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Non Spoiler Review
Okay. Not as good as Two, probably better than One.
Spoiler Filled Review
X Men 3 (Or X-Men The Last Stand if you want to hold onto the hope that there won't be a fourth) is definitely not a terrible movie. It's not a great movie, but it's definitely not terrible.
It's a movie filled with missed opportunity. Or, more specifically, a movie that spends lots of time setting up characters/situations/conflicts that it never fully resolves (or, even, intends to resolve).
Example One: Ben Foster as Angel. A great character, played by a great actor, with great potential. They open the movie with two short prologue scenes, one of which is younger Xavier and Magneto visiting a young Jean Grey. The other is used to establish the character of Warren Worthington. Fine, I thought. He's getting a prologue before the title credits. We're seeing him before we even see Wolverine. He is then given precisely fuck all to do for the rest of the movie. He exchanges maybe two lines with the other X-Men. By the end of the film I wasn't sure whether Storm or Wolverine even knew his name.
Example Two: A recently revived Jean Grey, when Wolverine brings up the notion of Professor X having suppressed her powers in the past, says "How can you be sure he's not in your head right now? He's tamed you." (or words to that effect). An interesting question. The idea that a psychic of Xavier's powers would use them to suppress or control those mutants he viewed as useful is a fascinating one, and one worth exploring. Then, after the question is posed, nothing is done with it for the rest of the film.
The whole thing is littered with this sort of stuff (don't get me started on The Multiple Man). It all comes down to the film having more ideas than running time. One can't help but think that it would have been a stronger film if it cut one or two extraneous characters and subplots and concentrated on its strongest elements.
Characters from the first two who get completely dicked for screen time: Cyclops, Rogue (whose arc for this film sucked, by the way) and Mystique.
Characters from the first two who continue to get arguably too much screentime: Wolverine and Storm.
Characters from the first two who get their screentime increased, and deservedly so: Colossus (only just) and Iceman. Shawn Ashmore as Iceman kinda takes the ball and runs with it, finishing the film as one of the more likable characters.
Surprises: Kelsey Grammar as Hank McCoy. I had no qualms with it. He's obviously not really an actor cut out for the big fighting and jumping scenes, but those bits are handled by wires and computers and stunt doubles anyway. An actor like Grammar is hired for his voice and expression, which he carries off well.
Surprise 2 is Kitty Pride. She actually gets to save the day and take down one of the big villains, and does it in a believable and entertaining way.
The effects: In most parts adequate. Even great in some parts. The ball is dropped occasionally, but I was kinda willing to let that slide due to the sheer number of different mutant powers they were dealing with.
The Dialogue: Serviceable for the most part. Horrid in some parts.
Looking back over what I've just written, I seem to come across overly negative. I don't mean to. I did enjoy the film. I never looked at my watch. Most of the action setpieces were just great, including a fantastic fight scene set inside a house that Jean is tearing apart with her mind piece by piece. The Danger Room scene that opened the film was good fun. Seeing Colossus in action was a thrill. It's just that the little disappointments are sitting in the back of my head, being all... disappointing. I can't help but feel that they keep this Okay movie from being a Great movie. Because it easily could have been, had the screenwriters and Ratner focused on what worked instead of trying to throw as many showy moments at the screen as possible.
Thing is- I can’t spell or type. I spell so badly my spell check doesn’t even know what I was trying to spell. And I have five Eisners HAHAHAHHA!!
-Brian Michael Bendis
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I'm just glad they don't have a big giant banana riding around in a scooter in this movie.
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I hope Jim isn't offended by my saying so, but that was hillarious.
Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma.
" I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9
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Are you kidding? That clip probably got Jim to buy his tickets already.
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PJP said: I'm just glad they don't have a big giant banana riding around in a scooter in this movie.
They're saving that for the Fantastic Four sequel.
Thing is- I can’t spell or type. I spell so badly my spell check doesn’t even know what I was trying to spell. And I have five Eisners HAHAHAHHA!!
-Brian Michael Bendis
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whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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There's a review up at newsarama now. spoilers... (well, actually one kinda small spoiler) I'm glad that it looks like it'll be better than expected, but it bugs me that they've made Jamie Madrox a villain. I'm hoping maybe it'll be a "bad dupe" and the "real Jamie" will show up too, but I'm thinking it's too much to hope they had X-Factor fans in mind when they made it.
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they have a lot of mutants in the Brotherhood that aren't necessarily villains. the actress playing Psylocke said the director told her something like "maybe she's not evil, maybe she's under mind control." I dunno.
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PJP said: I'm just glad they don't have a big giant banana riding around in a scooter in this movie.
It's Mr. Banana Grabber and he's riding a Segue.
Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma.
" I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9
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wannabuyamonkey said:
PJP said: I'm just glad they don't have a big giant banana riding around in a scooter in this movie.
