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Something that hadn't occurred to me, that South Florida has a lot of residents and travelers from New York. Clearly the first outbreak cases in South Florida came from the Tri-county New York/New Jersey/Connecticut area, by airline passengers. The first was about 10 days ago (one of whom will be prosecuted for reckless endangerment, because he knew he has Covid-19 infection and still got on a plane to West Palm Beach). It was made clear early on that those who test positive and do not quarantine will be jailed. As of today there are about 100 Palm Beach County Covid-19 cases, out of a 1.5 million population.

To me the logical thing to do is shut down all flights to Palm Beach County and the rest of Florida out of the New York area, common sense. But as the above linked article makes clear, there are legal problems with implementing that.
More improtant to me is enforcement of quarantine/isolation of known cases, and testing their contacts to weed out clusters of potential spread.

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A short clip of Fox’s people like Ingraham & Hannity downplaying coronavirus and than their flip to taking it seriously. Shameful and also dangerous as Fox viewers according to polling mostly bought in and were slower in taking the threat seriously. Like Trump they played a role in downplaying a growing danger. I’m glad the likes of Hannity & Ingraham are now taking it seriously but have no idea how their viewers cope with the whiplash. Tucker Carlson it should be noted is an exception. Unlike the others Tucker took the threat seriously while the others didn’t.

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As for the bailout for corporations WB, I don’t disagree that it’s not needed. The democrats however are going to also get more money and support for the workers too. Remember last time we did the bailouts?

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
A short clip of Fox’s people like Ingraham & Hannity downplaying coronavirus and than their flip to taking it seriously. Shameful and also dangerous as Fox viewers according to polling mostly bought in and were slower in taking the threat seriously. Like Trump they played a role in downplaying a growing danger. I’m glad the likes of Hannity & Ingraham are now taking it seriously but have no idea how their viewers cope with the whiplash. Tucker Carlson it should be noted is an exception. Unlike the others Tucker took the threat seriously while the others didn’t.

That clip you posted is so slice-and-diced as to wipe out any context in the Fox hosts quoted. Trish Regan in the opening clips (for other later on-air comments) was taken off the air a week ago.

Hannity, Ingraham and Tucker Carlson have all shown montages of liberal reporters downplaying the threat of Covid-19 until very recently, and then hypocritically bashing Trump and other conservatives for allegedly downplaying the virus in an irresponsible way. Watching Fox daily the last two months, I think it's fair to say they higlighted Covid-19 as potentially serious, but also held out the hope it would burn out quickly as so many virus outbreaks before have. And their optimism that it would reflected the rhetoric of CDC and NIH officials.
The bottom line is, no one knew until mid February just how contageous Covid-19/Wuhan Flu is. China denied us information, and it was only when South Korea cooperated and shared research findings from their own outbreak with the CDC, and much later research from China after, that we began to learn about its severity.

I still say it's clear that Trump took this seriously early on, stopping travel from China, despite taking criticism for it as "over-reaction" and "racist" by the same people who are attempting to flip the table and accuse Trump and Fox of downplaying it. And I watch Fox News daily, whereas you just watch Media Matters slice-and-dice clips and hit pieces, for you to even know what Fox News says.

Without question, for all the Democrat smears, the truth is Trump has done a number of things to rally the fight against this virus in unprecedented ways, that no Democrat would ever do. As I've outlined repeatedly above. The people who accused Trump of "over-reacting" would absolutely not have defended us more. They would be like Angela Merkel who is resigning to it overwhelming her country.

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By John J. Cohrssen & Henry I. Miller
March 23, 2020

With the United States gradually ramping up testing for the coronavirus, there has been a sharp, expected increase in the number of cases of COVID-19 disease. The individuals tested will learn whether they are infected, but, paradoxically, the public—and public health officials—will not know whether the total results are encouraging or discouraging. This is because the rates of the coronavirus infectivity and mortality will remain poorly understood. And without such information, it is impossible to predict, accurately, the percentage of Americans who have been or are likely to become infected, and of those infected how many will be asymptomatic, have a relatively mild, flu-like disease, become critically ill, or die.

Also important, it will be hard to know when we can begin to reduce the restrictions on Americans’ activities.

New York Times investigative reporter James Glanz and his colleagues have reported that the driving force for growth in COVID-19 in the U.S are Americans with mild symptoms who are carrying and spreading the virus without being aware that they have it. Their March 20th article estimates the number of undetected cases at 11 times more than those officially reported, and Jane Qiu wrote on March 20th in the journal Nature, preliminary estimates of these covert cases suggest they might comprise 60 percent of all infections.

In February, the CDC considered various possible scenarios for how the outbreak would progress, based on characteristics of the virus, including crude estimates of infectiousness and severity of the illness. Its “worst case” was shocking, indeed, with the possibility of more than 200 million Americans infected, 2.4 million to 21 million potentially requiring hospitalization, and as many as 200, 000 to 1.7 million dying. This scenario was worse than the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, which globally infected 500 million people (one-third of the world’s population) and killed at least 50 million people worldwide and 675,000 in the United States alone. The CDC’s worst-case scenario would crush the nation’s medical system, which has only about 925,000 staffed hospital beds, with less than a tenth of those available for the critically ill.

