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Feared by the RKMB morons 3000+ posts
Feared by the RKMB morons 3000+ posts
Joined: Sep 2007
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I'm sure all the lemmings of this board like Joe, Pro, and BSAMS will jump in on this post but I'm here to let you know that you don't fool anybody with an IQ above retarded. When you first started objecting to the "war" you said that these guys aren't all that bad. You said you could "see past the propaganda on both sides". Well, here you are a few months later doing nothing but parroting the self serving propaganda of Rob's board. It was never about me getting heckled over a comic as these shitheads would like to believe. Whomod was getting jumped over nothing and I know what that's like. To make matters worse rex started in with the "Whomod's Daughter shit". I realize you've been far too brainwashed to listen to reason but if this was about me I would have come back sooner. Everything you've said since selling out has been to vindicate yourself or to suck up to these idiots. And in your mad dash to make your idiocy make sense you've become truly deluded. You said you needed to turn on the Insurgency in order to move on with your life? All you needed to do was not post or ignore what was going. How fucking hard is that? You said you weren't going to shut down the Insurgency but just archinve. Yet more of your bullshit. You shut it down rationalizing that "Tommy is around therefore there's no point having this place" which is both flattering and disturbing at the same time but it's bullshit. When I mentioned Invision putting pressue on you totally dodged. Once again you show that you have absolutely no balls. Another intresting example of your deluded fellating of the nitwits on this board is your statement "I'm pretty sure the tally had more points to them". What did these guys do that was so clever Iggy? Sammitch and BSAMS posting the same images/motie's over and over? Joe saying "I win" over and over or having to copy me or flat our lie? Pro, Harley, Dave jumping on the bandwagon and making excuses for everyone? Rob getting so pissy about big sigs he had to fuck with my account like a bitch? That's all they did. Make no mistake, we won the intellectual argument and these assholes whould have done nothing without you and Bizzaro-Bitch. But I don't really think of it as losing a battle so much as losing dead weight like you. You think it's funny that we talk about your alcholism? Guess what asshole? We have to talk about it cause you destroying your brain cells by drinking is the only thing that explains how you are so dumber/different than you used to me. This board is filled with arrogant, pathological, obnoxious, stuck up, apathetic, egocentric, immature, pieces of shit who you suck up to not because you think they are cool...because you understand them. Cause you are every bit as dumb and you bought there bullshit. Maybe if I pretend nothing is wrong and post smiley's you'll be less likely to completely repress the memory of this post? Okay. Have a good day  Sincerely, Wank and Cry.
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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Halo is like one of those Japanese soldiers stuck on an island for twenty years after WWII who refused to believe the war was over and they lost.
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Regenerated 15000+ posts
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I'm sure all the lemmings of this board like Joe, Pro, and BSAMS will jump in on this post Lemmings? That's nazi-talk... but I'm here to let you know that you don't fool anybody with an IQ above retarded. So, you were completely fooled then? When you first started objecting to the "war" you said that these guys aren't all that bad. You said you could "see past the propaganda on both sides". Well, here you are a few months later doing nothing but parroting the self serving propaganda of Rob's board. Yeah Iggy! How dare you parrot our propaganda! We have newsletters for that! It was never about me getting heckled over a comic as these shitheads would like to believe. Yes it was. Whomod was getting jumped over nothing and I know what that's like. To make matters worse rex started in with the "Whomod's Daughter shit". I realize you've been far too brainwashed to listen to reason but if this was about me I would have come back sooner. Rex!! You made an alt called "Whomod's Daughter shit"?  What a Commie! Everything you've said since selling out has been to vindicate yourself or to suck up to these idiots. And in your mad dash to make your idiocy make sense you've become truly deluded. So Iggy, to sum up: You're desiring vindication (for what?), OR you're sucking up to us [idiots]. You had a "mad dash" to "make your idiocy make sense", but it caused you to become "deluded". So, you're deluded about vindicating your sucking up to us. I think... You said you needed to turn on the Insurgency in order to move on with your life? All you needed to do was not post or ignore what was going. How fucking hard is that? Yeah Iggy! How dare you not let your "friends" drive your car into a tree... repeatedly! All you did was choose and pay for it! You have no right to not let them do what they want with it! You said you weren't going to shut down the Insurgency but just archinve. Yet more of your bullshit. You shut it down rationalizing that "Tommy is around therefore there's no point having this place" which is both flattering and disturbing at the same time but it's bullshit. You mean, besides when you had your buddy destroy all your threads and posts? When I mentioned Invision putting pressue on you totally dodged. Once again you show that you have absolutely no balls. This makes no sense. Maybe Iggy will be able to translate for us... Another intresting example of your deluded fellating Remember kids: Only fellate when coherent... of the nitwits on this board is your statement "I'm pretty sure the tally had more points to them". What did these guys do that was so clever Iggy? You mean, besides think, act rationally, have a good time, and laugh at everything you try to do?  Sammitch and BSAMS posting the same images/motie's over and over? Joe saying "I win" over and over or having to copy me or flat our lie? Pro, Harley, Dave jumping on the bandwagon and making excuses for everyone? Rob getting so pissy about big sigs he had to fuck with my account like a bitch? That's all they did. Make no mistake, we won the intellectual argument and these assholes whould have done nothing without you and Bizzaro-Bitch. But I don't really think of it as losing a battle so much as losing dead weight like you.  Halo, we made you destroy your own board. Meanwhile, we're still exactly the same...  You think it's funny that we talk about your alcholism? Guess what asshole? We have to talk about it cause you destroying your brain cells by drinking is the only thing that explains how you are so dumber/different than you used to me. Obviously! You cannot POSSIBLY have the right to change your mind, or see the truth! It MUST be a debilitating sickness like alcoholism. THAT explains it all. Whew! For a second Tom, I though you might have to consider you were wrong. Thank god we side-stepped THAT reality-mine, huh? This board is filled with arrogant, pathological, obnoxious, stuck up, apathetic, egocentric, immature, pieces of shit Arrogant and stuck-up mean the same thing. Just saying. And I love how you generalize the E-N-T-I-R-E board with your opinion. But, that's okay. Since you used to post with Iggy, and we're generalizing boards and their posters, it must be your alcoholism talking, Thomas. Poor thing.  who you suck up to not because you think they are cool...because you understand them. Cause you are every bit as dumb and you bought there bullshit. Maybe if I pretend nothing is wrong and post smiley's you'll be less likely to completely repress the memory of this post? Okay. How dare you not know your own motivation, Iggy! Who do you think you are...yourself?!  You lose, Tom. Tell Andy I said "Hello!" 
