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Don't bring your family across the border illegally.

Don't send your kids to the U.S. alone or as cover for drug traffickers posing as "families".

Don't send your kids across the border unaccompanied so that about 75% of them are sexually assaulted.

And most importantly, don't blame the Republicans for a "crisis" that YOU created.

A year ago, illegal immigration was contained and illegal crossings were way down, until Democrats and the Soros-funded left encouraged "caravans" of illegals to march to our border, and sent an army of lawyers to coach them how to lie and PRETEND to be seeking asylum for political or gang-violence reasons. Until they were coached what to say, over 80% (as reported by Laura Ingraham) honestly said they only wanted to come for reasons of economic opportunity.

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DHS head Nielsen says immigration crisis 'is not new,' product of [DEMOCRAT CREATED] legislative loopholes

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said Monday that the growing crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border "is not new" as the Trump administration dug in amid a national outcry over the separation of immigrant children from their parents.

"This entire crisis, just to be clear, is not new," Nielsen told reporters at the top of the White House briefing. "It's been occurring and expanded over many decades. But currently, it is the exclusive product of loopholes in our federal immigration laws that prevent illegal immigrant minors and family members from being detained and removed to their home countries."

"In other words," Nielsen added, "these loopholes create a functionally open border. Apprehension without detention and removal is not border security."

Nielsen called for Congress to act on legislation that would curb the separation of immigrant children from parents held in custody. Such a provision is already in a compromise GOP immigration measure between party conservatives and moderates and similar language was expected to be added to an alternative bill favored by conservative members. The House is expected to vote on both bills later this week.

The current holding areas used to house separated children have drawn widespread attention after journalists gained access to one site Sunday.

At a McAllen, Texas, detention center, the Associated Press reported that hundreds of immigrant children waited in a series of cages created by metal fencing. One cage had 20 children inside. Bottles of water, bags of chips and large foil sheets intended to serve as blankets were scattered around the facility.

Nielsen, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and other members of the administration have insisted that the White House is simply enforcing immigration laws already on the books.
"The voices most loudly criticizing the enforcement of our current laws are those whose policies created this crisis and whose policies perpetrate it," Nielsen said.

The policy has drawn outrage from conservatives and Republicans as well as Democrats and liberals. The Rev. Franklin Graham, a longtime Trump ally, called the policy "disgraceful." Several religious groups have also pushed to stop the practice and former first lady Laura Bush called it "cruel" and "immoral" in a Washington Post opinion piece.

On Capitol Hill, Michigan Republican Rep. Fred Upton called for an immediate end to this "ugly and inhumane practice," adding, "It's never acceptable to use kids as bargaining chips in political process." And Kansas GOP Sen. Pat Roberts said he is "against using parental separation as a deterrent to illegal immigration."

[This is a developing story; check back for more updates. The Associated ]

The press conference with both DHS secretary Nielsen, and Sara Huckabee-Sanders, was held less than an hour before the 6PM news.

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Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is an American immigration policy that allows some individuals who were brought to the United States illegally as children to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and become eligible for a work permit in the U.S. Unlike the proposed DREAM Act, DACA does not provide a path to citizenship for recipients.[1][2] The policy was announced by President Barack Obama on June 15, 2012, and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) began accepting applications for the program on August 15, 2012.

In November 2014, Obama announced his intention to expand DACA to cover additional undocumented immigrants. Although multiple states immediately sued to prevent the expansion, their attempt was ultimately blocked by the courts. The United States Department of Homeland Security rescinded the expansion on June 16, 2017, while continuing to review the existence of the DACA program as a whole. Plans to phase out DACA were initiated by the Trump Administration on September 5, 2017, allowing Congress six months to pass the Dream Act, which would provide the path to citizenship for Dreamers under DACA that Congress had originally intended.[3][4][5][6]

Research has shown that DACA increased the wages and labor force participation of DACA-eligible immigrants[7][8][9] and reduced the number of unauthorized immigrant households living in poverty.[10] Studies have also shown that DACA increased the mental health outcomes for DACA-eligible immigrants and their children.[11][12][13] There are no known major adverse impacts from DACA on native-born workers' employment, and most economists say that DACA benefits the U.S. economy.[14][15][16] To be eligible for the program, recipients cannot have felonies or serious misdemeanors on their records. There is no evidence that individuals covered by DACA are more likely to commit crimes than the general population of the United States.[17]

"No known major adverse impacts" if you're a pro-open-borders liberal progressive. For the rest of us, it resulted in a huge influx of illegal immigrants, resulting in hundreds of thousands of crimes annually in the U.S., and a cost to federal, state, and local governments of about $120 billion a year.

