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Annual Arcademan/PixieP sighting!
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WWE WrestleMania 39 PLE Results: 4-1-23 (Night 1)Results courtesy of PWTorch.com (direct link to LeClair's real-time report)(1) AUSTIN THEORY (c) vs. JOHN CENA – WWE United States Championship matchAustin Theory and John Cena stepped around each other in the ring. Theory motioned toward the crowd and told Cena they’re here to see him. The two men locked up. Theory sent Cena toward the ropes, but John dropped his opponent with a big shoulder tackle. They locked up again. Theory tried to wrestle Cena to the mat, but the veteran bested him. A dueling “Let’s Go Cena/Cena Sucks” chant built. Cena smiled. He let go of a side headlock and dropped Theory with another shoulder. Cena worked Theory into a corner tie-up. The referee counted to four, necessitating a break. Cena stepped back with a smirk. Theory backed Cena into the same corner and bit his ear. Cena shoved him off. Theory leapt from the ring. Cena complained to the official, grabbing at his ear. Theory used the distraction to drop Cena from behind and cover him for a quick two count. The champion gave Cena a snap Suplex and covered for another two count. He looked around, jawing at the crowd. “You think he’s still got it?” They booed Theory loudly. Theory went for another Suplex, but Cena bent his knees and blocked the attempt. He snapped back with a Suplex of his own. Theory rose quickly, but Cena hit him with quick rights. He whipped Theory to the corner, but Austin caught him with an elbow. Theory rolled into a standing, leaping Blockbuster. He covered Cena for another two count. Theory climbed to the top rope and posed. Boos rained down on him. He rolled through the middle rope and popped up to deliver a nice looking missile dropkick to Cena for another cover and another two count. The champion went for the rolling missile dropkick a second time. Cena side-stepped it, causing Theory to crash and burn. Cena immediately pounced, locking in the STF. Theory struggled for a few moments, but bit Cena’s hand to free himself. He dropped Cena with a big elbow on the rebound. Theory waved his hand in front of his face as the match approached 6:30. He hit Cena with a trio of quick strikes, dropping him. Theory covered Cena with a single boot. John kicked out with ease. Austin circled the ring as Cena writhed on the mat in the center. Theory hit a quick Snapmare and leaping stomp to the head. He continued to talk trash to the crowd. He shimmied his shoulders in mocking fashion. Theory went for another leaping boot, but Cena caught is foot. He pulled himself to his feet and scooped him up into position for the Attitude Adjustment. Theory fought out of it. Cena dropped him and covered for a quick two count. “It’s all day!” Theory yelled after regaining control with a clothesline in the corner. Cena fought out with a number of punches. Theory whipped him off the ropes and caught him in a Sleeper hold. Cena began to fade at 9:00. He began to fall to a knee, but held himself up. Theory, sensing the comeback, leapt onto Cena’s back. John dropped to a knee, now carrying all of Theory’s weight. He managed to return to a vertical base and back Theory into the turnbuckle. Cena hit the ropes and hit a pair of leaping shoulder tackles. Austin walked right into the spin-out slam. Cena threw up the hand, hit the ropes, and delivered a Five Knuckle Shuffle. Theory stumbled to his feet. Cena looked for the Attitude Adjustment. Theory grabbed the top rope to prevent the move. Cena ripped him away. Cena stumbled backward. Theory’s feet kicked referee’ Chad Patton, dropping him. Cena immediately applied the STF. Theory tapped within seconds. Cena broke the hold, assuming he’d won. He quickly realized that there was no referee. Cena went to check on Patton. Theory recovered and gave Cena a low blow. He scooped him up and hit the A-Town Down for a cover and three count. WINNER: Austin Theory in 11:19 to retain the WWE United States Championship (I thought this was a good enough opener, but it absolutely felt like an undercard match. Neither man ever really got going. Cena seemed timid to try anything significant, and Theory’s moveset seemed considerably tamed in comparison to what we generally see out of him. It just felt a bit phoned in. I didn’t get the sense that Cena was particularly motivated to put Theory over in any significant way, and the finish felt like a punt on any real commitment to him going forward. Theory won, but he did so by cheating immediately after a visual tap out. Michael Cole did his best to sell this like a big deal, especially comparing it to Cena’s first U.S. title win against Big Show at WrestleMania 20. Ultimately, though, it just didn’t feel very meaningful.)(2) BRAUN STROWMAN & RICOCHET vs. THE VIKING RAIDERS (w/ Valhalla) vs. ALPHA ACADEMY vs. THE STREET PROFITS – Men’s Tag Team Showcase matchRicochet began the match with Chad Gable. He flipped toward Gable, who picked the ankle and immediately tried to lock in a submission. Ricochet used the ropes to climb up and free himself. Cole noted that there’s no rope breaks and no disqualifications. Gable and Ricochet chain wrestled briefly. Gable leapfrogged out of his own corner. Otis tagged himself in and flattened Ricochet. The crowd liked it. Otis tagged Gable back in and fed Ricochet into a big shoulder tackle. Gable taunted Braun Strowman. Before long, all eight men in the match leapt int the ring to stare each other down. A punch was thrown and the action broke down. Erik gave Strowman a spinning heel kick. Ivar flattened Angelo Dawkins. The Raiders gave Ricochet a German Suplex/springboard Clothesline combo. The dropped Montez Ford with the Ragnarok, then posed for the camera with Valhalla. They held the pose for several moments as Braun Strowman stood huffing behind them. He dropped both Vikings with ease and tossed them from the ring. Chad Gable approached Strowman from behind. He backed him into a turnbuckle and executed a roll-through, bridging German Suplex for a massive pop. Strowman kicked out at one, but the crowd came to life. Gable climbed to the top rope, but Montez Ford tagged himself in. Ford climbed to the top rope. Ivar tagged him and shoved him to the mat. Ivar climbed the turnbuckle himself. He went for a massive Moonsault, but Ford moved. Strowman climbed the turnbuckle next. He nearly fell, but managed to hit a massive splash on Ivar for a cover and near fall. It was broken up by virtually every other man in the match. The match crossed 5:00. Otis gave Strowman a massive Powerslam. He ripped off his shirt and danced. Otis climbed the turnbuckle, but ate a kick to the face from Montez Ford. Gable speared Ford on the top turnbuckle. He leapt up for a Superplex. Ivar joined, then Otis, then Erik. They backed into a big tower, but Ricochet dove off the top for a Cross Body to complete the move. Bodies were strewn about the ring. Dawkins tagged himself in. Strowman knocked him off the apron. Braun leapt from the ring and began circling it, tackling wrestlers along his path. He made two complete trips around the ring before getting dropped by Angelo Dawkins. Dawkins barely had time to celebrate. Ricochet came diving off the ropes with a Shooting Star Press. He tossed Dawkins back in the ring and went for another. Dawkins got his knees up. He held Ricochet in place long enough for Montez Ford to hit a massive frog splash from the adjacent turnbuckle. Dawkins rolled Ricochet over for a cover and three count. WINNERS: The Street Profits in 8:27 (This felt a lot like something you’d get out of AEW’s tag team division. Fast and furious from the opening bell with minimal attention paid to tag rules. Chad Gable looked like an absolute star, landing a huge German Suplex on Strowman for a huge pop. The crowd was into he and Otis, but were most invested in the Street Profits. The attention seemed to be more on Dawkins than Ford, a significant departure from their usual booking. Dawkins’ getting to cut off Strowman’s freight train and drop him was an impressive sight. This didn’t overstay it’s welcome, and the right team win. Thumbs up.)
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Logan Paul bounced in the corner, smirking at Seth Rollins. The two met in the center and locked up. Rollins wrestled Paul into a disadvantage, then backed away. The crowd serenaded Rollins again. Logan grabbed a quick side headlock. Rollins used the ropes to break out. He dropped down over Paul, leapfrogged him, then caught him with a quick kick to the midsection. Rollins went for the Stomp early. Paul moved in a hurry, selling the close call with his eyes.
The two traded quick drop downs. Paul tossed Rollins over the top rope to the floor. Cole noted that it’s reminiscent of Paul eliminating Rollins at the Royal Rumble. Seth slid back in the ring and pounced on Paul, getting a few punches in before Logan rolled to the apron. Seth held onto Paul’s hair. Logan guillotined him over the top rope. Logan hit a Buckshot Lariat and shrugged. He let Rollins pull himself to his feet. Paul cocked his fist. Seth covered up his head, so Paul went low to the ribs. Cole and Graves noted that Paul’s hand has a titanium screw in it, and he’s already knocked Rollins out with it.
Paul kicked at Rollins’ ribs. He scooped him, but Rollins elbowed free. Paul leapt to the middle rope and hit a quick cross body for a cover and two count. Paul turned Rollins into another cover. Seth kicked again. Paul twisted Rollins’ arm and delivered a side Russian Leg Sweep. Paul held on and applied a seated Octopus Stretch. The match crossed 5:30 as the crowd tried to will Rollins back to life. Seth managed to remove Paul’s leg from the back of his head and break the hold. The two began slapping and elbowing each other in the chest from the mat. They fought to their feet. Seth missed wildly with an open hand strike. Paul turned it into a Gutwrench Suplex for a two count.
