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World Tag Team Titles
single choice
Tuesday Night Rockers (72%, 41 Votes)
Allied Powers (C) (28%, 16 Votes)
Total Votes: 57
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 9:36 AM
No DQ Match
single choice
Chris Oakley (53%, 30 Votes)
Tommy "The Surgeon" Savitz (47%, 27 Votes)
Total Votes: 57
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 9:36 AM
Hardcore Porn Title
single choice
Charlie (63%, 36 Votes)
Balls Nasty (7%, 4 Votes)
Chewy Walrus (C) (30%, 17 Votes)
Total Votes: 57
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 9:36 AM
Grudge Match: special referee: Dr. William Paragon
single choice
Captain Sammitch (43%, 24 Votes)
Pig Iron (57%, 32 Votes)
Total Votes: 56
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 9:36 AM
Clockwork Banana House of Fun
single choice
Spandex Monkey Man (63%, 36 Votes)
Mystery Opponent (37%, 21 Votes)
Total Votes: 57
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 9:36 AM
IC Title Match
single choice
Doc. Mid-Nite (70%, 39 Votes)
Darth (C) (30%, 17 Votes)
Total Votes: 56
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 9:36 AM
Women's Booby Title
single choice
Princess Elisa (44%, 25 Votes)
Lor (C) (56%, 32 Votes)
Total Votes: 57
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 9:36 AM
4 Way Dance Big Cheese Title
single choice
Grimm (46%, 26 Votes)
PenWing (12%, 7 Votes)
Nowhereman (25%, 14 Votes)
Joe Mama (C) (18%, 10 Votes)
Total Votes: 57
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 9:36 AM

The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."
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B: Dis is Bukake! Havoc numbah one annoncah! Standing wid me is Lor, women's Boobie Belt Champeeon! Lor! Tonight, you defend the Boobie Belt against Princess Elisa, a person demanding respect!

Lor:Respect is a dish best served cold baby! <look of confusion> Wait, I think thats the wrong saying... <shurgs, happy-go-lucky look returns> Oh Well! <grins>

B: What about the Reverend Willie Williams? How do you respond when he says he wants to clean up the women's division?

Lor: I say he better grab a mop, put his apron on, and get down on his knees and start scrub'n Mister! Cause...

*Lor is cut off by the Crotch, who yells from off camera, "Bombs Away!" Lor turns to see what the Crotch is doing, and a cream pie sails past her as she moves, hitting Bookake in the head.*

Lor: Hey, you sexy stinky poopie head!!!!! <shakes fist>

*Lor dives to the ground as the Crotch launches another pie at her with his pie launcher, again hitting Bookaki in the head as he also dives for cover. Lor gets to her locker room, and pulls out a pie launcher of her own. Boockaki chooses the wrong time to stand up, and he gets caught in the mother of all pie shooting crossfires. Covered from head to toe in cream pie, Boockake closes his segment as pies continue to fly at and near him.*

B: Dis is Buckakee! Havoc numbah one annoncah! Reporting!

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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'Walk This Way' plays, and The Tuesday Night Rockers make their way to the ring, accompanied by AJR. The crowd goes wild, and James Fantastic climbs the turnbuckle to pose. Big T climbs another, mic in hand

James Fantastic: Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of all ages! RDCW proudly brings to you, its Soon-To-Be TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WORRRRRRRRLLLLLLD! The Original Rocker James Fantastic! 'Superbad' Big T! The TUESDAY! NIGHT! ROCKERRRRRRRRRRRS!

Big T: And, of course, if you're not down with that, we got two words for ya—SUCK IT!

The crowd pops hugely, behind The Rockers

James Fantastic: As I'm sure you've noticed, folks, we're heading into a Mew Year, a time for reflection and resolutions. Well, The New Year's Resolution of The Rockers is to become the all-new World Tag Team Champions!

AJR takes the mic

AJR: Mister JLA and Captain Howdy, you might brag about being a part of the IV Whoresmen, but can you honestly say that yuo've got what it takes to beat these two? Two Young, Hungry Superstars with the fans behind him against a has-been and a neverwere? Puh-lease!

Monroe: AJR certainly believes in his young charges!

Marcum: He better be ready to eat those words!

AJR: Captain Howdy, you used to be the most dangerous man in the whole world! There was a time when you were considered the God of Hardcore Wrestling, and now you've been reduced to carrying an arrogant joke through his matches!

AJR hands Big T the mic

Big T: All I gotta say is this: When we get into that ring, The Allied Powers better pray that The Superbad is in a good mood, 'cos otherwise I am gonna DESTROY you!

The crowd pops big-time, and 'Walk This Way' Plays as The Rockers makes their way to the back

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I Am Groot
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I Am Groot
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A techno mix of "Rooster" bursts from the Cheesedome PA speakers as Chris Oakley heads down the aisle and jumps in the ring;he's holding a mic in one hand and gives the crowd a look that says they'd better listen to what he's about to say.

MARCUM: Doesn't this jerk know when to shut up?!

MONROE: Be quiet,Marcum--the fans have a right to hear what's on Chris' mind!

MARCUM: That should take all of two seconds!! (snicker)

CHRIS (starting to address the crowd as the camera cuts to him standing in the center of the ring): Certain people in this promotion--and I'm looking in your direction,Louie Bizarro--have said that I'm washed up. They say that I can't win without the help of the Bond Brigade. They say I'll be an easy mark for Tommy Savitz in the No DQ match tonight...(brief pause) Those people don't know jack. I've beaten two of the toughest competitors in this sport back to back in the last couple of weeks,and I was flying solo both times! Just in case TNR is starting to get cocky,let me remind them that I already have victories over James Fantastic and Two-Ton Tommy to my credit,and I took Tommy Savitz to the limit the first time I faced him.

(brief pause) Savitz likes to ask his opponents before every match:"Do you fear the Surgeon's Knife?" My answer to his question is,"Hell no--BECAUSE I'LL TAKE THAT DAMN KNIFE AND CUT THE HEART OUT OF YOUR RDCW CAREER WITH IT!!!!"

How will I do that,you ask? (sadistic grin) Let's just say I've got a trump card I've been saving for a night just like this.

Chris puts down the mic and walks back to the locker room area as "Rooster" starts playing over the PA speakers again.

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Backstage, we see a darkened room, covered in trash, broken furniture and various dangerous looking objects. Sitting in the middle of all this is SPAMM, with his back against a board.

SPAMM: Tonight, The Clockwork Banana House of Fun Match receives his debut in RDCW. This match will plumb the depths of sick violence, torture and darkness. The Steel Cage will become not just a barrier, but a cell.

