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There are so many examples, this is just the latest:


Among those surveyed, one in six Biden voters said they would not have voted for the president-elect if they had been aware of one or more of the news stories presented to them, the poll found. MRC’s poll, conducted by The Polling Company, asked voters about eight news stories that “the liberal news media had failed to cover properly,” a press release from the MRC noted.

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Many mainstream/liberal news agencies are scrubbing or re-writing their previous stories that negatively covered Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. Airbrushing history, to give the right deference and exultation to Our Great Leader.

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[Linked Image from]

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So VOA, a broadcast network established to transmit uncensored news into authoritarian nations with no freedom of the press, for the first time is purged of anyone non-liberal, to turn VOA into a leftist propaganda arm of the Democrats to the rest of the world. Irony, that.

The purge continues.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Glad to see they getting rid of the Trump propagandists. I’ve been following what Trump did during his term and it was exactly what you are accusing Biden of doing. Trump politiciized every department he could. As even the story you link to touches upon a reporter would get into trouble for daring to ask pos toady Pompeo a question. That is the censorship you wanted to keep WB.

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Journalist booted from crazy Q congresswoman’s townhall

They tried to ask a question and were threatened with arrests. Funny how she felt different when she was taunting a survivor of a school shooting.

Last edited by Matter-eater Man; 2021-01-28 8:04 PM.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Glad to see they getting rid of the Trump propagandists. I’ve been following what Trump did during his term and it was exactly what you are accusing Biden of doing. Trump politiciized every department he could. As even the story you link to touches upon a reporter would get into trouble for daring to ask pos toady Pompeo a question. That is the censorship you wanted to keep WB.

All Trump did was use executive orders to turn back the executive orders and over-reach of the Obama-Bolshevik white house. Trump didn't do anything radical, he just neutralized the fanaticism put in place by the Obama/Biden administration. Obamacare, the single-payer mandate that cost double what private insurance did, but provided no coverage. Intolerable outrages like forcing Catholic schools and hospitals (who oppose birth control and abortion) to fund these things. Little Sisters of the Poor. Forcing Christian photographers and bakers to cater gay weddings, or be fined out of business. Trump did not invade or crush anyone's rights. He just restored Constitutional religious and free speech rights that the piece of shit Democrats had taken away.

Trump took us back to zero, restored us back to a functioning capitalist economy, as it was in the Reagan era, Trump did *NOT* do "exactly what [I am] accusing Biden of doing". Trump did the opposite, he restored this country to what it was before Obama and the Democrats destroyed it.
Incentivized factories and jobs to return to the U.S., secured our border, re-built our military that Obama crippled and destroyed, slashed smothering business regulation.

What the pieces of shit in your Democrat-Bolshevik party want to do is crush the middle class and small business, to make us all completely dependent on government and its enormous corporate backers. So there is no outside political power, so we have no private resources, so if we oppose their socialist plans, the Bolsheviks in federal government, the Comeys and Strzoks, the Schumers, Ocasio-Cortez's and Pelosis, can crush us if we dissent in the slightest.
As their allies are doing to conservative information and free speech on social media. They even silenced the New York Post, the nation's third largest newspaper !
As Biden's nazis did to the few conservatives in the Voice Of America organization. Democrats are similarly purging any officers who are not reliable Democrat zealots.

There was an article early in Obama's presidency about his purge of conservative officers, and replacing them with officers "who will fire on U.S. citizens".
Do you remember the Janet Napolitano memo in DHS, instructing DHS to surveil current and former military?
How much more so is that happening now?

And again, that's in addition to a Democrat-zealot-controlled and weaponized FBI, DOJ, CIA, IRS, State Department, DHS, and other federal branches of government. Now the military. All of which federal agencies, as I pointed out in a recent topic, missed the largest foreign cyber-hack of the U.S. in history, BECAUSE THEY WERE TOO BUSY USING THEIR RESOURCES TO TARGET THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION.
Because they were too busy rigging a U.S. presidential election.
Instead of protecting us from foreign threats, as these agencies are designed to.

They have instead turned their resources inward, to target the American people, in particular the ones they disagree with politically. A Stalinist purge.

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It’s nice having a President again that doesn’t lick Putin’s balls and doesn’t think our troops are suckers and losers but that’s just me.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
It’s nice having a President again that doesn’t lick Putin’s balls and doesn’t think our troops are suckers and losers but that’s just me.

You're such a partisan zombie.

