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#678521 2006-05-28 6:32 PM
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4 Man Gauntlet
single choice
Amuck (11%, 3 Votes)
Killconey (21%, 6 Votes)
Hiro (14%, 4 Votes)
Big Pimp Tim (54%, 15 Votes)
Total Votes: 28
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 1:22 AM
Hardcore Handicap Match
single choice
The Outcasts (36%, 10 Votes)
Captain Howdy (C) (64%, 18 Votes)
Total Votes: 28
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 1:22 AM
Inter-Cunt-Inental Title
single choice
Evil Wrestler Johnny (41%, 11 Votes)
Captain Sammitch (C) (59%, 16 Votes)
Total Votes: 27
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 1:22 AM
Women's Booby Title
single choice
Ramada (52%, 14 Votes)
Lor (C) (48%, 13 Votes)
Total Votes: 27
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 1:22 AM
Heavyweight Grudge Match
single choice
Doc. Mid-Nite (30%, 8 Votes)
Nowhereman (70%, 19 Votes)
Total Votes: 27
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 1:22 AM
Y Division Title
single choice
Winner of the Gauntlet (44%, 12 Votes)
Jeremy (C) (56%, 15 Votes)
Total Votes: 27
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 1:22 AM
King of the Mook-tain / World Title
single choice
Drzsmith (7%, 2 Votes)
Chewy Walrus (11%, 3 Votes)
Spandex Monkey Man (15%, 4 Votes)
King Snarf (15%, 4 Votes)
MisterJLA (C) (52%, 14 Votes)
Total Votes: 27
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 1:22 AM

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*The Otaku are in their locker room. In honor of their first Pay Per View as a team, the three members with matches are dressed up as characters from different fighting games.
Hiro is dresseed up as Street Fighter's Vega,
Ramada is dressed up like Taki from Soul Calibur
and EWJ is dredssed up like Lee from Tekken.
BFOE is decked out in his most splendid Elvis costume *


EWJ: Oh, we must be on. Our best chance is to work as a team, even though I'm a missunderstood loner and you guys would be better off without me. We're used to going a bit...outside of the rules. But we'll lose our title chances if we get caught. Remember our plan if it looks like we're going to get caught: Tonzura koite! Repeat after me, except for Hiro, you need to be mysterious. Tonzura koite!

BFOE: Er, Tonzura koite!


EWJ: Tonzura koite!

EWJ and Ramada: BANANA!!

*They all laugh except for Hiro, who is visibly struggling not to. The reason for this is unclear if you haven't heard the theme song to Excel Saga. And even then, it's not all that funny.*

BFOE: Banana! That's so good! Especially dipped in chocolate and frozen. Mmmmm, frozen chocolate banana....

EWJ: Remember, tonight is where our plan, as vague and nonsensical as it is, comes to fruition.

BFOE: I wonder if there's a frozen banana stand around here...


notwedge #678523 2006-05-28 10:22 PM
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Cut to the Outcasts' dressing room, where Chris Oakley and El Superbeasto are having a last-minute pep talk before they hit the ring.

CHRIS: You ready to make history, amigo?

SUPERBEASTO(nodding): Si,si! Tonight we will squash Captain Howdy just like all the other little cucarachas who have dared stand in our way!

Nuriko pulls out a loooong samurai sword.

NURIKO: And if Jeeves or Joe Mama show me any disrespect, I will slice them up like raw fish!

CHRIS: On that note, let's get out there and remind the people why we're the greatest tag team in RDCW!

Nuriko shouts "Banzai!" and Chris trades high-fives with the Giant Luchadore as the camera fades back to Louie and Monroe.

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'Rock and Roll All Nite' plays, and the mWo appear on the ramp, led by SPAMM with mic in hand. He stops on the ramp, and raised the mic to his mouth


The crowd cheers wildly as the mWo make their way to the ring, posing and mugging frantically. The quartet finally get into the ring, stopping only briefly to disentangle ZOD from the ropes. As SPAMM stands in the centre of the ring, the crowd chants MWO! MWO!

SPAMM: Tonight, folks, is our night, Tonight, in the first EVER King of the Mook-tain match...