Monroe: Nice to see he's as lucid as ever!

SPAMM: To whoever I face tonight, I send this warning: Do not think you will survive intact. There is no survival in The house of Fun, there is only victory. This match will rip you to shreds in mind, body and soul. Your body may leave the House of Fun, but part of you will forever be entombed within it's four walls.

Marcum: Whoever, the mystery opponent is, I'm really glad it's not me!

SPAMM: I will also say this: I issue a challenge to anybody in RDCW. If they consider themselves strong enough in sould and body, then let them step inside The Clockwork Banana House of Fun to face me. Face, Heel, stablemate of hated foe, it does not matter to me. I will fight all and sundry, in the name of pain.

Monroe: Buhgawd! Is SPAMM completely insane?!

Marcum: I'd say his foe'd have to be insane, to want to fight him!

SPAMM: To the IV, I send this message: Abandon all hope. Grimm himself is coming, the one true master of Darkness. The Monster Darth will crush the Mid-Nite Doctor tonight, and Pig Iron, The Whoayahh of Paain, will stand at my side as we destroy the Tag Team Division. The Dark Days are here, none will survivie. So Sayeth The Monkey Man!

SPAMM gets up, and we see that the board is covered in broken glass, with the sharp edges sticking outwards

Monroe: BUHGAWD! SPAMM's been sitting there shredding his back on that board!

Marcum: He really IS insane!

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(The lights go off all throughout the Cheesedome Arena as C.R.E.A.M. by The Wu-Tang Clan blares over the loudspeakers...)

"Doc. Mid-Nite!" ( ..shouts Marcum in amazement as the lights suddenly come back on...)

Doc. Mid-Nite – “'ello."

Monroe - "Ladies and gentlemen! What a surprise! Doc. Mid-Nite... "The D.O.C.", "The Mid-Nite Marauder", "The Highlight of the Nite", "The Mid-Nite Main Event"... Scaring the shit out of my partner, live at the announce table!"

Marcum – “That ain’t right…”

(The Mid-Nite Doctor proceeds to make himself more comfortable, leaning back in his chair between the two announcers while readjusting his headset…)

Doc. Mid-Nite - "Yes it is The Late One, back amongst his Mid-Nite Maniacs… ‘Sup guys?

Monroe – “Not too much Doc! What brings you to our little corner of the RDCW? Shouldn’t you be preparing for your title match against Darth? Where are the other members of the Four? Why aren’t you with them right now? Shouldn’t this be a huge night for you guys?”

Doc. Mid-Nite – “This better be a huge night for us…”

Monroe – “What exactly do you mean by that?!”

Doc. Mid-Nite – “The Late One needs The Four to succeed if his own agenda is to continue.”

Monroe – “So you mean you’re in this for yourself? Now there’s an exclusive…”

Doc. Mid-Nite – “Watch your tone and take it for what you will fucktard, but when The D.O.C. agreed to add his services to Joe Mama’s “Dream Team”, it was for money, power, and respect… There’s a reason I prefer to stay in the shadows, and if I don’t gain everything that’s been promised to me, then there might be some consequences that are out of anyone’s control.”

Monroe – “So you expect to be collecting some gold tonight…”

Doc. Mid-Nite – “That and so much more... Protect Yo’ Neck!”

(The Mid-Nite Marauder slowly stands himself up removing his headset as he makes his way backstage with the song C.R.E.A.M. blaring throughout the Cheesedome)

"Life ain't nothin' but bitches and money" - Ice Cube
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Mid-Nite is half way up the ramp when the lights go out. Lightning strikes the ring posts and a red glow illuminates the Cheesedome. Mid-Nite looks around as Darth's voice echos throught the arena.

"Mid-Nite... Mid-Nite... The clock strikes but no one cowers in fear... No one fears the fallen... How the mighty Mid-Nite has fallen... Once a force of darkness... Now consumed by greed... By thoughts of money... Of power... of... Respect? Mid-Nite... Respect is not something that can be won, it is something that must be taken. Only fear... Only the dark saaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiddddd leads to power and respect, Mid-Nite... Oh how you were once feared by all but now by... NONE!"

Lightning strikes the ring posts again. Again, Mid-Nite looks around expecting an attack from Darth, but only hears his voice.

"Mid-Naaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiittt... Beware, the POWER, of the dark saaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiidddddddd!"

Lightning strikes the ring posts again and the Cheesedome goes dark. When the lights return, Mid-Nite is still standing on the ramp, braced for an attack. When nothing happens, he continues on his way to the back.

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*Backstage, Joey Biles is standing with PenWing.*

JB: PenWing, what are your thoughts heading into tonight's four-way dance for the Heavyweight Cheese Title?

PW: My thoughts? You want to know my thoughts? Why did the Doctor bother to stop at a four-way dance? If everyone and their former tag team partner can participate in my rematch with Joe Mama, then why stop at four? What's so special about the number four? Is it because Joe Mama is the leader of the IV?

*Some pops from the crowd.*

PW: Hell, if the Doctor wanted a free-for-all tonight, why didn't he schedule the full blown masturbation chamber he wanted to jack off to? Sure, he would have had to find two more former tag team partners, but it's not like it's that hard. He could have just given the nod to his number one ass kisser, Dave, and his former partner, Danny.

JB: I'm getting the feeling you're not happy with this match?

PW: Not happy? I wasn't happy when Grimm beat me to a bloody pulp two weeks ago. Last week, I lost my match against him. You better believe I'm not happy... With Grimm. But I got my first match against him out of the way, and I'm a better wrestler for it. As for Nowhereman inserting himself in other people's business, I guess he wanted to dust off his old ballet shoes for tonight. But that's fine with me. If twinkle toes wants to dance, who am I to say no? Just remember, there are only three periods in a game, and four makes overtime. In overtime, well, anytime, anywhere, (the crowd joins in) SUDDEN DEATH RULES!

<sub>Will Eisner's last work - The Plot: The Secret Story of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
RDCW Profile

"Well, as it happens, I wrote the damned SOP," Illescue half snarled, "and as of now, you can bar those jackals from any part of this facility until Hell's a hockey rink! Is that perfectly clear?!" - Dr. Franz Illescue - Honor Harrington: At All Costs

"I don't know what I'm do, or how I do, I just do." - Alexander Ovechkin</sub>
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PenWing turns to see Nowhereman standing behind him......the crowd cheers
NM:"Twinkletoes huh......that your pet name for me when you dream about me?"


NM:"Uh uh,let the adults finish what they have to say!"

