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#1233919 2021-01-20 8:02 PM
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Was fabulous. The radical anti-democrat and violent pro-trumpers behaved themselves at least for the day. And they can even truthfully claim trump had a bigger crowd than Biden. One of Trump’s last acts as President was pardoning fraudster Steve Bannon. He fleeced a lot of republicans out of money so kind of fitting imho.

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The people have spoken!

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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And lady Gaga sang the hell out of the anthem!

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Originally Posted by MisterJLA
The people have spoken!


ELECTION FRAUD has spoken.

And the inauguration itself, with a lockdown of Washington DC and over 25,000 National Guard troops, is an attempt to intimidate and silence all dissent.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Was fabulous. The radical anti-democrat and violent pro-trumpers behaved themselves at least for the day. And they can even truthfully claim trump had a bigger crowd than Biden. One of Trump’s last acts as President was pardoning fraudster Steve Bannon. He fleeced a lot of republicans out of money so kind of fitting imho.

Not in Seattle and Portland, where Antifa (not phantom "violent pro-Trumpers" that don't exist) ran wild.
Or that Democrats and BLM/Antifa did 4 years ago in Washington, when Trump was inaugurated.

And with the BLM/Antifa-friendly Democrats in control, they will be emboldened to do the same nationwide over the next 4 years. Chaos and intimidation are useful tools that silence critics of Democrat control, they are the Nazi-brownshirt unofficial arm of the DNC.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Some presidential election information:

2008 election:
OBAMA 69,498,516 52.9%
McCAIN 59,948,323 45.7%

2012 election:
OBAMA 65,915,795 51.1%
ROMNEY 60,933,504 47.2%

2016 election:
TRUMP 62,984,828 46.1%
CLINTON 65,853,514 48.2%

2020 election (with proven fraudulent results uncorrected) :
TRUMP 74,223,251 46.9%
BIDEN 81,281,888 51.3%

Biden got 15,428,374 more votes than Hillary Clinton in 2016?

Biden got 15,366,093 more votes than Barack Obama in 2012?

Biden got 11,783,372 more votes than Obama got in 2008 ?!? (at Obama's peak in popularity)

Is that believable ?!?
That was a rhetorical question. No, it's not.

There's no way an incompetent charisma-less candidate like Biden, who in most of the last year never even left his home and campaigned, who is so lacking cognizance, that he can barely even finish a sentence, who generally had up to 20 people turn out for any of his campaign speeches, could have honestly won more votes than charismatic speakers like Obama and Trump that drew record crowds to their rallies.
Up till 3:AM on election night, Trump was winning in a landslide. It wasn't until they temporarily closed the vote count for the night and sent the poll observers home, and broke out the truckloads of illegal ballots and began manipulating the vote on Dominion machines, that the tide turned rather suddenly, with no one watching, for Biden. The evidence is overwhelming. But the legislators and the courts are either in on it, or too intimidated to stop it. The evidence is overwhelming, that Trump won until the results were rigged, and the evidence that should have stopped the rigging was corruptly ignored.

( numbers sourced from and previous elections )

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It’s totally believable and it’s also reality WB. And there’s the problem with the conservative bubble. Courts with conservative judges still use the law to rule. It’s not partisan judge’s ruling depending if the defendant is their party or not. Trump tried aggressively to use the judiciary system and the “evidence “.failed to hold up. I know how it feels when my person loses even when they have won the popular vote. It sucks but that is the system. We wouldn’t have a democracy if it was up to the loser to decide if he won or not.

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Yeah, I don't get the inability to wrap your head around the fact that BIden didn't have to be that popular. Trump just had to be that unpopular as to drive people to the polls to vote him out. If 2024 is vanilla r vs vanilla d, then I expect turnout to drop a pretty decent bit. Polarizing figures, otherwise, push people to one pole or another.

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iggy #1233968 2021-01-23 7:19 PM
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Originally Posted by iggy
Yeah, I don't get the inability to wrap your head around the fact that BIden didn't have to be that popular. Trump just had to be that unpopular as to drive people to the polls to vote him out. If 2024 is vanilla r vs vanilla d, then I expect turnout to drop a pretty decent bit. Polarizing figures, otherwise, push people to one pole or another.

I don't get your inability to acknowledge the evidence right in front of you.