It's Mr. Banana Grabber and he's riding a Segue.
Look! A seagull!
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I saw it today and I pretty much agree with Danny. Good, but could be better. I still enjoyed it and will most likely see it again.
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Oh yeah....there is an extra scene at the end of the credits.
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It was definitely better than I expected. And I do agree with Danny and Jeff - a lot of wasted potential with some truly good moments. *SPOILERS BELOW!*PROS- Kelsey Grammer as the Beast. Seriously, I had my doubts as much as the next guy, but he definitely turned in a solid performance. I was particularly picky, as Beast is quite possibly my favorite X-Man. Well done, Dr. Crane!
- "Don't you know who I am?! I'M THE JUGGERNAUT, BITCH!"
- The titular "last stand". Abso-friggin'-lutely epic! In a lot of ways, this is kinda what I've been waiting all three movies to see. The kinda knock-down, drag-out, fight to the finish... it was a complete sensory overload, which is what I would expect from Ratner.
- Iceman. The character really owned up to his full potential in this movie, to the point of even achieving his completely iced over state in order to bitch-slap Pyro. Lovely.
- Ian McKellen. Seriously, is it possible for this man deliver a bad performance? His Magneto ranged from absolutely ruthless to genuinely scared to weakened and defeated.
- The epilogue. If you didn't stay 'til the end of the credits, you didn't see the whole movie.
CONS- Angel. Seriously, what was the point? Was there one? I think Ben Foster (who, as Danny said, is a very talented actor - just watch Hostage) had - tops - five minutes of screen time. That's just ridiculous. Characters without names had more a purpose in this film. I kept waiting for Ratner to get back to him... and was disappointed when he didn't. Better to leave him out altogether than put him in for no reason.
- James Marsden. Seriously, I feel bad for the guy. He had about five minutes in the last film and even less in this one. I mean, I understand he had to film Superman Returns, but still...
- Anna Paquin. That girl is too much hotness not to be given more of a role. The entire first film centered around her character. By the third film, she's little more than a sidenote. And the payoff? She's not Rogue anymore. Granted, there's hope for the next film, especially seeing as Magneto seems to be getting his powers back, but there are no guarantees. I'll be pissed if she's not back for the next one.
- No Nightcrawler. Another of my favorite X-Men, I thought Alan Cumming delivered a good, believable turn in the last film. And he is mysteriously absent... probably because Halle Berry was embarassed about not having a visually stunning leading man.

- Death of Xavier. And so early in the film! I was definitely bummed, especially due to the fact that Patrick Stewart is one of my favorite actors.
- The effects job done on Stewart and McKellen in the opening scene. Seriously, it was bad.
- Trask - seriously, one of the most wooden performances I've ever seen.
I think the biggest difference between this film and the previous two was the execution. With Ratner, the focus shifted from storytelling (Singer's primary concern) to action. Honestly, I expected this from Ratner, which is why I remained so cautious about going into this film. Now, he did it well... but I was still a bit sorry to see so much wasted potential. Despite what has been said, this movie is definitely set up for a sequel (at least, I would hope so, given the emphasis placed on the next generation - i.e. Iceman, Shadowcat, and Colossus). Plus, developments with Xavier and Lenssher lead me to believe that they haven't necessarily been written out to the extent they might've been otherwise. I think this was just a convenient way to write out anyone who might not have wanted to come back - especially since most of these actors signed three film contracts. That having been said, I will probably see future X-films... I'm hooked now. Also, it's definitely gonna suck for Singer if this film gets worse reviews than Superman Returns. That would be a friggin' shame.
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I'd seen pictures online, but I couldn't help to laugh when Beast showed up. It was even worse when he started talking. This isn't Beast, this is Fraiser painted blue. Similarly, Vinnie Jones didn't play Juggernaut. He played Vinnie Jones.
It's kind of a tradition in X-films to make secondary villains irrelevant, but in this movie this also expanded to the heroes. It wasn't just Angel. NONE of the new characters are relevant to the story. That's why they could just take out Gambit when Sawyer from Lost said no: he would have been as irrelevant as Beast, for example. What was the point of introducing Beast? Just so he could stand there with the rest and make witty Fraiser one liners, as if he was a well established character.
The personalities aren't even developed. The Danger Room scene at the beginning was the perfect set up to show some character development in Kitty and Colossus. Instead, they kinda disappear during the middle part of the movie, and the "change" happens for Wolvie (who goes from working alone, as a sub teacher, to working with a team, as a leader... this wouldn't be entirely bad, if the change in him was justified in the least). Can anyone tell me why I'm supposed to care about what happens to Kitty during the end battle, if she's a character we've barely seen? At least she got to save the day... they didn't even try with Colossus.