Every DACA child given asylum creates a path toward citizenship for their entire extended family, INCLUDING the parents who brought them here illegally.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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The cost of illegal immigration to taxpayers is growing at an unsustainable pace

The total cost of illegal immigration to federal, state and local taxpayers for the nation’s 12.5 million illegal aliens has increased to $116 billion annually, according to a new study released Wednesday by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). The study, one of the most comprehensive to date on the issue, investigates the major contributing factors driving the high cost of illegal immigration, and compares that to the revenue state and local governments collect from illegal aliens.

The findings paint a much different picture than what open-border proponents and many in the mainstream media try to portray — that illegal immigration is somehow a net positive to the United States economy.

FAIR found that while illegal immigrants pay billions of dollars in taxes every year, they ultimately cost taxpayers more than seven times what they contribute. The study found that illegal immigrants pay almost $19 billion annually in combined federal, state and local taxes. This estimate is actually considerably higher than what many studies before this have suggested. However, the amount of taxes illegal immigrants pay is dwarfed by the considerable costs that they impose on American taxpayers: nearly $135 billion annually, creating a net deficit of $116 billion.
The majority of the costs to taxpayers, $89 billion (66 percent), are borne at the local and state level. This means that American taxpayers are forced to bear the costs of the federal government’s failure to secure our borders every time they pay school taxes, local tolls, sales and excise taxes. It also means that illegal migrants get a lot of benefits that they don’t pay for.

Conversely, by a 5-to-1 ratio, the taxes paid by illegal immigrants wind up in federal coffers. Despite states bearing most of the costs associated with illegal immigration, the federal government receives 15.4 billion of their tax receipts, compared to $3.5 billion received by states and localities.

When states offer financial support to illegal immigrants, and protect them from the federal immigration enforcement efforts, it’s the law-abiding residents who suffer the financial consequences. New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Illinois and Virginia are all far from the southern border, yet they are still popular destinations for illegal immigrants because welfare programs are easily available, even to those unlawfully in the United States. New York, New Jersey, and northern Virginia have all been leaders in the sanctuary movement. Illinois and Maryland have gone so far as to allow illegal immigrants to obtain drivers licenses, and even vote in some local elections.

The state and local costs of illegal migration are amplified by the fact that illegal immigrants remit much of their earnings to their home nations. FAIR estimates that nearly 20 percent of the average household income of illegal immigrants is remitted back to their home nations. Annually, this totals approximately $7,200 per illegal immigrant household that is not spent in the United States, and therefore is not subject to the sales or excise taxes that fund state treasuries.

These findings soundly refute the argument that the presence of illegal immigrants in the U.S. is justified because they pay taxes. The truth is that, in addition to violating American immigration law, illegal immigrants pay only a fraction of the costs for the services they consume. Law abiding taxpayers are stuck footing the vast majority of the fiscal burden created by their actions. It’s time for the federal government to end the financial incentives that attract illegal immigrants to the United States — in particular, welfare programs and refundable tax credits.

FAIR also offers an updated estimation of the number of illegal immigrants in the United States, pegging it at 12.5 million. This is based on the same criteria used by other credible research organizations like Pew Research. However, for ideological reasons, Pew leaves out illegal immigrants who are beneficiaries of programs like Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Action for Childhood of Arrivals. Failing to count these individuals falsely suggests there are fewer illegal immigrants in the country today than in the past and inappropriately lowers the costs associated with the illegal immigrant cohort.

This study confirms what we already know — that the cost of incentivized illegal immigration is unsustainably high, and continues to grow at an alarming rate. President Trump won the 2016 presidential election with a platform that championed true immigration reform. Americans are tired of losing billions of dollars every year due to illegal immigration. Ending the incentives that attract illegal immigrants and securing the border are necessary first steps to reversing the growing costs associated with unlawful migration.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Don't bring your family across the border illegally.

Don't send your kids to the U.S. alone or as cover for drug dealers posing as "families" for drug traffickers.

Don't send your kids across the border unaccompanied so that about 75% of them are sexually assaulted.

And most importantly, don't blame the Republicans for a "crisis" that YOU created.