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Alien Abductee 300+ posts
Alien Abductee 300+ posts
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these assholes whould have done nothing without you and Bizzaro-Bitch. Woo-hoo!! Thanks for the mention; does that mean I won? Anyone else notice the "whould" Freudian Slip?? Who were you thinking of, Tommy? I hope you had a nice weekend drafting, revising and editing this post.
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Regenerated 15000+ posts
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terrible podcaster 15000+ posts
terrible podcaster 15000+ posts
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I'm sure all the lemmings of this board like Joe, Pro, and BSAMS will jump in on this post , but I'm here to let you know that you don't fool anybody with an IQ above retarded. When you first started objecting to the "war" , you said that these guys aren't all that bad. You said you could "see past the propaganda on both sides". Well, here you are a few months later doing nothing but parroting the self -serving propaganda of Rob's board. It was never about me getting heckled over a comic , as these shitheads would like to believe. Whomod was getting jumped over nothing and I know what that's like. To make matters worse , rex started in with the "Whomod's Daughter shit". I realize you've been far too brainwashed to listen to reason , but if this was about me I would have come back sooner. Everything you've said since selling out has been to vindicate yourself or to suck up to these idiots. And in your mad dash to make your idiocy make sense you've become truly deluded. You said you needed to turn on the Insurgency in order to move on with your life? All you needed to do was not post or ignore what was going. How fucking hard is that? You said you weren't going to shut down the Insurgency but just archi nve. Yet more of your bullshit. You shut it down rationalizing that "Tommy is around therefore there's no point having this place" which is both flattering and disturbing at the same time but it's bullshit. When I mentioned Invision putting pressu re on you totally dodged. Once again you show that you have absolutely no balls. Another int eresting example of your deluded fellating of the nitwits on this board is your statement "I'm pretty sure the tally had more points to them". What did these guys do that was so clever , Iggy? Sammitch and BSAMS posting the same images/ motie's [consider revising] over and over? Joe saying "I win" over and over or having to copy me or flat ou t lie? Pro, Harley, and Dave jumping on the bandwagon and making excuses for everyone? Rob getting so pissy about big sigs he had to fuck with my account like a bitch? That's all they did. Make no mistake, we won the intellectual argument [definitely consider revising ] and these assholes w hould have done nothing without you and Bizzaro-Bitch. But I don't really think of it as losing a battle so much as losing dead weight like you. You think it's funny that we talk about your alc oholism? Guess what asshole? We have to talk about it because you destroying your brain cells by drinking is the only thing that explains how you are so dumber/different than you used to me. This board is filled with arrogant, pathological, obnoxious, stuck up, apathetic, egocentric, immature, pieces of shit who you suck up to not because you think they are cool... [but] because you understand them. Because you are every bit as dumb and you bought the ir bullshit. Maybe if I pretend nothing is wrong and post smiley 's you'll be less likely to completely repress the memory of this post? Okay. Have a good day  Sincerely, Wank and Cry. you also omitted  .
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terrible podcaster 15000+ posts
terrible podcaster 15000+ posts
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Wank and Cry User Feared by RKMB 3000+ posts 07/28/08 12:25 PM Logging out one minute after starting this thread. 
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Society's Discontent 6000+ posts
Society's Discontent 6000+ posts
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I'm sure all the lemmings of this board like Joe, Pro, and BSAMS will jump in on this post but I'm here to let you know that you don't fool anybody with an IQ above retarded. Sure, Halo. When you first started objecting to the "war" you said that these guys aren't all that bad. You said you could "see past the propaganda on both sides". Well, here you are a few months later doing nothing but parroting the self serving propaganda of Rob's board. At first, I tried to be a bridge between these guys and you guys. Hell, many of you echoed my sentiments about guys over here being cool. Yet, when all was said and done, you'd rather believe your own hype than in the coolness of others. If I being nothing more than a talking head, at least I am being a talking head of truth. It was never about me getting heckled over a comic as these shitheads would like to believe. Whomod was getting jumped over nothing and I know what that's like. To make matters worse rex started in with the "Whomod's Daughter shit". I realize you've been far too brainwashed to listen to reason but if this was about me I would have come back sooner. Nearly all the jumping on Whomod I've seen here has been in the politics forum. Hell, real life politics is just as bad and mud-slinging. I wouldn't expect any less from a forum on the subject. Why the fuck do you think there are cliches about not talking of one's politics and/or religion in mixed company? If he couldn't take the heat then he should have gotten the hell out of the kitchen. Otherwise, it looks like nothing but him spouting off his liberal agenda in an effort to get a rise out of his conservative counterparts. If that is the case, then he got exactly what he wanted and deserved. The Whomod's Daughter thing was a non-issue, really. It didn't have any real world effect on Whomod, his life, his job, and--most importantly--his daughter. Whether one agrees with said alt or not, all it was used for was to get a rise out of Whomod and make him break down just like a lot of things done in the name of politics. Whomod, by freaking out like he did, I'm sure went above and beyond what Rex was hoping to achieve. Everything you've said since selling out has been to vindicate yourself or to suck up to these idiots. And in your mad dash to make your idiocy make sense you've become truly deluded. Because I'm the one that is constantly going to the other message board saying, "If it wasn't for me then you guys would've one." Get real, Wankie. You said you needed to turn on the Insurgency in order to move on with your life? All you needed to do was not post or ignore what was going. How fucking hard is that? Let's take this in parts, shall we? I did offer to just sit back and watch you guys get your butts whooped. You guys offered to take it to one of your many other boards if I didn't. Well, I stayed. You guys didn't take it to one of your many other boards. So, I "betrayed" you guys to get the shit off of my boards. Guess what? It worked. You said you weren't going to shut down the Insurgency but just archinve. Yet more of your bullshit. You shut it down rationalizing that "Tommy is around therefore there's no point having this place" which is both flattering and disturbing at the same time but it's bullshit. Dumb fuck. Really, you don't remember Polo erasing everything over there? What was there to archive other than the rebuild that included several threads about you being a baby rapist. Don't accuse me of bullshit. The archive was there until one of your boys deleted it. Who the fuck is deluded? When I mentioned Invision putting pressue on you totally dodged. Once again you show that you have absolutely no balls. I didn't even notice you did this. I do remember Zzap trying to contact Invision about removing me from my own boards. Either way, I'll quote to you exactly what Invision said to me. Their silence speaks volumes, doesn't it? Another intresting example of your deluded fellating of the nitwits on this board is your statement "I'm pretty sure the tally had more points to them". What did these guys do that was so clever Iggy? Sammitch and BSAMS posting the same images/motie's over and over? Joe saying "I win" over and over or having to copy me or flat our lie? Pro, Harley, Dave jumping on the bandwagon and making excuses for everyone? Rob getting so pissy about big sigs he had to fuck with my account like a bitch? That's all they did. Make no mistake, we won the intellectual argument and these assholes whould have done nothing without you and Bizzaro-Bitch. But I don't really think of it as losing a battle so much as losing dead weight like you. I can't be arsed. But, at least, half of the record is there if you go looking around enough. The other half would be there too, but Polo deleted the proof of what a bunch of defeated shits ya'll were when he wiped out the Insurgency. You think it's funny that we talk about your alcholism? Guess what asshole? We have to talk about it cause you destroying your brain cells by drinking is the only thing that explains how you are so dumber/different than you used to me. Simple point of fact, my "alcoholism" goes back to 2004. It just got a little worse in early 2007 before I got it under control over the past year. Now, if you think about that, you will notice that such a time span covers the time I was posting with you guys. I just thought I'd let you know. This board is filled with arrogant, pathological, obnoxious, stuck up, apathetic, egocentric, immature, pieces of shit who you suck up to not because you think they are cool...because you understand them. Cause you are every bit as dumb and you bought there bullshit. Maybe if I pretend nothing is wrong and post smiley's you'll be less likely to completely repress the memory of this post? Okay. Ahem. It is their, not there. Have a good day  Sincerely, Wank and Cry. You love me! You really love me!
