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There is no disputing the statistics of this, and that it is the calculated plan of Democrats to torque up Third-World immigration, to replace white voters (who are less inclined to vote Democrat) with non-white immigrants (who vote 66% to 95% Democrat).

The change began with immigration reform in 1965. At that time, the United States population was 89% white, 10% black, and all other groups comprising the remaining 1%.
Currently, of the 1.1 million green-card immigrants admitted every year, only 18% of immigrants are white. As planned by Democrats, the white-voter population drops another 1% to 2% every 4 years. Mitt Romney in 2012 won a higher ratio of white voters than Ronald Reagan, and it was pointed out at the time that if the U.S. population was as European as it was under Reagan, Romney would have won an overwhelming landslide victory.

I've taken heat for pointing out these facts before. But it is an absolute fact that the U.S. population that was 89% white in 1965 will be an estimated 44% by 2060, a drop by more than half in less than a century. Why is it "racist" to point out these facts, and not racist to orchestrate this decline in population.

Ann Coulter on Lou Dobbs' program tonight said that "If we reign in immigration, all other problems in the U.S. become a lot easier to deal with."

It is a liberal/globalist/cultural Marxist objective, to import a foreign electorate to vote the way they want them to. Vote against U.S. nationalism, to unsecure our borders, and import a population that has no loyalty to this country, and therefore looks with indifference on the destruction of its sovereignty and economic independence. Just as globalists/liberals are doing in Europe, just as globalists are doing in Canada, and worldwide. Quebec would have voted to remove itself from Canada and become an independent nation, if not for massive Third-World immigration to Canada. The new electorate there did not share the nationalist identity of French Quebec citizens, and fulfilled the globalist desire to keep Quebec in Canada.

Tucker Carlson's program has recurrently followed the story of Third-World immigrants rapidly changing the U.S. overnight. From sanctuary cities that obstruct law enforcement and endanger U.S. citizens, enabling drug trafficking and gangs and other crime, to seizing jobs and lowering wages, to voter fraud of illegals who illegally register to vote because it is unlawful to check their citizenship status, to simply overwhelming the local population of cities with majorities that suddenly outnumber the Americans who have been there for over 100 years.
It is precisely the plan of Democrats to overwhelm Republican states that have small populations, with immigrant populations who will turn them to Democrat majority states.

This report from Tucker Carlson, 31 minutes into the program, on the town of Hazleton, Pennsylvania that is now a Hispanic-majority city, where a majority in the town don't even speak English! :

Carlson focuses on the irony of politicians converting towns they don't live in, while the cities they live in remain white-majority with few minorities. "As if it were still the 1950's."

If Trump gets a second term, I'd like to see it put on the ballot if U.S. voters want immigration in its present form, or would vote to suspend it or reduce it to 200,000 to 300,000 a year, to allow the current waves of immigrants to be fully assimilated.

As the U.S. did until 1965.

To cease using immigration as a weapon to get a permanent Democrat-voter majority, to crush American sovereignty and reign us into a global system.

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You've made that allegation before in the last couple of years about Dems and it's never made much sense to me. Immigration had been a bipartisan issue really until relatively recently from what I can tell. Back when the GOP had it's autopsy it seemed like the party recognized it needed to start trying to compete for other voters. Now it's doubled down on being the party of Trump.

Fair play!
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The problem is that, like the Democrats, the Republicans' campaigns are financed by large corporations, that want low-wage immigrant labor, both legal immigrants and illegal immigrants. And as I said, these are globalists pulling the political strings through campaign finance, who ultimately want to crush U.S. sovereignty and national identity. Was the example of Quebec not clear enough for you? In the short term, passive Republicans accepting this don't see the long-term harm. Either that, or they are more treasonous than I give them credit for.

The establishment Republicans have been soft for decades on border enforcement because those funding their campaigns want it soft. But Pat Buchanan and the Tea Party/"freedom caucus" wing of the Republicans have always pushed for stricter immigration and border enforcement. Thanks to Trump and grassroots Americans demanding it, that is gradually happening now. Even fairly swiftly by government/bureaucratic standards, thanks to direct pressure of Trump.

