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http://mediamatters.org/research/2007/11/28/newman-claimed-hillary-clinton-only-allowed-som/141799 ewman claimed Hillary Clinton only "allowed some military uniforms" in White House
Research ››› November 28, 2007 6:04 PM EST ››› MEDIA MATTERS STAFF
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After a caller claimed that Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (NY) is "not going to allow any [military uniforms] in the White House," Newsradio 850 KOA host "Gunny" Bob Newman repeated the myth that Clinton only "allowed some military uniforms" in the White House when she was first lady. In fact, numerous media reports have debunked the claim about Clinton's supposed ban on military uniforms, as Colorado Media Matters noted when Newman made a similar assertion on a previous broadcast.
Prompted by a caller to his November 26 show, Newsradio 850 KOA's "Gunny" Bob Newman repeated the debunked assertion that as first lady, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (NY) only "allowed some military uniforms" in the White House. Newman cited right-wing author and retired Air Force Lt. Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson's book Dereliction of Duty (Regnery, March 2003) to support his contention that military uniforms were "offensive" to the "Clintonista regime."
However, The Washington Post reported on April 1, 1993, that Clinton's supposed ban "didn't happen," as Colorado Media Matters noted when Newman made a similar assertion on his August 25, 2006, broadcast. Moreover, Media Matters for America has documented that Patterson later echoed the dubious uniforms assertion by claiming that when he worked in the White House in 1996 Clinton "wanted to outlaw uniforms, military uniforms in the White House," and that Patterson's account of Clinton's purported plan to ban military uniforms in the White House varies with each telling.
From the November 26 broadcast of Newsradio 850 KOA's The Gunny Bob Show:
CALLER: I called about [U.S. Sen.] Trent [Lott (R-MS)], but let me say something about Diana DeGette. Diana -- the troops are coming home. Will they be wearing their uniforms? Because we know Hillary's not going to allow any in the White House, and I imagine her "don't ask, don't tell," and the policy of no military in the White House with uniforms, I imagine there's no reason why she can't just do it countrywide, right? I mean, let's just go ahead and strip the -- you know, bottom line is, these two libs -- what a love fest, but Diana DeGette will always have her job there because of the dumb-ass liberals in Denver that are gonna vote in that district that are gonna vote her in. And there's a lot of stupid women out there, Gunny Bob, that are going to vote for Hillary lock, stock --
NEWMAN: Oh, there are a lot of stupid men too, [caller]. And at the same time --
CALLER: Yeah, absolutely, absolutely.
NEWMAN: Now, you do know that Hillary did allow some -- only a few -- she allowed some military uniforms like, you know, the Marines who were standing outside opening the doors and stuff like that. But if you read Colonel "Buzz" Patterson's book Dereliction of Duty, he was there, and he got the memo, and, you know, who was allowed to wear because, you know -- and how offensive military uniforms were to the Clintonista regime, you know. But they knew they had to allow a handful of them in there, you know, so that they could have --
CALLER: Right.
The allegation that Clinton imposed a ban on the wearing of military uniforms in the White House was reported as early as April 1, 1993, in a Post article [by subscription or purchase only] that referred to "[a] whole series of apocryphal anecdotes [that] have made the rounds and fed military disaffection." With regard to "the one about Hillary Rodham Clinton's ban on uniforms in the White House," the Post reported that it "didn't happen." Similarly, Newsweek reported in December 2005 that "[t]here are still soldiers who swear by the myth that she banned uniforms at the White House." In its March 15, 1993, edition, U.S. News & World Report reported, "Among other poisonous rumors is the tale that the Clintonites are preparing to order military personnel to wear civilian clothes, not their uniforms, whenever they enter the White House." U.S. News noted that the White House denied the story.
Moreover, as Media Matters noted, Patterson's story of Clinton's purported "edict" -- which he says occurred in 1996 "when he first arrived" at the White House -- echoes the claim about Clinton that the Post debunked in 1993. And Patterson's version of how he learned of Clinton's purported plan to ban military uniforms in the White House when he worked there in 1996 varies with each telling. In Dereliction of Duty, Patterson claimed that he had learned of Clinton's supposed desire to ban military uniforms from his predecessor. When Slate.com's Timothy Noah wrote about stories surrounding Clinton's purported aversion to military uniforms in the White House, Patterson responded by asserting that he "had firsthand knowledge of the First Lady's edict." In yet another retelling, Patterson told author Edward Klein, "The directive came down from Hillary through the President's chief of staff, Leon Panetta."