Four things for you:

1) A 9-month FBI counter intelligence investigation, led by a hyperpartisan Peter Strzok. Even his investigative team concluded "There's no 'there' there."
2) A House investigation of Russia collusion was ended because there was no evidence to justify continuing it.
3) A Senate investigation of Russia collusion was ended because there was no evidence to justify continuing it.
4) A Mueller special investigation, made up of 17 hyperpartisan Democrat campaign donors also found there was no evidence. And that investigation was done on falsified evidence based on a salacious political hit-piece Russia Dossier funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign, and used as fraudulent rationalization for illegal FISA warrants that should never have been issued. And that investigation found in the first month there was no basis for their investigation, but for partisan reasons kept the investigation open to smear Trump, and to influence the 2018 mid-term election. And ultimately, THE ONLY RUSSIA COLLUSION WAS BY THE HILLARY CLINTON CAMPAIGN *AND* THE DNC, who paid Perkins-Coie/Fusion GPS/Christopher Steele who LITERALLY colluded with Russian intelligence agents and DIRECTLY paid the Russians $2 million dollars for salacious made-up information about Trump.

So, the only person here licking anyone's balls is... you.

And on a more metaphorical level, your vicious Democrat-Bolshevik party.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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The Biden government declares war on half the country -Tucker Carlson 1-28-2021, Thursday

Tucker Carlson's is not even one of the best commentaries on this authoritarian trend, but he gives a well enough overview of it here. The Biden administration, in a pincer movement coordinated with its allies in the liberal media, social media and the Deep State, are using one relatively small event in the Capitol to rationalize declaring a war of annihilation on all dissenting conservatives, Christians and Trump supporters as a "terrorr threat" or "jihadists" comparable to ISIS and Al Qaida, that need to be de-platformed as dangerous radicals, and surveiled by federal law enforcement agencies. Even conservative House and Senate members are (in the words of Pelosi) "the enemies in our midst" !

And I think the next planned step for Democrats is to stoke another incident (an incident that would never happen if not for this provocation by Democrats, that is WHAT THEY WANT to happen, what they are deliberately inciting), so they can rationalize a de-platforming of "radical/extremist" Republican leadership, a de-platforming of all conservative thought in broadcast news, in radio and in print media, and then begin taking away personal firearms, so that we will be completely at their mercy (and if it isn't obvious yet, they HAVE no mercy, there is nothing these Democrat Bolsheviks will not do).

99.999999 % of Republicans will play it smart and not escalate what the Democrats are trying to provoke.
Democrats are looking for just that one, who will rationalize their intended pre-emptive coup.
In the pattern of Erdogan's takedown of all his political opposition in Turkey.
Or after one Jewish kid shot at a German diplomat in 1938, giving license to a Kristallnacht across all of Germany.
Or a Night of the Ling Knives in 1934.
Or the burning of the Reichstag in 1933.

Democrats are looking for that one little spark, to rationalize their torching down all conservative resistance nationwide.
And they are doing their damnedest to provoke it.

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Life Liberty Levin - Sunday, Feb 14 2021

Both insightful interviews, but more so in the latter half the Charlie Kirk interview.

1) The 2nd impeachment is just a smokescreen, to consume all media attention, to conceal the radical first hundred days of Biden's presidency.

2) It serves a second function, to suppress all media discussion of the increasing evidence of massive Nov 2020 election fraud by Democrats. And the further orders in place to enact even greater election theft in 2022 and 2024.

3) The Democrat narrative of a "white supremacist Trump supporter" threat to the nation fuels rationalization for another wave of new Patriot Act-type further erosion of Constitutional protections, to further crush the rising Trump/populist PEACEFUL opposition to Biden and the Democrats, to label it violent and militarily threatening to the republic, so as to justify further unconstitutional FISA surveillance and arrests of Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks' political opposition. Firing on U.S. citizens, if that serves their Bolshevik purpose.

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I’ve been enjoying Biden’s first 100 days and honestly would have enjoyed it more if Congress hadn’t had to deal with the trump turd. As for election fraud, trump lied. All that “evidence” failed in court as did the insurrection at the Capitol. I think even you know he’s never going to turn those lies into a 1984 styled truth. He’s a pos that adds a fight song to trumpers trying to run a Biden campaign bus off the road. And his voters like you mocking someone scared about the death threats they and their families are getting as “crying like a widdle girl”. How far will you fall WB?

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Good Lord, it's agonizing how many people STILL miss the point of 1984 after all these years.


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I just saw Andrew Pollack interviewed. Who you may recall is the father of one of the girls killed in the Stoneman Douglas high school shooting almost exactly 3 years ago. He mentioned he has a website and is working with police in what he terms a "School Safety Plan". I googled the site he listed, and a few Youtube videos came up, with this warning:

Youtube (owned by Google) does not let you watch videos anonymously. As such, watching YouTube videos here will be tracked by Youtube/Google.