Most of the old characters got fucked. Cyclops has an off-panel death, probably because he didn't sign on for a fourth movie. So much dramatic potential is wasted. Iceman's rivalry with Pyro, for example, comes down to a kame-hame-ha fight. Rogue gets the cure because she feels jealous of an 11 year old girl, and in the end it's like "Oh, okay". The only relationship that was handled well was Prof X and Magneto... but, of course, that goes to hell when he Xavier gets killed off way too early for his death to have any real significance.
I understand why they wouldn't want to use the cosmic entity explanation for Phoenix, but they just pulled the multiple personality explanation out of their asses. There's nothing in the previous movies that could even hint this was coming. About the only thing that was properly set up in this movie was the post-credits epilogue, which was clever, but what was the purpose of that scene, other than shock value?
The dialogue sucked. I can understand if the President speaks only in cliches, I mean, that actually does happen in the real world. But Magneto turns into a parody of himself because of the way his ideas are expressed.
To end this predictable rant, I gotta say they did an awful job recapping the events of the previous movies, and explaining who the characters are. I saw the movie with a friend who hadn't seen the previous two, and I had to keep explaining stuff to him. Like Rogue, why can't she touch people? Oh, so she's going out with Iceman? For a casual movie goer, watching this movie is like catching a soap on TV.
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Glacier16 said: Oh yeah....there is an extra scene at the end of the credits.
We left during the credits and I didn't even think to wait to see if there was something else.
btw, I just got home from seeing it a little while ago. I went with a few friends, only one other was a true fan/collecter like me/us.
I'm writing my review in my journal as we speak, but I agree with a lot of what Danny said. I feel cheated that we didn't get to see the Phoenix effect. I mean come ON, that's what made her such a cool character.
It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.
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Ok so for those that stayed through the end credits (which reminds me, Stan Lee has got to at least try to be harder to find, doode, even my friend who has only read a hand full of comic books and had to have me tell her where he was in other movies, spotted him right away, and so did I), what happened?
I swear I didn't even think to stay. >.<
It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.
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It was better than Fantastic Four, at least. X-Men 4 needs to have motherfuckin' Arcade, though.
Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!
All hail King Snarf!
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Batwoman said: Ok so for those that stayed through the end credits, what happened?
I swear I didn't even think to stay. >.<
After the credits the screen goes back to that lab with Moira, and you see that guy laying on the bed. That same guy you saw on TV who she was with, and Prof. X was talking about how psychics could transfer their minds to people, but they weren't sure if it was the right thing to do.
Well at the end of the credits, you see Moira comes in to do a daily check up, and the man's head turns left(you never see his face) and in Xavier's voice says "Hello Moira". She then says "Charles" in a shocked tone, and the screen goes black.
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I'm so going to see this again just for that.
OK so did anyone else spot Gambit? A friend of mine on LJ spotted him. I didn't.
It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.
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They probably didn't show his face so they could use Ben Kingsley or something as Xavier's new body in the next movie.
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That's what I was thinking when I read Glacier's post.
Kind of pulling a Doctor Who there.
It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.
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This was definitely not better than the first one, but for some strange reason that I honestly cannot figure out, I enjoyed this movie.
Really, I shouldn't have. It has everything that I usually despise in hack-cinema. Bad puns. Pointless plot twists. An utter lack of character development. I should have left the theatre ranting as I often do, but instead I was quiet and oddly contented, for no apparent reason. Perhaps I'd been drugged during the opening credits or something. Perhaps the trailer for Snakes on a Plane(!!!) put me into an extended state of delirium. I have no idea.
It was hugely flawed, but the only thing I can really complain about is that the scope of the project was clearly too large, which destroyed any chance they had at making a truly great film. Too many characters, too many storylines.
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"Oh my stars & garters"-best line from the movie.
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LLance said: eay9u3q (u%%
Isn't that Johnny Quick's secret formula.
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I was going to wait until next week to see this movie but I guess I better see it Sunday as it may not still be out next week if it's as bad as I've heard. One reviewer said only comic book fans would love it and since 'm a comic book fan...
This begs the question though is why would Hollywood let this movie be made w/o being anything less then Star Wars stupendous? It makes no sense to me to put out a mediocre super-hero film on the wave of such great movies as Batman Begins, X-2, Spider-Man I and II, and the forthcoming Superman Returns movie (which looks to be great). I've watched an MSN behind the scenes video with Hugh Jackman where he says this is the definite finale to the X-Men trilogy and yet this clever little teaser is left at the end of the movie? WTF? Yet they give free reign to a guy who does action films well (which is good) but says the hell with plot. WTF? They want a forth movie they better do justice to the storyline. I guess the guy threw in everything but the kitchen sink for the comic fans but I would rather see a few characters fleshed out well on the screen than many thrown in without point or resolution. As for those who've died in the movie...they've died in the comics too and have managed to return to the land of the living! If there's a forth movie Charley and Scott will both be in it! Count on that!