Now how about that Trump btw? We know how he respects the military from his comments about McCain being captured. Do you think our servicemen that were captured by enemy forces are really losers WB?
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Did he call McCain a loser? I think he said being captured does not make him a hero.
"My friends have always been the best of me." -Doctor Who
"Well,whenever I'm confused,I just check my underwear. It holds most answers to life's questions." Abe Simpson
I can tell by the position of the sun in the sky, that is time for us to go. Until next time, I am Lothar of the Hill People!
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Trump at a speaking event had criticized political leaders who send soldiers to fight wars, but didn't serve in the military. One of the panelists said "Well, John McCain served." Trump responded "I like soldiers who don't get captured." To which everyone present laughed.
I saw that as a shot at John McCain, not at veterans in general. It was a comment aimed very specifically at those who send soldiers to fight combined with being a veteran. And arguably only to McCain's specific questionable judgement, combining those two categories.
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Secret Service Views Hillary as 'Worst Duty Assignment'Secret Service agents over the years say being on Hillary Clinton's detail is the "worst duty assignment" they could receive, and "agents consider being assigned to her detail a form of punishment,” author Ronald Kessler writes in his book "First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of the Presidents." The book reveals exchanges that retired and active Secret Service agents shared with Kessler, writes Deroy Murdock in an opinion piece for The New York Post. Kessler writes both flattering and critical items about people in both parties. And when it comes to the Clinton family, Chelsea was a "model protectee," Bill was difficult while president but easygoing after he left office, and Hillary was exposed as an "especially abusive Arctic monster," said Murdock. Kessler, a former investigative reporter with The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post who went on to write 19 other books revealed several shocking exchanges, including her reply to the greeting "good morning, ma'am" from a member of the uniformed Secret Service: "F— off." “When in public, Hillary smiles and acts graciously,” Kessler wrote in his book. “As soon as the cameras are gone, her angry personality, nastiness, and imperiousness become evident...Hillary Clinton can make Richard Nixon look like Mahatma Gandhi.” In the words of several people who served on her detail: - Former Secret Service agent Lloyd Bulman: “Hillary was very rude to agents, and she didn’t appear to like law enforcement or the military. “She wouldn’t go over and meet military people or police officers, as most protectees do. She was just really rude to almost everybody. She’d act like she didn’t want you around, like you were beneath her.”
- Unnamed Secret Service agent: “Hillary didn’t like the military aides wearing their uniforms around the White House. She asked if they would wear business suits instead. The uniform’s a sign of pride, and they’re proud to wear their uniform. I know that the military was actually really offended by it.”
- Former Secret Service agent Jeff Crane: Hillary would cuss at Secret Service drivers for going over bumps.”
- Unnamed former Secret Service agent: "Hillary never talked to us . . . Most all members of first families would talk to us and smile. She never did that.”
- Former FBI agent Coy Copeland: Within the White House, Hillary had a “standing rule that no one spoke to her when she was going from one location to another. In fact, anyone who would see her coming would just step into the first available office.”
- Unnamed former Secret Service agent: “If Hillary was walking down a hall, you were supposed to hide behind drapes used as partitions.”
