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I was just looking at an article on Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's IT guy:

Watchdog group asks Congress to probe Rep. Wasserman Schultz over fired IT aide

No follow-up, no convictions. That seems rather astonishing, for someone who accessed the confidential accounts of about 100 U.S. congress members.

And there is a wealth of crimes that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz alone is involved in, let alone the rest of her corrupt-to-the-core party. Starting with her rigging the DNC party nomination for Hillary Clinton.

And some very strange ballot rigging in the 2016 primary for the 23rd U..S. congressional district, where (as is a familiar pattern) Wasserman-Schultz's rival Tim Canova went to bed the winner, and then lo and behold, thousands of ballots magically appeared afterward and made Wasserman-Schultz the winner.,_2016
Canova, when interviewed a week ago, said that his observers saw boxes of thousands of ballots with no "chain of custody" moved from unidentified trucks into the Broward Supervisor of Elections office, and when they inquired and tried to photograph it, were chased off by armed thugs.
Which is exactly what happened to Matt Gaetz when he and his assistants staked out the Broward supervisor of elections office. Sean Hannity showed the video footage of this (on his Monday, Nov 12th program) taken by one of those with Gaetz as he spoke to one of the armed thug "guards" who made them leave while they loaded the boxes of votes.

Then, of course, there's Brenda Snipes, who played a role in both elections, and many other highly questionable elections since 2004. Whose predecessor as well was fired for vote tampering.

Some other DNC corruption for which there was never any follow-up or criminal penalty:

Lois Lerner/IRS harassment and audits of conservatives

The Benghazi attacks, and White House staff, Obama and Hillary Clinton, who were all negligent of warnings before, during and after the Benghazi attack.

The Benghazi cover-up, where Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and press secretary Jay Carney ALL sold a knowingly false narrative to the public. Proven by, among other evidence, their e-mails and communications with Chelsea Clinton, and with the Beghazi government. They knew it was a false narrative from the moment it began, no question.

Hillary Clinton's private e-mail server, that compromised U.S. national security EVERY DAY she was Secretary of State to hackers, where governments like Russia and China could access her e-mails in real time and know the inner strategy of the White House on military operations, reaction time, and the priorities that determined whether or not we militarily responded.

Hillary Clinton's "pay-to-play", taking millions in foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation, taken in exchange for giving access to the State Department she supervised. Hundreds of millions in donations. Her aides Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin were given immunity by the FBI despite no convictions made, or even pursued.

And ultimately, the Obama administration and the Hillary Clinton campaign using the FBI, DOJ, CIA NSA and FISA court to illegally run surveillance on the Trump campaign, to win the election, and failing in that, to defame and cripple the Trump administration with false allegations. And shaking down Trump officials to take pleas to unrelated FBI-manufactured "process crime" offenses, and in the cases of Manafort, Flynn and Michael Cohen, cases that would not even be pursued if not for using them to shake down officials to "sing" or "compose" false allegations against Trump for a plea bargain or lesser sentence.

Using federal power and a weaponized FBI and DOJ to rig a presidential election, and after failing in that, attempt to unseat an elected president.

And simultaneously, ignoring THE REAL "collusion" with the Russian government by the Hillary Clinton campaign, who ACTUALLY DID buy their "Russia Dossier" information directly from state officials of the Russian government.

And simultaneously, Clinton loyalist deep state officials in the FBI and DOJ, while framing Trump in a deluge of false charges and FBI-manufactured investigations to smear and diminish Trump (Strzok ande Page's "insurance policy"), these FBI and DOJ officials deliberately sabotaged the overwhelming evidence and records against Hillary Clinton and her aides, giving them immunity for no logical reason other than to protect them from ever testifying to convict Hillary Clinton.
These plea deals for Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin should be shredded, and the FBI officials as defendents should have to explain in court under penalty of perjury why these plea deals were given in the first place. Because they sure weren't given to advance prosecution of anyone.

Likewise, the evidence gathered under falsely obtained FISA warrants should all be thrown out as fruit of the poisoned tree. And the plea bargains of Manafort, Flynn, Cohen and others should all be thrown out.

That's not even a complete list of Democrat crimes, and the incredible abuse of power on display by Democrats. Plenty more examples just in the 2018 midterm election. For openers, look at the Prject Veritas posts on Youtube regarding about 10 Democrat House, Senate and Governor candidates. Their campaigns were dishonest, and everyone (videotaped on camera!) knew aabout the deception.

I hope with a new attorney general these outrageous actions will be investigated. I hope William Barr is the return of equal protection under the law. As compared to the DOJ/FBI weaponization of law enforcement against one party that existed under Democrats, and under a clueless Jeff Sessions, and a deep state Rod Rosenstein.

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Add to the list the "fast and furious" handing over of guns by ATF to Mexican drug cartels, used to kill many people, including a U.S. border guard. No convictions, no follow-up, no nothin'.

Katie Pavlich wrote a book on the subject, where she asserts with supporting evidence that it was a false-flag operation by the Obama administration, so they could blame retail gun stores for the cartels getting the guns, and then rationalize a nationwide cradckdown on gun retailers and the 2nd Amendment. But it blew up in their faces. Still waiting to be investigated.

