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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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I make a couple mods look like total retards in front of everyone at Gamespot, and they delete my account, the thread, and ban people for even mentioning the incident.
Maybe if your rules weren't so half-assed, I wouldn't be able to use them against you, dumbshits.
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Doog the MIGHTY 10000+ posts
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Video game moderators are all assholes. I've been on major tech sites where the IT guys posting are total narcissistic dicks and they never get censored for it.
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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Narcissism was involved. But it wasn't the precipitating factor. Gamespot has garnered a row of fuckwits for staff. So they tend to say really stupid things in their articles. The topic happened to be the exhibition of homosexuality in Mass Effect. Suffice it to say, I was a voice of a dissent. As has already been established, GS is a nazi site. Keeping this in mind, I policed every single aspect of a my posts, insuring that nothing could be construed as hateful, bigoted, or a personal attack--which is probably what pissed people off the most about what I had to say. It's easier to write off an inarticulate "redneck" than it is to deal with a conservative, former English-major. The "born that way" crowd was getting pissed. Something else to note here is that Gamespot mods are volunteers. They're former "civilian" posters. So they're bred from the same retard stock, and are every bit as reactionary as the people they moderate. So when my posts started getting labeled as "offensive" or "insulting"--despite a lack of offensive material as defined by their ToU--the moderators started doling out demerits. I honestly didn't care that much because I don't post there that often (for obvious reasons) and there really is no point in trying to get them to reconcile their own mistakes. But I knew I could use the opportunity to have a little fun with them. So with as much politeness and courtesy as I could muster, I offered up an indignant post in the mods forum that outlined exactly how my posts followed their terms of use guidelines, and that penalizing me based solely on the offense of others was a slippery slope. No one touched the thread for, if memory serves me correctly, at least 24 hours. I know for a fact that multiple mods were there at the time. So it's not like they missed it. People were too scared shitless to touch this brick. Finally, one of the more reactionary mods by the name of Mystic_Knight speaks up. Oh joy. I made three threads in their so called "Moderation Clarification Station". Normally, in this particular forum, the mods limit their replies to one to two posts that state a reason for moderation with little to know argument before locking the thread regardless of the poster's opinion. As I'm able to show here however, every now and again, you can drive them over the edge: Four posts deleted and one warning for simply having an opinion that I took great pains to state as objectively with as little analytical bias as possible. I took an unpopular position, no doubt. And it required all parties involved to make graphic descriptions at times. But I scraped through every crevice of the TOS looking for possible violations and have come up with nothing.
The only thing I've noticed in connection with these deletions is that they're reported as "offensive." Considering I didn't use any derogatory language, insults, or forbidden words, this claim bewilders me. That is, I'm not surprised that people are offended by my opinion or the fact that I have said opinion. However, I am surprised by the fact that mods don't discriminate between what GS has established as offensive and esoteric claims of offense by posters. One could claim that anything is offensive after all.
On the other hand, I made claims of offense and personal insults directed at me in that very thread--all of which included actual insults and banned words. Some of those posts are still there. This feels a tad preferential.
Or is the problem the topic itself? In which case, why does the GS faculty bother posting articles they know are going to be controversial and spark such arguments? The fact that you mentioned being homosexual is a disorder, was the reason you got moderated, i'm sure even you can figure out why that post was considered offensive. You may not agree that having a male/ male or female/female relationship is normal but that attitude is not welcomed here. Uh....Hold on a second here. That's my opinion--a very evenly stated one. Not an attack. And I explained my reasoning in as reasonable and non-derogatory a manner as possible. I call schizophrenia a kind of disorder as well. Do you feel that's offensive to schizophrenics? There's nothing in the TOS that abides your reasoning. Your opinion on the sexual preference of people is an opinion, not a fact. Schizophrenia being a disorder is an actual fact. I suggest you keep thoughts on sexual preference to yourself, it won't be tolerated on Gamespot. This topic needs no further explanation. Thread locked. The other mods that see this are probably cringing at this point. New thread: Uh, actually it does. You just argued my opinion with your own opinion. After all, a schizophrenic can argue that he or she doesn't suffer a disorder, but rather something they were born with.
