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IGN Presents the Top 20 Matches in Wrestlemania History
by Jon Robinson -

20. Bret Hart vs. Roddy Piper (Wrestlemania 8)
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    The pre-match interview is classic Piper: "I remember when they were changing your potty pants…you weren't potty trained until you were 7." The match is even better. This is back when holding the IC belt really meant something. Two of the icons of the sport going "eye to eye, nose to nose," or as Bobby The Brain says: "Two ugly people looking at each other, that's fun." Another Brain classic from the match: "A real champion doesn't spit, he'd eye gouge him." Anyway, Hart fakes an injury then tries to small package Piper. Piper comes back with a slap and it's on. Hart gets busted open, there's a bulldog, biting, slaps to the face, double clotheslines, a split crowd, and plenty of action that ends with Piper locking in the sleeper and Hart jumping up to the top rope and falling back on Piper for the pin.

19. Mick Foley vs. Edge (Wrestlemania 22)
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    Mick Foley felt like he never had a great Wrestlemania moment. Edge felt like he should be in the main event. Instead of complaining, they worked together to steal the show, and that's exactly what happened. The most hardcore match in Wrestlemania history, Edge felt not only the flames, but the thumbtacks, and he's now entrenched himself in the main event scene (except, of course, in Wrestlemania 23, where he will try to steal the show again in the MITB match).

18. Hulk Hogan vs. Andre The Giant (Wrestlemania III)
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    The iconic moment of Hulk slamming Andre is still that indelible image fixed on the minds of a generation of wrestling fans when the word Wrestlemania is mentioned, at least, I know it is for me. This might not have been the greatest technical encounter, but there really was a special shock and aw factor to this one as, at the time, it was the biggest match in WWE history.

17. Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels (Wrestlemania 19)
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    Evil, smart ass Jericho with the beard is still my favorite version of Y2J, and this is one my favorite matches of his, even if he loses. Amazing action throughout the match, from a Jericho springboard dropkick that nails HBK in the chops to the double kick up to HBK's reversal of a superplex that dumps Jericho on his head. If Michaels wins at Mania 23 and Jericho comes back this year as rumored, could we see a new twist to this once great feud, only now with gold on the line?

16. Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Savage (Wrestlemania 5)
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    Miss Elizabeth stayed in a neutral corner. "What a gold digger she is," Jesse The Body quips, "she's going to leave with whoever wins." Macho Man grabs a sign from a little kid before the match and rips it up then pulls Elizabeth in front of him when Hogan was on the attack. Hogan then starts to get dirty, pulls the trunks, rakes the eyes, and even slams Savage over the top rope. Blood is pouring over Hogan's left eye (rare for WWE at the time), and Savage starts working on Hogan's throat, even choking Hogan with his tape as he sets the former champ up for the patented elbow drop. Savage hits the elbow, Hogan Hulks up, and Trump sits there wondering what he'd look like with a hairdo like The Hulkster. Big boot, leg drop…Hogan is the champ.

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15. Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar (Wrestlemania 19)
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    I remember watching this match and thinking that these two were the future of WWE (shows how fast the business can change). Lesnar was a freakin' monster and his ability to chain wrestle, brawl, or overpower opponents at any time is one of the rarest combinations the sport has ever seen. Lesnar with the press slam. Angle with the German Suplex into the top turnbuckle. Angle with the release German flipping Lesnar into the air. Lesnar kicks out of the Angle Slam. Angle kicks out of the F5 (first time ever). Lesnar hits a second F5 then decides to go for the Shooting Star (bad decision) and lands on his head. Lesnar somehow gets up and hits a third F5 for the win, but Taz sums things up best: "How is Lesnar not dead right now!?!"

14. Randy Savage vs. The Ultimate Warrior (Wrestlemania 7)
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    I always thought Sensational Sherri was hot in the "will boil your bunnies" sort of way. Warrior shows up to the ring with one knee pad with his face, one with Macho King's mug, nice. Close-up of Warrior's ass…yes he works out. Cut to the concerned Elizabeth in the crowd (couldn't she get better seats?). Surprisingly great match, with an even more surprising performance by the Warrior. One of his best matches ever. Savage with another classic performance as he always seemed to step up when it came to Wrestlemania. Warrior with a small package! Ref bump and Sherri goes top rope but hits Savage by accident. Instead of capitalizing on the injured Macho King, Warrior goes after Sherri, enabling Savage to recover. Savage hits the flying elbow, climbs to the top for number two, goes back up and nails number three. Does he go for the pin? No, elbow number four! Elbow 5 and Warrior still kicks out at 2. Warrior with the shakes, he's getting his powers from the ropes, clothesline after clothesline, press slam, splash…1-2…no! Warrior looks to the sky and is talking to himself. Now he's talking to his hands. The sky is telling Warrior to walk away, but Savage clubs him in the head and knocks him outside the ring. Savage goes top rope but misses and slams his head on the railing. Warrior runs in place, hits a few flying shoulder blocks and stands on Savage with one foot for the win. After the match, Sherri climbs in the ring and starts kicking Savage. Her meal ticket is gone. Elizabeth hops the railing and the fans go wild. Elizabeth throws Sherri out of the ring and the two former lovers are reunited in the ring. Wrestling is just a male soap opera after all.