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Schlub 15000+ posts
Schlub 15000+ posts
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Fuck. and y'all tease me about my grammar.
And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack. 2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points
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kung-fu treachery 5000+ posts
kung-fu treachery 5000+ posts
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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this is gold, iggy how the hell do you get under his skin so well?
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Society's Discontent 6000+ posts
Society's Discontent 6000+ posts
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I'm sure his answer would be something about trying to jettison the effects of you brainwashing me.
The real answer, however, has nothing to do with being brainwashed and everything to do with being right. He knows he is wrong. He can just never confess that to himself or anyone else because he can't stand to live outside of his delusions of being right. Therefore, you just keep hitting him with reality checks. Each time you do that, he has to try just a little bit harder to keep his delusion from crashing down around him.
And, of course, him scrambling to keep his delusions from crashing around him is what creates comedic gold.
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Regenerated 15000+ posts
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
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Nope...nothing to see here...no meltdown post from grumpy ol' Tommy...move along...  It was never about me getting heckled over a comic as these shitheads would like to believe. Whomod was getting jumped over nothing and I know what that's like. To make matters worse rex started in with the "Whomod's Daughter shit". I realize you've been far too brainwashed to listen to reason but if this was about me I would have come back sooner. So many justifications for your botched "raid." The reason(s) change(s) with every mention. Poor boy. So angry... Another intresting example of your deluded fellating of the nitwits on this board is your statement "I'm pretty sure the tally had more points to them". What did these guys do that was so clever Iggy? Sammitch and BSAMS posting the same images/motie's over and over? Joe saying "I win" over and over or having to copy me or flat our lie? Pro, Harley, Dave jumping on the bandwagon and making excuses for everyone? Rob getting so pissy about big sigs he had to fuck with my account like a bitch? That's all they did. Make no mistake, we won the intellectual argument and these assholes whould have done nothing without you and Bizzaro-Bitch. But I don't really think of it as losing a battle so much as losing dead weight like you. It's funny how everything we did during your botched "raid" was stupid and unoriginal and whatnot but, when a former Insurgent did it, it was genius. You're a hypocrite, Tommy. A sad example of constant failure. And I don't know why you keep rambling about "intellectual arguments." There were none. You former Insurgents kept trying to argue your moral position while we RKMBers made jokes at your expense, ultimately leading every one of you to betray your own "morals" and "rules." You can look at it as losing dead weight or losing your beloved Insurgency Forum...as long as you realize that you lost.  You think it's funny that we talk about your alcholism? Guess what asshole? We have to talk about it cause you destroying your brain cells by drinking is the only thing that explains how you are so dumber/different than you used to me. That you care enough to try and justify "how [he] are so dumber/different than you used to me [I think you mean "be," but whatever works for you, Tommy]" is a testament to how far under your collective skins he got. Iggy wins. This board is filled with arrogant, pathological, obnoxious, stuck up, apathetic, egocentric, immature, pieces of shit who you suck up to not because you think they are cool...because you understand them. Cause you are every bit as dumb and you bought there bullshit. Maybe if I pretend nothing is wrong and post smiley's you'll be less likely to completely repress the memory of this post? Okay. Have a good day  Sincerely, Wank and Cry. And yet you constantly return to a message board that you pretend to hate. You're either a liar or a hypocrite. Face it, you love it here. You love the abuse you get, you love the feeling of impotent rage, and you love that any one of us can effectively goof on you at will. You can huff and puff and whine and  about a "raid" that you lost and say anything you can think of to spin it into the one victory you had in your life, but we both...we ALL...know better. So keep coming back. Keep posting meltdowns like this gem. We'll keep laughing at you and wrecking you. And everyone will be happy. Well, except for you maybe. But I don't think so. I think you love being the bitch of multiple boards. Cheers, Tommy! Joseph T. Mother PS: The "T" does NOT stand for "MarTin Scheckland." PPS: 
Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry. MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost! "I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
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cobra kai 15000+ posts
cobra kai 15000+ posts
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giant picture
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you) 50000+ posts
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Anonymous 07/28/08 02:32 PM Reading a post Forum: PJP's Random Chat and Insurgency Roast Thread: Iggy you're fucking pathetic.
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Timelord. Drunkard. 15000+ posts
Timelord. Drunkard. 15000+ posts
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The fact that Wankie had to make a whole new thread for this makes it beyond gold. It's fucking platinum!
