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#700414 2006-08-05 5:29 PM
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you)
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There’s an all new edition of JG's Radio Free Insanity on the air and available for download at This week, host James Guttman is joined for a rare interview by “Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner.

James begins the show by talking about ECW’s Hammerstein show. He runs down the success of C.M. Punk’s debut and the pitfalls that he might face in WWE. He also goes into the Big Show-Batista match and talks about the crowd reaction. JG says while WWE wants to spike ratings by bringing in Raw and Smackdown guys each week, it hurts if it’s a place like Hammerstein. Guttman guesses that they’d rather see Sandman or Sabu since they were ECW originals. James compares the new ECW to starting a bubblegum pop band, calling them “The Doors,” having them play for Jim Morrison fans, and then wondering why they get booed. After that Guttman does the reader-voted Moment of Insanity.

As part two begins, James hypes the upcoming features at, including daily audios, Radio Free Insanity archives with all 34 shows available, a chat room, fan Q&A audios, and much more. After that, he talks a bit about the career of Scotty Steiner from the days of the Steiner brothers to when he morphed into Big Poppa Pump. Guttman warns that this interview is “not safe for work” and then he welcomes Scott to the show.

James opens the interview by asking Steiner about the Frankensteiner and the reaction he got the first time he used it. Scott says people couldn’t believe it the first time he did it, especially because he was 250 pounds. People hadn’t seen many of their moves done by people their size before. He says the first time they did it in Japan was in the Toyko Dome. Steiner says that Cruiserweights do it now and call it the “hurricanrana” but he was the first to toss his opponents into the ropes and hit it.

James says that people forget how big guys can do these moves. Nowadays, kids who are 150 pounds do moves like that and big guys are looked at as “muscle men.” Big Poppa Pump says that it would be easier for him if he weighed 150 pounds. That’s why people were amazed.

JG and Scott then discuss his transition from All American to Big Poppa Pump and how he found out he was turning.

Guttman turns talk to Steiner’s post WCW sit-out and asks if he was ever contacted about coming into WWE while his contract was still active with Turner. Scotty says that they had wanted him at WrestleMania to team with Steve Austin against the Outsiders. He said “no” though because the “money wasn’t right.” Steiner says he wasn’t going to go just so he could say he wrestled at WrestleMania.

JG asks about Scott’s entrance into WWE as a baby face despite having a character that was tailored to being a heel (a subject and time period talked about at length in Guttman’s book “World Wrestling Insanity”). Scotty says that right off the bat it was “bulls***” because he was never a baby face as Big Poppa Pump. They brought him in as a baby face and then put his first televised match in WWE on pay-per-view. Scott calls it “bulls***” and then says that Triple H is a “piece of s***.” He says he was sabotaged on purpose because he and other guys like Nash were from WCW. Steiner says that WCW beat WWE 82 weeks in a row consecutively. WWE must have taken it personally because they buried all the guys who were in WCW during that time frame. He adds, “But they paid me, so who’s dumb?”

James asks how much of his match with Triple H was sabotage. Guttman questions Scott on whether he feels Hunter wanted to have a good match with him at all. Steiner responds “No I don’t.” He puts some blame on his own shoulders because of his foot injury, but says he could still have wrestled. He just had to slow down. Steiner says he didn’t take it personally because Kevin Nash “is supposedly his best friend and he beat him the same way.”

BPP says “Triple H is an insecure guy. He’s never done anything athletic. He was never an athlete in his life. He played high school sports. Come on. Him, Ric Flair, and Shawn Michaels are the same way. No more athletes and this is their athletic platform to be the best. They gotta be the three biggest pussies ever to win the World Title.”

Scotty then turns his attention to Ric Flair and his book. He says that Flair claimed to play Minnesota football, but really was just a guy who hung around athletes. He says he found out from Bill Goldberg because his brother was there at the time Flair was. Scott then tells a story about how when he worked for Dick the Bruiser and was heading to the NWA, Dick told him, “When you get down there, you drop your bags. You tell Ric to pick them up and start carrying them for you.” Scotty says he was green at the time and was actually going to do it. Luckily Bulldog Don Kent told him, “No, no. That’s just a rib. Don’t do that.”