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The murder of Seth Rich.

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More on Debbie Wasserman bitch-cunt Schultz:


Debbie Wasserman Schultz has demonstrated time and again the lengths she will take to protect her position of power from any challengers. She has received millions of dollars in contributions from special interests on Wall Street and from the alcoholic beverages industry—which has influenced her opposition to medical marijuana while the majority of Floridians favor it. Most recently, Ms. Wasserman Schultz’s contributions from payday lenders pushed her to side with many Republicans against Senator Elizabeth Warren’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The bureau is attempting to enact rules to protect consumers from the predatory lending practices of payday loans, but of course Ms. Wasserman Schultz is protecting these practices for her own profit and the special interests that support her.

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I guess the republicans in power must be conspiring to protect all these guilty before proven innocent democrats, lol.

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The obstruction was the deep state leadership of James Comey and Andrew McCabe in FBI (continued by Christopher Wray as Comey's replacement who likewise can't even admit there IS a deep state), and DOJ attorney general Jeff Sessions who immediately recused himself for 2 years and made Rod Rosenstein the de facto head of DOJ (who openly talked about wearing a wire to incriminate Trump and attempt to have him removed as president in a scheme to invoke the 25th Amendment). Much to the frustration of Donald J. Trump and the voters who elected him to restore actual justice and equal protection under the law.

Only now, that William Barr has been appointed, has an actual investigation begun, into how FBI, DOJ, DNI, CIA and the FISA court have been used to spy on, harass and destroy the Trump campaign. And after failing in that, to slander the legitimacy and ability to act of the Trump administration.
But now the birds are coming home to roost.

As I count it, the FBI corruptly:

1) Sabotaged the case against Hillary Clinton in their clear attempt to get her elected (see texts of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page in particular. Absolutely no question their bias and attempt to destroy Trump.)

2) FBI and DOJ fronting the "Russia Dossier" as evidence for FISA warrants, despite knowing its illegitimacy, in their zeaalouss attempts to destroy Trump's candidacy.

3) FBI hired Russian nationals as assets, to pretend to be agents of the Russian government, and act as bait to entrap Trump officials into buying "Russian" information. Which Trump officials for the most part didn't bite on, except Pappadapoulos, who again was entrapped into something he never solicited, and served a total of about 10 days in jail for. Trump campaign officials such as Michael Caputo and Roger Stone actually reported these "Russian" offers of intelligence offered to them, to the FBI. Not knowing it was the police state FBI who sent them these "Russian agents" in the first place, and the FBI were disappointed they didn't take the bait.
The Hillary campaign was warned of Russian attempts at election interference. No such warnings were given to anyone in the Trump campaign. Precisely because it was always intended as a partisan weapon to entrap Trump officials.

4) The FBI hired at least one spy to work as a mole within the Trump campaign, Stefan Halper

5) After manufacturing the allegations against Trump and his officials with the traps they set, the FBI and DOJ used the knowingly discredited "Russia Dossier" evidence to open multiple FISA warrants to pseudo-legally do surveillance on Trump officials. They falsified the warrants FOUR TIMES, and knew with the first warrant that the Russia Dossier they based the warrants on was false. Submitting false evidence to a judge is a federal crime. Among many other prosecutable crimes by these DOJ and FBI officials, including obstruction of justice, and malicious prosecution.
And for the judges who approved these warrants to not be outraged by this deception, to not rescind these 4 FISA warrants and throw out all the evidence obtained with this surveillance, fruit of the poisoned tree, to me indicates these FISA judges are corrupt agents of the deep state as well.

6) Trump asked deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein to write a report on what needed to be done to restore internal morale and public confidence in the FBI. Rosenstein advised him that the primary step was to fire James Comey.
So Trump fired Comey (something Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein and many others in the Democrat leadership had been vocally advocating for months in 2016.) Suddenly the Democrats and Rosenstein flip and say it is an outrage and corruption that Trump fired Comey. And based on deceitful release of FBI information by Comey through a college professor friend and sometimes FBI contract employee, and as stated publicly by Comey's own Congressional testimony was intended clandestinely spark a public call for a special investigation and open up another avenue to attack and cripple Trump's presidency. All to creates public pressure for a special investigation.
THE SAME DAY that Trump interviewed and declined Robert Mueller as Comey's replacement, Rosenstein appoints Mueller as special investigator against Trump! In addition to Mueller's bitterness over being rejected by Trump for the AG position, Mueller is also close friends with both Comey and Rosenstein. It is obscenely incestuous, and rife with conflict of interest.

7) The overkill arrests of Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen, and Roger Stone, to name a few. Hillary Clinton officials were never arrested or forced to testify under oath. And despite subpoenas for records, the FBI gave Hillary officials months to destroy records, bleachbit computer hard-drives, and smash cel-phones to prevent access to their texts and e-mails. And what evidence they didn't destroy, they eliminated with plea-bargain immunity deals for Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin. In exchange for no information or prosecutions.
Contrasted with the extremely aggressive way FBI/DOJ pursued Trump officials, in high-testosterone televised media-show arrests to allegedly prevent Trump officials from destroying evidence that they made no indication of even trying to. With FBI (unlike FBI did with Hillary officials ) deposing Trump officials' testimony under oath to later create perjury traps for convictions despite there were no actual crimes by said Trump officials, only an alleged contradiction in their transcribed statements. No oath required for Hillary officials, who even if lying in testimony were given immunity that shielded them from later prosecution.