Thousands of witnesses to election fraud, not signature matching, and bringing in thousands of ballots in the back door after 3 AM on election night. Some of it caught on video in Atlanta. That coincides exactly with a spike in Biden votees that put him over the top. And the same in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada. And even if not changing the election, inflating the Biden count and lowering the Trump count across at least 30 states where Dominion voting machines were used. I've posted the videotaped hearings and other evidence a dozen times, at least.

Trump, even with the rigging of the vote, got 12 million more votes in 2020 than 2016.

An uber-popular Barack Obama actually LOST millions of votes in 2012 and still had enough to pull off a narrow win.

If Trump got more than 12 million more votes, that would indicate Trump was clearly not unpopular, and did not shrink his voter-base. Your comment also doesn't take into account many othrr irregularities. Biden performed low nationwide across all 50 states, and only pulled out a huge margin of victory in a few major DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED cities, and even there he was underperforming until they stopped the vote around 3 AM, and a huge influx of highly questionable ballots poured in after vote observers were sent home.

All the evidence reeks of election fraud.
And Democrats are preventing any audit of the vote, which only raises further suspicion they are hiding something. If you want to unify the country and assure the other side it was truly a free and far election, locking away the evidence and calling anyone a "traitor" or "insurrectionist" who just wants to look at the evidence is not the way to heal those suspicions.

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Donald lost the popular vote the time he got elected and he wasn't near the polarizing figure he was in 2020. Yes, he gained voters. I don't deny that, but numbers indicate that he also alienated huge swaths of the electorate too. Those people didn't need to turnout to support Biden because Trump energized them to turnout against him. I actually give Trump a shit ton of credit for being amazingly influential. It was just a lot more negatively so than positively and that drove voter participation to levels not seen in a century. All Biden had to do was a) be opposite Trump and b) not be as "guess she is the lesser evil" as Hillary in 2016. That's it. That's the big fucking secret to his success.

iggy #1233981 2021-01-24 10:40 AM
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Originally Posted by iggy
Donald lost the popular vote the time he got elected and he wasn't near the polarizing figure he was in 2020. Yes, he gained voters. I don't deny that, but numbers indicate that he also alienated huge swaths of the electorate too. Those people didn't need to turnout to support Biden because Trump energized them to turnout against him. I actually give Trump a shit ton of credit for being amazingly influential. It was just a lot more negatively so than positively and that drove voter participation to levels not seen in a century. All Biden had to do was a) be opposite Trump and b) not be as "guess she is the lesser evil" as Hillary in 2016. That's it. That's the big fucking secret to his success.

And yet... Trump got 12 million more votes in 2020 than he got in 2016. !2 million is a lot more voters, hardly a sign of declining popularity. As far as "losing swaths of the electorate", as I recall 93% of Trump voters said they would vote for him again, a higher ratio than any previous Republican president. Trump's numbers among blacks and hispanics also increased by 50% (from 8% in 2016 to 12% of blacks in 2020 ) and many Republicans who were skeptical of Trump and didn't vote for him in 2016, such as Glenn Beck, were won over by what he followed through and actually did as president. The Puerto Rican girl who cuts my hair hated Trump in 2016, but as a business owner, she grew to like Trump and appreciate his tax policy that benefits her as a business owner. And has greater appreciation for Republicans in general, as I'm sure she realizes if her shop were in New York or New Jersey or Michigan or California, she'd be locked down and out of business.

AGAIN: a very popular (but also polarizing) Barack Obama lost 4 million votes in his re-election in 2012, and still got re-elected. Trump got 12 million more votes, and somehow lost. That doesn't add up. And there are a lot of irregularities. Biden won in only about 550 counties, Trump won in over 2,000 counties. Nationwide, Biden lost hispanic and black votes in most of the nation, but only won overwhelming majorities of black and hispanic votes in a few key Democrat controlled cities (where the vote was rigged after 3 AM). But inconsistent with how Biden under-performed with the same demographic groups in other pats of the country. The evidence of vote-rigging is overwhelming, particularly in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona. And if the evidence proves a fair election, why are the Democrats so resistant to letting that evidence be examined in an audit or re-count?

