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Tucker Carlson did an excellent job of laying this out in his opening commentary on Friday, March 30th.

That the Democrats weaponized the IRS to intimidate and harass their Republican Tea Party and Religious Conservative opposition, to win the 2012 election by deceitful means.
That the Democrats tried to shut out Fox News from press conferences during the Obama years.
That the Democrats did "Fast and Furious" ATF sale of guns to Mexican drug cartels in the Obama years. For the deceitful purpose of blaming the guns sold to cartels on gun retailers, to rationalize a crackdown on the purchase of guns by lawful buyers and retailers!

And ultimately, used multiple falsified FISA surveillance warrants to illegally do spy on the Trump campaign, and then even continued spying on the new inaugurated Trump administration. During and after the 2016 election, used deceitful leaders in the FBI, CIA, NSA and DOJ to hide their actions and cover for Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, while simultaneously launching a maliciouss and fraudulent manufactured "Russia collusion" case in an attempt to remove and/or cripple the newly elected President Donald Trump.

I'm leaving out a lot of other authoritarian power grabs of the Democrat/Left, but that's more than enough to make the point that it is the Democrats at every deceitful thuggish turn who are the corrupt authoritarian Nazis, and not the Trump administration.

And also interesting that the previous President George W. Bush was portrayed as Hitler as well during his 8 years. I remember many arguments along these lines with Whomod, Ray Adler, Pro and a few others, with photoshopped images of Bush, Cheney and any close to them as swastika-wearing Nazis.
In point of fact, Bob Dole, W. Bush, McCain, and Romney have been among the most moderate Republican presidential candidates offered in my lifetime, especially during the last 30 years or so. Even Trump, while more conservative than the Republican establishment on border security, on defense, on international trade, and on globalism, is arguably the most liberal ever on social issues like gay marriage and guns.

But looking at the ideological origins of the Left in the U.S., as also detailed in the book LIBERAL FASCISM by Jonah Goldberg, it is Democrats, not Trump, who manifest the study and practice of Nazi-style tactics and intimidation.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Do you see yourself as being reserved with slapping the Nazi label on people? I watch Trump gush about cold blooded dictators while attacking CNN because they don't just parrot his propaganda. Sinclair that has mandated proTrump editorials for it's local news stations gets the treatment reserved for Putin.

That should bother you

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No. Because it is NOT a hysterical or hyperbolic comparison.
The Left DOES utilize the tactics of intimidation and, when in positions of power, state authoritarianism to advance their ideological goals.

As I've quoted often, mostly from Buchanan, the Democrat/Left in the U.S. is likewise deeply influenced by Soviet infiltration, revolution and propaganda tactics. In many cases, such as Frank Marshall Davis, Valerie Jarret's parents, Communist Party USA, William Ayers, the Weather Underground and the Black Panthers, for example, were directly funded front groups of the Soviet Union.

I recently read that Russia now has a worldwide spy/infiltration/propaganda network running that actually exceeds that of the former Soviet Union. And no doubt, are directly funding front groups in the U.S. just as they did then. I wouldn't be at all surprised if MediaMatters, CodePink,, Center For American Progress, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, and AntiFa all turned out to be on that payroll.

Your side shouts down opposition to silence them (Karl Rove, Ann Coulter, Milo Yiannopoulos, Condolleezza Rice and many other conservatives at universities and booksignings nationwide have been silenced by these Marxist/Nazi tactics). They (Antifa and the Democrat/Left) violently attacked people peacefully protesting in Charlottesville, 90% of whom were peaceful defenders of just preserving a Robert E. Lee statue and history, a protest hijacked and diverted by a handful of racist supremacists.) How is the Antifa/Left violence and intimidation NOT manifesting the precise tactics of the Nazis? Far from hyperbolic.

As with the zealots of Lenin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, or Ho Chi Minh, terror, arson, murder, anything that serves the revolution is good. That is precisely what we are seeing in the increasingly angry militant intolerance of the Democrat/Left the last few years.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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And if it wasn't clear, Goebbels borrowed many tactics from the Soviet revolution that preceded the Nazis, even down to the colors of the Nazi flag and of Nazi posters and brochure literature.

Soviet tactics are Nazi tactics, Nazi tactics the same as the Soviets. And their clear descendant, the American Left (traced from the Frankfurt School in Germany, to the Leftist academics they trained who launched the "1960's Revolution", to guys like Wade Rathke, William Ayers, Jeff Jones and Saul Alinsky, to the next generation of anti-American flag-bearers such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton).

Again: whatever voiced criticism by Trump, he doesn't ban CNN and other leftist media from press conferences (as Obama attempted).
Trump hasn't weaponized the IRS to attack Democrats, the way Obama did of Republicans.
Trump didn't use the FBI, CIA, NSA and DOJ to run illegal surveillance and attempt to depose anyone, or to rig an election, as Obama and Hillary have.

Why aren't YOU nervous, M E M, about the undeniable abuses of power and outright treason of those in your party?
(Examples: the Iran nuclear deal, Hillary's private e-mail server hacked by the Russians and Chinese, UraniumOne, Hillary selling State Dept influence in exchange for hundreds of millions in donations to the Clinton Foundation. And that's FOR OPENERS.)
Those PROVEN authoritarian and unconstitutional moves by your party are truly scary, far beyond anything you hollowly allege about Trump.
See the long list of transgressions I cited in my first post.