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Colbert Audience Cheers Decline in White Numbers

Bill Moyers, shown in the last 30 seconds with Colbert, is heavily funded by George Soros. Through his position with PBS, Moyers oversees a number of series and documentaries under the veil of journalistic neutrality, but loads his programs with progressive advocates and propaganda.

The goal of immigration, both legal and illegal, that is only 18% European, is to wipe out the white majority and replace it with the cattle that vote Democrat. The Democrat/Left could not convince the nation to support their leftist agenda in decades past, so now they are overwhelming the nation, importing a foreign electorate, people of color who will vote the way they want.

And as this video discusses, as Buchanan discusses in his book, once Whites (and Asians) are a minority, they can impose any wealth redistribution burden they want on white voters, to transfer that wealth to blacks and hispanics. Precisely what is driving 200,000 people a year to flee California.

The Political Correctness model, that is also being used in places like Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil and Argentina, to rally minorities under the Leftist banner by demagoguing whites in their nations, to "take back" their nations from European colonialists. And buying their votes with government freebies. As California, Venezuela, and Brazil and Argentina are collapsing, so is the future of the United States, if the demographic takeover continues at its present rate.

The Marxist rose, by any other name.

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Just emphasizing the point that this is not just occurring in the United States, but a destructive plan for toppling democracies throughout the Western world, and replacing them with a more pliant third-world population.

The Suicide of Europe

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Kalergi's baby.

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The only source I saw that explains that term looks pretty white nationalist:

Taking it at face value, it says a lot that I've seen from other sources, about a secret society that roots back to the Freemasons of the late 1700's, and desire to control the world through central banks, with a twist I hadn't heard before, the vision of a "United States of Europe" that would include Russia. The Freemasons supported the French Revolution, and funded Marx and Engels when communism was in its infancy, and right on up to the Bolshevik Revolution.

The part about Wall Street funding Lenin and Trotsky I was aware of. Wall Street also bankrolled Hitler. Basically, the globalists fund both sides of every major and minor conflict, and profit on it either way, regardless of the outcome. The fact that Kelergi was involved in machinations of Otto Von Bismarck was a surprise. But again, manifests that globalists profit and remain at the center of power, regardless of who wins.

I've also been aware that the goals of globalism and of communism/socialism gel quite compatibly. As does radical islam. The destruction of established Western power, and the destruction of Christianity fits into the shared plans of all these groups.

Only the soft attempt to blame it all on the Jews makes me distance myself from this linked perspective. What the heck is a "Jewess" anyway? I see that as not "Jews" but as the globalist plans of an inner circle of Jewish elites, where millions of Jews, like millions of every other group, are just cannon fodder for their globalist plans.
George Soros is as good an example of that as any. A guy who is Jewish, and at age 14 in 1944 in Hungary was involved in seizing the property and furniture of Jews sent to concentration camps for extermination, and in a 60 Minutes interview, remorselessly looks back at this as "the best year of my life". A globalist who despite being Jewish, seems to be downright anti-Semitic, and seems to disown his Jewish roots in his pursuit of globalist ambitions.

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Honestly, I just attached "baby" of my own accord. I wasn't tracking that the phrase was a typical neologism propagated by anyone else.

Regardless, the Kalergi Plan is very real doctrine that was specifically designed to target and gradually eliminate European descended phenotype(s) under the auspices of ending racial animus and creating social cohesion. He reinforced the idea by co-opting Christian culture, tacitly claiming that anything that didn't gel with his conclusions on race were derived from antisemitic bigotry, tapping into feelings of Christian and Jewish fellowship inspired by the use of such phrases like "Judeo-Christian".

If that doesn't sound familiar to you, then just think of all the liberal fucks regurgitating the rhetoric that "Christ was a refugee" or "You're not a Christian if you don't support undocumented immigrants". His is the earliest prototype for this tune.

  • The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. [...]

    Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.

This same tactic and lip-service has been used on Sweden, and has seen great success with low native birth rates, ethnomasochism, cuckoldry, and pathological altruism--all of which has led to mass rape/harassment, pedophilia, murder, arson, intimidation, and cultural decadence. The same story is being told in Germany, France, Britain, and the major metropolitan areas of the US.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Only the soft attempt to blame it all on the Jews makes me distance myself from this linked perspective.

