Frank Burns is the king of spam! -Beardguy57
Frank is just a disturbed inividual, dont provoke him or he may turn violent
"I hate Frank Burns! He reminds me of hell!" -Son of Mxy
"Don't encourage him"-Rex
Frank Burns is God. He's God's father, Maggedon. -Im Not Mister Mxypltk
Frank Burns is one of the best, if not THE best, alts to grace this board every
weekend. -Joe Mama
If it wasn't for Frank Burns' posts, many of my threads would have no replies in
them! "Thank you, Frank! -Lor
Does Frank Burns spamming this thread mean it has been officially been bumped, or
dumped? -Beardguy
Thus have many Off Topic threads perished...not with a wimper...not with a bang....but
with Frank Burns' spam. -Beardguy
God bless Frank Burns and his spamming. He occasionally dregs up important stuff I've
missed the first time around. -King Snarf
Frank Burns is the greatest alt ever.-Prometheus
I think Frank wants to come out of the closet -Beasrdguy
Frank thinks about sex..but does sex think about Frank? -Beardguy
Frank Burns speaks from experience, Oakley. He has four bastard children of his
own. -Anilman
Thank You Frank for your tireless efforts and your loyal support. You truly are the Rock
of the RKMBs. -PJP
let it be known Frank Burns now enlists in the New Regime. -Grimm
Fuck off Frank Burns, you arse bandit. And stick that in your signature.
-First Among Daves