“I am shocked,” Graves said, “Seth Rollins has been overwhelmed so far.” Cole noted that Paul has mounted significant offense in all of his in-ring appearances. Paul leapt straight to the top rope and went for a Moonsault. Rollins moved. Logan retreated to a corner. Seth went after him. He fired off quick punches, then delivered two clotheslines in quick succession. Rollins tossed Paul over the top rope to the floor. He looked around at the stadium crowd. They began serenading him again. Seth got a full-ring running start and dove on Paul through the middle rope. He leapt back in the ring and did it a second time, then a third. The crowd came to life. Rollins looked to them for energy.
Rollins stalked Paul. Logan was slumped over the ring steps. Rollins stomped Paul’s foot. Logan tried to create separation, sliding into the ring. Seth followed and set his opponent up for the Pedigree. Paul dead-lifted Rollins out of the move and the two began a series of chain roll-ups for alternating two counts. Paul eventually broke the stalemate and caught Seth with the right hand to the face. Rollins dropped. Paul covered for a very near fall at 10:07.
Paul crouched in the corner as Seth rose slowly. Logan charged, appearing to attempt Seth’s Stomp. Rollins popped him up into the air and delivered a sit-out Powerbomb for a near fall. Rollins retreated to the corner, sizing Logan up. The Prime Energy mascot pulled Logan Paul to safety on the outside. The mascot pulled its face covering away, revealing himself to be KSI, Paul’s business partner. Rollins rolled out of the ring and grabbed him. Paul attacked Seth from behind. He cleared the Spanish announcers desk. KSI filmed the downed Rollins as Paul climbed the top turnbuckle, drinking one of his own energy drinks.
At the last moment, Rollins exploded to life and pulled KSI into his spot. Paul had already leapt from the top. Logan hit his buddy with a massive Frog Splash off the turnbuckle, through the Spanish announce desk. Rollins quickly tossed Paul in the ring and delivered a Pedigree for a very near fall. The crowd began singing again. Rollins hit Paul with a rolling elbow, then a Ripcord elbow to drop him. He stumbled into the corner and went for the Stomp again. Logan picked Rollins out of the air and hit him with a Go-to-Sleep. Paul was momentarily stunned. He eventually climbed to the top rope and hit Rollins with a huge Five-Star Frog Splash. He covered for another very close near fall.
“This is WrestleMania, this is Seth Rollins’ world!” Graves exclaimed. Paul stomped at Rollins as the match crossed 15:30. Seth clutched his ribs in the corner. Paul climbed the adjacent turnbuckle. He dove coast-to-coast, but Rollins popped to his feet and caught Paul with a Superkick in mid-air. He immediately followed up with the Stomp for a cover and three count.
WINNER: Seth Rollins in 16:15
(Every time, Paul delivers. He’d already more or less cemented himself among the best non-wrestler wrestlers of all time. This match continued to cement that legacy. Paul’s not an easy guy to like, but he’s certainly easy to appreciate in the ring. Rollins was a great opponent for him, and their meshing of styles was evident as soon as the match got underway. The hot crowd helped propel this to even greater heights. Paul got all his major spots in, delivering signature moves from a handful of wrestlers and doing each one a fair bit of justice. It was Rollins’ connection with the crowd, though, that really held this one together and carried it from one big moment to the other. Seth’s multiple attempts at the Stomp built into a great crescendo at the end, where the crowd knew it was finally coming and that it would put Paul away. A fitting and very entertaining celebrity-style WrestleMania match.)
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(4) DAMAGE CTRL (Bayley & Dakota Kai & Io Sky) vs. BECKY LYNCH & LITA & TRISH STRATUS – 6-Women Tag Team match
Becky Lynch and Dakota Kai threw a flurry of quick strikes before backing into the heel corner of the ring. Kai tagged Io Sky in quickly. Sky immediately went to work cutting Lynch off from her corner. Lynch tried to break free of a leg hold with an Enziguri, but Io had her telegraphed. She dropped Lynch, then headed to the apron to hit a springboard splash. Sky tagged in Kai. Bayley joined them for a triple team Neckbreaker. Kai covered Lynch for a two count.
Kai mocked Lita and Trish Stratus as Lynch reached to them for a tag. She tossed Becky back to the heel corner and caught her with a running boot. Kai covered for another two count, then tagged in Bayley. Bayley mocked the Team Xtreme thrust taunt and stuck her tongue out at Lita. Bayley tagged in Kai. Lynch tossed Bayley from the ring. Kai tripped up Lynch. Becky crawled to her corner for a tag. She leapt toward Trish, but Bayley pulled her from the apron at the last moment.
Dakota and Io continued to work Lynch over. Kai wound up on the apron, charging. Lita caught her with a clothesline, buying Lynch some time. Becky tagged her in. Lita gave Io a clothesline, then a quick ‘rana. She tripped her into the turnbuckle and got a running start for a knee to the back of the head. Lita and Sky traded standing switches as the match crossed 4:45. Lita hit Vertigo and covered Sky for a near fall. Sky countered an Irish Whip into the corner. The two got tangled in the ropes. Lita used her legs to slam Sky to the mat. Dakota Kai kicked Lita in the head and off the turnbuckle while Sky tied up the referee’s attention.
Bayley tagged in and Damage CTRL hit three simultaneous kicks to the head. Bayley covered for a near fall. She tossed Lita toward the corner and she and her partners posed to a chorus of boos. Sky tagged in and cranked Lita’s head against the middle rope. Dakota tagged in and dragged Lita into a cover for two. Cole and Graves noted that Trish has yet to be involved in the match, which had now crossed 7:20. Bayley and Sky went for a double Suplex on Lita, but she rolled through it and planted the duo with a double DDT. Lita crawled and made a tag to Trish Stratus.
Stratus dropped Io Sky, then gave Dakota a Thez-Press. She chopped at Kai in the corner. She licked her hand, gave Bayley a double thumbs-down, then gave Kai a big chop to the chest. She used Bayley’s body on the apron to climb up into a Bulldog on Kai, covering for a two count. Trish and Kai worked to the corner, and up to the turnbuckle. Bayley and Sky returned to pull Trish off the turnbuckle and apron. Bayley and Lita got involved, setting up a Tower of Doom of sorts on the apron to the heels on the outside. Stratus and Kai returned to the ring. Trish tagged in Lita and served as the base for Poetry in Motion. They tagged in Becky, who hit a Leg Drop from the middle rope. Lynch covered for a near fall.
Beckly immediately applied the Disarm-Her on Kai. Bayley and Sky broke it up before too long. They pulled Trish and Lita to the mat, leaving Lynch by herself. Bayley dragged Kai to her own corner to tag herself in. Becky and Bayley traded blows. Lynch begged her to bring it. Bayley went for the Rose Plant, but Lynch blocked it and hit the B-Exploder. Bayley recovered and shoved Lynch toward the ropes. Sky caught her with a cheap shot. Bayley hit the Rose Plant and covered Becky. Lita broke up the pin.
Kai entered the ring. Trish jumped in and gave her Stratusfaction. Lynch rolled up Bayley for a near fall, then tossed her to the outside. Five of the six women wound up strugging to their feet on the camera side of the floor. Io Sky emerged, climbing to the top turnbuckle and diving into a crowd below. The referee counted the women, but all six reached the mat at eight. Graves noted that Lynch and Bayley are still the legal competitors.
Each team retreated to their respective corner as the match crossed 13:30. All six women entered the ring and came to blows in the center. “To hell with the rule book, let them fight!” Graves exclaimed. Lita hit Sky with a Twist of Fate. Trish caught Kai with the Chick Kick. Lita gave Kai and Sky her signature Moonsault. Meanwhile, in the opposite corner, Bayley set Lynch up for an avalanche Bayley-to-Belly. Lynch blocked it and hit the Man-Handle Slam from the top rope for a cover and three count.
WINNERS: Becky Lynch & Lita & Trish Stratus in 14:38
Cole said “we’re back to the future at WrestleMania” as the three women posed on turnbuckles and celebrated with the crowd.
(I thought this worked pretty well. The early going felt a little bit slow, but I thought they did a nice job saving Lita and Trish’s appearances and hot tags for deeper in the match, allowing Becky to work the meat of the opening minutes and get worked over the heels who should logically have far better tag team strategy. Lita and Trish both hit their spots well, and though the crowd felt more subdued here than at any other point tonight thus far, they did come alive for the bigger spots and the more heavy-hitting showdowns between Lynch and Bayley. The cliche breakdown of action at the end felt a little calculated, but I liked that it lead right into a logical finish with the two legends hitting their finisher before the star, Becky Lynch, countered Bayley in the midst of an exchange for a big finisher from the top rope. This was exactly what it needed to be.)
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Dominick Mysterio shoved his father, Rey Mysterio as the bell rang. Rey and Dominick locked up and jockeyed for position. Dom got the advantage over his father, dropping him to the mat. Dominick climbed the ropes and posed toward the crowd, who pelted him with boos. Dom wrestled Rey to the mat out of a waist-lock. Rey returned to his feet quickly and spilled Dom the floor. Rey challenged him to return to the ring. Dom slid in quickly, but Rey remained in control, sending Dom to the ropes and catching him with a Hurricanrana. Dom stumbled to the corner and begged off.