Worst-case scenarios are, by definition, intended to depict extreme events before taking into account effective mitigation strategies, such as social distancing. But coronavirus testing of statistically appropriate population samples will be necessary for information essential to the management of the pandemic and offer critical information about important, disease-causing characteristics of this particular virus that are essential to formulating policies to control and predict the spread of COVID-19.


How many people of various ages, sex, ethnicities, and other demographic characteristics in the population became infected? How many remain asymptomatic, and how many have symptoms? Of those with symptoms, how many cases are mild, require hospitalization, or are fatal? How readily is it transmitted from person to person? How many people will an infected person subsequently infect? What is the length of the incubation period and the usual course of the disease? How long does post-infection immunity to infection persist?

These are all questions that epidemiologists and legislators cannot answer right now—and they are the questions that should inform what the next 4-12 weeks look like for Americans.

The coronavirus test kits currently available in the U.S. can provide only part of the puzzle. They detect only certain coronavirus genetic fragments (RNA). Thus, in trying to ascertain what proportion of the population has had any degree of infection (asymptomatic, mild, or more serious), such post-recovery testing will yield “false negatives” because the body clears these genetic fragments after recovery. That distorts our understanding of infection and case fatality rates because accurate calculation of rates requires a true denominator. And the absence of knowledge of those rates blurs our understanding of how successful mitigation measures have been.

Answers to the missing part of the puzzle will need to come from so-called “serological tests” that measure anti-coronavirus antibodies in the blood and reveal whether a person has been infected with the coronavirus and recovered. (Antibodies arise approximately 10-14 days after infection.)

Serological tests are currently being used in Singapore and China, and are under development by the CDC. Their availability and application to a statistically appropriate sample of Americans will provide essential data on how widespread and pervasive in the U.S. COVID-19 infections have been. Understanding the percentage of the population that has been infected—and, subsequently, developed antibodies to the virus—is a critical factor in determining the likely course of the epidemic and the best approaches to managing it.

The U.S. government has been slow and inept at developing and distributing coronavirus tests and obtaining timely test results, which has wasted valuable time and delayed effective disease prevention and treatment. The federal government should avoid further missteps by aggressively conducting population studies with both coronavirus testing and serological assays for antibodies. Only then will a better understanding of the epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 enable us to slow its spread, and ultimately, know when we can begin to roll back painful restrictions on Americans’ daily lives.


John J. Cohrssen is an attorney and statistician who served in senior positions for White House agencies including the Office of the Vice President.

Henry I. Miller, a physician and molecular biologist, is a Senior Fellow at the Pacific Research Institute. He was the founding director of the FDA’s Office of Biotechnology. You can find him online or on Twitter at @henryimiller.

I don't think anyone can accuse these writers of sugarcoating the situation.

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Trump kept comparing it to the flu and according to reports dismissed intelligence warning him about the threat. Yes he cut travel to China but than for about 2 months played it down. And Fox was right there with him attacking the media and democrats for trying to hype the threat. I do acknowledge that for folks like yourself who think democrats are all praying for recession and more coronavirus will continue to be for whatever helps Trump. Facts no longer matter to you.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Trump kept comparing it to the flu and according to reports dismissed intelligence warning him about the threat. Yes he cut travel to China but than for about 2 months played it down. And Fox was right there with him attacking the media and democrats for trying to hype the threat. I do acknowledge that for folks like yourself who think democrats are all praying for recession and more coronavirus will continue to be for whatever helps Trump. Facts no longer matter to you.

So did many CDC and NIH officials and other medical experts, that it was very possible hot summer weather could make the virus stop replicating, as has occurred with previous new strains. And that in outbreaaks over the last 20 years, previous new viral strains have killed less people than the annual flu (numbers I cited in above posts). That remains factually and statistically true.

I don't see Fox hosts ever selling a Covid-19 threat ended by hot weather as a guarantee, but merely as a "let's hope so." Trump did not express any optimism that wasn't voiced by them first. And by pundits on CNN and MSNBC, and in the New York Times and Washington Post. As Ingraham, Hannity and Tucker have repeatedly shown, that Youtube deletes, and Google algorithms out of searches lists.

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I put up a link to the clip of Hannity and Ingraham’s flip on their coronavirus coverage. Like Trump about a week ago it went from the media and Dems over hyping the threat to a recognition that it really was a threat. The only thing consistent is their partisan attacks at the media and democrats and an attempt to shelter Trump. Not sure why you’re talking like it was just about hot weather comments as that may have been part of the mix but not the only thing.

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It’s still early but it does look like social distancing has helped slow down the spread here in MN. Hopefully that holds true for everyone and reduces hospitals being overwhelmed. We haven’t done the shelter in place yet but for what is shut down and people working from home that may not be needed.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I put up a link to the clip of Hannity and Ingraham’s flip on their coronavirus coverage. Like Trump about a week ago it went from the media and Dems over hyping the threat to a recognition that it really was a threat. The only thing consistent is their partisan attacks at the media and democrats and an attempt to shelter Trump. Not sure why you’re talking like it was just about hot weather comments as that may have been part of the mix but not the only thing.

