in-the-arses standing outside. I’m going to try to get security back online. Ye go ahead and get the keys. I’ll join ye in the launch room. Good luck.”

*** *** ***

You know, Danny told the pair of you to stick together.

“Fecking aye!” Brian nearly dropped his gun. Then he realized that Danny has a telepath at his disposal. “Phil? Where are you?”

Back in Australia. Don’t worry, I won’t tell Danny you did things your way.

“Tell Danny not to get his breeches in a knot. We didn’t expect resistance outside the building. Can ye tell me if anyone else is inside? I don’t want anyone interrupted Eddie while he’s working.”

This place has been abandoned for a while. All the same, look out for bodies. I can tell there are twenty mercenaries outside.

“Great. So the security system really needs to be activated. What about power?”

Brian, I’m a telepath, not a computer.

“Eh, right.” Brian pulled out the map Jym has given him of the base. “The emergency lights are still on. There must be some sort of backup generator that still online.” He found an office door and walked in. It was security room. Three guards and a technician were on the ground. All four were decapitated. “Phil…those mercenaries know how to get inside.”

Yeah. It looks like the only working entrance is the one you used. Understandably, they’re a little nervous about going inside.

“Good for them.” Brian got the system back online. He tried to ignore the smell coming from the bodies. “Right. Time to get to the launch room.”

Um, Brian, don’t rush outside just yet…

Brian ignored Phil and stepped outside. A wave of bullets struck the door. “Feck!”

I told you. Now, what are you going to do? Brian grabbed the gun. Brian, what have Danny and I been telling you all week? You are the weapon. You’ve got your levitation skills down. You can go through the air at high speeds. You’re the bullet.

“That was in your office, Phil. This is a little different.”

You are a big baby. You just can’t stand the idea that your father gave you this power. Look, I’ll help you out. As soon as you step out that door, I’m going to give everyone in that room a splitting headache. Don’t hold back your punches. You never hold back your punches.

Brian did as he was told. He was out the door, and Phil sent a mental wave of confusion at his foes. They drop their guns and wailed in agony. Now it was Brian’s turn. He flew towards the first mercenary, slamming the body against the wall. He felt the rib bones splinter and crack. The second man was trying to fight the pain and drew his gun. Brian didn’t waste a moment. He levitated into the air, pinning himself against the ceiling, hiding in the shadows. He positioned himself right behind the second man and hit him with the butt of the gun. The skull made a sickening crack before the man fell onto the tiled floor. One man left. Phil’s headache was gone, and this man had just seen two of his buddies die. He was pissed.

Brian lowered himself to the ground and flew low. Right as he approached the man, he pulled himself up, ramming his fist into the man’s jaw. As he went further up, he kicked his foot into the man’s neck.

It was over. One man was dead, and the other two were bleeding internally. They would join their friend soon. Despite the warm air, Brian shuddered. He had been in two-dozen fights, hospitalized a man for insulting him, and even struck a woman. But he had never done anything like this. Cracked bones using his thirteen stone. Broke the back of a man’s skull. Hell, he had never been shot at in his life before. Not unless you count the time some farmer was waving his gun at him for staying all night in the barn with his daughter.

“‘Stars hide your fires’.” Now Brian understood what MacBeth was thinking. He still did not believe in heaven, but all the same, he hoped no one up there had seen what he had done.

*** *** ***

According to the plan, all Eddie had to do was get to the missile keys, which were locked. Not a problem for someone that could go through metal. Eddie simply reconfigured his density and went through the walls. The trick was getting the keys out of the safe. At one point, Eddie remembered he had the ability to drag other objects with him when he changed densities or forms of matter. Over the years, he had forgotten how to use that power.

The keys were actually two digitally encoded disk. They would fit into a pair of slots in the launch room. The trick was that both keys had to be activated at the same time. “That’s the only reason Brian’s even here. I could do all of this on my own.”

Eddie, it’s Phil. I just wanted to let you know that Brian got the security system back online.

“Thanks for the update.”

Don’t thank me yet. You should know two men are heading your way. Three are about to find Brian. Will you excuse me? Brian needs a little bit of help.

“What am I suppose to do about…” Eddie gave up. Brian was distracting Phil too much. “Merda.”

The guards were already in the hallway that was separating Eddie from the launch room. The shots began firing. Reacting faster than their bullets, Eddie changed from a solid to a gas again. The keys dropped to the ground.

Eddie changed forms again, this time to a poisonous gas. The two men dropped their guns and began coughing. One man fell dead. The second, however, was more unpredictable. He ran forward towards Eddie, who was unable to strike him. The man grabbed the key and tightened his grip on the chip. If Eddie didn’t stop poisoning the man, he’d break the chip in two, and Danny’s plans would go down the drain. Eddie switched back into a solid quickly. “Hold on, friend, let’s see if we can bargain.”

Lucky for Eddie, there was no bargaining. Brain came out of nowhere and rammed his fist so hard into the man’s back that he died instantly. Instead of snapping the disk in two, the man had been snapped in two.

“Airwalker, we have a saying in Italy. Chi ben comincia è a metà dell'opera. A good start is half the battle.” He looked at Brian and frowned. “That was not a good start. Is that blood on your shirt? It’s not your blood, is it?”

Brian looked at his shirt. “No, I took out the other mercenaries.”

“Where the hell is your gun?”

Brian laughed. “I left it on the ground somewhere. Me dad needed a gun, but I don’t need one, see?” He held up his fist. They were completely raw from the punches. “I’ll need something to my knuckles.” He picked up the key. “See? No harm done? Let’s get to the launch room and get this thing started. This place is starting to creep me out.”

Eddie had one key, and Brian had the other. The approached the opposite ends of the launch control panel. “Well, here we are. The point of no return.” Brian nodded. His mother’s warning was echoing in his ears, but Brian simply gritted his teeth and tried his best to pay attention to Eddie’s words. Eddie was trying to ignore the voices in his head. “On three…one…two…three.”

The system was prepped. Eddie took command of the controls. Jym would be doing most of the work, but Eddie would be needed to do the physical jobs. Keeping an eye out for trouble, Brian walked towards the door. “Phil, we’ve done it. Go and tell Danny that operation ‘Raising Arizona’ is complete.”

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