Rey tossed Dom into the turnbuckle. His shoulder crashed into the ring post. Rey removed his belt and cracked it over Dom’s backside repeatedly. Dominick fell to the outside in horror. He turned his attention to his mother and sister. He took Aliyah’s red solo cup and splashed its contents in her face. Rey grew incensed. He jumped to defend Aliyah. This allowed Dom to attack him from behind and retake control. Dom slammed Rey off the ring apron, then tossed him in the ring. He stepped over Mysterio’s downed body and posed on the turnbuckle again, soliciting more boos.
The match crossed 5:15 as Dominick applied an abdominal stretch to his father in the center of the ring. Cole wondered what will happen if Dominick wins. Mysterio fought out of the hold and hit the ropes, dropping under Dom’s feet and tying his arms up. Mysterio leapt to the top rope, but Dom held on and gave him an arm drag. He pulled his father into a sit-out driver for a cover and two count. Dom guillotined Rey across the top rope, leaping to the floor himself. He dragged Rey to the floor and blew his nose on him. Dom returned to his family at ringside, this time focusing on his mother. He told her to shut up again. Angie slapped him in the face. Rey returned to slam Dom into the ring post. He gave Angie a kiss, then tossed his son into the ring.
Mysterio caught Dom with a seated Senton off the top rope. He followed up with a standing cross-body for a cover and two count just as the match passed 8:00. Dom recovered enough to whip Rey to the ropes. Mysterio leapt over him and rolled him into a cover for a two count. Rey played to the crowd and willed Dominick to his feet. He gave him a kick to the gut and set up for the Three Amigos. Dominick blocked it and shoved him toward the corner. Damian Priest and Finn Balor appeared at ringside.
Rey charged at his son, but Dom flipped him up into Powerbomb position and tossed him over his head. Rey hit the top turnbuckle hard and collapsed. Dom set up for his own iteration of the Three Amigos. He hit the first, but Rey slid down the back on the second. He tripped Dom into position for the 619. Rey hit it. He climbed to the top rope. Finn Balor leapt onto the apron, grabbing the referee’s attention. Meanwhile, Damian Priest held Rey’s leg and tripped him off the ropes. Rey and Dom struggled to their feet at 11:15. Dom whipped Rey chest first into the turnbuckle. Rey stumbled backward and Dom tossed him to the floor. Judgment Day surrounded Mysterio.
Legado Del Fantasma exploded onto the screen, attacking Judgment Day. Santos Escobar dove through the middle rope, taking out Damian Priest. After a flurry of action, Dom and Rey were left alone in the ring again. Dom catapulted Mysterio into 619 position. He hit the move, then climbed to the top rope. Dom straightened out on the top rope as the camera pulled back. He hit a massive frog splash for a cover and very near fall.
While Rey writhed on the mat, Dominick removed a turnbuckle pad. The referee admonished him and went to replace it. Dom used the distraction to retrieve a chain. He wrapped it around his fist and cocked it back, but Bad Bunny ripped it from his hand. Dom was spun around by the momentum. Rey kicked him in the back, draping him over the middle rope. He hit another 619, then a splash from the top rope for a cover and three count.
WINNER: Rey Mysterio in 14:30
( It felt like some of the seriousness of this match was undermined by the advertisements all over the LED boards, but, ultimately, I thought it rose to a level good enough to overcome that. No surprise that this contained a multitude of shenanigans from the Judgment Day, Legado Del Fantasma, and the Mysterio family. Aliyah and Angie’s moments were small, but hugely beneficial to the story of the match. Dominick was delectably awful, as he’s been throughout this entire run. The entrance was so ridiculously corny and absolutely perfect for his character. Rey’s homage to Eddie Guerrero on the heels of an emotional Hall of Fame speech was an excellent touch. The presentation certainly helped this match feel like a big deal. I think the finish is certainly important to note, given Bad Bunny’s involvement in next month’s Backlash Premium Live Event. It seems likely now that he’ll be involved with the Judgment Day in some way at that event in Puerto Rico.)
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(6) CHARLOTTE FLAIR (c) vs. RHEA RIPLEY – Smackdown Women’s Championship match
Charlotte Flair and Rhea Ripley circled one another with hesitation. They locked up for the first time over one minute into the match. After trading quick rope bounces and drop downs, Rhea dropped Flair with a shoulder tackle. She mimed “suck it” at the champion. Flair kipped up and the two hit the ropes again. Flair tossed Rhea to the floor. The camera closed in for a close up on Ripley’s face. She showed a little frustration before sliding back into the ring to stand face-to-face with the champ.
“You think you’re the Queen, huh?” Ripley poked at Flair’s chest. She punched her into the corner. Charlotte quickly fought out. She flipped to the apron and caught Ripley with a boot to the face. Charlotte climbed to the top turnbuckle and hit Ripley with a high cross-body. The two women stumbled to their feet and battled into the corner. Flair folded Ripley’s leg and hooked her ankle on the middle rope. She looked like she planned to stomp it, but Ripley broke free and dropped Charlotte violently onto the turnbuckle. Referee Jessika Carr checked on the champion while Ripley shrugged off Flair’s offense.
The two traded quick punches again. Ripley tossed Flair into the middle turnbuckle, creating whiplash on contact. Ripley wrapped her legs around Flair’s waist and squeezed the breath out of her. She drove her elbow into Charlotte’s upper back. Graves noted that, while the champion isn’t in any real danger of losing the match at the very moment, she is being forced to use crucial energy to pull oxygen, thus weakening her for Ripley later. Ripley continued to pound on Flair. Charlotte missed wildly with a chop. Ripley used the open stance to hit a quick release German Suplex. She sat up and looked around.
A wide shot crawled slowly around the stadium as Ripley talked trash and the match approached 7:30. Flair fought to her feet and caught a spinning back elbow. She pulled Rhea’s face into the top turnbuckle then called for her to stand. Charlotte dropped her with two quick clotheslines. The crowd booed her. She began chopping the challenger. Rhea collapsed against the ropes, chest open for more damage. Rhea backed into the corner and slumped over to protect herself. Flair pushed open and chopped her again. She draped Ripley’s leg on the bottom rope and jumped on it. Rhea grabbed at the leg. Graves said she’s setting her up for the Figure 8 later.
Dueling chants broke out in the stadium as Flair climbed to the top rope again. She went for another cross body. Rhea rolled through it, holding on and hoisting Flair into Powerslam position. Flair elbowed herself free. Ripley wasn’t fooled. She hooked Flair into position for Riptide. Rhea got her up, but Flair spun out of it and pulled Ripley into a spike DDT, popping the crowd. Flair began to show serious frustration. She rolled Ripley up for a two count.
Both women rose to their feet quickly and charged, thinking (and landing) simultaneous big boots. With both women down, the camera pulled back again long enough for Cole to tout the crowd and reset the stage. Flair and Ripley traded punches again at 11:30. Ripley stepped on Flair’s foot, then slammed her face into her knee. Flair shook it off and hit Ripley with a capture Suplex. She kipped up and raised her arms, eliciting boos.
“This is what Charlotte Flair lives for,” Graves proclaimed as Flair stepped on Rhea en route to the top rope. She was poised for a Moonsault, but Rhea leapt to the ropes to meet her. Flair elbowed her to the mat. Ripley wouldn’t go away. She leapt to the ropes again, this time capturing Flair by the waist and delivering a release German Suplex off the middle rope. Flair rotated completely, landing on her stomach. Ripley covered for a near fall.
The champion rose her feet. She stomped on the back of Ripley’s leg and hit a quick Natural Selection. Ripley smartly rolled to the floor to avoid a cover. Referee Carr counted to five before Flair went out to retrieve Ripley. She charged at the challenger, but Rhea side stepped and sent Flair crashing into the ring steps. Rhea tossed Charlotte back in the ring and hoisted her up for a back drop. At the last moment, she flipped Flair forward and dropped her on her stomach.
Ripley dragged Flair to her feet by her hair. She set up for Riptide again. Flair blocked it and hit a German Suplex. Rhea stumbled into the corner. Flair grabbed her waist again. Ripley tried to hold onto the turnbuckle to block, but Flair powered her free and hit a second German Suplex. They traded standing switches. Ripley got the upper hand and hit another German Suplex. This time, Flair landed right on her face in a nasty-looking spill. Flair still powered to her feet and dropped the challenger with a big boot. She covered for a near fall.
The bridge of Flair’s nose was scraped and bleeding just a little. She wiped at it, then went to apply the Figure Four. Ripley kicked her away. Flair still shoved Ripley to the floor. She climbed out onto the apron, a sinister look in her eye. Flair climbed the turnbuckle and the crowd rose to their feet. Flair hit her signature Moonsault to the floor, mostly missing Ripley. The champion tossed Ripley into the ring and went for the Figure Four again. Ripley kicked her away. Flair stumbled, nearly toppling into Jessika Carr. Ripley used the misstep to crack Flair with a massive headbutt. She pulled her in and hit Riptide, folding her up for a pin and believable near fall.
