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My brother came up with the perfect ending......

next week NY strikes again and whatever is left of Tony's crew is in tatters. He wants to get back at Phil in NY and sees no way of continuing his lifestyle in jersey so he goes to Agent Harris and makes a deal to bring down the NY families. Fast forward a year and he will be in witness protection in Arizona and most of the NY guys will be in jail.

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THE Bastard said:
As much as I've liked this show in the past...I've been very 'meh' about it over the last few weeks. I haven't seen a full episode since Bobby and Tony got into it at the lakehouse and I've missed at least 2 entirely. I didn't even know that Tony killed Christopher.



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PJP said:
the Italian cosuins that were brought over were the basis of an entire episode 2 seasons ago. They've been in the show before and are (until now) very efficient viscious killers.

really? im drawin a blank... what'd they do before?


PJP said:
My brother came up with the perfect ending......

next week NY strikes again and whatever is left of Tony's crew is in tatters. He wants to get back at Phil in NY and sees no way of continuing his lifestyle in jersey so he goes to Agent Harris and makes a deal to bring down the NY families. Fast forward a year and he will be in witness protection in Arizona and most of the NY guys will be in jail.

thats not bad.

that'd actually sorta sum up the tony/fbi loose end storyline, and could retroactively justify (to viewers) why they've been hanging out at tony's place so much

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2 seasons ago Johnny Sack asked Tony to kill some of the NY bosses that were vying for his top position. Johnny Sack couldn't do it himself because it would start and even bigger internal war than the one that was already brewing. So Tony being cozy with John and getting great business deals with him decided to help him even though he also was aginst killing a made man (especially a boss) so he brought his cousins in to kill Rusty Milo (Franky Vali) was also the epsiode where Christopher and Carmine Jr. went to Hollywood to meet Ben Kingsley to try and get him to star in their movie and where Christopher beat up Lauren of the best episodes of the year.

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but everyone I know that watches the show also thought it would be Furio coming over...(who is a regular here at my Diner by the way)....but I wasn't surprised to see these 2 guys come.

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the Italian cousins were first hinted at in Episode 71 and then were a big part of Episode 72 Luxury Lounge.

Episode 71

Episode 72 Luxury Lounge

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and it was last season not 2 seasons ago.

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the G-man said:
So, who else thinks that Paulie is actually working for New York and set the hits up?


PJP said:he is definitely not involved with NY. They went down that road once before and he was embarrased when he realized they were just using him.

I would have agreed. But with all the bitching Paulie's been doing about no one coming to his mother's funeral I could see Paulie turning.

Maybe not against Tony per se. But I could see him telling Phil where to put the hit on Bobby and Sil, thinking that this will make him Tony's number two. Paulie is, after all, sort of stupid, and not prone to learning from his mistakes.


PJP said:
My brother came up with the perfect week NY strikes again and whatever is left of Tony's crew is in tatters. He wants to get back at Phil in NY and sees no way of continuing his lifestyle in jersey so he goes to Agent Harris and makes a deal to bring down the NY families. Fast forward a year and he will be in witness protection in Arizona and most of the NY guys will be in jail.

Not a bad ending. However, my gut tells me that Tony won't be going into witness protection. First off, Tony is probably too big of a fish for the FBI to put him in witness protection. He's one of the guys they've been trying to get and, if you think about it, he's really a bigger fish than Phil. Phil's only been a boss for a few weeks. And before that he spent twenty years in the pen. So how much can they really get on him? Sure, Tony could give them some dirt. But most of the dirt Tony has more directly involves him as the leader, not Phil.

There's also the fact that the show's creator, David Chase, has made comments in the past that he doesn't want the ending to be seen as "redemptive." I suspect, therefore, that he wouldn't want to put Tony in the program, simply because too many people would think that this meant Tony had gone straight and was now a good guy (even if the intent was to show that he wasn't really and was unhappy in the program, ala Henry Hill).

My favorite theorized endings so far are more or less similar to the one Dennis Miller came up with:


the G-man said:
I don't suppose anyone listens to Dennis Miller, but on his radio show, he had an idea for the final episode that was actually pretty good:

Tony's tips about the Iranians help the FBI avert a major terrorist attack (all the more plausible given last week's events in New Jersey [edit: and now JFK]), and becomes a major American hero. Meanwhile, because of the shoddy materials, Carmela's spec house will collapse and kill the family, and she will go to jail. The last shot will be Tony visiting Carmela through the glass, and then walking outside to a cheering throng. Cue something like The Strokes' "Barely Legal," or Warren Zevon's "Lawyers Guns and Money," and it'd be golden.

I suppose that could also be seen as overly redemptive but since Tony would be abandoning Carm, not so much.