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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Kneel! 10000+ posts
Kneel! 10000+ posts
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big_pimp_tim-made it cool to roll in the first damn place! Mon Jun 11 2007 09:27 PM- harley finally rolled with me "I'm working with him...he's young but, there is much potential. He can apprentice with me and then he's yours for final training. He will remember the face of his father... Some day, Knutreturns just may be the greatest of us all...."-THE bastard
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Society's Discontent 6000+ posts
Society's Discontent 6000+ posts
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Google Releases Second Quarter Report: While we did finish strong in the second quarter of 2008, we didn't quite hit our estimates. By all accounts, this failure is to be blamed on a few dumbfucks that really liked getting their asses handed to them on a forum using Google AdSense. Such a display of gross self-abasement led to losses in the form of payouts to one Rob Kamphausen offsetting our profits.
In response to this, we have readjusted our estimates for the third quarter of 2008 because we have discovered that one of those poor self-abasing fools just cannot get whipped enough to call it quits.
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Kneel! 10000+ posts
Kneel! 10000+ posts
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big_pimp_tim-made it cool to roll in the first damn place! Mon Jun 11 2007 09:27 PM- harley finally rolled with me "I'm working with him...he's young but, there is much potential. He can apprentice with me and then he's yours for final training. He will remember the face of his father... Some day, Knutreturns just may be the greatest of us all...."-THE bastard
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Regenerated 15000+ posts
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Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
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Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry. MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost! "I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
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Schlub 15000+ posts
Schlub 15000+ posts
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And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack. 2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points
Joined: Jun 2004
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Who will I break next? 15000+ posts
Who will I break next? 15000+ posts
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It was never about me getting heckled over a comic as these shitheads would like to believe. Whomod was getting jumped over nothing and I know what that's like. To make matters worse rex started in with the "Whomod's Daughter shit". I realize you've been far too brainwashed to listen to reason but if this was about me I would have come back sooner.
We made fun of whomod because he was a fucking retarded douche who couldn't think for himself.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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Sikkbones 1500+ posts
Sikkbones 1500+ posts
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What a tool!
Does he really not realize that every time he responds like this it proves that we were right? And that we ultimately won?
Is he off the wagon again already?
Don't have the time right now, but I'll deconstruct this fully later on.
My top 3 items/lies:
"The Insurgents have proven themselves to be nothing but deluded sacks of shit that must desperately cling to fantasies of victory and betrayal..."
Asshole Sellout's betrayal was not a fantasy.
"One guy can't get over the fact that he got heckled over a comic book character and has a block on his shoulder about it to this very day."
Once again, and hopefully for the very last time, the raid was NEVER about Halo's issues with the RKMBers. EVER. It was always about supporting Whomod.
"Worst part about this one is that said poster probably went above and beyond what the sock fucker hoped for and organized a failed raid to defend his daughter's "interweb honor."
Same as above, once again and hopefully for the very last time, Whomod had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with initiating the raid. This was done by whomod's friends at the Insurgency as a means of showing him that not everyone on the interweb is an asshole and some of us actually do take things like friendship into account. Just like I, and many other Insurgents did, for Asshole Sellout when he announced he had a drinking problem. In fact, I went so far as to give Asshole Sellout my home and cell phone numbers and tell him that he could use them at any time, reverse the charges if need be, AND, even offered to serve as an intermediary with someone on his end to get him into a rehab clinic if he so desired.
But hey, I guess once you get used to living in an alcohol induced haze it's hard to break out of it no matter how many tugs on the ol' bootlaces you give.
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Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
Joined: May 2003
Posts: 28,009 |
Does he really not realize that every time he responds like this it proves that we were right? And that we ultimately won? How can you win when: 1) You failed to elicit the desired apology from Rex? 2) You failed to run a single person off this message board that wasn't a former Insurgent? 3) Your message board - the Insurgency Forum - because a suburb of the RKMBs, instead of vice versa, as Zzap claimed would happen? 4) You - Sikkbones - were supposedly never part of the botched "raid" in the first place? You can't have it both ways, m'friend... Is this another "we won the [moral/intellectual] argument" claim? Because you former Insurgents lost the "moral argument" before it was revealed what the "moral argument" even was back when two of your members hid behind alts and referred to my mother as a "cunt." And the "intellectual argument" never really materialized, now did it? But we'll ignore facts so the losing side can feel better about themselves. Lord knows I don't need a mass suicide on my conscience. I'd feel bad about how hard I laughed every time "former Insurgent mass suicide" was mentioned. My top 3 items/lies:
"The Insurgents have proven themselves to be nothing but deluded sacks of shit that must desperately cling to fantasies of victory and betrayal..."
Asshole Sellout's betrayal was not a fantasy. More of an argument of semantics. You former Insurgents bitch and whine about Iggy "selling out." We - the victors - refer to it as a "Hoganesque heel-turn" and laugh at you all as you  "One guy can't get over the fact that he got heckled over a comic book character and has a block on his shoulder about it to this very day."
Once again, and hopefully for the very last time, the raid was NEVER about Halo's issues with the RKMBers. EVER. It was always about supporting Whomod. Maybe not for YOU, if you can finally decide whether or not you were part of the botched "raid" in the first place, but don't doubt for a second that it was in the forefront of Tommy's mind. By the way, assuming you WERE part of the botched "raid," doesn't it piss you off at least a little that you all supposedly rushed to whomod's defense only to have him barely get involved? Doesn't it tweak you a bit that he was more interested in posting in the Politics Forum, per usual, than in joining with his Insurgent brothers in a "raid" that was started for his very benefit? How do you all make your peace with the fact that you backed a losing horse that couldn't even be arsed to run the fucking race? Assuming that you were even part of the botched "raid." Let me know what you decide... "Worst part about this one is that said poster probably went above and beyond what the sock fucker hoped for and organized a failed raid to defend his daughter's "interweb honor."
Same as above, once again and hopefully for the very last time, Whomod had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with initiating the raid. This was done by whomod's friends at the Insurgency as a means of showing him that not everyone on the interweb is an asshole and some of us actually do take things like friendship into account. Just like I, and many other Insurgents did, for Asshole Sellout when he announced he had a drinking problem. In fact, I went so far as to give Asshole Sellout my home and cell phone numbers and tell him that he could use them at any time, reverse the charges if need be, AND, even offered to serve as an intermediary with someone on his end to get him into a rehab clinic if he so desired. See previous comment about whomod and his participation, or lack thereof, in the botched "raid" that you all (well, maybe not YOU, Sikkbones...unless you can make up your mind) initiated. As for your venom towards Iggy, don't you think the line between your internet life and real life is blurring a bit? You guys are taking your loss way too much to heart. Of course, the inconsistency between your apathy at losing in your botched "raid" versus the obvious anger towards Iggy's Hoganesque heel turn is is pretty much on par with the inconsistency of your flip-flopping position towards your role in the botched "raid." Which is to say that you're consistent in your inconsistency. Tommy, on the other hand, is just a sad, mentally disturbed failure wrapped up in a cloak of rage and self-loathing. But hey, I guess once you get used to living in an alcohol induced haze it's hard to break out of it no matter how many tugs on the ol' bootlaces you give. There are a few people here who wonder if that's necessarily a bad thing. Which adds just the right taste of insult to former Insurgent injury: you supposedly "intellectually superior" former Insurgents were handily defeated by a bunch of fucking drunks. Be proud. 