I'm not sure whether that is a disclosure. Florida Governor Ron Desantis is passing laws to reign in big tech and not allow them to trample on peoples' rights without them even knowing it.

But I suspect it is a threat to discourage people from watching Pollack's clearly anti-Democrat videos, threatening that if they do they'll be put on a list to be rounded up later.
I watched the video anyway.

Youtube also frequently puts layers of restriction on videos for conservative videos, or just takes them down so they can't be watched at all, or edits them into a less watchable form. And also posts links to propaganda that tells us how Glorious Brilliant Leader Joe Biden won, and any dissenting thought is just misinformed. And if it is too effective in citing the facts that break that narrative, it, and the users who post it, are deleted entirely.

Andrew Pollack's speech at the 2020 RNC

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I’ve been enjoying Biden’s first 100 days

Of course you have! It's your party's Bolshevism steamrolling over the Constitutional rule of law, from behind an army of guns and a razor-wire fence around Washington.

You are either too blind or too partisanly corrupt to see this is the death of our country as we know it, as the Jacobinist fanatics you support target any dissenters for another purge.
It is the liquidation and annihilation of all dissenting thought.

Originally Posted by M E M
and honestly would have enjoyed it more if Congress hadn’t had to deal with the trump turd.

"Turd"... Why do you need to insult, M E M? Your side won, and that's still not enough, you have to drive in the rusty spikes.

Trump is, quite simply, the most effective president we've had since at least FDR, with incredible accomplishments in his 4 years that your insults cannot erase.

The best economy in over 50 years.
Trump re-negotiated trade agreements in the U.S.'s favor with all our major trading partners worldwide.

Far from "racist" Trump has provided the lowest unemployment rates ever recorded for blacks, hispanics, asians, women and people under 25. The highest increase in real wages in over 50 years, ESPECIALLY for minority workers, the highest rise in black home purchasing.

Trump conquered and completely destroyed ISIS (that Obama let spread to 40 nations).
Trump strengthened NATO and got European nations for the first time to pay their fair share of their own NATO defense costs.
Trump rebuilt our military (that Obama had destroyed, with only 50% of our aircraft combat-ready when Obama left office).

Trump for the first time since Eisenhower secured the Southern border.
Trump slashed regulations and created the best economy of our lifetimes.
And so much more.

When you call a great man like that a "turd" you diminish only yourself, M E M. You and your party are ideological fanatics who can create nothing, all your party can do is destroy, and spin a false narratives that the country is somehow better off as you destroy it. From what I've seen, Biden and his puppetmasters have no plan, no vision for the country, all they are doing is erasing and destroying anything Trump built, no matter how good for the country and the people it was, no matter how much it will damage the country to overturn it.

Under Biden, he has already ripped up the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada. 11,000 high-paying jobs destroyed overnight.
Same thing with the southern border wall, another 5,000 jobs destroyed. And down the line, millions of other jobs stemming from the absence of those jobs will trickle down, and will lose their jobs as well.

The number of illegals entering the country daily has tripled in the last 3 months, to about 75,000 a month. Obama's former DHS director Jeh Johnson while in office said that capturing 1,000 illegals crossing a day "is a bad day".
Biden's incompetent leftist border policy has already risen that number to 3,500 a day. And rising. Criminals, drug traffickers, murderers, rapists, drunk drivers, human traffickers, people infected with Covid-19. So many coming that they can not even be tested for Covid-19, and are just set loose in border states, from there to run wild across the whole country. Another super-spreader event.

Along with the Keystone XL pipeline ended, Biden has also (with executive orders, not legislation, even though the Dems have narrow majorities) instantly ended all oil drilling on government lands that Trump had authorized. That will cripple domestic oil production.
Trump had made the U.S. a net exporter of oil for the first time in 70 years, completely free of dependency on foreign oil.
Biden has instantly brought back that foreign dependence and vulnerability to OPEC nations that hate us. A dependence that draws us into foreign wars. And the price of oil has, in not even one month since Biden's inauguration, begun to skyrocket as a result.

A reminder:
Originally Posted by Barack Obama, 2008
Under my plan of a Cap-and Trade system, energy prices would necessarily skyrocket.