And I pointed out that their clips are so chopped up you don't even hear a complete sentence from Hannity or Ingraham or Pirro. It's total demagoguery and propaganda that doesn't say anything clearly. And doesn't prove anything. Slice and dice.

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I live in one of the 3 hardest hit counties in Florida, and to my frustration, no one of either party seems interested in doing a shelter in place, or even limiting only to essential services. Which means the number of cases is going to grow. The majority of cases emerged from airline travel into Florida, primarily from the New York tri-county area. If they really wanted to stop the increase, they would suspend all flights.
It went from 2 cases to 104 in Palm Beach County in about 10 days. 17 of the cases in Boca Raton.
About 33% of the hospitalized cases in the New York tri-state area are under the age of 45. So it's not just a disease killing the elderly with pre-existing conditions.
Only 16,000 virus tests have been done in Florida so far, 744 in Palm Beach County. Statewide, about 9% of those tested are positive for Covid-19. The way to eliminate the continuing spread is to either shelter-in-place, or do massive testing. Neither party seems committed to doing either.

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That article from the palm beach post is titled about democrats urging shelter in place in Florida. I sincerely hope your state isn’t overwhelmed WB but not doing a shelter in place almost makes it a certainty.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

That article from the palm beach post is titled about democrats urging shelter in place in Florida. I sincerely hope your state isn’t overwhelmed WB but not doing a shelter in place almost makes it a certainty.

Governor Desantis is a Republican, yes, and Democrat legislators are urging him to give a shelter-in-place order, yes.
The Palm Beach County officials are likewise sitting on their hands:

While Boca Raton on Tuesday became the first city in the county to close all non-essential businesses, Palm Beach County commissioners were silent about their plans.

County Administrator Verdenia Baker did not respond to phone calls asking whether such a restriction, already in place in Broward and Miami-Dade counties, is being considered here. The county’s vice mayor, Robert Weinroth, said Monday the county was looking at it but was loathe to further impact county residents’ lives.

Palm Beach County administrator Verdenia Baker, mentioned in the article:

Palm Bch County vice mayor Robert Weinroth:

Party affiliation is not listed, but the likelihood is that black and Jewish officials are not Republicans. I side with Democrat legislators in wanting Desantis to order a shelter-in-place for the state. But it is not just Republican governor Desantis who is obstructing this from happening.

Thank you for the well-wishing.

In China,, the spread came from an annual festival in Wuhan that brought in 5 million visitors to a city of 11 million, and seeded spread to the rest of China and internationally.
In northern Italy, there was a soccer game attended by 60,000 people, including tourists from China, where it spread from Italy to Germany, France, Spain and the rest of Europe.
To my knowledge, there is not a similar event that would seed such a massive sudden spread in the U.S., but complacency could allow it to spread more rapidly.
Actually, there is one I can think of: New Orleans. The Mardi-Gras celebrations brought in massive visitors to the city, that is now considered "the next epicenter" from where it can spread as these people return to other regions, in particular the major cities in next-door Texas. Common sense is anyone who attended Mardi-Gras should be tested or self-quarantined, to diminish that potential threat.

With New York, it was only the last few days that massive testing began that they bacame aware how widespread Covid-19 infection is. And I saw a news report quoting social media posts by N Y mayor DeBlasio as recently as early/mid March openly boasted about defying the outbreak and going to the theatre and other social events, and inviting other New Yorkers to do the same. So it isn't just Republicans or Fox news who have early on taken the outbreak lightly.

Regardless of party, I urge our elected leaders taking uniform simultaneous nation-wide maximum precautions to stamp out out a potentially deadly Covid-19 outbreak, before it has the ability to get any worse. We've already seen it ravage other whole nations, with 400-800 deaths a day. We don't want this to get any worse. I've already called and written e-mail letters to all these officials.
And it disturbs me that even if Florida shelters-in-place, that other cities and states won't, and even when ordered won't comply. That will just prolong the outbreak for the entire nation. And endanger more lives.

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My state just issued one that will go into effect tomorrow. Governor Walz made it clear that it wasn’t going to reduce the infection rate but that the data they have says it will prevent icu’s from being overwhelmed. Hopefully their data is accurate enough!

And for big events Florida is a big spring break destination. I have a lot of family that went to Florida for a week in the last month. One Aunt stupidly went just 2 weeks ago when common sense really should have kicked in.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
My state just issued one that will go into effect tomorrow. Governor Walz made it clear that it wasn’t going to reduce the infection rate but that the data they have says it will prevent icu’s from being overwhelmed. Hopefully their data is accurate enough!

And for big events Florida is a big spring break destination. I have a lot of family that went to Florida for a week in the last month. One Aunt stupidly went just 2 weeks ago when common sense really should have kicked in.