In the alternative, I could see the spec house coming into play in a way that takes both Tony and Carm down and brings to mind the fact that, in the end, they got Capone for tax evasion: Tony kills Phil and thinks his troubles all over. At the same time, however, the spec house collapses, killing the occupants, and it comes out that Tony bribed the inspectors. BOTH Tony and Carm end up in prison for manslaughter on a job that had nothing to do with the mob, and we see each of the sitting in separate cells, in separate prisons, with AJ back in the mental ward and Meadow off on her own trying to forget all of them.

Family. Redefined.

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Paulie was good friends with Johnny....not Phil. he has alot of disdain for the NY guys too. It is very easy to pick up routines of someone if you are planning on robbing or killing them. That is why everyone should always mix up their daily routines.....never go to the bank at the same time of day each week or shop at the grocery store at the same time each week etc. etc.....

Oh and Phil may have been Boss for only a short time but he is Boss of as Phil put it....Jersey is only a glorified crew of NY.

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I thought of "glorified crew" comment and that it might signal that Tony's not as big a fish as Phil. However, we've seen the FBI trying to take down both Tony and, before him, Junior for years. Even back when undisputed "big fish" like Big Carmine and Johnny Sack were running New York, the feds were out to get Tony.

Given that, I just don't see them interested in putting Tony in witness protection. It would be like putting John Gotti Junior in witness protection. Like I said: there's nothing that Tony has on Phil (at least that we've seen) that doesn't actually incriminate Tony more than it does Phil.

If anything, as touched on above, I think, if the Feds cut a deal with Tony, it will be for some info on the Muslims and a major terrorist attack.

As for Paulie, I agree that he's not as close to Phil as he was to Johnny. However, when it was time to rub out Tony's crew, Phil specifically said "not Paulie." Why not, unless Paulie was helping him?

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good points....we'll see. Should be a good final episode.

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Yeah, the wait between now and Sunday is going to be rough.

At least I have the season ender of "the Shield" tonight to take my mind off of the Sopranos.

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PJP said:
2 seasons ago Johnny Sack asked Tony to kill some of the NY bosses that were vying for his top position.

oooooh yeah. good call.


PJP said:
but everyone I know that watches the show also thought it would be Furio coming over...(who is a regular here at my Diner by the way)....

he lives in denville, i think...?

i know i've seen him at the randolph diner a few times, too.


the G-man said:
I would have agreed. But with all the bitching Paulie's been doing about no one coming to his mother's funeral I could see Paulie turning.

i've seen that theory a few times now.

i guess that'd sorta revisit the whole "will tony kill paulie" episode from earlier in the season.

with paulie's whole beef with christopher, then chris getting a better funeral than paulie's ma... i guess, yeah, that'd piss him off enough. the ny bosses definitely made an effort to point out paulie was not in the top three to the viewing audience.

maybe paulie met with phil that day tony and lil carmine showed up, and weren't allowed in?

the final episode, by the way, is named "made in america" -- and most of the episodes this season (and many in the whole series) have been named for very key moments in the show. for example, last week's episode was named "the blue comet" which is the name of the train bobby was looking at before being shot a brazillion times.

so, if that plays out, y'think "made in america" will refer to tony's self made life? to the made-in-the-usa gun tony was holding, that was bobby's gift? to phil's statement in the last episode that the jersey guys don't induct their members properly? ("they make everybody over there, with no blood or axes")

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Each episode has had a great name....all HBO shows have for that matter. I have a feeling Tony will come out on top over Phil even though things look bleak. I am going to stick with my brother's theory. No offense to G but the spec house will have nothing to do with the ending. They focused on it for a little while simply to show what a bad person Carmella is in her own right..for making a shitty house and then selling it to her own family member just to make money. Other than that it has nothing to do with the rest of the series.

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i really liked the name of the episode where chris and tony were in the car accident. "kennedy and heidi" -- the names of the two girls driving the other car.

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me too.....

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before this season began, i thought everything would boil down to the basic aspects of the show when it started; tony and his two families, and the balance of the two being found by dr. melphy.

for a while, especially when visiting little carmine in florida, i thought that maybe tony would see that real life family outweighs mafia family, and try to get out, as carmine did. maybe even moreso after seeing AJ fall to shit (more) and gain the depression tony had.

thats all out the window now, though.

at the very least, what do you think are the topics that have to be resolved, or at least touched upon, in the final episode?

is the therapy/dr melphy storyline really over? will the fbi or terrorist guys play a role? will the ducks from the first episode mirror their way back? tony's relationship with uncle junior? a revisitng of kevin finnerty, or all the dead gangsters? sil's future?

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I'd say the Melfi plot is over.

