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#1221777 2016-09-26 5:15 PM
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And Lestor Cunt has already said he's going to Correct the Record in his attempt at a Candy Crowley impersonation. More than likely it's because Hillary's losing right now and he feels desperate enough to look like a total shill--and Clinton writes his paychecks of course.

Hopefully, Trump calls him out on it with his opening statements. He needs to use the phrase "Clinton News Network" at least once.

Not sure I'll be able to catch it live, but we'll see. Honestly, I'm more concerned about the ICANN surrender in four days than I am with the debates.

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Dammit. She hasn't passed out yet.

She is looking pretty angry though, and her eye is doing the twitchy thing.

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And, of course, Lestor Holt gives gimpy, crooked Hillary a hand.

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Aaaaaand it's over.

He hit her pretty hard on some good points, but that was fairly boring, to be quite honest.

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I haven't seen it yet. Mainstream (left-wing, biased, Trotsky-ite, Marxist-Leninist, pinko) media gives it to Clinton. The Atlantic says Trump was punchy and unscripted, Clinton was thoroughly prepared and incisive. So nothing unexpected there because that is their respective styles.

There was a lot of media attention on Clinton's attack on Trump's treatment of women. That was obvious too and if Trump was going to prepare for anything, he should have had a defence for that. The transcript indicates that he did not.

Clinton took a fall on the email scandal admitting it was a mistake.

The New York Times did say that voters got a raw and unfiltered view of the two candidates without media embellishment one way or the other. That seems most likely.

I'm looking forward to watching it. I was curious to see what you guys thought of it. "Quite boring" wasn't what I was expecting.

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It wasn't boring, lol.

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 Originally Posted By: First Amongst Daves
I haven't seen it yet. Mainstream (left-wing, biased, Trotsky-ite, Marxist-Leninist, pinko) media gives it to Clinton. The Atlantic says Trump was punchy and unscripted, Clinton was thoroughly prepared and incisive. So nothing unexpected there because that is their respective styles.

If by "prepared and incisive", you mean she had prepackaged sound-bites and platitudes up the ass, then you're absolutely correct.

Whereas she tried to get him bogged in the details, Trump's approach was issue-based. He made sure the same point was reiterated: America, and the world, is in the shitter because of Clinton/Obama ans, as such, it's ludicrous to ask her to fix it.

Quite frankly, if Trump had arrived with anything less than the attitude he had, he would have gotten creamed and simply would have come across as disingenuous. There are a few things I wish he'd done differently, but my primary concern is that he didn't let Holt control him throughout the episode.

There was a lot of media attention on Clinton's attack on Trump's treatment of women. That was obvious too and if Trump was going to prepare for anything, he should have had a defence for that. The transcript indicates that he did not.

Yes, no doubt liberals want us to focus on personal feelings and allegations of prejudice so as to ignore the fact that Hilldawg and company broke the law flagrantly, sold military secrets, and created ISIS.

Clinton took a fall on the email scandal admitting it was a mistake.

Not even remotely. The gentleness of the word "mistake" implies that she was somehow not cognizant of its implications. In reality, she circumvented any transparency pertaining to its use and then proceeded to cover up her tracks when she got caught. She seeks to encapsulate the weight of these offenses with lukewarm terminology so as to effectively neutralize them. She'll take a fall when she's dragged off to prison.

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For all the attempts by the liberal media to paint it as a victory for Hillary Clinton, Trump for the most part gave a spirited performance, and despite being tag-teamed on by both Hillary Clinton and moderator Lester Holt (repeating the violated neutrality of Candy Crowley and Martha Raddatz in the 2012 debates), Trump refused to be boxed in, and ref\used to be denied his ability to respond to a mountain of allegations heaped on him (as compared to the softballs given to Hillary).

It was quite entertaining to see Holt repeatedly try to shut Trump down, and Trump repeatedly seized the time he needed to respond proportionately to what was hurled at him. It was funny after one of those times where Hillary (after waiting for Trump at length to finish his points) said: "WOO !"
But she was attempting to mock Trump, while evading his points about her failures and criminal behavior, and not acknowledging the validity of his defending himself against a mountain of allegations hurled at him, as compared to Hillary not being given fair and equal scrutiny in either the moderator's questions given her, or in the far greater scrutiny and interruptions moderator Holt gave to Trump's answers.

The two best moments were during the discussion of NAFTA and TPP trade agreements, where Hillary attempted to sugarcoat and lie, and Trump just shut her down and rattled her, interrupting her and refusing to let her get away with her lies. That Bill and Hillary were personally responsible for the export of factories and jobs that began with NAFTA, and that Hillary was fully on board for TPP (even as she denied she was for it, and Trump exposed her as having called it the "gold standard of trade agreements" !)
That in 30 years, Hillary had never solved, or even had an interest in the nation's problems, and her alleging to do so now is just empty talk disproven by her lifetime in politics. And her false promises to black voters intertwined in those false talking points.

