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Regarding globalism, coal country actually provides a good example of the failings of both factions. The Democrats were so preoccupied with "the way forward" and scoring points with their base and the clean-energy lobby that they didn't concern themselves with the economic fallout of even their rhetoric regarding the coal industry. The Republicans were so preoccupied with stopping the Democrats and placating their red-county voter base that they didn't have the heart to tell the truth about the plummeting demand for coal and the automation that would eliminate most coal jobs even without the demand reduction. Both sides could have looked at how to provide support in restructuring the region, bringing in other industries and assisting with vocational training and transition, and perhaps rethinking how coal country could start making MRI machines or silicon wafers for microcomponents or plastics and composites. That would've brought in jobs for the workers, jobs for the teachers who would train them, jobs for management, shipping and logistics, transportation infrastructure, the service-sector jobs associated with industrial upsurge, and much more. But nobody was willing to look beyond the immediate - for both sides, it came down to quick and easy political points. The white nationalists say politicians don't give a shit about rural America, and I'm inclined to agree with them. Unfortunately, they were misled into blaming 'foreigners' and their neighbors who happened to not look like them or pray like them or speak the same language. I feel terrible for the poor and working-class rural whites left high and dry by Washington, but that doesn't excuse this resurgence of objectively abhorrent ideologies.


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"I never gave the statues a second thought..."

One prominent black guy's opinion that goes against the mainstream propaganda that most of black America wants the Civil War monuments taken down. He probably speaks for a large slice of black America.

Just like most Native Americans are indifferent to whether a football team calls themselves the Washington Redskins. The issue is manufactured by white liberals of the radical Left, not minorities. They whip up a frenzy on these things that otherwise would not exist.

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Actually I've seen polling that does bare that out. That would be from the media that doesn't just work as a pr arm for Trump. The counter protesters were not there for the statues though. They were there to stand up to the neo nazis and white supremacists. What type of "fine people" find themselves in a crowd with nazi flags?

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Frankly, the last time I spent a considerable amount of time and thought going point by point answering in detail all your questions, and you just ignored my arguments to slice and dice one line out of what I said to imply I was racist and make a few snarky remarks, makes me a bit reluctant to do this again. But here we go.

 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Just what is it that you think the "RiNOs" are obstructing Trumpertino on at this point, man?

The RINOs (a term I didn't use, I called them more specifically Establishment Republicans who resist productive change in their party, who are controlled by globalists through campaign finance and lobby money) have visibly obstructed repeal/replace of Obamacare, making it lose by only one vote, to name one example. More broadly, they attack Trump opportunistically during every political controversy, undermining and destroying his political capital to pursue other issues, such as tax reform, and (what certainly has the greatest potential for bipartisan support with Dems) re-building infrastructure.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
Are they keeping him from magically winding back the clock to the 19th century and making coal great again, ignoring the preexisting shift in energy infrastructure resulting in reduced demand...

Thanks for that additional bit of snark. The fact is, China opens a new coal-burning plant every 2 or 3 weeks to meet their energy needs. The only way renewable/green energy has any growing "pre-existing shift" is through Federal subsidies. I'm all for replacing fossil feuls, when a feasible alternative comes along but not by killing the fossil feul industry before renewable energy technology is ready. When it IS ready, that will happen naturally, by the simple fact that it will be, at that point, more cost efficient than fossil feul.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
...and, oh yeah, the sweeping automation eliminating the need for most mining jobs?

What fantasy is this? Obama declared war on the fossil feul industry and in his self-declared "war" on coal, crippled the coal industry and eliminated their jobs.

It was not new technology or changes in the industry, it was specifically Barack Obama and his crippling regulation that overtly attempted to destroy the coal industry, almost immediately after he became president.
While still on Fox, Glenn Beck had coal industry executives on for an hour one day, detailing Obama's war on coal, and his deliberate attempt to drive them out of business. Guess which states voted overwhelmingly for Trump, the formerly blue coal states. I think they are in a position to know who took away their jobs.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
Is a guy whose personal indiscretions have easily resulted in double-digit unplanned pregnancies going to hit the brakes on abortion, without providing sustainable solutions for women's healthcare and irrespective of the abhorrent limitation of civil liberties?

What the hell does that even mean? That seems like a complete abstraction I can connect to nothing, that you just made up on the fly.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
Is an inner circle of industrialists whose business model is primarily contingent on cheap, expendable labor really going to shut our borders against migrant workers...

In some industries that's true, factory owners want cheap labor. But I've met factory owners who like to share the rewards with their employees and provide good salaries and benefits. In the specific example of the coal industry, they are/were good paying jobs. My grandfather (my mother's father) was a mining engineer.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
and the critically-needed supply of, say, H1B physicians needed to fill critical doctor shortfalls in mostly red rural counties?

Again: Read STATE OF EMERGENCY by Pat Buchanan, to see many of the liberal media myths about "the necessity of illegal immigrants" destroyed by the facts. Buchanan points out that the 50 poorest counties in the United States are the ones with the highest ratios of illegal immigrants. Because they come in and take the jobs that Americans will do, that employers hire instead because they can hire them under the table for less. Illegals depress wages by working for less, so those jobs become less desireable, or employers don't even look to hire Americans for them.
A congressional study (cited by Buchanan, pages 31-35) looked at the jobs most saturated with illegals. The job they found most saturated with illegals was dry wall in construction. 27% of dry wall jobs at that time were held by illegals. But that still leaves 73% that were held by Americans.

