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Most of the protesters are peaceful but there’s enough to have really done some damage to neighborhoods that were already struggling.

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Uh... they've burned and looted about 170 stores. I wouldn't call that "most of the protestors are peaceful."

In addition to looting and burning several blocks of stores, they stormed into and burned down the 3rd precinct police station! I'd suspect to do such an organized assault, it isn't just local protestors, but instead leadership of professional anarchists like Antifa or Black Lives Matter, who are rallying the unwitting herd of protestors toward violence.

I think the Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey is at fault. 24 hours ago (Wednesday night), this crowd was already hurling rocks and bottles at police, and making several attempts to storm into the police station, pushed back only by police firing tear gas and "flash-bang" grenades, and rubber bullets. Two masked slender white guys in masks I saw interviewed looked like Antifa.

But when the crowd couldn't successfully over-run the police station Wedenesday night, by 9 or 10 PM they had smashed the windows of stores and begun stealing flat-screen TV sets, and stealing everything else they could carry. At the end when there was nothing left in the stores to steal, the crowd (clearly seen in video footage) used hammers to smash open cash registers and steal the cash, the last thing remaining.
Oh yes!! These people were clearly motivated by principle, to protest the death of a black man by police.

Yeah right.... it was an opportunity to loot and steal, from un-related businesses, store-owners who were already struggling to remain solvent after two months of stay-at-home closure due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

If these were all actual black protestors, then by their choice of actions, they have confirmed every negative black stereotype, using any opportunity to loot and steal and intimidate the public when they don't get what they want. As they did in the Rodney King L.A. riots in 1991, as with Trayvon Martin related violence in Florida, as they did with Michael Brown related destruction in Ferguson, Missouri, as they did with similar cases in Baltimore Maryland, and in New York City. They once again demonstrated themselves to be a pack of criminal animals, that the 13% of America that is black commits 42% of the nations's crime, and 52% of the nation's murders, confirming U.S. Justice Department annual statistics of black crime that are consistent for over 4 decades now, who took yet another opportunity to rationalize an orgy of theft and violence, confirming to the rest of the nation what we've always known them to be. Confirming it, once again.

But I'll be generous and presume that other far-left elements (Antifa and the marxist Black Lives Matter) stoked this mob to burn a police station that they couldn't have organized and accomplished themselves.

And again, I blame the Minneapolis mayor, who should have seen the danger at the latest on Wednesday night when the first few lootings occurred, should have IMMEDIATELY called in the national guard to prevent further store lootings and burnings.
But instead mayor Jacob Frey just sat on his hands and let it escalate last night (Thursday and early Friday), to consume another 170 stores. And now the city is in ashes.

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Mayor Jacob Frey said it was his decision to evacuate the precinct.
“The symbolism of the building cannot outweigh the importance of life, our officers or the public,” he said. “We could not risk serious injury to anyone. And we will continue to patrol the Third Precinct,” he said.

Frey said Trump "knows nothing about the strength of Minneapolis. We are strong as hell. Is this a difficult time period? Yes. But you better be damn sure we are going to get through this."

Yeah, strong as hell.

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Tucker Carlsson, May 28 2020, Thursday

"This is a BLACK-OWNED business."
But if it's a white-owned business, it's perfectly OK to loot that store instead.

Wow, I'm so glad blacks aren't racist.

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I’ll pass on the Trump crap. No surprise he’s still the shitbag he’s always been.

This is just so sad. As more National Guard is mobilized hopefully order can be maintained tonight. Most of the protesters have been peaceful WB and what they’ve been protesting is pretty solid.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I’ll pass on the Trump crap. No surprise he’s still the shitbag he’s always been.

This is just so sad. As more National Guard is mobilized hopefully order can be maintained tonight. Most of the protesters have been peaceful WB and what they’ve been protesting is pretty solid.

Every time you call Trump a shitbag, you again prove that YOU'RE the true shitbag.
Trump is the most accomplished president of our lifetime, and I've linked and sourced the facts multiple times to show Trump quantifiably and statistically has accomplished more than any president in at least 50 years.

Imagine what Trump could have further accomplished if he didn't spend 4 years fighting fraudulently launched FBI investigations, multiple Russia hoax investigations, falsified evidenceless FISA warrants, spies, moles and deep-state Obama-holdover leakers in his administration, documents leaked by Comey and McCabe and friends to create a Mueller special investigation based completely on falsified evidence, and a phony completely partisan evidenceless House impeachment hearing.

As Tucker Carlson just cited above, it's the CNN , MSNBC and N Y Times' liberal indoctrination and stoking of minorities with race-obsessed propaganda, inciting this racial violence despite the true facts that prove there isn't a war on blacks, inciting this racial anger and sense of entitlement to looting, and to violence on police and white America, that is inciting this kind of race and class warfare and destruction.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Most of the protesters have been peaceful WB and what they’ve been protesting is pretty solid.

How could you possibly know this?