Secret Service agents over the years say being on Hillary Clinton's detail is the "worst duty assignment" they could receive, and "agents consider being assigned to her detail a form of punishment,” author Ronald Kessler writes in his book "First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of the Presidents." The book reveals exchanges that retired and active Secret Service agents shared with Kessler, writes Deroy Murdock in an opinion piece for The New York Post. Kessler writes both flattering and critical items about people in both parties. And when it comes to the Clinton family, Chelsea was a "model protectee," Bill was difficult while president but easygoing after he left office, and Hillary was exposed as an "especially abusive Arctic monster," said Murdock. Kessler, a former investigative reporter with The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post who went on to write 19 other books revealed several shocking exchanges, including her reply to the greeting "good morning, ma'am" from a member of the uniformed Secret Service: "F— off." “When in public, Hillary smiles and acts graciously,” Kessler wrote in his book. “As soon as the cameras are gone, her angry personality, nastiness, and imperiousness become evident...Hillary Clinton can make Richard Nixon look like Mahatma Gandhi.” In the words of several people who served on her detail: Former Secret Service agent Lloyd Bulman: “Hillary was very rude to agents, and she didn’t appear to like law enforcement or the military. “She wouldn’t go over and meet military people or police officers, as most protectees do. She was just really rude to almost everybody. She’d act like she didn’t want you around, like you were beneath her.” Unnamed Secret Service agent: “Hillary didn’t like the military aides wearing their uniforms around the White House. She asked if they would wear business suits instead. The uniform’s a sign of pride, and they’re proud to wear their uniform. I know that the military was actually really offended by it.” Former Secret Service agent Jeff Crane: Hillary would cuss at Secret Service drivers for going over bumps.” Unnamed former Secret Service agent: "Hillary never talked to us . . . Most all members of first families would talk to us and smile. She never did that.” Former FBI agent Coy Copeland: Within the White House, Hillary had a “standing rule that no one spoke to her when she was going from one location to another. In fact, anyone who would see her coming would just step into the first available office.” Unnamed former Secret Service agent: “If Hillary was walking down a hall, you were supposed to hide behind drapes used as partitions.” It wasn't just agents who had stories about the then-first lady. Franette McCulloch, a former assistant White House pastry chef, told of how Clinton "screamed" at a White House electrician who was changing a light bulb in the family quarters, because she had ordered all repairs to be done while the first family was away. Kessler also recounts how Clinton fired White House usher Christopher Emery after he returned a call from former First Lady Barbara Bush about computer troubleshooting. Emery stayed unemployed for four years, said Kessler. Kessler told Murdock that Clinton's treatment of her staff should be a warning to Americans as she runs for the presidency. "No one would hire such a person to work at a McDonald’s, and yet she is being considered for president of the United States," Kessler told him.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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https://www.truthorfiction.com/secret-service-presidents/Some of the allegations in this eRumor are accurate, according to Kessler’s book and some are not. Let’s take a look at each one:
Codenamed Lancer, John Kennedy was a philanderer of the highest order. Jacqueline Kennedy ordered the kitchen help to save all the left-over food and wine for the next White House occasion: -Truth! & Fiction! An agent interviewed in Kessler’s book said that while assigned to guard President Kennedy agents realized that he led a double life. The charismatic leader was “a cheating, reckless husband whose aides snuck women into the White House to appease his sexual appetite.” There was no mention of Jackie Kennedy saving leftovers for the next occasion.
Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) was another philanderer of the highest order. He was also crude as the day is long. Ladybird Johnson was either naive or pretended to “not know” of her husband’s many liaisons: -Truth! & Fiction! One agent assigned to protect him who was interviewed in Kessler’s book said that Johnson, codenamed Volunteer, was “uncouth, nasty and often drunk.” The agent said that after being caught by his wife having sex with a secretary in the Oval Office Johnson ordered the Secret Service to install a buzzer to warn him. The agent said that Mrs. Johnson was well aware of what was going on.
Richard Nixon was a moral man but very paranoid, odd and weird.. He had a horrible relationship with his family, and in a way, he was almost a recluse. Pat Nixon was quiet most of the time: –Truth! An agent assigned to protect the Nixon’s said that the President, codenamed Searchlight, “seemed to have no relationship with his wife, Pat,” and she “was an alcoholic who tippled martinis.” When the Nixon’s were in San Clemente, Ca the family went out to play a nine hole golf game and an agent said that during the entire hour and a half game the President did not say one word to his wife and daughters.
Spiro Agnew was a nice, decent man and everyone in the Secret Service was surprised about his downfall: -Fiction! Agents assigned to protect Agnew were interviewed and said that although he came across as a champion of family values the Vice President “was having affairs while in office.” A detail of Secret Service agents once clandestinely took Agnew to a room on the fourth floor of Washington’s Regis Hotel and left him there unguarded for three hours, at the request of the Vice President. A former agent said, “Leaving him in an unsecured location was a breach of security. As agents, it was embarrassing because we were facilitating his adultery. We felt like pimps.”