Chevy Nova: ER...BROTHER?

SPAMM: Alright, Alright! In the first ever King of the Mook-tain match in RDCW, I will stand at the top of that ladder, the one and only RDCW World Big Cheese Champion!

Louie: If that happens, I'm resigning!

SPAMM: Now, obviously when sales of the exclusive-to-RDCW mWo T-shirts are gonna go through the floor!

Monroe: Doesn't he mean through the roof?

Louie: Be serious! They haven't even left subterranean levels yet!

SPAMM: So, in recognition, I'm offering everyone here in this very arena an exclusive deal! If you go the merchandising stands RIGHT NOW, you can get an mWo T-Shirt absolutely FREE with your exclusive We're Taking O-VER Shoes and mWo 4 the money cap, at a princely rate of just 100 dollars!

Monroe: I'm legally obliged to describe that as an absolute bargain!

SPAMM: Now I know you're all ITCHING to get to those stands and take advantage of our offer...

Nobody is moving

SPAMM: But of course I've still got something to say! King Snarf, you think you can just waltz back in here and get a title match? Well, you...obviously can, 'cos, y'know, you HAVE, but you shouldn't be able to! If you win this match I'm challenging you right here, right now to a re-match at the next PPV!

The Crowd p[ops, but...

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The cheers turn to boos as Charlie appears on the rmap, mic in hand

Charlie: Hold it, Hold it, Monkey Man. Aren't you forgetting something? 'Cos I keep getting this image of a guy talking crap to my face and then hitting me when my back was turned, and now that little fag's getting title shots? Seriously, how much ass did you have to kiss to get into this match?

The crowd boos, but Charlie sneers at them

Charlie: Shut it you pencil-necked geeks, a real man's talking. Now, SPAMM, you go ahead and enjoy your little title match, 'cos if you win, I'm going in there and taking that belt right off you. And if you don't win, well, I'm still taking that belt, but you'd better believe you're on my list.

SPAMM: Oh, suuure, big words from a little guy. But in case you hadn't noticed, there's four of us, and I don't see your buddies from the four anywhere, do you?

Charlie sneers, again.

Charlie: puh-lease. You think I need the others to help me take on a bunch of no-good undercard guys with delusions of grandeur? I could take you with one hand tied behind my back.

You rest up, SPAMM. Get yourself good n' ready, cos when I want to, and you don't know when that'll be...I'm gonna destroy you. THAT is a promise.

Charlie #678526 2006-05-31 5:10 AM
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*At that moment, the lights in the CheeseDome go out, as the crowd cheers.

Monroe: What's going on?

Bastardo: Rob forgot to pay the light bill again!

The Cheese-O-Tron comes to life with flickering images of Pig Iron's match against Captain Howdy at RobbleMania and Charlie's attack on Grimm the next night. Words flash across the screen.

BLOOD. . .

. . .CRIES OUT. . .

. . .FOR BLOOD!!!!!!!

*The lights go up again as we see Charlie looking startled in the ring. (The MWO have vanished.) Charlie looks around and begans to back up the rampway, headed out of the arena.

As he makes his way to the entranceway, he pauses slightly, looking towards the announce position. As he begins to scream at Monroe, blood drops from the ceiling, drenching Charlie, and ruining his expensive suit.

Charlie screams in anger and disgust as he storms into the back to clean himself up.

Monroe: What. . .what was that???

Bastardo: I don't know, but someone's gonna have to pay the price and walk the pitbull line for this!

Grimm #678527 2006-05-31 4:44 PM
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The Swizzler....
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The following ad has been paid for by supporters of the Reverend Willie Williams.

RWW: "Mah friends. . .Ah have come to you today with this message of love and understanding in these troubling and trifling times. In this den of iniquity known as the Are Dee Cee Dubya, our lovely young women are constantly being exploited for the perversions and titillations of the hedonistic commerce machine of Rob Kamphausen.