They looted and burned 150 businesses for God's sake. I watched live reporting from the protest front lines on Laura Ingraham's show Wedenesday night, where while the reporter was talking, black guys would pick up rocks and debris, walk to the front of the mob, throw it at police, then walk to the back of the mob trying to look innocent, pick up more debris, move again to the front of the mob, throw more at police, in a continuous circle. This was not even mentioned by the reporter, it was just visible while he talked. I wish the cops were firing real ammunition instead of rubber bullets and tear gas at these bastards. These are criminals, and you can see from the footage that they have a lifetime's experience at burglary and violence. This is just their latest adventure, their latest excuse to go wild.

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Trump is a shit bag and on course to leave the country in far worse shape than what he inherited. More people dead, poorer and unemployed. He downplayed a highly contagious virus but gets all emo and takes fast action against free speech if Twitter fact checks one of his many lies. You want to polish the turd, go ahead but it’s pretty off topic for this thread.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Trump is a shit bag and on course to leave the country in far worse shape than what he inherited. More people dead, poorer and unemployed. He downplayed a highly contagious virus but gets all emo and takes fast action against free speech if Twitter fact checks one of his many lies. You want to polish the turd, go ahead but it’s pretty off topic for this thread.

That's a convoluted partisan narrative, with no facts to back it up. Trump is fixing things that have been broken for decades. Securing our borders, incentivizing economic growth and jobs, negotiating multiple international trade deals in the U.S. interest for the first time since W W II, ending U.S. dependency on foreign oil, waging tough negotiations with China to actually protect our country from China's rising threat for the very first time, ending U.S. dependency on Chinese exports, just in time, and now leading against the Covid-19 pandemic better than any other president would.

Your treasonous cultural marxist/globalist party, and Biden in particular, have been selling out to China for years. Biden's son, with absolutely no experience and a crack habit that recently got him expelled from the military, flew with V P Joe Biden aboard Air Force Two and quickly got a $1.5 billion investment deal with the Bank of China, from which Hunter Biden will get at least a $20 million commission. That deal coincided with a softening of Biden's rhetoric with China, and a diminishment of U.S. naval patrols in the South China sea, that also coincided with a rise in Chinese aggression toward their neighbors there.
In addition, just today I saw that a Biden School at the University of Pennsylvania was funded extensively by China, beginning with an initial $14.5 million initial investment.

"Joe China" will not lead us to the promised land. He'll lead us to enslavement and a world dominated by China, exactly where we were headed under Obama, where the U.S. would have been going under Hillary Clinton, what we were saved from by Trump. There is no president since Reagan who has made such a vigorous restoration and defense of our country.
What your leftist anti-American party would do to this country, the intentions they have telegraphed in public statements for years now, absolutely terrifies me.

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A word from a President that was actually elected by the people...

Obama’s statement on George Floyd
Former President Barack Obama says he shares the "anguish" that many feel about George Floyd, a black man who died in police custody in Minnesota.

Floyd's death has sparked days of protests in Minneapolis. President Trump blamed the unrest on "thugs" in a tweet that was later hidden by Twitter for "glorifying violence."

Read Obama's full statement below, including a reference to a viral video of a song by Keedron Bryant, who pleads, "I just want to live, God protect me."

I want to share parts of the conversations I've had with friends over the past couple days about the footage of George Floyd dying face down on the street under the knee of a police officer in Minnesota.

The first is an email from a middle-aged African American businessman.

"Dude I gotta tell you the George Floyd incident in Minnesota hurt. I cried when I saw that video. It broke me down. The 'knee on the neck' is a metaphor for how the system so cavalierly holds black folks down, ignoring the cries for help. People don't care. Truly tragic."

Another friend of mine used the powerful song that went viral from 12-year-old Keedron Bryant to describe the frustrations he was feeling.

The circumstances of my friend and Keedron may be different, but their anguish is the same. It's shared by me and millions of others.

It's natural to wish for life "to just get back to normal" as a pandemic and economic crisis upend everything around us. But we have to remember that for millions of Americans, being treated differently on account of race is tragically, painfully, maddeningly "normal" — whether it's while dealing with the health care system, or interacting with the criminal justice system, or jogging down the street, or just watching birds in a park.

This shouldn't be "normal" in 2020 America. It can't be "normal." If we want our children to grow up in a nation that lives up to its highest ideals, we can and must be better.

It will fall mainly on the officials of Minnesota to ensure that the circumstances surrounding George Floyd's death are investigated thoroughly and that justice is ultimately done. But it falls on all of us, regardless of our race or station — including the majority of men and women in law enforcement who take pride in doing their tough job the right way, every day — to work together to create a "new normal" in which the legacy of bigotry and unequal treatment no longer infects our institutions or our hearts.

A lesser man re-tweeted “the only good democrat is a dead one” yesterday. I miss having a real leader in office that actually has values I recognize.

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Another night of Minneapolis burning.

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The St. Paul mayor said everyone they had arrested last night in St. Paul was from out of town. Thousands are expected to arrive today. This is now about trying to create as much destruction and chaos as possible.