Gerald Ford was a true gentlemen who treated the Secret Service with respect and dignity. He had a great sense of humor. Betty Ford drank a lot: - Truth! Agents found President Ford, Codenamed Passkey, to be a “decent man who valued their service.” Although he was portrayed by Saturday Night Live comedian Chevy Chase to be a stumbling, bumbling buffoon, agents say Gerald Ford was quite athletic and enjoyed skiing. Ford often taunted agents to keep up with him on the slopes. After failing to keep up with the President the Secret Service recruited a world class skier who would ski backwards in front of the President and “wave as the President tried to catch up with him.”
Betty Ford did suffer from alcoholism but eventually found sobriety and in 1982 founded the Betty Ford Center, which has aided over 90,000 people with a network of treatment centers for alcohol and chemical dependency.
Jimmy Carter was a complete phony who had disdain for the Secret Service, and was very irresponsible with the “football” nuclear codes - Truth! Kessler interviewed agents assigned to Jimmy Carter, codenamed Deacon, who described Carter as a “moody and mistrustful” person who distanced himself from the agents who were sworn to protect him and his family. Agents were instructed not to speak to President Carter unless he spoke to them first. A former agent said that President Carter “tried to project the image of himself as a man of the people by carrying his own luggage when travelling. When he was running for President, Carter would carry his own bags while the press was in sight but once in private he would ask the Secret Service to carry his luggage. An agent said that when the Carters were staying at the President’s home in Plains, Georgia, the “nuclear football,” the device that the President uses to launch antiballistic missiles to protect the U.S. from a foreign launched nuclear attack was not permitted on the grounds of the Carter home. The “football” allows the President to launch counter measures within five minutes of a notification of a nuclear strike. It was kept with an agent in a military trailer in the neighboring town, Americus, which was fifteen minutes away.
Rosalyn Carter mostly did her own thing- Unproven! Although not much is written in Kessler’s book about Rosalyn Carter, other than she enjoyed a screwdriver before church on Sunday in a White House where the Carters had requested the removal of alcoholic beverages, there is no indication that she did her own thing.
Ronald Reagan was moral, honest, respectful, and dignified. The Reagan’s treated Secret Service and everyone else with respect and honor. Nancy Reagan was very nice but very protective of the President- Truth! Ronald Reagan’s codename was Rawhide and according to Kessler’s book he treated the Secret Service agents, the Air Force One Crew and the staff of maids and butlers at the White House with respect. President Reagan was known to carry a fire arm and told a former agent that it was “just in case you guys can’t do your job, I can help out.” A former agent told Kessler that when Reagan travelled on his first presidential trip to the Soviet Union he had packed a gun in his briefcase. A former staff member told Kessler that “Reagan was famous for firing up Air Force jets on behalf of children who needed transport for kidney operations.”
Kessler wrote that Nancy Reagan was very protective of her husband, oversaw his diet and all visits from the children of the President had to be cleared by her first.
George H. Bush was extremely kind, considerate and always respectful towards Secret Service agents. They took great care in making sure the agents’ comforts were taken care of and even brought them meals. Barbara Bush once gave a warm hat to a Secret Service agent while he was protecting the Bush’s at their Kennebunkport home in Maine – Truth! A former agent told Kessler that the Bush’s were very considerate of the agents sworn to protect them. The hat incident occurred while Mr. Bush was Vice President.
Bill Clinton’s term in office was one giant party, he was not trustworthy, adulterous and was only nice because he wanted everyone to like him. Hillary Clinton was another phony whose personality would change the instant cameras were near. She hated with open disdain the military and Secret Service. – Truth! A former agent told Kessler that William Jefferson Clinton, codename Eagle, was habitually one to two hours late for so many events that the agents assigned to protect him dubbed his tardiness “Clinton Standard Time.” Clinton was caught in an adulterous affair with Monica Lewinsky and the Clintons, as well as many of the staff that they brought with them to the White House considered the military as “people who couldn’t get jobs.” A former assistant pastry chef told Kessler that Hillary Clinton did not approve of maintenance work being done in the White House while they were present. An agent assigned to protect her said that when she was in front of the press she “turns it on, and when the lights are off and she’s away from the lights, she’s a totally different person.” The agent also said that she was sarcastic and angry at her staff and yelled at them.
