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http://timesonline.typepad.com/faith/2007/10/the-blasphemy-c.html The Blasphemy CollectionThe concept of blasphemy seemed for some decades to be in decline in the West, but not any more. It may be useful to look back at some recent cases of militantly religious outrage... Rated by Vulgarity –the piece shocked through its conflation of the sacred and the profane Criminality –the piece contravened laws in a given country Religious impact –the work caused outrage from religious leaders Political impact –speeches were made by governments, laws were created or changed. Deaths – outrage at the work led to the death of one or more people
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20. Jesus Christ Superstar Crowds gathered in protest outside the Broadway theatre where this musical about Jesus and Judas was first staged. Some Christians took offence at the portrayal of Jesus as a man rather than as God and the sympathetic rendering of Judas Iscariot. The omission of the Resurrection was also a point of controversy. Some Jewish groups counted the performance as anti-Semitic in its depiction of Jewish crowds calling for Jesus’ death. Vulgarity: 0 Criminality: 0 Religious impact: 4 Political Impact: 0 Deaths: 0
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19. Popetown An animation of the life of fictional character Father Nicholas, who lives in Popetown (Vatican City) and works as the cartoon Pope’s handler, protecting the public from the truth that the animated pontiff is actually very stupid. The series, produced by the BBC was removed from scheduling before being aired on British television because of fears it would offend Roman Catholics. In Germany a full-scale campaign against the series continues. Vulgarity: 3 Criminality: 0 Religious impact: 3 Political Impact: 0 Deaths: 0
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18. Chocolate Christ Cosimo Cavallaro’s My Sweet Lord, a rendering of the crucifixion in chocolate was pulled from a New York art gallery during Holy Week this year under pressure from the Catholic League. The 200lb sculpture, which exposed the genitals of the dying Christian saviour, incensed the Catholic League who bombarded the Lab gallery in Manhattan with protest emails. Vulgarity: 5 Criminality: 0 Religious impact: 4 Political Impact:0 Deaths: 0
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17. Ecce Homo Photographs showing Jesus eating with homosexuals and transsexuals in an exhibition in Sweden, raised eyebrows in Europe between 1998 and 2000. The vivid images caused Pope John Paul II to cancel a meeting with the Swedish Lutheran Archbishop Karl Gustav Hammar who supported their exhibition. Vulgarity: 3 Criminality: 0 Religious impact: 7 Political impact: 0 Deaths: 0
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16. Strelnikoff Mary of Help of Brezje An album cover showing Mary of Help cradling a rat above the title “Bitchcraft” was the Slovenian band’s statement on the Catholic teaching on abortion. There was subsequent outcry - almost 4000 public protests were made to the State Attorney’s Office in Ljubljana and over 1000 requests for indictment. It was refused by the High Court who said the album was “tasteless” but did not cross the line of what is permitted. Vulgarity: 3 Criminality: 0 Religious impact: 4 Political Impact: 3 Deaths: 0
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15. Jerry Springer the Opera Based on the daytime TV phenomenon but with a sacrilegious twist, the British opera featured a character Jesus who dressed as a baby and regularly soiled his nappy. Protests when the opera was screened on British television saw Christians burning their TV licences outside BBC Television Centre, but other demonstrations were relatively sparse and tame. Vulgarity: 7 Criminality: 0 Religious impact: 4 Political Impact: 0 Deaths: 0
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14. The Life of Brian Arguably, Monty Python’s finest hour the Life of Brian is a comic biopic of Brian Cohen, born at the same time as Jesus and mistaken for the Messiah. A satire on excessive religiosity the film was banned in many towns in the UK for its alleged blasphemous content. Particular offence was taken at the crucifixion scene where those being executed burst into song with the theme tune “Always look on the bright side of life”. In New York Nuns and Rabbis picketed screenings of the film, which was completely banned in some states. In Ireland Life of Brian wasn’t shown for eight years after it was made and not for 11 years in Italy. Just this year, a screening of the film in a church in Newcastle Upon Tyne caused uproar from conservative Christian group Christian Voice. Vulgarity: 4 Criminality: 0 Religious impact: 5 Political Impact: 2 Deaths: 0
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13. Rude Buddha A sculpture of Buddha with a banana and two eggs strategically placed was happily on display at the Royal Academy of Arts this summer, but when it was moved to the sculptors’ home city of Norfolk it raised hackles amongst the local police force’s hate crime unit. DC Dan Cocks ordered it to be removed from the gallery. The artist said he aimed to show that in a global village everyone can take offence at something. Vulgarity: 5 Criminality: 5 Religious impact: 2 Political Impact: 0 Deaths:0
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12. Gilbert & George Sonofagod exhibition The ‘two poofs’, as Gilbert refers to himself and George, have been bedfellows with controversy throughout their career, but they tested the boundaries of religious tolerance with their Sonofagod – was Jesus heterosexual? Exhibition at the White Cube. They raged against the Catholic Church and one of their images included the text “God loves fxxxing”. Tory MP Anne Widdecombe denounced it as “blasphemous”.
