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Colette Jonopulos 25+ posts
Colette Jonopulos 25+ posts
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This week I was supposed to start helping out with the catering crew. It never happened. I went to them and told them that I was supposed to report to them, and they stared at me like I was crazy. So all this I've been running around doing odd jobs around campus. Tomorrow I'm (supposedly) going to be on the paint crew. I'm really excited about this. They start at eight am instead of seven and its close enough for me to walk to. This means I will probably be able to get up at six thirty, instead of five. The paint crew also has the hottest women. Thats a very good thing. The only downside is that I will be getting home an hour later. link - The catering crew didn't know who you were because they thought the person who was looting food for the last week was some homeless fuck. You didn't have a job with them and they didn't want to babysit you. We got lucky with the painting crew being willing to watch you for a few hours while daddy and i made fuck.
- I doubt myself saying this but maybe you should raise your standards over Marge, the 80 year old woman with five teeth.
Its 12:06. I need to get up at five. Been watching the hurricane coverage all night. Too depressed to sleep. Need to turn off TV. You know we don't like you staying up that late to watch Veggie Tales. I stopped caring about birthdays a couple years ago. Nothing ever happens anymore. I went out to eat with my parents, then had cake with everyone. Nothing big happened. The only thing that changed was that now I have to get used to writing 28 instead of 27. Is that something to get excited about? Did you enjoy your happy meal?
where Bob Marley and dreadlocks are still popular. She has two non-fiction books in print, The One Thing Needful, and Living Waters For a Parched Land. Her poetry has appeared in Rattlesnake Review, Beat the Blackened Wing: An Anthology of Crows, PDQ, and Denali, among others. She is currently co-editor of Tiger’s Eye: A Journal of Poetry.
Joined: Feb 2008
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Colette Jonopulos 25+ posts
Colette Jonopulos 25+ posts
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Went to a job fair today at a "natural food" warehouse. Since my dad works there I'm pretty sure I'll get a job. I applied for the friday saturday and sunday shift. Its 12 hour days but its worth it if I get four days off in a row. The shift starts at 4am, but I think I can handle it. There's also a monday through thursday ten hour shift that I might get.
Read Patriot Games. So far its my favorite Tom Clancy book. It got a little far-fetched at some points, but over all it was a great book. next up is Red Rabbit. Did I ever tell you how much everyone at that job fair laughed at you? I got home from work today to find out that fedex called about a job I applied for two years ago. Since my mom answered, and she is crazy, she said that I would be able to go in for an interview between three and six AM. So now I have to get up at five, get my mom to drive me there, even though she said she probably won't be able to. So I might get up too damn early for no reason. I still have to go to my normal job, which might be ending this week, at eight.
I hate shit like this. All I wanted was a fucking price quote on getting rid of 200lbs of waste. The interview went well, they seem desperate for new people. (Which is a good thing.)
I've always wanted to work for Fedex. I've always been fascinated with shipping. The whole logistics thing is extremely interesting to me. If I do get this job, I will stay with them as long as I can.  Guess not. Work is work. Still have to go too early in the morning. I'm probably going to get a car soon, so I can get a better job. The hours have been driving me crazy. The other day I forgot my wallet and bus pass, then the next day I wore a shirt backwards for most the day. The hours are not good for my sanity.
I got a Gamecube the other day. Very addicting. Metroid Prime has taken over my life. Probably one of the greatest games of all time. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker is fun, but the graphics and all the sailing get to me after a while. Mario Sunshine is good, but it takes a while to get used to the gameplay. The water pack changes everything. I think I'd rather play Mario 64 over this one. All the other games I have are ok. The only reason to have a Nintento system is for the franchise games anyways.
I'm re-reading Atlas Shrugged for the third time. I'm obsessed. There are about twenty other books I should be reading, but I'm still hooked on this one. I've been recommending this book to everyone. To bad no one is reading it. link po Have you ever considered helping out around the house instead of playing those damn video games?
where Bob Marley and dreadlocks are still popular. She has two non-fiction books in print, The One Thing Needful, and Living Waters For a Parched Land. Her poetry has appeared in Rattlesnake Review, Beat the Blackened Wing: An Anthology of Crows, PDQ, and Denali, among others. She is currently co-editor of Tiger’s Eye: A Journal of Poetry.