BOTTOM LINE: the goal was to exonerate Hillary officials by any pseudo-legal means, and to extract convictions of Trump officials by any pseudo-legal means. It is the weaponization of government by Democrat/establishment loyalists against their Trump/Republican opposition. And after the abuses of Lois Lerner and the IRS that went unpunished in 2010-2012, it was all too predictable, this even further power-grab reach by the Democrats and their deep state agents in FBI, DOJ, IRS, CIA, and State Department.

Thank God William Barr is now attorney general, and there will now be an actual rule-of-law investigation, separate from deep state types who would just continue to give their buddies a free pass. I hope this is a restoration of the rule of law, and actual justice.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I guess the republicans in power must be conspiring to protect all these guilty before proven innocent democrats, lol.

\:lol\: No, no, no, it's totally the machinations of the Globalist Cultural Marxist Deep State™! They're the ones who Really Control Things™, after all.


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The only thing obstructing investigation was the abdication of responsibility of attorney general Jeff Sessions.
And the de facto attorney general (deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein) who openly pondered wearing a wire to record President Trump in order to entrap him and remove him using the 25th Amendment, in a (Deep State) conspiracy to remove Trump (after the FBI tried multiple ways during the campaign and post-inauguration to entrap Trump and his officials, including illegal use of the FISA court, contracting foreign assets to entrap Trump officials, and planting mole informants inside his campaign, to incriminate and remove Trump and his officials.)

But hey, yeah, there is no Deep State, it's just, y'know, that ALL the top leadership in the FBI, DOJ, CIA (Brennan), DNI (Clapper) and FISA court used every trick they could to destroy Trump and hand the election over to the Democrats, a coup attempt that has continued throughout Trump's presidency.

When Barr convicts these guys for their obvious crimes, maybe you will admit there's a Deep State (a Praetorian Guard by any other name) that uses every deceit and criminal abuse of federal power to try and leverage the outcome in favor of the Democrats.

You can call a guy a "petroleum transport engineer", he's still a gas station attendant.
You can call a girl an "exotic dancer", she's still a stripper.
You can call a person a "confidential informant", he or she is still a spy.
James Comey and Loretta Lynch can call it a "matter", it is still an FBI investigation.
Comey can say Hillary Clinton was "extremely careless" with classified State Department information in her e-mails, it is still federally prosecutable and criminal gross negligence.

Bill Clinton famously said: "It all depends on what the definition of is is." Well not really, unless you're trying to evade and hide the truth.
As the Deep State conspirators are. And those who are paying attention can see how they're being conned by Democrats and their brethren in the FBI, DOJ and complicit news media.

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On November 3, 2017, Paul was assaulted by a neighbor, Rene Boucher (then aged 59), a retired anesthesiologist. Paul, who is deaf in one ear,[259] was wearing noise-cancelling headphones while mowing his lawn, enabling Boucher to blindside Paul.[260]

Boucher was arrested and charged with one count of fourth-degree assault and released on a $7,500 bond. Paul sustained five broken ribs, of which three were displaced fractures.[261][262]

Voter records from March 2017 showed Boucher registered as a Democrat, but his attorney, Matthew Baker, said there was no political motivation for the assault, descripting it as "a very regrettable dispute between two neighbors over a matter that most people would regard as trivial".[262][263]

Boucher was originally charged in Kentucky state court,[264] but was later charged in federal court, where he ultimately pleaded guilty to assaulting a member of Congress.[265] Boucher was sentenced to 30 days in prison, one year of probation, 100 hours of community service, and a $10,000 fine; prosecutors had sought a 21-month term and have appealed the sentence.[265] The state-court charge was dismissed after Boucher pleaded guilty to the federal charge.[265] On January 30, 2019, a jury award Paul $582,834 for punitive damages, pain and suffering, and medical expenses; Boucher's attorney indicated he would appeal.[266] In August 2019, part of Paul's lung required removal as a result of the injuries he suffered during the attack.[267]

I saw an interview of Rand Paul with his wife today, within the last few weeks, he had to have part of one of his lungs removed because the puncture of it by one of his broken ribs wouldn't heal, and thus had to be removed to eliminate chronic infection. Even two years later, he is weakened and not fully recovered.

And the punishment for the clear attempted murder of Rand Paul, of a United States Senator is... 30 days in jail?

30 days?!?

Rand Paul has been sentenced to pain and injuries that will last at least 36 times the sentence to his would-be killer.

As Rand Paul says, he had no idea that this neighbor even disliked or harbored hostility toward him. Rand Paul is deaf in one ear and was mowing his lawn, wearing sound-muffling protective headphones when this neighbor blindsided him from behind. As Sen. Paul says, the injuries were sustained before he even realized he was being attacked. And yet the judge mitigates the jail sentence, saying they were "injuries sustained during a conflict". But there was no mutual conflict, Sen. Paul was completely on the receiving end of the assault.