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by Michael F. Haverluck
Friday, August 16, 2019

Refusing to acknowledge Israel as their destination before the Jewish State banned their visit, Muslim Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) referred to the nation instead as “Palestine” in their travel itinerary.

When Israel relented and permitted Tlaib to visit family in the Palestinian territory for humanitarian reasons, the anti-Semitic lawmaker then changed her mind and refused, reportedly letting her “hate for Israel” overcome her “love for her grandmother.”

Before their plans to visit the Holy Land were announced, Israel had already instituted a policy banning members and supporters of the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement – to which both Omar and Tlaib belong – because of its declared anti-Semitic agenda geared to ultimately wipe the State of Israel off the face of the Earth.


Even though many agreed Israel’s original explanation for banning Omar and Tlaib from entering its country – due to their BDS involvement – was more than sufficient, the fact that they intentionally denied the legitimacy of Israel as a nation throughout their itinerary (by calling it Palestine) was believed to be more than enough justification.

“According to their own itinerary, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib chose to refer to Israel as ‘Palestine,’” Daily Wire’s Harry Khachatrian tweeted Thursday. “Their trip there was little more than a self-indulgent ploy to delegitimize and malign the Jewish State from within its borders.”

In addition, both lawmakers attempted to shoot down a long-anticipated nonbinding resolution last month condemning the BDS movement by voting against it in Congress. Israel’s leadership recognizes the seriousness of the anti-Israel push that opposes Israel’s legitimacy as a nation and threatens its very existence.

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu barred Reps. Rashida Talib (D-Mich.) and Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from entering the country and rightfully so,” Townhall’s Matt Vespa reported. “Both women support the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, which is viciously anti-Israel. And by vicious, I mean, these clowns are pushing for the destruction of the Jewish state.”


Shortly after the Israeli government announced Thursday morning that the pro-Palestinian Americans would not be permitted to arrive in Tel Aviv Friday as planned because of their anti-Israel agenda, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) – the leader of the so-called “Squad” that includes Omar, Tlaib and Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) – condemned Israeli and American leadership for being exclusionary and discriminating on the basis of religion.

Ayanna Pressley... isn't that the open-minded lady who said "Only Black faces that speak with black voices should be heard" ?

Yeah, there's nothing "exclusionary and discriminating" about her...

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Anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism clearly flow from the same stream, as this this political cartoon from the antisemitic Democrat/Left makes clear.
Re-posted and shared by Rep. Ilhan Omar >>AND<< Rep. Rashida Tlaib.

And these maniacs are permitted to serve in Congress... WHY?

The cartoonist a Brazilian leftist of Lebanese/Arab descent, and in his country the winner of a Holocaust denier cartoon contest.

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Oh look, here's The most recent leader of the Democrat party, with known black racist/separatist Louis Farrakhan,
>>with<< the Democrat black caucus in 2005, before Obama was even elected, a photo the Democrats kept hidden
until after he left office.

But hey, the Democrats are the champions of equality and defending minorities.

FARRAKHAN: "Hitler is a great man..."

and "I'm not anti-semite, I'm anti-termite..."

Oh yes! Democrats are not the party of hate.
No sir!

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And it goes without saying but...

The honorable Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia, the blackfaced and Klan-robed champion of... well... non-racism, I guess...

Who no one in his enlightened non racist, definitely not Nazi party still calls on to be removed as governor.

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All the top Dems called for him to step down right after it came out but don't let truth get in the way of your propaganda.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
All the top Dems called for him to step down right after it came out but don't let truth get in the way of your propaganda.

So where are they now?
When the next in line ceased to be a Democrat, holding onto power became more pragmatic than removing a racist.
Every day Northam and Fairfax remain in power, they remain poster boys for Democrat hypocrisy, corruption and lies.

Trump should be Tweeting about them every day.

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Lol, this from a Trump supporter

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The Democrat party that dares to call Trump "white supremacist"... used to write articles transcribing Louis Farrakhan exalting Hitler.

You can wildly speculate all you like, M E M, based on nothing, about Trump being a white supremacist. But look at what I've ccited just in the last few posts. That's not even getting into the Confederate/Jim Crow history of the Democrat party. Or LBJ's more recent "I'll have niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years."
Or Bill Clinon in 2008 to Ted Kennedy about Barack Obama: "A few years ago, he'd have been bringing us coffee." Or Harry Reid. Or Joseph Biden not even a week ago: "poor kids, as bright as white kids.". Among many other Biden quotes.

Tlaib was writing this crazy Nazi shit just 13 years ago. That's not like Frank Marshall Davis being a paid Soviet spy and propagandist during the 1940's and 1950's, under FBI surveillance. That's not like William Ayers and his Weather Underground getinng paid directly by the Soviets as a communist front group, as were the Black Panthers in the 1970's, or Frank Marshall Davis mentoring/indoctrinating Barack Obama in Cultural Marxism and Anti-Colonialism in the 1970's and early 1980's.

Tlaib, a U.S. House member, was writing Farrakhan's pro-Hitler propaganda as recently as 2006 !
I couldn't imagine that kind of Demcorat?leftist craziness to make it up. But there it is.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: Tlaib/Farrakhan article

A spokesperson for Tlaib told Fox News that the article was from 2006 and “was not an endorsement of Farrakhan or anyone for that matter,” adding that the congresswoman “has not had any direct contact with Farrakhan and condemns his anti-Semitic and anti-LGBTQ views.”


In 1984, Farrakhan praised Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. “The Jews don’t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that’s a good name. Hitler was a very great man.”