China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, ISIS and Al Qaida are all slapping each other high-fives that Biden won in a rigged election, because this means that all of them, previously cornered in by punishing sanctions and military action, will be back in business, expanding militarily, building nukes, threatening neighboring nations, with a vacant-smiled accomodating Biden who will not oppose them. China has already telegraphed that they will seize Taiwan, and I see no sign that Biden will oppose that. Under Trump, the mere strength of our military, and Trump's lack of hesitation to use it, would have deterred China.

And it's worse at home inside the U.S. under Biden.

Job creation has already taken a significant hit the very first month.

And having turned the U.S. into an armed camp with the lying narrative of a "white supremacist threat", I see that militarization against all domestic dissent just increasing. I think the plan is to antagonize conservatives who would never think about revolution into acts of vocal opposition that they can PORTRAY as violence or radicalism, so as to justify an even greater military/law enforcement crackdown on all dissenting thought. And by doing so, to suppress and intimidate Republican/Trump free speech opposition and campaign organization. They can just label any effective PEACEFUL political opposition as "a violent threat" and stamp it out. I think this will occur over the next 2 years more boldly, just as it was boldly done on inauguration day. Not by accomplishments as Trump abundantly provided, but by rationalizing attacks on all dissent does Biden think to retain power in 2022 and 2024.

And under the incompetent Biden administration, the shadow government that Biden is merely the empty-smile figurehead of, is doing exactly that. Susan Rice and Barack Obama himself are the ones orchestrating this policy. A cultural marxist plan for national suicide.

I foresee a similar attack on 2nd Amendment rights, to disarm and further weaken Republican opposition to Democrat authoritarian rule. Possibly with a manufactured incident, as was attempted by the Obama administration with "Fast and Furious", ATF selling firearms to Mexican drug cartels, and trying to blame it on U.S. gun retailers. But they got caught. They are already making a frontal assault to try and destroy the NRA.

Originally Posted by M E M
As for election fraud, trump lied.

No, there is abundant evidence the Bolshevik-Democrat leadership, the liberal media and big tech social media are suppressing.

Originally Posted by M E M
All that “evidence” failed in court as did the insurrection at the Capitol.

No, it was suppressed and never even heard in the courts, or in one last national debate that would have continued for about two weeks in a joint session of congress beginning on Jan 6th. That the riots that day conveniently allowed VP Pence and the other Republican and Democrat sellouts to bury with the manufactured crisis that day. That was the plan, to block out all discussion of election fraud with the national discussion of the "storming of the capitol" oohhh the worst violence EVER, said the Democrat leaders, and their parrots at CNN and MSNBC and the other liberal networks.

"The worst attack EVER!"

Except for the 275 cities burned by BLM and Antifa, whole blocks, hundreds of businesses in each city, all year long in 2020.

Except for the mob attack on hundreds of Republican leaders in July 2020 as they exited the Republican National Convention, from the White House lawn into the unprotected streets of Washington DC, where they were assaulted by BLM and Antifa fanatics (enabled by DC mayor Muriel Bowser, who provided no police to protect them).

Except for BLM/Antifa's siege of the White House in May 2020, when Secret Service insisted the president be evacuated. The piece of shit Democrats, including the partisan fake journalists on CNN and MSNBC, made fun of Trump for leaving, but it was not because he was afraid, but because Secret Service insisted on it. 50 Secret Service agents were injured in that battle, more than have ever been injured in any other incident. Video footage makes clear that White House assault was a battle siege, not a mere riot.

Except for the invasion of the Capitol by a swarm of Leftists during the Brett Kavanaugh nomination, that exceeded the Jan 6th incursion, but selectively omitted from coverage , by a compliant liberal media narrative. 302 arrests during the Kavanaugh chaos invading the U S S C building and others, exceeding the number arrested on Jan 6th. Plus other incidents of intimidation of Republicans during the Kavanaugh hearings. Brett Kavanaugh and his family since then, under unending violent threats, require constant 24-hour secret service protection.

Except for a continuing nightly siege on federal buildings in Portland, Oregon, that have now been under continuous siege for over 90 days. On at least one night, tried to set the building on fire and trap federal agents inside, to burn alive. They were almost successful, on multiple occasions.

Except the incidents where senators Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, and Ted Cruz and other federal lawmakers have been threatened, and in some cases had the front doors of their homes pushed in and broken off their hinges by Democrat/Leftist mobs, terrifying their wives and children.
Likewise Tucker Carlson and Josh Hawley whose homes and families were similarly attacked. Not just one day, but repeatedly on multiple separate occasions since Jan 2019 have these attacks on their homes occurred.
No outcry from the media about how terrible and disturbing it is for these officials to be attacked. IN THEIR HOMES!
For well over 10 years pretty much every reporter and anchor on Fox news has received constant death threats and required bodyguards. When one Democrat whined about a single random threat back in 2009, on his show Bill O'Reilly after playing the one Dem guy's comment on air said "Have you ever seen MY mail and phone calls?!?" and went into some detail about what he, not one time, but daily for years has to endure 24-hours a day with armed security for himself and for his family.