And oh yes, I'm so sure that this jerk was a rabid Democrat had nothing to do with the assault.
Any more than Hodgekinson's rabid leftism and volunteering for Bernie Sanders had anything to do with his shooting up a House Republican baseball game.

Part of the reason these Democrat attacks on Republicans continue and are increasing is there is no deterrant criminal penalty for these crimes. When you try to kill a U.S. Senator, there should damn well be a heavy penalty.

"Assaulting a member of Congress is an offense we take very seriously," said Josh Minkler, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Indiana. "Those who choose to commit such an act will be held accountable."

Not seriously enough, apparently.

Earlier accounts of the incident suggested bad blood between the neighbors, who have known each other for roughly 17 years, including a dispute over a property line and possible distaste for Paul's politics, as well as those of his father, former Texas Rep. Ron Paul.

However, federal prosecutors on Friday said Boucher admitted the assault but denied it was politically motivated. Boucher's lawyer also denied previously that politics had anything to go with the fight.

Boucher denied a political motivation, because to admit that would have definitely warranted a much longer sentence. My impression is that he paid more in damages to Senator Paul to get a much lighter jail sentence.

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A conservative journalist who says he was assaulted by an antifascist group during protests in Portland, Ore., last month told Hill.TV that he suffered brain injuries as a result of the incident.

“The cuts and bruising on my face have mostly healed,” Andy Ngo, an editor at the website Quillette, said during an interview Thursday. “The most serious injury to me was my brain in the course of the mob beating, so going forward I will be having various forms of neurophysical therapy and speech therapy to address some of the neurological challenges that I’ll be having."

Ngo made headlines in June after he said he was attacked by the antifascist group Antifa, which was protesting a march held by the Proud Boys, a far-right group.

The Portland Police Bureau have said three people were arrested in connection with the violent clashes that left Ngo and two other people hospitalized.

Following the incident, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler (D) said in a series of tweets that the city stands “against all forms of violence – regardless of someone’s political leanings.”

But Ngo, who has demanded that Portland police take more action, expressed dismay Thursday that none of his alleged attackers have been arrested or held accountable.

“In a functioning liberal Democracy, we cannot normalize political violence,” he said.

Conservatives and liberals came to Ngo's defense after the protests.

Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang sent his well-wishes to Ngo a day after the incident.
"I hope @MrAndyNgo is okay. Journalists should be safe to report on a protest without being targeted," Yang tweeted.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), alongside Bill Cassidy (R-La.), introduced a resolution that would label antifascist activists a domestic terrorist group, a move that some critics argue could open the door to overly broad enforcement due to the group’s leaderless structure.

Cruz also sent a letter this week to Attorney General William Barr, calling for an investigation into Antifa and Wheeler.

Democrats giving lip-service to "opposing violence" is not nearly the same thing as actually doing it.

It's nice that a few Democrats condemned this attack.
But Wheeler, who is both Portland's mayor and police commissioner, and a Democrat, as is the Portland city council, is not doing anything to convict Ngo's attackers (Antifa), or to deter future violence.

I became aware with the the Charlottesville riots in 2017 that Democrat mayors, city council and police chiefs frequently withdraw protection of law enforcement from conservative/Republican demonstrators. In the case of Andy Ngo, this June assault was the third of three escalating attacks on him in Portland protests he covered.

Clearly the Portland mayor/police commissioner could see these escalations, and did nothing to stop them. This is just as true in cities like L.A., San Francisco, Charlotteville VA, and other areas under Democrat political control nationwide.

The calculated purpose is to deter and intimidate conservative/Republican free speech and protest. It sends a message that if you're a Republican protestor, police will stand aside and let you be assaulted.

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Comey’s violations: Read DOJ watchdog’s list of all the times ex-FBI boss broke the rules

Former FBI Director James Comey received heavy criticism from the Justice Department’s inspector general in a blistering report released Thursday about his infamous memos documenting his discussions with President Trump.

The report found that Comey violated bureau policies by drafting, leaking and retaining the memos. However, it noted that the Justice Department declined to prosecute Comey over the violations.

For his part, Comey responded by insisting that he is not a "liar and a leaker,” saying an apology from his critics “would be nice.”

The following is a digest of the numerous times Comey was criticized and cited in the report for violations:
•“Comey did not seek authorization from the FBI before providing Memos 2, 4, 6, and 7 to his attorneys.” (page 2)
•“Comey did not seek FBI authorization before providing the contents of Memo 4, through Richman, to a reporter.” (page 2)
•“As described in this report, we conclude that Comey’s retention, handling, and dissemination of certain Memos violated Department and FBI policies, and his FBI Employment Agreement.” (page 3)
•“Comey told the OIG that he did not notify anyone at the FBI that he was going to share these Memos with anyone, and did not seek authorization from the FBI prior to emailing these four Memos to Fitzgerald.” (page 38)
•“Accordingly, Comey stated that he did not notify anyone at the FBI that he was going to share the contents of the Memo 4 with Richman or the media, and that he did not seek authorization from FBI to provide Memo 4 to Richman.” (page 40)
•“Accordingly, after his removal as FBI Director, Comey violated applicable policies and his Employment Agreement by failing to either surrender his copies of Memos 2, 4, 6, and 7 to the FBI or seek authorization to retain them; by releasing official FBI information and records to third parties without authorization; and by failing to immediately alert the FBI about his disclosures to his personal attorneys once he became aware in June 2017 that Memo 2 contained six words (four of which were names of foreign countries mentioned by the President) that the FBI had determined were classified at the ‘CONFIDENTIAL’ level.” (page 52)

