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No one is talking about this joke of a jury?
That slut is guilty as sin.
Im putting money that her father takes her out the next week.
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NUTS ! I mean seriously she was the last one to see her daughter alive, was convicted of lying about it, duct tape found on the body matches exactly to that found on Caylee's body, FBI experts testified that chloroform and hair found in Casey's car matched those found at Calee's final resting place. What more could the jurors possibly need to convict? She had the motive (wanted to party/stop her mom from adopting her granddaughter), the means, and the opportunity!
I think O'Rielly said it best when he stated, "Dumb, beyond a reasonable doubt.I do know that there was so much evidence in the case, so many bizarre things done by Casey Anthony that to let her walk away from the death of her two-year-old is astounding. It is astounding. But in America today is the burden of proof too high? Have we become a nation that does not make judgments any more about behavior? Is there always an excuse for everything? Reasonable doubt was not raised by Ms. Anthony's lawyers. They ran around concocting a lot of bull they couldn't prove. They correctly challenged the state's evidence but again, expert witnesses, FBI people testified there was chloroform in Ms. Anthony's car, along with a hair that matched those at the death site."
What do ya'll think about the trial or O'Reilly's coments?
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I think it is sick that with all of her lies anyone would believe any thing she says!
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I mean how can she NOT be convicted when she hid the fact that the kid was dead for thirty days while she was out partying and getting a tatoo that says BEAUTIFUL LIFE. Skank!
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She's getting sued by everyone who looked for the kid she killed. Based on the nut jobs that tried to get into her trial I'm guessing she won't last a week once she's released from prison.
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No one is talking about this joke of a jury? Looks like the OJ jury is getting work again.
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I think wondy said something about the trial earlier but no one pays attention to what he says.
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I think wondy said something about the trial earlier but no one pays attention to what he says. ...except for you, that is.
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OJ walked. That was the end of the American judicial system. Are you people just now catching up to that?
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The justice system has always been imperfect. This is nothing new. All the OJ case did was put it on national television.
What really frosts me is the news that Disney/ABC basically paid for her legal defense as part of a media deal. Somewhere Walt is spinning in his cryo-tube.
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The jury that found Casey Anthony innocent is incredibly immune to the facts.
1) Casey Anthony didn't report her daughter missing for 31 days. 2) Far from being concerned, she went out and partied for that 31 days, and showed absolutely no signs to those around her of concern or stress about her missing daughter. 3) During this time she got the above mentioned "THE GOOD LIFE" tattoo. 4) She did about 100 keyword searches for "chloroform" 5) Caylee Anthony's body was found with duct-tape covering her mouth, and in a bag. One report I saw said it matched tape in the Anthony home. 6) Casey's car smelled like human decomposition, as described by Anthony's mother, and confirmed by multiple investigating detectives. 7) Casey lied to police repeatedly, manufacturing a fictitious hispanic babysitter, a fake job as her alibi, and other distortions that obstructed the investigation.
At the very least, all this proves Casey was complicit in the murder, if not the murderer herself. And last time I looked, "accessory to murder" was punishable with the same sentence as murder.
If the jury felt she was guilty but without enough evidence for the death penalty, they had an array of options to find her guilty, including 2nd degree murder or manslaughter. It's ridiculous.
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Now Casey Anthony stands to make millions on her story. Her reward for murdering her daughter by our warped society. http://www.popeater.com/2011/07/08/casey-anthony-jerry-springer-appearance-one-million-caylee/- Casey Anthony Offered $1 Million for 'Jerry Springer' Appearance
By Kiki Von Glinow Jul 8th 2011
There's nothing like a cool $1 million to get you talking. According to Radar Online, 'Tot Mom' Casey Anthony was offered one million dollars to appear on 'The Jerry Springer Show' -- the appearance would mark her first words since being acquitted of first degree murder of her daughter, Caylee.
The show presented the offer to Anthony's legal team on Friday morning and will then be taken to Anthony and her family -- who must appear with her on the show for the deal to go through.
"The offer was made to Casey's defense team Friday," a source told Star magazine. "They are interested. The should would get huge ratings. The family will be presented with the offer shortly."
Although a large sum of money is on the line, it wouldn't be surprising if Casey's father, George Anthony, refuses to appear on the show with his daughter who accused him of molesting her as a child. Anthony's legal team also made the case that she did not immediately report her daughter's death at the instruction of her father who 'intimidated' her. It is also unclear, after Anthony's not guilty verdict shocked people across the nation, whether she will be living with her parents following her July 17 release from jail.
With a potential civil trial still on the table, many believe that accepting such an extravagant appearance fee so immediately after her criminal trial may only further cast Anthony as one of America's 'most hated women.' But, at the same time, a million dollar payday may be exactly what Anthony needs to reclaim her life -- a life that will forever be emblazoned with the scarlet letter of her daughter's still ambiguous death.