If you look at how the end of the season is progressing, its almost like "ten little Indians," with different people exiting the series as it goes along: Johnny Sack dies, Junior slips further into dementia, Christoper dies, Bobby dies, Sil ends up in a coma, Melphi quits. I think, rather than wrap up every one's story in the last ep, Chase is giving some of the key characters their own separate "goodbyes," leaving Tony more and more isolated.

Basically, I think only ONE plotline needs to be resolved at this point, and that's Tony's.

I think Tony ends up either dead or alone (or both). And the last shot is those ducks.

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My brother is having a Sopranos party and he cooked up alot of the foods you see on the show.

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Some of the posters at AICN claim to have spoilers. Some look like complete shit, but a few look plausible.

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"This is what actual happens.....I have scene it. I saw a promotional copy of the last episode and while it did not include the last minute I saw enough so here we go. No joke. - AJ's car catches on fire while he is hooking up with his new girl. Very symbolic if you remember how they got that car. - Tony gets AJ a job in the entertainment industry because AJ was going to join the army to fight terrorism. - Tony goes to Junior and Junior has no idea who Tony is.This is after Janice goes to him to try and get after his money. - Phil Leotardo gets hit. He is killed by Benny at a gas station and then gets his head run over by the car he was in. - They find Phil because the FBI agent that Tony has been helping tells him where Phil is. - While Phil is away Tony has a sit down with New York and they agree to lay off and also say they would not mind if Phil is gone. The last scene they are sitting in a diner with Dont Stop Believing by Journey playing. REALLY REALLY intense and right when the conclusion is about to play out my copy ended. Also like I said when the episode cuts off Tony, Carmela, AJ, and Meadow are at some diner and they are building the tension up something fierce. Really intense scene. No mention of the safehouse you say? That is because nothing happens there. Phil gets whacked and they make nice with New York and everyone went home. One thing I left out is that someone is testifying to Grand Jury and Tony's lawyer says he has a 80-90% chance of being indicted in 3-6 months. They said they thought it was Patsy Parisi. Paulie thinks that a cat is bad luck and wants it gone. He also turns down a promotion based on superstition. That is the extent of his involvement in the show. The copy I saw was dated 5/15/2007 and cut off at 59:32 but ran with blank screen until 61:04. I watched the last scene, or what I had off it and...... - Carmela tells Tony that Meadow was going to the doctor to switch birth control. - When Meadow shows up she is having trouble parallel parking her Lexus. - AJ bitches about his new job - Tony tells Carm about he Grand Jury. - When Meadow walks in they focus on two black guys instead of Meadow. Meadow walks through the shot but the focus was on them. - There is a shifty looking Italian guy at the counter of the place that Tony seems to be paying attention to. - Some biker looking guy drinking coffee solo. - The last line before it cuts off is "best onion rings in jersey" See you lads tonight..." - a random poster from AICN

I have seen stills of alot of what this guy is saying so it may be true......if that is the case then the show may simply end as a life goes on type thing. Chase shot alot of scenes that he never planned on using for the finale as a misdirection to avoid this sort of thing so we may be totally surprised as to what will happen anyways. I am looking forard to the DVD since that should have tons of extras.

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On now!

Anyone checking out the other show on after? John from Cinn.?

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I'm watching the finale. It's pretty cool.

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That's it? It seemed anti - climatic. Yeah, I had said I do not like the show, but I wanted to see how it ended.

I liked the scene where that old Bob Dylan song was playing in the SUV. It was " It's Alright Ma, I'm Only Bleeding." from Dylans' 1965 album, Highway 61 Revisited. Great Cd.

I will have to catch up with the show in reruns or on dvd...

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Glacier16 said:
On now!

Anyone checking out the other show on after? John from Cinn.?

DVR....I'll watch it tomorrow.

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PJP said:
"This is what actual happens.....I have scene it. I saw a promotional copy of the last episode and while it did not include the last minute I saw enough so here we go. No joke. - AJ's car catches on fire while he is hooking up with his new girl. Very symbolic if you remember how they got that car. - Tony gets AJ a job in the entertainment industry because AJ was going to join the army to fight terrorism. - Tony goes to Junior and Junior has no idea who Tony is.This is after Janice goes to him to try and get after his money. - Phil Leotardo gets hit. He is killed by Benny at a gas station and then gets his head run over by the car he was in. - They find Phil because the FBI agent that Tony has been helping tells him where Phil is. - While Phil is away Tony has a sit down with New York and they agree to lay off and also say they would not mind if Phil is gone. The last scene they are sitting in a diner with Dont Stop Believing by Journey playing. REALLY REALLY intense and right when the conclusion is about to play out my copy ended. Also like I said when the episode cuts off Tony, Carmela, AJ, and Meadow are at some diner and they are building the tension up something fierce. Really intense scene. No mention of the safehouse you say? That is because nothing happens there. Phil gets whacked and they make nice with New York and everyone went home. One thing I left out is that someone is testifying to Grand Jury and Tony's lawyer says he has a 80-90% chance of being indicted in 3-6 months. They said they thought it was Patsy Parisi. Paulie thinks that a cat is bad luck and wants it gone. He also turns down a promotion based on superstition. That is the extent of his involvement in the show. The copy I saw was dated 5/15/2007 and cut off at 59:32 but ran with blank screen until 61:04. I watched the last scene, or what I had off it and...... - Carmela tells Tony that Meadow was going to the doctor to switch birth control. - When Meadow shows up she is having trouble parallel parking her Lexus. - AJ bitches about his new job - Tony tells Carm about he Grand Jury. - When Meadow walks in they focus on two black guys instead of Meadow. Meadow walks through the shot but the focus was on them. - There is a shifty looking Italian guy at the counter of the place that Tony seems to be paying attention to. - Some biker looking guy drinking coffee solo. - The last line before it cuts off is "best onion rings in jersey" See you lads tonight..." - a random poster from AICN