Vulgarity: 7 Criminality: 0 Religious impact: 2 Political Impact: 3 Deaths: 0
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11. Cartoon of Jack Hobbs Back in 1925, The Star newspaper printed a cartoon showing the Captain of the English Cricket team, Jack Hobbs, being revered by a “gallery of the most important historical celebrities”, Mohammed was among them. Muslims in India were enraged at the image and the Indian government passed resolutions of protest. Vulgarity: 4 Criminality: 0 Religious impact: 5 Political Impact: 5 Deaths: 0
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10. The Profit A film about a con man who starts a religion in order to become rich. It is banned in the US because of a lawsuit taken out against it by The Church of Scientology - despite the filmmaker’s claims it is not based on the founder of Scientology L. Ron Hubbard. Scientologists said the film was made to influence the jury in the case of Lisa McPherson who died while in the care of the Church of Scientology in Florida. Vulgarity: 0 Criminality: 3 Religious impact: 6 Political Impact: 6 Deaths: 0
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9. Behzti (Dishonour) Set in a Sikh temple, the play includes scenes of rape, murder and physical violence, which many Sikhs counted as supremely offensive. On its opening night at the Birmingham Rep a riot broke out and the performance cancelled. The protest took place as the Government was outlining legislation to outlaw incitement to religious hatred Vulgarity: 7 Criminality: 0 Religious impact: 7 Political Impact: 2 Deaths: 0
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8. Quran on toilet paper Manfred van H. was sentenced to one year in prison on probation in Germany for posting toilet paper stamped with verses from the Quran to mosques and the media. He was charged for defaming religious convictions in a manner that would disturb public peace. Vulgarity: 8 Criminality: 6 Religious impact: 5 Political Impact: 0 Deaths: 0 
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7. Chris Ofili’s Virgin Mary The man who brought elephant dung to the art world created a Virgin Mary, surrounded by pictures of female genitals from pornographic magazines. It was removed from the Brooklyn Museum of Art’s ‘Sensation’ exhibition in 1999 after Rudy Giuliani, then Mayor, threatened to withdraw the $7m City Hall grant from the museum.
Vulgarity: 6 Criminality: 0 Religious impact: 5 Political Impact: 8 Deaths: 0
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6. Penis on a cross by Danuta Nieznalska The title of the piece says it all really. It contravened Polish blasphemy laws and the artist was fined, and banned from foreign travel for six months. She was sentenced to six months "restricted liberty" the Polish equivalent of community service. Vulgarity: 8 Criminality: 9 Religious impact: 3 Political Impact: 0 Deaths: 0
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5. Sony’s Cathedral shoot-out game Games giant Sony chose to set their alien shoot-out game in Manchester Cathedral’s nave without permission from the Dean. The cathedral works to reduce violence in the city plagued by gun-crime, and threatened to sue Sony for breach of copyright of the interior of their building. The Prime Minister at the time, Tony Blair, told Parliament that large corporations like Sony should have more sensitivity and social responsibility in such cases. The controversy was resurrected when the game was nominated for a Bafta award and the Church called for the honour to be withdrawn. Vulgarity: 5 Criminality: 5 Religious impact: 6 Political Impact: 5 Deaths: 0
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4. Submission directed by Theo van Gogh A 10-minute film about violence against women in Islamic countries, Submission depicted four Muslim women telling Allah the offences against them, while partially covered. Quranic texts, inciting women to submit, were projected on their bodies. The creator, Theo van Gogh and writer Hirsi Ali received death threats in Holland as a result of the film. In 2004 van Gogh was shot dead by a man who was caught fleeing the scene. Aftermath protests saw 174 incidents of violence against mosques, churches, and Islamic schools following the murder. Holland’s Minister for Justice called for the country’s blasphemy laws to be implemented more stringently with counter calls for them to be abolished all together. An Independent Dutch MP called for a five-year ban on all non-Western immigration following the murder.
