This is a place to discuss whether Doctor Who is Gay like Rob or Super Gay like G-man.
I demand that this topic be headlined, as it has to do with Doctor Who.
Doctor Who is.... single choice
Gay (10%, 1 Votes)
Super Gay (10%, 1 Votes)
Jaburg is gonna be pissed and ban us all from his Who-Society when he sees this. (80%, 8 Votes)
Total Votes: 10 Voting on this poll ends: 2007-05-317:38 AM
Last edited by Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man; 2007-05-083:24 PM.
indeed, old friend. Looking out over this unloved thread as it dies of neglect I understand how a doctor feels after losing a patient on hour 37 of surgery.
indeed, old friend. Looking out over this unloved thread as it dies of neglect I understand how a doctor feels after losing a patient on hour 37 of surgery.
I am going to vote against myself, solely as a means to thank Adler for proving, with his graphic, that it is, in fact, possible to be worse than me with photoshop after all.