A year ago, illegal immigration was contained and illegal crossings were way down, until Democrats and the Soros-funded left encouraged "caravans" of illegals to march to our border, and sent an army of lawyers to coach them how to lie and PRETEND to be seeking asylum for political or gang-violence reasons. Until they were coached what to say, over 80% (as reported by Laura Ingraham) honestly said they only wanted to come for reasons of economic opportunity.

At this point I don't think anyone expects your party to be responsible

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By "responsible", you mean like... enforcing the laws of our country?

And stopping the flood of illegals brought about by Obama's DACA executive order and overall lack of enforcement, that has caused an overall six-fold increase in illegals since Obama became president?

As I said, illegal crossings were down by about 78% a year ago, on the mere statement by Trump that he would enforce U.S. borders and deport illegals. Democrat obstruction of that has resulted in a tripling of illegals in the last year.
The propaganda video shown in the liberal media, footage of kids put in cages and crying, was taken in 2014, video that was taken when Obama was still president.
It's just more liberal race-baiting and demagoguery, twisting the facts, to distort that this "crisis" is in truth rooted in Obama policy, NOT something begun by Republicans. Trump even offered the Dems a DACA deal that would have pre-emptively stopped all this 6 months ago.

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Lol, what a load. It's his policy that is the problem right now. Maybe instead of getting in the way of an immigration deal his party needs to tell the lump to just shut up and get out of the way? Or not.

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Gee, who could have seen something like this coming.
Nothing like this has EVER HAPPENED BEFORE, right? Except that the surge in illegals is clearly traced back to Obama's lax border enforecement, and especially spiking with Obama's DACA executive order.

To deny otherwise is what's "a load". It's been reported all along.

And the liberal media had to pull up 2014 footage of illegal children in cages, and lyingly play it on the news as if it was happening now, instead of when it actually happened in 2014, when Obama was president. The truth is, the facilities are not cages now for children, are much better (and much more expensive) under Trump.

Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson both had outstanding reports on how Democrats are hysterical about the treatment of illegals by ICE and the Border Patrol. But the same Democrats are completely indifferent to the tens of thousands annually murdered, raped, assaulted, burglarized, and otherwise preyed on by people who shouldn't even be in this country.
Carlson also somewhat jokingly put a Democrat congressman on the spot for not being concerned about those of his constituents separated by imprisonment from their children, and their children put in foster homes. He makes a point that both illegals and citizen criminals are separated from children by incarceration. But public sympathy by Democrat politicians for illegals stokes their Hispanic voter-base.

Someone on Laura Ingraham's show, I think Ben Shapiro, termed it "Virtue Signalling", Democrats posturing fake sympathy for illegal children and their parents, that they didn't give a raging fuck about when Obama was president. Now that Trump is in office, they will demagogue his better treatment of illegal children to infinity.

The Nazi comparisons from the Left/liberal media/Deep State are in abundance. Irony, the same people who unleashed the FISA court, secret police, and a Kafka-esque special investigation on Trump officials. I still find it ironic, they tried to trap Trump officials like Roger Stone, Michael Caputo and Sam Clovis, and rather than take the bait (from "the Russians", who were actually FBI moles) Trump officials actually reported them to the FBI, the very authorities who sent "the Russians" to entrap them!

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Laura Ingraham had good commentary about the children on the border issue last night (Monday, 6-18-2018):

The ICE representative said that of the 12,000 children caught at the border, 10,000 of them were traveling without parents. Only 2,000 were travelling with what appeared to be parents. ICE and Border Patrol only separate children from parents for 3 reasons.

1) If there is no documentation that they are parent and child
2) If they suspect for any reason that the adult accompanying is a danger to the child.
3) If the parent is jailed on criminal charges.

Further, the ICE representative said that when his agents approach illegals carrying these children, they drop the children on the ground and run away. What kind of "parent" or "family" would do that? The fact is, about 80% of these alleged parents are actually just using someone else's children as a front, to appear to be a family, and thus avoid arrest and detention. Often either trafficking drugs, or human slavery for sexual purposes. By leaving a child with someone like that, ICE/Border Patrol would be endangering children, not keeping a "family" together.

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Also from last night, excellent reports on the subject by:

Lou Dobbs

Tucker Carlson

Sean Hannity

Just for laughs, I watched Wolf Blitzer and Erin O'Brien over on CNN. And it was surreal the parallel universe they live in, the way they accept verbatim the Democrat talking points that all these "families" are actual families, and not fronts for illegals.