Last edited by Joe Mama; 2008-07-28 8:11 PM. Reason: "Of insult," not "on insult..."
Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry. MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost! "I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
Joined: Jun 2008
Posts: 338
Alien Abductee 300+ posts
Alien Abductee 300+ posts
Joined: Jun 2008
Posts: 338 |
What a tool!
Does he really not realize that every time he responds like this it proves that we were right? And that we ultimately won?
Is he off the wagon again already?
Don't have the time right now, but I'll deconstruct this fully later on.
My top 3 items/lies:
"The Insurgents have proven themselves to be nothing but deluded sacks of shit that must desperately cling to fantasies of victory and betrayal..."
Asshole Sellout's betrayal was not a fantasy.
"One guy can't get over the fact that he got heckled over a comic book character and has a block on his shoulder about it to this very day."
Once again, and hopefully for the very last time, the raid was NEVER about Halo's issues with the RKMBers. EVER. It was always about supporting Whomod.
"Worst part about this one is that said poster probably went above and beyond what the sock fucker hoped for and organized a failed raid to defend his daughter's "interweb honor."
Same as above, once again and hopefully for the very last time, Whomod had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with initiating the raid. This was done by whomod's friends at the Insurgency as a means of showing him that not everyone on the interweb is an asshole and some of us actually do take things like friendship into account. Just like I, and many other Insurgents did, for Asshole Sellout when he announced he had a drinking problem. In fact, I went so far as to give Asshole Sellout my home and cell phone numbers and tell him that he could use them at any time, reverse the charges if need be, AND, even offered to serve as an intermediary with someone on his end to get him into a rehab clinic if he so desired.
But hey, I guess once you get used to living in an alcohol induced haze it's hard to break out of it no matter how many tugs on the ol' bootlaces you give.
For fuck's sake, at least have the decency to give Zzap! credit for his post  I know it's his because he's the only one who will "deconstruct it later". That and isn't riddled with your usual ADDyslexia swearing.
Joined: May 2008
Posts: 7,082 Likes: 30
Society's Discontent 6000+ posts
Society's Discontent 6000+ posts
Joined: May 2008
Posts: 7,082 Likes: 30 |
There are a few people here who wonder if that's necessarily a bad thing. Which adds just the right taste on insult to former Insurgent injury: you supposedly "intellectually superior" former Insurgents were handily defeated by a bunch of fucking drunks. Be proud. 
Joined: May 2008
Posts: 1,625
Sikkbones 1500+ posts
Sikkbones 1500+ posts
Joined: May 2008
Posts: 1,625 |
Does he really not realize that every time he responds like this it proves that we were right? And that we ultimately won? How can you win when: 1) You failed to elicit the desired apology from Rex? 2) You failed to run a single person off this message board that wasn't a former Insurgent? 3) Your message board - the Insurgency Forum - because a suburb of the RKMBs, instead of vice versa, as Zzap claimed would happen? 4) You - Sikkbones - were supposedly never part of the botched "raid" in the first place? You can't have it both ways, m'friend... Is this another "we won the [moral/intellectual] argument" claim? Because you former Insurgents lost the "moral argument" before it was revealed what the "moral argument" even was back when two of your members hid behind alts and referred to my mother as a "cunt." And the "intellectual argument" never really materialized, now did it? But we'll ignore facts so the losing side can feel better about themselves. Lord knows I don't need a mass suicide on my conscience. I'd feel bad about how hard I laughed every time "former Insurgent mass suicide" was mentioned. My top 3 items/lies:
"The Insurgents have proven themselves to be nothing but deluded sacks of shit that must desperately cling to fantasies of victory and betrayal..."
Asshole Sellout's betrayal was not a fantasy. More of an argument of semantics. You former Insurgents bitch and whine about Iggy "selling out." We - the victors - refer to it as a "Hoganesque heel-turn" and laugh at you all as you  "One guy can't get over the fact that he got heckled over a comic book character and has a block on his shoulder about it to this very day."
Once again, and hopefully for the very last time, the raid was NEVER about Halo's issues with the RKMBers. EVER. It was always about supporting Whomod. Maybe not for YOU, if you can finally decide whether or not you were part of the botched "raid" in the first place, but don't doubt for a second that it was in the forefront of Tommy's mind. By the way, assuming you WERE part of the botched "raid," doesn't it piss you off at least a little that you all supposedly rushed to whomod's defense only to have him barely get involved? Doesn't it tweak you a bit that he was more interested in posting in the Politics Forum, per usual, than in joining with his Insurgent brothers in a "raid" that was started for his very benefit? How do you all make your peace with the fact that you backed a losing horse that couldn't even be arsed to run the fucking race? Assuming that you were even part of the botched "raid." Let me know what you decide... "Worst part about this one is that said poster probably went above and beyond what the sock fucker hoped for and organized a failed raid to defend his daughter's "interweb honor."
Same as above, once again and hopefully for the very last time, Whomod had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with initiating the raid. This was done by whomod's friends at the Insurgency as a means of showing him that not everyone on the interweb is an asshole and some of us actually do take things like friendship into account. Just like I, and many other Insurgents did, for Asshole Sellout when he announced he had a drinking problem. In fact, I went so far as to give Asshole Sellout my home and cell phone numbers and tell him that he could use them at any time, reverse the charges if need be, AND, even offered to serve as an intermediary with someone on his end to get him into a rehab clinic if he so desired. See previous comment about whomod and his participation, or lack thereof, in the botched "raid" that you all (well, maybe not YOU, Sikkbones...unless you can make up your mind) initiated. As for your venom towards Iggy, don't you think the line between your internet life and real life is blurring a bit? You guys are taking your loss way too much to heart. Of course, the inconsistency between your apathy at losing in your botched "raid" versus the obvious anger towards Iggy's Hoganesque heel turn is is pretty much on par with the inconsistency of your flip-flopping position towards your role in the botched "raid." Which is to say that you're consistent in your inconsistency. Tommy, on the other hand, is just a sad, mentally disturbed failure wrapped up in a cloak of rage and self-loathing. But hey, I guess once you get used to living in an alcohol induced haze it's hard to break out of it no matter how many tugs on the ol' bootlaces you give. There are a few people here who wonder if that's necessarily a bad thing. Which adds just the right taste on insult to former Insurgent injury: you supposedly "intellectually superior" former Insurgents were handily defeated by a bunch of fucking drunks. Be proud.  joe make up your mind whether or not we're freinds... and i merely cut and pasted this from another former insurgent to fuck with iggy.