In the case of Chinese/third-world doctors, first off, if they have H1B visas, they're not here illegally. But I also used to work for a company that brought in medical staff from other countries on Visas to fill the void.

But that is a Band-Aid that doesn't fix the problem. The goal while doing that is to (simultaneously, while temporarily using immigrants to fill the gap) incentivize a new generation of Americans to train for those field, so we don't have to bring in foreigners to do them. The quick fix only hurts us over the long term, by not fixing the problem of why suddenly less Americans are training for those fields than previously.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
I hear this overriding theme of how Trump is somehow our last line of defense against globalism. Being angry about globalism is like being angry about a tornado. Shake your fist and unleash as much profanity as you like, that sumbitch is comin' through with or without your approval.

Previously we had protectionism, tariffs on foreign goods, and a cost to manufacturers who moved overseas to use cheaper labor, at the cost of American jobs. And if manufacturers don't have operations in the U.S., their employees are not in the U.S., so their salaries are not paying taxes in the U.S. or purchasing from local businesses in the U.S., and the factories are not paying taxes in the U.S.
So that shrinks the U.S. economy, all that tax revenue and wages now circulates and grows the economy of China or some other nation.

Conversely, both Gingrich and Santorum in 2012 proposed a "tax holiday" for one year for businesses that took operations from overseas and brought their manufacturing back to the U.S. The 1 year of uncollected revenue would be more than paid for by the many years of factory and individual wages paid in taxes over the many years that followed.

We currently have a system that rewards globalism, and doesn't protect the nation or its workers from unfair competition.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch

And yeah, it has the potential to completely reshape what we thought was our way of life. But guess what? What we thought was our way of life - the old paradigms of education, 'career' employment, vocational segmentation, and yes, our hallowed 'demographics' - was already obsolete and inadequate, or globalism would never have gained its momentum in the first place.

No again. Our system was fine, until it was kneecapped by a sudden (post-1989) availability of third-world labor in Eastern Europe, China, India, and Southeast Asia. And changes in laws (what Buchanan calls "bipartisan economic treason" by Bill Clinton and both Democrat and Republican branches in the Congress and Senate, all bought off by lobbyist money to pass NAFTA and GATT. That opened the doors to "offshoring" of jobs on a massive scale, and hollowing out America's industrial base, millions of jobs, the former core of America's middle class.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
Is the fear of something that'll happen anyway with no regard to anyone's sentiments worth hanging onto a guy with no political leadership acumen, with no redeemable character traits pertinent to the office, with no sustainable plan for even the immediate future? Or does it all just wrap around to tribalism, to the all-important "us vs. them" and the alleged barbarians at the notional gates?

There is an inherent condescension in the way you phrase this and much of your combination editorial/question.

Demonstrate to me how Trump is any less trustworthy in character than, say, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and for that matter John Boehner, Mitch McConnel or Paul Ryan?

Trump is a results-oriented guy. He promised things, and he is doing his damnedest to deliver on them. He has already done more in just his first 6 months than any president of my lifetime.

In a corrupt New York system, Trump got his hands dirty to get through the red tape as a real estate developer, to get seemingly impossible things done, that others could not. I see that as a track record that makes him a good potential president, who will similarly overcome obstacles with the same energy and pure willingness to do so. In just his first 6 months, despite all obstruction, from both political sides (sides controlled by lobbyists), Trump has accomplished an incredible amount.

As opposed to the other political figures I listed, who campaigned on one platform, and did something else once elected. These others have political and personal scandals as well. At least Trump is attempting to pursue an economic agenda that is in the long term best interest of the United States. And the long term SOVEREIGNTY of the United States.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Actually I've seen polling that does [bear] that out. That would be from the media that doesn't just work as a pr arm for Trump.

No, the media are 80% liberal, and increasingly unashamedly a PR arm of the Democrats.

And despite that, I've seen a number of polls that show a majority of Americans support KEEPING the Civil War/Confederate monuments.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
The counter protesters were not there for the statues though. They were there to stand up to the neo nazis and white supremacists. What type of "fine people" find themselves in a crowd with nazi flags?

I don't defend the white supremacists (including neo-nazis), but even the ACLU defended their free speech right to hold a demonstration. The old "I condemn what you say, but defend to the death your right to say it."

And watch again the above video I described as the best commentary on Charlottesville protests. He [a retired police officer] explained that the media completely misrepresented the 200-300 protestors there, that it was a tiny number of white supremacists, with the majority being "heritage not hate" advocates of preserving Civil War monuments, specifically the Robert E. Lee statue. And a large contingent of retired military or law enforcement, who were part of the demonstration to keep things calm and prevent violence. But the DEMOCRAT MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL shut down the legal permit, had the police stand down, and the police on orders actually pushed the two opposing sides together (pro-monument, and Antifa), and then did nothing to prevent the ORCHESTRATED violence.

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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Regarding globalism, coal country actually provides a good example of the failings of both factions. The Democrats were so preoccupied with "the way forward" and scoring points with their base and the clean-energy lobby that they didn't concern themselves with the economic fallout of even their rhetoric regarding the coal industry. The Republicans were so preoccupied with stopping the Democrats and placating their red-county voter base that they didn't have the heart to tell the truth about the plummeting demand for coal and the automation that would eliminate most coal jobs even without the demand reduction.