More recently, he shared a video warning about “Satanic Jew,” prompting Twitter to take action against the hate preacher. “Will you recognize Satan? I wonder, will you see the Satanic Jew and the Synagogue of Satan, which has many races in it because Satan has deceived the whole world?” Farrakhan said.

He later doubled-down on his anti-Semitic rhetoric, posting another video in recent months where he says that he wasn’t prejudiced against Jewish people but was simply “anti-Termite.”

In November, Farrakhan and his followers went on a solidarity trip to Iran and led “Death to America” chants. During the trip, Farrakhan told Iranian students that “America has never been a democracy,” and also led a “Death to Israel” chant at the end of his talk, Iranian news agencies reported.

There is absolutely no way you hold the rabidly anti-Semitic and rabidly anti-American views that Tlaib does, combined with WORKING for Farrakhan, and she doesn't know that Farrakhan has said these things and actively endorse them.
All you can do is backpedal after-the-fact, as Tlaib is doing, to try and pretend otherwise.

More faanatical Democrat hatred and nazism, on full display.

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She wrote a column years ago that didn't contain anything remotely anti Semitic and has specifically and publicly denounced Farrakhan for his anti Semitic views. Contrast that to Trump pretending he doesn't know who David Duke is to avoid denouncing him. Or his playful retweets of some pretty vile people attached to the alt right. Or inviting folks that have threatened former President Obama's life as his guest in the WH. I don't agree with Tlaib on lots of things, especially her support for boycotting Israel but you obviously have a double standard when it comes to the company Trump keeps.

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Tlaib wrote for Louis Farrakhan, M E M.
That alone is an endorsement.

Beyond that, her consistent anti-Semitic/anti-Israel rhetoric is in unison on every point with Louis Farrahkan and the Nation of Islam.
As is the rhetoric of Ilhan Omar.

Tlaib has only distanced herself from Farrakhan to save her own political ass. And I'm sure Farrakhan is very sympatico to that. Whatever advances the Revolution.

And show me where Trump has any connection to David Duke, the way Tlaaib has to Farrakhan.
Or like Obama has to Farrakhan.
Or like the Democrats do to the Ku Klux Klan and Jim Crow laws and segregation.

You strain to read tea leaves to twist Trump as a racist, while ignoring the MOUNTAINS of evidence that Democrats are racist, 150 years ago, 100 years ago, 60 years ago, today. See the examples I cited above. And far from a complete list.

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Trump pretended he didn't know who David Duke was when asked if he would denounce him. Tlaib didn't pretend to not know who Farrakhan was and denounced him very clearly.

And Trump was taken to court by this country by a republican administration no less for not renting to black people. Tlaib wrote a column that had nothing anti Semitic in it and she denounced Farrakhan. That doesn't make her a hero but unlike your guy she wasn't actively trying to illegally discriminate.

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Maybe Trump didn't know who David Duke was. I recall around 2004 I went to my local comic store in west Boca Raton, and there was a car with a David Duke bumper sticker. I came in the store and mentioned it, and with about 15 others in the store, not one of them knew who he was, including the store owner. I explained that he is a former KKK leader, and a leader in the white supremacist movement. One chubby nerdy looking guy didn't participate in the conversation and left the store a few minutes later. When I left the store after him, I noticed the car was gone, so I think it was him.

My point being, a lot of people don't know who Duke is. I first became aware of who Duke was in the late 1980's when he ran for president. There are many people running for president RIGHT NOW that most Americans have never heard of, and never will.

Regarding Tlaib and Omar's trip to "Palestine" (they are so filled with hatred and propaganda that they can't even call it Israel), their trip was even sponsored by a radical islamic group hell-bent on Israel's destruction (Miftah, who describe suicide bombers as "sacrifices for the cause"), and they would only be there to propagandize and rally violence against Israel. Gee, why won't Israel let them in?

A real Congressional fact-finding mission goes to Israel and speaks to factions on all sides to get a full perspective of the situation there. A group of 70 House members (both Republican and Democrat) actually just did that.
Tlaib and Omar clearly were going there just to meet with Palestinians and propagandize the Palestinian side, the most radical Palestinian side.

If the other more sane Democrats had any spine at all, they would censure these two for their poisonous rhetoric and unbridled hatred.
But they don't.
And they won't.
Further proving that Democrats have officially become the Bolshevik party.

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David Duke was certainly somebody Trump knew and had referenced before. How nice of you to give him the benefit of the doubt while spewing partisan hatred at anything not republican enough though. Btw you glossed over his legal battles with this country over not letting black people into some of his properties back in the 70's. Is it because he was not wearing black face while he was actively discriminating that makes that okay?

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Uh... I don't see where I posted anything that could be termed "partisan hatred". I merely cited the facts demonstrating YOUR OWN PARTY'S partisan hatred.

The quoted antisemitic rhetoric (hatred!) of Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar is fact.
Their planned trip to Palestinian regions is fact. That their trip was sponsored by the Islamic radical Miftah group, is fact.
The associations with Louis Farrakhan, by not only Tlaib, but also Obama, and the Democrat Black Causus (PHOTOGRAPHED!! And hidden for 8 years out of conscious guilt) is fact.
That the Democrat party was forged in slavery, the party of the Confederacy and the Civil War, the party of Jim Crow laws and segregation, is fact.
That KKK blackface Virginia governor Ralph Northan is still in office and not challenged anymore to leave office, is fact.
That despite the poisonous antisemitism of Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Alyssia Pressley ("We don't want black faces that don't speak with black voices"), and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (her rhetoric that Border Patrol/ICE are "like Nazis", and illegal immigrant detention centers are "like Nazi concentration camps". And by the way, Border Patrol bring in toys, food and other unbudgeted supplies for incarcerated illegals, that Border Patrol agents out of compassion paid for out of their own salaries. remarkably nice. But labelled as "Nazi concentration camp" guards by Ocasio-Cortez and the Democrat Left).