CNN didn't interview any ICE or Border Patrol agents who reveal that overwhelmingly these are not actual families, but overwhelmingly bad agents using children as a front to bypass immigration laws and apprehension/deportation. In the last 4 years or so, an increasingly exploited loophole in the law by illegals.
And a loophole for human traffickers as well.

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DHS Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, yesterday, the full press conference:

She lays out the deceptions of many posing as families. And that the U.S. admits more immigrants than the rest of the world's nations combined. (i.e., we are generous enough in the amount of immigrants we admit that we should not be accused of being "cruel" or "racist" for enforcing our laws, and deporting those who try to illegally circumnavigate our immigration/border policies.)

I'll say again, only 18% of U.S. annual immigration is from Europe, so under Trump, we are absolutely not implementing a "white only/racist" immigration policy.
I frankly would prefer an immigration demographic that preserves what we are. If that were to occur, annual immigration would be 62% white, 17% Hispanic, 12% black, and 5% Asian.

I'm convinced the current policy is to import a population that conforms to Democrat/globalist wishes to reign the U.S. into a global government, and eliminate the population (whites) who have the greatest sense of national identity and of our historical Constitutional European/Christian sovereign roots, that resists loss of sovereignty and globalism.

As I've discussed in several other topics, what other reason is there to have a 62% white-majority nation, and yet admit only 18% European immigrants? What other purpose could there be other than annihilation of the white majority? And in 1965 when this immigration policy began the U.S. was 89% white.

Even "white racist Nazi" Trump (in the eyes of the Democrat/Left/liberal media) is not doing anything to change that 53-year policy.

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Jeff Sessions: We don’t want to separate parents from kids

by attorney general Jeff Sessions
June 18, 2018

Some years ago, it was decided that law enforcement might arrest adults who crossed the border illegally by themselves, but anyone who brought a child with them would not be prosecuted, a form of immunity.

Word got out about this loophole with predictable results. The number of aliens illegally crossing with children between our ports of entry went from 14,000 to 75,000 — a fivefold increase — in just the past four years.

These trends undermine the integrity of our system. That’s why the policy that is causing them must end, too.

Ending this blanket immunity means prosecuting adults for illegal entry whether they have children with them or not. That is what we are doing at the Department of Justice.

But we will not put the children in jail. Instead, the children must be cared for by the Department of Health and Human Services, as the law requires.

And these children are well cared for. In fact, they get better care than a lot of American kids do. They are provided plenty of food, education in their language, health and dental care, and transported to their destination city — all at taxpayer expense.

In total, HHS is spending more than one billion taxpayer dollars a year providing quality care.

Separations are temporary and rare. The vast majority of children in custody came to this country by themselves.

Many unaccompanied children have been abused by smugglers or recruited by criminal gangs such as MS-13. There is nothing humane about encouraging human trafficking — but that is what open borders policies do. Everything the Trump administration is doing is helping put traffickers out of business.

If people have a genuine asylum claim, they can come to a port of entry, make their claim legally, and remain with their children while their case is processed.

We do not want to separate parents from their children. What we want is a safe, lawful system of immigration that would end this question altogether. We want to build a wall to prevent illegal entry. Congress could make that happen quickly — and they should.

Those who want to come to this country can and should apply legally. We have the most generous immigration laws in the world — but they should be enforced. At the Department of Justice, that is what we intend to do, and we ask Congress to be our partners in this effort.

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Does anyone remember the outrage when Rep. Joe Wilson interrupted then-President Barack Obama's speech before Congress and said "You lie" to an assertion Obama made in his speech.
Ohhhh Ooooohh!!
The outrage, that someone would do that! (Even though Obama was in the course of Obamacare's enactment, proven eventually to have, in fact, been lying, just as Wilson said.) And of course, because Obama is black, it was also racist! Wilson was forced to apologize shortly after. Democrat outrage was such that I don't think Wilson had a choice.

Or the liberal hysterics of blasphemy declared, that Supreme Court justice Alito quietly mouthed to himself "Not true!" in response to Obama's attack on the Court in his State of the Union address.

Or the rodeo clown who wore an Obama mask, and even though he made no political statement, the outrage was so much that the rodeo authorities forbid this guy from ever participating in another rodeo anywhere nationwide!