Albert Gore was an egotistical ass, who was once overheard by his Secret Service detail lecturing his only son that he needed to do better in school or he “would end up like these guys”- Truth! Kessler wrote that every agent assigned to protect the Vice President heard the famous reprimand to Al Gore III. Gore, codenamed Sundance, told his son, “If you don’t straighten up, you won’t get into the right schools, and if you don’t get into the right schools, you could end up like these guys.” As Gore said this he motioned to the agents.
George and Laura Bush were loved by the Secret Service. The President was also the most physically “in shape” and had a very strict workout regimen. The Bushes made sure their entire administrative and household staff understood to respect and be considerate of the Secret Service. Laura Bush was one of the nicest First Ladies, if not the nicest; she never had any harsh word to say about anyone- Truth! Agents told Kessler that they “were always amazed at the difference between Bush in person and the way he came across at press conferences.” An agent assigned to George W. Bush, codenamed Trailblazer , said that although he seemed awkward in front of the microphone that he was “funny as hell,” and had an incredible sense of humor. The agents loved to run with Bush and the Secret Service assigned its best runners to keep up with him. Bad knees eventually caused President Bush to switch to a bicycle. An agent told Kessler that Laura Bush had “the undying admiration of almost every agent,” and that he had not heard anything negative about her.
Barack and Michelle Obama look down on the Secret Service and hate the military. He is egotistical, cunning and untrustworthy and has temper tantrums. Michelle is a complete bitch, who hates anybody who is not black; hates the military; and looks at the Secret Service as servants- Fiction! & Unproven! According to Kessler’s book, agents said that are treated with respect by both Barack Obama, codename Renegade, and First Lady Michelle, whose codename is Renaissance. They also said that agents were twice invited “to dinner, including a party for a relative, both at his home.” The agent also said that Michelle insisted that agents call her by her first name.
There was no mention in the book of how the Obama’s felt about the military.
updated 02/01/12
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It's interesting that FactCheck.org goes out of its way to avoid listing the negative comments about Democrats. http://www.factcheck.org/2011/06/secret-service-tattletales/Labeling the Secret Service agents interviewed as "tattletales" shoots the Secret Service messengers, painting them in a negative light. One not listed is where Chelsea Clinton was overheard calling the Secret Service agents "pigs" [the pejorative for police in the 1970's] when a Secret Service agent chided Chelsea and told her that The president and first lady wouldn't approve of her saying that, Chelsea said she learned the term from listening to her parents say it.
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Pennsylvania, Cincinnati, and Maryland all go to Trump. As was expected.
Indiana win or not, I don't think Cruz is going to win this. If it comes down to a contested convention, I'm convinced that the RNC is going fuck with the rules enough to keep either one from winning ouright, thus forcing a brokered convention in which they get their pet candidate, thus sparking the revolution.
Steadily ever moreso, I'm leaning towards a Trump vote despite my dislike for him as a person. As I mentioned previously, regardless of his questionable position(s), his victory is the establishment's utter defeat--a possibility which I favor immensely since it spells out an inevitable resurgence of nationalism and populism in the states. Of course, he could betray the people that put him into office, but I am convinced that his backstab will be the death sentence of both he and American Federalism, which will be usefully symbolic in its own right.
Trump gets elected and does as he says he will. = Win.
Trump gets elected and goes back on his word, sparking a civil war. = Mega Win.
This is opposed to Cruz:
Cruz gets elected and does as he says he will (and I believe he would). = Win, but with the caveat that the sham known as American Federalism is reinvigorated--at least in the eyes of conservatives who will lose their anger and be lulled back to sleep by the devil of politics.
Cruz gets elected and goes back on his word = Mega Loss, since he's just another politician doing what politicians do, proving conservatives to be total boobs, and the political spin cycle begins again.
The California primary is gonna be tricky for me.
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And, oh, Clinton grabs Maryland while leading in Pennsylvania. Sanders is fucked.
......but he surprised us before, so maybe he'll grab a winner-take-all state and make things more interesting.
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And Trump wins Rhode Island and Delaware.
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It looks like you guys will be running the person with the highest negatives ever recorded for the general.
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It looks like you guys will be running the person with the highest negatives ever recorded for the general. Luckily he's running against Hillary.
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Like I said earlier in the thread, I'd be more worried about Sanders.
