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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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Right off the heels of the election, sore cunts liberals decided to blame the result of the election on so-called "fake news" sites. Being concerned and charitably fastidious, one of these cunts liberals, named Melissa Zimdars proposed using Google's resources to block these sites. Thus far, this proposal has been realized through a Chrome plugin: The extracted contents of the plugin's script: "content_scripts": [ {
"js": [ "alert.js" ],
"matches": [ "*://*.100percentfedup.com/*", "*://*.21stcenturywire.com/*", "*://*.70news.wordpress.com/*", "*://*.abcnews.com.co/*", "*://*.activistpost.com/*", "*://*.addictinginfo.org//*", "*://*.americannewsx.com//*", "*://*.samericannews.com/*", "*://*.anonnews.co/*", "*://*.associatedmediacoverage.com/*", "*://*.beforeitsnews.com/*", "*://*.beingliberal.org/*", "*://*.bigamericannews.com/*", "*://*.bigpzone.com/*", "*://*.bipartisanreport.com/*", "*://*.www.bizpacreview.com/*", "*://*.bluenationreview.com/*", "*://*.www.breitbart.com/*", "*://*.thebostontribune.com/*", "*://*.cap-news.com/*", "*://*.christwire.org/*", "*://*.chronicle.su/*", "*://*.civictribune.com/*", "*://*.coasttocoastam.com/*", "*://*.collectiveevolution/*", "*://*.consciouslifenews.com/*", "*://*.conservativeoutfitters.com/*", "*://*.wideawakeamerica.com/*", "*://*.countdowntozerotime.com/*", "*://*.counterpsyops.com/*", "*://*.creambmp.com/*", "*://*.dailybuzzlive.com/*", "*://*.dailycurrant.com/*", "*://*.dailywire.com/*", "*://*.dcclothesline.com/*", "*://*.dcgazette.com/*", "*://*.denverguardian.com/*", "*://*.derfmagazine.com/*", "*://*.disclose.tv/*", "*://*.drudgereport.com.co/*", "*://*.duffleblog.com/*", "*://*.duhprogressive.com/*", "*://*.embols.com/*", "*://*.empireherald.com/*", "*://*.empirenews.com/*", "*://*.endingthefed.com/*", "*://*.enduringvision.com/*", "*://*.fprnradio.com/*", "*://*.thefreethoughtproject.com/*", "*://*.geoengineeringwatch.org/*", "*://*.govtslaves.info/", "*://*.gulagbound.com/", "*://*.hangthebankers.com/*", "*://*.humansarefree.com/*", "*://*.huzlers.com/*", "*://*.ifyouonlynews.com/*", "*://*.infowars.com/*", "*://*.intellihub.com/*", "*://*.inquisitor.com/*", "*://*.jonesreport.com/*", "*://*.lewrockwell.com/*", "*://*.liberalamerica.org/*", "*://*.libertytalk.fm/*", "*://*.libertyunyielding.com/*", "*://*.libertyvideos.org/*", "*://*.mediamass.net/*", "*://*.megynkelly.us/*", "*://*.msnbc.com.co/*", "*://*.msnbc.website/*", "*://*.nahadaily.com/*", "*://*.nationalreport.net/*", "*://*.naturalnews.com/*", "*://*.nbc-news.net/*", "*://*.ncscooper.com/*", "*://*.newcenturytimes.com/*", "*://*.newsexaminer.net/*", "*://*.news-hound.com/*", "*://*.newsbiscuit.com/*", "*://*.newsbuzzdaily.com/*", "*://*.newslo.com/*", "*://*.newsmutiny.com/*", "*://*.newswatch28.com/*", "*://*.opposingviews.com/*", "*://*.newswire-24.com/*", "*://*.now8news.com/*", "*://*.nowtheendbegins.com/*", "*://*.occupydemocrats.com/*", "*://*.www.pakalertpress.com/*", "*://*.politicalblindspot.com/*", "*://*.politicalears.com/*", "*://*.politicalo.com/*", "*://*.politicususa.com/*", "*://*.prisonplanet.com/*", "*://*.private-eye.co.uk/*", "*://*.projectveritas.com/*", "*://*.react365.com/*", "*://*.realfarmacy.com/*", "*://*.realnewsrightnow.com/*", "*://*.redflagnews.com/*", "*://*.redstate.com/*", "*://*.rilenews.com/*", "*://*.satiratribune.com/*", "*://*.theblaze.com/*", "*://*.thefreethoughtproject.com/*", "*://*.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/*", "*://*.other98.com/*", "*://*.www.reporter.bz/*", "*://*.www.thestatelyharold.com/*", "*://*.www.thedailysheeple.com/*", "*://*.www.thenewsnerd.com/*", "*://*.therundownlive.com/*", "*://*.theuspatriot.com/*", "*://*.truthfrequencyradio.com/*", "*://*.twitchy.com/*", "*://*.unconfirmedsources.com/*", "*://*.usasupreme.com/*", "*://*.blastingnews.com/*", "*://*.usuncut.com/*", "*://*.www.veteranstoday.com/*", "*://*.wakingupwisconsin.com/*", "*://*.winningdemocrats.com/*", "*://*.witscience.org/*", "*://*.www.wnd.com/*", "*://*.worldnewsdailyreport.com/*", "*://*.worldtruth.tv/*", "*://*.zerohedge.com/*" ]
} ], Some noticeable ones: Breitbart JonesReport Intellihub LewRockwell Prisonplanet Project Veritas TheBlaze VeteransToday ZeroHedge InfoWars Nah. They're not bitter at all.
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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Fake news really isn't something most people would want unless it's satire or you live in North Korea.
Fair play!
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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Fake news=anything that doesn't confirm to the liberal narrative, even if true.
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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Fake news really isn't something most people would want unless it's satire or you live in North Korea. I haven't checked every single site on their pathetic little Orwellian blacklist, but Breitbart, InfoWars, and Project Veritas have all been substantiated and vindicated ten times over in terms of polling and election coverage. They got it right where the vast majority got it wrong. Crying foul with claims of "fake news" just because more honest, anti-groupthink coverage lost you the election is the height of petulance.
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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Fake news=anything that doesn't confirm to the liberal narrative, even if true. No, fake news is intentionally untrue. I watch a fair amount of Fox News and while it's biased it doesn't just make shit up to give conservatives boners. However I saw a fake news story that Trump won the popular vote when in fact Clinton's lead continues to grow.
Fair play!
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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Does the lead include or exclude the illegals?
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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Your side's fake news story didn't say.
Fair play!
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brutally Kamphausened 15000+ posts
brutally Kamphausened 15000+ posts
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Democrats/liberal media = narrative
Republicans = cited facts
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brutally Kamphausened 15000+ posts
brutally Kamphausened 15000+ posts
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Is it fake news that Bill Clinton met illegally with Loretta Lynch, just days before James Comey (her subordinate) suddenly opted not to prosecute Hillary Clinton? No. That is fact.
Is it fake news that Hillary Clinton had an illegal private e-mail server, that she and Obama himself communicated regularly on it, and therefore both are guilty of "gross negligence" with confidential/top secret information, that more than warrantsan indictment in both cases? That James Comey said it is a "virtual certainty" that all of Hillary Clinton's e-mails have been hacked, our national security compromised, by both the Russians and Chinese. EVERY. E-MAIL. FOR 4 YEARS AS SECRETARY OF STATE. AND THE PRESIDENT'S E-MAILS TOO.
"Fake"? No. Those are facts, M E M.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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Who called those news bits fake? I mentioned Trump winning the popular vote as fake news. Another one is the Comet ping pong pizza place. Check it out WB. The owner and workers are getting death threats because of a made up story. These are stories that are provably untrue.
Fair play!
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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Who called those news bits fake? I mentioned Trump winning the popular vote as fake news. The article you're probably referring to deals with an analysis of the fraud involved, which I cover here. It speculates on what the true number is by not operating on the premise that Clinton ran an honest campaign. Another one is the Comet ping pong pizza place. Check it out WB. The owner and workers are getting death threats because of a made up story. These are stories that are provably untrue. You believe the claims against them are fraudulent why? Because NYT told you so? Have you bothered to read any of the material I've posted on that shit-heap? Comet Ping Pong is a child slavery hub. And the reason that the mainstream is starting to go to bat for them is because 4chan and 8chan have been exposing James Alephantis' connection to Podesta and his pedophile habits--and, by extension, Hillary Clinton. You start shilling for them, and I'll consider you to be one of them. Not kidding.
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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I'm not for your batshit crazy fake news Pariah. I'll repeat it again, people are getting death threats because of fake news surrounding Comet.
Fair play!
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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I'm not for your batshit crazy fake news ...says the guy who used to practically beat off to RawStory and MediaMatters.
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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You're defending pedophiles, rapists, and murderers.
You defend them, you become one of them.
Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, etc. have all shut down anything related to PG under the auspices of "fake news" despite a mountain of evidence. It's a ruse, and you're buying it hook line and sinker because that's simply standard talking point procedure. You really want to ally yourselves with them when they're on the verge of being exposed? They can only hide for so long at this point. Regardless of how much power Zuckerberg, Schmidt, et al. has, people on the ground are getting royally pissed.
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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...says the guy who used to practically beat off to RawStory and MediaMatters. Indeed. The same Media Matters that was founded by David Brock, the ex-boyfriend of James Alefantis. A sick, demented fuck.
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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I'm not for your batshit crazy fake news ...says the guy who used to practically beat off to RawStory and MediaMatters. Only in your dreams G. Seriously though, are you buying into the fake news thing? Real people are getting death threats because they work for a pizza place. You want to defend that?
Fair play!
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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I think the only thing "fake news" does is reinforce the opinions of people who have already made up their minds.
If you look at the people posting "fake news" on Facebook, it's always righties posting from rightwing sites and lefties posting from leftwing sites.
I think the MSM is currently blaming the fake news because its a convenient scapegoat to explain how they got it so wrong (and to perhaps eliminate competition). I also think that they (and libtards like Zuckerberg) would love to "censor" and/or declare as "fake" opinion sites that don't toe the MSM/liberal line.
That being said, any fake news site that posts something false as fact that gets an innocent person or business threatened or otherwise harmed should be treated just like a "real" news site and get the shit sued out of it for defamation.