PenWing looks pissed off,but NM keeps talkin

NM:"You say I have "inserted" myself into other peoples business,well the way I see it,Joan Mammary "inserted" me into this when he & his girlfriends attacked me a few weeks ago!
Maybe you just dont want me in this match because you know you cant beat me,even though you have often beat off to me!"

PenWing gets noticebly more riled up

NM:"Settle down hockey boy,dont make me stick a hockey puck where the sun dont shine bitch!"

The crowd cheers

NM:"You have a problem with me getting a shot at the title? Thats a shame cause I have a problem with you two losers getting another shot when there are so many other talented.......actually no,there are so many MORE talented guys out there than you two,who deserve a shot at the championship!
You like shouting about "SUDDEN DEATH RULES",well maybe just maybe I'll give you that sudden death you so obviously desire!"

PenWing makes a move towards Nowhereman

NM:"I'd think very carefully before you try anything like'd look pretty stupid entering the match with your hockey stick rammed up your arse!"

NM slaps his mic into Biles hand & walks off,leaving a fuming PenWing

JB:"Well uh,I dont know what else to say. PenWing,what do you..."

PenWing gives Biles a vicious look,slaps his mic into Biles chest & walks off in the opposite direction!

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"Ode to Joy" plays as Dr. William Paragon walks down to the ring wearing a striped referee shirt and black pants. He smiles and acknowledges the crowd as they boo him considerably.

DP: Tonight, you people will understand that the face of the RDCW is truly about to change for the better! Because I, Dr. William Paragon, am stepping into the ring tonight as a referee. Captain Sammitch, I respect your skills in the ring. However, your friends in the Sudden Death Connection are a bunch of brawling hooligans who need serious discipline. Tonight, I will lead by example by providing you and your opponent with said discipline.

Crowd booes Paragon heavily.

DP: And as for said opponent, Pig Iron is a drink and drug addled halfwit. A pyromaniac. A satanic hoodlum. In short, he is the very definition of what is wrong the RDCW today! And you people cheer for thugs like this! Well, it's going to end very, very soon! Because tonight, if Pig Iron gets out of line, I WILL provide him with much needed discipline! Pig Iron, after you've been taught a wrestling lesson tonight, I will bring you before Reverend Williams. He will show you the wrongness of your ways and we will bring your soul out of the darkness and into the light. Class will be in session. Thank you.

"Ode to Joy" cues up again as Paragon leaves the ring.

Let me tell you something, just because something is in a graphic format doesn't mean it needs to be apologized for. And just because a novel is serious, doesn't mean it's serious fiction. The only thing comics should worry about is telling a good story. You do that and people will find it. -Brad Meltzer
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The Swizzler....
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The Swizzler....
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Hearing the crowd roar in response to the pie throwing, Elisa smiles confidently to herself as the lights go out.

Shocks of bright, pink lights eminate from the center of the ring as the theme to mortal kombat blasts over the loud speakers. The lights focus in on a silhouettein monk like robe at the top of the ramp. The shapely form turns around and heads to the ring.

Marcum: Well....I wonder who this is!
Monroe: Does it matter who? Hell, I just wanna see what's under that monk garb!

The tiny figure slips beneath the ropes and glides to the pedestal. Glimpses of pale skin are seen as the figure unties the waist rope and drops to reveal a sexy, tight purple and black leather outfit.

Marcum: Wow......wonder what she's doing later tonight.

Tossing her hair confidently around her shoulders, Elisa smiles as B announces, "Welcome the woman who demands respect at all costs, who is DEFINITELY NOT a man...."

Striking a muscle pose and smiling into the crowd, Elisa glances courageously toward Lor daring her to speak first.

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living in 1962
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living in 1962
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Backstage, Joey Biles is standing with Grimm and Harleykwin.

JB: Grimm, your opponents tonight aren't happy with your recent actions, especially PenW-

Grimm: PenWing isn't happy with me? Ask me if I give a damn! The SDC is a joke! PenWing's day is done. Sing along time is over. PenWing's a boy playing in a man's world and it's time he realized that. I've already destroyed PenWing, tonight he's a non entity in what will be a historic evening.

As for Nowhereman, when did the RDCW turn into the senior's tour of wrestling? I'm surprised he could get out from behind his colostomy bag and his walker long enough to say anything pertinent. Nowhereman, it's only fitting that at Arma Gadda Da Vida, you be retired for good and shipped off to the rest home to remember your glory days and what it was like to ride the lightning! Conniver Series was just the prelude to the age of darkness in the RDCW!

Now while Joe Mama may have barely slipped by in that filthy. . .putrid. . .disgusting. . .Rob's House Match. . .

Grimm looks thoroughly disgusted at the thought of the match.

. . .he knows that his time is running out. He's running scared. The Allied Powers are running scared. Doc. Mid-Nite is running scared. Tonight, Joe Mama, I am going to take the two things that mean the most to you: your aura of invincibility and that Big Gold Belt that defines your existence! Arma Gadda Da Vida is here! The end of the old ways of the RDCW and the birth of the new dark age! Abandon all hope.

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Inglourious Basterd!!!
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Inglourious Basterd!!!
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Bukkake is standing in front of the IV's locker room...

B: Dees'a BOOkakkee! Numbah-Wahn anno'ncah fo' Ah-Dee-See-Dubbayoo! I stand outside dooah of Foh-ah to innahvoo Joseph Mama, Ah-Dee-See-Dubbayoo Champeen!

The locker room door flies open and out stomps Joe Mama. He is clearly enraged as he grabs the microphone from Bukkake and straight-arms him out of the camera-shot.

JM: Grimm - you run your mouth a lot for a guy who has yet to follow up on his promises! You make threats that you have yet to come through on. You insert yourself where you aren't wanted or needed or even deserve to be! Let me make something very clear to you, bitch! When the four-way dance begins, do one of two things: be the first man eliminated, or make damn sure I am! Because I swear to you, Grimm, if I have the opportunity to cripple you...if the chance to destroy you arises...I will do so with GRAT PLEASURE! Sever the head and the body dies. Destroy Grimm and watch the Dark Lords crumble! One way or the other, this ends tonight!!!

Bukkake seems to be crawling back into the picture. Joe Mama turns for a moment and kicks him back out of the shot.

JM: Let me make something else clear to my other competitors. I don't have to beat you two, but I have no problem doing so. PenWing, what should have been our rematch has expanded to include the former Hellions. I'll take my part of the responsibility for that, but that doesn't mean that you somehow move down on my hit list. And Nowhereman, don't think for a second that I'm looking past you. Your career may have been more than a little laughable in the past few months, but tonight I don't find you funny at all! Step to me, and watch how quickly your former protegee becomes your executioner!