Also a nice takedown was when Hillary talked about how she would destroy ISIS, and Trump said that she and Obama had the opportunity to destroy ISIS "when it was a little baby, and now it's in over 30 countries" and "now you say you're going to destroy ISIS?!? I don't think so." It was pure Trump, a mixture of pragmatic business sense, and his own personal brand of phrasing and sarcasm.

Yes, Trump got off on a few tangents, led down the rabbit-hole by personal attacks Hillary bombarded him with (and Holt assisted). But overall he made his points well. My only complaint is that Trump didn't fully take Frau Hitlery down as well as he could have.

As Hannity pointed out, about 20 online polls declared Trump the winner. Yet CNN and the mainstream media (including FOX) declared Hillary the winner. That's not what I saw. Trump was in control the whole debate, despite the best attempts to reign him in by both Hillary and the moderator.

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Newt Gingrich: Trump won the debate.

After all my years in public life I am sickened by the intellectual dishonesty, arrogance, and smugness of what Nassim Taleb calls the Intellectual Yet Idiots.

The IYI's showed up immediately after the debate.

They stacked the deck against Trump with Lester Holt's one-sided questions and interventions.

The Holt-Clinton team was glib, articulate, and self-congratulatory. However, they lost.

  • Trump wins strategically because in a blunt, clear style, he is saying things most Americans believe. Trump's opponents, including Holt and Clinton, felt good after the debate because their side was glib, articulate, and said things they and their friends believe to be true.

The Intellectual Yet Idiot class that dominates our news media fell all over themselves critiquing Trump and praising Holt and Clinton.

In doing so, they repeated the mistake they have made about every debate since August 2015.

Trump wins strategically because in a blunt, clear style, he is saying things most Americans believe.

Trump's opponents, including Holt and Clinton, felt good after the debate because their side was glib, articulate, and said things they and their friends believe to be true.

The Intellectual Yet Idiot class is so out of touch with America that they don't even realize how badly they are doing and how well Trump is doing.

Salena Zito is one of the country’s most perceptive journalists, in part because she is grounded outside of Washington and New York. Her column about the debate, "How Trump Won Over a Bar of Undecideds and Democrats," should be required reading for everyone who wants to understand why Trump strategically won the debate.

This process of media elites and Washington insiders reassuring themselves that Trump lost while a variety of online polls showed him winning decisively has been going on since the very first Fox News debate in August 2015.

Trump has a hard time with media elites because they earn a living by talking. The media values glibness. In their world you can speak nonsense if you do it smoothly and convincingly.

Secretary Clinton is a professional politician. She has been campaigning as a volunteer, spouse, and candidate for 46 years (far longer than Trump suggested). She volunteered for Joe Lieberman's state senate race in 1970. She and Bill worked for George McGovern in Texas in 1972. Secretary Clinton is also a Yale-educated lawyer. She combines Ivy League polish and arrogance with verbal smoothness and four decades of political speak.

Trump is a blunt, let's-make-a-deal, let's-get-the-building-built, let's-sell-our-product businessman.

The first debate showcased a blunt, plain spoken businessman and a polished professional politician.

Of course the Intellectual Yet Idiot insiders would pick Hillary. They share her passion for words without meaning, analysis without facts, and promises without performance. They are more than for her. They are her.

In fact, it is worth looking at a list of online polls to understand the gap between the elites and the vast majority of Americans. This list is long because I want to show you how willfully out of touch and dishonest the Intellectual Yet Idiot class is:

Time: Trump 55 Clinton 45

Fortune: Trump 53, Clinton 47 (New Jersey): Trump 57.5, Clinton 37.78

CNBC: Trump 68, Clinton 32

WCPO Cincinnati: Trump 57, Clinton 37

Variety: Trump 58.12, Clinton 41.88

Slate: Trump 55.18, Clinton 44.82

WKRN Nashville: Trump 64.58, Clinton 35.42

Las Vegas Sun: Trump 82, Clinton 18

Fox5 San Diego: Trump 61.45, Clinton 33.69

San Diego Tribune: Trump 65, Clinton 35

If you go to the Daily Mail, you can see that the list goes on and on.

Clinton won a handful of liberal sites with liberal audiences but she lost virtually everywhere else.

The elites can argue Trump does better in online surveys because his supporters are more energized, but that is a self-defeating analysis.

The lack of energy and enthusiasm for Clinton is a big problem for her.

In Iowa, the Democrats currently have one half the number of absentee ballots they’d received for Obama at this point in 2012. Polls in Iowa reflect a decisive Republican lead in a state Obama carried twice.