Vulgarity: 6 Criminality: 2 Religious impact: 8 Political Impact: 5 Deaths: 1
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3. Piss Christ Christ hanging on the Cross and suspended in a jar of the artist’s urine won the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art’s award in 1989 - a prize part-sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts, a US government agency. Debate about the photo went as far as the US Senate. Vulgarity: 8 Criminality: 0 Religious impact: 4 Political Impact:10 Deaths: 0
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2. Satanic Verses and Salman Rushdie’s Knighthood Rushdie’s book which was a political satire on Islam led Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in Iran to issue a fatwa (a religious ruling) sanctioning Muslims to kill the author for blasphemy. More than 10,000 marched on the British High Commission in India. Three people were shot and two died following the fatwa and 37 were killed in a riot in Turkey. Rushdie was forced into hiding for 10 years and has round the clock protection to this day, but he refused to apologise or recall the book. Robin Cook, then Foreign Secretary brokered a deal with the Iranians ensuring they would do nothing to carry out the fatwa, even though it still stood. When he was awarded a knighthood this year, the coals of the controversy were stoked and protest ignited once again with effigies of the author and The Queen burned on the streets in Pakistan. Al Qaeda threatened terror attacks against the UK in response to the honour. The book remains banned in Muslim countries. Vulgarity: 6 Criminality: 9 Religious impact: 10 Political Impact: 10 Deaths: 39
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1. Jyllands-Posten Mohammed Cartoons Protests against the cartoons of Mohammed – one with a bomb in place of a turban – printed in the Danish Newspaper Jyllands-Posten, led to arrests, convictions, and caused over 100 deaths. The newspaper claims it was contributing to the debate on self-censorship but Muslims across the world took offence at the depiction of their prophet, any image of whom is regarded as blasphemous.
Vulgarity: 4 Criminality: 7 Religious impact: 10 Political Impact: 10 Deaths: 100
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I walk in eternity 15000+ posts
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1. Jyllands-Posten Mohammed Cartoons Protests against the cartoons of Mohammed – one with a bomb in place of a turban – printed in the Danish Newspaper Jyllands-Posten, led to arrests, convictions, and caused over 100 deaths. The newspaper claims it was contributing to the debate on self-censorship but Muslims across the world took offence at the depiction of their prophet, any image of whom is regarded as blasphemous.
Vulgarity: 4 Criminality: 7 Religious impact: 10 Political Impact: 10 Deaths: 100
Extremist Muslims take themselves too seriously. What if they actually succeeded at taking over the world, and they killed everyone who opposed them? Who would they kill after that? Each other, of course. After that, when Earth was a dead world, with no human life at all anymore, aliens would land here and put up a monument that might read thusly: Here lies the human race. They died of stupidity. Don't let this happen on your own planet.
"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your death bring you the peace you never found in life." - Tuvok.
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13. Rude Buddha A sculpture of Buddha with a banana and two eggs strategically placed was happily on display at the Royal Academy of Arts this summer, but when it was moved to the sculptors’ home city of Norfolk it raised hackles amongst the local police force’s hate crime unit. DC Dan Cocks ordered it to be removed from the gallery. The artist said he aimed to show that in a global village everyone can take offence at something. Vulgarity: 5 Criminality: 5 Religious impact: 2 Political Impact: 0 Deaths:0
Since it's arguable that Buddhism is even a religion, can this even be considered a blasphemy?
Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!
All hail King Snarf!
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10. The Profit A film about a con man who starts a religion in order to become rich. It is banned in the US because of a lawsuit taken out against it by The Church of Scientology - despite the filmmaker’s claims it is not based on the founder of Scientology L. Ron Hubbard. Scientologists said the film was made to influence the jury in the case of Lisa McPherson who died while in the care of the Church of Scientology in Florida. Vulgarity: 0 Criminality: 3 Religious impact: 6 Political Impact: 6 Deaths: 0
Sorry, Scientology, but in my opinion you need to be around for 200 years before you can be considered a religion (Mormons get around this by settling in Utah, because people normally shouldn't be able to live there. There's salt in the earth!). Until then, Scientologists, you're a cult, with all that that implies. I rule not blasphemy!
Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!
All hail King Snarf!