You need to point out to me in the TOS where there has been a specific violation or else I have learned nothing from this experience. There is nothing in there that says having an unpopular opinion counts as inherently derogatory or offensive--especially when I went so far out of my way not to offend anyone.
I am sensing a very preferential tone from the mods here right now. And I have a feeling that whoever it was that modded me may or may not have had the same opinion as you on exactly why it warranted moderation in the first place. This establishes a very sketchy precedent on what exactly is considered mod-worthy.
If you're just going to lock the thread again and tell me the matter is closed, then I request that you give me an email address where I can send a complaint with regards to the behavior of the GS moderators. ToU wrote: Offensive MaterialUsers may not transmit, encourage others to transmit, material or links to content considered patently offensive in nature. This includes, but is not limited to, using vulgar, profane, or sexually explicit language in reference to race, religion, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, disability, nationality, or gender as a means of insult; violent material; using threatening, harassing, defamatory, hate-speech, or libelous language; and posting, requesting, linking to, or otherwise sharing material considered pornographic, obscene, graphic, or hate speech. Failing to abide by a warning that material or terms are offensive or prohibited is a violation.Highlighted words are the ones you need to understand. Definition of Defamation wikipedia wrote: Defamation -is the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give anindividual,business,product,group,government, ornationa negative image.IS that clear enough now as to why you were moderated. I can not make it any more obvious for you. Like i said, your attitude towards the issue is not welcomed on gamespot. If you feel the need to pursue it further contact customer support or one of the mods. Thread locked. Note how agitated he's becoming. And he ends up referring me to a mod.....But....He is a mod himself. How odd. New thread: Okay, this will be my last attempt to communicate with the moderators before I go straight to CS--or even Cnet if need be. I request that you don't lock the thread again as I might have a question that you could answer--as I had before. If however, you deign to lock my thread once again, I ask that you direct my case to a senior moderator or administrator to escalate the issue as I am concerned that the issue here lies with an individual opinion held by a few mods and not the entire modship
ToU wrote: Offensive MaterialUsers may not transmit, encourage others to transmit, material or links to content considered patently offensive in nature. This includes, but is not limited to, using vulgar, profane, or sexually explicit language in reference to race, religion, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, disability, nationality, or gender as a means of insult; violent material; using threatening, harassing, defamatory, hate-speech, or libelous language; and posting, requesting, linking to, or otherwise sharing material considered pornographic, obscene, graphic, or hate speech. Failing to abide by a warning that material or terms are offensive or prohibited is a violation.
Including the words you highlighted, Mystic_Knight, I highlighted the phrase, "using vulgar, profance, or sexually explicit language in reference to," to best illustrate how I find your interpretation of the ToU to be erroneous: I haven't used any such thing in reference to anything else.
As for defamation, I have already pointed out that the word "disorder" is not conducive to such things. If that were the case, then under the ToU, I would not be allowed to identify disorders in anyone as GS would maintain the position that it fuels an unfair negative connotation.
Mystic_Knight wrote: If you feel the need to pursue it further contact customer support or one of the mods.