In Wisconsin, the Marquette University poll shows Clinton ahead by only 3 points.

In Minnesota, a poll which came out this week shows the race tied at 43-43.

If Clinton has to fight for Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, her campaign is in real trouble.

Trump is beginning to pull away and she has to stop the momentum.

On Monday night, she failed.

Trump won because he didn't make a major mistake and he stuck to the facts.

I was proudest of him at the very end.

Hillary was vicious, nasty, mean-spirited, and arrogant. Look again at those final minutes.

Hillary knew there was almost no time left and so she rattled off a memorized rant about Trump insulting women. The look on her face is smug.

You could see Trump thinking.

He was really mad at the end of the debate with her cheap shot.

His natural pattern in Republican debates would have been to humiliate her with all of Bill's accusers and her role as his defender and enabler.

It would have been powerful and ugly.

But he stopped. He thought, “This is not what a potential president would do, and I will not do it in front of Chelsea.” He responded as a president and not a candidate.

The media elite were thrilled that Hillary could be so mean and nasty.

The country will prefer a president with self-discipline and a sense of decency.

Trump is going to become president unless he makes a big mistake.

Clinton is going to lose again unless she turns the momentum around.

Monday night, Trump conveyed his core messages. He may have lost on glibness but he won on sincerity, empathy, and authenticity.

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 Originally Posted By: Pariah

 Originally Posted By: Australia-Dave

Clinton took a fall on the email scandal admitting it was a mistake.

Not even remotely. The gentleness of the word "mistake" implies that she was somehow not cognizant of its implications. In reality, she circumvented any transparency pertaining to its use and then proceeded to cover up her tracks when she got caught. She seeks to encapsulate the weight of these offenses with lukewarm terminology so as to effectively neutralize them. She'll take a fall when she's dragged off to prison.

I'd forgotten that. Trump did another nice takedown of Hillary here in the debate, saying the e-mail server and deletions, destroying of the server, smashing two of her cel-phones with a hammer by aides, were "far more" than "a mistake".
While he touched on the criminality of how all her closest assistants had taken plea bargain agreements with the FBI to avoid jail sentences, I felt Trump could have done a far better job of explaining the contempt for the law, and the damage Hillary has done to the United States with her illegal e-mail server. FBI director James Comey, while for corrupt reasons not prosecuting Hillary, said it is a "virtual certainty" that every e-mail she sent as secretary was hacked by both the Chinese and the Russians. That's FOUR YEARS OF TOP SECRET E-MAILS AS SECRETARY OF STATE, AND EVERY E-MAIL TO AND FROM OTHER CABINET MEMBERS, INCLUDING THE PRESIDENT. Four years of the innermost strategy of White House officials she communicated with. Four years of confidential sources whose lives were endangered by that exposure. Russia and China might be in position to initiate a nuclear first strike, or know from internal communication how to win a conventional war against the United States.

Hillary Clinton is nothing less than a Benedict Arnold, who has already compromised national security, without the slightest conscience or regret. And would be perfectly content to CONTINUE to sell out the entire nation for millions in donations to the Clinton Foundation, past and future.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Hilldawg was using hand-signals to tell Lester Cunt what questions to ask.

And, yet again, she was using an invisible ear-piece.

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Fuck, they took the video down.

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She was being fed lines. She's a zombie at this point. He didn't do great but it was his first real debate and did ok.

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Apparently, he caught her having a seizure and pointed it out. They've edited this part out and they're taking down every video that highlights it.

WEW! Okay!

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 Originally Posted By: PJP
She was being fed lines. She's a zombie at this point. He didn't do great but it was his first real debate and did ok.

She had more drugs in her system to keep her going then Elvis in 1976

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Lol, you guys know all your bitchiness maybe should be more appropriately aimed at the guy who bragged about not preparing for the debate. Sort of poor judgement on Trump's part correct?

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Oh, Hilldawg prepared alright. Such that it wouldn't have mattered if Trump did or not.

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This first debate was the first time I've seen Hillary look playful with a sense of humor, and I daresay, likeable.

I think Meryl Streep must have coached Frau Hitlery on how to look and appear to be a human being.

The Vice Presidential debate is tonight, it should be an interesting contrast to the more personal back-and-forth between Trump/Hillary.

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I'm unable to watch it right now, but from what I'm hearing, he's doggin' her pretty good.

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Oh, wow.

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I watched the transcript unfold on the WSJ website, along with the fact checks.

This summary from the WSJ:


Mr. Trump made an extraordinary statement that he would appointed a special prosecutor to look into Mrs. Clinton's use of email as secretary of state before then declaring she belongs in jail. He dodged and weaved on tough questions about his crude remarks in 2005 — repeatedly calling it "locker room" talk.

