It's very hard to see the real - if there ever was one - paris hilton scandal clip, since there are many fake ones out there and a lot of them look a lot like Paris. I've downloaded 4 fake ones so far from Kazaa. They were okay - but they're no Paris Hilton.
I saw it. Its nothing great, kinda hard to see. she even answers her cell phone as she's getting ready to doggy style. One things for sure, she knows how to suck a dick.
Amazing! Astonishing! Still can't get over the fantastic idea that when you are looking at a girl, you are looking at somebody who is guaranteed to have on her -- a cunt! They all have cunts! Right under their dresses! Cunts -- for fucking!
I am The Gay, you don't wanna play me.
Muscle control, no way you can shake me.
I am heavy debt, there's no way you can pay me.
Anal pain, and I know you can't take me.
Some days urg makes me proud to be his friend. Then there are the days that he steals my beer and fucks my woman. Somedays he gets that backwards.-Lothar
"Those were good days. Sitting around the campfires, eating dinosaur meat, and clubbing our wimmens in the head. I dream of those days sometimes. When Urg would make speeches and lead us to victory over the neighboring tribes. Good days, man. Good days." -Grimm
I was already wanking off to that video before I realized that it was a man. I was all, like, Holy shit! It's a man! and I was about to stop but then I realized that the man looks a lot like Rob and I'm like, Goddamn this is hot! and I, you know, finished my business and stuff.
I am The Gay, you don't wanna play me.
Muscle control, no way you can shake me.
I am heavy debt, there's no way you can pay me.
Anal pain, and I know you can't take me.
I's be Hyp-mo-tized!
" hadn't seen a body put together like that since I solved the case of the Murdered Girl with the Big Tits"- Steve Martin, Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982)
'cept G'ob's... G'ob's got Marlon Brando's undies under his bed.
First National Bastard
-Enormous, Sexually Voracious Lecher... who wants to claim your immortal soul!!!.
Every time you masturbate, God Kills a kitten! Please... think of the Kittens.RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!!!!!
Man, it's "stranger" This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass!
Amazing! Astonishing! Still can't get over the fantastic idea that when you are looking at a girl, you are looking at somebody who is guaranteed to have on her -- a cunt! They all have cunts! Right under their dresses! Cunts -- for fucking!
Amazing! Astonishing! Still can't get over the fantastic idea that when you are looking at a girl, you are looking at somebody who is guaranteed to have on her -- a cunt! They all have cunts! Right under their dresses! Cunts -- for fucking!