Joined: May 2008
Posts: 1,625
Sikkbones 1500+ posts
Sikkbones 1500+ posts
Joined: May 2008
Posts: 1,625 |
What a tool!
Does he really not realize that every time he responds like this it proves that we were right? And that we ultimately won?
Is he off the wagon again already?
Don't have the time right now, but I'll deconstruct this fully later on.
My top 3 items/lies:
"The Insurgents have proven themselves to be nothing but deluded sacks of shit that must desperately cling to fantasies of victory and betrayal..."
Asshole Sellout's betrayal was not a fantasy.
"One guy can't get over the fact that he got heckled over a comic book character and has a block on his shoulder about it to this very day."
Once again, and hopefully for the very last time, the raid was NEVER about Halo's issues with the RKMBers. EVER. It was always about supporting Whomod.
"Worst part about this one is that said poster probably went above and beyond what the sock fucker hoped for and organized a failed raid to defend his daughter's "interweb honor."
Same as above, once again and hopefully for the very last time, Whomod had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with initiating the raid. This was done by whomod's friends at the Insurgency as a means of showing him that not everyone on the interweb is an asshole and some of us actually do take things like friendship into account. Just like I, and many other Insurgents did, for Asshole Sellout when he announced he had a drinking problem. In fact, I went so far as to give Asshole Sellout my home and cell phone numbers and tell him that he could use them at any time, reverse the charges if need be, AND, even offered to serve as an intermediary with someone on his end to get him into a rehab clinic if he so desired.
But hey, I guess once you get used to living in an alcohol induced haze it's hard to break out of it no matter how many tugs on the ol' bootlaces you give.
For fuck's sake, at least have the decency to give Zzap! credit for his post  I know it's his because he's the only one who will "deconstruct it later". That and isn't riddled with your usual ADDyslexia swearing. and here's Nipples to chime in with her two cents too.
Joined: Jun 2002
Posts: 24,593
Timelord. Drunkard. 15000+ posts
Timelord. Drunkard. 15000+ posts
Joined: Jun 2002
Posts: 24,593 |
So you're going around claiming other people's words are yours? You lying Republinazi!
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
Joined: May 2003
Posts: 28,009
Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
Joined: May 2003
Posts: 28,009 |
Does he really not realize that every time he responds like this it proves that we were right? And that we ultimately won? How can you win when: 1) You failed to elicit the desired apology from Rex? 2) You failed to run a single person off this message board that wasn't a former Insurgent? 3) Your message board - the Insurgency Forum - because a suburb of the RKMBs, instead of vice versa, as Zzap claimed would happen? 4) You - Sikkbones - were supposedly never part of the botched "raid" in the first place? You can't have it both ways, m'friend... Is this another "we won the [moral/intellectual] argument" claim? Because you former Insurgents lost the "moral argument" before it was revealed what the "moral argument" even was back when two of your members hid behind alts and referred to my mother as a "cunt." And the "intellectual argument" never really materialized, now did it? But we'll ignore facts so the losing side can feel better about themselves. Lord knows I don't need a mass suicide on my conscience. I'd feel bad about how hard I laughed every time "former Insurgent mass suicide" was mentioned. My top 3 items/lies:
"The Insurgents have proven themselves to be nothing but deluded sacks of shit that must desperately cling to fantasies of victory and betrayal..."
Asshole Sellout's betrayal was not a fantasy. More of an argument of semantics. You former Insurgents bitch and whine about Iggy "selling out." We - the victors - refer to it as a "Hoganesque heel-turn" and laugh at you all as you  "One guy can't get over the fact that he got heckled over a comic book character and has a block on his shoulder about it to this very day."
Once again, and hopefully for the very last time, the raid was NEVER about Halo's issues with the RKMBers. EVER. It was always about supporting Whomod. Maybe not for YOU, if you can finally decide whether or not you were part of the botched "raid" in the first place, but don't doubt for a second that it was in the forefront of Tommy's mind. By the way, assuming you WERE part of the botched "raid," doesn't it piss you off at least a little that you all supposedly rushed to whomod's defense only to have him barely get involved? Doesn't it tweak you a bit that he was more interested in posting in the Politics Forum, per usual, than in joining with his Insurgent brothers in a "raid" that was started for his very benefit? How do you all make your peace with the fact that you backed a losing horse that couldn't even be arsed to run the fucking race? Assuming that you were even part of the botched "raid." Let me know what you decide... "Worst part about this one is that said poster probably went above and beyond what the sock fucker hoped for and organized a failed raid to defend his daughter's "interweb honor."
