With Chewy's blessing, I've been kicking the idea around for over a year (Seriously, I originally thought of it last February, but never got around to posting it) of making a regular series in the Arcade Room, akin to Beatdown Central and Comic Book Fights, featuring video game characters.
So without further ado: Deathmatch 2.0.
A common argument I start when discussing "stealth" games is really what gave me the idea. Hopefully we can set any fanboyism aside (I'm looking at you, Prometheus!) and come up with some interesting scenarios here.
I never got around to typing out the original intro, so here's my half-assed, three-days-sleep-deprived-I'm-running-on-cigarettes-and-coffee version.
Steam rises from the manhole covers in the big city as a tall, thin, blind man in a black jacket strolls down the sidewalk. Streetlights shine off his hairless head as he taps his way along with a cane. The streets are empty, save for the occasional car passing through. He pays them no mind, just listening for the sound of oncoming footsteps, when he hears a metallic "[i]clink![/]".
The sound seems all too familiar, and he catches a faint whiff of cigarette smoke in the breeze. He knows that scent. A strong American blend. Marlboro, or Lucky Strike, perhaps. As he passes a garbage can, he inadvertently bangs his cane against it, and a grunt echoes from inside the can. He pauses for a moment before kicking the can, hard.
As the can tumbles away, a man in a camouflage suit and bandanna rolls out, pistol drawn, and stands up, toe-to-toe with Agent 47. Snake jams the suppressor of his USSOCOM .45 under 47's chin, but not before the hitman draws his AMT Silverballers and puts the muzzles to Snake's temples.
For the sake of fairness, let's say Snake's got a second SOCOM holstered, and is carrying a knife. 47 has his 'Ballers and fiber wire. Both men are carrying two spare mags.
Who will win the fight?
Solid Snake
Codename 47?