so... ummm...
one shareholder, not an actual fox shareholder but a shareholder in the company that owns the network. one shareholder out of who the fuck knows how many, and not even a majority shareholder - close but no cigar. out of all those people we know of one guy, in the third largest media holdings corporation in the world which owns fucktons of networks, who is chipping in money to build this mosque.
holy fuck. everything we thought we knew was wrong.
ever see those little disclaimers in between some programs on a network? the ones where they say the statements and views endorsed in the previous/following program don't necessarily represent the position of the network or its management? if anything, ray, this little example of
shameless duplicity (should I have put that in orange so you'd actually get the joke?) you were so kind to regurgitate onto us suggests the commentators and anchors on fox aren't afraid of what network execs and shareholders will think if they go against the grain, or at least that the network execs are far more accepting of dissenting opinions than certain other media conglomerates out there. but thanks for taking what one entertainment outlet says about another entertainment outlet so seriously. I'm glad we have individuals with the journalistic integrity of mr. stewart to tell us these things.