Tell that to the Chinese. They are consuming coal at an increasing rate. Even if there was no market in the U.S., The U.S. coal industry could still reap a huge profit selling their product overseas.

Both sides could have looked at how to provide support in restructuring the region, bringing in other industries and assisting with vocational training and transition, and perhaps rethinking how coal country could start making MRI machines or silicon wafers for microcomponents or plastics and composites. That would've brought in jobs for the workers, jobs for the teachers who would train them, jobs for management, shipping and logistics, transportation infrastructure, the service-sector jobs associated with industrial upsurge, and much more. But nobody was willing to look beyond the immediate - for both sides, it came down to quick and easy political points.

I again think you overstate coal's obsoleteness, but yes, that's happening in a number of rust-belt cities, restructuring them for modern economic job markets.

The white nationalists say politicians don't give a shit about rural America, and I'm inclined to agree with them. Unfortunately, they were misled into blaming 'foreigners' and their neighbors who happened to not look like them or pray like them or speak the same language. I feel terrible for the poor and working-class rural whites left high and dry by Washington, but that doesn't excuse this resurgence of objectively abhorrent ideologies.

It's not just white nationalists who are saying that.

And again, you don't have to be a white nationalist to see the damage to the nation caused by illegal immigration. And even the erosion of our culture caused by LEGAL immigrants who are either criminals, on welfare, committing terrorism, Mexican-nationalist separatists, or otherwise keeping a separate identity and not assimilating.
I'm for reducing immigration for two decades to fully assimilate the waves of immigrants already here, and to assure those here or coming in going forward, are immigrants who will assimilate and benefit the nation, not undermine or take from it.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Actually I've seen polling that does [bear] that out. That would be from the media that doesn't just work as a pr arm for Trump.

No, the media are 80% liberal, and increasingly unashamedly a PR arm of the Democrats.

And despite that, I've seen a number of polls that show a majority support KEEPING the Civil War/Confederate monuments.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
The counter protesters were not there for the statues though. They were there to stand up to the neo nazis and white supremacists. What type of "fine people" find themselves in a crowd with nazi flags?

I don't defend the white supremacists (including neo-nazis), but even the ACLU defended their free speech right to hold a demonstration. The old "I condemn what you say, but defend to the death your right to say it."

And watch again the above video I described as the best commentary on Charlottesville protests. He explained that the media completely misrepresented the 200-300 protestors there, that it was a tiny number of white supremacists, with the majority being "heritage not hate" advocates of preserving Civil War monuments, specifically the Robert E. Lee statue. And a large contingent of retired military or law enforcement, who were part of the demonstration to keep things calm and prevent violence. But the DEMOCRAT MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL shut down the legal permit, had the police stand down, and the police on orders actually pushed the two opposing sides together (pro-monument, and Antifa), and then did nothing to prevent the ORCHESTRATED violence.

BS, anybody in that group that stayed after seeing the nazi flags was not a fine person outside of undercover police. David Duke wasn't thanking Trump for nothing. Trump made it a little easier for others to stand with the neo nazis and white supremacists. That's why your seeing other GOP leadership speaking up.

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I call your BS.
Watch the video above of the retired law enforcement officer.

The majority were not white supremacists. Absolutely >>>>no one<<<< defended the white supremacists, beyond the ACLU defending their right to protest and getting the city permit to be there, their being pushed out of the safe zone BY POLICE, and right into the Antifa who bashed their heads in, along with the peaceful pro-monuments protestors. >>>NOT<<< the white supremacists, it was city officials and the police they ordered to stand down who set the stage (deliberately) for violence.
The cop says the majority of pro-Robert E. Lee statue protestors told the white supremacists to leave, that they were not welcome.

The KKK types may have gone there looking for violence. But if the police had done their job and kept the opposing sides apart, there would not have been the opportunity for them, or Antifa, to make the violence happen.

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Someone named Cheryl Coggins posted this on Facebook:

Robert E Lee was married to George Washington's granddaughter. He worked with Grant during the Mexican-American war and became a decorated war hero defending this country He believed slavery was a great evil and his wife broke the law by teaching slaves to read and write. After the civil war he worked with Andrew Johnson's program of reconstruction. He became very popular with the northern states and the Barracks at West Point were named in his honor in 1962. He was a great man who served this country his entire life in some form or other. His memorial is now being called a blight. No American military veteran should be treated as such. People keep yelling, "You can't change history." Sadly you can. This is no better than book burnings. ISIS tried rewriting history by destroying historical artifacts. Is that really who we want to emulate?
As they tear down this "blight" keep these few historical facts in your mind. No military veteran and highly decorated war hero should ever be treated as such. This is not Iraq and that is not a statue of Sadam.

IN ADDITION:: Lee was also very torn about the prospect of the South leaving the Union. His wife's grandfather George Washington was a huge influence on him. He believed that ultimately, states rights trumped the federal government and chose to lead the Southern army. His estate, Arlington, near Washington DC was his home and while away fighting the war, the federal government demanded that Lee himself pay his taxes in person. He sent his wife but the money was not accepted from a woman. When he could not pay the taxes, the government began burying dead Union soldiers on his land. The government is still burying people there today. It is now called Arlington National Cemetery. DO THEY WANT TO TEAR THAT UP ALSO ?