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In the interest of some degree of justice being served, some good news is that the judge may find Casey Anthony liable for the cost of the police investigation that she obstructed with the false information she gave police, a cost estimated in the neighborhood of $250,000. [Judge] Perry granted a prosecution request to retain jurisdiction over the case for 60 days to determine if they want to ask Anthony to pay for the cost of the investigation. That would take away a large amount of whatever profit she manages to gain from selling her story.
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Man... Casey Anthony -- Single Mom of the Year!- by Ann Coulter
How many months of man-hours did Florida police spend searching for little Caylee Anthony back in 2008, while her mother, Casey Anthony, knew exactly where the child's body was?
If you were the victim of a crime in Orlando, Fla., between July and December 2008, you should be enraged that the police couldn't prevent or investigate your crime because they were too busy looking for a missing child whose mother already knew the kid was dead.
It's a zero-sum game with police resources. Cops combing through the woods searching for a missing child are not going to be patrolling your street or arresting suspects.
From repeat domestic violence calls to Los Angeles car chases, hit-and-run drivers and the balloon-boy hoax, worthless louts consume vastly more law enforcement resources than the rest of us. Cops in any town will tell you all the domestic violence calls come from the exact same homes, over and over again.
As long as we're looking for new revenue streams, how about billing these white trash low-lifes for their massive consumption of police resources? The dregs of society need to be assessed a fee for their abuse of government services and thrown in debtors prison in the unlikely event that they can't pay.
As I described in my last book, "Guilty," the leading cause of all social pathologies is single motherhood. One way or another, Casey Anthony's refusal to give up Caylee for adoption was going to cost society -- and cost Caylee.
The statistics are so jaw-dropping that not giving up an illegitimate child for adoption ought to be considered child abuse.
Various studies have shown that children raised by a single mother comprise about 70 percent of juvenile murderers, delinquents, teenaged mothers, drug abusers, dropouts, suicides and runaways. Imagine an America with 70 percent fewer of these social disorders and you will see what liberals' destruction of marriage has wrought.
A 1990 study by the (liberal) Progressive Policy Institute showed that, after controlling for single motherhood, the difference in black and white crime rates disappeared.
Meanwhile, adopted kids, on average, turn out better than even biological kids raised in two-parent families.
Of course, there aren't a lot of studies of adopted children because they aren't constantly mugging us. They're too busy running Oracle (Larry Ellison), the District of Columbia (Anthony Williams), or fantastic political websites, like "Big Government" (Andrew Breitbart).
One four-year study by the Search Institute in Minnesota found that adopted teenagers had greater empathy, higher self-esteem and more close friends than non-adopted teenagers in public schools, and were also less likely to engage in high-risk behavior, such as stealing and excessive drinking. In all, they scored higher than the control group on 16 indicators of well-being.
They were as strongly attached to their parents as their non-adopted siblings. Indeed, contrary to Hollywood movies portraying adopted kids mystically driven to find their biological parents, the majority of adopted teenagers rarely thought about the fact that they were adopted. (Apple's Steve Jobs has shown little interest in his biological father and corrects people who refer to his "adoptive parents," saying, "They were my parents.")
We could wipe out chronic poverty in America tomorrow -- and the new iPad would be even more awesome, if such a thing were possible! -- if only women would get married before having children or give up their illegitimate kids for adoption.
And yet, between 1979 and 2003, we went from about 600,000 babies being born out of wedlock, with about a quarter of them put up for adoption, to 1.5 million illegitimate births with fewer than 1 percent of them (14,000) given up for adoption. That's why Angelina Jolie and Madonna are constantly having to break up tribal wars to adopt Third World children.
A 2008 study led by Georgia State University economist Benjamin Scafidi conservatively estimated that single mothers cost the U.S. taxpayer $112 billion every year -- in addition to asking the rest of us to keep an eye on their kids while they go clubbing.
We could have had two Iraq wars -- Obama could have "saved or created" half a million stimulus jobs -- at that price.
But in fact, Scafidi underestimated single mothers' burden to society by excluding additional costs of single mothers to poverty programs such as the Earned Income Tax Credit.
That makes his estimates very low: Single mothers are six times more likely to be in poverty than married families. More than 80 percent of homeless families are single mothers.
Scafidi's study also did not consider the burden single mothers place on law enforcement because of their higher likelihood to neglect or kill their children.
Eighty-five percent of mothers who kill their children through neglect are single mothers.
The plague of single motherhood isn't an inevitable decay brought on by stupid choices of the underclass. Destroying the family is the active social policy of liberals. They enjoy experimenting with other people's lives and leaving the taxpayer with the bill.
