Why Casey will get a warm welcome
Five weeks ago Casey announced that he golf clubs and his American wife Jocelyn were donating USD100,000 - £67,000 - to charities in the area. "We make a great living from discount golf equipment what we do, we really do, and you can do it for a very long time," world number five Casey told Press Association Sport. "So I just felt 'why not?'. taylormade r7 cgb max fairway wood It was as simple as that. "It's a big lump of money but we have already picked out a couple of charities. One is a therapeutic riding centre. Jocelyn loves horses, mizuno mp-58 irons so it's great that we can help there. "It's not about writing a cheque and stepping away. That's not why I am doing it. I'm lucky to have the career I do and I want to be involved." A conversation with ishiner coach titleist scotty cameron studio select newport 2 putter Peter Kostis before last year's event put the idea into Casey's head.