spoiler space. n'stuff.
this was justa great episode. great overall show, thus far. im definitely hooked.
i really like luthor's character now -- he's not the evil for evil's sake guy. not yet, anyway. in fact... he's almost like a really really nice guy! he's helped out clark on a number of occasions, even making an incredible attempt to befriend him!
you do see evidence of his power hungriness, and his urgency to control everything, but... certainly no evil.
i also enjoy the growing relationships between all the characters. clark and lana, clark and his friends, clark/lana/lana's boyfriend (ferget his name). the show is just developing really nicely.
and clark is now discovering that he can sorta "float," which is also pretty cool.
this episode was also a great mix of the dawson's creek type story and a superman type comic book. love interests, and super villains.
the two "super villains" that have appeared thus far have probably been the only major weak points -- and its not even a major weak point. my gripe with them is they both seem sorta rushed. not much of a backstory, really no time to develop them, and they're not incredibly necessary to EVERY episode. i also think they might run into problems with freshness, considering we've only seen two epsidoes (or 2 days in smallville), and they've already been bombarded by meta-humans.
but they're so many cool lil nuances to this show. clark has the hots for lana, she sorta likes him too, but she has a boyfriend, etc. one aspect that i enjoyed in the first show, which was afraid they'd lose (but they have it back now), is the fact that lana's necklace is made of kryptonite, which makes clark extra clumsy around the girl of his dreams (cool lil twist).
overall, definitely my favorite show on tuesdays (nothin else on!). but, its easily in my top 5 shows, possibly even my first or second favorite. bottom line, ill be watchin it, without fail, from now on.
i recomend you do the same!