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Another video by former police officer Douglas M. Ducote Sr.

Of which he said:

MSNBC and CNN have just blocked me from posting this video, and it was reported as being spam! ROFLMAO

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This exposes the larger rise of leftist radical groups during the Obama years, such as Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter and Antifa, all stoking violence nationwide, as part of a pincer movement of grassroots leftist street agitators, combined with Democrat radical politicians and the Democrat liberal media, to shut down/intimidate dissenting conservative free speech. With a Ukranian connection.
The torchlight ceremonies in Charlottsville mimmick previous torchlit protests by neo-nazis in Ukraine. (For those who don't already know, torchlight ceremonies were big in Nazi Germany with Hitler Yugend and SS rallies.) With clear ties to the Obama Administration (Victoria Neuiland), Hillary Clinton, and John McCain, who communicated with these people in 2013-2014 and had no problem with their neo-Nazi anti-jewish chants, and the liberal media never called them on it.
Far different from smearing Trump with the slightest possible association.

About 18 minutes in, he cites the leftists radicals (Brennan Gilmore) who create false-flag violence posing as Nazis with the deliberate intent of "creating martyrs". And Gilmore on his facebook page celebrated the death of 32-year-old paralegal Heather Heyer, describing her on Facebook as a "martyr" he previously described as a win for his agenda if deaths occurred. And this violence/martyrdom is the goal of these groups at every rally they engage in. Any leftist violence is always spun in the media as caused by the mere presence of the right and their "poisonous rhetoric" and "hate".

This is part of a Soros-funded leftist/globalist movement to foment violence, to destabilize western democracies, and pave the way for their globalist ambitions.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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This video again looks at the car attack, and the events leading up to it. It again shows the driver initially moving slowly, and then accelerating after an Antifa protestor hit his car with a stick. It cites that in the case of planned muslim car attacks, drivers go up onto the sidewalk, where the pedestrians are in greater numbers, if the goal is more victims. But the driver never did this in Charlottsville.

And as I cited earlier, in the seconds leading up to and immediately after the impact, Antifa with clubs are all over his car immediately, smashing at his windows. As he pulls away in reverse, clearly the people he was injuring were the ones attacking his car, no innocent bystanders. I'm wondering where Heather Heyer was positioned in this video at the point of impact. I've never seen any news report specify that. Does anyone even see her anywhere in this video footage?

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Lincoln Memorial vaandalized: "fuck law" spray-painted

counter protest after vandalism to Frank Rizzo statue

Oh, but they'd never go beyond Confederate monuments to target U.S. founders!
That's just paranoia, remember? Want to backpedal on that?

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins


 Originally Posted By: M E M

[ *crickets*]

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The Left ruining lives by outing people who were never actually white supremacists.

I recall this happening to someone Spike Lee posted the address of, who wasn't actually related to George Zimmerman, but was targeted by Black Lives Matter types, before there was a Black Lives Matter movement in actual name. The couple named by Spike Lee were terrorized and driven from their home, for no reason other than they shared a last name with George Zimmerman.
Ruined lives, no apologies.

Last edited by Wonder Boy; 2018-10-26 5:51 AM. Reason: Youtube deleted the video of those falsely outed, keeping only vids of those correctly identified as racist participants, whitewashing history.
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So a neo nazi runs down a street full of people that were protesting him and his white supremacy buddies. The people standing with the nazis and white supremacists are not to be judged for standing with nazis and white supremacists. It doesn't matter where you stand however if you're on the left. Somebody misidentifies somebody as a white supremacist and it's the lefts fault. Vandalized Lincoln statue...liberals. Excuses and alibis for nazis and those that stand with them and blanket condemnation for the left.
And nothing for Heather.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
So a neo nazi runs down a street full of people that were protesting him and his white supremacy buddies.

We still don't know what the facts are, that motivated him to basically total his car. I don't argue for certain that this kid acted in self defense to get away from an angry mob ready to club him to death. But that does seem like a possibility that can't be ruled out at this point.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
The people standing with the nazis and white supremacists are not to be judged for standing with nazis and white supremacists.

I've said at least TWICE now, watch the 19-minute video of the retired police officer who explains that the media --including Fox News--- misrepresented the event in their coverage to be all racist protestors, whereas he said they were only a handful, and that the "heritage not hate" protesters were only there to preserve the Robert E. Lee statue, not to espouse or stand with a racist message. He plainly said, repeatedly, that the racists were told to leave by the other protestors. He also said that many retired police and veterans were carrying handguns and AR-15 rifles, and despite the attacks on them, had remarkable restraint and never fired a shot. That the veterans were there to keep the peace and prevent violence from both sides.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
It doesn't matter where you stand however if you're on the left. Somebody misidentifies somebody as a white supremacist and it's the lefts fault. Vandalized Lincoln statue...liberals. Excuses and alibis for nazis and those that stand with them and blanket condemnation for the left.

SHOW ME where Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Keith Ellison, Bernie Sanders, or Comrade DNC Chairman Perez, where anyone, *ANYONE* on the Democrat side has condemned Antifa. But they sure as fucking hell are for tearing down the monuments. I don't see *ANYONE* on the Democrat side condemning this vandalism of monuments, and not just Civil War monuments, but monuments of Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson, Grant and other great U.S. national figures.