Champion and challenger fought to their feet slowly. Flair rolled up Ripley for a two count. Ripley held on on the break and hoisted Flair into the air for the inverted Cloverleaf. Flair screamed in agony. She extended her arms fully, using her reach to grab on and break the hold. Ripley let go. Flair exploded out of the corner with a Spear. She hooked the leg for another believable near fall. Charlotte sat up, utterly confused. She took a moment to herself before turning back to Rhea and giving her a hard elbow. Rhea delivered one of her own. The two began slugging it out. Ripley broke the stalemate with a side kick to the head. Charlotte responded with a big boot.
Flair quickly applied the Figure Four. Before she could bridge, Ripley reached out and grabbed the ropes at the 22:00 mark. The challenger rolled to the apron. Flair sat back on her knees, bearing her teeth and breathing hard. She pounced, slamming Ripley into the ring post. She climbed to the middle rope, bringing Ripley with her. Flair dragged her challenger over the ropes. Rhea gained her footing enough to chop Flair and slam her face off the flat top of the ring post.
Ripley climbed the turnbuckle. She hooked Flair and delivered an avalanche Riptide off the top rope, hooking Flair’s leg for a definitive three count.
WINNER: Rhea Ripley in 23:34 to win the Smackdown Women’s Championship
The camera focused on Charlotte Flair on the floor at ringside. She had a look of pure pride and respect for Ripley. The new champion got a pyro celebration in the ring and massive ovation from the crowd. Flair clapped for her as she posed on the turnbuckle.
(Brilliant. I’m often critical of the Charlotte Flair character, and I frequently find that her TV matches, in particular, come off feeling a little too formulaic and same-y. This was not only a departure, but a smashing success. My knee jerk reaction is to say it’s one of the best performances of her career, but I’m already quite-confident that it’s true. It may even be her best. Flair felt like the gritty veteran doing anything she could to survive against the much-improved challenger she’d once bested. Ripley was a clear and obvious star-in-the-making, relying entirely on her own character and incredible in-ring work to tell a main event caliber story without the need of her Judgment Day cohorts. The two women built excellently to a massive crescendo of major offense after beating one another with stiff offense throughout. What felt like a tired crowd at the beginning soon came to life as the stakes rose and the moves got bigger. This was truly excellent.)
-The Miz and Snoop Dogg stood in the ring to announce night one’s attendance of 80,497. Snoop said the only thing better than that would be if Miz had a match tonight. Miz agreed. He said he sent out a text, a few emails, a text, a tweet, and posted on MySpace. He said no one responded, because everyone is afraid of him. “Everyone in this stadium knows I’m the toughest man here.” He hit his “awesome” line.
Suddenly, Pat McAfee’s music hit. Pat skipped onto the stage. Cole exploded with excitement. Graves was enraged. Cole said he and Pat are the only two undefeated announcers in WrestleMania history. He told Cole to go referee the match. McAfee danced in front of Miz and asked for a microphone. He said hello to the crowd and shook hands with Snoop. He greeted Miz. McAfee said he lives on the Internet, and no one saw the open challenge.
“Good news!” McAfee said, “this is my WrestleMania tank top.” He offered to give The Miz a match. Miz asked the crowd if they wanted to see it. They cheered. So did Cole. Miz said there’s nothing he’d rather do than whip McAfee right now, but he doesn’t have the power to make matches official. McAfee initiated a “tiny balls” chant. Pat said someone in the building must be able to make the match official. Snoop Dogg said, as the “Dogfather”, he can do it. A referee entered the ring. Snoop told Miz “this is what you do,” and left the ring.
The Miz yelled at Snoop Dogg while Pat McAfee stalked in waiting. He dropped Miz with a clothesline, then gave him a big Spinebuster. Miz stumbled into the corner. McAfee hoisted him onto the top turnbuckle. Pat climbed to the top rope, looking for a Superplex. Miz punched himself free, but McAfee flipped off the top and landed on his feet. Miz dove off the top and ate a Superkick from McAfee. Miz rolled to the outside, begging for mercy.
Graves begged Miz to pull himself together. He told him to “think big.” Miz thought it through, then decided to leave. He saw George Kittle in the front row and gave him a little shove. Kittle hopped the barricade and gave Miz a big clothesline. Kittle told McAfee to climb the turnbuckle. Pat did it, playing to the crowd before hitting a massive Swanton Bomb onto a standing Miz on the floor. McAfee shared a body-check with Kittle. The duo tossed Miz in the ring.
McAfee willed the crowd to life as Miz slowly rose to his feet. Pat cocked his leg and punted Miz in the head for a cover and three count.
WINNER: Pat McAfee in 3:33
George Kittle rushed into the ring to celebrate with McAfee. Graves said he’s petitioning to the board to have the match wiped from the record books.
( I know a lot of people dislike McAfee shtick, but I’ll contend he’s a fun addition to things when he’s plugged in and focused. If he’s not going to be a regular on commentary, I think these small doses at major events are a fun way to keep him involved. Miz certainly doesn’t lose anything at this stage of his career by being embarrassed by McAfee, and the crowd ate up his surprise entrance. Pat’s signature offense is fun, and, like Logan Paul, he’s much better at this than he really has any right to be. George Kittle’s involvement worked well, too. I’d always prefer to keep this kind of stuff away from talent the company is heavily invested pushing at a major level, but at this stage of his career, this type of fodder is great for Miz and he’s an excellent foil for less-experienced, celebrity babyface opponents.)
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(8) THE USOS (c, Jimmy & Jey) vs. SAMI ZAYN & KEVIN OWENS – Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship match
Sami Zayn and Jimmy Uso kicked off the match. Jimmy jawed at Sami. He turned his back to his former teammate and talked up his brother, Jey. Jey held out his hand and accepted a tag. He stepped to Sami in the middle of the ring. “I’m right here!” he barked. Jey and Sami locked up. Jey worked Sami to a knee. Sami worked him off the ropes, but got dropped with a quick shoulder tackle.
Zayn and Jey circled one another again. They locked up in the center, then hit the ropes. Sami leapt onto Jey with a press and fired off lefts and rights blindly. Jey covered up, blocking most of the damage. He returned to his feet and backed into the ropes. Jimmy tagged himself in, then pulled the rope to dump Sami over the top on the counter swing. Jimmy leapt to the floor and slammed Zayn into the ring post. He slid in the ring just long enough to tag his brother. Jey got a running start and dove through the ropes onto Zayn. KO leapt down from his corner to ensure the Usos didn’t engage in any double team offense on the floor.
The two legal men returned to the ring. Jey draped Sami over the middle rope and clubbed his chin with an open forearm. As the referee pulled Jey away, Jimmy kicked Sami in the face. Jey stretched Sami out with a leg lock. He reached out and tagged Jimmy, who taunted Kevin Owens and continued to work over Sami. Jey tagged back in at the 5:00 mark. He and Jimmy dropped Zayn and Jey covered for a two count.
Sami crawled to the corner, reaching for Owens. Jey stared down Kevin as he applied a chin lock on Zayn and kept him far from a tag. Sami managed to sidestep Jey, sending him over the top rope. He crawled to the corner and reached Owens. KO immediately leapt to the top rope. He hit a rolling Senton off the top onto both Usos on the floor. He tossed Jey in the ring, then climbed to the apron to give Jimmy a big frog splash. Owens immediately jumped back in the ring, climbed to the top turnbuckle, and hit Jey with a frog splash for a cover and near fall.
Owens and Jey battled to their feet. Jey hoisted Owens up for a backdrop, then spun out into a Neckbreaker for a cover and two count. He brought Owens to the corner and set him up on the top turnbuckle. Jimmy tagged himself in, but Owens didn’t notice. Owens shoved Jey off the top and caught him with another frog splash. KO was immediately hit with an Uso Splash from Jimmy, who covered for a near fall.
KO retreated to the corner. Jimmy set up for the running hip check, calling to the crowd. Owens moved. He set Jimmy up and hit the rolling Cannonball. Jey leapt onto the apron. Sami met him, delivering a Brainbuster onto the apron. KO hit a Swanton on Jimmy for a cover and near fall. Owens tagged in Zayn. Sami climbed to the top rope and hit an Uso Splash of his own as the match crossed 10:00. He covered for another near fall.
The crowd came to life with an “Ole” serenade. Cole said that El Generico would be proud. Zayn set Jimmy up for a Blue Thunder Bomb. Jimmy blocked it and reached out to tag Jey outside of Sami’s view. Zayn pulled him back in and connected with the Blue Thunder Bomb. He sat in the pin, not realizing Jey was legal. Jey caught him with a Superkick to the side of the head. He covered for a two count. Jey called Zayn to his feet. He gave him another Superkick, then ripped his shirt off, tossing it at Sami. Jey tagged Jimmy. Jimmy gave Sami a Superkick. Jey gave Sami a Superkick. The Usos gave Sami tandem stereo Superkicks. Jimmy covered, but Owens broke it up. He ate a Superkick from Jey for his trouble.
