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#1183087 2012-06-08 7:49 PM
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Following Rand's endorsement of Romney on Hannity last night, Paul followers are up in arms about it. Tagged with Ron's admission that he can't win the nomination, things are getting ugly. Gary Johnson just might be the big winner of all of this. More to follow.

iggy #1183089 2012-06-08 8:14 PM
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Civil war!!!

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Politicians in the street killing each other!

"My friends have always been the best of me." -Doctor Who

"Well,whenever I'm confused,I just check my underwear. It holds most answers to life's questions." Abe Simpson

I can tell by the position of the sun in the sky, that is time for us to go. Until next time, I am Lothar of the Hill People!
iggy #1183100 2012-06-08 11:45 PM
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 Originally Posted By: iggy
Following Rand's endorsement of Romney on Hannity last night, Paul followers are up in arms about it. Tagged with Ron's admission that he can't win the nomination, things are getting ugly. Gary Johnson just might be the big winner of all of this. More to follow.

Oh, come on....There's always a few hardcore types on any side that threaten to take their ball and go home.

Over at, for example, Free Republic, you still get a few comments here and there from "true conservatives" about RINO Romney and then there are the far lefties whining about how Obama isn't sufficiently socialist for them.

The Libertarians will split up more or less a follows: A few libertarian "purists" will vote for Johnson, not unlike previous years where they throw their vote away on a third party. The ones who care mostly about legalizing pot will side with Obama. The ones who are mostly about economics will side with Romney.

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...when did Obama propose legalizing pot? I must have missed that article...

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Your messiah talked about it here. kinda funny

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Oh, come on....There's always a few hardcore types on any side that threaten to take their ball and go home.

I agree. It is just great theater to watch. The "liberty movement" types are really taking this hard and--honestly--are starting to take aim at their hero, Ron. And, Alex Jones & the Truthers...WHOA!!! They are going ballistic.

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 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
Your messiah talked about it here. kinda funny

My "messiah"? See, this is what happens when you're a coward sitting on the sidelines, Lothar. You don't keep up with what's actually being discussed. You go look for where I pledge Obama as my "messiah". I'll wait.


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 Originally Posted By: Lothar
Don't cry, blah, blah, blah...

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BTW, when did the President answering a single question define his specific policy? Oh that's right. It doesn't.

The Right: Scramble, scramble, scramble... \:lol\: \:lol\:

iggy #1183292 2012-06-12 6:06 PM
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 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Oh, come on....There's always a few hardcore types on any side that threaten to take their ball and go home.

I agree. It is just great theater to watch. The "liberty movement" types are really taking this hard and--honestly--are starting to take aim at their hero, Ron. And, Alex Jones & the Truthers...WHOA!!! They are going ballistic.

I don't doubt it. Paul made a mistake by aligning himself with the Extremist Right like Romney. He should have dropped out with no endorsement. Now those Libertarians that were borderline Liberals are exploding. The rest? Well, they were kind of nuts already.

Paul's decision to join the Republican Hatemongers really shows where his true priorities lie. And that's okay. I was never a Paul supporter anyway. But, I always thought he had more common sense than to fall in with the Big Business fellas. Oh well. We're all human, I guess...

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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
Your messiah talked about it here. kinda funny

My "messiah"? See, this is what happens when you're a coward sitting on the sidelines, Lothar. You don't keep up with what's actually being discussed. You go look for where I pledge Obama as my "messiah". I'll wait.


So... you're not for Obama, you're just rabidly anti-Republican. Railing on the GOP constantly, while never doing the same on Obama/DNC policy, and constantly quoting MSNBC and other far-left blogs.

Yeah... that's believable.

I'd say "simpleton" better describes the indoctrinated clown who never even weighs both sides, and just fanatically sings praises at the altar of the Left, while irrationally demonizing the Right.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
Your messiah talked about it here. kinda funny

My "messiah"? See, this is what happens when you're a coward sitting on the sidelines, Lothar. You don't keep up with what's actually being discussed. You go look for where I pledge Obama as my "messiah". I'll wait.


So... you're not for Obama, you're just rabidly anti-Republican. Railing on the GOP constantly, while never doing the same on Obama/DNC policy, and constantly quoting MSNBC and other far-left blogs.

Yeah... that's believable.

I'd say "simpleton" better describes the indoctrinated clown who never even weighs both sides, and just fanatically sings praises at the altar of the Left, while irrationally demonizing the Right.

\:lol\: Yeah Dave, it seems that I might have been dead-on-target with you as an alt-id of Lothar's. You both have incredibly ignorant levels of reading comprehension. School must have been tough, huh?