I have seen stills of alot of what this guy is saying so it may be true......if that is the case then the show may simply end as a life goes on type thing. Chase shot alot of scenes that he never planned on using for the finale as a misdirection to avoid this sort of thing so we may be totally surprised as to what will happen anyways. I am looking forard to the DVD since that should have tons of extras.

well this guy was right......happened almost exactly like that. I kind of liked the way it ended......I'm just happy I was right about Paulie.....he was loyal to the end.

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And then Tony blew his own brains out due to depression...

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some people are saying Tony got whacked......the last thing he saw was Meadow walking in the Diner....just like Bobby had said to him in the first episode..."you probably don't even know it happens." That is why the screen went blank.

me I think Chase just wants to keep everyone guessing and he succeeded.

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Pretty much!

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PJP said:
some people are saying Tony got whacked......the last thing he saw was Meadow walking in the Diner....just like Bobby had said to him in the first episode..."you probably don't even know it happens." That is why the screen went blank.

me I think Chase just wants to keep everyone guessing and he succeeded.

Yeah, every one is guessing. Personally, I think the ending was that Tony goes on, his family goes on, but that Tony is now constantly looking over his shoulder. Did you notice that every time someone moved, Tony looked around, like he was nervous about something? I think his "punishment" is that he will never be at peace.

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my father actually called me within 10 minutes after the show. he was furious about it, because he missed the very end. his tv shut off, and then he couldn't find the remote, and by the time he fixed it, the credits were rolling.

...he didn't realize thats exactly what everyone saw, and i honestly can't blame him. when the screen went black, my stomach dropped cuz i thought my hidef cable flickered, which happens on occasion. it wasn't until the credits rolled that i knew it was intentional.

still, i had some fun at my father's expense, and told him what he missed was meadow coming in and gunning down the whole family.

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Rob Kamphausen said:
my father actually called me within 10 minutes after the show. he was furious about it, because he missed the very end. his tv shut off, and then he couldn't find the remote, and by the time he fixed it, the credits were rolling.

...he didn't realize thats exactly what everyone saw, and i honestly can't blame him. when the screen went black, my stomach dropped cuz i thought my hidef cable flickered, which happens on occasion. it wasn't until the credits rolled that i knew it was intentional

Yeah, the wife and I had dinner with my parents last night, so we had the DVR set to record the show to watch at 10 pm. When the screen went blank our first thought was "JESUS...the godDAM DVR cut off the ending."

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Never bothered with the show, so I didn't have anything to be disappointed with.

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But you still were anyway, right?

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Rob Kamphausen said:
my father actually called me within 10 minutes after the show. he was furious about it, because he missed the very end. his tv shut off, and then he couldn't find the remote, and by the time he fixed it, the credits were rolling.

...he didn't realize thats exactly what everyone saw, and i honestly can't blame him. when the screen went black, my stomach dropped cuz i thought my hidef cable flickered, which happens on occasion. it wasn't until the credits rolled that i knew it was intentional.

still, i had some fun at my father's expense, and told him what he missed was meadow coming in and gunning down the whole family.

When my tv did the "blank screen" bit, I was all "WTF??"

I figured out for myself that the producers of the show had pulled a mindfuck on us viewers.

It was in keeping with the series. I did catch bits of episodes here and there, and all of the the finale... enough to have picked up on the dark and macbre tone of the show.

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its a decent but overdone setup for a in his head/coma thing.

And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
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Officially "too old for this shit"
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Officially "too old for this shit"
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What Happened to Tony After the Screen Went Blank?
What Happened to Tony After the Screen Went Blank?
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The Once, and Future Cunt
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The Once, and Future Cunt
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The diner was really PJPs and he passed out from food poisoning when PJP jizzed all over the rings from excitement that Gandolfini was in his diner.

Best in the state!

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