Originally Posted by M E M
I think even you know he’s never going to turn those lies into a 1984 styled truth.

Yeah, well... I think even you know you're a moron.
Don't try to tell me what I know. YOU don't know your own ass from a hole in the ground.

Trump doesn't have to prove the Democrats' Orwellian tactics, it's quite obvious, to everyone but far-Left zealots like you. Pretty much every anchor on Fox, Newsmax, OAN and every other conservative news source cites the new examples surfacing almost daily.

And as I said in a previous topic, Biden's reign of terror began the moment Trump conceded on Jan 6th , far from your side being content with illegally winning an election, they have tightened the screws of their authoritarian lockdown almost from the moment Trump conceded the election on January 6th.
That's the exact moment Twitter and Facebook shut down Trump's accounts as "potentially inciting violence".

While simultaneously leaving BLM and Antifa Twitter and Facebook accounts active, FOR YEARS, AND ONGOING, continuing to organize violent attacks on their websites! Leaving John Sullivan's Twitter and Facebook accounts open, even after he was identified as one of the rioters on Jan 6th in the Capitol, even after he was connected to the shooting death of Ashli Babbitt! Even after Sullivan was arrested by the FBI, and given an ankle monitor and house arrest, pending his trial,
Sullivan is still posting on Twitter and Facebook !
But Trump's accounts are closed!

The genocidal threats toward Israel and holocaust denial on accounts of the Ayatollah of Iran, and the propagandists of the Chinese Communist party still openly boast on Twitter and Facebook about how they are "liberating" Uyghur women by imprisoning them in concentration camps to do forced labor, and being subjected to forced abortions. "Liberated"!
These accounts are left open, but Trump's is "too potentially dangerous".

Originally Posted by M E M
He’s a pos that adds a fight song to trumpers trying to run a Biden campaign bus off the road. And his voters like you mocking someone scared about the death threats they and their families are getting as “crying like a widdle girl”. How far will you fall WB?

M E M, you're a "pos" when you talk like that. You only degrade yourself by unleashing those kind of infantile insults at the single most accomplished and capable president of the the last 50 years. I'm not clear in your semi-literate sentence if you're referring to Trump himself, Charlie Kirk, Mark Levin, or someone else.

And that Roger Ebert-looking elections supervisor Sterling guy wasn't scared, he was grandstanding, in front of a mob of friendly leftist media. He's the little guy who stands behind the mob and says "get him, get him" with the safety of numbers, and a liberal anti-Trump media that is 1 billion percent on his side, and protecting him. I don't know the song you mean, but it's piddly crap and doesn't matter. A gay Trump supporter wrote a cheerful Trump-support song to the tune of "YMCA", and was attacked for it. As was the gay Trump supporter who started the "Walk Away" movement, whose Facebook and Twitter accounts were also shut down, with no reason given.

AGAIN: Georgia elections supervisor Sterling, though fronted by the media as a "Republican" is a RINO whose social media accounts reveal he has been a never-Trumper and attacking Trump since at least early 2016. And the other Gov. Kemp-appointed Georgia officials are a former chief of staff who is now a lobbyist for Dominion Voting systems, another a lobbyist for China, and a third official who sold over 100 million of Dominion equipment to Georgia and got a huge commission for it.

The people threatening these GA officials are justifiably enraged, particularly by a complete lack of accountability for the actions of these officials, a complete lack of consequences, and a complete lack of ability of Trump supporters' to be heard by petition, redress, to present court hearings of the evidence, or even debate in the joint session of Congress electoral hearings on Jan 6th. If they were given any legal path to even have their grievances heard, perhaps that select few (many and possibly all false-flag BLM/Antifa activists and other fringe groups, or slow-witted individuals misled by them) would not have resorted to riots or violence at the Capitol.
But for myself and other more wary Republicans, we look at them as having walked into a trap, that the Democrats' outrages, were calculated to incite them into. What Democrats WANTED them to do, even though only a tiny few took the bait, so as to justify the Democrat-Bolsheviks' wider nationwide lockdown on all dissenting Republican thought and political protests, now occurring under unconstitutional Patriot Act-style and FISA style surveillance, along with further arrests and imprisonment. But only the Republicans are locked away, the BLM Democrats like John Sullivan are still home posting on Facebook.
The very same kind of hearings and challenges of electors that Democrats indulged in during similar 2001, 2005, and 2017 hearings, are now suddenly labelled as "inciting violence" and "insurrection" by the very same Democrats who were challenging electors in those past years!
One-sided justice.