The champions helped Sami to his knees, circling their prey. They hit Superkicks to opposing sides of Zayn’s head. Jey covered cockily. Zayn barely kicked out. The match ticked past 13:15. Sami reached up to a phantom presence. Jey shoved his hand down viciously. The brothers looked at each other. Jey tagged Jimmy and the duo hit double Superkicks again. Zayn looked rocked. Jey tagged in and the brothers lifted Sami to his feet by his hair. They looked for the 1-D, but Owens tripped up Jimmy as he hit the ropes. Owens pulled Jimmy to the floor and smashed his head on the Spanish announce desk repeatedly. He tossed Jimmy onto it and climbed up to meet him. Owens seemed poised to hit the Pop-Up Powerbomb, but Jey rushed to the outside to save his brother. He grabbed Owens leg and the two pounced. They lifted Owens into the air and slammed him through the adjacent announcers desk.
With Owens down and out, the Usos returned to the ring to stalk Sami Zayn. They hit the 1-D and Jimmy hooked the leg. Sami just managed to kick out. Cole was shocked. “Nobody has ever kicked out of the One and Done, not ever!” he exclaimed. Graves said he can’t believe it. They showed a replay so the announcers could further their astonishment. Both Usos looked amazed. Jey tagged in. He shoved Sami into the corner and began yelling at him. “I called you my brother!” he said. Jey delivered violent elbows to Zayn’s face. Cole called it “sickening brutality.” Graves said the Usos are trained assassins.
Sami collapsed in the corner. He couldn’t get his feet under him. Jey looked around at the crowd with contempt, then charged. He hit Sami with a Heluva Kick. Zayn collapsed into Jey’s arms. “You should’ve never left the Bloodline, bruh!” Jey yelled. Zayn sprang to life. He hugged Jey and gave him an Exploder Suplex into the turnbuckle. Just then, KO climbed gingerly onto the apron. Sami leapt to him and tagged in. Owens gave Jimmy a Pop-Up Powerbomb. Jimmy fell into the corner. Sami delivered a Heluva Kick. Jey stumbled into Owens’ purview. KO gave him a Stunner and hooked the leg for a believable near fall just before 19:00.
The challengers helped one another to their feet, beaten and battered. Jimmy and Jey rose to meet them. The crowd was in a frenzy. “Let’s end it!” Owens yelled. He and Zayn pounced. There was a flurry of punches from both teams. KO Superkicked Jey. Jey fell into the ropes. Jimmy tagged himself in. The Usos caught Owens with tandem Superkicks. Sami jumped to the apron. They Superkicked him to the floor. Jimmy and Jey climbed to opposing turnbuckles and hit Owens with stereo splashes. Jey hooked the leg for the nearest of near falls. The crowd erupted. Jimmy cupped his hands over his mouth in shock.
KO dragged himself to the corner. Jey stretched out his jaw before positioned Owens on his feet. Jey tagged out. The brothers hit two more Superkicks. “It’s time for a big one,” Jimmy told Jey. They hoisted Owens to the top turnbuckle. They began to climb, but Zayn pulled Jimmy to the floor. Owens used the opportunity to hook Jey and hit a Fisherman Buster from the top rope. Sami returned to his corner. Owens tagged him in.
Sami set up Jey and delivered a massive Heluva Kick. Sami wasn’t satisfied. He put Jey back in the corner and hit another Heluva Kick. This time, Jey collapsed into Sami’s arms, a reversal of the earlier spot. Jimmy slid in the ring. Owens cut him off and gave him a Stunner. Zayn shoved Jey into the corner one last time. With raw emotion on his face, he let out a primal yell as he connected with a third Heluva Kick. Zayn hooked both legs for a resounding three count.
WINNERS: Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens in 24:15 to win the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships
Owens sat in the center of the ring, tears welling. He laid out to let Zayn have a solo moment amongst the joyous, singing crowd. Before long, the team hugged in the center of the ring, clanking titles as pyro shot from the stage. The crowd continued to sing. Zayn danced. The camera cut to select people in the crowd tearing up. Cole bid the audience goodnight as Zayn and Owens held the Tag Team titles high in the air.
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Brock Lesnar and Omos came to blows almost immediately. Omos grabbed a waist lock and tossed Lesnar with a Gutwrench throw. Brock just smiled and shot to his feet. Omos dropped him with a quick headbutt, then a body slam. Brock struggled to his feet. Omos slammed him again. Cole wondered aloud if there’s any other time in Brock’s career where he’s been manhandled this early and this often.
Omos lifted Brock into the air and locked in a bear hug. Cole said he’s been covering Lesnar’s career for nearly twenty years and he’s never seen anything like this. The crowd began to will Brock to life. Omos slammed him in the corner, breaking his own hold. Brock wandered out back into Omos’ grips. He delivered another big body slam. “That’s it!” MVP screamed from the outside. Omos gave Lesnar a Chokeslam and covered him for a two count.
As the match approached 4:00, Omos charged at Lesnar in the corner. Brock side-stepped him and delivered his first German Suplex of the match. The crowd rose to its feet in excitement. Brock hit a second German Suplex. Omos wandered to his feet. Both men grabbed at their lower backs. Brock hit a third German Suplex. Omos used the ropes to steady himself. Lesnar scooped him up for an F5, but his back gave out and he dropped Omos to the mat. Omos tried to grab Lesnar, but Brock blocked him. He hoisted Omos into the air, screaming as he did it. He hit an F5 and covered Omos for a three count.
WINNER: Brock Lesnar in 4:55
(Not much to see here. Omos man-handled Lesnar for four of the match’s five minutes. Cole and Graves sold it like a monumental event, but the crowd just kind of waited for Lesnar’s inevitable comeback. Omos, now years into his career, is still so incredibly limited that he can only piece together a small string of spots before things start to fall apart. To his credit, he took this about as far as he could go, but I’d contend his WrestleMania match last year with Bobby Lashley was still a bit better than this. Lesnar sold the beat down effectively, even after the match concluded. The crowd loved the brief appearance of Suplex City and they got out of dodge before any of the facade had a chance to great. This worked out about as well as it could have. You have to wonder what’s left for Brock at this point, and whether there’s truth to the rumor that he told people he was “winding down.”)
Sonya Deville began the match with Liv Morgan. Deville went for a quick bicycle kick, but Liv ducked it and hit a Backstabber. Sonya rolled to her feet and leapt to the middle rope. She dove, but Liv dropped her with a Codebreaker. Sonya rolled to the corner and tagged in Natalya. Natalya caught a leaping Liv Morgan, who managed to flip her into a quick ‘rana. Liv tagged in Raquel Rodriguez. Raquel set Nattie up for a Powerbomb, but Natalya countered it into her own Hurricanrana.
Natalya looked poised to lock up with Raquel. Instead, she begged off and tagged in Chelsea Green. Green didn’t want to enter, so Nattie pulled her in the ring. Green dove at Raquel, who caught and slammed her. Shotzi tagged herself in on the back of Rodriguez. She took Green down with a Headscissor and went for a quick cover. Shayna Baszler broke it up before the referee could even get started. Shotzi got tossed to the outside of the ring, where Ronda Rousey was waiting to talk to some trash. Meanwhile, the babyfaces dropped Shayna Baszler with a triple Powerbomb in the ring. Baszler rolled to the safety of her partner on the floor.
Deville and Green wound up alone in the ring briefly. Shotzi climbed to the top rope and took them both out as the match crossed 3:20. She dove through the middle rope onto a number of women waiting below. Chelsea Green climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Raquel Rodriguez entered to come after her. Green, in fear, dove out of the ring onto a waiting crowd below. Rodriguez then lifted her partner into Powerbomb position to launch her into the field on the floor.
Shotzi wound up in the ring with Raquel. getting caught by a Fallaway Slam. Raquel leapt to the middle rope and delivered a nice looking Corkscrew elbow for a cover and two count. Raquel lifted Shotzi into the air, but Sonya Deville tagged herself in off of Raquel’s back. Green cut Raquel’s leg out from underneath her and the two worked together to kick Raquel to the mat and then out of the ring. Natalya entered the fold and executed a double team flip on Green with Shotzi. Nattie wound up covering Deville after a slam, but Green broke it up. Natalya body slammed Green onto her own partner. She turned both women over for a double Sharpshooter.
Liv Morgan dove off the top rope with a missile dropkick to break Natalya’s submission. She dragged Deville to the corner and tagged herself in. Liv caught Shotzi with kick kicks. Shotzi shrugged it off and hit her with a double underhook Suplex. They traded near kick-misses. Morgan caught Shotzi with a Codebreaker, then followed it up with Oblivion. As Liv leapt off the middle rope, Ronda Rousey tagged herself in. Shayna hopped in to cut Shotzi’s legs out. Rousey grabbed Shotzi’s arm and played to the crowd. They booed her heavily. Ronda locked in the Arm Bar and Shotzi tapped quickly.
WINNERS: Ronda Rousey & Shayna Baszler in 8:22
(Like the men last night, the women seemed motivated to get creative and keep the actions fast and furious. I thought the results were a little mixed, especially compared to last night’s counterpart. There were some creative spots and neat moments, but no one stood out in any particular way. Baszler and Rousey, the obvious favorites, barely saw any action throughout. In fact, Rousey didn’t even touch the ring until she applied the Arm Bar as the very end. This may have been by design, to elicit even more heat on she and Shayna, but it wound up making the finish feel a little anticlimactic. Overall, not bad, but it could’ve benefited from a couple extra minutes, slowing things just down just a bit.)