Mrs. Clinton tried to stay above the fray but ended up getting dragged into some uncomfortable exchanges about her email usage as secretary of state and her husband's alleged infidelities and indiscretions.

Both candidates steadied themselves after a very rocky and uncomfortable start, even ending up a positive note with both candidates saying positive things about one another and shaking hands.

Although Clinton's praise was for Trump's kids, which is hardly praise for Trump. Rehearsed line.

The idea of appointing a special prosecutor to pursue a defeated Presidential nominee is straight out of the authoritarian playbook. That was Trump playing to his core.

But otherwise, it was, pleasingly, policy-driven debate, which seems to have been mostly missing from this election.

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CNN just caught coaching their post-debate panel on what to say.

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Gingrich's view of the second Trump/Clinton debate, immediately after, two days ago, on October 9th:

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 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Polls polls. Blah blah. CNN has Trump trailing Clinton by 11 points. Who knows.

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CNN was also caught coaching their "panel" on what to say.

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Yeah you said. Not apparent how coaching talking heads affects the validity of polls.

Everyone is producing their own statistics on outcomes. It is hard to see through the static.

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It's a question of credibility.

After the debate, for instance, Reuters and WSJ both put Hillary 11-14 points ahead of Trump. But upon closer inspection, it was discovered that they over-sampled democrats by 58%

I don't hold panels in especially high esteem either, but I'd say they're a few pegs above polls at this point since polls are only being used to maintain the morale of Hilldawg's campaign. And it'll certainly make voter fraud easier to pull off if the polls are close, so....

Last edited by Pariah; 2016-10-12 4:23 AM.
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As I posted earlier, Democrat-partisan pollsters sample 15% more Democrats in their polls, to guarantee they lean toward Hillary. Even at the point right before the debate when Trump was leading in the polls, they were weighting polls to sell to voters the hopeless inevitability of Hillary winning.

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    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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UNLV final face-to-face bout in fight for presidency: Wednesday’s 90-minute debate at UNLV, if it’s anything like the first two, will be a no-holds-barred event that takes the definition of political blood sport to a new level.

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Saw debate highlights.

I swear to God, if Trump wasn't such a living cluster-fuck with a chronically weak brain, the GOP would have had Clinton on the ropes and won this election already. You three guys would be running around whooping. Instead, the world's media is now focussing on how Trump has threatened not abide by the election's outcome, in the world's strongest democracy.

Imagine if someone with intellect, moral hygiene and GOP support was running. Someone who wasn't open to easy, easy shots about treatment of women, Putin, fucked-up business deals. Jeb Bush. McCain. Romney.

It reminds me of something I read a few weeks go quoting an anonymous GOP strategist, using a baseball analogy. To paraphrase, "Clinton keeps air-balling back to the pitcher. In the meantime, Trump is up in the stands pleasuring himself."

There's something to be said about the swings of politics in a democracy. Its healthy on a level to have different policy positions from time to time in government, just so the pendulum doesn't swing too far one way. A decent GOP candidate who was strong but reasonable on immigration, trade and defence would be quietly confident of success given Clinton's baggage.

If there is any consolation for the Republicans, it is that in four years time unless Clinton does something quite remarkable in her first term, the GOP will have her number. The RNC will field someone with the intellect and ability to carve her up like a slow roasted chicken, instead of the strutting, preening douchebag currently headlining the show. The Republican establishment will be very slow indeed to make this mistake again.

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Imagine if someone with intellect, moral hygiene and GOP support was running. Someone who wasn't open to easy, easy shots about treatment of women, Putin, fucked-up business deals. Jeb Bush. McCain. Romney.

You're forgetting about the mainstream media. Aka "the Democrats' largest super pac."

The media demonized McCain as a senile old adulterer in 2008. In 2012 the demonized Romney as a animal abusing bully with fucked up business deals. Jeb would have been tarred as "W2.0" were he the nominee, while the media wrung its hands about how wrong family political dynasties are/

If there is any consolation for the Republicans, it is that in four years time unless Clinton does something quite remarkable in her first term, the GOP will have her number.

Nah. The mainstream media will continue to effectively cover up every crooked thing she does/did and, if they report on it at all, do so in the context of a made up "republican war on women."

At this point, unless the Parkinsons' gets her, she'll probably sail to reelection no matter who the GOP runs.

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Don't expect to much to change Dave. G's response that avoids the pile of shit that is Trump to blame the media is what you can probably expect. Apparently CNN is tougher than Isis in their bat shit crazy world.

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I've said in the past I suspect Trump may not want to be president and is throwing the election on purpose. I stand by that.

That doesn't change the existence of a pervasive media bias.

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