Despite all this poisonous rhetoric, no one in the Democrat party will condemn Ocasio-Cortez and her far-Left caucus for their violence-inciting anti-American rhetoric, Nor will Pelosi and Schumer censure them for it, is fact. The Dems passively endorse it and let them run wild.

Feel free to enlighten me what I said that was not just citing facts, and ventured into partisan hatred. The hatred is all by your side. We are just forced to point it out and react to it.

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The most recent news, Trump had a rally in Minneapolis, Minesotta last night, either in or very close to the Congressional district of scorched-earth America-hating leftist Rep. Ilhan Omar.
It should be pointed out that Trump only lost Minnesota by a narrow margin of 1.5% of the vote, despite that Trump (with a more limited staff and campaign funding at the time) did virtually no campaigning in Minnesota in 2016.

The Democrat mayor of Minneapolis did his best to suppress the ability of Trump to hold a rally there. When Obama campaigned there in 2012, the security cost of Obama's rally in the same venue was only $20,000.
For the same event for last night, they were charging Trump $520,000.

That same Minneapolis mayor said that his city did not welcome the "hate and divisiveness" that Trump brings when he speaks.
If securing our borders, welcoming a record number of legal immigrants, and providing the best economic numbers ever recorded for blacks, hispanics, asians and women, could be considered "divisive" and "hate".
Only by omission of the facts and pure demagogic hate could the Minneapolis mayor assert that.
The mayor also issued a new order that local police could not attend in support of Trump wearing their uniforms. (CONTRAST: When Obama was president police were ordered to appear in uniform by that same Democrat city government on stage with Barack Obama against their will, in a front of support for then-President Obama.

In rebellion against this mayor's order, local police and in surrounding areas of Minneapolis designed a red T-shirt to wear at the rally, to manifest they are police in support of Trump, with or without their uniforms. The shirt sold out multiple times, a total of about 50,000 shirts sold, despite selling out repeatedly in the last 2 weeks. That manifests who the police, oncoerced, REALLY support.

Trump's Minneapolis rally held a record 20,000 people, and as he pointed out in his speech at the rally, an additional 25,000 gathered outside the rally. And a total of 100,000 expressed interest in attending.
It appears that in this long-Democrat-held region, Trump has a remarkable amount of support.

Behold what Minneapolis mayor Frey regards as the "hate" at the Trump rally:

FULL RALLY: President Trump rally in Minneapolis, MN , 10-10-2019, Thursday

That's a remarkably cheerful and enthusiastic crowd, for a display of "hate and intolerance".

To see the hate and intolerance, you needed to go outside and see the Democrat protestors, attacking police, starting fires, shouting abuses at police and Trump supporters, and surrouding the cars of Trump supporters as they attempted to leave the rally, in a show of intimidation. Throwing rocks, bottles and other dangerous objects at police and Trump supporters, throwing bags of urine and feces at Trump supporters.

You tell me: Who is displaying hate and intolerance?

The ironies just abound, in the layers of intolerance, hatred, intimidation and unleashed violence of the Democrat/Left, even as they bemoan Trump/Republican "hate" and intolerance.

Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Che, Ayers, Dohrn would be proud. Their disciples have learned well. Slander, intimidation, violence, whatever serves the Revolution.

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Actually the mayor had a point about Trump's hate. He's already trash talked and told lies about some of our Minnesotans. It was a given that there would be more of it and that we would get stuck with the bill to boot.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Actually the mayor had a point about Trump's hate. He's already trash talked and told lies about some of our Minnesotans. It was a given that there would be more of it and that we would get stuck with the bill to boot.

Everything Trump said about Ilhan Omar is factually true:

She dismissively talked about the 9-11-2001 islamic attacks ("Some people did something..."), and mocked Americans for having enduring anger about it (she made fun of the way a college instructor spoke with too much intensity when he used the word "muslims").

Ilhan Omar has arguably never had anything good to say about the Unted States, even as she expresses solidarity with this nation's worst enemies, and repeats their anti-American talking points.

Omar also was slated to take a trip to Israel (along with Rashida Tlaib) a trip that was sponsored by an islamic terrorist group that describes suicide bombers in Israel as "martyrs for the cause".
And Omar, in her rabid antisemitism, also called her planned trip a trip "to Palestine", her antisemitism so strong she couldn't even call it a trip to Israel.

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Actually Trump has lied about Omar, at one point he retweeted that she partied during 9/11. That's so gross, hateful and unworthy of the office he swore an oath to. On 9/11 she has said it was an attack on all of us but that doesn't suit his needs. Instead he retweeted a lie that served his need to divide us with hate. Nor is it true that she's never had anything good to say about her and our country. And it's very ironic that this is coming from someone who ran on "Making America great again".

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Actually Trump has lied about Omar, at one point he retweeted that she partied during 9/11. That's so gross, hateful and unworthy of the office he swore an oath to. On 9/11 she has said it was an attack on all of us but that doesn't suit his needs. Instead he retweeted a lie that served his need to divide us with hate. Nor is it true that she's never had anything good to say about her and our country. And it's very ironic that this is coming from someone who ran on "Making America great again".