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1 Millionth Customer 10000+ posts
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Scientology is very dangerous. There was a woman, maybe even the one mentioned, who basically was bipolar and they decided instead of a doctor and medication she needed to be locked in a dark room for several days. She went crazy and died. There are also kids (namely Travolta's) who seem to have conditions that can be fixed with meds but are left untreated because psychiatry is some ancient evil that helped empower Hitler and enslave mankind or some shit.
Bow ties are coool.
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I walk in eternity 15000+ posts
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Scientology is very dangerous. There was a woman, maybe even the one mentioned, who basically was bipolar and they decided instead of a doctor and medication she needed to be locked in a dark room for several days. She went crazy and died. There are also kids (namely Travolta's) who seem to have conditions that can be fixed with meds but are left untreated because psychiatry is some ancient evil that helped empower Hitler and enslave mankind or some shit. Scientology would have been a great fad ... if it were 1207, and not 2007.
"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your death bring you the peace you never found in life." - Tuvok.
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Timelord. Drunkard. 15000+ posts
Timelord. Drunkard. 15000+ posts
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Scientology is very dangerous. There was a woman, maybe even the one mentioned, who basically was bipolar and they decided instead of a doctor and medication she needed to be locked in a dark room for several days. She went crazy and died. Yeah, that's her. She died after them locking her up and tying her down for over two weeks after a car accident. First Coroner Report In the original report the state’s medical examiner Joan Wood stated that the autopsy showed McPherson had deteriorated slowly, going without fluids for five to 10 days, was underweight, had several bruises and bedsores. They also showed she had been unconscious for up to 48 hours before her death and had dark brown lesions consistent with "insect/animal bites" in the right lower arm just above the wrist. Wood said that McPherson had probably been bitten by cockroaches. Joan Wood concluded that Lisa McPherson died of a pulmonary embolism caused by bed rest and severe dehydration. Scientology responded by stating that Wood was lying and responded by suing Wood for defamation. Independent Opinion The St. Petersburg Times contacted five medical experts for their opinion about the report, and they confirmed it. The Church of Scientology responded by stating that all five doctors should have been given the entire autopsy report, not the vitreous fluid tests-- which pathologists use to examine the composition of blood at the time before death-- alone. Scientology hires experts Scientology hired its own team of experts to oppose Wood’s findings, including the help of two nationally known pathologists: Michael Baden (a former chief medical examiner in New York City that has played roles in some of the country's most celebrated death cases including the autopsy of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., actor John Belushi and former baseball manager Billy Martin; the re-autopsy of civil rights leader Medgar Evers and led the 1979 congressional re-examination of evidence in the assassination of President Kennedy) and Drs. Cyril H. Wecht (a lawyer and the county coroner in Pittsburgh, who worked on the 1979 Kennedy assassination commission and is a frequent commentator on major death cases.). Drs. Baden and Wecht concluded that McPherson, 36, died suddenly and unpredictably of a blood clot in her left lung that originated from a knee bruise she suffered in a minor auto accident 17 days earlier.[28] This scientific evidence was then sent to Joan Wood for review. [29] The Scientific evidence sent to Woods included: - Literature that shows that dehydration does not cause blood clots.
- Research on a substance known as ketone, which people produce when they are dehydrated, starving or even fasting, tests of McPherson's bodily fluids showed no ketone.
- Findings from a body measurement expert hired by the church. The expert compared autopsy photos of McPherson with those taken in happier times, just before she became psychotic and entered the Fort Harrison. The expert concluded there was "no appreciable weight loss," which counters the prosecution's view that McPherson lost 20 to 40 pounds while in Scientology's care.
- A report by a Morton Plant Hospital doctor who saw McPherson just before she entered Scientology's Fort Harrison Hotel, McPherson already was thin with protruding cheek bones.
- A report by Robert D. Davis, the pathologist who conducted the autopsy for Wood's office, concluded McPherson's body was of average nutritional status.
- Medical literature and sworn testimony that it says proves the eye fluid samples were improperly handled by Wood's office, incompetently tested at an independent lab and ultimately contaminated.