The fact is, at 3 AM on election night, Trump was winning in an electoral landslide comparable to 2016. Then (for the first time in U S history) they stopped the election count in multiple states, in a way akin to rigged Venezuela elections. Then, thousands of fake and unauthorized ballots were added, without vote observers present.
Thousands of affidavit-sworn witnesses attest to that.
VIDEO SURVEILLANCE in Atlanta attests to that.
Irregularities in Dominion voting machines attest to that.
The fact that a number of precincts in multiple states have 90%, 95%, 100% or even 130% voter turnout --MORE VOTERS THAN THERE ARE PEOPLE-- attests to that.
Midnight additions of votes at a rate faster than the machines used could possibly process them, attests to that.

The visible ineligible votes, tens of thousands of them, of dead people voting, double voting, unmatched signatures, visibly illegal (non-residential) addresses used of churches, businesses, abandoned buildings and vacant lots or just made up, in each of the 6 contested states, FAR exceed Biden's margin of victory in all 6 states, if judges were just willing to look at the evidence.

As was testified to with evidence presented in multiple states, by many witnesses, by poll workers with decades of election experience, by technolofy experts, by technology business owners, by fraud investigation experts, and by former military information warfare experts, and by affidavits from thousands of other witnesses not called on to testiify.

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Trump failed to make his case with his many legal attempts and he also failed with his attempts to force a win through bullying, threats, firings and violence.

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I know how much you love OAN. smile
But it rather concisely sums up the irregularities, and how the easily proven illegal votes far surpass Biden's margin of victory in each of these states. In Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona, only 3 of the 6 contested states.

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Biden does have a history of gaffes but you have to resort to a fictional cartoon to misrepresent the inauguration that way. Instead of American carnage Biden talked about unity while standing in an area that weeks before was overtaken by a cop killing mob that Trump called special and that he loved.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Biden does have a history of gaffes but you have to resort to a fictional cartoon to misrepresent the inauguration that way. Instead of American carnage Biden talked about unity while standing in an area that weeks before was overtaken by a cop killing mob that Trump called special and that he loved.

Biden TALKED about unity, while purging all Republicans from government branches, speaking incendiary rhetoric about white guilt and the shameful history of the United States (which is only the opinion of liberal Bolsheviks, and disproven by the vast progress on all social fronts the U.S. has made over the last 150 years) , and demonizing his political opposition as racists and terrorists.
Biden vindictively is giving his nod of approval to a vindictive and unconstitutional second impeachment attempt AFTER Trump is no longer president, impeached only in an attempt to destroy Trump and destroy the half of America that supports him. Even as he and his party, allied with social media tech giants and the liberal media, are the ones who truly engage in authoritarian terrorism and intimidation.

On multiple fronts, Biden (after not actually even winning the election) is vindictively stamping an authoritarian boot in the faces of half of America who know his presidency to be obtained by election fraud. Including an overwhelming majority of Republicans, 48% of independents, and 30% of Democrats. But Biden continues his authoritarian over-reach, despite having no mandate to do so. And then has the audacity to lyingly front he is about "unity", when his policy is the OPPOSITE of unity.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Biden won. Trump tried everything he possibly could to stay in power and many of those attempts you would never accept if it was a democrat that tried it. I mean really do you think VP Harris can now decide how to count electoral votes? Or democrat controlled legislatures yell voter fraud and than choose their own electors. I really thought democracy was a shared principle with you. You’ve shown it is not.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Biden won. Trump tried everything he possibly could to stay in power and many of those attempts you would never accept if it was a democrat that tried it. I mean really do you think VP Harris can now decide how to count electoral votes? Or democrat controlled legislatures yell voter fraud and than choose their own electors. I really thought democracy was a shared principle with you. You’ve shown it is not.

Biden didn't do anything.

Every halfway clever remark or policy action or political/legal maneuver WAS DONE FOR Biden, by the puppet-masters for whom Biden is just a vacant empty smile and figuehead.

And there is more evidence every day of a self-serving bipartisan Praetorian Guard deep state.

That rigs FBI investigations (LISA PAGE: Trump isn't going to be president, right? RIGHT?!?, PETER STRZOK: No. No he won't. We will stop it."), falsifies evidence for FISA warrants to spy on Trump officials.
Uses a "salacious" Russia Dossier funded by the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign as the "evidence" to open a Mueller investigation, that they knew IMMEDIATELY had no evidence to support it, but kept the investigation open to influence the 2018 election.

That as soon as the Mueller investigation crashed and burned, Gina Haspel signed a secret order that allowed a whistleblower (Eric Ciaramela, aided by Alexander Vindman and Adam Schiff's office) from that secretive change to accuse President Trump of undue political pressure during a Ukrainian phone call, used by the deep state to set up a second impeachment.