Joe Mama raises the Big Cheese Title into the picture.

JM: Gentlemen, you might all have the desire to wear this belt. But understand this: actually winning it will be a HELL of a lot tougher than you think! I went through HELL to win the Heavyweight Cheese Title and I'll be DAMNED if I'm just gonna hand it over to the old, the broken, or the unworthy! You want my Title? Come and get it! But be prepared to bleed for it! Be prepared to bleed a lot! Because the Champion is coming! I'M coming! And HELL'S coming with me!!!

HELL'S COMING WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joe Mama grabs the camera and shoves it away. It go out as it falls and hits the concrete floor. Cut to Marcum and Monroe.

Monroe: Strong words from the Champion...

Marcum: That's fear talking! That's the fear that comes from realizing how stacked the odds are!

Monroe: I didn't see fear, Marcum. I saw rage. I saw a man who's willing to kill or die for what he sees as his...

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

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Primus' "Anti-Pop" begins to play as Madman MarcuM puts down his headset, stands up and walks up to the ring. He pics up a mic from James White upon entering to the applause of the fans.

MM: As you know, tonight is my last evening with the RDCW, and I just wanted to take a few moments to say thanks to everyone here for making me a part of the RDCW family. It was just a little two years ago that. . .

MarcuM is interrupted by blaring booty music and disco lights as the former Lipstick Lesbian Tag Champions, The Divas, Butterrican and Stareena make their way down to the ring.

B: Madman, Madman, Madman, what are you doing? You can't go out like this!

MM: Why not? It's only right that I pay respect at the end of my run.

S: Nobody wants to see you go out like this, Madman. You've got to live up to the billing and go out in style! You gotta look good!

MM: What do you mean? I DO look good! And so do you two!

B: That's right, but we could all look so much better. . .

The booty music cues up again as the Divas lead MarcuM away from the ring and to a pit of jello off to the side!

Monroe: Go, Madman! It's your birthday!

The Divas dump MarcuM in the jellopit and jump in after him, and soon all three are rolling around, wrestling in the jello! Eventually Butter and Star both pin MarcuM as RDCW senior official Lothar counts him down for the three! The Divas' booty music kicks up again as they stand and raise MarcuM's hands. The three then head to the back, arm in arm as the fans applaud.

Monroe (laughing): Fans, what can I say? That was the Madman. . .we'll be back!

Cut to a video promo for the RDCW Rumble, as Link Wray's "Rumble" instrumental cues up.

The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."
madman marcum #608749 2006-01-03 5:24 AM
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World Tag Team Titles
Allied Powers (C) vs. Tuesday Night Rockers

The Allied Powers were the first to the ring, accompanied by Jeeves, to a decidedly hostile reception.

Monroe: The fans really don't like The Allied Powers tonight!

Marcum: True greatness is never appreciated!

The Tuesday Night Rockers, with AJR at their side, followed them down to the ring to an enthusiastic response from the fans.

Marcum: My point is proven!

The match started with Big T against MisterJLA. It was plain that The Horseman wasn't keen on trying to face The Superbad, and he immediately started insulting James Fantastic in an attempt to anger The Original Rocker into tagging into the match. This soon worked, as an infuriated Fantastic soon tagged in, only to find himself on the receiving end of a vicious eye rake!

Marcum: That's why you never lose your head around MisterJLA!

JLA tagged in Howdy, and the pair spent time working over Fantastic, using a series of vicious moves to work over his head and arm. Fantastic eventually wound up desperately trying to fend off Captain Howdy with oly one operationl arm, but Howdy took control with a series of forehand chops before hitting The Night Cap and going for a pin. Despite being virtually dead on his feet, Fantastic managed to kick out at 2, but Howdy took control with a leg lock, tagging in MisterJLA before the pair hit a Double Howdyslam and Double Fist Drop.

Monroe: The Allied Powers have taken control of this match, folks!

Marcum: That's why they're the Tag Team Champions and The Tuesday Night Rockers aren't!

However, instead of going for a pin, JLA distraced the ref by taunting Big T, forcing the ref to restrain the Big Man whilst Jeeves snuck into the ring with a steel chair. However AJR slid into the ring and stood over his protégé, pulling the chair out of Jeeve's grip and throwing it away and hitting Jeeves with a Full Rimmer (Reverse STO)!

Monroe: BUHGAWD! The Full Rimmer! The most powerful move in the arsenal of AJR!

Marcum: That's cheating! AJR interfered in the match!

Monroe: And Jeeves didn't?

AJR rolled out of the ring as MisterJLA returned to the match and went for the pin, unaware that Jeeves had failed to nail Fantastic with the chair. Sure enough, Fantastic kicked out, and Jeeves started berating Jeeves at ringside, allowing Fantastic to crawl to ringside and grab his guitar. AJR distracted the ref by leaping up onto the apron as Fantastic hit MisterJLA with El Kabong!, just as MisterJLA turned and Hit Final Justice, leaving both men on the mat!

Monroe: Both men are out! They've got to make the tag!

Marcum: If MisterJLA can make the tag the Allied Powers have got this on in the bag! Nobody can stand up to Final Justice!

MisterJLA made it to his corner to tag in Captain Howdy, but as the Captain ran to intercept his foe Fantastic managed to tag in Big T, and The Superbad went to work, hitting Howdy with a series of big clotheslines before going for the Titandriver. Captain Howdy initially seemed to be flat out, but it turned out to be a ruse as he low-blowed Big T and took control with The Twatbuster before attempting a pin. However, just as the ref was about to count 3 Big T kicked out and tagged in Fantastic!

Monroe: Things are turning against The Allied Powers!

Marcum: I don't see why! Howdy's more than capable of taking Fantastic on!

Howdy went for Fantastic, but Fantastic ducked uner his clothesline and bounced off the ropes to hit a flying forearm on the return. He then went to the high risk district to hit a Rocker Kick. MisterJLA entered the ring to help his partner but Big T barrelled into the ring, and JLA rolled out of the ring and fled as Big T went to follow him. As Howdy got to his feet Fantastic donned his fedora and hit The One and Only to score a pin and get the victory!

Monroe: BUHGAWD! Fantastic managed to score an upset pin! We have new Tag Team Champions!

Marcum: I don't beleive it! Somebody tell me I'm dreaming!

Big T returned to the ring and AJR leapt into it to celebrate, as Fantastic took a mic.

James Fantastic: Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of All Ages, R-D-C-Fuckin-W proudly brings to you it's all new TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLD! The Original Rocker James Fantastic! Superbad Big T! The TUESDAY! NIGHT! ROCKERRRRRRRRRRRS!

