Billy Mays was murdered to keep Michael Jackson's dark secrets...and I can prove it!
As we all know, Billy Mays was a famous pitchman for cleaning products touted as being able to make whites whiter and remove even the toughest stains. We also know that Michael Jackson, besides being a kid toucher, was a plastic surgery addict who had his skin surgically whitened over the course of years. Now, everyone assumed that Michael was having his skin bleached, but that can't be true. Being injected with that much bleach would kill anyone, especially over the time frame we know that Michael was having his skin whitened. OxiClean and Orange Glo was touted as being safe for the environment. So I posit that Jackson used a special solution of these two products to remove the "toughest stain" - melanin - and whiten his whites, a solution that would be more effective but far less toxic. Obviously, as subsequent photos show, the solution wasn't perfect, and Jackson showed both the physical and psychological effects of his treatments. Finally, thanks to years of surgical and chemical self abuse, Michael died.
But Michael knew that his fate was sealed, and that the process would eventually kill him. So he set up a contingency plan in case he passed on before Mays. He put out a post-mortem hit on Billy Mays so that he'd never be able to reveal to the world what he knew about the pop star. Most likely, the story would've killed what career Mays had, but the clearly insane Jackson wouldn't consider that. In Michael's sick mind, the only way his legacy as the King Of Pop could live on untainted is if Mays was eliminated. So, scants days after Jackson was pronounced dead, Mays followed. His only crime? Making an effective stain remover and cleaner that an insane kid touching pop star OD'd on.
I'll be hunting from concrete proof in the next few days. I hope to reveal it here. But, if something happens to me, don't let this thread die. It's too important. And...and...
...tell my Bunny I

Wish me luck!!!