Rep. Ilhan Omar is difficult to defend, as rabidly anti-American and Anti-Semitic as her public comments are. In addition to that she defrauded the U.S. government in the way she entered the country. And on top of that defrauded the government again by marrying her brother to get more relatives in the country. And currently, she was (and is) cheating on her second spouse and having an affair with someone else's husband. And the cheated-on wife exposed the affair. And then there's her fraudulent campaign finance problems.

On every level, Ilhan Omar has revealed herself to be a disgusting person, with a contempt for our country and its laws. She's a perfect role model for those those entering who have no loyalty to this country, who have a first loyalty to something other than the United States, and exploits every loophole she can to defraud the United States, and steal from taxpayers.

There are some similarities between Omar and her family, and the Tsarnaev brothers family. The Tsarnaevs (prior to bombing the Boston Marathon) were given immigration status as refugees from a war-torn Chechnya, their family used welfare benefits and food stamps, they got free college education at the taxpayers' expense, and still hated this country enough to terror-bomb their fellow citizens, despite exploiting every public benefit.

While Ilhan Omar has not waged terrorism or bombed anyone, she daily enacts another kind of destruction on the nation from her elected office, with incendiary rhetoric that almost daily slanders the nation and its history, and polarizes and divides the country. As I understand it, she is not popular in her own district, and might be voted out in 2020. That could only help the Democrats, if she were marginalized and replaced.

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Another standard tactic by the Democrat/Left:
When Democrats are guilty of something, accuse Republicans of doing the same thing, and the complicit liberal media will focus completely on the allegations about Republicans, and no longer cover the allegations against Democrats, despite that Democrats are the ones who are truly guilty of these things.

One pundit, I think Dan Heninger of the Wall Street Journal, called this tactic a kind of political Ju-Jitsu. In Ju-Jitsu, one fights by taking their opponent's size and strength and using it against them.

In political terms, the strength of Republicans is they are over many decades very pro-military, unquestionably more pro-military than Democrats, stronger on defense spending and national security.
Conversely, the Democrats since the 1940's and 1950's the party that's soft on communism, and especially since the late 1960's have been the anti-war/anti-military party. John Kerry and the Clintons are prime examples of this. Both rabidly protested the war and slandered Vietnam veterans as war criminals. Ted Kennedy negotiated with the Soviets behind Ronald Reagan's back, to try and get the Russians not to make a nuclear peace agreement with Reagan. They undermined national security.

More recently, Hillary Clinton's lack of regard for national security with:
1) her illegal non-secured private ee-mail server, that left her e-mail communication ripe for the hacking by the Russians and Chinese every day she was secretary of state.
2) The Uranium one deal, that gave the Russians 50% of the U.S. uranium supply.
3) Bill and Hillary Clinton's making hundreds of millions in foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation, and for exhorbitant speaking fees, sold in exchange for giving these foreign nationals special access to State Department, and exchanged favors in fast-tracking foreign State Department requests (see Peter Schweitzer's book Clinton Cash, and documentary by the same name).
4) Hillary Clinton talking tough about fighting illegal immigration publicly, but at a videotaped secret meeting with Clinton supporters in Brazil saying what she truly wants is "an open borders western hemisphere", that obviously compromises U.S. national security.
5) Hillary Clinton's and Obama's negligence that resulted in the 9-11-2012 attack on the Benghazi embassy, despite repeated requests for increased security by the Libyan ambassador. The location and actions of both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama remain unknown and a secret. But they told military forces that could have rescued embassy staff to stand down. Only because CIA officers disobeyed orders was there a rescue of embassy personnel, so that only 4 died instead of 40 or 50. The Democrats lied about what happened, created a false narrative about an anti-islamic Youtube video to win the 2012 election, and suppressed every effort to investigate and punish those responsible both within the Obama administration, and the terrorists themselves.
6) 50 years of Democrat contempt for national security and hostility toward our military, that Hillary Clinton was a part of since the Vietnam War. While Bill Clinton was president, Hillary Clinton had such contempt for our military that she would not allow uniformed officers in the White House, they had to wear business suits. And needless to say, the Democrats for 5 decades have been weak on military defense and undermined every war effort since the Vietnam war. Under George W. Bush in 2004, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats wanted to de-fund our military in Iraq, to force Bush to remove our troops in defeat. In spite of Democrats, W.Bush was committed to fighting and winning that war, and won it in 2008-2009. After Bush left Office, Obama squandered that victory and enabled the murderous rise of ISIS that conquered half of Iraq in 2012. Obama sat on his hands while ISIS slaughtered tens of thousands, and sent millions of refugees to the U.S. and Europe. And ISIS conquest that Trump with a change in policy vigorously destroyed in 18 months.

That's an overwhelming record of Democrat negligence (at best), and even complete disregard for national security and our military. Arguably a visible leftist hatred for the country itself, and deliberate of its military power, its energy independence, diplomatic influence, and its very sovereignty.

So how do Democrats overcome this?

With deceit, and orchestrating an act of political Ju-Jitsu. They accuse Trump of "Russian collusion",cooperating with the Russians to win an election. And the complicit liberal media leaps on and carpet bombs the public with that narrative, taking all the oxygen away from the ACTUAL Russia collusion by the DNC/Hillary Clinton campaign/Glenn Simpson/Fusion GPS/Christopher Steele and their paying millions directly to Russian agents in creation of their "Russia Dossier" to smear Trump. The media pushing this narrative hides the crimes of the Demcorats, and also hides 70 years of the Democrats ignoring warnings and enabling Russian/Communist U.S. infiltration and Soviet military aggression.