The high reverence for the office Democrats had, that such an outrage could not be tolerated.

But now

Robert Deniro at the Tony Awards a few days ago:

You can see how outraged all these Hollywood Democrats were at his uncivility toward the president.

Jennifer Lawrence on the Graham Norton show:

Johnny Depp beside her, previously a year or so ago, talked about how "It might be time for an actor to assassinate a president again."
Still waiting for the liberal outrage.

In just the last day, some intern shouted in a building at Trump walking by, "Fuck you, Donald Trump."

Also yesterday SIX Democrat U.S. Representatives shouted angry rants at Trump as he walked by them.

That's on top of the countless other insults, vulgarity, lack of respect for the presidency, and fantasies of assassination voiced by liberals nationwide.
I'm not holding my breath for any apologies, just pointing out the uncivility of the Left.
As compared to the respect they demanded for Obama as President.

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DHS secretary Nielson, harassed by open-borders nutjobs:

Can you imaging something like this done to an Obama DHS secretary, or other cabinet official?

The only other official I can recall getting similar treatment was David Petraeus (pre-scandal) while he was a guest-lecturer at a university.

Amazing how only Republican officials are subject to this kind of uncivility!

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So apparently Spanky was able to sign something so that families are not being separated. His bald face lying was extra awful here. On the plus side the GOP at least must have been strong enough to force him to undo his policy that created this mess.

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It might've also had something to do with half the Republican governors speaking out against the caging of children (which I wasn't aware was something one needed to vocally oppose to make sure others knew it's not an especially good thing to do) and/or pulling their National Guard assets off the border. I wouldn't be that shocked if there were a push to run one of those governors as an internal challenger to DJT's re-election bid at the next RNC get-together.


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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
It might've also had something to do with half the Republican governors speaking out against the caging of children (which I wasn't aware was something one needed to vocally oppose to make sure others knew it's not an especially good thing to do) and/or pulling their National Guard assets off the border. I wouldn't be that shocked if there were a push to run one of those governors as an internal challenger to DJT's re-election bid at the next RNC get-together.

You are aware this happened under Obama as well? (Keeping new detainees in a chainlink-fenced area, so relatively few border agents could watch a large group of detainees they otherwise could not supervise, OR PROTECT from other illegal detainees, who are often drug traffickers, human slave traffickers or MS-13 gang members.) The difference is, that was aa president the liberal media did not want to report negatively about. And actually there more humane facilities under Trump, and the media has often shown footage of "caged" detainees from 2014, WELL BEFORE Donald Trump was president.
Are you capable of seeing the irony? When it was actually happening in 2014, the media had nothing negative to say about it. But now they show footage from 2014 to demonize Trump, despite that it did not occur during his presidency!

I'll grant that the Democrats have a nice propaganda war going on this issue, with emotional images of detained families being separated. And that emotional image is only possible because the media is at least 80% liberal, and selectively omits the truth. As I've abundantly posted, the true facts are there but largely unreported, so the lying selective omission liberal version is overwhelming the actual truth in the liberal-media air-war.

And the criticism of Trump's policy on the Republican side is all from the never-Trump wing of establishment Republicans who never supported Trump in the first place.

Trump's policy is right, the borders have to be secured. And they will never be secured without cracking down on this "Illegal immigrant families" deception and loophole, that allows criminals to rent other people's children to APPEAR to be families and to gain entry as illegals. Who are in truth drug traffickers, human traffickers, gang members, and others manipulating immigration this loophole in the law.
AGAIN: of 12,000 illegal children apprehended this year, 10,000 were unaccompanied by adults. And the other 2,000 were detained because it was questionable whether the adult accompanying them was actually their parent, or someone exploiting these children as a human shield to enter illegally, and potentially dangerous to the children they were with.

If the facts were getting adequate exposure over the propaganda images, national opinion would overwhelmingly support Trump's position. But lying propaganda is eclipsing the true facts. It is more humane to crack down on this loophole that allows tens of thousands of children to be exploited and abused, and end it, so there won't be tens of thousands MORE children sent as shields for drug smugglers, sexually abused on the journey, and often as not, human-slave trafficked into prostitution.

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Lauraa Ingraham I think has had the best reporting on this issue the entire week.

