the_indestructible_man:You don't want to know

Your young mind couldn't take it...
discostevex:Really. Who are they?
the_real_joker1:Go to Other Paradox Press Topics. And you will
see. Some of our members are Nowhereman, Radu is My
Idol, SHP, Franta, ROY BATTY, Pro X, ButterRican(the
Nature Girl) Speedy the Smackhead, Myself and others.
the_time_trust_2000:"And others"? What about ME, Joker1? I am the OTHER "forgotten one" of the
Nature Boys!

theory9:what a jerk!<br>he forgot all about
the_time_trust_2000:Don't feel too bad, T9. He forgot about me, too.
But you know who was
remembered?<br><br>FRANTA!<br><br>That's who! "The forgotten one", my ass! I
think I have
more right to that title than HE does, considering
I've been forgotten more times than anyone in the
Nature Boy lists... and had been around the Paradox
Press boards with the Nature Boys longer than the
the_time_trust_2000:*sniff* Now I know how the Professor and Mary Ann feel...<br><br>"...and all the
rest... Here on Gilligan's Isle!"
the_indestructible_man:Technically speaking, I should be miffed too -- as "Repeat Guest Star of the
Nature Boys", my name is on the second generation NB list...
speedy_the_smackhead:Sorry I'm not around much anymore...But that will change as soon as I get my Nature
Boys club running like a well-oiled
machine...<br><br>it's just taking me some time to figure everything
out, but rest assured my sarcastic ass won't be gone
for long!!!