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So far it looks like the police and guard have the necessary numbers tonight and as they repeatedly warned they’re not messing around. I’m getting the sense that they have control that they didn’t have the last couple of nights.

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That are the protesters are being bus to other cities. They’re actually rioting in places like Rochester and Syracuse New York

My parents are staying in a hotel in Syracuse right now. Supposedly far away from the riots. I have to go get them. I may be taking my trusty pals Smith and Wesson

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
That are the protesters are being bus to other cities. They’re actually rioting in places like Rochester and Syracuse New York

My parents are staying in a hotel in Syracuse right now. Supposedly far away from the riots. I have to go get them. I may be taking my trusty pals Smith and Wesson

Hope you and your parents get safe. My folks live in the sticks so I didn’t have to worry about them for this. Last night was a relief seeing order restored as most protesters seemed to have obeyed the curfew and went home instead of giving cover for those that wanted to commit arson, loot and riot. I hope the feds and state can track down as many of those that were organizing and participating in that.

One positive thing that’s happened is that these neighborhoods that have been hit are coming out the next day cleaning up debris and trying to resume normalcy with people from neighboring areas coming in to help. Hopefully they won’t have to do that all tomorrow.

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And I certainly didn’t want to see peaceful protesters hurt but they needed to be dispersed before it got dark as they were giving cover unintentionally or not for the rioting, arson and looting. By last night everyone knew that staying out after curfew was helping those who would do harm.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
That are the protesters are being bus to other cities. They’re actually rioting in places like Rochester and Syracuse New York

My parents are staying in a hotel in Syracuse right now. Supposedly far away from the riots. I have to go get them. I may be taking my trusty pals Smith and Wesson

Hope you and your parents get safe. My folks live in the sticks so I didn’t have to worry about them for this. Last night was a relief seeing order restored as most protesters seemed to have obeyed the curfew and went home instead of giving cover for those that wanted to commit arson, loot and riot. I hope the feds and state can track down as many of those that were organizing and participating in that.

One positive thing that’s happened is that these neighborhoods that have been hit are coming out the next day cleaning up debris and trying to resume normalcy with people from neighboring areas coming in to help. Hopefully they won’t have to do that all tomorrow.

Mom and dad are OK other than the fact that my dad tripped over his suitcase getting off the plane and twisted his ankle. Thanks for asking.

Beyond that, Their hotel was far enough away from downtown they didn’t get any of the fallout from the riots.

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Sorry about your dad twisting his ankle G-man. Glad they are far enough away from this craziness.

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
I may be taking my trusty pals Smith and Wesson


Hope your family is safe, G-man.

I was a bit astonisshed to get this text on my cel phone a few hours ago, around 4PM:


Broward County curfew in effect 9PM to 6AM tonight.

I was only aware of riots in Miami till now, obviously there are problems in Broward for them to put up these restrictions. Odd that they would send me a text here in Boca Raton, possibly to discourage Palm Beach County residents from traveling into Broward.

Just a clear point to be made: Mayors and governors have let rioters, arsonists and looters run wild for a week now. It was only when President Trump called for national guard to be deployed, and Trump threatened governors and mayors with usurping them to restore order and do something to protect citizens and businesses that anything happened to stop the chaos. God help us if Obama, Hillary or Biden were president with all this occurring. They would just let these criminals run wild. Trump and attorney General Barr declared Antifa a terrorist organization, which caused Facebook to take down Antifa's page on Facebook, and prevent a laege aamount of their ability to organize and communicate.

And it's no exaggeration of distortion to identify Antifa this way, it sshould have happened a long time ago. They are essentially an enemy network of terror cels in the U.S., waiting for opportunities like this to attack U.S. cities and spread chaos. This designation should have occurred a year ago when they stated attacking ICE detention centers nationwide.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
That are the protesters are being bus to other cities. They’re actually rioting in places like Rochester and Syracuse New York

My parents are staying in a hotel in Syracuse right now. Supposedly far away from the riots. I have to go get them. I may be taking my trusty pals Smith and Wesson

Hope you and your parents get safe. My folks live in the sticks so I didn’t have to worry about them for this. Last night was a relief seeing order restored as most protesters seemed to have obeyed the curfew and went home instead of giving cover for those that wanted to commit arson, loot and riot. I hope the feds and state can track down as many of those that were organizing and participating in that.

One positive thing that’s happened is that these neighborhoods that have been hit are coming out the next day cleaning up debris and trying to resume normalcy with people from neighboring areas coming in to help. Hopefully they won’t have to do that all tomorrow.

I'll concede at this point that even on Fox and OAN, the field reporters are saying that the majority of protestors the last week have been peaceful, but that a significant minority of leftists like Antifa and Black Lives Matter are trying to escalate things and exploit the chaos for looting, arson and to stoke anger and division.

There were 500 arrests in cities nationwide Friday.
And 1400 arrests Saturday, before the national guard troops were deployed.
And frustratingly, in many cities, while these violent protesters are being arrested, because of the Coronavirus crisis, many cities are not imprisoning these criminals, so they'll be right back on the streets to stir things up the next day.