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(3) GUNTHER (c) vs. DREW McINTYRE vs. SHEAMUS – WWE Intercontinental Championship match
The crowd popped big as the referee called for the opening bell. Drew McIntyre, Gunther, and Sheamus exchanged quick glances with each other. Gunther suggested that Sheamus and Drew start things out. He tried to step aside. McIntyre kicked him in the face. The champion rolled to the outside. McIntyre and Sheamus then came to blows. They traded quick rights and battled from corner to corner, trading advantages every few seconds. McIntyre eventually exploded out of the corner and dropped Sheamus with a big clothesline. Titus said their chops “take skin right off your chest.”
Sheamus managed to toss McIntyre over the ropes to the apron. He set up for Ten Beats, but Gunther returned to wreak havoc. He knocked McIntyre to the floor, then went to work on Sheamus. He chopped him violently. Sheamus’ chest already began to show blood. McIntyre returned to the apron to fire off some right hands at Gunther. The champion pulled him in and slammed him into the ring post. Drew fell back to the floor as the match hit 2:45.
Gunther went back to work on Sheamus. He tired up against the ropes and delivered two massive chops. “Call the police,” Titus begged. Gunther kicked Sheamus in the face. The Celtic Warrior broke free of the ropes and returned the favor, throwing stiff forearms. Gunther shook them off and gave Sheamus a big Spinebuster. He turned his challenger over into a Texas Cloverleaf. McIntyre returned to break the hold, slapping Gunther, but the champion wasn’t phased. McIntyre had to kick him in the head to get him to relinquish the submission. McIntyre and Gunther traded head kicks, then engaged in a vicious chop battle. McIntyre wound up besting Gunther, backing him into the corner and littering his chest with rapid chops.
Drew looked to stay on the attack, but Sheamus rejoined the fray. The three men began trading chops and right hands. McIntyre and Sheamus began fighting for the ability to chop Gunther. All three men were sporting beet-red chests. Sheamus hooked Gunther in the ropes from the apron and began the Ten Beats, with McIntyre chops interspersed. Once completed, Drew kicked them both to the floor. McIntyre retrieved Sheamus and tossed him into the ring. Sheamus gave him a quick knee and walked him to the apron for Ten Beats. He got to 28 before McIntyre collapsed. The crowd gave Sheamus a standing ovation.
McIntyre dragged himself back into the ring. Sheamus set him up for a Celtic Cross, but Gunther broke it up with a boot to the face. He delivered a release German Suplex, then a massive clothesline for a cover and near fall at 7:25. Gunther moved to the corner and called for Sheamus to stand. He charged and hit another massive clothesline. The champion hooked the leg, but Sheamus still managed to kick out. McIntyre then dove off the top rope with a flying clothesline. Gunther stood quickly, but McIntyre dropped him with a Neckbreaker. Gunther crawled to the corner. Drew gave Sheamus an overhead belly-to-belly into Gunther. Sheamus rolled to the floor.
Gunther struggled to stand. McIntyre charged and went for the Claymore. Gunther laid out to avoid it. He kicked Drew into the corner, and, on the rebound, pulled him in and hit the Powerbomb for a cover and near fall. Gunther climbed to the top rope, only to be met at the pass by Sheamus. They traded chops. Sheamus hooked Gunther and connected with White Noise off the top rope. He hoisted Gunther up and hit White Noise. Sheamus hooked the leg, but Gunther kicked out.
The match ticked toward 11:00 as Sheamus turned the champion over into a Cloverleaf. Gunther grabbed the bottom rope, but Cole noted that there’s no breaks. Sheamuys pulled Gunther back to center. McIntyre emerged and grabbed a Sleeper Hold on Sheamus, breaking his Cloverleaf. McIntyre went for a Future Shock DDT. Sheamus countered it and hit a pump knee. He gave one to Gunther too. Sheamus threw his arms out to rile up the crowd. The camera pulled back as he called for the Brogue Kick. He hit all of it. Sheamus hooked the leg, but McIntyre pulled him to the outside just in time. The former friends stared at each other with contempt. They hesitated for a beat, then came to blows. A loud “this is awesome” chant broke out.
McIntyre fought Sheamus on the apron, eventually knocking him to the floor. Drew got a running start across the ring and hit a clean Swanton over the top onto Sheamus on the floor. He popped up and tossed Sheamus in the ring. McIntyre headed to the corner and led the crowd in a count. McIntyre delivered a massive Claymore and hooked the leg for a believable near fall. The crowd rose to their feet as Sheamus and McIntyre struggled. Drew hit a Glasgow Kiss. Sheamus stumbled into the ropes, then caught him with a pump knee on the rebound. Drew shook it off, hit the ropes, and delivered a second Claymore. He hooked the leg again for another nearest of near falls.
The two challengers rose to their knees in the center of the ring, trading forearms. The crowd was firmly behind Sheamus. Graves said someone is going to have to be knocked out to lose. Sheamus and Drew switched to short-arm clotheslines. Sheamus fell into the ropes and charged forward with a Brogue Kick. He struggled to make the cover, but eventually did so. At two, Gunther dove from the top rope and splashed both Sheamus and McIntyre to break the count. He gave Sheamus a Powerbomb, then grabbed McIntyre and Powerbombed him onto Sheamus’ back. Gunther pinned McIntyre for a three count.
WINNER: Gunther in 16:35 to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship
(I went to bad for this match on a few PWTorch post-shows in recent weeks. I am typically in full agreement with Wade Keller’s belief that a good, one-on-one rivalry for a championship is almost always superior to a multi-man feud or match. But sometimes, in the spirit of the incomparable Big E, you just want to see big meaty men slapping meat! With that in mind, I was a big advocate for this heavily rumored triple threat match and was ecstatic when it was announced. It lived up to my lofty expectations. These two beat the living hell out of each other for over sixteen minutes. The crowd ate up nearly every moment. They were particularly invested in seeing Sheamus finally win the Intercontinental title, a low-key compelling story that they can definitely return to in the very near future. Gunther’s run of dominance has been unbelievably impressive, and though his title seemed more in peril tonight than at any point thus far, I think a major win on the biggest stage was the right call. These three received a standing ovation at the conclusion of the match, and they certainly earned it.)
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The CLOW Master!!! 500+ posts
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(4) BIANCA BELAIR (c) vs. ASUKA – Raw Women’s Championship match
Asuka went to lock up with Bianca Belair, the Raw Women’s Champion hit her with a quick dropkick. Asuka shot to her feet and ate a second one. Belair whipped Asuka to the corner. She mounted the challenger and delivered a quick series of right hands. Bianca hit a Suplex, then held on for a second. Asuka slid down her back, stumbled to the corner, and then caught the champion with a quick kick to the face.
The challenger exploded with her signature flurry of back fists, chops, and kicks. She covered Belair for a quick two count. Asuka grinned at her opponent. She kicked Belair in the chest a couple times, then headed to the middle turnbuckle. Belair rose quickly to meet her. The champion set Asuka up for a Superplex as the camera peeled back for a neat wide shot. Asuka blocked. She leapt down and charged at Belair, but the champion caught her with a Spinebuster for a cover and a two count.
Belair looked for a springboard standing Moonsault, but Asuka caught her and tried to transition into the Asuka Lock. Belair blocked it initially, leading to Belair catching her in a cover for two. Asuka kicked out, and, with Belair’s flail, grabbed the Asuka Lock. Bianca was too close the ropes and quickly used them to pull herself to the floor. Asuka quickly slid to the outside to meet her. Belair hoisted Asuka into the air and delivered an incredible sit-out Powerbomb onto the floor. Graves said it was undoubtedly over. Belair slid Asuka back in the ring and covered her for a two count.
Bianca set Asuka up in the corner and charged. Asuka side-stepped, sending the champion crashing into the ring post as the match crossed 5:00. The two women crawled to each other in the center of the ring. Belair shoved Asuka to create separation. She pulled her in and lifted her by the arms, but Asuka rolled through it and picked Bianca’s ankle. Belair used her raw strength to dead-lift Asuka into the air, forcing her to let got of the ankle. She slammed her to the mat and looked for the standing springboard Moonsault again. Asuka picked the ankle a second time, locking in an Ankle Lock. Bianca rolled through it again, launching Asuka toward the turnbuckle. Asuka telegraphed, leapt onto the top rope, and caught Bianca with a missile dropkick.
Both women rose to their feet slowly. Asuka toyed with Belair, kicking her in the ribs repeatedly. Belair tried to toss the challenger to the outside, but Asuka caught herself on the apron. She pulled Belair out with her. Asuka threw a trio of kicks. Belair caught the third and delivered a hard forearm to the chin. Asuka shook it off and dropkicked Belair into the ring post. Belair rolled back into the ring. “Whenever Belair delivers her best shots, Asuka takes them and smiles,” Corey astutely mentioned.