Guttman brings up the Monday Nitro, crooked teeth, Flair promo. He asks what Ric’s reaction was and Steiner says that afterwards, “He went in a room and cried. He’s a pussy, man. If people could see these guys behind the curtain, they’d be amazed.”

James asks about Scott’s issues with Shawn Michaels. Steiner replies:

“I look at him and his career. He comes out in chaps - black leather chaps, dancing like a faggot little Chippendale and poses for a fag magazine - Playgirl. Come on. He’s a joke…Rock didn’t’ even want to wrestle him at WrestleMania. A lot of people don’t like Shawn Michaels. He’s a cocky little bastard, you know.”

Steiner then tells a story about the Harris Brothers making Shawn cry. Scott says he couldn’t believe he cried after being so cocky.

JG then brings up the new klique of Hunter, Flair, Michael, and the McMahon family. He asks how Scott dealt with it in his last run. He responds:

“Hunter is the male version of a blonde bitch going to Hollywood and f*****’ her way up to the top. He’s basically the Kevin Federline of professional wrestling. If it wasn’t for who he was married to or who he was skeezin’ all over her face, he wouldn’t be in this business. Look where he started. He actually started in WCW as Terra Ryzin’. Then he was doing 30 second jobs for the Ultimate Warrior. All of a sudden he starts banging the boss’s daughter and he’s supposed to be the baddest man on the planet? Come on. It’s a joke.”

The interview continued on and is available in full at Scott talks about which character he likes playing the most, Eric Bischoff’s reaction to his promos, getting his aggressions out on the microphone, playing heel, shooting in the ring, internal feelings about Triple H, how Hunter stacks up the Rock, the bodybuilding posedown, his angle with Test and Stacy, a skit he and Stacy shot down, working in TNA, WWE creative, whether he watches it now, what it takes to enjoy Monday Night Raw, and much more.

JG's Radio Free Insanity is always free and always on the air every weekend. James Guttman's book, World Wrestling Insanity, is available at or wherever books are sold.

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i think steiner, more than anyone else, even goldberg, was the one wcw guy vince went out of his way to destroy.

damn shame.

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Steiner destroyed himself, Vince didnt have to do anything.

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britneyspearsatemyshorts said:


BPP says “Triple H is an insecure guy. He’s never done anything athletic. He was never an athlete in his life. He played high school sports. Come on. Him, Ric Flair, and Shawn Michaels are the same way. No more athletes and this is their athletic platform to be the best. They gotta be the three biggest pussies ever to win the World Title.”

Pure delusional comedy!
I loved mullet era Steiner, but these are just ramblings of a bitter broken man who destroyed his body & career with steroids!

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Steiner is definitely a prick. But did steroids destroy his career or make it? I think they made it. Vince buried him for sure. Steiner wasn't what he used to be, but they booked him in a way to show his weaknesses and not accent his positives.

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They might have made him, but they definetly shortened his career.
If he had left it at the physique he had during the early 90s, then maybe he would never have risen beyond the tag division upper card, but I would hazard a guess he would have had a more "active" career that went a lot longer!

Just watching him trying to jump off the apron to attack Test showed exactly how much of a shadow of his former self that he was by the time he joined WWE.

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In all fairness, he does mention that part of his failure in WWE was his physical condition. But GOOD GOD, that had to be the worst PPV title match build up EVAH. Posedowns, arm-wrestling, bodybuilding contests... The whole mess seemed like an angle Vince cooked up for Lex Luger that he never got to use.

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!

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King Snarf said:
In all fairness, he does mention that part of his failure in WWE was his physical condition.

A foot injury?
It was more than a foot injury that made his performances suck.
The guys body was so fucked up by the roids that he could barely move.

Who doesnt remember the days he would pull off a standing hurricarana?

I can say that I cannot remember a guy of his size who was as athletic as he was in his early days, which is why it upsets me so much to watch his later matches!

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To be fair, I've seen Steiner in TNA and he's had a run of decent matches. Not 5 star classics, for sure, but they've ll been entertaining matches that played to his strengths (which, whilst nowhere near as numerous as they were in the old days, are still there) and hid his weaknesses. I think that says as much about how WWE used him as it does about his actual quality.

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True. And, TNA booked him in such a way that even though he's been on the losing end of a good percent of his matches, he still seemed like a threat to Samoa Joe's winning streak when they were feuding.

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!

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