But again, if not for President Trump demanding action (after a week of inaction by local Democrat authorities nationwide) and Trump deploying National Guard, there would not be a deterrant and stop to looting and arson and attacks on police now. Local authorities have neglected their primary duty, to protect their citizens. The National Guard being called out is what should have occurred at least 5 or 6 days ago, when the first stores were broken into, looted and burned. And before 170 businesses the next night were looted and burned the next night in Minneapolis alone.
I'm still in disbelief that the Minneapolis mayor ordered the 3rd district police station to be abandoned to protestors, and then allowing it to be burned to the ground.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
A word from a President that was actually elected by the people...

Obama’s statement on George Floyd
Former President Barack Obama says he shares the "anguish" that many feel about George Floyd, a black man who died in police custody in Minnesota.

Floyd's death has sparked days of protests in Minneapolis. President Trump blamed the unrest on "thugs" in a tweet that was later hidden by Twitter for "glorifying violence."

Read Obama's full statement below, including a reference to a viral video of a song by Keedron Bryant, who pleads, "I just want to live, God protect me."

I want to share parts of the conversations I've had with friends over the past couple days about the footage of George Floyd dying face down on the street under the knee of a police officer in Minnesota.

The first is an email from a middle-aged African American businessman.

"Dude I gotta tell you the George Floyd incident in Minnesota hurt. I cried when I saw that video. It broke me down. The 'knee on the neck' is a metaphor for how the system so cavalierly holds black folks down, ignoring the cries for help. People don't care. Truly tragic."

Another friend of mine used the powerful song that went viral from 12-year-old Keedron Bryant to describe the frustrations he was feeling.

The circumstances of my friend and Keedron may be different, but their anguish is the same. It's shared by me and millions of others.

It's natural to wish for life "to just get back to normal" as a pandemic and economic crisis upend everything around us. But we have to remember that for millions of Americans, being treated differently on account of race is tragically, painfully, maddeningly "normal" — whether it's while dealing with the health care system, or interacting with the criminal justice system, or jogging down the street, or just watching birds in a park.

This shouldn't be "normal" in 2020 America. It can't be "normal." If we want our children to grow up in a nation that lives up to its highest ideals, we can and must be better.

It will fall mainly on the officials of Minnesota to ensure that the circumstances surrounding George Floyd's death are investigated thoroughly and that justice is ultimately done. But it falls on all of us, regardless of our race or station — including the majority of men and women in law enforcement who take pride in doing their tough job the right way, every day — to work together to create a "new normal" in which the legacy of bigotry and unequal treatment no longer infects our institutions or our hearts.

A lesser man re-tweeted “the only good democrat is a dead one” yesterday. I miss having a real leader in office that actually has values I recognize.

Barack Obama is a cultural marxist radical. That is not a conspiracy theory, not a slander or presumption or an allegation, that is an absolute fact.
(see the listings for Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Anita Dunn, Mark Lloyd, Ron Bloom, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Bill Ayers, Jeff Jones, Frank Marshall Davis, or any others connected to Obama, it's all documented, both by Obama's own statements, and in the shared ideology of those closest to him.)

As I've said repeatedly, and with Obama's own writings and public statements to back it up, Obama's guiding ideology is 1) Cultural Marxism, 2) Anti-colonialism, and 3) Liberation Theology. None of those beliefs are pro-American. During Obama's 8 years, and still ongoing, Obama undermined and inflamed at every turn racial division and class warfare.

When a black racist college professor was arrested by police when he was caught breaking into his own home and verbally abused police causing his own arrest, with no familiarity with the facts, then-President Obama said "The police acted stupidly..." and undermined police authirity. It was in fact the black college professor who acted stupidly, and with a little politeness, and just showing identification, could have prevented his own arrest.

When Trayvon Martin was killed after initiating an attack on George Zimmerman and almost beating him to death before Zimmerman pulled his gun and shot Trayvon, as observed by two witnesses, Obama again threw racial kerosine on the fire and said "If I had a son, he would have looked like Trayvon", again stoking and inflaming racial identity politics.

I could further cite *ANY* poll taken during taken during Obama's 8 years and after, even by the most liberal pro-Democrat pollsters, that show race relations overwhelmingly declined as a direct result of Obama's presidency.
As historian Thomas Sowell said a few years into the Obamaa presidency, Obama was elected as a perceived moderate, but governed as a divisive radical. That Obama, rather than promoting racial unity, implemented a "revenge payback society" where his Department of Justice would only prosecute cases where the victims were black or hispanic, would not even consider prosecuting cases where whites were the victims of racial discrimination. And Obama's DOJ sabotaged even the most blatant and easily prosecutable cases of whites victimized, such as the Black Panther voter intimidation case. Causing multiple career U.S. attorneys to protest, go public with the discrimination, and finally resign. A clear abandonment by DOJ of equal protection under the law.

The same corrupt partisan abuse of power that ran through virtually every branch of federal power in the Obama years:
* the "Fast and Furious" selling of illegal guns by Obama's ATF to Mexican drug cartels in an attempt to blame U.S. guin retailers and shut down 2nd Amendment rights in the U.S.,
* the weaponization of the IRS against Tea Party and religious conservative groups by the IRS under Koskinin and Lois Lerner that worked in direct coordination with the Obama White House in over 150 white house meetings,
* ultimately, the illegal FISA warrants, spying and otherwwise targeting of the Trump campaign and incoming Trump administration by FBI DOJ, DNI, and CIA, that has continued for 4 years now.

I sure as hell don't miss having Obama as president. Obama was anything but a "real leader".
He was aa "real leader" in the same mode as Josef Stalin or Fidel Castro or Hugo Chaves. He failed to make the power grabs he attempted because of men who are "real leaders". Obama did damage to our trust in federal agencies and elected leaders that will take decades to repair.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Yesterday Trump had peaceful protesters who were legally exercising their right to protest flash bombed and tear gassed so that he could waddle over to a church for a photo op. The church and bible clearly just props.

I think it’s fairly evident that race relations have gotten a whole lot worse under Trump.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Yesterday Trump had peaceful protesters who were legally exercising their right to protest flash bombed and tear gassed so that he could waddle over to a church for a photo op. The church and bible clearly just props.

I think it’s fairly evident that race relations have gotten a whole lot worse under Trump.

I realize those are the lying talking points of the Democrats today, but that is **NOT** what happened.
The crowd was warned 3 times to leave starting about 6:20 PM, and curfew would force them to leave by 7 PM without the warnings, and only some time after the third warning were they forced to leave with tear gas.

Visible on-camera in the news footage, Trump walked past walls of the White House that were covered with graffiti in just the last two days by many of these "peaceful" demonstrators who think nothing of damaging property, even the home of the president.
Trump walked across the street to a church attended by every U.S. president that was burned the night before by some of these "peaceful" protestors.

And his being there was not a "photo-op", it was a strong statement about undaunted religious freedom that President Trump has been a strong advocate for during his entire presidency, more so than any other president. And further, he just signed a bill advocating religious freedom and non-persecution yesterday, for defense of religious freedom worldwide.

On top of that, the incredible irony, that many Democrat pieces of shit cheer on the closing of churches, and Democrats have cheered on for the last 20 years the chipping away of Christian representation in U.S. culture, and attacks on Christian religious freedom. Incredible irony, that they call Trump's ACTUAL defense of religious freedom, pushing back Democrat intrusions on that freedom, as just a "photo-op".
And that these same lying Democrat pieces of shit cheered on the closing of churches by police nationwide since the Covid-19 pandemic began, the restriction on gunstores and conservatives buying guns to defend themselves as tens of thousands of convicted felons are released from jails by liberal mayors and governors nationwide, who simultaneously have arrested pastors and hairstylists, gym owners and restaurant owners opening their shops so they can feed their families, businesses arbitrarily deemed "non-essential". Amid these same Democrat leaders' selective openings of corporate and other Democrat-friendly businesses like abortion clinics. Democrat leaders who then have the audacity to accuse Trump, WHO DEFENDED these people, when the Democrats would not, of just doing that defense as a "photo-op". Words. Deeds.

The Democrats are such liars, and I can't believe there are folls like you who still support and vote for them. There is absolutely no one, not whites, not Christians, not blacks, not hispanics, not the elderly in nursing homes, not gays, that your piece of shit party would not throw under the bus to gain political power. In liberal-dominated Minnesota or Massachusetts or California or New York, even those most loyal to the Democrat-Bolshevik party have been thrown under that bus, in just the last 4 months. Democrats in those states are just as deprived of income by politically motivated shutdowns, just as threatened by the felons released, just as impacted by Democrat leaders not protecting the elderly relatives in nursing homes, just as impacted by these riots that your local leaders refused to send national guard troops to stop from looting and burning businesses. And the incredible thing is, you morons will still vote Democrat and reward the vicious Bolsheviks who did this to you!
Although I think those numbers will go down in Nov 2020, if only slightly. It's been an impressive parade of failure the last 4 years, some of it only recently exposed:

* The false basis for the FISA warrants and Trump/Russia investigation, people like Adam Schiff, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, James Comey, Andrew McCabe saying one thing on CNN and MSNBC about Trump being a "Russian asset" and then saying the polar opposite *under oath* in closed hearings.

* The pandemic shutdown where only Democrat states try to prolong it to damage the economy, to hurt Trump politically, caring nothing about the millions of working-class people that hurts, the people that policy literally starves, who unlike Pelosi with her $24,000 freezer filled with lusury ice creams, find it impossible to wait while Pelosi delays legislation for weeks, stonewalling for liberal concessions for sanctuary cities and planned parenthood while these people starve.

* The Democrats who exploit the crisis to implement their authoritarian persecution of conservative and their businesses, while giving "essential" status to things like marijuana businesses and Planned Parenthood abortion clinics.