Asuka grabbed onto Belair while still on the apron. Bianca turned it around and ran her into the ring post. Asuka lay draped on the turnbuckle. Belair deadlift-Superplexed her over the ropes. She crawled over for a delayed leg hook for a two count at 9:15. The two women turned themselves to face each other on the mat. They rose to their knees and fired off quick forearms. Asuka gained control briefly, but Belair followed her to the ropes and caught her with a knee to the stomach. They engaged in quick roll ups for alternative two counts. Asuka stopped the run with a kick to the head and a cover for two.
Belair and Asuka jockeyed for position with Belair’s braid as a focal point. Bianca managed to pull Asuka into a roll up for a two count. When Asuka popped up, the champion was waiting for her with a Codebreaker. Asuka wasn’t phased. Belair hit the ropes and connected with a Blockbuster. She immediately went for, and finally hit the springboard standing Moonsault for a cover and near fall. Asuka rose slowly, drawing Belair in. She popped her up into the air and hit a knee strike to the face. Belair used the ropes to stand. She climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Asuka cut her off. She climbed up to the top rope, but Belair pulled her into position for the K.O.D. Asuka elbowed free, but they remained in precarious position on the top rope. Asuka used Belair’s braid to pull her off the turnbuckle and into a Codebreaker. Asuka hooked the leg for a near fall.
The champion dragged herself to the opposing corner. Asuka charged at her for a hip check, but Bianca absorbed it and hoisted her up by the arms. She dumped Asuka haphazardly into the turnbuckles. Belair lifted Asuka for the K.O.D., but Asuka held onto the ropes. Belair put her down. Asuka spit mist, but missed Belair. Asuka went for a kick, but Belair ducked it. She hoisted Asuka into K.O.D. position. She tossed her up, but Asuka turned it into an arm drag. She held onto the arm and applied a full Arm Bar. Belair screamed in pain.
With the hold still applied, Belair began rolling onto her stomach. She lifted Asuka up, breaking the hold and returning to vertical base in the process. With Asuka in position, she finally managed to hit the K.O.D. for a cover and three count.
WINNER: Bianca Belair in 15:59 to retain the Raw Women’s Championship
(Really good match. Like last night’s Women’s title bout, Belair vs. Asuka suffered from a relatively poor build. In execution, though, it was aided by having two women who the crowd seems to genuinely love. This did exactly what it needed to – give Belair another impressive title win on a big stage against a high-end challenger. Asuka never felt like a serious threat to end Belair’s now year-long run, but she did feel like someone who could have a great showing in a marquee match at WrestleMania, and I felt they delivered on that well.)
-Miz and Snoop Dogg were in the ring again to announce night 2’s attendance as 81,395. He added that the two night total is 161,892. Miz told Snoop he has something to get off his chest. He claimed they’re supposed to be friends, yet Snoop put him in a match while he was wearing a $10,000 suit. “So you want to do it again?” Snoop Dogg asked. The crowd cheered. Miz said no. “You almost ruined my suit, and you tried to embarrass me,” he added. “My bad,” Snoop concluded. Miz wasn’t pleased. He said L.A. is his city. Snoop Dogg said it’s “our” city. He pointed to the stage.
“Here Comes the Money” hit and Shane McMahon danced onto the stage to a massive pop. He trotted to the ring. Miz looked furious. Snoop Dogg said he’s in trouble. Shane grabbed a microphone. He said the reaction means a lot to him, and thanked Los Angeles. Snoop Dogg told Shane to “take care of” Miz. Miz said tonight’s suit is even more expensive.
Shane McMahon popped Miz in the mouth. He hit the ropes and dropped Miz a couple of times before attempting a leap frog. He landed, but then twisted awkwardly and crumpled in a heap. Jessika Carr backed Miz to the corner and the camera cut away from Shane. They helped him out of the ring quickly. Snoop Dogg returned to the ring. He punched Miz in the face. Miz stumbled back to his feet, and Snoop punched him again. He mimed the People’s Elbow, then dropped it on Miz and covered him for a three count.
WINNER: Snoop Dogg in 2:10
(Yikes. What a mess. Shane McMahon elicited a massive pop, but that plant didn’t look good. Snoop Dogg was quick on his feet to get back in there and “save” the segment from being a total disaster. That was a little too reminiscent of Vince at Royal Rumble 2005.)
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(6) EDGE vs. “DEMON” FINN BALOR – Hell in a Cell match
Finn Balor and Edge stood at opposite corners of the ring as the bell rang and the cell door was locked. They met in the middle and traded two quick shoves before sliding out adjacent sides of the ring and fishing under it for weapons. Edge retrieved a red steal chair, Balor a Kendo stick. Edge swung the chair, but Balor no-sold it. He hit Edge with stick a number of times before the two spilled to the outside. Edge was already sporting a small cut near his eye.
After battling at ringside for a few moments, the two returned to the ring. Edge pounced on Balor and threw a few punches before the Demon rolled free and retreated to the floor. Edge stalked him, fresh Kendo sticks in hand. He cracked it over Balor’s back, then tossed him into the cell wall as the match crossed 3:00. Edge collected a number of sticks from ringside. He used them to trap Balor against the corner of the cell. Edge climbed to the turnbuckle and delivered a dropkick to Balor. Finn slumped, suddenly being choked by the top stick.
With Balor immobilized, Edge went back under the ring to retrieve a purple table. He propped it against the opposite corner of the Cell and turned to retrieve Balor. Finn had used the weight of his body to snap one of the Kendo sticks and free himself. He charged at Edge and whipped him violently into the steel steps. Balor tossed Edge against the wall of the cell and chopped him repeatedly before sliding him back into the ring. Edge fought to his feet, kicked Balor in the gut, and hit the Edgecution. Finn shot to his feet almost immediately. He delivered a missile dropkick to Edge, sending him to the apron, then another one to drop him to the floor.
Balor slithered out of the ring, stalking his prey. He charged at Edge, giving him a missile dropkick. Edge flew back, crashing through the leaning table and into the cell wall. Balor retrieved a chair and tossed it at the wood pile containing Edge’s body. Edge emerged from the wreckage and Balor tossed a chair right at his head. Edge shook it off and avoided a third hit. The two fought their way into the ring. Edge pulled Balor in and hit the Killswitch. He crawled to the corner as Balor slowly rose to meet him. Edge charged for a Spear, but Finn kicked him in the face. He rolled Edge up for a two count just past the 8:00 mark.
Graves said that Balor is unaffected by moves that would normally put wrestlers away. Edge went to the outside and pulled out a ladder. He tossed it right at Balor’s head, dropping hm. Finn’s head was busted open and dripping blood all over the mat. The referee immediately moved Edge back and called someone into the cell to work on Balor. The crowd booed heavily. Edge looked frustrated. The camera avoided showing Balor at all costs. Edge went back under the ring to retrieve more Kendo sticks, another chair, and a tool box. He set up a ladder in the corner. The referee continued to hold him back.
Balor finally emerged from the congress of officials working on him. Edge gave him another Edgecution. Balor popped up. Edge went for a Spear, for Balor ducked. Edge collided with the ladder. Finn climbed to the top rope and delivered a big missile dropkick. Edge slowly rose to his feet. Balor caught him with a quick Slingblade. He hurried to the top rope and connected with the Coup De Grace. Balor hooked the leg for a near fall at 13:15. Finn climbed the turnbuckle on the ladder’s side. He began climbing the ladder. Edge intercepted him with a Kendo stick. He climbed the opposite end. The two teetered atop the ladder. Edge pulled Balor in and gave him an Edgecution off the steps of the ladder. He covered for a near fall.
The Demon writhed on the mat while Edge pulled out another table. He dragged it into the ring and slid it toward the southeast corner. Edge set up the table and turned around to ate a Kendo stick shot to the ribs. Balor forced Edge onto the table. He hit him in the stomach repeatedly with the steel chair. Balor climbed to the top turnbuckle. He turned and noticed a camera platform at the top of the first panel of the cell. He climbed to that instead. Balor went for a Coup De Grace, but Edge rolled off the table. Finn crumpled the table with his feet. Both men dragged themselves to their feet. Edge caught Balor with a Spear. He hooked both legs for a believable near fall.
“If you were Edge, what would you do?” Cole asked. Graves said he’d never have taken the match in the first place. Edge broke a Kendo stick over Balor’s back, then hit him half a dozen times with a steel chair. He dropped to his knees and slid the chair underneath Balor’s head. Graves said all the suffering has come to a head. Edge grabbed a second chair and hit a Con-Chair-To. He rolled Balor over and covered him for a three count.
WINNER: Edge in 18:10
(A lot will be said about the choice to halt the match in the coming days. It undoubtedly worked against its overall impact, it angered the crowd, it disappointed Edge and Balor, and it left Edge to try to scramble to hold the audience’s attention. I understand WWE’s aversion to blood, but I have a really hard time with sucking the momentum out of a crowd and a match if it happens by accident, especially in a match like Hell in a Cell. I was elated to see the return to the gray steel cell, as a opposed the toy-like red structure. Disappointingly, though, they colored the weapons instead! I guess something has to look like a toy in these gimmick matches now. That aside, I thought Edge and Balor worked incredibly hard and brought an appropriate level of violence to a feud of this magnitude and length. Balor is still clearly a star, especially in the paint, and the crowd loved seeing the throwback. I’d like to see him get another opportunity as a prominent babyface after his semi-rehabilitation as part of the Judgment Day. Edge needed to win to put the finishing touches on this feud, obviously. In the end, another really good match, but brought down by the referee stoppage.)