And this fearful reaction is, inexorably, the problem. The inability to pursue answers to elusive questions because people feel they are walled off by "dog whistles" and "trigger words". If you run away from every logical explanation that just so happens to involve someone who's Jewish, you'll never figure out what's going on. For years, people were scared to death to say anything about Soros and/or the Rothschilds for that exact reason

You really wanna be Sammitch? Frankly, I think the world has more than enough of those...

Ultimately WB, Kalergi is not even the most immediate issue. He's just one of the earliest examples of anti-europeanism originating from a powerful centralized source, the results of which we're still feeling to this day and of which we're currently witnessing the development of Islamic and Hispanic permutations. This is not a coincidence.

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The previous post might be one of the highest compliments I've ever received. Truly, I am not worthy.


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Pat Buchanan on Savage Nation (May 2007)

As true now as it was 12 years ago. We are admitting millions of people into this country who don't want to assimilate, have a first loyalty to their country of origin, and many of whom are openly hostile toward the United States.

Common sense is that we only admit people who have a first loyalty to the United States, who want to assimilate and become one of us. To allow millions into our country who do not assimilate is national suicide.
Our liberal mainstream culture sees the need for black, hispanics, asians, native Americans and other cultures to work together and make a priority of preserving their culture. But for white America to do the same is labelled as "racist".

A culture that cannot (or does not) preserve itself and doesn't make a priority of teaching a value and pride in that culture to succeeding generations, assures it will be replaced by another culture.

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Professor objects to no white people on campus demand ( May 26, 2017
Bret Weinstein, professor of Evergreen State College, pushed back on a student demand that all white people get off campus for a day because of racism and received a lot of abuse for it. He tells his story to Tucker Carlson.)

Gee, why am I concerned about white America becoming a minority in the U.S.?
The smaller our numbers, the more they hate us, the more the Left and minorities (stoked by the Left) rage their hatred about vengeance and payback.
What happens when the object of their rage become a minority with no one to defend them?

And this guy, while white, is a far-left liberal progressive college professor! But they want his blood too.

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Originally Posted by Pariah
Trump will win in a landslide both in the popular vote and the electoral college.

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

[center][Linked Image from] [/center]

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Tucker Carlson, on racism, flipping California Democrat, and immigration - Monday, April 12 2021

Carlson makes the point that I;ve been making here on these boards for 15 years. That Democrats through immigration (both legal and illegal) turned a solidly Republican state into the most solidly Democrat state in the country. That this is their plan for all 50 states, that they often openly boast about it. But if we as Republicans dare to comment on their clearly stated plan... we are labelled racists for pointing out their clearly stated intentions.

The bottom line: When the American people are not reliably supporting their Democrat policies in elections, they are importing a foreign electorate who will.

This is I think among the most important programs Carlson has aired. If not the single most. It exposes the core of what threatens our nation.

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The clearly stated plan of Democrats to brown America with non-white immigrants who will make Democrats a permanent majority is pretty much on display every day, but never more so than with the Southern border crisis that began immediately with Biden's inauguration on Jan 20, 2021. Tucker Carlson highlighted it tonight, quoting Biden's own self-incriminating words, that this is EXACTLY Democrats' plan.

Why would Biden do this to his own country? - Tucker Carlson, Sept 22, 2021, Wednesday

Although any number of Democrats could be quoted, who have likewise openly said this is their plan, over the last 25 years.
Your Democrat-Bolshevik party at work.

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Biden is pro illegal immigant, and anti-U.S. citizen - Newt Gingrich, on Ingraham, Oct 15, 2021

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Get professional help.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Get professional help.

You're such a useless lowlife piece of garbage, Iggy. You're like a "Mean Girl" from high school obsessing over everything I post.
But you have no facts to counter the sourced facts I've posted, just insults. It must be miserable being you.

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Wonder Doofus explained way back in 1992:

Originally Posted by iggy
Here is a nice little tweet quoting from Francis Fukuyama nailing your ass years ago for what you are.

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Originally Posted by Iggy
cry panic Nyah nyah nyah, you're a poopy face, fuck you, fuck your mother, fascist, doofus, etc, etc. cry panic

Originally Posted by WB
My cited evidence, vs. your easily disproven lies. The sources I've cited are telling the facts.