•“Despite knowledge that Memo 3 contained classified information, Comey did not appropriately mark Memo 3 with classification banners, portion markings, or a classification authority block. By failing to do so, Comey violated Executive Order 13526 and Intelligence Community, Department, and FBI policies governing marking of classified information.” (page 53)
•“Comey's actions with respect to the Memos violated Department and FBI policies concerning the retention, handling, and dissemination of FBI records and information, and violated the requirements of Comey’s FBI Employment Agreement.” (page 54)
•“Comey violated Department and FBI policies, and the terms of his FBI Employment Agreement, by retaining copies of Memos 2, 4, 6, and 7 after he was removed as Director, regardless of each Memo's classification level.” (page 55)
•“As a departing FBI employee, Comey was required to relinquish any official documents in his possession and to seek specific authorization from the FBI in order to personally retain any FBI documents. Comey failed to comply with these requirements.” (page 55)

•“As the FBI Director and Head of a Department Component, Comey was required to apply for and obtain authorization from the Assistant Attorney General for Administration to retain any FBI records after his removal. Comey violated these Department and FBI policies by failing to surrender his copies of Memos 2, 4, 6, and 7 upon being removed as FBI Director and by failing to seek authorization to retain them.” (page 55)
•“Comey violated FBI policies and the requirements of his FBI Employment Agreement when he sent a copy of Memo 4 to Richman with instructions to provide the contents to a reporter, and when he transmitted copies of Memos 2, 4, 6, and a redacted version of 7 to his three attorneys.” (page 56)
•“Comey violated FBI policy and the requirements of his FBI Employment Agreement when he chose this path.” (page 56)
•“Comey was not authorized to disclose the statements he attributed to President Trump in Memo 4, which Comey viewed as evidence of an alleged attempt to obstruct the Flynn investigation and which were relevant to the ongoing Flynn investigation.” (page 56)
•“Rather than continuing to safeguard such evidence, Comey unilaterally and without authorization disclosed it to all.” (page 56)
•“However, Comey’s own, personal conception of what was necessary was not an appropriate basis for ignoring the policies and agreements governing the use of FBI records, especially given the other lawful and appropriate actions he could have taken to achieve his desired end.” (page 57)
•“The unauthorized disclosure of this information—information that Comey knew only by virtue of his position as FBI Director—violated the terms of his FBI Employment Agreement and the FBI's Prepublication Review Policy.” (page 57)
•“However, Comey was not authorized to provide these Memos to his attorneys without prior approval from or coordination with the FBI.” (page 58)
•“By providing Memos 2, 4, 6, and 7 to his attorneys without seeking FBI approval, Comey took for himself the ‘carte blanche authority’ expressly denied by the courts, in clear violation of the FBI's Prepublication Review Policy and the requirements of Comey’s FBI Employment Agreement. As a result, Comey not only disclosed sensitive law enforcement information to his personal counsel but also a small amount of information contained in Memo 2 that the FBI subsequently determined was classified at the ‘CONFIDENTIAL’ level.” (page 58)
•“Once he knew that the FBI had classified portions of Memo 2, Comey failed to immediately notify the FBI that he had previously given Memo 2 to his attorneys.” (page 59)
•“The FBI's Safeguarding Classified National Security Information Policy Guide clearly states that ‘[a]ny person who has knowledge that classified information has been or may have been lost, compromised, or disclosed to an unauthorized person must immediately report the circumstances to his or her security office.’ Comey violated this requirement by failing to immediately inform the FBI that he provided Memo 2 to his attorneys.” (page 59)
•“By not immediately reporting that he had provided Memo 2 to his attorneys when Comey first learned that the FBI had designated a small portion of Memo 2 as classified at the ‘CONFIDENTIAL’ level, Comey violated FBI policy.” (page 59)
•“However, after his removal as FBI Director two months later, Comey provided a copy of Memo 4, which Comey had kept without authorization, to Richman with instructions to share the contents with a reporter for The New York Times.” (page 60)
•“But even when these employees believe that their most strongly-held personal convictions might be served by an unauthorized disclosure, the FBI depends on them not to disclose sensitive information. Former Director Comey failed to live up to this responsibility.” (page 60)
•“We have previously faulted Comey for acting unilaterally and inconsistent with Department policy. Comey’s unauthorized disclosure of sensitive law enforcement information about the Flynn investigation merits similar criticism.” (page 61)
•“Comey had several other lawful options available to him to advocate for the appointment of a Special Counsel, which he told us was his goal in making the disclosure. What was not permitted was the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive investigative information, obtained during the course of FBI employment, in order to achieve a personally desired outcome.” (page 61)

Once again a case where there's overwhelming evidence for indictment and prosecution (like with the case against Lois Lerner, like with the case against Hillary Clinton) and for no logical reason DOJ selectively decides not to prosecute. Previous I G reports over tha last 2 years, while outlining some degree of culpability for corrupt officials like Strzok, Page, Comey and McCabe, have ultimately softpedaled just enough to let them slip off the hook.
Christopher Wray has likewise done his best to obstruct investigators and protect the reputation of the FBI, rather than weed out corruption in its ranks. And thus protected his golfing buddies from receiving the prosecution they deserve.