Same as above, once again and hopefully for the very last time, Whomod had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with initiating the raid. This was done by whomod's friends at the Insurgency as a means of showing him that not everyone on the interweb is an asshole and some of us actually do take things like friendship into account. Just like I, and many other Insurgents did, for Asshole Sellout when he announced he had a drinking problem. In fact, I went so far as to give Asshole Sellout my home and cell phone numbers and tell him that he could use them at any time, reverse the charges if need be, AND, even offered to serve as an intermediary with someone on his end to get him into a rehab clinic if he so desired. See previous comment about whomod and his participation, or lack thereof, in the botched "raid" that you all (well, maybe not YOU, Sikkbones...unless you can make up your mind) initiated. As for your venom towards Iggy, don't you think the line between your internet life and real life is blurring a bit? You guys are taking your loss way too much to heart. Of course, the inconsistency between your apathy at losing in your botched "raid" versus the obvious anger towards Iggy's Hoganesque heel turn is is pretty much on par with the inconsistency of your flip-flopping position towards your role in the botched "raid." Which is to say that you're consistent in your inconsistency. Tommy, on the other hand, is just a sad, mentally disturbed failure wrapped up in a cloak of rage and self-loathing. But hey, I guess once you get used to living in an alcohol induced haze it's hard to break out of it no matter how many tugs on the ol' bootlaces you give. There are a few people here who wonder if that's necessarily a bad thing. Which adds just the right taste on insult to former Insurgent injury: you supposedly "intellectually superior" former Insurgents were handily defeated by a bunch of fucking drunks. Be proud.  joe make up your mind whether or not we're freinds... and i merely cut and pasted this from another former insurgent to fuck with iggy. Now this is a awkward response. Do I remind you that comments like these are meant to be responded to and suggest you take them in the spirit in which they're meant. Do I admit to thinking you fit in well here, thus opening up for the inevitable "sucking ass" retort? Do I enter into a feud that I have neither the time or focus in which to partake? Do I add you to the "lighten up, Francis" list? Or do you laugh at the witty repartee, score one for JM, and tip your cap? Don't get grumpy, Sikkbones. That's Tommy's domain. Enjoy that you warranted the response you got, chuckle at a few of the points, and let's move on. Cripes, man, did you find a pube in your poutine? Laugh it off, man...or at least give me a 
Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry. MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost! "I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
Joined: Jun 2008
Posts: 338
Alien Abductee 300+ posts
Alien Abductee 300+ posts
Joined: Jun 2008
Posts: 338 |
What a tool!
Does he really not realize that every time he responds like this it proves that we were right? And that we ultimately won?
Is he off the wagon again already?
Don't have the time right now, but I'll deconstruct this fully later on.
My top 3 items/lies:
"The Insurgents have proven themselves to be nothing but deluded sacks of shit that must desperately cling to fantasies of victory and betrayal..."
Asshole Sellout's betrayal was not a fantasy.
"One guy can't get over the fact that he got heckled over a comic book character and has a block on his shoulder about it to this very day."
Once again, and hopefully for the very last time, the raid was NEVER about Halo's issues with the RKMBers. EVER. It was always about supporting Whomod.
"Worst part about this one is that said poster probably went above and beyond what the sock fucker hoped for and organized a failed raid to defend his daughter's "interweb honor."
Same as above, once again and hopefully for the very last time, Whomod had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with initiating the raid. This was done by whomod's friends at the Insurgency as a means of showing him that not everyone on the interweb is an asshole and some of us actually do take things like friendship into account. Just like I, and many other Insurgents did, for Asshole Sellout when he announced he had a drinking problem. In fact, I went so far as to give Asshole Sellout my home and cell phone numbers and tell him that he could use them at any time, reverse the charges if need be, AND, even offered to serve as an intermediary with someone on his end to get him into a rehab clinic if he so desired.
But hey, I guess once you get used to living in an alcohol induced haze it's hard to break out of it no matter how many tugs on the ol' bootlaces you give.
For fuck's sake, at least have the decency to give Zzap! credit for his post  I know it's his because he's the only one who will "deconstruct it later". That and isn't riddled with your usual ADDyslexia swearing. and here's Nipples to chime in with her two cents too. Two pence, actually, that's US $1,000,000,000,000 and Canadian $1,000,000,000,000,000!! Sikk is a notorious post "stealer", Doc. Just credit or link them either. For shame...
Joined: May 2008
Posts: 7,082 Likes: 30
Society's Discontent 6000+ posts
Society's Discontent 6000+ posts
Joined: May 2008
Posts: 7,082 Likes: 30 |
Does he really not realize that every time he responds like this it proves that we were right? And that we ultimately won? How can you win when: 1) You failed to elicit the desired apology from Rex? 2) You failed to run a single person off this message board that wasn't a former Insurgent? 3) Your message board - the Insurgency Forum - because a suburb of the RKMBs, instead of vice versa, as Zzap claimed would happen? 4) You - Sikkbones - were supposedly never part of the botched "raid" in the first place? You can't have it both ways, m'friend... Is this another "we won the [moral/intellectual] argument" claim? Because you former Insurgents lost the "moral argument" before it was revealed what the "moral argument" even was back when two of your members hid behind alts and referred to my mother as a "cunt." And the "intellectual argument" never really materialized, now did it? But we'll ignore facts so the losing side can feel better about themselves. Lord knows I don't need a mass suicide on my conscience. I'd feel bad about how hard I laughed every time "former Insurgent mass suicide" was mentioned. My top 3 items/lies:
"The Insurgents have proven themselves to be nothing but deluded sacks of shit that must desperately cling to fantasies of victory and betrayal..."
Asshole Sellout's betrayal was not a fantasy. More of an argument of semantics. You former Insurgents bitch and whine about Iggy "selling out." We - the victors - refer to it as a "Hoganesque heel-turn" and laugh at you all as you  "One guy can't get over the fact that he got heckled over a comic book character and has a block on his shoulder about it to this very day."
Once again, and hopefully for the very last time, the raid was NEVER about Halo's issues with the RKMBers. EVER. It was always about supporting Whomod. Maybe not for YOU, if you can finally decide whether or not you were part of the botched "raid" in the first place, but don't doubt for a second that it was in the forefront of Tommy's mind. By the way, assuming you WERE part of the botched "raid," doesn't it piss you off at least a little that you all supposedly rushed to whomod's defense only to have him barely get involved? Doesn't it tweak you a bit that he was more interested in posting in the Politics Forum, per usual, than in joining with his Insurgent brothers in a "raid" that was started for his very benefit? How do you all make your peace with the fact that you backed a losing horse that couldn't even be arsed to run the fucking race? Assuming that you were even part of the botched "raid." Let me know what you decide... "Worst part about this one is that said poster probably went above and beyond what the sock fucker hoped for and organized a failed raid to defend his daughter's "interweb honor."