Last edited by Louie Bastardo; 2006-01-10 10:14 PM.

The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."
madman marcum #608750 2006-01-03 5:29 AM
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No DQ Match
Chris Oakley vs. Tommy "The Surgeon" Savitz

From the opening bell.Oakley and Savitz go at each other with just one goal in mind--to destroy each other. Using every kind of weapon imaginable,they open up such serious wounds on one another that at one point it becomes questionable whether either man will survive the bout.

MONROE: This isn't a match,this is an execution!!

MARCUM: But who's being executed?

Tommy Savitz goes for a flying tackle on Chris only to have the former Bond Brigade captain duck out of the way at the last second and watch as Savitz collides headfirst with one of the ring posts. As the Surgeon lies dazed on the canvas,we see Chris dragging him out to the middle of the ring;Oakley doesn't seem to notice or care about the bloodstains on his Soldier of Fortune T-shirt.

MARCUM: What the hell is Oakley up to??!

MONROE: I'm not sure,Marcum. This doesn't look like any of his usual signature moves,and yet there's something familiar about...OH MY GOD! ARE WE SEEING WHAT I THINK WE'RE SEEING?!

MARCUM: I'm afraid so,Monroe!!

MONROE: Chris is about to deliver the Operating Table on its creator,Tommy Savitz! How humiliating will this be for the Surgeon if he connects?!

MARCUM: It'll be the worst moment of Tommy's career!!!


Massive pops from the crowd as the referee raises Oakley's hand to signal that he has won the match. The camera zooms in on Tommy Savitz,and we can tell by the look on his face that the pain he's experiencing isn't just because of his injuries;his eyes are glazed over with disappointment and shock as his mind registers the bitter fact that he's been defeated with one of his own classic moves. As Chris triumphantly makes his way back to the locker room,we see Terri Savitz berating the referee while Arnold Judas Rimmer,James Fantastic,and Two-Ton Tommy rush to get the Surgeon out of the ring. As the camera fades out,EMTs gently put the badly mauled Savitz onto a stretcher to take him to a waiting ambulance.

Monroe: This has to have put a dampener on the Rocker's night, Madman! They won the Tag Titles, but their teammate, Tommy Savitz is very badly hurt!

MarcuM: It's the way things are in the RDCW, Monroe! You never know when any match could be your last!

Monroe: Hopefully we haven't seen the last of Tommy Savitz here tonight, fans!

The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."
madman marcum #608751 2006-01-03 5:31 AM
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Hardcore Porn Title
Chewy Walrus (C) vs. Balls Nasty vs. Charlie

Charlie heads out to the ring as 'Bad to the Bone' plays over the speakers. Before his music turns off, Balls Nasty charges the ring. The two begin to brawl. Chewy Walrus runs out to join in the fray. The ref calls for the bell to officially begin the match. There doesn't seem to be any strategy from any of the men as each one alternates his punches between both his opponents. Several minutes of intense battling continues before the pace begins to slow down as each man begins to tire.

Chewy and Charlie face off as Nasty slips out of the ring. He goes to the official's corner and pushes his way to the Hardcore Porn belt laying on the table. He pushes James White out of the way as he picks up the belt. He turns to the ring and yells at both men inside. Charlie and Chewy both look over as Balls Nasty hold the title belt in the air. He then steps over the guardrail, into the audience and begins to walk away, occasionally turning back towards his foes and motioning for them to follow. Charlie, being the quicker of the two men left in the ring, slides out under the ropes and hops the rail. The ref and the camera follows as all three men head away from the ring.

Charlie doesn't finally catch up to Balls Nasty until they are out in the Cheesedome lobby. Charlie reaches out to try and grab Balls, but Nasty turns quickly and smashes the belt up against Charlie's forehead.

Monroe: Balls just hit Charlie in the head.

Marcum: It's called teabagging, and it costs $15.

Monroe: What?!

Marcum: Nothing.

Chewy runs up. Nasty tries to hit him with the belt also, but Chewy grabs the belt with both hands and yanks it free from Balls. The Walrus then shoulder tackled Nasty, sending him to the ground. Groggily, Charlie tries to get back up to his feet. Chewy takes the belt and brings it down across the back of the Brit's neck, sending the man crashing back down to the floor. Nasty is back to his feet and begins another attack on Chewy. During the struggle, Chewy drops the belt and they make their way across the lobby and over to the concession stand.

Chewy tosses Nasty over the counter as the employees of the stand quickly move out of the way. The Walrus rolls over the counter and picks Nasty up off the floor. With his hand around Balls throat, Chewy places Nasty's head underneath the butter pump. With his free hand, the Walrus begins to pump the butter over Balls's face. Nasty fights to keep it out of his nostrils and mouth.

Marcum: Oh my god! He's getting ready to eat Balls.

Nasty's hand finds a container of salt. He grabs it and tosses the contents into Chewy's face. The Walrus lets go of Balls and grabs at his eyes while yelling in pain. Chewy searches with his hands for the soda machine and uses the Coca~Cola dispenser to wash out his eyes as Balls Nasty tries to catch his breath while gagging from all the butter he'd consumed. Charlie appears up on the counter and jumps off, hitting a double clothesline. All three men tumble to the ground, but Charlie is the first back to his feet. He walks over to the wall and removes the fire extinguisher. He blasts Chewy in the face with a burst of C02 before clobbering him over the head with it.

Nasty gets back to his feet, and he and Charlie begin to fight it out. Charlie is trying to make their way back to the ring as he trades blows with Balls. They make their way through a set of doors and are now back in the audience. He turns to see a rail in his way. They have accidentally made their way to the balcony. As Charlie is realizing his mistake, Balls Nasty takes advantage of the situation and slams Charlie's head into the rail. Charlie falls to the ground, and Nasty tries to recover his strength. But Chewy Walrus comes charging down the corridor. Still a bit near sighted, the Walrus cannot see that there is a rail right in front of him or that they are on the second level.

Chewy collides into Balls, and they both go tumbling over the rail. The camera leans over the rail to show chewy laying on top of Balls Nasty on the floor below. A confused ref stands there for several moments before he does the only thing that comes to mind. He makes the three count, eliminating Balls Nasty from the match. Charlie climbs his way down the balcony and to the lower level. Chewy is stumbling to his feet, very hurt, when Charlie sucker punches him from behind. Chewy falls over and Charlie covers for the win.