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This is the greatest "WWE WrestleMania 39 PLE Results: 4-1-23 and 4-2-23" thread ever!
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(7) ROMAN REIGNS vs. CODY RHDOES – Undisputed WWE Universal Championship match
The ring entrances began 45 minutes into the second hour, so this night shouldn’t go nearly as long as last night’s overall unless they wrestle to a 60 minute draw. As Cody soaked up the moment on the entrance stage smiling, he turned and looked right at a fan holding up a huge “Overrated” sign. Cody greeted his family at ringside including his wife Brandi and his toddler daughter. He hugged his daughter. He gave Jon Huber’s son his belt who was with Cody’s family in the front row. When Cody’s music stopped, fans were booing. It seemed to throw him off and surprise him, but maybe they were booing in anticipation of Reigns’s entrance. Ring introductions should clarify.
Then they went to the stage where six grand pianos played the Bloodline theme. Then the actual theme played and Reigns walked out with Paul Heyman and Solo Sikoa, but not the Usos (losers!). Cole said Cody has never main evented WrestleMania, whereas this is the seventh time Reigns has main evented. He said he’s the first champion to defend the same title for three straight WrestleManias. He said it’s the 15th time a member of the legendary Anoa’i family has main evented “the greatest spectacle in sports entertainment.” Cole said only Pedro Morales, Bob Backlund, Hulk Hogan, and Bruno Sammartino have longer reigns than Reigns. He said he walks among legends. Graves said he is in God mode and takes greatness to another level. Cole then listed the wrestlers Reigns has defeated in his title run, including “Bryan” and “Cesaro.” Graves said Reigns shot Cody “a dismissive look” which Cody noticed and which will motivate Cody.
Formal ring introductions took place next. Cody got a loud mixed reaction. Reigns got mostly booed. A loud “Cody!” chant broke out. Reigns signaled for the fans to quiet down. He lowered his hand. Fans booed. Reigns opened his hand and Heyman handed him the microphone. Reigns said, “WrestleMania, acknowledge me!” Fans roared with cheers and boos. He threw the mic down. Solo stood with his arms crossed, staring down Cody. Cody had a few words for Solo. When the bell rang two minutes into the fourth hour, fans cheered.
Reigns and Cody approached center-ring and stared at each other without a flinch. Reigns smiled and backed away and rubbed his hands together. Cole said there’s a big fight feel and a rumbling. Cole asked Graves how the Usos losing affected Reigns’s psyche. Graves said he’s not sure it did because Reigns remains the Tribal Chief. He said he does “big matches, big fights, big box office, big success.”
Cody put Reigns in a side headlock and then landed an uppercut. Reigns bailed out. Heyman told Reigns, “You’re not here. He’s here for you.” He said they all paid to see him, “so now smash him, my Tribal Chief!” Cole said, “Paul Heyman’s worth every penny.” Graves said even all-time greats can use a pep talk now and then. Reigns re-entered the ring and took control with two back elbows to the chest. Reigns circled the ring with his arm in the air. He bashed Cody across his neck with lariats in the corner. Graves said Cody will look for the crowd to energize him. Cody landed a high dropkick and went for the cover. He got a one count. Cole said Cody knew he wouldn’t win, but he wanted to send a little message.
Cody applied a wristlock. (Or was it a wristwatch?) Cody springboarded at Reigns with a Disaster Kick attempt, but Reigns caught him and then powerbombed him to the mat and scored a two count. Reigns tossed Cody across the ring and then waved down at Cody’s family in the front row. Reigns threw Cody out of the ring, but Cody held onto the top rope and pulled himself back in. (I won’t call it that gruesome name it’s usually described as.) Reigns tossed him right back to the floor and went on the attack, including a bodyslam on the ramp.
With the ref distracted by Reigns, Solo took a shot at Cody’s ribs with a chair. Fans booed. Reigns landed a slidekick at Cody and then threw Cody back into the ring and scored a two count. Reigns took over the match for a while as Cole. Graves said if Cody has a cracked rib, he might as well out of the ring and get counted out because you can’t beat Reigns at anything less than 100 percent. Reigns threw Cody to the floor and then cleared both announce desks at ringside. Cody countered Reigns and backdropped Reigns onto the announce desk, which collapsed. Cole declared, “Cody’s got a chance!” Cole yelled for Cody to get Roman into the ring.
In the ring Cody rallied, while still clutching his ribs. He landed his snap powerslam and then fired up and played to the crowd, who cheered. Graves said, “It feels we are on the precipice of history.” Cody landed a Cody Cutter and scored a dramatic near fall. “This was his chance!” exclaimed Cole. Graves said this might be Cody’s best chance in his life to finish the story. Cole said Reigns is in serious question. Cody stomped Reigns, who rolled ot the floor. Cody then dove through the ropes and knocked Reigns hard into the security barricade. Solo whipped Cody with a weight belt. The ref heard it and saw the belt and then ordered Solo to the back. The crowd roared with cheers. Solo threw a fit and smashed his hands on the ringside steps.
Both Cody and Reigns were down. Reigns grabbed Cody’s weight belt. The ref yanked it away from him. Cody kicked Reigns and then hit Crossroads for a near fall that popped the crowd. Reigns delivered a jaw breaker, a headbutt, and some clubbing blows to the back of Cody’s neck. Cole wondered if that was Cody’s only opportunity. Reigns threw Code over the top rope. Cody held on and pulled himself back in. Reigns grabbed him, though. Cody slipped free. Reigns came right back with a Rock Bottom for a near fall.
Reigns set up a Superman Punch and went for it, but Cody side-stepped it and hit a Pedigree for a near fall. “Oh my God, Roman did it again!” exclaimed Cole. Cody fired up and shook and played to the crowd, but also clutched his ribs. Reigns countered a Disaster Kick attempt with a Superman Punch and scored a believable near fall. Reigns reacted with dismay. Heyman sat in the corner as Heyman yelled, “He’s ready to be beat. He’s ready now!” Reigns yelled and went for a spear, but Cody leaped over him and sunset flipped him for a near fall. Cody then applied a figure-four leglock. Graves said that’s a move that won Dusty countless championships. Reigns’s shoulders were down for a one count on two occasions. Cole wondered how much Reigns had left.
They stood and exchanged punches that the crowd yelled along to with each blow. Cody yanked Reigns’s neck over the top rope. Cody leaped off the top rope, but Reigns speared him as he rebounded off the ropes. Cody kicked out. Fans gasped and stood and cheered. Reigns hung his head in his forearms. Reigns stood and pummeled Cody on the mat with a barrage of strikes. Cole said Cody might be out of gas. Reigns circled the ring while looking at the fans. Graves said he’s now angry.
Reigns then applied a guillotine mid-ring. Cody faded. The ref raised his arm. Cody held it up and stood. Reigns leaped and wrapped his legs around Cody’s body. “This is where the story ends,” said Graves. Cody pried his head out about 30 seconds later. Cole said he’s not sure anyone has broken that hold. Cody threw some punches. Cody kicked at Reigns, but he kicked the ref, who went down. (Now *that’s* a tribute to Cody’s father, Dusty). Cody clotheslined Reigns and stayed down. More than 30 seconds later, Cody stood, but he held his throat and gasped for air, selling the guillotine. The ref was still down.
Cody yelled for Reigns to stand. He then set up an inverted DDT, but the Usos attacked Cody. “Where the hell did they come from?” Cole said. “I’m not surprised at all.” The Usos gave Cody the 1D. The Usos dragged Reigns onto Cody. Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens ran in and cleared the ring of the Usos. Reigns stood and couldn’t believe what he was seeing. KO gave Reigns a Stunner. Sami gave Reigns the Helluva Kick. “How sweet it is!” said Cole. The Usos brawled with KO and Sami at ringside and then into the crowd.
Cody draped his arm over Reigns’s chest. The ref cam e to and crawled over and made a slow count. Reigns kicked out just before the third hand slap. “And our main event continues,” said Cole. Fans chanted “Cody! Cody!” The anti-Cody fans either switched to pro-Cody or were overwhelmed by pro-Cody fans as this match progressed.
Cody and Reigns sat up and exchanged strikes. Cody countered a Superman Punch with a series of left jabs. He did the Bionic Elbow and then a Cody Cutter two times in a row. Heyman stood on the ring apron to yell at the ref. Solo then gave Cody a Samoan Spike. Reigns then speared Cody and scored a three count. Graves said just because they are in Hollywood does not guarantee a happy ending.
WINNER: Reigns in 35:00 to retain the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship.
(What a story the told, and they had the crowd every step of the way. Did they do too many shenanigans with ref bumps and interference? Perhaps. This could have been a great match without any of that. But I do have to say I’m not against Reigns remaining champion. I also wouldn’t have been against WWE betting on Cody and going with him here. I’m curious if they changed their mind along the way, but I always sensed the finish of this match was in play.)
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Next stop: Houston, TX for WrestleMania 40. See you next time 