This appears to have just been announced within the hour, and I'm both angered and astonished that FBI/DOJ has yet again let the big fish slip off the hook.
Comey is already spiking the footbal with his social media posts, defiantly gloating about not being indicted. When everyone knows he absolutely should be.
Likewise, John Solomon of The Hill reports that 1) the Ukranian government has been trying to give the (Democrat controlled) DOJ information on the DNC/Clinton campaaigns attempts to buy dirt on Trump from Russia/Ukraine, 2) the Ukranoian goverment has been trying to provide info on Joe Biden and his son involved in corrupt deals in Ukraine and Biden using his V.P. power to pressure the Ukranian government to fire the investigator of his son, 3) Ukranian officials trying to provide information to DOJ on evidence sent from the Ukraine embassy in Washington to Nellie Ohr and other officials in Fusion GPS, to assist in propping up the "Russia collusion" narrative. In each of these cases, no one in (Democrat controlled/Team Hillary) DOJ have expressed the slightest interest in investigating these facts. IRS, DOJ and State Department have all been described as "Democrat occupied territory" where they are controlled by a public union that is over 90% Democrat, and overwhelmingly have donated to Democrat candidates. Gee, why don't they want to investigate Democrats? I can't imagine.

The message is clear: No penalty, we got away with it, we can do it again, AND WE WILL!

The next weaponization of the IRS against Republican grassroots organizers and donors, the next weaponizing of the FISA court and intelligence agencies against a Repuiblican presidential campaign and incoming administration. How much more brazenly can the law be broken by Democrat partisans, without penalty?

Fucking piss me off.

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Comey isn't a democrat but a republican that did not vote for Obama and also didn't follow policy during 2016 in ways that helped Trump and hurt Clinton. You cheered him on than so your rhetoric now isn't believable. Comey should have obviously followed policy both than and now. And this doesn't change or vindicate Trump's actions. It is funny seeing Comey use the Trump stratagy of "nothing criminal happened so apologize now".

Glad the hurricane is not hitting you directly btw WB!

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Multiple inspector general reports have been publicly disclosed, citing dozens of violations of protocol by FBI and DOJ agents, falsified FISA warrants, perjury, on and on, and yet still no prosecutions.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Hannity: Dems wasting time, resources on more possible investigations
- Feb 13, 2020

A great comparison of Roger Stone's strained perjury conviction, compared to the DOZENS of Democrats, Attorney generals, FBI, DOJ and others that are not even investigated, let alone prosecuted or sentenced.
The hypocrisy and double-standard on full display.

Hannity sums up well the blatant crims, and how time after time Republicans are maliciously prosecuted and Democrats always seem to slip off the hook.

An obscene double-standard.

The Mueller invstigators knew early on there was no case for Russia collusion by Trump, but stretched it for 2 years, using the allegations to damage Trump and win a Democrat House majority in the Nov 2018 mid-term election.

Another example is former Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK), a very popular incumbent who was ruined and pushed out of office by an investigation and prosecution. AFTER the election was over, the ruling was overturned, and he was vindicated. But it still allowed a Democrat to replace him as Senator, and that cannot be reversed.

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Will there be an apology for McCabe? Looks like Barr gave up trying to find something to indict on today.

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It's quite clear Andrew McCabe is guilty of multiple crimes. McCabe was admonished in A G reports, and even admitted to "lack of candor", the FBI's euphemistic internal term for perjury under oath.

more recently:


Cheryl Chumley, Washington Times
Mar 10, 2020

Here’s how The Sacramento Bee reported Haney’s death, on Feb. 25: “A former longtime Department of Homeland Security official, described as a whistleblower who penned a book criticizing the Obama administration’s handling of terrorism, was found dead … adjacent to Highways 16 and 124 … on the ground with a single gunshot wound. … [T]he Sheriff’s Office reported that Haney ‘was deceased and appeared to have suffered a single, self-inflicted gunshot wound,’ and that a firearm was located next to Haney and his vehicle.”

The Sheriff’s Office later clarified that the death had not been officially ruled a suicide and that claims to the contrary was “misinformation.” The investigation continues; the Sheriff’s Office and FBI, meanwhile, took Haney’s vehicle, the firearm found at the scene, his RV, a laptop and other documents and phone records related to Haney.

Neither Gohmert nor King, who say they were friends with Haney, believe the suicide line of thought.

“I’m standing on the floor here saying, Madame Speaker, I don’t believe that Phil Haney committed suicide,” King said, The Blaze reported. “I expect that we’re going to get a thorough investigation. The evidence that is coming to me indicates that he was murdered. Phil often said, ‘I would never commit suicide.’ ”

Gohmert said he and Haney had a “mutual pact” that said: “[If] either one of us ended up committing suicide, then the other is going to make sure that the truth wins out.”
Gohmert also said, “I’d been concerned about his safety, with all the information he knew and people who could’ve gotten in trouble.”
People like high-ranking political insiders tied to the previous White House administration.

