You: asl is stupid
You: hi
You: how are you?
Stranger: hi is stupid

You: i liek you
You: like
Stranger: no homo
You: nope
Stranger: good
You: not unless u r a chick
You: but i already have one
You: so yeah, you have nothing to fear!
You: no homo at u
Stranger: no you don't
Stranger: because if you did you wouldnt be on here
Stranger: you'd be fucking her
You: she's off at school
Stranger: you fail
Stranger: and?
You: she needs to have time to recover
You: i own a house
You: can't exactly move
You: is okay, just 45 minutes
Stranger: more like she needs time to find someone else to fuck because you're not cuttign it for her
You: heh
You: yeah okay
You: sure
Stranger: good, you admit it. thats the first step to getting out of denyal
You: when is the last time you made a woman orgasm while squirting?
You: 'cause that's what she gets
You: makes it that much more intense
Stranger: i've never been with a squirter
You: female ejaculate is great
You: she wasn't a squirter until i met her
Stranger: well i have but she didn't want to because she was self conscience about it or something
You: it's really nice
You: just get a towel first
You: or be ready to change the sheets
Stranger: or leave the sheets and just sleep in the awesomeness that is woman cum at night
You: nah
You: gets cold
You: and stinks up the mattress after a while, I
You: i'm sure
You: gotta keep things clean!
Stranger: i never change the sheets after sex
You: well, maybe that's why you don't have much sex
You: and you already said you don't have a squirter
Stranger: wrong
You: fem.ejac. is like a fistfull of cum
Stranger: said i haven't been with one you dumbass
You: it is too much to leave there
You: sweat is one thing
You: any woman can squirt
Stranger: so what? I'd still leave it there
You: well, she'd leave
You: because nobody likes sleeping in old cum smell
Stranger: i do =P
You: *shrug*
You: sure ok
You: um... i like pizza
Stranger: who doesn't?
You: the lactose intolerant
You: pizza without cheese is like a fish without a fish bicycle
Stranger: they're just too weak to get past their weaknesses
Stranger: waste of human potential
You: it makes them fart
You: and have diarrheas
You: and get debilitating intestinal cramps
You: and sometimes bleed
You: so
Stranger: excuses
You: meh
You: if my butt bled, i'd stop eating cheese too
Stranger: im alergic to grass but i still mow the lawn.
Stranger: I'm alergic to dogs bug still have one
You: not very allergic then,. are ya!
You: not like shellfish or peanuts
You: or maybe you are
You: try antigens
Stranger: Mabye I am but I'm just not a pussy about it
You: they make your body not allergic to stuff
You: avoiding what makes your body fail isn't being a pussy
Stranger: i say it is
You: hell, Clint Eastwood avoids stuff that doesn't worjk with his body
You: Clint Eastwood is the least-pussy of all humans
Stranger: soldiers don't avoid bullets. The fuckin shoot bullets back at the rag heads and make them fail
You: you must be avoiding something
You: ahhhhhh see?
Stranger: like what?
You: here you go with racist shit
You: why would you think a fag would be cool with racial slurs?
Stranger: racist? anyone can be a rag head you moron. its a religion
You: terrorists aren't all Muslims, moron.
You: and most muslim are not terrorists
Stranger: they're still rag heads no matter what they're religion
You: it is a vast, unfair generalization
You: their
Stranger: their*
You: yes
Stranger: boom
You: well
Stranger: beat you to it
You: it is still a disparaging term
Stranger: so?
You: i don't approve
Stranger: oh well.
You: makes you a pussy, relying on racial slurs
Stranger: that just makes you a pussy
Stranger: ha
You: ha, beat YOU!
Stranger: people call me racial slurs and i just throw one back at them
Stranger: its like a game
Stranger: who ever gets mad first loses
You: yeah, if you know the person
You: but strangers don't know the game
You: compensating much?
Stranger: people who know me don't call me a wetback idiot
You: what are you afraid of revealing?
You: why are you so afraid to be humble?
You: or vulnerable?
Stranger: because i once was.
You: Clint Eastwood shows that
Stranger: it made me a weak person
Stranger: BUT NO MORE!
You: you must have already been weak
You: for weakness to make you weaker
You: man, that is annoying
You: weak weak weak
Stranger: i know right
Stranger: you should stop saying it
You: how many times can i put that in a sentence?!
You: yeah
You: Clint Eastwood is awesome
You: fuckin' could kill Chuck fucking Norris
Stranger: Gran Torino made me cry.
You: me too
You: i watched the Dirty Harry movies recently
Stranger: 1 or three movie that made me cry
Stranger: of*
You: and I'm always watching the Man With No Name trilogy...
You: goddamn i love that bastard!
You: i even got my gal to watch some
Stranger: sounds pretty homo there
You: now she loves clint eastwood too
You: i AM homo
Stranger: im talking about you lovign him
You: don't forget
You: so what?
You: i also love coffee
Stranger: i don't
You: i goddamn love motherfucking coffee
You: that homo?
Stranger: good for you
You: how about Bogey?
You: Humphrey Bogart?
You: great actor!
Stranger: I only know like 10 actors name at the most
You: or... oh
You: Jennifer Tilly?
Stranger: no
You: she's so god damned fuckign sexy
You: i think she's what turned me gay
You: she's hot as hell
You: kinda marilyn monroe-type whiskey and cigarettes voice
You: sultry
You: mmm
Stranger: do you need some time alone?
You: nope
You: i got laid all yesterday
Stranger: sounds like you need some happy time
You: i'm good for a while
You: happy saturdays, yannow
Stranger: not really
You: whatever
You: aw shit, is getting late
You: got work in the morning
Stranger: good
You: thanks for talking!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.