And when that failed, a joint liberal-media/Democrat-leadership false narrative bombarded Trump every day in 2020 about his Covid-19 policy, despite that he achieved more than any other president of either party could have done.

Then social media started suppressing Trump, and Trump supporters, in the months leading up to the election.
Then just after the election, it was revealed how Dominion, elections officials, and even intimidated Republican governors, secretaries of state, elections supervisors, state house and senate members, state judges and U.S. Supreme Court justices, all either for partisan reasons or being intimidated, just sat on their hands and let a corrupt election outcome stand.

Hence an incompetent Joe Biden was allowed to take office Jan 20th, to serve these puppetmasters.
A deep state entitled elite class that spans across the Democrat leadership, their brethren in the FBI, CIA, State Department, the liberal media, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon and other tech giants, and across corrupt establishment Republicans like Romney, Toomey, Murkowski, Susan Collins and Liz Cheney who also chose prop up a false narrative about Trump to advance themselves so they could push Trump out the door and get back to enriching themselves at the taxpayers' expense.
And the aid of Democrat and Republican judges who abdicated from enforcing actual justice, either because they are part of the plot against Trump, or because they fear the rioting Democrat mobs that would hold vigils outside THEIR homes if they actually looked at the evidence of election fraud and ruled in Trump's favor. Likewise spineless leaders like Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy who were eager to slander Trump and join the deep state machine so they can get back to the business of selling out America. McCarthy thought it was safe to attck Trump, that Trump had lost power and support, but in the last few days has backed off from his earlier remarks, because he can see he had committed political suicide, and doesn't support Trump, but wants to keep his House leadership position.
Even the pharmaceutical companies delayed announcement of the vaccines til 5 days after the election, to cost Trump votes in the Nov 2020 election.

All the tentacles of the deep state beast, working together against Trump and his supporters. To make an incompetent Biden president. But an incompetent they can control, unlike Trump.

And just a week in, with a flood of insane executive orders, Biden is endangering us more every day:

* weakening our border that Trump fixed for the first time in 60 years, where Biden's open borders and catch-and-release policy will create a flood of new Covid-19-infected illegals, to massively spread another wave of the pandemic across the U.S., that would have been prevented (and was in 2020) by a Trump second term.

* ending the Keystone XL pipeline, ending tens of thousands of jobs. Tens of thousands who were making 100,000 a year just days ago, are now unnecessarily unemployed and in Jeopardy, amid a recession and pandemic. That will result in a second wave of layoffs, in the restaurants these people no longer eat in, in the real estate offices these people no longer buy at, in the retail stores these workers will no longer be buyng in, in the hotels these workers will no longer be staying at.

* ending border wall construction despite that the money for the wall is already paid, and will just be millions paid for services not rendered. More thousands of good paying jobs destroyed on the first day by executive order. Drug cartels and human traffickers can now run wild across the southern border, and and endanger thousands of Americans. Likewise, thousands more jobs unnecessarily eliminated, that will trigger layoffs in jobs dependent on these workers for business. And in both border security and economic terms, the entire nation is weaker for it.

* China is already not honoring its agreement for purchases of U.S. goods, just sitting at U.S. ports, not picked up. Because they know Biden is incompetent and will do nothing to China to pressure or incentivize them to honor its commitments.

* China is now threatening Taiwan, flying planes and bombers over Taiwan, saying from this point on that "Taiwan independence is an act of war." Again, Biden and his advisors are incompetent, and have no cleverness or strategy to motivate China to stand down. They will either stand by as Taiwan is invaded, or drag us into a devastating war. That Trump's mere being in the white House a second term would have averted. As it did in his first 4 years. China is afraid of Trump, they were alarmed by his unpredictability. In the early days of Clinton, W. Bush and Obama, they tested them. With Trump they did not not. But they sure as hell are testing Biden. Who is failing the test, and emboldening China.

* Biden is going to allow purchase of Chinese components for the U.S. power grid, that will further allow China more entry points to hack our infrastructure and prevent us from acting diplomatically or militarily to oppose China, or China will be able to shut down our power grid and destroy us in a moment.

* Biden will stand by as China builds thousands of nuclear weapons to put them on parity with the U.S. and Russia. Biden (and his puppet-masters) will do nothing. Just as Obama sat on his hands and let the Chinese military build islands in the South China Sea with missile platforms, so they now can threaten any ships passing through that region.