The two names I've heard as the architects of the "Russia collusion" narrative are John Podesta and John Brennan.

The "Russia collusion" narrative died with the Mueller report in April 2019. Then in its death throes as Democrats tried to resurrect it, it died a second and even more humiliating death with Robert Mueller's testimony before Congress a few months later. Despite many other attempts to resurrect it with congessional hearings with John Dean (another humiliation for Democrats), and then Corey Lewandowski (anothe humiliation for Democrats).

So what to do for Democrats?

Another act of political Ju-Jitsu, to distract from Democrat failures and to put Trump back on the defensive.

And for the last month, we now have "Russia Collusion 2.0": Accuse Trump of treason with a manufactured "whistleblower report", but clearly orchestrated by the same deep state forces that gave us the "Russia Dossier" and the first investigation, by means of:
1) a super-secret change of "whistleblower report" rules to allow other than firsthand observation, altered from deep in the bowels of John Brennan's CIA, the who where and when of the changes made still unknown in origin.
2) An CIA agent anonymous whistleblower and Biden/Democrat partisan, using third-person hearsay, attacking president Trump on a secretly CIA-altered "whistleblower form.
3) nRequired to be submitted in 5 days, but was crafted in 18 days. Supposed to be submitted bipartisanly to Democratsand Republicans jointly in the House judiciary committee, but was crafted for 18 days secretly by Rep. Adam Schiff's office, who didn't just receive the "whitleblower report, but helped the CIA whistleblower/rat craft it for 18 days for maximum damage to Trump. Adam Schiff's office, who even selected the whistleblower/rat's lawyer for him (and the lawyer is another guy connected to the deep state CIA),
4) and then Schiff lied about his office's previously meeting the whistleblower/rat and orchestrating at every step his accusation!
5) That two on Adam Schiff's staff are former White House staffers, who recently were hired to Schiff's office in the months before the "whistleblower" allegations began.

In that tradition of those two "Russia Collusion" and "Collusion 2.0" political Ju-Jitsu attacks, yet another Ju-Jitssu attack that is probably a minor blip by comparison, but in the same template, of the Democrat/establishment/deep state accusing Trump once again of what they themselves are guilty of:

He's another swamp/establishment guy, who was fired by Trump for incompetence that got veterans killed at the VA due to negligent care and doctored records, that manipulated statistics so that despite bad care, VA executives still got their bonuses!
He has a clear axe to grind against Trump, for having fired him.

And then he has the audacity to talk about a "shadow government" in the Trump administration. This is again to mask that the Democrat/Left are truly the shadow government, who are trying to destroy our constitutional democracy and replace it with a Democrat authoritarian system that is subservient to globalists and a global government, such as George Soros.

The book The Shadow Government by David Horowitz and Richard Poe lays down all the evidence and history of the Democrat/Left's 50-year "long march" (reference to the patience of those who crafted the 1949 Communist seizure of China) to seize power over the United States.
They had it locked up with Hillary Clinton in 2016. And the reason they are so hell-bent on destroying Trump is because he prevented them from putting the final nails in America's coffin.

The Shadow Party was published in 2006. In the book, Hillary Clinton was then presumed to be the inevitable candidate in 2008, but was obviously usurped by Obama for 8 years. All the things said about the insurrectionist Democrat/Left have remained as true, if not more true, in the 2016 election and the years since. It lays out perfectly how George Soros and the Democrat/left have used insurrectionate tactics to overthrow governments worldwide, using the same fake grass roots "resistance" movements we are now seeing in the U.S., groups like Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the Open Borders movement.

Tactics the globalist Left have used to overthrow governments worldwide, that they have now perfected in other countries and have brought home to unleash on the United States.

Slander attacks of political Ju-Jitsu are just another tactic in the deceitful Democrat/Left's arsenal. It ultimately is a variation of this one:

 Originally Posted By: Moscow Central Committee, 1943
Members and front organizations must continually embarass, discredit and degrade our critics. When obstructionists become too irritating, label them as fascist, or Nazi, or anti-Semitic... The association will, after enough repetition, become "fact" in the public mind.

I've increasingly seen there is a lot of shared ideology and goals of globalism and Soviet-style world communist revolution. And as seen in the leftist organizers who orchestrated the Arab Spring a few years ago, globalists and communist/leftists also share anti-Western goals with islamic jihadists. But a rose by any other name, under whateve ideological flag, they share the use of slander, intimidation, violence and leftist fake-grassroots resistance groups to overthrow our republic. As Soros and his worldwide organization has have previously overthrown many other countries. Techniques they perfected elsewhere, before bringing their revolution here.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Actually Trump has lied about Omar, at one point he retweeted that she partied during 9/11. That's so gross, hateful and unworthy of the office he swore an oath to. On 9/11 she has said it was an attack on all of us but that doesn't suit his needs. Instead he retweeted a lie that served his need to divide us with hate. Nor is it true that she's never had anything good to say about her and our country. And it's very ironic that this is coming from someone who ran on "Making America great again".

Rep. Ilhan Omar is difficult to defend, as rabidly anti-American and Anti-Semitic as her public comments are. In addition to that she defrauded the U.S. government in the way she entered the country. And on top of that defrauded the government again by marrying her brother to get more relatives in the country. And currently, she was (and is) cheating on her second spouse and having an affair with someone else's husband. And the cheated-on wife exposed the affair. And then there's her fraudulent campaign finance problems.