This is not right nor fair to them or to you. Ah know that there will be some among you who will be reluctant to hear mah message of love. It is to those of you out there right now that I am speaking. Brothers and sisters, these young women are being horribly mistreated because they have no one to look up to. Shameless harlots like Lor and Butterrican and Nuriko and Ramada wantonly ripping each other's clothes off, rolling around in mud and whipped cream. . .why Ah. . .Ah. . .Excuse me. . .*Reverend Willie pauses to remove a handkercheif from his pocket and wipe away the sweat from his forehead before resuming.. . .Ah simply cannot stand to see our young ladies treated in this manner.

That is why I am endorsing someone for them to look up to. Someone for them to aspire to be. Someone for them to, dare Ah say, for them to. . .love. That someone is the Princess Elisa. A woman of devout faith. A woman of strong moral turpitude. A woman with an impressive list of accomplishments.

So please, if you will, at this time, please go to my website: and add your name to our petition to the Are Dee Cee Dubya Board of Directors for Princess Elisa to get her rightful Women's Booby Title shot. And if you would, please make a small donation to mah church, The First Church of Willie. Thank you and have a pleasant day."

The previous add was paid for by supporters of the Reverend Willie Williams.

Last edited by Louie Bastardo; 2006-05-31 7:27 PM.

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*the camara pans into the hallway to the locker rooms. the coloring of the area goes from the normal colors to yellow/browns then to black and white. the crowd is in awe with confusion.*

*walking down the hall in the far background with his head hung low, body ridged and ripped, a long sash around his forhead trails in a stream behind him. looking like a toon outta dragon ball z he approches closer and closer. suddenly he stops in the middle of the hall and strikes an intimidating pose, swooosh-snap! feet apart, right arm held out slightly with fist clenched slighty shaking. then his head shoots upwards woooo-shaa and the crowed see's who it is. its the Crotch! wareing a ninja outfit! the camara pans in for a closer look in his other hand he held his mic close to his body*

*he raises his mic up in slow mo, suddenly he see's somthing out of the corner of his eye (camara zooms in quick and foces's on just his squinting eyes, a ding a ling type noise is heard) its Lor!! shes in mid air with a flying kick waaa-ahhhh shish headed straight for the Crotches head done-done-dooone!*

*he immediately dodges and goes into defending him self, blocking her kick with his forearm! she lands with a perfect pose, with her back to the camara, head held down, her tabard floats softly down behind her.*

Crotch: Waaaa-ooooo! ha! (mouth moves out of sink with sound) You will answer my questions young lone she-wolf!(mouth movement)

*Lor's head snaps to the left whoosh-crack her abnormally long headtails move with her. the camara quickly pans in on her squinting eyes! hiiiiiii-yoooah she whip's her body up and over in a flying summersult backwards! her long head tails and tabard twirl around her. wa-wa-wa-whooosh-thud she lands directly infront of the Crotch who did a quick, shakey step backwards! dooo-oooong!*

Lor: hahaha-ha! (mouth movement) you are a fool! you will not win, (exagerated mouth movement) darlin! (mouth movement)

*chinese music starts to play with heavy drums*

*Lor charges! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh her arms drawn back against her sides, fists clenched, it looks as if shes is leaned so far forward that she is almost completely horizontal to the floor while running. it also appears that she is running on pointed toes, legs moving at super speed. the tile on the floor is going by so fast its one dark blur.*

*the Crotch stands ready for her. left hand firmly griping his weapon of choice, his microphone. feet planted solidly in a defenceive martial arts stance. the camara flips back and forth between Lor running and the Crotches intense look on his face hurm. the crowed is mesmerized, what is going to happen!*

*ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Lor beats on Crotch with fists of furry, lightning attacks by her fists. so fast it looks as if she has eight arms! the Crotch dodges every single one!*

Crotch:if you cant even hit me, what makes you think you can win this match against Ramada!?! (mouth movement)

*Lor ceases her attack for the moment and strikes a supergirl type pose, hands on hips, big sweet grin*

Lor: hahaha-ha! (exagerated laughing jester then mouth movement) you, (snap! extendes out her arm and points to crotch, mouth movement) are mistaken, i am holding back my real power! (clenches fist, holds towards chest, mouth movement) all the belts are belong to me!!!!!!!! (cheesy mouth movement)