* Biden plans to re-enter the Iran nuclear deal and let Iran get nuclear weapons. And Iran has ICBM missiles, so they will be able to threaten the U.S. and any part of the world. And it will set off a nuclear arms race among Iran's neighbors across the Middle East, that makes nuclear war far more likely.

On ALL these fronts, Trump had a policy that had all these nations in check, while simultaneously making the U.S more sovereign, energy-independent , economically surging, and militarily strong than we'd been in 50 years. And with sanctions rather than military force or new wars, Trump was forcing Russia, Iran, China, Korea and other nations to play nice.

If Trump had been re-elected, every one of these nations would have been forced to sign an agreement with the U.S., because they could not hold out another 4 years. They were strangled of the money for wars, aggression and new weapons. And money formerly paid to hostile oil nations was instead remaining in the U.,S., to strengthen U.S. factories, making us oil independent for the first time in 70 years, and was creating thousands of factories and millions of new jobs in the U.S., so we were increasingly no longer vulnerable or dependent on foreign powers for oil, gas, food, steel, medical supplies, technology, or anything else.

But now with Biden, our foreign enemies are all smacking each other high-fives, as Biden is making us dependent on them again, turning back on the trade and money flow to these rogue nations, that they will use for aggression on us and our allies.
The drug cartels and human traffickers will again have an open border, from which to prey on Americans, and on the illegals Biden will again allow them to transport.
And ISIS and Al Qaida will be able slip in terror-cels, among the millions Biden will allow to flow in unchecked.

As I said with Obama, if he were a Russian or Chinese spy sent to destroy America, he could not be doing more damage.

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All the key players in Obama's White House, are now back in the Biden White House. There is a shadow government within Biden's White House, with speculation that Susan Rice is the de facto president. And that she is in turn a surrogate of Barack Obama. Obama's people also did much of the organization for the Biden campaign.

In any case, there are no original ideas here on Team Biden. All of it is regurgitated policy ideas from the Obama administration. If perhaps more emboldened, more overzealous, more fanatical. More over-reaching.

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Trump left Biden with the biggest trade deficit in the last 14 years so good luck with me believing you actually care about policy. You celebrate failure when it’s a republicans in charge and the deficit grows.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Trump left Biden with the biggest trade deficit in the last 14 years so good luck with me believing you actually care about policy. You celebrate failure when it’s a republicans in charge and the deficit grows.

Biden and the rest of your piece of shit Democrat-Bolshevik party have destroyed about 20,000 high-paying jobs in just the last week.
And will destroy millions of jobs before they finish.
They are wrong on the Paris Accord (we were lowering environmental emissions at a faster pace than any nation taking part in the treaty, WITHOUT destroying our own economy as the Paris Accord would make us. And the majority of the world's pollution comes from India and China , 35%. As compared to the 15% the U.S. creates, and yet we have to cripple our economy in the Paris agreement, while the greatest polluters are required to do nothing. Even John Kerry admitted if the U.S. fully complies, it will mean nothing if China and India don't comply, and they won't.)
They are wrong in bringing back the Iran Nuclear deal.
They are wrong in buying components from the Chinese for our infrastructure (that they can hack, and destroy us with). Biden and the Dems will do a lot of damage in four years,
They are wrong in inviting millions of illegal immigrants to take away even more jobs, even as Biden destroys jobs so more Americans will be looking, but will be displaced by lower-wage illegals who shouldn't even be here.
They are wrong in turning off the magnets that Trump created to bring factories and jobs back to the United States.
You are manipulating the facts, because Trump has overseen the greatest economic growth in over 50 years, factories, jobs, the lowest unemployment across virtually every demographic, in over 50 years. Trump was rebuilding this country. The Democrats are selling it out and destroying it.

Biden has done enormous destruction to this country in just 8 days as president. God help us all, what he and the Bolsheviks behind him can do in four years.

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New York Times Denies Election Fraud, Ignores Own Reports Warning About Potential Dangers Of Election Fraud

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:25 PM PT – Saturday, April 17, 2021

The New York Times is calling out One America News over its reporting on the election fraud in the 2020 presidential elections. However, as One America’s Pearson Sharp explain, the Times is ignoring its own reports about how vulnerable America’s voting systems really are.


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Democrats Flip Flop On Election Security, Warned Of Vulnerable Voting Systems Before 2020 Elections

OAN Newsroom
Friday, July 23, 2021

Since the November elections, Democrats and the mainstream media have been bashing President Trump and anyone else who claims there are questions about our election integrity. However, it wasn’t long ago that Democrats themselves were raising these very same concerns. One America’s Pearson Sharp explains.


Sen Ron Wyden (D-OR),
Sen.Amy Klobuchar (D-MN),
Sen Elizabeth "Pocahantas" Warren(D-MA)

Two of the three 2020 presidential candidates, who were vocally sounding the warning about Dominion voting machines putting elections at risk and easily hackable. CNN, New York Times and Washington Post also sounding the warning, from 2017-2020).
But when Democrat candidate Joe Biden wins by illicit means, with no demographic explanation for Biden's election victory, and irregularities up the wazoo... never mind, nothing to see here, our guy won. Not the Democrat party, not the New York Times, not CNN, will acknowledge THEIR OWN WARNINGS !

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Me: yeah, "liberal media" doesn't always get it right

You: gatewaypundit, dailysignal, and thenewamerican are never wrong.

iggy #1238450 2023-11-14 2:32 AM
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Originally Posted by iggy
Me: yeah, "liberal media" doesn't always get it right

You: gatewaypundit, dailysignal, and thenewamerican are never wrong.

Sharyl Attkisson, "Slanted Journalism and the 2020 Election", lecure at Hillsdale College. (55 min).

Gateway Pundit, Daily Signal, and the New American, as conservaive sources, do not have the same fanatical Marxist-Bolshevik zeal to propagandize for one side, and feel a holy mission to prop up the Democrat-Left, the way the New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, CNN, MSNBC, ABC , CBS and the NYU and Columbia schools of Journalism do.

Which as I've said repeatedly, is why ethical journalists like Ron Kessler(reporter for Washington Post for 20 years), Sharyl Attkisson (investigative reporter for CNN and CBS for 30 years), Glenn Greenwald (Pulitzer winning journalist), Bernard Goldberg (30-year veteran of CBS news), John Stossel (30 years with ABC, and then Fox News), John Solomon (Award winning journalist, and Lara Logan (25-year award-winning former reporter for CNN), to name a few, ALL left these liberal papers and networks, because as Attkisson cites, these former liberal networks no longer report in a journalistically ethical way.
Kessler has many times said that, for example, in the in the White House press room, if any reporters in a previous era went after any other president the way Jim Acosta routinely did with Donald Trump or press secretaries Sarah Huckabee Sanders or Kaylee McEnany, that even legendary liberal W P editor Ben Bradlee would have fired him on the spot. Because even though virtually all these reporters and all their editors were liberals, they still followed (in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s) objective and ethical journalism standards for reporting and sources.

But that is no longer true of even the most exalted and prominent mainstream liberal media sources. These networks now believe their only ethic is to prop up the Democrats, and to omit or negatively spin any story that would give advantage to the Republicans.
That to report with ethical journalism standards, the above named reporters had to leave these networks so they could continue to actually report the news and not be reduced to propagandists, often leaving high 7-figure salaries to do so. Because all these media sources have become propaganda sources, whose only ethic is to prop up the Democrat/Left.

As Sharyl Attkisson in the above video cited 55 minutes of sourced examples of. How liberal reporters now openly believe it is their mission to prop up and cover for the Democrats, that they are taught this in journalism school ! That they don't just make errors, but now DELIBERATELY get the story wrong, to prop up a false narrative, to aid the Democrats. In multiple forums (Journo-List, and other social media groups) they plot ways to smear and destroy Sarah Palin or John McCain or Mitt Romney or Donald Trump, or in 2016 and 2020 to leverage aside Bernie Sanders within the Democrat primaries, to smooth the way for Hillary or Biden. They gave Hillary Clinton's campaign the option to spike stories before they were published, if the Hillary campaign though they'd be too damaging. All this is FACT, reported even in the mainstream news.

I would compare Fox News or other conservative sources to the mainstream networks in the 1970s to 1990's period, where they may have been conservatives or liberals, but still foremost maintained journalism standards.
And the conservative sources now still work by those ethics, and are NOT pure propagandists like their brethren who work for the liberal mainstream media networks. Who have been busted cooking the books, getting the story wrong, DELIBERATELY getting the story wrong, over and over.

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