It won't prevent those who are already infected. But it will stop transmission to more people from doubling or tripling the number infected.

I've called all the Florida officials I listed above, some repeatedly. The county commissioner's secretary let on to me that there's a lot of pressure to issue a shelter-at-home order, and that it will likely happen soon.
They've already issued a lot more restrictions and closures since yesterday. Can you believe there were people golfing up until 5PM yesterday here? Up to the moment Desantis closed them.

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It sounds like you’re doing everything you can do. MN just announced theirs yesterday and it doesn’t go into effect till tomorrow night.

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A lengthy interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci of the NIH. A lot of new information.

Ironically, there was $75 million for NPR and PBS funding rammed into the Coronavirus emergency relief legislation. But as Sean Hannity cited in his program last night, NPR won't even broadcast Trump's daily Coronavirus task force press conferences, in their bias and hostility toward Trump!
Even Rachel Maddow of MSNBC only fantasizes that broadcast news channels "should" deny coverage to Trump's coronavirus press conferences that allow him to connect with and inform the American people. But NPR actually does this. AND gets funded by emergency legislation, while censoring daily information from the task force press conferences while doing so.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

This is another attempt to blame Trump, and as I'll demonstrate with quotes, later paragraphs in the article itself demonstrate that you can't just follow a textbook plan. The plan has to adapt to the situation. i.e., No battle plan survives the first day of actual combat. The plan has to adapt to new realities of the situation.

 Originally Posted By: from the article
The 69-page document, obtained by Politico, lays out step-by-step responses to a pandemic, such as implementing directives on workplace safety and procurement of safety equipment.

Politico = offshoot of the Washington Post = blame-Trump/hate-Trump media, and constructing a narrative to fit that agenda.

Under the NSC timeline, the Trump administration in late January should have begun issuing directives aimed at "coordination of workforce protection activities including ... [personal protective equipment] determination, procurement and deployment," according to the report. Such actions have only been recently implemented.

Ah. That would have been while the Democrats completely shut down all legislation for two months with phony Presidential impeachment House hearings and Senate impeachment, with no chance of success and no evidence, just to smear the president?
Yeah, that gave Trump plenty of free time to mull all his options with an emerging pandemic. At that point China had still not revealed just how infectious this virus is. We found that out in February when South Korea shared their research with the CDC and NIH. That's when we found out just how virulent this new Covid-19 strain is.

A request for congressional funding to combat the pandemic, the timeline further dictates, should have taken place a month before it happened. President Trump signed into law two bills responding to the coronavirus epidemic in March and is expected to sign a third aimed at providing an economic stimulus in the days ahead.

That is jaw-droppingly evasive of the fact that Democrats have acted as an obstuction to swift legislation, and that Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) flatout said this was a time to try and ram through Democrat ideological wish-list spending that had nothing to do with the Covid-19 crisis, such as funding abortion, sanctuary cities, and allowing same-day registration and voting that enables voter-fraud in favor of Democrats.
Even when Trump aggressively pursued legislation to fight the Covid-19 pandemic, Democrats tried to shake him down and insert all these other Democrat projects, holding up the legislation. When a bipartisan deal was already negotiated, Pelosi came in and wrecked it, delaying legislation for roughly another week.

An official with the NSC told Politico in a statement that the report had been replaced by newer policies taking into account lessons from the spread of Ebola in Africa.

“We are aware of the document, although it’s quite dated and has been superseded by strategic and operational biodefense policies published since,” the official said. “The plan we are executing now is a better fit, more detailed, and applies the relevant lessons learned from the playbook and the most recent Ebola epidemic in the [Democratic Republic of the Congo] to COVID-19.”

That's pretty clear confirmation that the plan couldn't be implemented as it was on paper, but had to be modified and adapted to new conditions as the Covid-19 crisis has unfolded. It is in polar opposition to the click-bait headline of the article itself.

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Even if you accepted impeachment as a valid excuse not to prepare for coronavirus, Trump still didn’t do the things he should have been doing after impeachment . And when Trump did get around to requesting money from Congress, the democrats response was to wisely increase the asked for amount.

I think it’s valid that plans to need to adapt to changes but this isn’t what happened here. What was called for in the pandemic response plan wasn’t replaced with something better that I can tell. And doing things a month or more later is in no way a better response.

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I already answered that, in response to specific quotes from the article above.

Hannity, March 26, 2020

Starting at about 16 minutes into the show, Hannity runs clips of multiple liberal media news reports and Democrat politicians who downplayed and were completely dismissive of how serious Covid-19 really was.
As many of these media anchors, pundits and elected leaders said, at the time it was positioned to be less of a threat in lives than the annual flu. In your eagerness to blame Trump, you should give these people equal judgement. The difference being, Trump set up a ban on travel from China on Jan 27, preventing spread to tens of thousands early on, as Dr Fauci of NIH has said repeatedly was "the single best strategic move" the U.S. has taken to contain this outbreak. And again, all these liberal critics said Trump was "a racist" and "over-reacting" when he made this move to protect the nation, making clear they would do far less to protect us that Trump immediately did.