Also was notable that Wood did not do McPherson's autopsy personally but assigned it to Robert Davis, an employee who later was asked to resign and was a witness for the defendant (church). He disputed Wood's conclusions and testified that she did not speak to him about her findings before signing his autopsy after he had resigned.[5] The plaintiff's response was that that the chain of custody of evidence was not broken (also corroborated by Crow's memo) “They simply argue that the McPherson postmortem test results of fluid,...cannot be relied upon...They apparently ignore the testimony of Robert Davis, M.D., Joan Wood, M.D., David Minkoff, M.D., Janice Johnson, M.D., attendant staffer Rita Boykin, attendant staffer Heather Hof Petzold, the ER personnel, and the two autopsy technicians, Stodgell and Daerr. ” Due to the vitreous fluid tests, they maintained that she was dehydrated. Chemical pathologists Calvin Bandt and Spitz concurred with the initial coroner's report in their affidavits. Referring to Dr. Minkoff's affirmative testimony of McPherson described with "hollowed-out eyes...thin skin...and did she look dehydrated, yes", plaintiff said even still the abovementioned Scientology experts "opine Lisa McPherson was not dehydrated in appearance and therefore it is error to look at the post mortem chemistries." Plaintiff witness Dr Alan Wu also testified that ketones need not be present for dehydration in a special case like McPherson where she was fed proteins and therefore didn't create measurable ketones. The plaintiffs maintained that Lisa did lose water weight to result in 108 lbs with respect to the vitreous fluid. Second Coroner Report After the review Wood changed the cause of death from "undetermined" to an "accident". Wood traced McPherson's pulmonary embolism to her psychosis and a minor auto accident as major factors. This garnered controversy as described in Assistant State Attorney Douglas Crow's memo in which he recommends dropping the criminal case. They and the plaintiffs stated, “Even after changing her opinion, Dr. Wood states she is ambivalent as to whether Lisa's death is medical neglect or homicide. (Appendix "2", p35 of June 1,2000 sworn interview to the state attorney)." and that Woods “ initially changed [the death certificate] to read the death was an "accident" not caused by dehydration, Crow said. She then reconsidered, he said, deciding to re-insert dehydration as a cause of death and list the death as a homicide. The next morning, she changed her mind once again and finalized the changes.” Crow's memo and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement alleged she had been under constant surveillance of private investigators and that "several factors may have impacted the quality of her judgment...citing Wood's vulnerability to litigation in the case and a suggestion by Scientology that it could reveal information extremely damaging to Wood's office and her career." Wood also resigned that year due to prosecutors and defence attorneys attacking her credibility based on this report and the handling of the case.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
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The list is missing Last Temptation of the Christ and Dogma. Those two and Life of Brian were banned here, until banning was banned in the late 90's.
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Timelord. Drunkard. 15000+ posts
Timelord. Drunkard. 15000+ posts
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If you ban bannings, only criminals will have bans. 
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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1 Millionth Customer 10000+ posts
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The list is missing Last Temptation of the Christ and Dogma. Those two and Life of Brian were banned here, until banning was banned in the late 90's. Dogma was released November 12, 1990. So by "late 90's" you mean about a 6 week period.
Bow ties are coool.
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Timelord. Drunkard. 15000+ posts
Timelord. Drunkard. 15000+ posts
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The list is missing Last Temptation of the Christ and Dogma. Those two and Life of Brian were banned here, until banning was banned in the late 90's. Dogma was released November 12, 1990. So by "late 90's" you mean about a 6 week period. pssst.... You mean 1999. Gotta make sure your setups and punchlines don't have typos.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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Unbreakable 3000+ posts
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14. The Life of Brian Arguably, Monty Python’s finest hour the Life of Brian is a comic biopic of Brian Cohen, born at the same time as Jesus and mistaken for the Messiah. A satire on excessive religiosity the film was banned in many towns in the UK for its alleged blasphemous content. Particular offence was taken at the crucifixion scene where those being executed burst into song with the theme tune “Always look on the bright side of life”. In New York Nuns and Rabbis picketed screenings of the film, which was completely banned in some states. In Ireland Life of Brian wasn’t shown for eight years after it was made and not for 11 years in Italy. Just this year, a screening of the film in a church in Newcastle Upon Tyne caused uproar from conservative Christian group Christian Voice. Vulgarity: 4 Criminality: 0 Religious impact: 5 Political Impact: 2 Deaths: 0 Is it still forbidden in Israel and Norway?
"Batman is only meaningful as an answer to a world which in its basics is chaotic and in the hands of the wrong people, where no justice can be found. I think it's very suitable to our perception of the world's condition today... Batman embodies the will to resist evil" -Frank Miller
"Conan, what's the meaning of life?" "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!" -Conan the Barbarian
"Well, yeah." -Jason E. Perkins
"If I had a dime for every time Pariah was right about something I'd owe twenty cents." -Ultimate Jaburg53
"Fair enough. I defer to your expertise." -Prometheus
Rack MisterJLA!