I can't BEGIN to tell you the violence that stirs in me, that they would not only talk about bringing down these monuments, but have actually destroyed many of them.
And criticism from the Democrat side? Not a word. They hate America, and welcome its destruction.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
And nothing for Heather.

Is that a joke?!? EVERYONE in political leadership and in punditry, Democrat and Republican, has expressed the sadness and tragedy of her death. Up to and including President Trump, that her mother (Ms. Bro) initially thanked Trump, before being recruited and Cindy Sheehanized as a political weapon by the Democrat/Left.'

I'm still waiting for the slightest attention given to the two Charlotteville police officers who died in a helicopter crash patrolling the demonstrations.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Former mayor Frank Rizzo statue in Philadelphia:

NOT a Confederate/Civil War monument.

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Hey, what if the Antifa vandalism is a false flag on behalf of the neo-Nazis?

Sorry, couldn't resist.

I haven't gotten around to answering your point-for-point response yet. I have a lot of shit going on. I acknowledge the effort you put in, but admittedly I got to the part where you cited Pat Buchanan and began desperately seeking a blunt object with which to bludgeon myself directly in the brain until I could get free of the conversation. I'll get to it. Probably. Maybe.


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Adam Carolla in a mixture of jokes and seriousness, talks about the insignificance of these white supremacist protestors in Charlottesville.
And the disproportionate Social Justice Warrior outrage over civil war statues, in proportion to greater concerns in all our personal lives.

I wouldn't care about Antifa or the Charlottesville protests, except that it yet again manifests a larger growing move toward lawlessness nationwide, where the police stand down and can no longer be trusted to protect us, because THEY are intimidated for doing so. And the intimidation and mischaracterization of ANY conservative free speech, at numerous conservative speaking or black/white events in cities nationwide. Berkeley, Ferguson MO, Baltimore, New York, attacks on Trump supporters at rallies, there is an increasing violence and state/media endorsed threat toward anyone who voices conservative views, where the Left not only views them as bigots, but thinks they are entitled to physically attack them because they think they are bigots. Irony, the double-edge on that bigotry sword.

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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Hey, what if the Antifa vandalism is a false flag on behalf of the neo-Nazis?

Sorry, couldn't resist.

I haven't gotten around to answering your point-for-point response yet. I have a lot of shit going on. I acknowledge the effort you put in, but admittedly I got to the part where you cited Pat Buchanan and began desperately seeking a blunt object with which to bludgeon myself directly in the brain until I could get free of the conversation. I'll get to it. Probably. Maybe.

The possible false flag of Antifa violence actually being done by neo-nazis disguised as Antifa actually occurred to me. But frankly, I don't credit them with being that bright.

It's also possible that Antifa could dress up as supremacists and hurt people, to justify their backlash at Nazis, or to intensify already overwhelming negative opinion of the supremacists. I loved the video where the supremacists were on a university campus trying to recruit college students to their cause, and a girl sprayed them away with a garden hose, saying "Get out of here."

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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
I'll get to it. Probably. Maybe.

Wednesday at the latest sammitch?

Last edited by K-nutreturns; 2017-08-23 9:11 PM.

big_pimp_tim-made it cool to roll in the first damn place!
Mon Jun 11 2007 09:27 PM-harley finally rolled with me
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I dunno, I don't really do those posts to argue anything, just to find out what people really think so I at least know where they're coming from. Wondy is of course entitled to his opinion, though I may not agree, but it doesn't help anything if I don't at least find out where it comes from before trying to engage in debate or anything.


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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
I dunno, I don't really do those posts to argue anything, just to find out what people really think so I at least know where they're coming from. Wondy is of course entitled to his opinion, though I may not agree, but it doesn't help anything if I don't at least find out where it comes from before trying to engage in debate or anything.

I'd love to see YOUR opinion on many of the issues I've raised.

Particularly on declining white population of the U.S., dropping in half by 2065. You treat me like I'm buying into wild conspiracy theory by arguing it, but it is an absolute fact.

Another example, citing white voter ratio over the last few elections:
2000 : 81%
2004 : 77%
2008 : 74%
2012 : 72%
2016 : 70%

Again, the alarming precipitous drop in white population, in just 16 years. quantifiable.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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My opinion on dropping white population?

I'm not calling you a conspiracy theorist for believing it. I don't think it's implausible at all. I just don't consider it as big a deal as you seem to. No disrespect to you or your concerns, but I don't give half a counterclockwise jumping rat fuck what's happening to the white population. I just can't be bothered to care.

You can blame my Hispanic brother, or his black wife, or my black cousins and many part-Native relatives on my dad's side, or half the women I ever dated... we can do this all day. I was one of three white kids in my graduating class in high school. There were two absolutely wonderful Lebanese families in my dad's church when I was growing up, and the entire side of the street across from us was occupied by Puerto Rican, Mexican, and Dominican families who perpetually invited us over and partied with us on holidays. I have always loved living in diverse communities, and nothing would make me happier than seeing more of America become like that. Quite frankly, I'm not sure why you think the 'alarming precipitous drop' in the white population is such a bad thing to begin with.


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Because silly white people will lose all the powah!!!

big_pimp_tim-made it cool to roll in the first damn place!
Mon Jun 11 2007 09:27 PM-harley finally rolled with me
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Some day, Knutreturns just may be the greatest of us all...."-THE bastard
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Heil hydra.
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I mean the food in this country is only gonna keep getting better, but that's only one of numerous benefits going forward.