Tucker Carlson last night also had clips in the early part of his show from mayor DeBlasio and the New York health department director speaking publicly encouraging people to go out into crowd events in the city and to interact with recently arrived tourists, precisely the two events that spread Covid-19 like wildfire throughout New York city. That anyone who acted to protect themselves and stay away from crowds was being racist. Those railing on Trump completely ignore this, of course.

Tucker Carlson: How local leaders failed their cities - Thursday, 3-26-2020

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I also still find it amazing that you and your party are so eager to falsely blame Trump, while simultaneously ignoring the clearl blame of China for hiding the outbreak and allowing it to spread to the entire world.

Incredibly, the New York Times and other liberal media actually praise China's handling of the outbreak, despite their deception, and the brutal treatment of people infected in Wuhan, including their treatment of the 9 doctors who first tried to warn the world of the new Coronavirus "Covid-19" strain.

Hannity: How China, WHO could have prevented the COVID-19 pandemic

Hannity gives a timeline of the outbreak, and the negligence of both the Chinese and their willing propagandists int he liberal media. They are doing China's bidding and selling China's talking points, in their contrived attempts to blame Trump and take the spotlight off those truly to blame, in the Chinese communist government.

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Here Hannity gives a timeline of events in China leading up to the global outbreak, beginning on Dec 10, 2019. All the attempts by doctors to warn the public, suppressed by the Chinese government. The 9 doctors were arrested by Chinese police and forced to sign confessions they were "spreading rumors" to intimdate them into silence. On Jan 14 2020 they lied to the WHO and said there was no evidence it could be spread human-to-human (as opposed to animal-to-human).

Hannity: Once we beat back coronavirus, China must be held accountable

But hey, I'm sure Trump is somehow to blame.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I already answered that, in response to specific quotes from the article aabove.


But it was partisan gobbildy gook. The truth is it would have been better if those things in the pandemic response plan were followed. Really what was the advantage of waiting? When this is over I do hope Trump gets every bit of credit for his leadership in this. And perhaps some of the smarter sheep feel some guilt for what they enabled.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I already answered that, in response to specific quotes from the article above.

But it was partisan gobbildy gook.

No, what I said was logical and specific. Despite your attempts to paint it otherwise. I even linked an article of supporting facts from USA Today, which is far from a right-leaning publication.

 Originally Posted By: M E M

The truth is it would have been better if those things in the pandemic response plan were followed.

And you know this because... of your service in federal agencies and as an official in CDC and NIH, and as a presidential cabinet member?

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Really what was the advantage of waiting? When this is over I do hope Trump gets every bit of credit for his leadership in this. And perhaps some of the smarter sheep feel some guilt for what they enabled.

The only thing done wrong in the U.S. was not having the tests available, which was out of Trump's control. That was delayed by bureucracy within the CDC.
And in the last day, I've seen news stories that the tests used by European countries have not been as reliable as the ones the U.S. test kits are. Resulting in Italy and Spain having about 30% false positives, and even more dangerous, 30% false negatives, that prevented a huge swath of infected people from being isolated, and able to go out and infect even more people.

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Tucker: Why are media pundits trying to discredit hydroxychloroquine? -March 25, 2020

Tucker Carlson cites the medicines that are working to help Covid-19 patients.

Predictably, anything Trump expresses optimism about, the liberal media in knee-jerk fashion opposes and propagandizes against.
Likewise Democrat Gov. Steve Sisolak, of Arizona.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I already answered that, in response to specific quotes from the article above.

But it was partisan gobbildy gook.

No, what I said was logical and specific. Despite your attempts to paint it otherwise. I even linked an article of supporting facts from USA Today, which is far from a right-leaning publication.

 Originally Posted By: M E M

The truth is it would have been better if those things in the pandemic response plan were followed.

And you know this because... of your service in federal agencies and as an official in CDC and NIH, and as a presidential cabinet member?

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Really what was the advantage of waiting? When this is over I do hope Trump gets every bit of credit for his leadership in this. And perhaps some of the smarter sheep feel some guilt for what they enabled.

The only thing done wrong in the U.S. was not having the tests available, which was out of Trump's control. That was delayed by bureucracy within the CDC.
And in the last day, I've seen news stories that the tests used by European countries have not been as reliable as the ones the U.S. test kits are. Resulting in Italy and Spain having about 30% false positives, and even more dangerous, 30% false negatives, that prevented a huge swath of infected people from being isolated, and able to go out and infect even more people.

The below items should have been done much earlier. Instead we got Trump downplaying coronavirus and arguing that letting people off a cruise ship would increase the official numbers of infected up in the US.
Under the NSC timeline, the Trump administration in late January should have begun issuing directives aimed at "coordination of workforce protection activities including ... [personal protective equipment] determination, procurement and deployment," according to the report. Such actions have only been recently implemented.

And WB Hannity is as partisan as you can get. And he also downplayed coronavirus right along with Trump.
Hannity “I mean they're scaring the living hell out of people,” Hannity added. “And I see them again as like oh, okay, let's bludgeon Trump with this new hoax.”