I am against Republican Extremists (like yourself and G-Pussy). I am against corporate money influencing government (something you and the hatemongers thrive to defend at any turn), and for the freedom of American citizens (something you only support if its convenient for your corporate masters in the GOP). I am anti-corruption, no matter the side (something you know very well, you just choose to ignore because you need something to grasp you can understand). I support Obama about as much as I support Ron Paul, McCain, and even old Dubya. I support their good ideas (the ones they're forced into for political points, usually) and their intelligent policies. I don't support their corruption and lies.

Intelligent humans....those that can think beyond the herd of sheep they cling to....are able to comprehend and rationalize logical fallacies AS WELL AS common sense. People that are "all or nothing", like you, G-Pussy, Pariah, etc. Those are the real problems. Those people are the ones that have been conditioned to only understand two possible choices to anything. When, in fact (fact), the world is made up of complexity. Something I don't see you or any of your hate-brothers trying to accept. It would be to acknowledge where they've ever been "wrong". And they have too much stupidity to be that much of a man.

I dare to ANY post where you admitted at being wrong about something? I know of a couple of my own errors from memory, and even came out in threads stating how I was incorrect. But, not the Righties. They're "RIGHT or wrong". Same with the intolerant Bleeding Hearts Libs that want the Middle Class to support all the demographics while the corporations reap the benefits.

How simple you all are. Childish, even.

Basically,'re a simpleton just like Lothar. You can't read. You can't comprehend or grasp any ideological concept unless Pat Buchanan or some hatemonger FAUXnews shill gives you pre-rehearsed speaking points.

Put it simply, you hate all that don't believe as you believe. That don't live as you live. You know why it became an "expected meme" to call Rightwing Nuts "Nazis"? Because it's true. Therefore, it's pointed out many, many, MANY times how much in common you have with every other hate group in history. But, like all ignorants, you stick your finger in your ears and yell "LALALALALALALALALA!!! CAN'T HEAR YOU!!! LALALALALA!!!"

Same as ever.

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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
You know why it became an "expected meme" to call Rightwing Nuts "Nazis"? Because it's true.

Actually Godwin's law says; "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."

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I can't argue with someone who is referred to as both "God" and "Win".

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 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
 Originally Posted By: Promeltdownallthetimeeus.
You know why it became an "expected meme" to call Rightwing Nuts "Nazis"? Because it's true.

Actually Godwin's law says; "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."


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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
Your messiah talked about it here. kinda funny

My "messiah"? See, this is what happens when you're a coward sitting on the sidelines, Lothar. You don't keep up with what's actually being discussed. You go look for where I pledge Obama as my "messiah". I'll wait.


So... you're not for Obama, you're just rabidly anti-Republican. Railing on the GOP constantly, while never doing the same on Obama/DNC policy, and constantly quoting MSNBC and other far-left blogs.

Yeah... that's believable.

I'd say "simpleton" better describes the indoctrinated clown who never even weighs both sides, and just fanatically sings praises at the altar of the Left, while irrationally demonizing the Right.

\:lol\: Yeah Dave, it seems that I might have been dead-on-target with you as an alt-id of Lothar's. You both have incredibly ignorant levels of reading comprehension. School must have been tough, huh?

Since you rely only on personal insults and lying insinuations, that just proves you have no facts to rely on.

 Originally Posted By: Pro

I am against Republican Extremists (like yourself and G-Pussy).

Even after 12 years of me stating my views, you don't know what I believe. Because you're too busy demonizing me and every other Republican here, straw-manning us, making up shit and TELLING us what we believe, in sharp contrast to what we ACTUALLY believe, for that to be a credible statement of yours. Your "Republican extremists", according to Gallup in polls year after year, are the actual political center of the country. In truth, YOU are the extreme left. And I recall an online self-test Sammitch posted a few months ago quantifying that. Taht your views of all who posted are the furthest from the center.

Which quantifiably makes you the most radical extremist here.

Your views about our soldiers ("Pavlovian psychopaths who can't think for themselves and would kill their own citizens on command") and your stated desire to ""kill all Republicans who won't evolve into the 21st century" (i.e., anyone who won't conform to your own apparently murderously intolerant point of view) both put you on a par with William Ayers.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
I am against corporate money influencing government (something you and the hatemongers thrive to defend at any turn),

You can't back that up, because it's again you creating a strawman whipping boy, to believe whatever you want "evil conservatives" to believe, rather than what they actually believe.
I was FOR campaign finance reform under McCain/Feingold, but G-man was right beforehand. It didn't work, it only expanded the problem at least four-fold. We've seen presidential elections over the last four cycles go from 50 million per candidate to 100 million to around a billion in 2012.