I will contact customer service if I have to, but I came HERE specifically to speak to the moderators. If not post here for that purpose, then where else do I make the attempt? From this point on, any and all inquiries in regards to this moderation must be made to Customer Support. No more clarification. No more Mystic_Knight. Just some dude who saw another mod on the ropes, probably tired of watching him make a fool of himself and everyone else in the process. It's not their usual practice to do so in that forum, but they waited a while for those particular threads to be pushed down by others, and then deleted them as soon as they were off the map. I was able to cache the third thread. The date places it outside of annual deletion date range. Something to note here about GS policy that's of major relevance: Mods. Are. Never. Wrong. Above all else, they don't want to show weakness, so regardless of where the blame lies, regardless of whether or not it was the mod that fucked up, the poster who was penalized is always at fault. There will be no admission whatsoever of any mistakes or wrong doing by Gamespot faculty or volunteers. And if they find a very obvious or blatant example of such a thing, they'll either go out of their way to rationalize it or outright ignore it--as you saw here. I knew it probably wouldn't pan out, but I figured I'd follow through on the CS thing and shot them an email about the bias and complacency of their moderators. They responded: Response Via Email (Jody Robinson) 04/16/2012 11:04 AM Your statements fall under offensive material as outlined here: http://www.gamespot.com/misc/tos.html"Offensive Material Users may not transmit, encourage others to transmit, material or links to content considered patently offensive in nature. This includes, but is not limited to, using vulgar, profane, or sexually explicit language in reference to race, religion, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, disability, nationality, or gender as a means of insult; violent material; using threatening, harassing, defamatory, hate-speech, or libelous language; and posting, requesting, linking to, or otherwise sharing material considered pornographic, obscene, graphic, or hate speech. Failing to abide by a warning that material or terms are offensive or prohibited is a violation." If you read that a bit more in regards to " sexual orientation this allows any volunteer to moderate you for discrimination. I'd just avoid doing it on the site. There are plenty of other websites that allow you to discriminate against people's beliefs or lifestyles. Thanks. As I expressed and explained to the moderator--the posts of whom I've offered in my previous email--I offered up no offensive language or claims with regards to sexual orientation. I don't see anywhere in the ToS that states disagreeing with something is equivalent to defamatory speech. If you look back throughout my post history, nowhere will you find explicit insults or hateful language. I was very careful to state my case as respectfully as possible within the parameters established by the very passage of the ToS that you've offered me as a response. The only case that can be brought against me is that other posters were offended by what I had to say, which in and of itself is not proof of offensive material by the site's standards. "There are plenty of other websites that allow you to discriminate against people's beliefs or lifestyles. " Sir or madame, the tone of this statement strikes me as very passive aggressive. Unless you're trying to apply a very fast and loose interpretation of the word "discriminate," your statement comes off as hostile and combative. Whether or not that matters to you, I'm not sure. But I'm letting you know regardless. I am unsure what you are referring to.The last response I sent has me sharing that some accounts have been reinstated. Are you telling methat you've caused more abuse in the community after being reinstated? I was responding to this reply: *snip* This doesn't elaborate on the concerns I stated in my first email I sent to customer service. With respect, all it does is repeat the tune of the moderator, whom I find is being reactionary, without clarifying on the more controversial idea of using this passage from the ToU to label my posts as being defamatory. No response after this. There was a few days lag between responses that he was using to play dumb even though I offered up direct quotes. I was tempted to go on ahead and complain to Cnet afterwards, but I just don't care enough to try. I tried logging on yesterday only to find that my account has been banned for a couple months now with those threads having been deleted.
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Doog the MIGHTY 10000+ posts
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Get Tor. Spoof your IP. Create a new ID. Annoy them.
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Doog the MIGHTY 10000+ posts
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I'm banned from the gears of war forums for calling people out on being fuckwits. Worth it.
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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I get banned about once a year from AICN, usually for discussing spoilers that haven't been cleared by whatever studio gave the staff freebies that week and/or pointing out that critics have no journalistic ethics whatsoever.
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Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
Inglourious Basterd!!! 15000+ posts
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I get banned from here almost daily, but that doesn't matter because I just cry to his wife during our Draw Something game and she fixes that quick-fast-in-a-hurry. Suck on THAT, mods!!!
Uschi said:I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry. MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost! "I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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Now, now, references to wives are off limits here. You now have to spam yourself, or something.
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"Hey this is PCG342's bro..." 15000+ posts
"Hey this is PCG342's bro..." 15000+ posts
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Now, now, references to wives are off limits here. You now have to pretend like you are ignoring JLA, but still reference him and link to a thread with his user ID in the thread title at the portal page.
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