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I don't even understand what you think Trump could have done that he didn't. It's confirmed that Obama never replenished the supplies for an outbreak that were exhaused huring his presidency.

Trump has ramped up private companies to mass-produce masks, protective gowns, respirator/ventilators, and mass testing nationwide. I think the U.S. did 250,000 tests this week, and will soon be doing 1 million tests a week. I frankly don't think any president could have done a better job than Trump has been doing the last few weeks. Rallying and giving hope to the nation, massive wartime-level production, auxilliary hospitals built by the military to assist the other hospitals in New York and elsewhere, and mobilizing the private sector companies to assist in a war-production way.

All you and the Dems have is to say "Trump could have done more" and are cheering for his failure. Meanwhile, people are believing in Trump and not the Dems, as reflected in polls that show him at the highest level of his presidency, between 51% and 60%.

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No I’m specifically pointing out that Trump failed to do some basic things...
Under the NSC timeline, the Trump administration in late January should have begun issuing directives aimed at "coordination of workforce protection activities including ... [personal protective equipment] determination, procurement and deployment," according to the report. Such actions have only been recently implemented.

When he should have been doing that he downplayed the threat spewing out misinformation. I do recognize he got a slight bump in polling when he decided to stop downplaying coronavirus. I think everyone was glad to see that. However it’s still Trump muddling or downright misinforming his own administration’s information. I suspect that and hours of Trump praising himself while attacking governors begging for ventilators as hospitals get overwhelmed will not prove popular . He’s an evil shit bag.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
No I’m specifically pointing out that Trump failed to do some basic things...
Under the NSC timeline, the Trump administration in late January should have begun issuing directives aimed at "coordination of workforce protection activities including ... [personal protective equipment] determination, procurement and deployment," according to the report. Such actions have only been recently implemented.

When he should have been doing that he downplayed the threat spewing out misinformation. I do recognize he got a slight bump in polling when he decided to stop downplaying coronavirus. I think everyone was glad to see that. However it’s still Trump muddling or downright misinforming his own administration’s information. I suspect that and hours of Trump praising himself while attacking governors begging for ventilators as hospitals get overwhelmed will not prove popular . He’s an evil shit bag.

With all due respect, every last action Trump has taken to contain this virus has been obstructed by your party. Your party called Trump's decision "racist" and "over-reaction" when he suspended travel from China.
Your party likewise resisted attempts to secure the southern border, for 3 years, and at present.

With the recent legislation to fight the virus and keep people at home with emergency payments of money to families so they are incentivized to be at home and not spread the virus, your party has attempted to ram through all kind of non-crisis-related liberal wet-dream spending and ideologically driven nonsense like funding for sanctuary cities, same-day voter registration and voting (enablingemocrat voter-fraud), public funding of abortion, Green New Deeal, on and on, in a cynical attempt to advance radicalism despite a dire pandemic crisis. And those cynical additions delayed legislation of money for fighting the virus, and money for poor families in dire need, another week.

So the credibility of your Bolshevik party alleging Trump is too slow, or that Trump hasn't taken this seriously enough, is absolutely worthless. If you want to see what Democrats would do if in power during this crisis, just look at what is occurring in Italy, Spain, Germany and France. Democrats in power would sit on their hands and make no attempt to restrict foreign travel from a disease-ridden China or Europe, and would have left us even less time to prepare.

Keep in mind that this Covid-19 strain was falsely assured by the Chinese to not be transferrable human-to-human as recently as Jan 14th. And the WHO issued false assurances to the world and didn't independently confirm this with their own doctors (China owns and heavily funds the WHO and most U.N. branch committees, buying their silence).
The first case in the U.S. brought by a traveler from China was Jan 21. That's barely 2 months ago! Trump issued a halt of all travel from China on Jan 31, that Democrats are still propagandizing as racist (Chinese talking points that help deflect from China's responsibility for the avoidable outbreak, nice job liberal media comrades!) and not acknowledging as Dr Anthony Fauci said, that the travel ban was the single most important strategic move that protected the nation, prevented tens of thousands of infections, and gave the nation vital time to prepare.

Your attempt to find absurd new ways to pigeonhole blame onto Trump is truly loathesome. The news today reported that in Spain over 850 people died in a single day, in Italy over 900. In several European nations, people are dying so fast they can't even bury all the bodies.

This is a terrifying global situation, and your partisanship to the death, trying to personally blame Trump for things that are clearly not his fault, is just beyond the pale.
You can't even give a specific of anything Trump has done wrong, just some vague one-sentence quotation of a policy document, that has no lucid specifics one can connect to anything.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
No I’m specifically pointing out that Trump failed to do some basic things...
Under the NSC timeline, the Trump administration in late January should have begun issuing directives aimed at "coordination of workforce protection activities including ... [personal protective equipment] determination, procurement and deployment," according to the report. Such actions have only been recently implemented.