Same as above, once again and hopefully for the very last time, Whomod had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with initiating the raid. This was done by whomod's friends at the Insurgency as a means of showing him that not everyone on the interweb is an asshole and some of us actually do take things like friendship into account. Just like I, and many other Insurgents did, for Asshole Sellout when he announced he had a drinking problem. In fact, I went so far as to give Asshole Sellout my home and cell phone numbers and tell him that he could use them at any time, reverse the charges if need be, AND, even offered to serve as an intermediary with someone on his end to get him into a rehab clinic if he so desired. See previous comment about whomod and his participation, or lack thereof, in the botched "raid" that you all (well, maybe not YOU, Sikkbones...unless you can make up your mind) initiated. As for your venom towards Iggy, don't you think the line between your internet life and real life is blurring a bit? You guys are taking your loss way too much to heart. Of course, the inconsistency between your apathy at losing in your botched "raid" versus the obvious anger towards Iggy's Hoganesque heel turn is is pretty much on par with the inconsistency of your flip-flopping position towards your role in the botched "raid." Which is to say that you're consistent in your inconsistency. Tommy, on the other hand, is just a sad, mentally disturbed failure wrapped up in a cloak of rage and self-loathing. But hey, I guess once you get used to living in an alcohol induced haze it's hard to break out of it no matter how many tugs on the ol' bootlaces you give. There are a few people here who wonder if that's necessarily a bad thing. Which adds just the right taste on insult to former Insurgent injury: you supposedly "intellectually superior" former Insurgents were handily defeated by a bunch of fucking drunks. Be proud.  joe make up your mind whether or not we're freinds... and i merely cut and pasted this from another former insurgent to fuck with iggy. Fucking Christ, you think one of Ffag's posts really fucks with me. In all honesty, I tested and you guys failed again. I all but dared you to post that over at the Likes It In The Ass Forums and you did. And, of course, the result was exactly as intended. Gob help me, I really do have you bitches by the bit.
Joined: May 2008
Posts: 1,625
Sikkbones 1500+ posts
Sikkbones 1500+ posts
Joined: May 2008
Posts: 1,625 |
So you're going around claiming other people's words are yours? You lying Republinazi! nah, IggyBitch and Nipples knew where it came from.
Joined: May 2008
Posts: 1,625
Sikkbones 1500+ posts
Sikkbones 1500+ posts
Joined: May 2008
Posts: 1,625 |
Does he really not realize that every time he responds like this it proves that we were right? And that we ultimately won? How can you win when: 1) You failed to elicit the desired apology from Rex? 2) You failed to run a single person off this message board that wasn't a former Insurgent? 3) Your message board - the Insurgency Forum - because a suburb of the RKMBs, instead of vice versa, as Zzap claimed would happen? 4) You - Sikkbones - were supposedly never part of the botched "raid" in the first place? You can't have it both ways, m'friend... Is this another "we won the [moral/intellectual] argument" claim? Because you former Insurgents lost the "moral argument" before it was revealed what the "moral argument" even was back when two of your members hid behind alts and referred to my mother as a "cunt." And the "intellectual argument" never really materialized, now did it? But we'll ignore facts so the losing side can feel better about themselves. Lord knows I don't need a mass suicide on my conscience. I'd feel bad about how hard I laughed every time "former Insurgent mass suicide" was mentioned. My top 3 items/lies:
"The Insurgents have proven themselves to be nothing but deluded sacks of shit that must desperately cling to fantasies of victory and betrayal..."
Asshole Sellout's betrayal was not a fantasy. More of an argument of semantics. You former Insurgents bitch and whine about Iggy "selling out." We - the victors - refer to it as a "Hoganesque heel-turn" and laugh at you all as you  "One guy can't get over the fact that he got heckled over a comic book character and has a block on his shoulder about it to this very day."
Once again, and hopefully for the very last time, the raid was NEVER about Halo's issues with the RKMBers. EVER. It was always about supporting Whomod. Maybe not for YOU, if you can finally decide whether or not you were part of the botched "raid" in the first place, but don't doubt for a second that it was in the forefront of Tommy's mind. By the way, assuming you WERE part of the botched "raid," doesn't it piss you off at least a little that you all supposedly rushed to whomod's defense only to have him barely get involved? Doesn't it tweak you a bit that he was more interested in posting in the Politics Forum, per usual, than in joining with his Insurgent brothers in a "raid" that was started for his very benefit? How do you all make your peace with the fact that you backed a losing horse that couldn't even be arsed to run the fucking race? Assuming that you were even part of the botched "raid." Let me know what you decide... "Worst part about this one is that said poster probably went above and beyond what the sock fucker hoped for and organized a failed raid to defend his daughter's "interweb honor."
Same as above, once again and hopefully for the very last time, Whomod had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with initiating the raid. This was done by whomod's friends at the Insurgency as a means of showing him that not everyone on the interweb is an asshole and some of us actually do take things like friendship into account. Just like I, and many other Insurgents did, for Asshole Sellout when he announced he had a drinking problem. In fact, I went so far as to give Asshole Sellout my home and cell phone numbers and tell him that he could use them at any time, reverse the charges if need be, AND, even offered to serve as an intermediary with someone on his end to get him into a rehab clinic if he so desired. See previous comment about whomod and his participation, or lack thereof, in the botched "raid" that you all (well, maybe not YOU, Sikkbones...unless you can make up your mind) initiated. As for your venom towards Iggy, don't you think the line between your internet life and real life is blurring a bit? You guys are taking your loss way too much to heart. Of course, the inconsistency between your apathy at losing in your botched "raid" versus the obvious anger towards Iggy's Hoganesque heel turn is is pretty much on par with the inconsistency of your flip-flopping position towards your role in the botched "raid." Which is to say that you're consistent in your inconsistency. Tommy, on the other hand, is just a sad, mentally disturbed failure wrapped up in a cloak of rage and self-loathing. But hey, I guess once you get used to living in an alcohol induced haze it's hard to break out of it no matter how many tugs on the ol' bootlaces you give. There are a few people here who wonder if that's necessarily a bad thing. Which adds just the right taste on insult to former Insurgent injury: you supposedly "intellectually superior" former Insurgents were handily defeated by a bunch of fucking drunks. Be proud.  joe make up your mind whether or not we're freinds... and i merely cut and pasted this from another former insurgent to fuck with iggy. Now this is a awkward response. Do I remind you that comments like these are meant to be responded to and suggest you take them in the spirit in which they're meant. Do I admit to thinking you fit in well here, thus opening up for the inevitable "sucking ass" retort? Do I enter into a feud that I have neither the time or focus in which to partake? Do I add you to the "lighten up, Francis" list? Or do you laugh at the witty repartee, score one for JM, and tip your cap? Don't get grumpy, Sikkbones. That's Tommy's domain. Enjoy that you warranted the response you got, chuckle at a few of the points, and let's move on. Cripes, man, did you find a pube in your poutine? Laugh it off, man...or at least give me a i bow to your superior wisdom joe.
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Timelord. Drunkard. 15000+ posts
Timelord. Drunkard. 15000+ posts
Joined: Jun 2002
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Um.... that just mean you got caught, is all.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
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I liked the "pube in your poutine" comment...
Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry. MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost! "I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock