I got the Larry Zbyszko book for Christmas and loved it!
You mentioned it was a quick read which I was initially disappointed about - as I have said before, I believe the books by Flair, Race & Funk should have been much longer, they all had 30+ year careers!
But Larrys book does touch on the main points of his career with lots of background on the situations!
I found it to be one of the more amusing wrestling books - Larry is a naturally funny guy.
The book is not bitter in any way but reading between the lines or maybe just my opinion, I think the WWE blackballed him for life after he held them up for ransom in his Sammartino feud - which I think he was right to do!
It's also quite sad, that that was the highlight of his career, it happened quite early on and he never got close to recapturing it, even though he had the talent to do so but not the breaks!
Well recommended!
My wonderful girlfriend, got me about 20 wrestling books(Chico Santanas, Steve Williams, Larrys biogs etc) for Christmas - I gave her access to my amazon account because she said she needed to get some stuff but what she really did was to see what books I had ordered in the past!
I looked at Amazon and I was amazed at how many wrestling books are there! 10 years ago there was about 3!