When he should have been doing that he downplayed the threat spewing out misinformation. I do recognize he got a slight bump in polling when he decided to stop downplaying coronavirus. I think everyone was glad to see that. However it’s still Trump muddling or downright misinforming his own administration’s information. I suspect that and hours of Trump praising himself while attacking governors begging for ventilators as hospitals get overwhelmed will not prove popular . He’s an evil shit bag.

With all due respect, every last action Trump has taken to contain this virus has been obstructed by your party. Your party called Trump's decision "racist" and "over-reaction" when he suspended travel from China.
Your party likewise resisted attempts to secure the southern border, for 3 years, and at present.

With the recent legislation to fight the virus and keep people at home with emergency payments of money to families so they are incentivized to be at home and not spread the virus, your party has attempted to ram through all kind of non-crisis-related liberal wet-dream spending and ideologically driven nonsense like funding for sanctuary cities, same-day voter registration and voting (enablingemocrat voter-fraud), public funding of abortion, Green New Deeal, on and on, in a cynical attempt to advance radicalism despite a dire pandemic crisis. And those cynical additions delayed legislation of money for fighting the virus, and money for poor families in dire need, another week.

So the credibility of your Bolshevik party alleging Trump is too slow, or that Trump hasn't taken this seriously enough, is absolutely worthless. If you want to see what Democrats would do if in power during this crisis, just look at what is occurring in Italy, Spain, Germany and France. Democrats in power would sit on their hands and make no attempt to restrict foreign travel from a disease-ridden China or Europe, and would have left us even less time to prepare.

Keep in mind that this Covid-19 strain was falsely assured by the Chinese to not be transferrable human-to-human as recently as Jan 14th. And the WHO issued false assurances to the world and didn't independently confirm this with their own doctors (China owns and heavily funds the WHO and most U.N. branch committees, buying their silence).
The first case in the U.S. brought by a traveler from China was Jan 21. That's barely 2 months ago! Trump issued a halt of all travel from China on Jan 31, that Democrats are still propagandizing as racist (Chinese talking points that help deflect from China's responsibility for the avoidable outbreak, nice job liberal media comrades!) and not acknowledging as Dr Anthony Fauci said, that the travel ban was the single most important strategic move that protected the nation, prevented tens of thousands of infections, and gave the nation vital time to prepare.

Your attempt to find absurd new ways to pigeonhole blame onto Trump is truly loathesome. The news today reported that in Spain over 850 people died in a single day, in Italy over 900. In several European nations, people are dying so fast they can't even bury all the bodies.

This is a terrifying global situation, and your partisanship to the death, trying to personally blame Trump for things that are clearly not his fault, is just beyond the pale.
You can't even give a specific of anything Trump has done wrong, just some vague one-sentence quotation of a policy document, that has no lucid specifics one can connect to anything.

Actually it’s more Trump’s inaction we’re talking about. As the pandemic plan points out Trump should have been doing several really important things months ago. Instead he downplayed the threat while attacking democrats and the media. And when he did ask for money for this, Pelosi’s response and the rest of the democrats was to greatly increase the amount. Trump hasn’t been obstructed in the way you accuse. He is and will continue to be held responsible for the 6 weeks he wasted while the virus was spreading.

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Again, no specifics. Just blind hatred of Trump over nothing, and saying "Trump didn't follow written protocol."

 Originally Posted By: WB
That is jaw-droppingly evasive of the fact that Democrats have acted as an obstuction to swift legislation, and that Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) flatout said this was a time to try and ram through Democrat ideological wish-list spending that had nothing to do with the Covid-19 crisis, such as funding abortion, sanctuary cities, and allowing same-day registration and voting that enables voter-fraud in favor of Democrats.
Even when Trump aggressively pursued legislation to fight the Covid-19 pandemic, Democrats tried to shake him down and insert all these other Democrat projects, holding up the legislation. When a bipartisan deal was already negotiated, Pelosi came in and wrecked it, delaying legislation for roughly another week.

Why don't you take it up with USA Today, and the other mainstream liberal media who reported the facts exactly as I described them?

And I deconstructed your talking points about what Trump allegedly "downplayed" about a dozen times here. While he made a few off-the-cuff remarks, Dr Fauci, Dr. Birkx, the Surgeon General and other officials are out there every day with Trump, able to correct what Trump said, if he actually got any of the facts wrong. There is absolutely nothing you can point to and say there was a bad outcome because of something Trump said. I can point to statements by Democrats, Republicans, CNN, MSNBC, CNN, CDC and NIH officials and other pundit doctors over the last 3 months who at times sounded the alarm, and at others made off the cuff remarks that downplayed the crisis. And I've linked video clips of many of them. What you accuse Trump of, every one of these officials have done, definitely including your side.
It was true when they were said that the annual flu kills more people annually than any previous outbreak has. That might in the end still be true, time will tell. The last major 2009-2010 outbreak infected 60 million people, hospitalized 350,000 and killed about 12,000.

You are being a really petty and vicious partisan, M E M, straining like hell to damage a president you don't like, on facts not in evidence.