That Biden bus incident was investigated by the FBI, and they found absolutely nothing. The 97% Democrat-donating FBI invested more agents and resources to investigating that incident than they devoted to investigating the mountains of Nov 2020 election fraud evidence in the 6 contested states, and in states beyond such as Montana and New Hampshire.

It is truly Orwellian how that election fraud evidence has been buried with a mixture of mainstream media propaganda, and selective omission. Along with threats and banning directed at every major outlet that dares to present those facts, from the CEO of Goya Foods to Republican House and Senate members, to anyone who voices support for them on Facebook or Twitter.
If I posted the information I link here on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instragram, or several dozen other mainstream social media sites, my posts would be deleted and my account blocked immediately.
If any famous guest discusses the election fraud evidence, even on semi-free Fox or Newsmax, they will be cut off by the anchor and the subject changed, and quite possibly not be invited back.
Just ask Mike Lindell or Newt Gingrich, or the recently cancelled Lou Dobbs.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy


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This one somehow escaped my notice at the time:

A guy who group-strategized to post internet memes to trick 4,700 or so Clinton voters to "vote by text", so their votes wouldn't count is arrested by the FBI, and potentially faces 10 years in jail for doing so.
But (as shown in photos of the texts) the person responding from the Hillary Clinton campaign did THE EXACT SAME THING to Trump voters (example memes shown). But the FBI isn't arresting her. So it's a one-sided Biden-administration weaponized FBI, that only targets Republicans, and gives a free pass to Democrats for the exact same thing.

An even better posted observation by someone else, shown at the end of the article:

This is insane. Hillary Clinton paid a foreign operative [former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele ] to defraud the FBI, which then defrauded a federal [FISA] court, to sway the 2016 election. No charges there. But a vile internet troll who peddled a dumb meme in 2016? That’s a federal crime in 2021.

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) January 27, 2021

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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It escaped your attention WB because your party switched gears to attack Biden. Trump and company ended investigating Clinton after he became President. The decades of investigating both Clintons for everything served its purpose. Now it’s time I think we get the orange fat fucker under oath for a couple of hours of questioning.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
(Site that says it is one's source for "patriotic" news)

Dude, anything calling itself "patriotic" or "real American" news is shit curated to feed you the rage your simp ass loves to feel. You're being made a sucker of by the exact people you want to defend as being true. It is fucking pathetic and you should be ashamed of yourself.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
(Site that says it is one's source for "patriotic" news)

Dude, anything calling itself "patriotic" or "real American" news is shit curated to feed you the rage your simp ass loves to feel. You're being made a sucker of by the exact people you want to defend as being true. It is fucking pathetic and you should be ashamed of yourself.

You never have anything factual or logical to say, it's just pure insult, based on absolutely nothing.
YOU should be ashamed, Iggy.

You're a deceitful liar, who openly boasts about maliciously discriminating against your Christian students.
You pretend to be a Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul supporter, and then you viciously attack the Trump base that is clearly the same group.

In 12 years of your posting here, you've sided against every Republican conservative offered as a candidate, not merely disagreed and not voted for them, but spit venom at them and personally attacked them.
. You're a junior college professor in North Carolina, which alone manifests at least a 90% probability you're an ideologically liberal basket case (if that weren't obvious in your posts), and beyond that from your posts over 12 years here, a spiteful and malicious liberal. From what you've posted here, the malice, the hate for anyone who voices a pro-American, sovereignty, nationalist, conservative position, it is clear you have no business teaching students. You are fanatical and prejudicial and vindictive, in the extreme. And you've openly bragged about your vindictiveness in the classroom.

Over and over I present facts, and you respond with insults. I don't see that you've factually disputed anything I've said over the years. You've just basically said "If it comes from a conservative source, I won't even look at it."
Where would you look for "facts"?
The New York Times?
Washington Post?
I've already sourced articles that have shown how they have been wrong, MORE than wrong, DELIBERATELY manufacturing false propaganda to prop up the Democrat/liberal side, over and over. And you won't look at conservative sources?!?

Which side has been proven the liars over and over? The liberal sources you value as The Only Real Truth.
You are a malicious partisan, who only likes news that comes from malicious partisan liars like yourself.