*at that the Crotch takes up another defencive stance, this time he extends his mic out into numchucks! who-waaaaaa-ching-ching the crowd goes wild! Lor charges waaaaaahh-hiii-haaaaa with another variation of the flying kick she started out with. cheesy fighting sounds are heard over the load speakers in the arena as the scene freezes and fades away. an epic battle forever to be fought.*

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!
Lor #678529 2006-06-04 9:56 PM
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4 Man Gauntlet
for shot at the Y Division Title
Big Pimp Tim vs. Hiro vs. Amuck vs. Killconey

Mike Monroe's Y Factors

Y: Longtime rivalry: Amuck and Hiro trained together under the tutelage of the Great Poobah in Japan. Their rivalry traveled across Japan and continues here in RDCW!

Y: The Punkmaker: Newcomer BPT is undefeated so far in the RDCW and he's looking to continue the streak on his path to the gold here tonight!

Y: Championship dynasty: Killconey is the youngest member of the SDC and is looking to prove himself by winning the belt that two of his former teammates held before, plus he already has two victories over Y Division champion, Jeremy!

Amuck and Hiro started off the bout, picking up where they left off in their last encounter! Lots of fast paced, aerial moves and quick exchanges. They tied up near the ropes as BPT stormed the ring and hit a running splash onto both men, sending them up and over the top rope! BPT celebrated, but the match wasn't over yet as Killconey hit the ring and the two had words!

Monroe: What are they saying?

Bastardo: I dunno, but I get the distinct impression that they know each other!

Monroe: There is a slight resemblance. . .

KC used a lot of top rope offense on BPT, but BPT recovered as KC went up for a Xenocide, and hit the ropes, causing KC to lose his balance and drop onto the turnbuckle!

BPT quickly quickly pulled KC to the center of the ring and locked in the Punkmaker, forcing KC to tap! BPT would face Jeremy for the Y Division title later in the night!

Hardcore Handicap Match
Captain Howdy (C) vs. The Outcasts

The RDCW World Tag Team Champions The Outcasts hit the ring first, with Nuriko at their side. As they got into the ring, Chris Oakley took the mic and proclaimed that since the contract said "The Outcasts" that Nuriko would be allowed to participate in the match!

Everyone but Oakley: What?!

"Trembler" then cued up as Hardcore Porn Champion Captain Howdy headed to ringside, flanked by fellow members of the Four, Charlie and Doc. Mid-Nite!

Charlie and Mid-Nite insulted Superbeasto, prompting the giant to leave the ring and chase the two of them into the backstage area!

Bastardo: Brilliant move! Negate the Outcasts' strength!

Monroe: There are still two of them in the ring!

Howdy and Oakley squared off as Nuriko shouted encouragement from the turnbuckle! They fought through the arena and into the crowd, hitting each other with anything not nailed down! Oakley hit a Red Alert on a pair of chairs, then dragged Howdy back towads the ring where Nuriko had set up a table!

Oakley placed Howdy on the table and prepared to leap off the turnbuckles when Amuck stormed the ring and shoved Oakley off the turnbuckle! Amuck hit Oakley with a Running Amuck! then rolled him onto the now empty table, before moonsaulting him through it!

Monroe: Amuck just gave Oakley a receipt!

Nuriko looked on in horror as Captain Howdy recovered and grabbed her by the hair. He spun her around, kicked her in the midsection and delivered a quick Twatbuster to her, before pinning her and winning the match!

Bastardo: Brilliant! The Four completely turned this match to Howdy's advantage and dissected the tag champions!

Monroe: I'd be surprised if Joe Mama wasn't on the phone with them right now, trying to get a tag title shot for his boys!

Bastardo: If he isn't, then he didn't learn as much from me as I thought he did!

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Inter-Cunt-Inental Title
Captain Sammitch (C) vs. Evil Wrestler Johnny

EWJ tried several dirty tricks during the course of this match, but Sammitch stifled him every time out with clean wrestling. Johnny tried for a CTG, but Sammitch reversed into a series of Sammitch Suplexes!

Sammitch went for a Dagwood Special, as the Otaku rushed down to ringside! The Otaku attempted to interfere in the match, but were held off by the SDC as Chewy, Killconey, and Marlene fought BFOE, Hiro, and Ramada back to the locker rooms!