As he's handed the belt, the SDC enter the arena from the ramp and are making their way towards Chewy. Charlie exits out of the arena through the lobby again. EMT's begin to enter the audience with a stretcher in tow. The SDC help a half conscious Chewy to his feet. Balls Nasty is still laying motionless on the floor.

Monroe: This doesn't look good. It looks as though Balls is injured, severly.

Marcum: Injured?! He's fucking dead! Chewy Walrus flattened him like a pancake!

EMT's hover over Balls, but he is unresponsive as they put an neckbrace on him and strap him to a backboard. They then lift him onto the stretcher and strap him in. Chewy is standing on rubber legs as another EMT examines him by shining a light in both eyes and asking him questions. The SDC assist carrying Chewy to a waiting ambulance as Balls Nasty is loaded into the back of another.

Monroe: My gawd! This is a terrible end to a match. We'll update you fans as soon as we know something. We need a bit of time here. We'll be back after this ad for Tuesday Night Havoc.

Last edited by Mike The Mouth Monroe; 2006-01-05 7:40 PM.

The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."
madman marcum #608752 2006-01-03 5:32 AM
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Grudge Match
Captain Sammitch vs. Pig Iron
Special Referee: Dr. William Paragon

"Ode To Joy" plays and Dr. William Paragon walks down the ramp and enters the ring to the booes of the fans.

“Countdown to Armageddon” begins playing over the Cheesedome loudspeakers. Pig Iron and Heidi Schwarz walk down to the ring, but before they get to the ring, Paragon begins to speak.

DP: "As a representative of the BBN, and tonight's licensed official for this match, it is my duty to keep this match fair and square. As such, I am ordering Ms. Schwarz to return to the dressing room for the duration of this matchup!"

Paragon hands his mic off to James White as Pig Iron and Schwarz scream obscenities. Finally, she turns and walks back to the dressing room.

Marcum: “Oh No. No! No, Schwartz.”

Monroe: “It’ll be OK Marcum. I think after tonight Schwartz might have more free time on her hands, and won’t be saddled with that goofball Pig Iron. Well, once Doc Paragon and the Reverend are through with him.”

Marcum: “Not to mention Captain Sammitch.”

Pig Iron steps right up to Dr. Paragon screaming in his face. There is no mic so no one can hear what they are saying to each other. It looks heated, but no blows are exchanged. The bickering continues throughout the new music playing.

"Let’s Get It Started" begins playing and the crowd pops, and Captain Sammitch makes his way to the ring. Pig Iron and Dr. Paragon are too busy yelling at each other to notice Captain Sammitch entering the ring and getting out of his entrance gear. CS almost starts to charge at PI’s back, but the Swine of Steel turns around. So, CS takes a mic.

CS: “Well, when you two are done flirting maybe Pig Whiner and I can start our match, and this is OUR match Paragon. No SDC no DL…just Pig Iron and I. Straight down the middle.”

CS throws the mic out of the ring…as PI and DP both turn around and get into position.

Monroe: “Grudge Match…no tables, no tomfoolery. Can Pig Iron even wrestle a straight up match?”

Marcum: “And Captain Sammitch has some payback from their last match and the intervention from SPAMM.”

Dr. Paragon calls for the match to start. The two wrestlers size each other up and PI goes for the neck lock. CS sidesteps and kicks PI in the lower back. Again. Followed by a Sammitch Spin into the back of PI’s head. PI goes down. CS hits the second rope for a moonsault onto PI. CS goes for the quick flip and cover but the count is a quick 2. CS looks at Paragon as the count seemed too fast, but the crowd can’t tell. A few boos are heard.

CS stands up and pleads to the crowd waving his hands. PI takes the chance and kicks CS behind the knee. CS goes down on one knee, and PI delivers a series of kicks to CS’s ribs and further works on the knees with kicks, and shakes off the last vestiges of CS’s first assault. PI attempts to put CS into a Hog Heaven when CS reverses the mod pump handle into a standing rear chin lock… PI’s arms are going wildly as he tries to grab CS, and CS tries to maneuver him into the center of the ring, but PI falls to the canvas. CS then turns the chin lock into a cross face, and PI tries to wiggle out, but then puts his boot on the bottom rope. Paragon appears to see the boot, but doesn’t call for the break.

CS keeps on the cross face mercilessly for about 7 seconds, and the crowd starts to boo. CS then turns his head back and sees the boot on the rope. CS lets go of the hold and stands up and starts yelling at Dr. Paragon, and points at the rope. Again CS tries to placate the crowd. DP then grabs CS and points to PI and points to his eyes like he didn’t see the boot. CS still tries to placate the crowd waving his hands in the universal sign of innocence. PI begins to get to his knees when DP again goes over to CS and points at PI.

Marcum: “What in the world is going on?”

Monroe: “It looks like Paragon is outta practice.”

CS goes over to PI and appears to be talking to him. PI looking tired quickly turns around and delivers a Pork U to CS. PI then immediately steps around and puts CS into a Hogtied Cradle. CS can’t get to the ropes and DP begrudgingly calls for the bell after about 4 seconds of CS tapping repeatedly. But PI will not let go of the hold.

After a few moments, Paragon motions to James White who announces over the mic: "Dr. Paragon has ordered that if Pig Iron does not release the hold, that he will be disqualified and the match will be awarded to Captain Sammitch!"

Pig Iron is furious and releases the hold, getting in Paragon's face. Paragon argues with the Warrior of Pain for several moments. Finally, Sammitch recovers and hits Pig Iron from behind with a standing dropkick, sending him out to the floor!

Sammitch then stares down Paragon as "Countdown to Armageddon" plays again and Heidi Schwarz leads the angry Pig Iron back to the back.

The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."
madman marcum #608753 2006-01-03 5:34 AM
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Clockwork Banana House of Fun
Spandex Monkey Man vs. Mystery Opponent

The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."
madman marcum #608754 2006-01-03 5:37 AM
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Inter-Cunt-Inental Title
Darth (C) vs. Doc. Mid-Nite

Both wrestlers came prepared for war, and war it was in the ring as the Sith Lord and the Mid-Nite Marauder went at each other early with a series of power moves that led to a flat out brawl. Mid-Nite was able to force Darth into a corner where he proceeded to choke him, but the Sith Lord fought back with Hellfire and sent Mid-Nite to the mat with a bulldog. Darth quickly rolled Mid-Nite over, but could only get a two-count as the Mid-Nite Doctor kicked out.