See the many links I've posted above, and in other topics. Many of the sources you dismiss as "right wing" are by journalists who spent decades AS liberals working in the LIBERAL MEDIA. Sharyl Attkisson, Ron Kessler, John Solomon, Lou Dobbs, Glenn Greenwald, Lara Logan, John Stossel, Bernard Goldberg, on and on. These are people who were award-winning journalists for decades for the likes of CNN, New York Times, CBS, NBC, ABC, winners of pulitzers, that you suddenly dismiss as just "shit curated to feed you the rage" I allegedly want to hear.
No, I want the facts, and these are solid and highly acclaimed journalists that you maliciously dismiss, based on absolutely nothing. Many of them are clearly liberals, but liberals who still have journalistic ethics, that the majority of their peers no longer do.

Sharyl Attkisson again:

Sharyl Attkisson, at Hillsdale College, on media bias

There's an hour of examples, where the Bolshevik propagandists you exalt as the only real news, are the ones openly boasting about shaving the narrative to prop up the Democrat/liberal side, and their twisted sense of "duty" to do so.
Sorry that I cite ACTUAL journalists, who have an actual interest in reporting the facts, who mourn the corruption of others in their field, the partisan liberal media activists you worship as the summit of truth. Who tell you the lies you want to hear, that conform to your twisted ideological views.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

This one somehow escaped my notice at the time:

A guy who group-strategized to post internet memes to trick 4,700 or so Clinton voters to "vote by text", so their votes wouldn't count is arrested by the FBI, and potentially faces 10 years in jail for doing so.
But (as shown in photos of the texts) the person responding from the Hillary Clinton campaign did THE EXACT SAME THING to Trump voters (example memes shown). But the FBI isn't arresting her. So it's a one-sided Biden-administration weaponized FBI, that only targets Republicans, and gives a free pass to Democrats for the exact same thing.

An even better posted observation by someone else, shown at the end of the article:

This is insane. Hillary Clinton paid a foreign operative [former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele ] to defraud the FBI, which then defrauded a federal [FISA] court, to sway the 2016 election. No charges there. But a vile internet troll who peddled a dumb meme in 2016? That’s a federal crime in 2021.

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) January 27, 2021

Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
It escaped your attention WB because your party switched gears to attack Biden. Trump and company ended investigating Clinton after he became President. The decades of investigating both Clintons for everything served its purpose. Now it’s time I think we get the orange fat fucker under oath for a couple of hours of questioning.

I don't see how you got to what you said from what I linked and posted. I showed a double-standard, where 1) a Democrat WHO DID THE EXACT SAME THING as the guy arrested by the FBI for creating online memes to mislead voters, was not arrested, but the Republican was.
and 2) How Hillary Clinton and an army of others at Perkins-Coie lawfirm, Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele and his operatives, along with agents in the FBI and DOJ, **ALL** conspired to rig the 2016 presidential election, forged documents, framed Trump officials, falsified evidence presented to a federal judge to get FOUR illegal FISA warrants, and maliciously prosecuted Trump officiaals based on false evidence, and dragged on those false investigations to influence the 2018 and 2020 elections.

Trump gave Hillary Clinton a break in Jan 2017, didn't have DOJ investigate or prosecute her, in order to make peace with the Democrats. But even after that courtesy, the Democrat-Bolshevik party remained, and still remains, at TOTAL WAR with the Republicans, and far from ever making peace, the Democrats will seize any attempt to destroy Republicans, even as the Republicans make efforts to be bipartisan and re-establish civility. But there is no possibility to make peace with a party as radicalized and consumed with hatred as yours.

They want former Trump officials to be forced to make televised public confessions!
They want to prevent former Trump officials from ever being able to be employed again!
They want to take away Alan Dershowitz's law degree, just for defending Trump !
They took away Rudy Giuliani's law degree (temporarily) just for representing and defending Trump! And violated a number of laws to do so.

There is no attempt to make peace by Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks now, as there was by Trump in 2017. The Democrats clearly want to crush every last vestige of the Republican party, even Republican officers in our military, that they are by contrivance weeding out as "extremists", to fully consolidate a one-party system where they have absolute one-party power, akin to Soviet Russia, Communist China, Castro's Cuba, Hugo Chaves' Venezuela, all regimes many of the current Democrat leadership have expressed enthusiasm for, and who are openly emulating their tactics for seizing power by Marxist revolution, and consolidating absolute one-party power.

Your bit about "your party switched gears to attack Biden" is just so much misdirection and smoke.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
(Site that says it is one's source for "patriotic" news)

Dude, anything calling itself "patriotic" or "real American" news is shit curated to feed you the rage your simp ass loves to feel. You're being made a sucker of by the exact people you want to defend as being true. It is fucking pathetic and you should be ashamed of yourself.