On every level, Ilhan Omar has revealed herself to be a disgusting person, with a contempt for our country and its laws. She's a perfect role model for those those entering who have no loyalty to this country, who have a first loyalty to something other than the United States, and exploits every loophole she can to defraud the United States, and steal from taxpayers.

There are some similarities between Omar and her family, and the Tsarnaev brothers family. The Tsarnaevs (prior to bombing the Boston Marathon) were given immigration status as refugees from a war-torn Chechnya, their family used welfare benefits and food stamps, they got free college education at the taxpayers' expense, and still hated this country enough to terror-bomb their fellow citizens, despite exploiting every public benefit.

While Ilhan Omar has not waged terrorism or bombed anyone, she daily enacts another kind of destruction on the nation from her elected office, with incendiary rhetoric that almost daily slanders the nation and its history, and polarizes and divides the country. As I understand it, she is not popular in her own district, and might be voted out in 2020. That could only help the Democrats, if she were marginalized and replaced.

Note you have no issue with Trump lying about her dancing to celebrate 9/11. That isn't a little lie but a big awful one. The only people you haven't called anti American these days are the Trump faithful. Trump attacked Jews that don't support him. Republicans that criticize him are "scum" and news he doesn't like is fake. Holding foreign aid over another country to try to rig the next election in his favor. I really don't see how you see greatness there.

Fair play!
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Originally Posted by M E M
Note you have no issue with Trump lying about her dancing to celebrate 9/11. That isn't a little lie but a big awful one.

You misrepresent it as "Trump lying", when in fact all Trump did was re-tweet what someone else posted.
But as I said above, Rep. Ilhan Omar consistently slanders the United States (a country that rescued her and her family from dying as hunted refugees in a Somalia civil war and famine) who in supreme ingrattitude, constantly attacks the U.S. that saved her as an evil and racist country.
And Rep. Omar has repeatedly mocked 9/11 and Americans who remain angry about that Islamic attack on the United States.

Trump re-posted a video that showed Omar dancing, he didn't lie, he thought it was absolute proof she was dancing to celebrate 9/11.
And while that particular detail is inaccurate, it is certainly true over many years that Ilhan Omar has on many occasions slandered the United States, and mocks Americans rightfully angry about the 9/11 attacks, and (OMAR: "some people did something" ) vastly downplays the level of destruction and genocide by muslims on 9/11.

Originally Posted by M E M
The only people you haven't called anti American these days are the Trump faithful.

As I've demonstrated at length, cited and sourced, these "Jihad Squad" Democrats went to "Palestine" (that they hate Jews so much they won't even call the nation by its actual name of Israel), and met with radical Palestinian terrorist groups, and THAT THEIR TRIP WAS EVEN PARTIALLY FUNDED by Palestinian terrorist groups (sourced and linked above).
These are four Democrat congress women who attack and undermine U.S. history and U.S. national security at every turn. I call Omar and her Marxist/Islamist radical friends "anti-American" because that is precisely what they are, and I've cited the sourced facts to confirm that (and as much as I cited, still just the tip of the iceberg) repeatedly.

Originally Posted by M E M
Trump attacked Jews that don't support him. Republicans that criticize him are "scum" and news he doesn't like is fake. Holding foreign aid over another country to try to rig the next election in his favor. I really don't see how you see greatness there.

I don't even know fully what you're insinuating, but it's clearly a deliberately false Democrat talking point.

A sampling of the greatness of Trump's presidency:

Those Republicans who attack Trump, like Scaramucci, or the Lincoln Project, or Rep. Liz Cheney or Rep. Adam Kinzinger are RINOs who openly betray the will of the people who elected them, in pursuit of a corrupt swamp system, and Trump calls them out on this betrayal of their voters. And their further betrayal of the nation to globalist and lobbyist objectives that are in opposition to and HURT the people who voted for them, who they were elected to protect.
The only one I ever heard refer to Trump as "scum" was fanatical Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), and even the CNN anchor she was with seemed taken back by Waters' language.

Scaramucci and Omarosa and former lawyer Michael Cohen lie about Trump to promote themselves, or as lying vindictive payback, or (Cohen's case) to get a better plea deal, because of crimes Cohen committed that have nothing to do with Trump, but Cohen lied about Trump to get a better plea deal.

Trump as president has prevented wars, secured our Southern border, re-built or military, rebuilt our economy, created U.S. energy independence for the first time in over 70 years, and re-built our national sovereignty.
Things the Biden administration and the Democrats have largely destroyed in barely 11 months.

I truly believe the Biden administration wants to kill us all, as they kick our borders wide open to every criminal and terrorist, as they enact crippling new energy policy that cuts off our ability to heat our homes or fuel our cars. As they surrender Afghanistan in a way that completely undermines our military deterrant, and turns all our ally nations against us. None of those nations will stand with us now until Biden and his puppetmasters are gone from the White House. If the nation survives another 3 years beyond that.
Biden (and/or his puppetmasters) continues to enact legislation that breaks up supply chains to the point that with further obstructions being created right now could completely break food supply chains and starve the American people. This is beyond just ideological mismanagement of our economy and supply chains and green energy woke-ism, this is a deliberate plot to completely break down and destroy this country through Biden legislation and executive orders.