EWJ tried to take advantage of the confusion to deliver his patented Hisaru Hoten Sha, but again Sammitch escaped before delivering the Giant Sub and getting the win!

Women's Booby Title
Lor (C) vs. Ramada

This was a very close match between these two that got the fans riled up! Ramada caught the She-Wolf early on with a Jiggle Counter!

Bastardo: Can we get a replay on that?

Monroe: No.


But the Real Harlequin rebounded and set her foe up for the Laust Laugh as BFOE attempted to climb up on the ring apron. Slipping off and falling on the floor, and attempting to climb up again, only to slip and fall again, BFOE's antics distracted the audience and the ref as EWJ ran into the ring and hit a quick DC2K on Lor!

Monroe: That's evil!

Bastardo: No, that's Evil Wrestler Johnny!

Ramada followed up with a T Kyo, for the pin!

After the bout, Lor vowed revenge on the Otaku!

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Heavyweight Grudge Match
Nowhereman vs. Doc. Mid-Nite

These two men had been building to a blowup since Mid-Nite's return last fall, and here at Prom Night, they each claimed it would be settled! Before the match, Nowhereman made the challenge to make it a no disqualification, no countout, falls count anywhere battle and Mid-Nite agreed!

They fought into the crowd as Lothar followed. Nowhereman rocked his opponent with brutal steel chair shots to the head! He tried a bulldog, but Mid-Nite shoved him off into the steel ring barrier!

Mid-Nite ducked a roundhouse punch and delivered a Crescent Kick, before placing Nowhereman against the railing. He laid a chair on him and climbed up onto the apron and deivered a Final Dose outside the ring!

Monroe: Oh my Gob!!!!

Mid-Nite rolled Nowhereman back in the ring and hit an Attitude Adjustment! Feeling things were well in hand, he went up top for A Long Kiss Goodnight, but spent too much time mocking his foe! Nowhereman rolled out of the ring as Mid-Nite crashed into the mat hard!

Nowhereman rolled back into the ring and delivered a series of Hardlines before setting up the Black N Blue, and getting the pin!

Y Division Title
Jeremy (C) vs. Big Pimp Tim

BPT hit the ring confident, after his previous victory. He was undefeated and had just beaten the man who held two victories over his next foe. Jeremy seemed pensive and thoughtful climbing into the ring.

Monroe: Jeremy doesn't look himself today!

Bastardo: That's just because he wanted to get his rightful victory over Killconey. Don't you worry! J-Money has a plan.

Monroe: J-Money???

Jeremy tried a series of running moves, but BPT either blocked him or reversed them before lifting Jeremy up over his head and tossing him casually over the top rope!

BPT: "That's what all punk asses get!"

BPT followed up by suplexing Jeremy back into the ring!

Monroe: Is this "J-Money's" plan?

Bastardo: He's just letting Tim wear himself down!

BPT went for the PunkMaker, but Jeremy reversed into a spinning toe hold! Tim tried to escape, and managed to pull himself to the ropes! He went for a clothesline, but Jeremy ducked down and caught him in a drop toehold, sending BPT into the middle rope!

FR: That was my call.

Monroe: We don't need you this week, sorry.

Jeremy tried for a Bossman Attack, but BPT slid out of the way and the champ fell through the ropes to the floor! BPT followed him out and picked him up on his shoulder, pointing to the ringpost!

Monroe: He's not gonna!

Bastardo: Oh, I think he is!

BPT began running towards the post, but Jeremy slipped out of his grasp and shoved him into the post, head first! BPT slumped down, bleeding from the forehead as Jeremy rolled back into the ring and Lothar began making the count!

Monroe: He went headfirst right into that steel post, fans!

Bastardo: He's not gonna recover from that one.

Indeed, Lothar counted Big Pimp Tim out of the match and awarded the bout to Jeremy!

I make stars, baby!
Louie Bastardo #678532 2006-06-04 11:10 PM
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EPIC World Title King of the Mook-tain promo...

Yes, I write promos after matches...suck on it...


MisterJLA is seen pacing back and forth in his locker room, muttering to himself! Captain Howdy soon enters the room!


