Brit sits alone in the dark moniter room in the basement of the Farmhouse of Justice. Clicking the mouse he brings up a document with several names and profiles written down.
Speaking into a microphone- Computer, bring up split screen visuals of the following files- PP103, TB71, CJ04, DLD45, SC337, and ZS294.
Suddenly the computer screen blinks to life in a bright blue flash. The large moniter screen is split into six seperate screens and on each, videos of six different past allies running in a continous loop.
Britannica finger stroking chin- Hmmm....
Meanwhile outside of the Moniter Room several members of the JLR group outside try to listen in on Britannica.
Ace- I don't get it. What's he up to in there?
La Machine- Ya got me.... He's been in there all morning and hasn't said a word to anyone else. How about you Di? He must've told you something.
Di- Unfortunately no she hasn't told me anything. I'm worried about her.
Registered Member- Y'know now that I think about it I don't even remember us having a Moniter Room.... Wait! Shhh! I think I hear something!
Back in the Moniter Room
Brit- Computer, focus in on split screen three.
The computer enlarges the third split screen with CJ, minimizing the others and keeps the recording on pause.
Brit- Computer, play clip.
The Computer screen starts playing the video of CJ working as a waitress at Pirate Pete's Pancake Paradise. The clock in the upper right side of the security tape ticks 20 minutes past midnight. The restaurant is empty except for a small group of teens, two elderly old men and three P4 employees, including CJ. Suddenly the front doors open as two men in dark black ski mask casually walk through them. As they reach the cashier one pulls out a smooth black handgun aiming for the cashiers head. The other turns from the cashier to watch over the customers to make sure they don't try any "funny business". The armed ski man says something. The ski mask and the videos lack of audio keep the actual words from being understood but the main idea is clear throught the cashiers reaction.
Brit- Computer, freeze frame. Zoom in on subject CJ and stay fixed on her position within 2.03 meters. Continue play.
The video continues play focused in on CJ reacting to the robbery. She stands at the elderly mens table pouring coffee. Suddenly instinct kicks in as her face grows fierce. Picking up a spoon from the table she tosses it over the guards peripheral vision unnoticed to behind him. Hearing the clink of the spoon hitting the ground he spins around surprised. CJ takes advantage of this second of distraction and charges the guard swinging the pot into his face.
Guard (if the tape had audio of course)- Gah! My face!
In one fluid motion she reaches a hand out as the armed man turns to see whats happening and places her trigger finger into the hammer preventing it from firing. She then uses the rest of her hand to grip the gun and twist it breaking the ski mans finger. Then for a finishing move she kicks up a cowboy booted foot into the face of the guard.
Brit grins and nods his head slightly. He brings the document back up and writes down several notes.
Brit- Computer, focus now on split screen six and play video....