Joined: Feb 2008
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Colette Jonopulos 25+ posts
Colette Jonopulos 25+ posts
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I have two job oppurtunites this week. One is back at the University working graveyard doing random stuff on campus. The other one is working with my dad in the shipping department.
I'm torn at which one I'll choose. The university one will be good because everyone knows me already, but the downside is that its graveyard, which means I'll probably go crazy in a few weeks. but there will be plenty of college girls to oogle at, which is always a good thing.
The other one will be four days a week, day shift, and will be ten hour days. Those hours are perfect, but I really don't know if I want to work with my dad or at that company. My brother, who just moved up here, might get a job there as well.
I'm hoping to hear about either in the next two days so I can quit the fedex job.
I got sick again this weekend. Probably from my nephews. Damn disease carrying brats. Hopefully I'll get over it soon. Too bad you didn't get either job. Not like you would have kept it long anyways. And getting sick from your nephews? From all the crap you gave that hairy old fruit it seems that your the pedo.
where Bob Marley and dreadlocks are still popular. She has two non-fiction books in print, The One Thing Needful, and Living Waters For a Parched Land. Her poetry has appeared in Rattlesnake Review, Beat the Blackened Wing: An Anthology of Crows, PDQ, and Denali, among others. She is currently co-editor of Tiger’s Eye: A Journal of Poetry.
Joined: Feb 2008
Posts: 47
Colette Jonopulos 25+ posts
Colette Jonopulos 25+ posts
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The other day our garage was broken into. Two bikes and a stereo were stolen. It happened during the night, when everyone was asleep. they came in through the back door. Now I don't even want to be here anymore. Its not safe. The cops won't do shit, because there aren't enough. Fuck I hate this town. Something needs to change. Now I want to beat the crap out of every hippie or bum I see riding a bike. there are no more rules. Anyone can do whatever they want. Everything gets stolen and nothing gets done. How can society survive with shit like this going on? Things need to change, but there is no one in power here that will do anything. This town is going downhill fast, I need to get away before it takes me down with it. 
where Bob Marley and dreadlocks are still popular. She has two non-fiction books in print, The One Thing Needful, and Living Waters For a Parched Land. Her poetry has appeared in Rattlesnake Review, Beat the Blackened Wing: An Anthology of Crows, PDQ, and Denali, among others. She is currently co-editor of Tiger’s Eye: A Journal of Poetry.
Joined: Feb 2008
Posts: 47
Colette Jonopulos 25+ posts
Colette Jonopulos 25+ posts
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Brian why are you part of a group called "Can't quite you"? do we need to have a talk? http://steamcommunity.com/id/themostboringmanalive
where Bob Marley and dreadlocks are still popular. She has two non-fiction books in print, The One Thing Needful, and Living Waters For a Parched Land. Her poetry has appeared in Rattlesnake Review, Beat the Blackened Wing: An Anthology of Crows, PDQ, and Denali, among others. She is currently co-editor of Tiger’s Eye: A Journal of Poetry.
Joined: Feb 2008
Posts: 47
Colette Jonopulos 25+ posts
Colette Jonopulos 25+ posts
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* 3. Re: Net Nanny? |
quote reply
You live in your parents house. They pay for everything. You have no privacy rights. You want privacy? Get a job, move out and buy your own computer.

where Bob Marley and dreadlocks are still popular. She has two non-fiction books in print, The One Thing Needful, and Living Waters For a Parched Land. Her poetry has appeared in Rattlesnake Review, Beat the Blackened Wing: An Anthology of Crows, PDQ, and Denali, among others. She is currently co-editor of Tiger’s Eye: A Journal of Poetry.
Joined: Feb 2008
Posts: 47
Colette Jonopulos 25+ posts
Colette Jonopulos 25+ posts
Joined: Feb 2008
Posts: 47 |
where Bob Marley and dreadlocks are still popular. She has two non-fiction books in print, The One Thing Needful, and Living Waters For a Parched Land. Her poetry has appeared in Rattlesnake Review, Beat the Blackened Wing: An Anthology of Crows, PDQ, and Denali, among others. She is currently co-editor of Tiger’s Eye: A Journal of Poetry.