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Well but you guys also think Trump would be a good President, lol. I do like Sanders but his positives exist because republicans just were not attacking him. If he had beaten Hillary that would have changed.
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Well but you guys also think Trump would be a good President, lol No. I believe I said he's qualified to be president. I have absolutely no idea whether he'll be a good president. On the other hand, given her record as Secretary of State, as first lady and as my senator, I'm confident Hillary will not be a good president.
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Watch: Trump Protesters Break Down Barriers at GOP ConventionI almost went to Costa Mesa today. Kinda glad I didn't. Rioters and treasonous Mexican separatists aplenty. "MAKE AMERICA MEXICO AGAIN!!" Thanks Democrats. Thanks a lot. You have royally fucked us (not that you care).
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Trump: 54% Cruz: 34%
I think that kinda seals the deal at this point. Especially considering how much further ahead Trump is polling in CA, et al.
Although, truth be told, I'm more interested to see whether or not Bernie can take Indiana from Hillary. Currently, she's at 52% and he's at 48%.
I definitely don't want the Colonel to win the nomination because I feel he's a bigger threat than Hillary, but I want the Democratic primaries to be prolonged as much as possible. So hopefully, he wins Indiana.
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Cruz has hit a steep point of decline with voters--conservatives in general. While I believe this drop is partially due to pro-Trump outlets and Red-Pill dispensaries working over time to cast a shadow of doubt upon his political character, I think it has more to do with people simply deciding that Trump is more appropriate as an insurgent candidate at this point in time. At least, that's what I hope.
I drift ever closer toward voting Trump by the day, but that doesn't mean I'll hold Cruz in low esteem for it. At this point, I simply believe that the message of Nationalism is indispensable to our country's successful resurgence from the abyss. For all the love I have for Ted Cruz, he either doesn't have the capacity for--or merely hasn't bothered with--making Nationalism a vehicle for superior conservative ideology. Marketing those ideals during his campaign is perfectly well and fine, but it's low energy if it's not riding a significantly potent, powerfully narrated wave of patriotism. Trump's message is eclipsing Cruz's own for that very reason.
For all the shit being thrown his way by the Trump camp, the man is NOT a Rubio. Politician though he may be, his track record of challenging and pissing off the establishment is not up for debate. I still want him to explain his endorsement of TTP, but he's made too many decisions in the past that conflict with its premise for me to believe that he's in favor of such globalist initiatives--and if /pol/ says otherwise, they're blowing smoke. I do not want Cruz's career to go the way of Rubio's over his showdown with Trump, and no other conservative should either.
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Do you think Cruz knew his dad helped Lee Harvey Oswald?
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The bitterness is strong with this one.
This whole Hillary crashing and burning thing is really getting to you, huh?
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Lol, I admit it couldn't happen to a more deserving guy since Cruz was the victim but you got to admit Trump can tell some big whoppers. Or do you think Trump was being honest?
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I think he latched onto something semi-topical and ran with it to harm his opponent.
His strategic exaggerations and oral inelegance is a known phenomenon. They're largely the reason he's so formidable in a war of words. When he starts pressing her on Clinton Cash and Benghazi, she's gonna be shitting bricks throughout the election.
Cruz is out. Hopefully not forever.
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I think he latched onto something semi-topical and ran with it to harm his opponent.
His strategic exaggerations and oral inelegance is a known phenomenon. They're largely the reason he's so formidable in a war of words. When he starts pressing her on Clinton Cash and Benghazi, she's gonna be shitting bricks throughout the election.
Cruz is out. Hopefully not forever. Don't get dizzy from all that spinning Pariah. "strategic exagerations", lol.
Fair play!
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I'm not about to assume he would have cast a charge at Cruz outside of an election. And so I call it "strategic". The claim is from the National Enquirer for fucks sake.
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Society's Discontent 6000+ posts
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RIP Bizarro Republican Party (1980-2016).