Laura Ingraham, 6-19-2018, Tuesday:

Laura Ingraham, 6-20-2018, Wednesday :

Ingraham is a lawyer who early in her career clerked for U.S. Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas, and understands the law. She also has an adopted daughter from Guatemala, and prior to the adoption (10 years ago), spent a long period of time in Guatemala meeting her future daughter and many other children and adult Guatamalans, and government officials there. So she certainly has firsthand understanding of the issues in Central America.

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Guys, what's he saying? I feel like there's a chance it might be constructive and well thought-out, but I'm afraid if I actually click on it and see I'll be disappointed. I'm too busy this week to mess with taking anyone off ignore just yet.


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[quote=]Guys, what's he saying? I feel like there's a chance it might be constructive and well thought-out, but I'm afraid if I actually click on it and see I'll be disappointed. I'm too busy this week to mess with taking anyone off ignore just yet.[/quote]

It's more of the same Phil. Long winded paragraphs that nobody is gonna read and YouTube clips to Fox news that nobody's gonna click on. You're not missing anything...

big_pimp_tim-made it cool to roll in the first damn place!
Mon Jun 11 2007 09:27 PM-harley finally rolled with me
"I'm working with him...he's young but, there is much potential. He can apprentice with me and then he's yours for final training. He will remember the face of his father...

Some day, Knutreturns just may be the greatest of us all...."-THE bastard
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 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
Guys, what's he saying? I feel like there's a chance it might be constructive and well thought-out, but I'm afraid if I actually click on it and see I'll be disappointed. I'm too busy this week to mess with taking anyone off ignore just yet.

 Originally Posted By: Knut
It's more of the same Phil. Long winded paragraphs that nobody is gonna read and YouTube clips to Fox news that nobody's gonna click on. You're not missing anything...

Your being a troll jerk is what's more of the same. I'm endeavoring to discuss the issue, and present sourced facts that are eclipsed by a media that is 93% partisan against Trump.

Since I'm one of about 10 people who still post here, and pretty much the only one who posts every day, how about not trying to destroy what's left here of actual discussion (vs. your troll antagonism that is the message board equivalent of vandalism.)

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On Fox Business News' Kennedy program last night, someone cited that Amnesty International and other similar [liberal] human rights groups have in their multiple studies of children coming across the border, found that consistently 60% to 80% are sexually molested or raped along the journey to the U.S. Southern border.

That's consistent with what ICE agents see, that many of these children are provided with "morning after" pills and birth control pills, in their parents' anticipation that these children will be sexually abused, even before they begin the journey. It kind of makes you think these children are better off being separated from parents who would do this. And certainly better off taken from whoever poses to be a "parent" with them at the border when apprehended.

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One of the socialist protesters who accosted Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen on Tuesday at a Mexican restaurant has been exposed as a Department of Justice employee.

Allison Hrabar, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America who attended the protest against Nielsen over the controversial border law enforcement, was revealed to be a paralegal specialist at the DOJ, the Washington Examiner reported.

“It feels really good to confront people who are actually responsible, which is what we have a unique opportunity to do in D.C.,” the DOJ worker told the outlet.

Nielsen had to face an angry group of socialist protesters who repeatedly shouted “Shame!” as she attended a work dinner at a swanky Mexican restaurant in the nation's capital.

“If kids don’t eat in peace, you don’t eat in peace,” another protester was heard yelling at the protest.

“How can you enjoy a Mexican dinner as you’re deporting and imprisoning tens of thousands of people that come here seeking asylum in the United States?” another one shouted.

Hrabar wasn’t bothered by her association with the DOJ, citing her protected First Amendment rights to protest anyone outside her work hours. She went on to encourage people to confront officials in public places.

“If you see these people in public, you should remind them that they shouldn’t have peace,” she said. “We aren’t the only ones who can do this. Anyone who sees Kirstjen Nielsen at dinner, anyone who sees anyone who works at DHS and ICE at dinner can confront them like this, and that’s what we hope this will inspire people to do.”

But according to the Daily Caller, Hrabar has made a habit of using social media to send political messages during her work hours, including celebrating the protest.

“Keeping families together in jail is not an acceptable solution,” she wrote on Twitter on Wednesday afternoon.

In another tweet, she reportedly wrote: “No one who has ever made their living terrorizing immigrants deserves peace. If you see one in a restaurant, at a movie, or in your neighborhood, remind them of that.”

Her Twitter account has since been locked and made private.

What a hypocrite. She can dish it out, but she can't take it. She wants to deprive public officials of their privacy and personal time, but Insurgency Boards-style, she insulates herself from the same treatment.