The mainstream media and Hollywood studios are constantly issuing propaganda about the joys and triumphs of single mothers.
Thus, for example, the noted scientific periodical Us Weekly celebrated single motherhood with an article titled "The New Single Moms and How They Do It," which delusionally proclaimed that the "sisters are doing it for themselves."
No, they're not. They're "doing it" at an enormous and unasked-for cost to every man, woman and child in America. They're doing it at incalculable cost to the children themselves, such as helpless, innocent Caylee.
A 2007 New York Times op-ed column about three gold-diggers fighting for custody of Anna Nicole Smith's illegitimate daughter said: "Surely this change is a welcome corrective to the injustice of traditional marriage laws and family values that stigmatized 'bastards' for life."
Except one can't help noticing how many more illegitimate children there are -- and the accompanying child abuse, neglect, suicide, runaways and murders -- now that the stigma is gone.
Some particularly insightful facts presented by Coulter, along with the occasional wry one-liner here and there. A few days ago, I commented that putting these kids up for adoption, rather than letting them stay with irresponsible welfare-moms would break the cycle and make them more responsible and productive citizens. I was speaking from common sense. Coulter presented several studies that prove this the better method, beyond any doubt.
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Its good to know what the transvestite community thinks of her.
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That guy is AN IDIOT or an attention whore, I don't know which!
Rumors of where Casey went after she was released are everywhere. My sister reports hearing that Casey moved to Denton, Texas. I certainly hope not.
At any rate, the fact that a murderer can walk free and still make money off of her crime is absolutely sickening!
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At any rate, the fact that a murderer can walk free and still make money off of [the] crime is absolutely sickening! I know! I can't believe they published Dubya's biography, either... 
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 (In all seriousness, it really was a pretty weak read)
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He must not want kids either.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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The jury is as guilty as she is fucking morons!
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So where is this useless cuntwhore at now?
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At any rate, the fact that a murderer can walk free and still make money off of [the] crime is absolutely sickening! I know! I can't believe they published Dubya's biography, either... Pro my protegy, I was never a big W fan...but in retrospect he did handle the 9/11 crisis expertly. But nothing Obama is doing is very impressive...he didnt catch binny boy the military did.
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So where is this useless cuntwhore at now? I don't know. However, I read her idiot parents just did an interview with Dr Phil, in which they tried to claim Casey killed her kid accidentally during an epileptic seizure or something. 
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NOW that deserves the ultimate WTF?!?!?!?!?
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Like Rodney King or Tonya Harding or John Wayne Bobbitt, Casey Anthony is someone with it in her DNA to break the law. She got a free pass this time.
But it's only a matter of time before she screws up again and winds up in the pokey.
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George Anthony Says on Dr. Phil His Daughter Casey Responsible for Caylee's DeathAppearing on "Dr. Phil" for the second time in two days, George Anthony said he blamed his daughter, Casey Anthony, for the death of his two-year-old granddaughter, Caylee.
"Yeah, I blame my daughter for Caylee not being here today," George Anthony told Dr. Phil McGraw. "I lost Caylee three years ago and I believe I lost Casey at the same time. I believe that. She is responsible."
...George Anthony had a different point of view.
"I believe something else happened to her. ... I believe Casey or someone else she was with possibly gave too much to Caylee. She fell asleep and didn't wake up," he said.
When McGraw asked, "Too much what?" Anthony replied, "Possibly some kind of drug or something like that."
The drugs would have allowed Casey Anthony to "go out and have a good time. To be with friends," George Anthony said. His wife was visibly surprised by his response.
"This is the first time that I've heard this out of his mouth," Cindy Anthony said. She added: "I don't buy that for a moment. I'm sorry. We disagree about this. ... I'm really kind of shocked to hear that today."
George Anthony also said he suspects his daughter was present when Caylee was buried in the woods near their house and said that she "probably had some help."
Despite the difference in opinion, Cindy Anthony said she was not angry with her husband.
"If that's how he feels and he is finally getting that out in the open, then I think that's a good thing for him because he's held so much in," she said.
Pretty telling, when even her own father can no longer delude himself to believe she is innocent.
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At least, from what I can tell of this appearance, the wife doesn't seem interested in letting this tear apart their family anymore than Casey did.
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Nah the guilty ride fre now in this country when we are worrying about the guilt of some punk who obviously pistol whipped some homeless guy who doesnt feel he should get the death penalty coz the guy trying to stop him didnt properly identify himself as az cop off duty! WTF?
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You are listening to Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and all the rest of the racist hate-mongers, Franta. Research the Troy Davis case, and you will see you are incorrect and simply repeating talking points learned on some Tea Party pamphlet. Meanwhile, I'd much rather they have put Casey in the chair. But, no, she's white so no pressure there.... 