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Me thinks Wondy is strictly in the Chic-fil-a crowd.

big_pimp_tim-made it cool to roll in the first damn place!
Mon Jun 11 2007 09:27 PM-harley finally rolled with me
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Some day, Knutreturns just may be the greatest of us all...."-THE bastard
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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
My opinion on dropping white population?

I'm not calling you a conspiracy theorist for believing it.

There's nothing to "believe". It's an absolute statistical fact, across many measures.

I don't think it's implausible at all. I just don't consider it as big a deal as you seem to. No disrespect to you or your concerns, but I don't give half a counterclockwise jumping rat fuck what's happening to the white population. I just can't be bothered to care.

You can blame my Hispanic brother, or his black wife, or my black cousins and many part-Native relatives on my dad's side, or half the women I ever dated... we can do this all day. I was one of three white kids in my graduating class in high school. There were two absolutely wonderful Lebanese families in my dad's church when I was growing up, and the entire side of the street across from us was occupied by Puerto Rican, Mexican, and Dominican families who perpetually invited us over and partied with us on holidays. I have always loved living in diverse communities, and nothing would make me happier than seeing more of America become like that. Quite frankly, I'm not sure why you think the 'alarming precipitous drop' in the white population is such a bad thing to begin with.

As I said, you should be very concerned, about a drop that overwhelming. And about the intense hatred expressed in identity politics toward whites. To a large degree, I also enjoy (particularly in South Florida) living in a place where I meet people from just about everywhere. But there is a difference between "diverse" and "multicultural" and being overwhelmingly replaced within a century. A drop from 89% to 77% in just 50 years. Dropping below 50% by 2040. And down to 44% by 2065. Broward County (Fort Lauderdale) is less than 50% native-born Americans. Palm Beach County (Boca Raton up to West Palm Beach) used to be a Republican stronghold. Thanks to immigration it is reliably Democrat.

It's just common sense that a United States dominated by a Hispanic majority or other minorities will have very different priorities than a white/European-majority United States, and common sense, if not overt rhetoric from minority elements of the Left, the hostility already expressed toward whites will intensify the smaller a minority white America becomes.

I frankly don't understand how you can not see the danger of white America becoming a minority. As I said, every rising culture in history has dominated and exploited every minority they could. Western democracy, in particular the United States, has been the historical height of freedom and prosperity. Why would you welcome with indifference its replacement.

You're seeing it in Europe, as muslims become a dangerous ratio of the population there.
You're also seeing it in the United States. The greater ratio of minorities, the more riots and racial incidents, the greater difficulty to even defend our borders from illegal immigration. Hispanics have become a political force that tries to portray it as immoral to even enforce our immigration laws! And has often prevented their enforcement. The hundreds of thousands of crimes annually that could be prevented by simply keeping illegals out of the country.

The rise of socialism in the age of Obama, Hillary and Bernie Sanders, that threatens U.S. sovereignty. A U.S. with a higher minority population, that buys into the notion that America is a mean and racist place that has to compensate for its past crimes (Obama's beliefs of Anti-Colonialism, Liberation Theology and Cultural Marxism) that requires white/Western nations to transfer their wealth to "people of color" to compensate for past transgressions. And further doesn't believe the United States is worthy of defending, and welcomes its loss of sovereignty and absorption into a globalist system.

The sudden killing of cops on a regular basis, and now the tearing down of monuments. And not just Civil War monuments, the push to tear down Washington, Jefferson, and other founders' monuments has come very swiftly. Abraham Lincoln! Ulysses S. Grant!

I still see the hatred of white America as a white Marxist/liberal-manufactured and stoked event (to rally minorities to the Cultural Marxist cause) to topple Western democracy, to pave the way for a new communist/Socialist wealth-redistribution order. Minorities are pawns of the Left, and reliable Democrat voters. If we had an immigration policy over the last 50 years that sustained white population ratio as opposed to annihilating it, we would have an America that would never tolerate what has occurred over the last 20 years. And would never tolerate the new socialist order that is coming.

As I said earlier, the minority populations that have been added to the U.S. are not assimilating like previous generations. We are no longer the "melting pot". We are Iraq, Bosnia, Kosovo. A collection of divided ethnic subcultures that have completely different entertainment, news, and barely tolerate each other. Assimilation is no longer even expected. Protecting the nation from illegals is now considered racist. And asking those legally here to assimilate is considered cultural genocide.

And meanwhile, folks like Black Lives Matter openly talk about their desired genocide of white America. And you don't see a problem... seriously, wake up. The racial incidents in the United States are almost equal in frequency to the Islamic attacks.

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Ha. So wondy is afraid of white folks finally being treated the same way they've been treating everyone else for centuries.

I can feel the powah!!!

big_pimp_tim-made it cool to roll in the first damn place!
Mon Jun 11 2007 09:27 PM-harley finally rolled with me
"I'm working with him...he's young but, there is much potential. He can apprentice with me and then he's yours for final training. He will remember the face of his father...

Some day, Knutreturns just may be the greatest of us all...."-THE bastard
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I'm sorry, Wondy. I know you probably think I was trying to bait you somehow, and I honestly wasn't. I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt and try to understand where you're coming from, and lest you think I'm going to rip into you personally, I appreciate your honesty and, yes, vulnerability in giving me a straight answer.