13. Shawn Michaels vs. Steve Austin (Wrestlemania 14)
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    There are times when it looks like Shawn Michaels can't go on, but he does, and you can see the grimaces on his face as he tries to brave through his extremely painful back problems. Adding Mike Tyson into the mix really helped add an unpredictable nature to the event and helped WWE get the mainstream attention that eventually helped turn the tide in the Monday Night Wars. Michaels takes some unbelievable bumps for a man who looks like he's going to be crippled by night's end, and Stone Cold proves to the world why he's a superstar to build a brand around.

12. The Rock vs. Steve Austin (Wresltemania X-7)
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    Steel chairs, tables, the ring bell, the steel post, more steel chairs. This is one brutal and bloody battle between the two icons and the best match between the heated rivals. McMahon runs down to ringside to help Stone Cold to the shock of the wrestling world and the confused look on Rock's bloody face is priceless. Rock took Stunner after Stunner to provide some unbelievable false finishes before finally getting nailed with 14 chair shots to drop the belt. The Texas Rattlesnake was now aligned with McMahon. "Mr. McMahon might as well urinate on The Rock, that's what they did to him," says Jim Ross to close the match. Hilarious.

11. Ric Flair vs. Randy Savage (Wrestlemania 8)
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    An explosive, personal battle to restore the "character" of Miss Elizabeth (think Matt Hardy vs. Edge, but instead of Live Sex, things were so tame back then, Flair threatened to show a centerfold of Elizabeth if he won. Now the Divas all fight to be in Playboy). A great mix of brutality, technical moves by Flair, and psychology (both in and out of the ring) as Savage wins and the crowd cheers as he's reunited with his sweetheart (look for a young Shane McMahon trying to talk her out of coming to the ring).

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10. Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock (Wrestlemania 18)
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    Talk about shattering expectations. Both these men delivered something special from the ring entrances to the final embrace. A passing the torch dream match that nobody ever thought they'd see, and it really is something electrifying to watch. Hogan throws Rock down, the crowd erupts and Hogan eats it up, flexing the pythons. Ear to the crowd, NWO out the window, this is legend/nostalgia time. Rock hits Hogan and the crowd turns to boos. Hogan rakes the eyes, bites The Rock, and shows more in this match than he has in years. Rock takes the bumps and sells everything like this was 80's Hogan attacking him and really adds to the unpredictability of the match. Hogan with the Rock Bottom, then whips Rock with his belt "like a government mule". Rock whips Hogan with the belt, hits a Rock Bottom but Hogan Hulks the f up. Big boot, leg drop…Rock kicks out! Big boot, but leg drop misses. Rock Bottom once, twice, kick up by The Rock, People's Elbow. Torch is passed.

9. Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart (Wrestlemania 12)
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    The contempt between the two performers is well documented, and the real heat between the rivals added to the drama and psychology of the match. After a lot of back and forth action/rest holds, Hart locks in the Sharpshooter, but Michaels doesn't tap and time runs out in the match. HBK hits a double dose of Sweet Chin Music in OT to pickup the win and the title.

8. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle (Wrestlemania 21)
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    Slow build to fiery end as the two technicians give fans everything, from submission holds to high-flying action to an breathtaking ending that saw both men receive standing ovations. Angle hits the Angle Slam off the top rope, HBK hits Sweet Chin Music, then after kicking out at two, Angle applies the ankle lock, and after a fierce fight, Michaels taps.

7. Hulk Hogan vs. The Ultimate Warrior (Wrestlemania 6)
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    Hogan slams Warrior, Warrior no sells and hops right up, pumping his fists to all the Warriors in the sky. Tests of strength, posturing to the raucous crowd, Hogan no-sells a punch then slams Warrior's head with some closed fists of his own. The great thing about this match, I remember watching it live, and it was one of those where you really had no idea who was going to win. Hogan with a small package! Where did he learn that? The two powerhouses trade blows throughout the match, Hogan kicks out of Warrior's finisher, Warrior dodges the leg drop then hits the splash for the win.

6. Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage (Wrestlemania III)
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    The pacing of this match was unlike any seen in WWE at the time, and the build that involved Steamboat's comeback from an injury suffered almost six months earlier was ready to explode in Detroit. Two counts galore, a ref bump that ruined everything for Savage after the flying elbow, and George "The Animal" Steele saving the day for his less hairy pal Steamboat as Savage grabbed the bell to use on the larynx once again, but the Animal had none of it. The Macho Man hits the ring and slams Steamboat, but The Dragon holds on, rolling Savage up into a small package and taking home the memorable win.

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Rob Kamphausen Administrator donjuan de la nootch Tue Apr 03 2007 06:00 PM Reading a post in flat mode
IGN Presents the Top 20 Matches in Wrestlemania History

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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5. Edge and Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. The Hardy Boyz (Wrestlemania X-7)
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    It's amazing that nobody's career ended with this match. "As dangerous a match as you will ever, ever see" says Paul Heyman, and he's right. Matt Hardy is hung upside down and Christian and Edge stand on his balls. Ladder clotheslines, powerbombs through tables, and a triple ladder spot that sends all six men flying (including Christian flying all the way over the top rope!). Interference from Spike, Rhyno, and Lita to intensify the action even more, but Jim Ross had me in tears when Lita ran in and attacked Edge and Ross actually said "My gosh, Lita's here jerking Edge off…the ladder!" Jim Ross, meet the Psychic Friends. Jeff Hardy finds a 20 foot ladder for a Swanton on Spike and Rhyno before finally setting up the dangling spear move by Edge that is one of the sickest moves ever performed in a ring. How do you follow that? How about Matt and Bubba falling off a 20 foot ladder through four stacked tables! Amazing match.

4. Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart (Wrestlemania 10)
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    Bret would go on to win the title later that night, but it's his match with Owen that opened the show that sticks out more in my mind. Maybe it's because I never expected Owen to win. Maybe it's because it was the opening match and while I expected a solid match, I wasn't prepared for a classic, a wrestling clinic that all wrestlers and wannabe wrestlers should memorize from bell-to-bell. Bret looks like he's going to take the bragging rights back to the Dungeon as he hits a piledriver and superplex on his little brother, but Owen reverses the Victory Roll into a victory of his own.

3. Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon (Wrestlemania 10)
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    Michaels climbs to the top of the ladder but Razor Romon tips it over sending Michaels balls first into the top rope. And we know Michaels wasn't wearing a cup because earlier in the match Razor pulled HBK's tights down to give everyone a view of why they call him the Heartbreak Kid.

2. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit vs. Triple H (Wrestlemania 20)
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    If you're a wrestling fan, seeing Benoit win the championship after a lifetime in the business, after the critics called him too small, too one dimensional, this is a moment that still brings chills. In a flurry of finishers, HBK misses the Sweet Chin Music on Benoit, then Triple H goes for the Pedigree, but Benoit counters it into the Crippler Crossface. Triple H tries to roll out of it but Benoit holds on and makes The Game tap. The raw emotion that takes control of Benoit, the crowd, and the late Eddie Guerrero who comes from the back to celebrate their titles with The Wolverine continues to stand as one of the most genuine feel good moments in WWE history.

1. Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart (Wrestlemania 13)
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    The double turn. In one match, Bret Hart goes from face to heel and Stone Cold Steve Austin goes from heel to the most over wrestler since Hulk Hogan. As intense of a match as it gets, or as JR says "All hell is breaking loose!" The fight spills out into the crowd and almost into the lap of Captain Lou. A fan holds up a sign with a phone number. I wonder how many people called it. For the sake of research I called the number but nobody answered. Damn. Back to the match, Hart works on the leg and special ref Ken Shamrock asks Austin if he wants to submit, Austin responds with the only sign language he knows, the double middle finger. Hart locks in the figure four using the steel post (I always loved that move), then brings in a steel chair and the ring bell, but it backfires as Austin grabs the chair and starts nailing Hart with it. Bret's daughter is in the stands covering her eyes as daddy gets hit in the nuts. Austin tries to lock in the Sharpshooter but gets raked in the face. Hart throws Austin into the steel railing and Stone Cold is busted open. Severe blood loss for Austin, but Hart goes after the leg instead, hammering Austin with a chair to the knee. Austin tries to choke Hart with an extension chord, but Hart hits him in the head with a ring bell, then locks in the Sharpshooter for the finish. Blood is everywhere but Stone Cold refuses to submit. He passes out, Hart wins, and the bottom line is: a legend is born.

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Hart/Austin from Mania 13 as number 1? No freakin' way.

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I have no opinion on any Wrestlemania match.

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