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Timelord. Drunkard. 15000+ posts
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I drift ever closer toward voting Trump by the day, but that doesn't mean I'll hold Cruz in low esteem for it. At this point, I simply believe that the message of Nationalism is indispensable to our country's successful resurgence from the abyss. For all the love I have for Ted Cruz, he either doesn't have the capacity for--or merely hasn't bothered with--making Nationalism a vehicle for superior conservative ideology. It sure worked for that Hitler guy.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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Timelord. Drunkard. 15000+ posts
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His strategic exaggerations and oral inelegance is a known phenomenon. They're largely the reason he's so formidable in a war of words. When he starts pressing her on Clinton Cash and Benghazi, she's gonna be shitting bricks throughout the election. But will that work outside the far right voters who are pushing Trump's campaign to the lead right now? His weird popularity among the primary voters doesn't necessarily translate in the general. I know many who would rather vote Hillary over Trump, and they fucking hate Hillary. Many of those Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich crowd just may stay home this November.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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It sure worked for that Hitler guy. Indeed it did. Quite the broken clock that man was, no? Hopefully, Germany rediscovers the nationalism that they lost before they're completely consumed by Islam. As it is, their pathologically guilt-driven preoccupation with the 'what would Hitler do' meme is making them too over-scrupulous to defend themselves against cultural incursions (see also: Cologne, et al.). In any event, it also worked very well for the US prior to the onset of Critical Theory and Postmodernism (not to mention KGB activity) in the mid-50s.. But will that work outside the far right voters who are pushing Trump's campaign to the lead right now? His weird popularity among the primary voters doesn't necessarily translate in the general. I know many who would rather vote Hillary over Trump, and they fucking hate Hillary. Many of those Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich crowd just may stay home this November. I don't believe the Cruz voters will stay home. Possibly a portion of the Rubios--and an even larger portion of the Kasichs. And I'm skeptical of the idea that Hillary could flip Republican voters. She is damaged goods, and it's about to get a lot worse with Trump putting her scandals on blast for the next six months. Thus far, Trump's adversarial virtue is that he can't be ignored and, in fact, intensifies the response of his opponents who are ultimately affected by his critique whether they try to ignore him or not. Costa Mesa is the prime example of this, what with his rhetoric motivating people to march/riot on his rally with Mexican flags and posters that say, "Make America Mexico Again". LAT was compelled to gently tell them to shut up for fear of being too revealing. Like it or not, Trump's bombastic approach triggered the lefties into exposing their particular brand of extremism, which will scare away more moderate democrats as time goes on. I can easily see the Trump campaign using the Costa Mesa footage for ads that attack Big business for selling out American citizens for cheap immigrant labor. And it will work. These days, the key to destroying a candidate's viability--or at least potential viability--has more to do with shaming his voter-base than it does with pointing out his idiocy or corruption; if you vote for Trump, you're a racist Islamophobe. But with him, the Bradley Effect sets in. This is opposed to the once fashionable candidate Hillary whose corruption is well known and is also on the verge of an indictment. By the time Trump's campaign is through, I suspect that Hillary will have developed so much ill repute, that people will be too embarrassed to vote for her. And quite frankly, it does not take much to stymie Clinton in a one-on-one. All it took was one coal miner to beat her the fuck out on television. To digress somewhat, one of the reasons that Romney and McCain failed so hard with people who weren't diehard 'Republican at all cost' types is because they were milquetoasty, demoralizing fuckwits who didn't capitalize on their advantages (admittedly, Romney tried to do that once during the debates, but he flubbed). They had footage of Bell, Wright, and the Weathermen to use against Obama, but refused to implement any of it. Ultimately, their apparent fealty to Political Correctness proved to be a crucial aspect of their undoing. I just don't see that happening with Trump--especially since he's attracted more black and Latino voters than either of the last two GOP candidates. Compared to those two, Trump apologizes for nothing (for better or worse), thus deflecting any onus of apology placed on his camp.
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Wow. Kasich just suspended his campaign as well. I agree with virtually all your points in the last few posts, Pariah. I would only clarify this comment... Hopefully, Germany rediscovers the nationalism that they lost before they're completely consumed by Islam. As it is, their pathologically guilt-driven preoccupation with the 'what would Hitler do' meme is making them too over-scrupulous to defend themselves against cultural incursions (see also: Cologne, et al.).