Darth pulled Mid-Nite back to his feet, but it was Mid-Nite who took control with the Lethal Dose DDT. The Mid-Nite Main Event quickly ran to ropes and spring boarded into the air for the High Crescent moonsault but Darth was able to get his knees up. As Mid-Nite rolled off of Darth's legs and onto the mat, the Sith Lord sat up and returned to his feet. He waited for Mid-Nite to get back up, and delivered the Oman DDT to him. Darth climbed the corner rope to hit a Concussion Missile dropkick, but Mid-Nite Express managed to get back to his feet and get to the corner before the Sith Lord could make his jump. The two struggled as Mid-Nite climbed the corner, and eventually the Mid-Nite Doctor got the upper hand and pulled Darth back to the mat with a devastating superplex.

Both wrestlers stayed down and Lothar began to count them out. Mid-Nite started getting to his feet first, but before he could fully stand, Darth sat up. Seemingly unphased, Darth quickly got to his feet. Mid-Nite went at him and Darth delivered the Maul, but Mid-Nite side stepped the big boot and grabbed Darth's leg, pulling him down into a legbreaker. The Mid-Nite Doctor continued to work over Darth's leg, falling on it with several elbows and kneed drops. The damage done, Mid-Nite pulled Darth to his feet and Irish Whipped him into the ropes. Darth grabbed the ropes and held on, causing Mid-Nite to run at him with a clothesline. Darth ducked and pulled the ropes down, sending Mid-Nite flying out of the ring. Mid-Nite got back to his feet, and Darth spring boarded off the ropes and connected with a Concussion Missile dropkick outside the ring.

Darth got back to his feet, but his leg failed him and he fell back to the ground. Visibly frustrated, he again rose to his feet and slowly walked to Mid-Nite. All the while Lothar was counting. Darth lifted Mid-Nite up above his head in a Gorilla Press and threw him into the ring. Darth scaled the ring apron and climbed over the ropes. The Sith Lord lifted Mid-Nite up into the Sabrestrech, but as he executed the Darksideslam, the Mid-Nite Marauder was able to grab a hold of Darth's head and counter the move with the Lethal Dose DDT. As the crowd erupted, Mid-Nite got back to his feet and made his way to the corner ropes. As he climbed to the top, he didn't notice Darth sit up. Mid-Nite leapt off the ropes for the Long Kiss Good Night elbow, but Darth got to his feet and caught the Mid-Nite Marauder in a choke hold.

It looked to be over for the IV member, but the crowd continued to cheer him on as he broke the choke hold and Irish Whipped Darth into the ropes. Darth bounced back at him, and the D.O.C. administered the Attitude Adjustment spinebuster. Quickly running to the ropes, the Mid-Nite Express spring boarded up and into the High Crescent moonsault. This time, the Sith Lord stayed down, and Mid-Nite went for the cover and got the pin, becoming the new Intercuntinental Champion.

The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."
madman marcum #608755 2006-01-03 5:38 AM
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Women's Booby Title
Lor (C) vs. Princess Elisa

Princess Elisa had been demanding respect, and even though she lost this tight match, she certainly earned it. Coming at Lor early with a series of holds and roll ups, the Boobie Champ kept finding new ways to counter the Princess' offense. Elisa hit a series of suplexes, but she could not lock in ABSOLUTION as Lor would not hold still long enough to be trapped in submission.

Finally, Lor went on the attack, using a series of fore arms and clotheslines to gain momentum. After failing to lock either of her submissions, Lor tried to hit Punch & Judy, but Elisa countered the move and took Lor to the mat with a facebuster. Again, Elisa tried to lock in ABSOLUTION, but Lor was able to counter and pull the Princess into a small package. As Lothar focussed on Elisa's shoulders and counted the pin, he didn't see Lor grabbing a fist full of tights to secure her hold.

As the bell sounded, Lor quickly released Elisa and slipped out of the ring as the Princess ran to the ropes yelling at her. Lor just smiled and blew some kisses as James White handed her the Boobie Belt. With one, final curtsey, the Lone She-Wolf skipped off into the crowd.

The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."
madman marcum #608756 2006-01-03 5:39 AM
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4 Way Dance World Heavyweight Cheese Title
Joe Mama (C) vs. PenWing vs. Grimm vs. Nowhereman

"Laaaadiieeeessss aaaannnd geeeeennnnnntllllllleeeemeeeeeennnnn. . .it is now time for your main event! The four way dance for the RDCW World Heavyweight Cheese Championship! Let's get ready to stuuuuumblllllllllllleeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" James White stood in the ring, the crowd wondering when he would finish.

Mike Monroe: Where does the Doctor hire these people?

Madman MarcuM: Everyone can't be a former Strippers & Waffles employee, Monroe!

Monroe: Quiet, you. Fans, I have no idea what he's referring to.

"We Will Rock You" cued up, as the fans began chanting and singing along. PenWing appeared on the rampway, sherwood in hand and head still bandaged.

Monroe: PenWing still suffering from that minor head injury. Very courageous stepping into the ring here tonight against three other opponents.

MarcuM: My sources tell me that PenWing and Nowhereman got into a HUGE brawl backstage earlier tonight and had to be pulled apart!

Monroe: That is news!

The CheeseDome goes dark as "Return of the Living Dead" begins to play and Harleykwin leads Grimm to ringside.

Monroe: The Dark Lord all business here tonight, Madman!

MarcuM: He's not happy with the events of the last couple of months, Monroe.

Monroe: The other participants not happy with the way Grimm inserted himself into this match tonight.

MarcuM: Whose gonna tell him he can't?! Not me!

"Kickstart My Heart" begins as Nowhereman speedwalks down the ramp. He doesn't even bother with waiting for his pyro as he rolls into the ring. A three way staredown ensues.

Monroe: This is gonna be a war, fans. We've already seen three competitors hospitalized tonight. Here's hoping no one else gets injured.

MarcuM: With the reputation for violence of at least three of the men in this match, and the way tempers are flaring up tonight, I don't see how that can't happen. Somebody's goin out on a stretcher here.

Finally, "Faded" begins to play as Joe Mama emerges from the back, World Heavyweight Cheese Title held high in the air. The crowd explodes as the man they've watched rise up from the very bottom strides to the ring with purpose. He steps up on the ring steps and slowly drags his thumb across his throat before stepping inside and tossing the Big Cheese title to Lothar.

Lothar signals for the bell and quickly dives out of the ring as all four competitors slam into each other in the middle of the ring. What follows resembles not so much a dance, but a moshpit brawl. . .

con't. . .

The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."
madman marcum #608757 2006-01-06 5:38 AM
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The battle raged as the fans sat. The four fought, traded opponents, and fought on. In the ring, out of the ring, into the stands, onto the announce tables and back into the ring.