And it is a fact that Hunter Biden (the bagman for "pop", "the big guy", as documented in Hunter Biden's own e-mails) received 3.5 million from the wife of the mayor of Moscow, a personal friend of Vladimir Putin.

And that Hunter Biden also received $1.5 billion to invest from the Bank of China (which is to say from the Chinese Communist Party) of which Hunter Biden is to receive a windfall of at least $20 million (again, a portion of which goes to "pop", "the big guy"). And those are just the deals we know about !
This is a White House for sale, and it seems obvious that they are selling out the American people to our enemies, crippling if not killing the United States.

The same way Bill and Hillary Clinton were selling out the State Department from 2009-2012 through the Clinton Foundation.

The same way Obama sold us out a dozen different ways (for example his on-camera comments to Medvedev: "I can be much more flexible after the election."
Medvedev eagerly responding, "I will transmit this information to Vladimir !" ).

Ans as I've cited with an hour's worth of examples from Sharyl Attkisson, the media DEMONSTRABLY IS fake news. Deliberately so, in their ideological subservience to the Democrat party, and complete abandonment of objective reporting.
The liberal media openly believe it is their job to destroy Trump and the Republicans, and to prop up Democrats no matter what, completely abandoning decades of journalistic standards, criticized by old-school journalists like Lara Logan, Ron Kessler, John Stossel, Glenn Greenwald, John Solomon, Sharyl Attkisson, and many others not willing to compromise and become part of the leftist media's Orwellian Newspeak. ACTUAL journalists, who at a great cost to their careers they could have kept if they were willing to report the fake news narrative. All award-winning journalists, not willing to sell out.
So yes, fake news, and an enemy of the people, just like Trump said as president.

And as I've detailed before, Snopes, Factcheck and Politifact are also pseudo-factual sspin-sites projecting a false appearance of objectivity, parts of the Democrat narrative, lies created to benefit the Democrat party.

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Youtube quickly eliminated the Tucker Carlson video in my opening post.
Here's another recording of the Tucker Carlson March 30, 2018 broadcast I referred to, for those who would like to see it.

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Democrats who accuse Trump of being the authoritarian threat to Democracy, ARE the authoritarian threat to Democracy

  • Just how liberal is Joe Biden? In his latest speech in Atlanta, he seized upon the putative authoritarianism of his detractors to accuse around half of his countrymen as enemies of progress. But it is Biden who, in the name of battling authoritarianism, is actually promoting it.

    Biden seeks to roll back Trump-era reforms in higher education. He is doubling down on promoting and institutionalizing divisive Critical Race Theory (CRT), the 1619 project, and Title IX programs. Other than minor foreign policy continuity with the Trump administration, especially in regard to Afghanistan and somewhat about a desire for detente with Russia, Biden, much to the chagrin of his supporters is proving to be as divisive and alienating as the president he served under, Barack Obama. Indeed, he is accomplishing the rare feat of making Jimmy Carter look good by comparison.

    Biden claimed in his latest speech on voting rights that he stands against “the forces in America that value power over principle.” “Jim Crow 2.0 is about two insidious things: voter suppression and election subversion. It’s no longer about who gets to vote; it’s about making it harder to vote. It’s about who gets to count the vote and whether your vote counts at all.” Biden added. Meanwhile, normal people are wondering that the same government which wants vaccine passports to enter restaurants or airports, is so opposed to the other side desiring identity cards for voting, a process that should have far stricter gatekeeping. That only one side of the political spectrum, by the way, has embarked on an ideological crusade—one that seeks to promote transgender rights, CRT, and alternate history, or punish political opponents financially for their lifestyle choices or thought crimes, and abolish both the filibuster and the Senate. These, it may be safely said, constitute the most divisive challenges to the fabric of the American republic, and American constitution in recent memory.

    Whether Biden, a longtime centrist, actually believes in this program of radical change is a moot point. The cold, hard truth is that the institutional pressure in Washington is to move left as quickly as possible. In my view, Biden, regardless of his mid-century Cold war deal-making instincts, is at the end of the day a victim of the same “personnel is policy” problem that plagued Trump, another mid-century deal-making businessman.

    Those personnel, from speech writers to policy advisors, are mostly urban and liberal. As Peggy Noonan wrote,
    • [w]hen national Democrats talk to the country they always seem to be talking to themselves. They are of the left, as is their constituency, which wins the popular vote in presidential elections; the mainstream media through which they send their messages is of the left; the academics, historians and professionals they consult are of the left. They get in the habit of talking to themselves, in their language, in a single, looped conversation. They have no idea how they sound to the non-left, so they have no idea when they are damaging themselves.

  • Well, possibly. Perhaps it is a loop, and they have no idea of what they are doing and how toxic and authoritarian they sound. For the sake of statistical possibility, however, it is prudent to consider a different hypothesis. These Democratic myrmidons are not incompetent but, rather, ideologically fanatical and the only reason they cannot run a roller over half of the country with raw power is because of the beautiful design of the centuries-old system, one that nudges towards compromise. In a binary polity, when one side is in power and is determined to wreck the checks and balances that this constitution provides, they are the authoritarians, not the side that is opposing them.

    As Biden’s poll numbers continue to crater, he would do well to ponder that Americans want real progress, not the nostrums peddled by progressivism that substitute an authoritarian streak for real liberties. So far, however, he seems intent on intent on placating the Left. The more he does, the further he will be left behind.

    Sumantra Maitra is a national security fellow at the Center for the National Interest and an elected, early career historian member at the Royal Historical Society. He can be reached on Twitter at @MrMaitra.

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