It's obscene. And people are watching. Plenty of Democrat morons will still vote Democrat this election. But a lot of them have been awakened and pissed off, and will vote Republican this November.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

I think it’s fairly evident that race relations have gotten a whole lot worse under Trump.


Trump has the lowest unemployment numbers for blacks since they began tracking statistics for it, in 1972 !
Likewise for Hispanics, asians, women, under-25 employment, all the lowest in 50 years.

Trump has released many blacks from jail who were given excessive sentences. Either releasing them or reducing sentences to more equal and proportionate sentences. Something Democrats for all their posturing never did, in all the decades and administrations they had power.

As I cited previously, a black billionaire said that Trump is the best thing that ever happened to black America, and has done more to advance black Americans than any other administration.

Further, as I quoted from Tavis Smiley, then with PBS, Barack Obama during his 8 years "wiped away 50 years of black progress", and that if Obama were a white president instead of a black one "there would have been million-man black marches on Washington" because of the damage Obama's presidency did to black America.

But yeah, whatever. Sorry the facts don't gel with your lying talking points. Much as your side tries to front that lying narrative.

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I don’t know why you bother trying to deceive me on the black unemployment rate.

Obama took black unemployment from above 16 percent down to 8 percent. Difference of over 7 percent.

Trump handed with a much better economy saw black unemployment fall to 6 percent. Difference is 2 percent.

It is currently over 16 percent.

Trump even before the pandemic blew up the deficit with increased spending while reducing revenue. I will never buy into the next time a democrat is president and you rail on the deficit needing to be taken care of.

Facts are not your friend.

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White supremacists poses as Antifa, call for violence
New York (CNN Business)A Twitter account that tweeted a call to violence and claimed to be representing the position of "Antifa" was in fact created by a known white supremacist group, Twitter said Monday. The company removed the account.

Before it emerged the account was run by white supremacists, Donald Trump Jr., President Donald Trump's son, pointed his 2.8 million Instagram followers to the account as an example how dangerous Antifa is.
"This account violated our platform manipulation and spam policy, specifically the creation of fake accounts," a Twitter spokesperson said in a statement. "We took action after the account sent a Tweet inciting violence and broke the Twitter Rules."

Not the biggest story in all this but I do see Trump and Barr trying to only promote Antifa as the trouble makers. Without providing any evidence and of course totally ignoring stuff like this.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I don’t know why you bother trying to deceive me on the black unemployment rate.

Obama took black unemployment from above 16 percent down to 8 percent. Difference of over 7 percent.

Trump handed with a much better economy saw black unemployment fall to 6 percent. Difference is 2 percent.

It is currently over 16 percent.

Trump even before the pandemic blew up the deficit with increased spending while reducing revenue. I will never buy into the next time a democrat is president and you rail on the deficit needing to be taken care of.

Facts are not your friend.

It has been reported repeatedly that black unemployment under Trump is the lowest it has ever been, since the labor department began tracking black unemployment statistics in 1972.

And again, the lowest hispanic unemployment.
and the lowest women's unemployment since the 1950's.
And the lowest under-25 unemployment.

I don't know how you can evade and misrepresent what are widely reported facts.

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Most of the gains in jobs happened under Obama WB as I plainly pointed out. You’re giving Trump credit for lowering it by a couple of percentage points but black unemployment saw its biggest drop under Obama. Trump increased spending and cut revenues so yes by blowing up the deficit he was able to lower unemployment a little bit more to break some records but it’s not sustainable nor something republicans would ever be for if a democrat was in office. Like I said, I will never believe republicans being principled on the deficit after this.

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Unemployment year by year

To back up my numbers WB. You’re giving Trump credit for mostly what happened under Obama.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Most of the gains in jobs happened under Obama WB as I plainly pointed out. You’re giving Trump credit for lowering it by a couple of percentage points but black unemployment saw its biggest drop under Obama. Trump increased spending and cut revenues so yes by blowing up the deficit he was able to lower unemployment a little bit more to break some records but it’s not sustainable nor something republicans would ever be for if a democrat was in office. Like I said, I will never believe republicans being principled on the deficit after this.

That is, once again, your lying narrative.

The fact is, annual growth under 8 years of Obama never exceeded 2%, and under Trump's economic reforms, the economy immediately doubled to almost 4% in just Trump's first year as president. I think diminished only by 5 major hurricanes in Texas, in Puerto Rico and in Florida. If not for the large economic hit from those disasters, I think it would have exceeded 4% in Trump's first year.

Keep in mind that Obama and his economic advisors had called their below-2% annual growth the "new normal", they thought that was the best that could be achieved in the current era. They could not even imagine 4% growth. And yet they want to take credit for the unprecedented growth that occurred under Trump?!?
No, that is a lying narrative of Obama and the Democrats, to try and steal credit for a level of growth that they could not even imagine!