JLA: ...RACK Drzsmith?...RACK me, I'm out? I am the Ill Mac? RACK Drzsmith?

Captain Howdy: HOLY FUCK! Talkin' to yourself again?

JLA: Wha...? Howdy! I'm so glad to see you! I'm...having a dilemma. I have to face my hero Drzsmith in the Main Event tonight, along with Chewy Walrus, King Snarf, and SPAMM! I'm not worried about Chewy, Snarf, or SPAMM...but Drzsmith???

He's my hero! We know each other from the DCMB's! He taught me a lot! I the man very much! How can I compete against him tonight???

Howdy: Easy! Kick him in the balls, and when he's reeling in agony, smash him over the head with a chair!

JLA: But's it's Drzsmith! My hero! That's like if you and I were in the same match. I could never do that to you, and you certainly could never do that to me, right?



Howdy: Yer part of the IV now! Drzsmith is no longer part of yer career! Think of the rest of us, herbert!

JLA: I don't know what to do! I'm so confused! Maybe if I just target Chewy and the other punkasses, the rest will take of itself?

Howdy: Whatever happened to that gay ass petition you had me and the rest of us sign to ban Chewy's Walrus Tusk Slam? You know, the move that he pinned you with-

JLA: Yeah! I almost forgot to tell you. You see, it happened like this...

JLA scratches his chin and stares off into the distance. The camera lens looks cloudy, and briefly fades away.

Next image is of JLA standing outside a door marked "RDCW Legal Consultant: Dark Typhoid Dave" JLA has a clipboard in hand, and knocks on the door.


Dave: The door is unfastened, my stout fellow!

JLA enters the room, and Dave looks up from his desk filled with papers and sees JLA.


Dave: Oh, it's you. What is it that you require?

JLA: Hello! I have this wonderful petition to ban Chewy's unfair finisher "The Walrus Tusk Slam".

Dave: Might that be the maneuver he utilized to soundly defeat you on HAVOK a mere-

JLA: Yeah! I think it's an illegal move, and here I have a petition signed by many rasslers and fans who want to see that move outlawed!

Dave: I shall assiduously deduce the authenticity of this manuscript that thou has offered to me on this cherished occurrence known as “Prom Night”

JLA: Wha...?

Dave: Let me read the God Damned thing!

JLA: Oh.

JLA hands the petition to Dave, who reads off some of the names.


Dave: "Dear Dave, please ban the "Walrus Tusk Slam". Thanks, sincerely:

Jeff Glacier.
Paul Mandral.
The AFLAC Duck.
Joseph Mother.
David Finn.
Peter J. Pappas.
Captain Howdy.
Doc Mid-Nite.
Jason E. Perkins.
Marc Campbell.
Har Lee Kwin.

Dark Typhoid continues to read off some of the names, before setting the clipboard on his desk.


Dave: I have noticed that many of the signatures appear to have similar handwriting to your own.


Dave: While this is impressive, you are missing one key signature.

JLA: Yeah? Who's is that?

Dave: thedoctor's.


The footage gets all cloudy-like again, and we see JLA and Howdy standing in the locker room once more. JLA is still scratching his chin, and staring off into the distance. He soon snaps to, and talks to Howdy again.


JLA : So what do I do? Any advice, old chap?

Howdy: No! You're fucked!



"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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MisterJLA #678533 2006-06-09 9:11 AM
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King of the The Mook-Tain Match for the RDCW World Heavyweight Title
MisterJLA (C) vs. King Snarf vs. SPAMM vs. Chewy Walrus vs. Drzsmith

Monroe: Wel,, folks, it's tiem for our main event! Five men, one aim! To gain a pinfall then climb the ladder and hang the belt!

Louie: This is gonna be a wild match, Mouth! You can't count on anybody, and falls count anywhere. Most of these guys are proficient bralwers, too, so my feeling is we're not gonna see much technical wrestling tonight!

The match started hard, with Chewy going straight for Drzsmith whilst SPAMM and Snarf teamed up on MisterJLA, clotheslining him over the top rope before turning their attention to the big Walrus. However, their plan backfired, as the big man simply picked them up and threw them both over the top rope.