I'm sure a lot of folks in Washington will be looking to get in HER face!

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I just saw on the 6PM Fox Report that Florida (in Homestead, south of Miami) has the 2nd largest center in the U.S. for holding apprehended illegal families.

And that in Florida alone, we have an estimated 760,000 illegal immigrants. Florida has a population of almost 21 million. Illegals are estimated to be 6% of the labor force. So that's almost 1 in 20 in the population who are illegal immigrants! (TThis particular broadcast is a bit Florida-centric because the latter half hour hosts a debate between the two Republican governor primary candidates, Ron Desantis and Adam Putnam.

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Actually, it's called "Fuck off, we're full."

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
DHS Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, yesterday, the full press conference:

She lays out the deceptions of many posing as families. And that the U.S. admits more immigrants than the rest of the world's nations combined. (i.e., we are generous enough in the amount of immigrants we admit that we should not be accused of being "cruel" or "racist" for enforcing our laws, and deporting those who try to illegally circumnavigate our immigration/border policies.)

I'll say again, only 18% of U.S. annual immigration is from Europe, so under Trump, we are absolutely not implementing a "white only/racist" immigration policy.
I frankly would prefer an immigration demographic that preserves what we are. If that were to occur, annual immigration would be 62% white, 17% Hispanic, 12% black, and 5% Asian.

I'm convinced the current policy is to import a population that conforms to Democrat/globalist wishes to reign the U.S. into a global government, and eliminate the population (whites) who have the greatest sense of national identity and of our historical Constitutional European/Christian sovereign roots, that resists loss of sovereignty and globalism.

As I've discussed in several other topics, what other reason is there to have a 62% white-majority nation, and yet admit only 18% European immigrants? What other purpose could there be other than annihilation of the white majority? And in 1965 when this immigration policy began the U.S. was 89% white.

Even "white racist Nazi" Trump (in the eyes of the Democrat/Left/liberal media) is not doing anything to change that 53-year policy.

And here we are again, just a few months later.

With just the immigrants that the U.S. takes in legally Nielsen pointed out that the U.S. generously takes in 63% of the world's annual international immigrants. As generous as the U.S.'s existing immigration policy is, there is absolutely no way we should tolerate illegal immigrants breaking into our country, smashing down gates, beating up Mexican police, with MS-13 and drug cartel thugs aamong them.

And again, 60 to 80% of the women and girls on these coyote-led migrations are (according to Amnesty International and other human rights groups observing) raped or sexually abused on the journey. Many of them never make it, and are swept away by cartels into forced prostitution.

Is it more humanitarian to stop these migrations that cause this to happen?
Or more humanitarian to let them continue?

You know the answer.

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Trump offered a solution months ago.

The Democrat leadership chose to perpetuate the problem rather than give Trump a perceived political victory.

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13 months ago.

If Democrats had been willing to negotiate, DACA would have been resolved, and the border would be secured now.

Instead, thanks to the Democrats: chaos.

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The U.S. foreign-born population reached a record 43.7 million in 2016. Since 1965, when U.S. immigration laws replaced a national quota system, the number of immigrants living in the U.S. has more than quadrupled. Immigrants today account for 13.5% of the U.S. population, nearly triple the share (4.7%) in 1970. However, today’s immigrant share remains below the record 14.8% share in 1890, when 9.2 million immigrants lived in the U.S.

I don't fully trust the statistics given, Pew Research is notoriously liberal, and I suspect just by the names in the byline of the study, that they are likely pro-illegal, and present their facts in a way that diminishes any negatives of illegals or of immigrants in general.

The most interesting part for me was that asian immigration is now outpacing hispanicc/Mexican immigration. Although again, I don't fully buy that. The Associated Press in an article I cited previously puts Mexican immigration (both legal and illegal) at 59 or 60%, the overwhelming majority. The next largest is Central America at about 15%.
And when you combine the illegal immigration percentages from Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean, Latin American regions combined are 81.25% of all illegal immigration (AP article, 2008).

Another article I read said that the U.S. admits 20% of all the world's international immigrants.

I recall Kirstjen Nielsen giving a ratio much higher than that in a press conference, of 63% (although that could have been a subcategory of immigrants, such as refugees, or asylum seekers worldwide, or Central American refugees.)

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Originally Posted by Pariah
Trump will win in a landslide both in the popular vote and the electoral college.

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