Further, Trump's economic performance is the best in 50 years. That exceeds not only Obama's economy, but also the growth under Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, G.H.W Bush, Clinton, W. Bush, and yes, Obama. There's just no getting around that. Despite you and your party's best attempts to create a false narrative to spin it otherwise. Those are the facts.
It was a dramatic pro-business shift in economic policy under Trump that created that additional growth. Whereas Obama's punitive anti-business policy and the additional burden of Obamacare had stunted growth. I worked at a job in 2012-2013 where "full time" was 32 hours a week, because to allow 40 hours would have cause them the unsustainable burden of providing everything Obamacare required, which would not have been sustainable and would have driven them out of business.

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You’re the one who can’t acknowledge that Obama by the numbers created more jobs than Trump and lowered unemployment for everyone including blacks by much larger percentage than Trump. I do recognize that Trump not constrained by spending or concern for the deficit was able to decrease unemployment a couple more percentage points that broke records. The tax cuts and increased spending during good economic times though certainly are not sustainable. Our deficit grew much faster during a time it should have been addressed. But your party only uses that when it doesn’t have the WH. So have high unemployment a huge deficit and a weak commander in chief who can’t just file for bankruptcy like he did in the private sector when he ran things into the ground.

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James Mattis’s rebuke of Trump

This is someone who saw first hand Trump in office. Trump’s actions of clearing out peaceful protesters using force so that he could waddle over to a church for a photo op was a new low even for him.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
James Mattis’s rebuke of Trump

This is someone who saw first hand Trump in office. Trump’s actions of clearing out peaceful protesters using force so that he could waddle over to a church for a photo op was a new low even for him.

This is another deep state establishment piece of shit who makes a habit of attacking President Trump, and has enriched himself as a part of the establishment system. And is a registered Democrat. Like Jeff Sessions, Mattis was a huge disappointment, although I think Jeff Sessions is a man of integrity, although a weak and indecisive attorney general.

Mattis is in the same category as people like James Comey, Andrew McCabe, James Brennan, Lisa Murkowski John McCain and Mitt Romney. If Mattis had any legitimate criticisms or advice, he should have made them to the president privately. Likewise Mark Esper, who I can't believe still has a job. This is yet another cheap political stunt, calculated to undermine the president. Like so many cheap political stunts before it, by both the Democrat and Republican establishments, who are terrified of the reforms Trump is trying to implement.
A guest on Bill Moyers about 15 years ago said "Both parties are so deeply invested in the system not working, that it is doubtful either party will ever fix it."
That was the case until Donald Trump became president. They are deeply invested and enriching themselves by having the system not work, which means they will do or say anything to destroy Trump to prevent those reforms.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I’ll pass on the Trump crap. No surprise he’s still the shitbag he’s always been.

This is just so sad. As more National Guard is mobilized hopefully order can be maintained tonight. Most of the protesters have been peaceful WB and what they’ve been protesting is pretty solid.

All Politicians suck. They are all egomaniacs, and some psychopaths. Trump was quite funny for awhile, but the schtick got old, and many would prefer someone with obvious dementia..

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Former New York police officer and Obama-era white house secret service agent Dan Boninger last night rightly said this is not a protest over a single case of police brutality in Minneapolis. This is a highly organized leftist/Antifa nationwide insurrection. Funded and orchestrated by figures including George Soros and Barack Obama.
In particular, these "peaceful protestors" made multiple attempts to seige the White House. When they were pushed back, they had made multiple threats to increase attacks on police officers, throwing rocks and bottles at officers, and had injured at least 60 secret service agents around the White House (more agents than have ever been injured!) The "peaceful protestors" were probing for weakness, for an organized seige on the White House.
"Peaceful demonstrations" is a lying narrative.

And now there is a new narrative pushed in cities nationwide, to "de-fund the police". Or even "abolish the police".
Police departments that were, as the system currently exists, almost overwhelmed in cities nationwide, if not for Trump mobilizing the National Guard to beseiged cities. How much less able to protect citizens and avoid being overwhelmed, if "de-funded"?

If not for Donald Trump, we would have been overwhelmed by an Obama/Left-orchestrated huge wave of illegal immigrants and caravans, a wave enabled with a Soros-funded army of liberal attorneys teaching illegals how to lie and circumnavigate the U.S. immigration system. Soros and other marxist groups also organized and funded the logisticss of massive caravans of illegals to the U.S. border, on a par with a military operation. Trump prevented it.

If not for Donald Trump as president, we would now be at the mercy of China's unfair trade practices. Trump is the first president in over 30 years to stand up to China, and Trump initiated a trade war that vastly diminished U.S. dependency on China just in time, just before the current Covid-19 pandemic was unleashed on us and the rest of the world. No other president would have done this and cushioned the U.S. from China-dependency, and moved us back toward sovereignty.

If not for Donald Trump as president, the current Soros/Antifa-orchestrated insurrection would be overwhelming our country right now, and perhaps even burning the White House now, just as they did the 3rd precinct police station in Minneapolis. And the Democrat/Left is bashing Trump as "authoritarian" for saving the country!?! The Democrat/Left in the House and Senate is currently trying to pass a bill to prevent Trump from having the authority to similarly mobilize the national guard in a future crisis!