PenWing's head was soon bloodied again, and the sight of his own blood sent the SDC member into a frenzy as he rammed Grimm's head repeatedly into the ringsteps, busting the MONSTER open! Harleykwin jumped on PenWing's back, clawing at his eyes, but he flipped her over onto the ground.

This gave Grimm time to recover as he hit PenWing with an inverted ddt on the floor and rolled him into the ring. Grimm hit PenWing with a Crapping Wizard and seemed ready to go for the pin! But Grimm made the mistake of hitting the crucifix pose for the crowd and paid for it as Joe Mama hit him with a thunderous running clothesline!

Nowhereman followed up, with a series of elbowdrops on his former tag partner as Joe Mama and lifted PenWing off of the mat. The fans began to applaud the show of sportsmanship, but Joe Mama quickly lifted PenWing up into position for the Brainbuster suplex and covered him for the pin! "I'm sorry, but this is war." he mouthed as he made the pin.

Monroe: BUHGAWB!!!!!!! The Champ just made the first elimination! He's out to prove something tonight!

MarcuM: It's for the knucklehead's own good. He would've probably seriously gotten hurt. But at least he and Chewy Walrus could've shared a hospital room!

JM rolled PenWing out of the ring as medical personnel headed down to check on him.


The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."
madman marcum #608758 2006-01-06 5:55 AM
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Three men remained with one thing on their minds: totall annihilation of their opponents. No more witty repartee. No more pithy insults and trash talking. No more mind games. Now it was down to sheer VIOLENCE.

They punched, kicked, elbowed, slammed, suplexed, and punched again as the crowd ate up every moment, alternating cheering for all three men and chanting "RDCW!"

Joe Mama nailed Grimm with a running Enforcer spinebuster and was set for a pin attempt when Nowhereman broke things up with a vicious chokeslam! He then pulled Grimm up to his feet, but instead of brawling, the two turned on Joe Mama and hit the champion with a brutal double clothesline!

Monroe: They're in collusion! I knew it!

MarcuM: Maybe not! They did work together a long time and old habits are hard to break!

The two former Hellions took turns pounding on the Big Cheese Champion until finally Nowhereman locked JM in the Iron Maiden! Simultaneously, Grimm applied the Grimmlock as Joe Mama found himself caught in not one, but two devastating submission holds at the same time!

Monroe: BUHGAWB!!!!!! This is inhuman! There's no way he can possibly survive!

JM struggled for several moments, using every last ounce of his strength to attempt to escape. But the challengers had him locked down in the middle of the ring with no chance of respite. Finally, after several moments, Joe Mama. . .began to tap the mat.

Monroe: He just tapped, Madman! The Champion just tapped out!

MarcuM: It was bound to happen, Monroe! No human being could survive being locked in those two painful holds for so long without suffering serious damage!

Lothar signaled for the bell as James White announced Joe's elimination to the stunned CheeseDome crowd. Medical personnel at ringside checked on JM's condition as they motioned for a stretcher from the back.

Monroe: I'm still in shock. This could be very serious, Madman. Joe Mama is the second competitor to be stretchered out of this match tonight.

MarcuM: Don't forget he just came back from that neck injury a couple of months ago.

Monroe: We can only hope he hasn't been reinjured tonight, Madman. Fans, we're down to two men, one of whom will become the new World Heavyweight Cheese Champion. . .

cont. . .

The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."
madman marcum #608759 2006-01-06 4:26 PM
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Grimm looked down at Joe Mama's prone form and sneered at his longtime adversary. As he did so, Nowhereman hit a running Kik Tracee and followed up with several Hardlines.

Monroe: Nowhereman's really turning up the heat now!

MarcuM: He's blatantly cheating, Monroe!

Monroe: How??!!

MarcuM: He just is!

Nowhereman paused to acknowledge the cheers of the fans and ran in for another Hardline, but Grimm dropped down into a

Fat Retard: DROP TOEHOLD!!!!!!!!!

that sent his former tag partner stumbling out of the ring and onto the arena floor. Harleykwin taunted the RDCW's rock star, slapping him in the face several times. Angered, Nowhereman got to his feet and grabbed 'kwin by the hair!

Before he could do anything, Grimm came off of the ring apron with a flying axehandle into Nowhereman's back! Grimm pointed at the announce table before rolling Nowhereman back into the ring.

Monroe: What was that about?

MarcuM: I think I know. . .

Grimm set Nowhereman up on the top turnbuckle as he prepared for the Kobe Special, chokeslamming Nowhereman out of the ring and sending him flying through the announcer's table!


Grimm stood over his foe in the crucifix pose, but Nowhereman managed a low kick that dropped Grimm to the ground.

MarcuM: See? I told you he was cheating!

After several moments, Nowhereman managed to pull himself to his feet, and raised a fist high into the air as the fans applauded! He climbed up onto the top turnbuckle and delivered a Twisted Sister to Grimm all the way onto the arena floor!

Monroe: These men are sacrificing themselves here tonight! It's a war, a bloody war!

Nowhereman rolled Grimm back into the ring and followed up with a Black N Blue powerbomb in the center of the ring! He went for the pin, but Lothar was distracted by Harleykwin on the ring apron, claiming something was wrong with her outfit.

After a couple of moments, Nowhereman got up to chastise Lothar about the count. The two argued, allowing 'kwin to toss Grimm a steel chain which he wrapped around his left hand. As Nowhereman led Lothar back over to where Grimm lay in the ring, he picked Grimm up and motioned for the Slammin Gladys. But Grimm nailed him directly in the jaw with his chain wrapped fist!

Monroe: Buhgawb! Now that's cheating, Madman!

MarcuM: What? Grimm just punched him a bit. It's not his fault that the limey has a glass jaw!

Grimm continued punching away at Nowhereman with the chain fist as Harleykwin again distracted Lothar. Finally, she turned Lothar's attention back to the ring where Grimm prepared to deliver the Triple 6 Bomb! After a three count, it was over and James White made the announcement: "The winner of the 4 Way Dance. . .and NEW World Heavyweight Cheese Champion. . .Grimmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!"

Lothar presented Grimm with the Big Gold Belt as Harleykwin strapped it around his waist and the two celebrated in the ring.

Monroe: This is disgusting! He blatantly cheated all the way through the match! I don't believe this!

MarcuM: All's fair in love and war, Monroe!

Monroe: Fans, on behalf of the RDCW, this is Mike "The Mouth" Monroe, thanking you for joining us tonight, and we'll see you on Tuesday!

MarcuM: I'm off to Strippers & Waffles!

The Madman says: "that's fucked up. that ain't right."

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