That said, I would be remiss if I did not reply by saying I do not agree with a single damn bit of that.

This is not a personal attack. This is me saying what I read there is indistinguishable from the talk-radio-fueled conspiracy-theorist screed I often get from customers in my store who are either coming from or going to the reduced-cost community psychiatric clinic across the street. I'm not calling you crazy, but I am saying you're repeating crazy. At best it's crazy. At worst it's institutional xenophobic paranoia of the basest sort, and your conception of assimilation would make the Borg blush.

I don't know you personally outside of this site, and I'm not questioning that you are a good person, but if I heard an individual saying those things in person, I would not be comfortable allowing them around my family. I am doubtful we could find any sort of common ground on this issue, but honestly that makes me less angry than sad. I'm not sure whether it's just your choice of informational input, or traumatic experiences, or upbringing, or whatever. I just wish you could see the extent to which you're voluntarily limiting your ability to engage your community and, yes, your nation. I would like to think you're better than that. Our shared heritage across all ethnicities, languages, and faiths is and will always be a richer source of inspiration and truth than any sad, compartmentalized tribal identity, and the broader story of all the world's peoples offers a brighter future than the dim, narrow, carefully parsed glorification of empire you're choosing to call Western civilization. So now you know where I'm coming from. I hope you know I don't mean you any ill will on a personal level, but I'm not going to just sit here and bait you and be snarky without meeting transparency with transparency - agree or disagree, you deserve better. The hyperconnectivity of today's world means our neighborhood has never been bigger; I simply choose to see my neighbors the way a first-century noncitizen Palestinian Jew taught me to.


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But, if it will help him sleep easier at night...Hispanics will make up about 30% of the population, but the majority of Hispanics identify as White of Hispanic if that is still true in 2065 then 3/5 of the population will technically be white people.

You may still have to be K-nut's old white shoe shine man, though... \:p

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I've got a nickel with Wondys name on it. And don't get me started on when we finally vote for that national "slap a whitey" day. I'm coming for half the people on the board

So that's like...two of you at this point...

big_pimp_tim-made it cool to roll in the first damn place!
Mon Jun 11 2007 09:27 PM-harley finally rolled with me
"I'm working with him...he's young but, there is much potential. He can apprentice with me and then he's yours for final training. He will remember the face of his father...

Some day, Knutreturns just may be the greatest of us all...."-THE bastard
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But I digress...powah!!!

big_pimp_tim-made it cool to roll in the first damn place!
Mon Jun 11 2007 09:27 PM-harley finally rolled with me
"I'm working with him...he's young but, there is much potential. He can apprentice with me and then he's yours for final training. He will remember the face of his father...

Some day, Knutreturns just may be the greatest of us all...."-THE bastard
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 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
Ha. So wondy is afraid of white folks finally being treated the same way they've been treating everyone else for centuries.

I can feel the powah!!!

Actually, white folks over the last 50 years or so have done a lot to compensate for past wrongs, and have been very open to minorities. Annual statistics on the rising ratio of mixed-race marriages attest to that. As well as, say, the election of Barack Obama by a majority of whites. If Obama were Colin Powell or Herman Cain or some other black candidate who shared my conservative/nationalist values and wasn't a Cultural Marxist, I would have voted for him as a black candidate.
I cited polls previously that showed the majority of Americans for 20 years before 2008 cited Collin Powell as the candidate not on the ballot they wished would run.

The issue is not race. The issue is assimilation, and whether a minority-majority U.S. population would preserve our culture and the Constitutional rule of law, or whether it would replace our culture with mob rule, or a socialist order that would target whites under a mix of Democrat-feuled anti-white/class-envy demagoguery to rally the minority base. That is certainly what Democrats have been increasingly doing for at least 20 years.

Likewise, the same Cultural Marxist race tactics demagogueing whites in nations like Brazil, Venezuela and Bolivia. It is not an isolated case of the U.S. being allegedly meaner and more white-racist. These are standard worldwide Cultural Marxist divide-and-conquer tactics.

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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
I'm sorry, Wondy. I know you probably think I was trying to bait you somehow,


 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
and I honestly wasn't.

Oh yes. You were.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt and try to understand where you're coming from, and lest you think I'm going to rip into you personally, I appreciate your honesty and, yes, vulnerability in giving me a straight answer.

I'd like to believe that, but...

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
That said, I would be remiss if I did not reply by saying I do not agree with a single damn bit of that.

Here we go.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
This is not a personal attack. This is me saying what I read there is indistinguishable from the talk-radio-fueled conspiracy-theorist screed I often get from customers in my store who are either coming from or going to the reduced-cost community psychiatric clinic across the street.

"This is not a personal attack." Followed in the very next sentence with a viciously insulting personal attack. This is the third or fourth time you've assured me of your civility while simultaneously insulting me in the most absurd way possible.
REALITY CHECK: I didn't cite conspiracy theory, I cited sourced facts from non-right-wing polling groups, and statistics spanning decades by federal agencies like the U.S. Justice Department. I have two degrees and a medical certification, I'm not on medication or under psychiatric care, or impoverished so that I would be getting medication from some public clinic.

 Originally Posted By: Sonnuvabich
I'm not calling you crazy,

Yes, you lyingly ARE.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
but I am saying you're repeating crazy. At best it's crazy. At worst it's institutional xenophobic paranoia of the basest sort, and your conception of assimilation would make the Borg blush.