... saying that there is a difference between healthy nationalism (as in Trump's case the U.S. rejecting open borders and loss of sovereignty, and illegal immigrants who have contempt for our country and protest under Mexican flags, showing where their national loyalties truly are, and the clear undesireability and danger of ever giving these illegal immigrants the slightest legal status in the U.S.). As opposed to the un-healthy nationalism of Hitler's Germany, so-called National Socialism, that under the veil of preserving Germany, was truly about radically transforming Germany under the guise of preserving the very institutions it was destroying. But I get your point about the "white guilt" that has endangered Germany, the shame Germans (and the rest of Europe, and white liberals worldwide) feel in the decades after Hitler, that not only makes Europeans resistant to racist nationalism, but far beyond that, paralyzes Europeans from acting in common-sense self-preservation against the clear threat posed by massive (and non-assimilating) muslim immigration. Even when those muslim immigrants manifest their violent anti-European mindset in repeated murderous attacks and in repeated public statements of further intent. The same white guilt that elected Barack Obama. The same white guilt in the U.S. (over past racist treatment in the U.S. of blacks, Hispanics, native Americans, and other minorities) that misguidedly makes liberals in the U.S. resist common-sense self-preservation of national sovereignty and identity here, and ignore the clear threat of massive non-assimilating Hispanic immigration, particularly Mexican immigrants (both legal and illegal) who march under Mexican flags, and want to "take back" the U.S. Southwest. Hispanics who in 5 decades have gone from less than 1% of U.S. population, to 3% by 1980, to 9% by 1990, to about 19% now, and over 25% by 2040. And on a faster track than statistics 20 years ago already made clear. The path to national suicide by continuing the current immigration policy is clear. And Trump, for one, offers common-sense resistance to that threat, that is resonating along cross-party lines to millions of Americans.
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But will that work outside the far right voters who are pushing Trump's campaign to the lead right now? If it were just "far-right" voters pushing Trump's campaign, I don't think he'd have done as well as he did in the Northeastern "blue" states like NY and NJ where Republicans tend to be relatively moderate.
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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Trump is getting off to a bumpy start. Lots of prominent republicans are not planning on endorsing him from the looks of it. His comments about registering Muslims and all the groups he alienated makes him to toxic. I do see Paul Ryan saying "he's not there yet" indicating to me at least that he'll eventually endorse him. I suppose once Trump declares that he never said the things he said Paul Ryan will "get there", lol
Fair play!
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Sanders beats Hillary in West Virginia by fifteen points.
Loving it.
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That supervillain-like Hillary laugh, superimposed over the flames of the burning Benghazi embassy... man, that takes the prize!
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http://www.foxnews.com/politics/elections/2016/presidential-election-headquarters?intcmp=hpbt1 Today's Events:
Kentucky .....................Votes............%................Delegates
Percent In: 99%......................................55 Available
Oregon .........................Votes.........%.............Delegates
Percent In: 66%....................................28 available
Hillary Clinton barely squeaks out a victory in Kentucky, by less than 2,000 votes. And Sanders takes Oregon handily. And only with a mountain of 500 or so backroom superdelegates is Hillary confidently assured the nomination.
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McGovern's legacy I suppose.
When votes get that close, doesn't it come down to a coin toss?
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brutally Kamphausened 15000+ posts
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It was actually the same for Democrats in 2008. Neither Obama or Hillary had enough primary votes to secure the nomination, so superdelegates in the DNC selected Obama over Hillary in a frenzy of phone calls and backroom deals. That's when Ted Kennedy (a superdelegate) was called by Bill Clinton appealing for Ted to vote for Hillary, and Bill Clinton famously said to him of Obama's inexperience: "A few years ago, he would have been bringing us coffee!" And Harry Reid in the same period said they chose Obama because he was black, but that he didn't speak in "ethnic black dialect" that would be "offputting" to white voters. But hey, y'know, the DNC selects their candidates in the most representative and transparent way possible, they'd never usurp the will of Democrat state primary voters, and select a candidate based on cynical, backroom elitist or racist reasons... would they? Oh, no, never! They've just done it before.
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And only with a mountain of 500 or so backroom superdelegates is Hillary confidently assured the nomination. Funny how this is somehow not "disenfranchisement"
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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It's not disenfranchisement, Clinton having more votes and pledged delegates is what will give her the nomination. Keep in mind she was able to do that while battling on two fronts.
Fair play!
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It's not disenfranchisement, Clinton having more votes and pledged delegates is what will give her the nomination. Keep in mind she was able to do that while battling on two fronts. We both know you know exactly how superdelgates work and it has nothing to do with who got more votes.