Haney always kept a thumb drive, also known as a USB drive, containing sensitive government information about Islamic extremists and national security, Gohmert and King said.
And guess what: that thumb drive is curiously missing. Curiously. Particularly curiously because Haney told Senate Judiciary Committee members in mid-2016 how he was forced to destroy documents about people tied to Islamic terrorism.
And the whereabouts of the thumb drive containing sensitive documents that Gohmert and King said he wore around his neck is not known. Interesting. Interesting, in a hush-hush kind of way, it seems.

But if Haney had been tied to President Donald Trump, the media would be all over this. Especially if Haney had ever traveled to Russia, or met a Russian, or crossed the path of a Russian official.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Comey isn't a democrat but a republican that did not vote for Obama and also didn't follow policy during 2016 in ways that helped Trump and hurt Clinton. You cheered him on than so your rhetoric now isn't believable. Comey should have obviously followed policy both than and now. And this doesn't change or vindicate Trump's actions. It is funny seeing Comey use the Trump stratagy of "nothing criminal happened so apologize now".

I missed this when it was posted, but I've answered that rationalization in multiple other topics.

Comey in a 60 Minutes interview was asked about this. I think many Democrat in the Washington bureaucracy register as Republicans so they can not be accused of being partisan, but are in truth Democrats. In their jobs, they serve Democrat party interests. In their campaign donations, they don't just donate, but donate heavily to the Democrat party.

Comey in the televised interview said his wife and 5 children all voted for Hillary Clinton and were heavily invested in her victory in 2016. Asked if he was a Democrat, he smiled and said "If not before, then certainly now." So he always was a mole for the Democrat party.

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by Ed Morrissey

Over forty years ago, the press took a decided interest in a government using its investigative and intelligence authority to intervene in an election. The Watergate scandal unlocked a whole series of abuses of power, which might not have been viewed as anything other than business as usual if not for the crusading journalists that made it a front-page story. Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward got lionized in print and on the silver screen, and to this day the media insists that its main function is to speak truth to power.

That depends on which power is in question, Jonathan Turley argued over the weekend. When it comes to a Democratic administration abusing its authority to spy on an opposing campaign and undermining its incoming president, Turley wonders why we’re not seeing All the Presidents Men II: Russia Boogaloo:
  • The Washington press corps seems engaged in a collective demonstration of the legal concept of willful blindness, or deliberately ignoring the facts, following the release of yet another declassified document which directly refutes prior statements about the investigation into Russia collusion. The document shows that FBI officials used a national security briefing of then candidate Donald Trump and his top aides to gather possible evidence for Crossfire Hurricane, its code name for the Russia investigation.

    It is astonishing that the media refuses to see what is one of the biggest stories in decades. The Obama administration targeted the campaign of the opposing party based on false evidence. The media covered Obama administration officials ridiculing the suggestions of spying on the Trump campaign and of improper conduct with the Russia investigation. When Attorney General William Barr told the Senate last year that he believed spying did occur, he was lambasted in the media, including by James Comey and others involved in that investigation. The mocking “wow” response of the fired FBI director received extensive coverage.

    The new document shows that, in summer 2016, FBI agent Joe Pientka briefed Trump campaign advisers Michael Flynn and Chris Christie over national security issues, standard practice ahead of the election. It had a discussion of Russian interference. But this was different. The document detailing the questions asked by Trump and his aides and their reactions was filed several days after that meeting under Crossfire Hurricane and Crossfire Razor, the FBI investigation of Flynn. The two FBI officials listed who approved the report are Kevin Clinesmith and Peter Strzok.

We’ve already unraveled a lot of this story based on reporting from outlets like Fox News and the source documents from relevant congressional committees. It’s not that the information isn’t out in the open now; it’s just that we don’t have the bastions of mainstream media to thank for it. In fact, this weekend the New York Times scolded Lindsey Graham and the Department of Justice for allowing one of the architects of the Steele dossier to be known, which seems like a strange way of speaking truth to power, considering the dossier provided the poisonous core to the scandal of Operation Crossfire Hurricane.

Turley, not exactly a conservative voice in the media, also points out that this disinterest in transparency isn’t just different from Watergate. It’s also much different than their original coverage of the Steele dossier and Crossfire Hurricane, too:

  • Willful blindness has its advantages. The media covered the original leak and the collusion narrative, despite mounting evidence that it was false. They filled hours of cable news shows and pages of print with a collusion story discredited by the FBI. Virtually none of these journalists or experts have acknowledged that the collusion leaks were proven false, let alone pursue the troubling implications of national security powers being used to target the political opponents of an administration. But in Washington, success often depends not on what you see but what you can unsee.

The answer to this conundrum was that the mainstream media is interested in speaking truth to Republican power. Watergate? That demonstrated Richard Nixon’s corruption. Russia-collusion? Donald Trump would be proven to have stolen an election. When it comes to investigating how China funded the Bill Clinton-Al Gore campaign in 1996 or the Obama administration’s abuse of power in Crossfire Hurricane, though, these same media outlets are not interested in speaking truth to the power they prefer. In fact, they’d rather protect Democrats than take an interest in any corruption taking place on their watch.