Monroe: The match has only just begun and already we're down to just two men in the ring!

Drzsmith took advantage of Chewy Walrus' diverted attention to hit a low blow and roll him up for a 2 count. The Message Board God then bounced over the top rope and hit a Plancha onto SPAMM and Snarf before picking Snarf up and driving him headfirst into the ring steps. Drzsmith attempted to go for his patented Cheesebomb finisher, only to have Snarf reverse it into a sunset flip and score a 2 count. The King was then blindsided by the reigning champ, as MisterJLA hit him with a series of blows to the head before setting him up for Final Justice!

Monroe: JLA's going for his finisher...BUHGAWD! SPAMM just hit the Chop! He's got him up...Monkey T! Monkey T!

Louie: One, two...NO! SPAMM just pinned the world champ!

As MisterJLA was escorted to the penalty box, the leader of the mWo went to set up the ladder in the ring, only to be stopped by Chewy Walrus. As the two duked it out King Snarf and Drzsmith brawled on the floor. SPAMM was eventually able to get the better of Chewy Walrus after dodging a Warus Wallop and hitting The Monkey Kick. He set up the ladder and got the belt, but by the time he had got to the top of the ladder MisterJLA had been released from the penalty box and re-entered the ring, pushing the ladder over and sending SPAMM plummeting onto Drzsmith and King Snarf. JLA then grabbed the belt from where SPAMM had dropped it and nailed Chewy Walrus with it, scoring a 3 count.

James White: MisterJLA is now eligible to hang the belt!

MisterJLA grabbed the belt and set the ladder, scrambling up to hang the belt. However, before he could get there Drzsmith enetered the ring, and climbed the ladder. On seeing his former mentor, MisterJLA dropped off the ladder and rolled out of the ring.

Monroe: MisterJLA really doesn't want to face Drzsmith!

Louie: Would you be so keen on facing a message board god!

As MisterJLA quit the ring he was once again ganged up on by Snarf and SPAMM, who whipped JLA into the barrier before setting him up for a Double DDT. However before the y could execute the move Drzsmith dived off the top of the ladder onto them, laying out all three. He then went for a pin on SPAMM, scoring a three count!

Louie: This is good strategy by Drzsmith! Take the competition out of the running, and then go for the belt!

SPAMM entered the penalty box with some trepidation, and was promptly set upon by Chewy Walrus. Drzsmith, meanwhile, re-emtered the ring and climbed the ladder with the belt, only to be halted as Snarf dived into the ring and powerbombed him off the ladder. Snarf maintained the powerbomb hold, attempting to score a pin, but the message board god kicked out on 2. The King then whipped Drzsmith into the ladder before picking him up and slamming it down on the Dr's recumbent body. Cheyw Walrus re-entered the ring, but was no match for Snarf with the ladder in his hands, and was quickly dumped over the top rope. MisterJLA got back into the ring, and hit a charging King Snarf with a drop toe hold, dropping him face first into the ladder!

Louie: The champ is back in the game!

Mister JLA rolled Snarf out of the ring before setting up the ladder, only for Drzsmith to stagger back to his feet and once again climb the ladder in an attempt to wrestle the belt away from JLA. Before JLA was once again faced with having to face his former mentor, however, Snarf pulled the Doc off the ladder and hit him with an Electric Chair facebuster onto the turnbuckle. As Drzsmith staggered away from the turnbuckle, Snarf locked in his famously deadly Headlock!


The Message Board God struggled to break the hold, but Snarf kept it locked in, choking him out. SPAMM re-entered the match with a flurry of offence on Chewy, and the pair duked it out at ringside, bnattling up the ramp. Chewy attempted to go for a Walrus Tusk, but SPAMM dodged and Chewy plowed head first into the wall.

Louie: Chewy must be stark out after that!

SPAMM pelted back down to the ring but was met at ringside by MisterJLA who hit him with Final Justice, laying him out! Back in the ring, Snarf went for a pin on Drzsmith, putting him in the penalty box and allowing Snarf to hang the belt. Before he could do so, however, MisterJLA entered the ring and doled out yet more Final Justice!