And by the way, I notice the only time you seem to object to campaign finance is when Republicans have the advantage. You seem to have no problem with hollywood celebrities, unions, trial lawyers or George Soros buying elections for the Democrats. Your hypocrisy on display again.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
... and for the freedom of American citizens (something you only support if its convenient for your corporate masters in the GOP).

More of your manufactured strawmanning, creating a cartoon of me and other Republicans, that conform to an image you love to hate, and probably doesn't exist in ANY Republican.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
I am anti-corruption, no matter the side (something you know very well, you just choose to ignore because you need something to grasp you can understand).

I notice that you constantly rail with the bitterest of insinuations and insults about Republicans, and you link MSNBC video and articles more than any other source, second only to far-left blogs, and even Communist blogs! That doesn't look at all "neutral" or "objective" to me, or probably anyone else here.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
I support Obama about as much as I support Ron Paul, McCain, and even old Dubya. I support their good ideas (the ones they're forced into for political points, usually) and their intelligent policies. I don't support their corruption and lies.

I doubt you've even bothered to read and understand what any of these men believe. I have to laugh when you say Dubya has good ideas, because youve NEVER voiced that notion in 12 years of posting. What utter and completely insincere bullshit on your part.

You operate on pure emotion, Pro. You like one and hate the other, that latter of which you heap with insults and slander.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Intelligent humans....those that can think beyond the herd of sheep they cling to....are able to comprehend and rationalize logical fallacies AS WELL AS common sense.

Says the rabidly opinionated and fully indoctrinated liberal sheep.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
People that are "all or nothing", like you, G-Pussy, Pariah, etc. Those are the real problems. Those people are the ones that have been conditioned to only understand two possible choices to anything.

More of your strawmanning, creating a cartoon villain that you love to hate, not based on our actual stated beliefs. I disagreed plenty with Bush, and about the only thing I supported in 12 years of posts her was Bush's commitment to win the war in Iraq and islamic terror. I criticized Bush for amnesty for illegals(attempted) and lax border enforcement, the Harriet Miers nomination, domestic spending and not pay as we go, raising the debt, and in general governing like a tax and spend liberal to try and buy votes. His was a sharp break from Reagan conservatism that the GOP is now returning to. I recall G-man voicing many criticisms of Bush too. Despite your strawmanning us otherwise.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
When, in fact (fact), the world is made up of complexity. Something I don't see you or any of your hate-brothers trying to accept. It would be to acknowledge where they've ever been "wrong". And they have too much stupidity to be that much of a man.

Factless blather, that doesn't even make a lucid point. Just your usual insults at anyone who disagrees with you. Even as you, ironically, accuse others of "hate". You are filled with intolerant hate, and lash out constantly, at those who on their worst day couldn't summon the hate that you lash out with every day here on these boards. And probably at everyone in your daily life as well.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
I dare to ANY post where you admitted at being wrong about something? I know of a couple of my own errors from memory, and even came out in threads stating how I was incorrect. But, not the Righties. They're "RIGHT or wrong". Same with the intolerant Bleeding Hearts Libs that want the Middle Class to support all the demographics while the corporations reap the benefits.

I recall when I got a bit over-dramatic in telling you that you ënable evil", etc., and I laaughed and said ÖK, yeah, that was a bit over the top", and I still got no credit from you or others. You mocked me and used it for a signature for a few months, despite that I immediately showed a sense of humor about it.

I recall another where I unwittingly made a Rorschach-esque remark, and Captain Sweden posted a Rorschach emoticon, and I likewise laughed at myself for unwittingly posting like Rorschach.

But again, in your rush to demonize me, G-man, and whoever else, you choose to ignore the honesty of our comments. I even criticized or corrected G-man openly a few times (Kent State shootings, the Kabul Zick alt, etc.), and G-man has likewise dissented from or corrected my opinions on many occasions.
Sorry those *FACTS* deviate from your strawman demonizations of us.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
How simple you all are. Childish, even.

Says the infant in his high chair, daily flinging his poo across every forum of these boards.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Basically,'re a simpleton just like Lothar. You can't read. You can't comprehend or grasp any ideological concept unless Pat Buchanan or some hatemonger FAUXnews shill gives you pre-rehearsed speaking points.