The answer to Turley’s question is that the media itself has been corrupted. And despite all of their self-congratulation over Watergate, the ugly truth is that the mainstream media itself is corrupt — corrupted by political activism masquerading as reporting, and “narrative journalism” that ignores everything that might stand in opposition to its own agenda.

It's a rhetorical question, but yes, the news media is no longer doing its job, and is now deeply ideologically committed to the Democrat side.

Far from the media's historic role as a neutral watchdog that holds all sides accountable, the media are a corrupted PR branch of the Democrat Bolshevik party, and will excuse, selectively ignore and fly cover for the Democrat/Left, no matter how flatout dangerous, radical and violent they become.
And the Democrat/Left have crossed that threshold.
What they are openly advocating is comparable to the authoritarian violence and fanaticism of Leninist-Stalinist Russia, Maoist China, Castro's Cuba, and Chaves/Maduro's Venezuela.

The Biden/Harris ticket is an empty facade that would enable the most radical, and dangerous, elements in the Democrat party. Getting away with the abuses of the IRS in 2012, and the further incredible abuses of the FBI, DOJ and CIA in 2016, the Democrat Central Committee would be emboldened to even greater abuses by these agencies on their political opposition, if given power.

You have only to look at the comments of higher-ups in the Bernie Sanders campaign, secretly videotaped by Project Veritas, who openly said they wanted to put Trump/Republican supporters in soviet-style "re-education camps" (which by the way, is what Obama benefactor Willam Ayers and his Weather Underground envisioned). Antifa and Black Lives Matter in their mission statements lay out their marxist vision for overthrowing the United States and abolishing the capitalist system. Black Lives Matter further says on their website they want to "kill all white babies."

You can see that fanaticism in the comments of many Democrats on social media, after repeated attacks on Senator Ron Paul, or on Rep. Steve Scalise and other House Republicans at the Congressional baseball game, where they called it "a good start", and encouraged more attacks on Republicans. Some were fired, many were not. But this is what governing insiders in the Democrat party were saying.
Why doesn't the public believe them?

Largely because the news media selectively omits coverage of what Democrat radicals clearly advocate and plan to do. The media is a big part of getting that Trojan Horse inside the gates.

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The relentless and malicious prosecution of Michael Flynn, even after it is proven that the evidence was falsified against him. How a pejury trap was set (and also unsuccessfully attempted against his assistant K.T. McFarland), where FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith falsified the FISA warrant evidence against him, where his own lawyers set him up to take a plea deal, where the FBI shook him down and threatened to prosecute his son if he didn't plea to crimes he clearly did not commit. And the FBI itself finally dropped the case against him due to its own corrupt improprieties, but a Democrat partisan judge Emmett Sullivan still struggles to continue the malicious prosecution of Flynn.

It's a trial worthy of a Kafka novel.

While the criminals who set Flynn up (Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper. OBAMA! BIDEN!!) are free to write bestselling books, are given contracts as highly paid "analysts" on CNN and MSNBC, and never held accountable for their crimes.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy, Aug 25 2021
Well, let's see... stacked up against Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Rep. Gerry Studds, Rep. Barney Frank, Gov. klansman/blackface Raph Northam, Lt. Gov. date-rapist Justin Fairfax.
DNC campaign bundler / rapist Harvey Weinstein.
Closeted homosexual rapist murderer DNC bundler Ed Buck....
Democrat donor and child predator Terry Dean....

Yeah, the Democrats and their donors definitely aren't sex predator/child predator "pizza eaters", no sir! rolleyes

In the cases of Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein, prominent Democrats as high up as Hillary Clinton were still having lunch with them and taking their campaign donations, long after they were indicted for sex crimes To my knowledge not ever returning those donations. .

And like I said, both in Pariah's topic back in the day where I first saw the whole Qu-anon / pizzagate thing, and in the Jeffrey Epstein topic, it seemed more than a little far fetched to me. But then along came Jeffrey Epstein and the other names above, attached to all the Democrat leadership, to billionaire captains of industry, to British royals, to presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. Many of them blackmailed and controlled and extorted for money through what could be described as a child sex cult. And that doesn't prove that the whole Quanon thing is true, but it sure as hell gives it some credibility and makes it a lot more believable and possible.

And now...


The head of FTX spent $10 million in 2020 to help get Joe Biden elected president.

And since the Russia-Ukraine war began, the corrupt Democrat party has given up to now about 91 BILLION dollars to the Ukraine government, with zero audit or oversight, inviting Ukraine officials to funnel it off into their own private accounts to enrich themselves. Ukraine officials visiting Switzerland to buy mansions, driving up to meet real estate agents in brand new Lambourghinis and Ferraris.
And with this U.S. military aid, these Ukranians purchased tens of millions in FTX crypto-currency, whose funds were laundered back to the Democrat party, to abundantly fund their 2022 campaigns against Republicans.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
::furious partisan anger wanking::

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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
::furious partisan anger wanking::

Iggy has no intelligent response to the facts I presented, so another infantile fake post.

Cry harder, loser. cry

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