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the G-man said:
LLance said:
eay9u3q (u%%
Isn't that Johnny Quick's secret formula.
I'm glad you recognized it!
Seriously...I was just being a silly fuck when I typed the gibberish!
or...Business as usual (if I may)...
Last edited by LLance; 2006-05-27 8:04 PM.
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You most certainly may not!
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allan1 said: "Oh my stars & garters"-best line from the movie.
Chewy Walrus said:
- "Don't you know who I am?! I'M THE JUGGERNAUT, BITCH!"
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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'X Men 3': Box Office Record!"X Men 3: The Last Stand" took in almost $45 million on Friday and landed in the history books. It is now the second highest opener of all time, right behind "Star Wars: Attack of the Sith."
Insiders are predicting that the Brett Ratner directed third episode in the X Men trilogy could do as much as $150 million over the four day Memorial Day weekend. Word of mouth and "tracking" are so strong that "X Men 3," with no real rivals, should shatter all kinds of records by time the numbers are in officially on Tuesday.
For Ratner, whose successes have included two "Rush Hour" movies and "Hannibal," the X Men blast off is quite a success story. He narrowly escaped making "Superman Returns" instead, a movie that is now being billed as the most expensive ever made, and could have a lot of problems.
"X Men 3" was not cheap to make. With a ticket of $225 million, it also sets a record as maybe second most expensive ever. But with a first weekend like this, 20th Century Fox should see a nice return before too long.
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The entire movie, from beginning to end, was one of the worst movies I have ever wasted my time on. It goes from cliche' to cliche', with no real bearing on plot, coherence, or characters. It was, absolutely, unredeemable shit. It, Batman&Robin, Catwoman, and Fantastic Four all share the same craptacular level with me. Just my opinion....
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It by no means was a great movie, but it was entertaining. I certainly felt that I got my money's worth. Or I would, if I had actually paid for my ticket. My buddy sprang for me 'cause it was my birt'day!
Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!
All hail King Snarf!
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Nice buddy. I myself went to a cheaper first run theater so the 9:00 (pm) show only cost me 7.50, vs 9 or whatever the regular multiplexes are charging these days.
I spent the entire movie trying to spot the characters and I couldn't figure out who was supposed to be who, even when my friend asked. Same friend who spotted Stan Lee and has only read a handfull of Xmen comics.
Because my comic books are in long boxes in the basement and in serious need of organization, what was Calisto's powers, if anything at all? I don't remember her having powers. Also if they had given her an eye patch I would have known it was her.
Same goes for Psylocke. I didn't recognize her, although looking back on it there was a Morlock with purple hair that I spent I don't know how long trying to figure out who it was. I also don't remember her saying anything about her powers.
As I've said I have minor niggles about the movie, mostly geek stuff. But I agree with whoever it was that said it before, they should have left the characters the way they are in the comics. As in if they're good guys, leave them as good guys, not turn them into bad guys to add to the numbers.
and yes, we needed more fleshing of characters and could have gone with less of them. I also wish we had actually seen Sentinles in this one. BUT if Trask has anything to say about it, hopefully we'll have a Sentinel in the next movie.
It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.
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Animalman said: This was definitely not better than the first one, but for some strange reason that I honestly cannot figure out, I enjoyed this movie.
Really, I shouldn't have. It has everything that I usually despise in hack-cinema. Bad puns. Pointless plot twists. An utter lack of character development. I should have left the theatre ranting as I often do, but instead I was quiet and oddly contented, for no apparent reason. Perhaps I'd been drugged during the opening credits or something. Perhaps the trailer for Snakes on a Plane(!!!) put me into an extended state of delirium. I have no idea.
It was hugely flawed, but the only thing I can really complain about is that the scope of the project was clearly too large, which destroyed any chance they had at making a truly great film. Too many characters, too many storylines.
Because of this post--because Animalman left content--I'll go see the movie.
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I honestly don't know what was wrong with me. Normally I'm cynical and jaded and a complete skeptic about these kinds of movies, but last night...there was no fanboy hate. No pretentious film-lover vitriol.
Maybe I'm just getting soft in my old age.
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Animalman said: Maybe I'm just getting soft in my old age.
You know they have a pill for that now.
Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!
All hail King Snarf!
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Prometheus said: The entire movie, from beginning to end, was one of the worst movies I have ever wasted my time on. It goes from cliche' to cliche', with no real bearing on plot, coherence, or characters. It was, absolutely, unredeemable shit. It, Batman&Robin, Catwoman, and Fantastic Four all share the same craptacular level with me. Just my opinion....
 "Hey! J-j-jaded!"