You keep saying that, but it just doesn't gel with the links I post from the Washington Post, New York Times, Gallup, Rasmussen, PBS NEWS Hour, CNN and others, that I post IN ADDITION TO Fox News, Buchanan, and the other authors that I source.

We've been over this before, many times in the last 12 years.
1) if I say it in my own words, then you dismiss it as just my opinion.
2) if I quote sources, then you portray me as parroting someone else's opinion, and not being able to think for myself.

So... basically, no viewpoint is valid, unless it conforms with your own insulting hate. And anyone who disagrees is a "hatemonger". Got it.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Put it simply, you hate all that don't believe as you believe. That don't live as you live. You know why it became an "expected meme" to call Rightwing Nuts "Nazis"? Because it's true. Therefore, it's pointed out many, many, MANY times how much in common you have with every other hate group in history. But, like all ignorants, you stick your finger in your ears and yell "LALALALALALALALALA!!! CAN'T HEAR YOU!!! LALALALALA!!!"

Wow. A perfect example of you, consumed with irrational hatred, calling others hateful and Nazis.
I remind you of your own words : "we'll exterminate all the Republicans who refuse to evolve into the 21st century." (i.e., who don't conform to your own opinionated intolerant views)

Which of us sounds more like a genocidal Nazi, Pro?
Look in the mirror.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Traitor
Marxist, Ayers, Islam, Kenyan, PRO IS THE DEVIL!!!!

Oh silly Traitor Dave. Do you have to clean the spittle off your monitor everytime you SCREAM a post at me?

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Traitor
Which of us sounds more like a genocidal Nazi, Pro?

Most definitely you. \:lol\:

Poor Dave. Pretends he has morals and ethics. Then, simply jumps on the bandwagon with G-Pussy to make personal attacks. Pretends he cares about fairness and equality, but does everything he can to fight against those principles (except for white Republicans, of course). Swears he doesn't serve FAUXNews as a cypher for all Republican Extremist talking point. But, then goes on a four paragraph rant about how President Obama is a secret Muslim/Marxist/Ayers/Kenyan Terrorist whose primary goal is the destruction of America.

Yep, Dave. You're right. You're totally fair, rational, and just. I'm the wild one. Look out! My insane Communist, Socialist, Marxist, Islamic quest for peace, intellectual debate, and removing corrupt money from government is certain to DOOM ALL GAWD-LOVING 'MERICANS! {evil laughter}

\:lol\: You're dumb.

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 Originally Posted By: WB

Wow. A perfect example of you, consumed with irrational hatred, calling others hateful and Nazis.
I remind you of your own words : "we'll exterminate all the Republicans who refuse to evolve into the 21st century." (i.e., who don't conform to your own opinionated intolerant views)

Which of us sounds more like a genocidal Nazi, Pro?
Look in the mirror.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Slanders and personal insults.

 Originally Posted By: WB


  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Traitor
Marxist, Ayers, Islam, Kenyan, PRO IS THE DEVIL!!!!

Oh silly Traitor Dave. Do you have to clean the spittle off your monitor everytime you SCREAM a post at me?

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Traitor
Which of us sounds more like a genocidal Nazi, Pro?

Most definitely you. \:lol\:

Poor Dave. Pretends he has morals and ethics. Then, simply jumps on the bandwagon with G-Pussy to make personal attacks. Pretends he cares about fairness and equality, but does everything he can to fight against those principles (except for white Republicans, of course). Swears he doesn't serve FAUXNews as a cypher for all Republican Extremist talking point. But, then goes on a four paragraph rant about how President Obama is a secret Muslim/Marxist/Ayers/Kenyan Terrorist whose primary goal is the destruction of America.

Yep, Dave. You're right. You're totally fair, rational, and just. I'm the wild one. Look out! My insane Communist, Socialist, Marxist, Islamic quest for peace, intellectual debate, and removing corrupt money from government is certain to DOOM ALL GAWD-LOVING 'MERICANS! {evil laughter}

\:lol\: You're dumb.

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Thanks Lothar for linking to that video. I wondered if Obama had an opinion on that issue.

"Batman is only meaningful as an answer to a world which in its basics is chaotic and in the hands of the wrong people, where no justice can be found. I think it's very suitable to our perception of the world's condition today... Batman embodies the will to resist evil" -Frank Miller

"Conan, what's the meaning of life?"
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!"
-Conan the Barbarian

"Well, yeah."
-Jason E. Perkins

"If I had a dime for every time Pariah was right about something I'd owe twenty cents."
-Ultimate Jaburg53

"Fair enough. I defer to your expertise."

Rack MisterJLA!

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