On multiple fronts, without Donald Trump as president, our republic would ceast to exist during this 8-year period. There is no other leader, Democrat or Republican, who has demonstrated the unwavering resolve to oppose the recent insurrectionist pushes of the Democrat/Marxist/globalist Left. These were intended to be the death-blows to the U.S., Trump has prevented them. Despite opposition from all sides, by both Democrat and Republican establishment swamp creatures and globalists, one and all.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
James Mattis’s rebuke of Trump

This is someone who saw first hand Trump in office. Trump’s actions of clearing out peaceful protesters using force so that he could waddle over to a church for a photo op was a new low even for him.

This is another deep state establishment piece of shit who makes a habit of attacking President Trump, and has enriched himself as a part of the establishment system. And is a registered Democrat. Like Jeff Sessions, Mattis was a huge disappointment, although I think Jeff Sessions is a man of integrity, although a weak and indecisive attorney general.

Mattis is in the same category as people like James Comey, Andrew McCabe, James Brennan, Lisa Murkowski John McCain and Mitt Romney. If Mattis had any legitimate criticisms or advice, he should have made them to the president privately. Likewise Mark Esper, who I can't believe still has a job. This is yet another cheap political stunt, calculated to undermine the president. Like so many cheap political stunts before it, by both the Democrat and Republican establishments, who are terrified of the reforms Trump is trying to implement.
A guest on Bill Moyers about 15 years ago said "Both parties are so deeply invested in the system not working, that it is doubtful either party will ever fix it."
That was the case until Donald Trump became president. They are deeply invested and enriching themselves by having the system not work, which means they will do or say anything to destroy Trump to prevent those reforms.

I’m sure you would prefer all criticism to be private and thereby useless of Trump. Trump was wrong when he threatened to send troops in uninvited. My governor used local and nearby national guard to go after the bad actors without messing with people using their constitutional first amendment right. And it’s worked. Sadly we have a gas lighter in the highest office not elected by the people but by electoral college willing to continue to divide us. States are red or blue as are all of us to him.

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Facebook removes nearly 200 accounts tied to white supremacy groups looking to exploit Floyd protests
Antifa is literally never mentioned in the first prosecutions of protest violence

Trump and his wingman Barr can’t even mention white supremacy groups being involved in the violence when it’s evident that they are.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Facebook removes nearly 200 accounts tied to white supremacy groups looking to exploit Floyd protests
Antifa is literally never mentioned in the first prosecutions of protest violence

Trump and his wingman Barr can’t even mention white supremacy groups being involved in the violence when it’s evident that they are.


ERIC HOLDER, in radio interview: "I'm Obama's wingman, I'm his boy!"

As opposed to Barr, who has a spotless reputation, who was previously attorney general under president George W.
And has made it clear that if Trump puts too much presure on him, Barr will simply resign. That he doesn't want Trump making Twitter posts that undermine his respect for the rule of law as A G.
That he (Barr) is committed to the rule of law, not (as slandered) just doing Trump's bidding.

Holder, on the other hand, is an unapologetic Democrat partisan, who eagerly throws out the rule of law when it gets in the way of his black-racist and ideological goals. He's Obama's boy!

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Nobody outside of the Trump circle would say Barr’s reputation is spotless. Trump publicly cried about Sessions not being his wingman. He stopped crying when he installed Barr. And now Barr can’t even talk about the white supremacy angle with these protests. As I’ve cited, white supremacy groups have been involved with some of the more violent parts of the protests. While he’s been very vocal about Antifa it’s crickets for white supremacy. You can imagine when he says “other groups “ that’s who he’s including. The Daily Beast article I linked to above shows that all the initial charges so far are not Antifa but do include white supremacy groups. Barr so far hasn’t provided any evidence to back his claims against Antifa and seems intent on misrepresenting what Antifa actually is. As I understand it Antifa is anyone who is anti fascist. There are some groups but it’s not one group with a set of rules or dues. I saw one article comparing it to a group like bird watchers. Some groups but lots of people who consider themselves bird watchers don’t belong to an official group. From what I’ve seen of Barr’s comments he’s pushing to blame Antifa for political purposes while downplaying white supremacy groups in all this.

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So I started this thread and really didn’t comment on what generated the whole thing. The video of the cop kneeling on Floyd killing him while other cops let it happen has now exploded into protests around the world. Initially I figured this would die down but instead it’s now the people demanding change in numbers that can’t be ignored. Really sad that it was Minneapolis that was the spark as I want to think we’re better. As a community we’re not. I had a friend who grew up in Jamaica and lived in the south before settling up north with her husband here explain that we’re more polite and that just makes it harder to know where she stood with people. And it’s true. So many times I’ve heard people being racist when they thought it was safe and than turn around and be super nice to a black person. That’s not everyone or most people even but it’s there. And on a larger scale it’s everyone going along with it looking the other way. This time though that didn’t happen. To many people I think are demanding change and it doesn’t look like they’re going to stop.

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