I'm citing facts from clear and reputable sources. You are PORTRAYING it lyingly as "institutional xenophobic paranoia" because you refuse to process and evaluate what I cited from the most reputable of sources, and just wish to insult me for saying something YOU are actually uninformed about, because you CHOOSE to be uninformed about it. You increasingly sound like a liberal Democrat.

Are there not millions more illegals in the country than in 2000 or 2008?
Are they not committing hundreds of thousands of crimes annually?
Are not over 50% of them on welfare?
Is it not a fact that the MINIMUM blacks as a demographic group have voted for a Democrat presidential candidate in the last 30 years is 88% ?
Is it not a statistical fact that there are about 3 million births a year, and 300,000 of them are "anchor babies" born to mothers illegally in this country, creating a path toward citizenship for their parents and entire extended family?
Don't illegal immigrants cost this country 100 billion a year in Federal, state and local law enforcement and social services?

These are not "paranoia". These are facts. Don't insult me for citing facts.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
I don't know you personally outside of this site, and I'm not questioning that you are a good person, but if I heard an individual saying those things in person, I would not be comfortable allowing them around my family. I am doubtful we could find any sort of common ground on this issue, but honestly that makes me less angry than sad. I'm not sure whether it's just your choice of informational input, or traumatic experiences, or upbringing, or whatever. I just wish you could see the extent to which you're voluntarily limiting your ability to engage your community and, yes, your nation. I would like to think you're better than that. Our shared heritage across all ethnicities, languages, and faiths is and will always be a richer source of inspiration and truth than any sad, compartmentalized tribal identity, and the broader story of all the world's peoples offers a brighter future than the dim, narrow, carefully parsed glorification of empire you're choosing to call Western civilization. So now you know where I'm coming from. I hope you know I don't mean you any ill will on a personal level, but I'm not going to just sit here and bait you and be snarky without meeting transparency with transparency - agree or disagree, you deserve better. The hyperconnectivity of today's world means our neighborhood has never been bigger; I simply choose to see my neighbors the way a first-century noncitizen Palestinian Jew taught me to.

I really don't know where you're coming from.

Mixed with some gentler insults that you wouldn't want me around your family, etc., you've again insinuated some more, but HAVEN'T ADDRESSED ANY OF THE FACTS I PRESENTED or made the slightest case for my opinion being "paranoia".
It's not paranoia.
It is FACT.

You present a Kumbaya optimism about immigration and race that ignores what is actually happening.

Mexican drug cartels, and the related crime spreading deeper into the U.S. side of the border. Rampant drug addiction that is becoming a leading cause of death in the U.S.
As I said (and you ignored) an increasing incidence (both reported and unreported) of black-on-white crime, and riots. Minorities (both reported, and more so unreported) attacking whites in the street, sucker-punching them for kicks, hospitalizing them and killing them. MS-13 gangs, and other Hispanic gangs in spreading crime and violence.
Secessionist Mexican groups on virtually every college campus in the U.S. Southwest, and Leftists in CA gathering 550,000 signatures to have California secede from the United States.

And (as you ignored) Leftist/minority groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter, that want to tear down our monuments. And not just Civil War monuments, but tearing down monuments of Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses Grant and other patriotic national monuments. Undermining the reason for existence of the nation. And a penultimate step to revolution and tearing down the nation itself.

Read THE SHADOW PARTY by David Horowitz.
Read STATE OF EMERGENCY by Pat Buchanan.
You can't dismiss the evidence they cite as "paranoia" and guys waiting in line for free meds at a public clinic. I COULD cite what YOU posted as complacency and self-delusion, and an immunity to the facts right in front of your face.

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Wondy has changed my mind.

I'm only coming after one of you for national "slap a whitey" day.

big_pimp_tim-made it cool to roll in the first damn place!
Mon Jun 11 2007 09:27 PM-harley finally rolled with me
"I'm working with him...he's young but, there is much potential. He can apprentice with me and then he's yours for final training. He will remember the face of his father...

Some day, Knutreturns just may be the greatest of us all...."-THE bastard
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 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
Wondy has changed my mind.

I'm only coming after one of you for national "slap a whitey" day.

Yeah, that's comforting.

Even if I shine your shoes?

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
The "worst", "sickening" President Trump at 4:30 today:
"It's not just the one statue, they're taking down statues all over. We take down Robert E. Lee today... do we take down Washington tomorrow and Jefferson the next day?"

This is a ridiculous argument.

Welp....that didn't take long:

Chicago Pastor Demands Washington Name be Removed from Park Because of Slavery Ties

'Hamilton' Star, Maybe Washington, Jefferson Statues Should Come Down

This warrants repeating. The Left quickly manifested their true agenda. Not taking down monuments to Confederate historical figures, their true agenda is undermining the legitimacy of the nation itself, by attacking its founders.

Marxists are at the core of the founding of Black Lives Matter, Code Pink, Occupy Wall Street, Antifa and other leftist organizations. Their goal is not "cleansing" the nation of "racists". Their goal is toppling the nation itself, and replacing it with a communist/socialist authoritarian government. One in spirit with Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Che and Mao. Prominent Marxists who they often quote and exult. Including Obama, Hillary Clinton, and many who served in their administrations.

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