Louie: MisterJLA's the only man left in the ring! C'mon Champ, you can do it!

As the timer counted down JLA desperately tried to get to the top of the ladder, but was clearly not at full strength and dropped the belt. As he bent down to retrieve it a still smarting Snarf grabbed him and rolled him int oa small package!

Monroe: 1...2...3! MisterJLA's in the penalty box with Drzsmith!

As the champ entered the penalty box he engaged in discussion with Drzsmith, eveidently trying to persuade him to team up with his former protégé,. Chewy Walrus, meanwhile, had recovered from failed Walrus Tusk earlier and ran down to the ring, plainly looking to score a pin. Before he could get to the ring, however, he was stopped by an emerging Drzsmith, who pummelled him with a Steel Chair!

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Monroe: As it stands now, folks, MisterJLA's in the penalty box, SPAMM's down at ringside, Drzsmith just laid out Chewy Walrus with a chair and Snarf is in the ring with the belt!

Louie: Everyone except Chewy is eligible to hang the belt, but they've been doing their utmost to stop each other!

Snarf came to within inches of hanging the belt, but Drzsmith once again put paid to this, grabbing onto the belt and refusing to let go. As the pair fought over the belt Chewy Walrus rolled into the ring and pushed the ladder over. Both men leapt to safety, but it was clear that the leap had taken it out of both of them.

Monroe: BUHGAWD! everyone's laid out at the moment!

Louie: The only people on their feet are the fans!

Chewy rolled over Snarf and attempted to pin him, but Walrus was unable to maintain the pin past 2. As the counter inched closer to MisterJLA's release SPAMM managed to drag himself back to his feet and pulled Chewy out under the bottom rope. Although clearly exhausted Chewy staggered back to his feet, throwing out punches in a desperate attempt to get back in the game. SPAMM backed up and went for a flying clothesline, but Chewy caught his foe in mid-air, and hit Random Acts of Violence through the Spanish Announcers' Table!

Louie: How glad are you that we aren't the Spanish Announcers' Table?

Monroe: Will you be serious?!

Chewy collapsed on top of SPAMM for a pin, getting a three count as MisterJLA emerged from the penalty box!

Monroe: Chewy can finally go to hang the belt, but first he'll have to get past Drzsmith and MisterJLA!

Louie: If those two can keep their alliance up there's no power in the world can stop them!

Sure enough Drzsmith and MisterJLA promptly double teamed The Walrus, hitting him with a double big boot and double elbow drop as he entered the ring. Theire attention then turned to Snarf, and the message board god aid the boot in whilst MisterJLA retrieved a table from under the ring. The pair set it up in the ring and promptly whipped Snarf into it, breaking the table clean in half. The pair repeated the stunt with Chewy Walrus, but the pair didn't count on SPAMM, who hit the pair with a springboard Crossbody!

Louie: Surely this match must end soon?! There isn't a man left standing!

Monroe: Much as I hate to admit it Louie you might be, wait, Drzsmith's getting back to his feet!

Louie: He's got the belt, he's climbing the ladder...I don't believe it!

Sure enough, Snarf had struggled up the ladder and locked in the headlock! As Drzsmith struggled Snarf leapt off the top of the ladder, taking his foe with him and ploughing him into the mat!

Monroe: BUHGAWD!

MisterJLA staggered back to his feet, and as Chewy got back The SDC member was hit with a tunderous Final Justice!

Monroe: Now it's The Champ's turn to try and hang the belt...but look, SPAMM's back on his feet!

Sure enough, the leader of the mWo was on his feet and climbing the ladderin a desperate bid to stop MisterJLA!

Monroe: It's SPAMM and JLA at the top of the mountain...Wait a minute, what's Charlie doing here!?

Sure enough, The Pitbull had vaulted the barrier and dived into the ring, grabbing SPAMM's leg and pulling him clear off the ladder! As his fellow member of the IV looked on, MisterJLA hung the belt to win the match, retaining the Title!

Monroe: Well folks, it's all over! MisterJLA retains the RDCW World Title thanks to help from the IV


Louie: For once I agree with him! To all of you watching at home, goodnight!


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