You never have anything factual or logical to say, it's just pure insult...

Don't need to read any further to say that is all you are worth. Get bent with your screeds and your sources no less full of bias and slander than you think every media outlet that disagrees with you is. Shut your fucking hole. You're ruining the country, you dumb fuck.

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“ Your bit about "your party switched gears to attack Biden" is just so much misdirection and smoke.”

Nope, that happened. The shit your spewing is the misdirection and smoke. Your fat orange pos tried to steal the election by getting the DOJ to lie. That isn’t a gray area WB.

Fair play!
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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
“ Your bit about "your party switched gears to attack Biden" is just so much misdirection and smoke.”

Nope, that happened. The shit your spewing is the misdirection and smoke. Your fat orange pos tried to steal the election by getting the DOJ to lie. That isn’t a gray area WB.

Classic liberal misdirection tactic number 1: Whatever Democrats are doing, accuse Republicans of doing it, to distract from the fact that it is in truth Democrats who are doing it. And slander Republicans without evidence. But because the liberal media are fellow Democrat Bolsheviks, they will keep pushing lying allegations on the Republicans.

You never even try to make a factual case for the lies you front.

Members and front organizations must continually embarrass, discredit and degrade our critics. When obstructionists become too irritating, label them as fascist or Nazi or Antisemitic... The association will afyer enough repetition become "fact" in the public mind.
-- Moscow Central Committee, 1943
The "fat orange pos" is quantifiably the most accomplished president of at least the last 50 years. More than even Reagan. And certainly more than Biden, Obama, or Clinton.

While you cheer on a Biden administration that is trying to bankrupt the United States, burn our Constitution, and turn us into an authoritarian marxist police state. As I said before, from the Clintons to the Obamas, to Bernie Sanders to Elizabeth Warren to AOC and the "squad", to BLM and Antifa, your vicious party hates America and worships the worst genocidal marxist dictators.

Ron Bloom, Obama's transportation czar: "We agree with Mao, that power is mostly administered at the barrel of a gun, and that capitalism is mostly a sham..."

Anita Dunn, Obama press secretary: "Two of my favorite philosophers, the Pope and Mao Tse Tung..."

Mark Lloyd, Obama's FCC diversity czar: [Speaking of Hugo Chavez's authoritarian takeover of the Venezuelan media:] "Very effective, and a good model to follow..."

M E M, you never even try to explain how your side worships brutal authoritarian Marxist regimes and emulates their tactics, and yet we're somehow supposed to believe Democrats are the real defenders of our Constitutional republic who love this country. As they exalt marxism, and cheer on the BLM/Antifa mobs who are tearing down monuments to our nation's heroes and founders.

NANCY PELOSI: "I don't care about statues..."

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totalitarianism is a political ideology which dictates the supremacy of the state over the individual freedoms of its citizens. A totalitarian state usually requires a defining ideology with which to justify its appropriation of the levers of power: Left-wing Anti-Semitism was the driving force behind Nazism; Communism in the cases of the Soviet Union and China, Progressivism in Cuba[2] and North Korea;[3] and Islam in the case of a theocracy such as Iran. Other examples include Saparmurat Niyazov's regime in Turkmenistan. China offers an example of a totalitarian regime that has embraced state-run capitalism whilst retaining a socialist bureaucracy and power structure. In the United States, the Biden junta was America's first totalitarian regime. One of the junta's first acts was to execute a warrant on former New York Mayor Rudy Guiliani who led challenges to the integrity of the 2020 presidential election.[4]

Such states are characterized by the extent of their subversion of the rule of law, with the police and judiciary acting as direct instruments of control and providing no meaningful check or balance upon the ruling elite. Media outlets are subordinated to faithful promotion of the defining ideology and, as the state matures, this tends to be reinforced with coordinated programs of indoctrination within the education system. Dissent is often brutally repressed (see torture) and extrajudicial killings are common. Other common features include the fostering of a personality cult around the head of state and rampant corruption due to the arbitrary enforcement of laws and statutes.

Hannah Arendt was one of the first to suggest that Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were two sides of the same left-wing coin rather than opposing philosophies of Right and Left.[5]

George Orwell said, "The totalitarian states can do great things, but there is one thing they cannot do: they cannot give the factory-worker a rifle and tell him to take it home and keep it in his bedroom. That rifle hanging on the wall of the working-class flat or labourer's cottage, is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there.

In 2021, the Democrat controlled 117th Congress passed the so-called "For the People Act" aimed at creating a single party state.[6]

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