The liberal media you guys cite have been proven to be liars over and over.
They OPENLY BOAST that factual journalism "is over-rated", and that their job is to prop up the Democrat narrative and slander Trump any way they can.

How many times do I have to beat you morons over the head with the facts:

Award-winning old-school journalist Sharyl Attkiisson, citing an hour of examples of anti-Trump/anti-Republican media bias

Your unhinged liberal cultism is put on display by the facts you ignore, even as you try to perpetuate another false narrative, that conservatives and other independent thinkers are "cultists" for rejecting the clearly false narrative and exhibiting critical thinking.
But you cling to liberal media lies, even after the ethics and credibility of your mainstream liberal sources have have been PROVEN discredited liars, dozens of times over.
And openly say they are proud to be liars, for your Deep State/Democrat cult.

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You facts are bullshit and you refuse to listen to anything that counters what you say anyway. There is no reason to put for effort to reason with a person choosing to be unreasonable. So, really, go fuck yourself, cultist.

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Originally Posted by iggy
You facts are bullshit and you refuse to listen to anything that counters what you say anyway. There is no reason to put for effort to reason with a person choosing to be unreasonable. So, really, go fuck yourself, cultist.

My facts are FACTS, cited by some of the most acclaimed journalists of the last 4 decades, who left the propaganda liberal networks after decades of acclaim there, because these networks no longer have journalistic ethics or permitted them to report those facts.

The sources you cite as "news" are now Democrat/Left propaganda networks, and only because they agree with your angry liberal progressive ideas do you accept what sources like CNN, The New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, MSNBC, etc have to say. No matter how many times they have been proven wrong, forced to retract stories, had to fire reporters and producers for egregious obscene levels of partisanship. (see again Sharyl Attkisson's list of examples above)
Openly admitted their bias and commitment to prop up Democrats and destroy Republicans.
Multiple high-level CNN staffers caught on camera admitting that CNN is a propaganda network (as exposed by Project Veritas).

CNN excoriated on their own network a few days ago by Bari Weiss, who quit New York Times before appearing, because of the one-sided liberal fanaticism and toxic work environment for her at N Y Times, as someone who is left of center but still struggled to objectively cover both sides of the stories she covered.

You deify shit, you worship garbage, as if it were actual "news", instead of the Bolshevik propaganda it has become. I watched CNN since the 1980's and despite its liberal bias, there was still plenty of solid journalism. But now they are just shameless propagandists. Likewise most of the media. They have chosen sides, joined the Bolshevik revolution to overthrow the U.S. and establish one-party authoritarian rule, and have abandoned any pretense of objectivity. And schmucks like you verbally abuse myself and others for not drinking the Kool-Aid, and refusing to believe what is OBVIOUSLY untrue. Again, watch the Sharyl Attkisson video, and her quoted examples. They openly boast about their partisanship. And you still hold up their lies as gospel truth.

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Tucker Carlson, The Immigration Act of 1965 - July 19 2022, Tuesday

On the long term -and deliberate-- effects on the nation after 1965, legislation championed by Ted Kennedy and the Democrats.
And despite that they assured the nation it wouldn't have the negative effect it has, it it had exactly the effect its opponents in the Republican party warned it would.
Like virtually everything the Democrats have championed over the last 60 years, it was built on a lie and was deliberately destructive to the nation, because that was precisely its goal from the start.

When the American voters didn't support what Democrats were doing, the Democrats over several decades imported a foreign electorate that would be more compliant to their cultural marxist / globalist nation-destroying goals.
And while Democrats allege Republicans are "racist" to criticize this massive wave of third-world immigration that is de-stabilizing the country, Democrats have been openly boasting for decades this was the plan all along. They are literally trying to destroy our history, our people, our constitutional republic, just for their political gain.
How do you define evil ?
This is evil.

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::rolls eyes::

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When the Democrat/Left for 4 decades openly boasts this is their plan... why should we not believe them?

But when a conservative like Tucker Carlson or myself simply quotes them, it suddenly becomes "racist" or "conspiracy theory" to point out what the Democrat/Left have openly gloated about in books, articles, and taped interviews, for decades.
It's not our idea. It's yours, and all we do is expose what you yourselves have said.

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