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The missing six weeks: how Trump failed...
This gives a nice rundown WB. And blind hatred would be those that see the other side as praying for recession and pandemic. And trying to portray an opinion piece by a conservative from USA Today as something more than that isn’t really being honest. McConnell wasted time by not letting democrats in at the beginning. It would have been like Pelosi not working with the WH to craft the first deal. Mitch also held votes he knew would fail as negotiations were still going on. The conservative opinion column left out many things for a one sided narrative. Democrats fought for expanded unemployment benefits and other things that will be very important to those without a job and the $1,200 long gone.

From the article a sample of Trump being a shit bag....

On 24 February, Trump claimed “the coronavirus is very much under control in the USA”. The next day, Nancy Messonnier, the CDC’s top official on respiratory diseases, took the radically different approach of telling the truth, warning the American people that “disruption to everyday life might be severe”.

Trump was reportedly so angered by the comment and its impact on share prices that he shouted down the phone at Messonnier’s boss, the secretary of health and human services, Alex Azar.”

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
The missing six weeks: how Trump failed...
This gives a nice rundown WB. And blind hatred would be those that see the other side as praying for recession and pandemic.

I hold up Bill Maher, Paul Krugman, and most recently Hillary Clinton as evidence of your side "praying for recession and pandemic".

And your petty efforts, M E M. You desperately cling to any manufactured narrative to damage Trump, despite the evidence that no other president would have made the vigorous, well-organized and undaunted effort to contain the outbreak that Trump has.
I distrust any paper that has spent three continuous years churning out every half-baked lying disproven narrative they could to try and damage Trump.
This is just the latest attempt by the Guardian (and the New York Times, and the Washington Post, and Politico, Media Matters, CNN, MSNBC, Bloomberg News, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS and NPR) to try and partisanly manufacture a lying narrative to destroy Trump.

In the previous impeachment effort in January (while Democrats should have been helping Trump prepare for the Covid-19 outbreak): 100% negative coverage of Trump. 96% positive coverage of the Democrats. What laughingly passes for journalism and "objective news".

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Sajadi, the professor who found the temperature similarities, acknowledged epidemics are influenced by numerous factors but hypothesized that countries with cooler weather might be worse affected by the coronavirus, noting that even southern parts of countries with big outbreaks, like Italy and Iran, have not been hit as badly.

But, Cowling [epidemiologist, Hong Kong University] said, higher temperatures are unlikely to fully stop the continued spread of the virus.
"I don't think we can count on it stopping in the summer. It may slow down, but it won't be stopped," he said. "At this rate, we would expect every country in the world to have cases in about nine months — we're headed towards that now. "

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Clinton was not praying for recession or coronavirus. She made a snarky remark about Trump. Don’t know where Krugman comes in either. Maher is the only one I see as saying he was hoping for a recession. I don’t think he wished for the pandemic though. You justifying such a gross and evil generalization about the other side really shows your blind hatred and partisanship. You can’t even hold Trump accountable for what he does and says but democrats are all held responsible for what Bill Maher says?

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Clinton was not praying for recession or coronavirus. She made a snarky remark about Trump. Don’t know where Krugman comes in either. Maher is the only one I see as saying he was hoping for a recession. I don’t think he wished for the pandemic though. You justifying such a gross and evil generalization about the other side really shows your blind hatred and partisanship. You can’t even hold Trump accountable for what he does and says but democrats are all held responsible for what Bill Maher says?

With all due respect, you're a fucking liar. Hillary's remarks are plain as day. And there has been plenty of backlash already by many others who read and know exactly what she was saying.

The party that hates America on full display, who callously regards all U.S. citizens as disposable pawns, to advance their lying Cultural Marxist narrative and seize power, stepping over the bodies of the people they pretend to be fighting for and care about.

Democrats have oficcialy become the Bolshevik party.

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It’s always funny when all due respect is uttered when you honestly don’t have any respect outside of party loyalty. Not surprised by someone who sees the other side as praying for recession and a pandemic because Bill Maher said he hoped there was a recession. I will continue holding Trump responsible for his inaction and his lies. The country deserves better leadership.

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As the President fiddles, people die

“The president, his denial at the beginning, was deadly,“ she said, saying the federal government is still lagging when it comes to getting testing kits and medical equipment to where they are needed.

“His delaying of getting equipment to where — it continues — his delay in getting equipment to where it's needed is deadly. And now I think the best thing would be to do is to prevent more loss of life, rather than open things up,“ she told Tapper.

Pelosi cited the need for “testing, testing, testing” as the key step going forward.

“This is such a tragedy. We don’t even know the magnitude of it because we don’t have adequate testing,” she said.

“ The California Democrat said that she was still troubled by the president’s rhetoric and what she perceived as a lack of perspective on his part.

“The other day, when he was signing the bill, he said, just think, 20 days ago, everything was great. No, everything wasn't great. We had nearly 500 cases and 17 deaths already. And in that 20 days, because we weren't prepared, we now have 2,000 deaths and 100,000 cases,” she said.”

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